All about theater for children. "Hello theater!" Introductory conversation with children in the field of theatrical art



Program content:



Synopsis OOD

Educator: Petrova O.V.

Subject: "What is theater?"

Target: Introduce children to the theatre. Continue to acquaint with the types of theater (dramatic, puppet, artistic)

Program content:

Tell about the history of the theater

To acquaint children with the device of the theater, with the professions of people working in the theater

Develop the ability to recognize people's emotions by external manifestations improve your ability to manage your emotions

Lesson progress:

Educator: - Hello guys! Today, Dunno will come to visit us. He sent me a letter asking for our help.

Crying is heard, Dunno appears (she is upset, crying)

caregiver : Hello, Dunno! What's happened? Why are you crying?

Dunno: - Hello, I was in such a hurry to meet you today, I so want to learn a lot about the theater if I don’t do this Znayka and my friends from solar city they won't take me to the theater with them.

Educator:- We guys will try to help you. The guys know everything about the theater.

Educator:- Guys, let's go on a trip with Dunno to Magic world theater. Who knows what theater is? Why do people go to it? (children's answers). That's right, the theater is a beautiful building where performances are shown, various performances are staged.

Here is a house, big, beautiful, elegant, old. This is the theater building. Look, in front of him is a colorful bright poster. What is it? ( playbill). On it with the help of drawings, photographs and different words contains information about upcoming performances.

Let's enter it and see how the theater works inside. Look, we have a small window in front of us. This - " box office"What is it for? (they sell tickets there) And who does it? (cashier)

Guys, what have we become, now that we bought a ticket? (by the audience). And what rules should the audience follow in the theatre? (do not make noise, do not litter, do not talk, etc.). Can someone remember the very first rule of the viewer? Where should viewers go first? (dressing room, wardrobe). In the theater, the locker room is called the cloakroom.

Having taken off our outer clothing, we are heading ... (children's answers). That's right, in the auditorium. Having taken our chair, we look at the most important place in the hall ... (stage), where they will soon play their roles ... (actors). In the meantime, the stage is still closed by a theatrical curtain.

A number of paintings are shown: an auditorium, boxes, balconies, a stage, a curtain, backstage, a ramp, a backdrop, an orchestra pit, etc.

Educator: -Well done boys. Before continuing our journey, I suggest you take a little rest, and you, Dunno, repeat after us.

A physical education session "We're going to the theater"

We are having fun with you

We're going to the theatre!

We walk in place.

And we'll sing a song.

La la la la,

(4 claps)

We are going to the theatre.

(Steps in place)

La la la la,

(4 claps)

We sing a song.

(Steps in place)

Educator: -We introduced Dunno to the internal structure of the theater. But depending on what kind of performance is shown in the theater, it is called that. There are puppet theaters, there are opera and ballet theatres, there are drama theaters, there are theaters of facial expressions and gestures, there are children's theaters, shadow and many others. Now look at the pictures and determine which, where is the theater?

Showing scenes from various theatrical performances. Children look at the pictures, call where - which theater.

Dunno: Oh, how interesting, but how do actors play roles in such theaters?

Educator: - And we'll show you now, right, guys? Picture yourself as an artist different theaters and say hello to a friend if we are artists:

Opera Theater (children sing the word "Hello")

Theater of facial expressions and gestures (greet with gestures)

Dramatic artists playing the role of Mukha-Tsokotukha and Mosquito

Puppet theater (take bi-ba-bo puppets, interact with them)

Finger theater (they show how they play with the characters of the finger theater)

Dunno: Well, now I know everything about the theater and about the artists ...

Educator: -Wait, Dunno, don't rush. Theater is a holiday. Most people go to the theater to relax, have fun, watch a performance. But for some people theater is work. After all, not only artists work in the theater, but also many other people, without whom, not a single performance would have taken place! And the professions of these people are very interesting and diverse. Tell me, guys, if I want to play the role of Baba Yaga now, can I go on stage? Why? (children's answers)

Educator: -That's right, guys, because before I go on stage I need to put on a suit and do the appropriate makeup and hair. To do this, the theater has dressers, seamstresses. The hairdresser does the hair of the actors, and the make-up artist puts on the make-up. And we also have to get into a fairy tale, the scenery that the artists will make will help create the atmosphere of a fairy tale. They will also work on making a poster inviting us to the theatre. And, of course, the theater needs musicians. Lighters are working to ensure that everything that happens on the stage is clearly visible. And in the theater there is a sound engineer, props, cashiers, ushers, cloakroom attendants.

