Riddles for children about school excursions - riddles - for teachers and schoolchildren - catalog of files.


Do you have any rarities in your house, for example, old coins, paintings by famous artists, some outlandish shells or deer antlers? When there are many such rarities in the house, the guests say: “Well, you just have a museum!”

Have you been to a real museum? Even in the smallest towns there are local history museums. There you can learn a lot of interesting things about your native land.

Work in museums scientists, guides, restorers. Scientists are preparing exhibitions of rare things. Museum things are called exhibits. Each exhibit is accompanied by a short story about it. Tour guides lead museum visitors through the halls, talking about the exhibits and pointing them out with a pointer. You can't touch things in museums! Museum visitors do not see restorers. They work in quiet workshops and tidy up museum curiosities that are in the ground. They have to be carefully cleaned of dust and dirt with soft brushes in order to be placed in the museum.

REFERENCE: May 18 is International Museum Day. In Russia, on this day, museums open their doors to everyone, completely free of charge, showing their exhibition halls and new exhibits. The opening of new exhibitions and festivals is often timed to coincide with this holiday. The international action "Night of Museums" is timed to this holiday. As a rule, it is held on the night of May 17-18. Museum Night is an initiative of French colleagues. In Russia, the Night of Museums has already been held several times. Non-state museums and private galleries are also joining this action in Russia.



Having gone to the resort, in the hotel, at the recreation center, in the city, they definitely offer to visit local attractions and listen to the history and interesting facts from the guide. The guide accompanies groups of people - excursions.

HISTORY OF THE PROFESSION: Previously, almost any citizen who wanted to earn extra money in the summer could call himself a guide. Philologists, history teachers, students enjoyed excursions in the resort areas. But in the early 70s, only people who had received special training or had an education in tourism could call themselves guides.

HOW TO BECOME A TOUR GUIDE: To get the profession of a guide, you need to graduate from the Institute of Tourism or take the appropriate courses. The task of the guide is to expand the horizons of people. Thanks to their work, tourists become more educated and cultured.

The guide must thoroughly know the history of the region that is the subject of the tour. A tourist can ask a tricky question, and the guide must know the answer. Knowledge of the basics of psychology will help in future work with large groups of people - for example, to keep their attention for a long time or to tell those facts that are interesting to different people. age groups tourists. The diction of the guide must be perfect.

The opportunity to share your knowledge, to hear words of gratitude from tourists for an interesting excursion is happiness for every guide.


If you go to the museum
It will be hard for you to understand
Without a scientific strict aunt,
Where is your inspection to begin.
Aunt followed slowly
Leads the whole group.
Listen to her diligently
After all, she is a tour guide.
Before us are the exhibits:
Mammoth up to the ceiling.
I know this beast guys
You know for sure.
Next - it's hard for us to believe -
He lived in a cold cave
His age was short.
First, here is the ax and nets,
There are also bow and arrows.
Like different centuries
They pass here in succession.
So wander around with a tour guide
We're ready all day.
Here is the favorite hall of nature -
As if alive, there is a deer.
Here's a big clay pot,
He is shoulder-high;
And a section of an old hut:
Distaff, unsteady, next to the stove.
And here, look, - a gun,
The nuclei are piled up.
In a helmet, forged chain mail
Russian warrior. He is a hero!
theater posters,
Lampshade, carved chest of drawers.
Each item will describe to you
Erudite tour guide.
And to the space hall
Will bring you, of course.
Like a rocket flew up
Hear the story here.
Here's an astronaut's spacesuit
And a training plane.
Waiting someday guys
Also you such a flight.
The end of the inspection
Everyone knows a little more.
And the guide helped you -
He showed it all!


He will show us the whole city,
It will tell you everything about him.
And we are waiting for questions
And he will find an answer to everything.


This is the usual Belarusian language. All phonetics and 80% of vocabulary. But I found many regional words and two Ukrainian ones (harn, young). And so it's just a Belarusian dialect.
"Fly", "ployma" and "shovel" may