Showing pictures theatrical professions, with an explanation.

caregiver : -And now, guys, I suggest you play a game called"Wardrobe"

Wardrobe game The teacher explains to the children the saying "The theater begins with a hanger", talks about such a theater place as a wardrobe and invites the children to find a thing for each of the theater visitors, for example, pick up a hat for each character: Little Red Riding Hood, Santa Claus, Puss in Boots, postman Pechkin.

Educator: -And another game that will help us find out what you remember about the theater and the professions of the people who work here.

Word game "Add a word"

Come to the theater soon

Here they are always waiting for you, young ... (spectator)

Skill plus labor, plus mind-

Sewn stage ... (costume)

Our honorable and enviable ... (role)

A director cannot live without actors.

And the howl of the wind, and the cry of a child

Voiced by ... (sound engineer)

And the jester, and the king, and the grenadier

And all were played by one ... (actor).

From plaster - a watermelon, from cardboard - an ax,

I folded the props on the stage ... (props)

Educator: - But the main profession in the theater is the director. His task is to choose a play for staging, distribute roles, teach actors to expressively read their role, conduct dialogues, and express their emotions.

Game "Emotions". Purpose: to clarify children's knowledge of emotions, explain the connection between emotions and facial expressions of a person (facial expressions), repeat the names of parts of a person's face, improve skills in depicting activities, develop imagination.

Game progress:

The teacher explains that actors in the theater need to be able to portray various emotions. They do this with facial expressions (facial expressions). The teacher gives the children face templates and offers to depict any emotion (fear, joy, anger, etc.). During the game, children can use mirrors.

Dunno: -How I liked it, I learned so much about the theater, now Znayka and my friends from the Sunny City will definitely take me to the theater with them.

Children sit on chairs on the carpet.

Educator: Children, today we have guests. Let's say hello.

Children: Hello.

Educator: We have invited guests today. They want to relax with us, to see what we can do. We were waiting for them, so we must greet guests with a smile.

Children greet with a smile.

caregiver: Let's think. Where can people relax after work, after some homework done?

Children's answers.

Educator: Today I would just like to continue the conversation with you about the theater. I will now distribute tickets to you, according to which you will take your seats, as in a theater, according to your ticket number.

The children take their places at the tables.

Educator: You already know something about the theater, you will learn something even today. Today we will fill an empty vase with knowledge about the theater, for this you have cups with beads on your tables, and I have an empty one on my table. And as your knowledge grows, you will fill the empty cup with beads. You also have trays on your tables, divided into three parts with symbols(+, -, ?) - such a three-part diary, pictures on plates.

You try to remember everything you know about the theater. Choose the appropriate picture and put it in the largest section of the plate, where there is a “+” sign. Then you consult with your table neighbor, exchange opinions about what he knows about the theater. And when you're ready to answer, signal it to me by clasping your hands.

I have the same diary on the board, I will fill it out according to your answers.

The section of the plate, where there is a “-” sign, will be filled in when you learn something new about the theater. And the section where the "?" if you want to know more about the theatre.

Children work individually and in pairs, signal readiness.

Educator: Well, I see that everyone is ready.

Children tell what they know about the theater, and for each correct answer they fill an empty bowl on the teacher's table with beads. At this time, the teacher, according to the answers of the children, fills in the section with the “+” sign in his diary.

caregiver: Tell me, please, what theaters do you know?

The children are called.

Educator: Today I invite you to try yourself in the role of artists. As you correctly noted, there is a puppet theater, a theater for young spectators, where actors play roles, a theater of pantomime, finger theater, theater b-ba-bo. So, you will now divide into groups. We have three theaters in the group:

1. Theater of the young spectator.

2. Theater of pantomime.

H. Concert hall.

Educator: You go to the door of that theater, the color of which matches the color of the digit of your ticket number.

Children are divided into groups.

Educator: Now I will read you the tasks that you will need to complete. You will agree among yourself who will perform what role or who will perform what task. When you are ready, signal to me by clasping your hands.

Actors of the theater of the young audience need to show a fragment of the fairy tale "Teremok";
- to the artists of the pantomime theater to show the movement of a fairy-tale hero to the appropriate music "Tarantella", "Baba Yaga";
- artists performing in concert hall, perform Marshak's poem "The young month is melting" or the song "Pussy, kitty, how are you."

Children play the role of artists, the role fairy tale characters perform pantomime to the music.

caregiver: You are convinced that it is not easy to become an artist, for this you need to change your voice, speak with an expression, change facial expressions, make any gestures with your hands. All this takes a long time to learn. We will now learn some points that are necessary for the artist.

Children go to the mat, sit down.

Educator: I suggest you play "Mimic Cube". One of you rolls a die and you get a fruit or vegetable. It is necessary to depict its taste on the face.

The game "Mimic Cube" is being played.

caregiver: Now I suggest you play the game "Fan". I show you a picture of a face, and you need to say the phrase “We have guests” with such an intonation in your voice, what mood you will see on the depicted face. For example: frightened "...".

Educator: Now take your seats in the theatre. Theater is public place. It needs to be cultural. Do you know about the rules of conduct in the theater?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Today we have another guest, Tanya doll. She wants to introduce you to the rules of conduct in the theater.

The teacher speaks on behalf of the doll.

If you come to the theater
Lead yourself culturally there:
Don't scream, don't make noise
Feel free to go everywhere.

Come to the wardrobe
Politely you ask
Take your coat.
Don't forget to take your number with you.

When you go to the theater with your family,
Always clean choose an outfit.
You yourself are pleased
And the boy sitting next to you will also be happy.

When the artists will perform
Do not bother showing them the story.
Clap for their performance
Give a bouquet of spring flowers.

During a break called intermission
Don't do it like this:
Do not push the audience when leaving with your elbows,
In the buffet, do not shout: "Give, give me!".

In the hall where the artists perform,
They don’t chew, they don’t throw candy wrappers on the floor.
Trying to remember the story
And then they try to tell their friends.

Educator: Now you have learned about the rules of conduct in the theater. Find a card with the letter "P" in your plates and put it in the section of your diary where the "-" sign is. This is what you learned in class today.

Educator: Would you like to learn more about the theatre?

If the children remain silent or doubt, ask them leading QUESTIONS: How does the theater work from the inside? What are the names of the seats in the hall, on the balcony? Who created the theater first? What theaters are there in our city of Kirov? How to become an artist?

caregiver: I am very pleased that you still have questions about the theater. Well, we'll talk about that next time. You were very active and emotional today. And I, thanks to you, also did a good job.

Let's play a game at the end of our lesson "Find a match for a fairy tale hero". And if you choose all the characters correctly, then we will be able to read the word together with the guests, which will characterize our activities in this lesson.

Characters of fairy-tale heroes are hung on the board. Children from the table take cards with others fairy tale characters and pick them a couple from one fairy tale. If all the characters are chosen correctly, then the word "Well done!" opens.

About Me: I write scripts for events, compose poems, bake and share blanks, deputy of the district Duma of the 2nd and 3rd convocations. In 2008, the winner of the regional competitive selection of the best teaching staff regional state and municipal educational institutions(in nomination " The best educator”), in 2009 the winner of the district competition “My innovations”.

What is theater.

/A story about the theater for children and their parents/

Musical director Sorokina Margarita Alexandrovna kindergarten №1341

Nice thing, theater. Do you know what it is? What does theatrical art mean? Who are the actors? What kind of performances are there in the theatre? What kind of scenery is there? Lighting? Transformations?

Now I will explain to you in order.

You buy a ticket and go to the theater to watch a performance. At the door of the auditorium you are met by an employee of the theater - usher. He has in his hands program today's performance. A program is a piece of paper that has printed everything you want to know about the performance before it starts: what actors are playing, who composed it, and what the name of the play is.

A performance means a spectacle presented by actors, or, as they are more commonly called, artists.

You are invited to the lobby, where spectators take off their coats, hats, leave umbrellas for storage for employees who, after hanging up your things, issue a number

Chapel invites to the hall, pointing to the nearest door

V auditorium. Offers binoculars to better see what you are interested in, but is at a distance.

IN auditorium the audience sits on all sides except one, where the eyes of all spectators are turned.

Below, in the middle, rows of chairs and armchairs. These places are called parterre, which in French means - on the ground.

On the sides below - lodges, which translates as "rooms" In each such box, that is, a fenced place, four or six chairs are placed. The bottom row of lodges is called benoir,

It is usually at the same height as the stage. Lodges that form over the benoir mezzanine. A number of places above them bear the name balcony, the places above the balcony are called gallery. Or the old-fashioned rayok, since there is nothing higher than these places in the theater, as higher than heaven in heaven.

Where the eyes of the public are turned, hanging, cloth a curtain.

Hiding behind him scene, that is, the place where the play is presented.

Pay attention to the light coming from the edge of the stage and illuminating the curtain. Here is placed a row of light bulbs, called ramp. The performance begins as soon as the curtain rises or moves apart. Because curtains come in two systems: rising and sliding.

In ancient times, the Greeks were the first to discover ways to present well in the theater, as serious compositions - tragedy and funny ones called comedies.

After the third call

the light in the auditorium has gone out and is visible only in front of the curtain and slightly in orchestra ( space in front of the stage ) appeared in the middle of the orchestra conductor, that is, the manager of the musicians. The conductor tapped his baton: attention! Everything went quiet. He waved his wand and the music began. This overture, What does "discovery" mean in French?

The curtain wavered, flew up, opening the stage in front of the audience!

It's like you've been transported to another world! And the performance began!

Behind the scenes

Actors and employees in the theater have their own entrance from the street, leading directly to the stage. If we get there, then most likely we will meet director theater.

A director is to actors what a conductor is to musicians. But he not only manages the entire performance, but, one might say, creates it. He carefully reads the play, studies it and discusses it with the actors. Next, it checks whether they are good in the play roles, that is, the words and those images that the actors must speak and portray on the stage. Then he draws up a production plan, deciding in what scenery, in what lighting, at what pace (i.e. with what speed), distributes roles and assigns rehearsals - exemplary performance of the role. There are many rehearsals every day from 11:00 to 16:00 in the evening. Artists also need to learn the words of the role, rehearse the game in front of the mirror.

But preparation work performance is on not only on the stage, the work during rehearsals is in full swing in the neighboring rooms, and the following people participate in it: decorator with your assistants.

hanging Scenery- curtains - are called in the theater "backs", "arches", "cloths". But the decorations leaning against the wall - they are actually folding - are called "pavilions". The scenery is often called backstage, which is why in the theater they began to talk about those who are on the stage, but hidden by the scenery, that they are “behind the scenes”. The art of the decorator is difficult, but above all, one must be talented artist.

Props- another one important profession in the theatre. From the first moment, the props workshop resembles a toy store or an armory, or even a junk shop. Props - that is, making artificial things - props - he must be both a furniture maker and a sculptor, be able to sculpt from clay, be a blacksmith and joiner, and a glass painter - and a props specialist, that is, those things that are brought to the stage during performance. There are few good props in the world, and they are very valued in the theater.

Dresser with a whole staff of tailors. And the dressing room! There is much to admire here. Various plays are presented on the stage: historical ones, where people of past centuries act; and fantastic, but simply fabulous, for which costumes need to be specially composed. For a costume, they draw, first of all, a sketch (sketch), in which they compose a style - cut, color and decoration of the costume. The sketches are handed over to the tailors, and according to them they sew exactly what is drawn. There are a lot of such costumes in the theater. They must be kept in good order.

And now let's look at actor's bathroom.

A little table, on it is a mirror, paint, powder, vaseline. Some kind of hair, wigs, a chair in front of the table, a hanger with a dress on the wall. That's all. The room is tiny, but great things are happening here. This is where the actors become the heroes of the play. But as? are there paints on the table? These are the so-called make-up paints. Actors paint their faces with them in order to become like those who need to be portrayed on stage by role. The art of giving your face a different look and expression through paints, glue, artificial hair is called makeup. And help the actors in this theatrical make-up artists and hairdressers.

I have not listed all the professions that are in the theater.

When, finally, everything is ready for the performance, the director appoints " dress rehearsal, which takes place in the scenery, costumes, make-up - just like real performance, but without the public. The first performance of the play is called premiere

(in French it means - "the first time"). And, as a rule, all tickets for it are sold out, as this is a novelty for theater lovers - theatergoers.

Well, that's the end of our trip to the theater. And what a great happiness to join this art.

Go to the theatre! Love the theatre!

/ The material is based on the book for children "What is the theater"

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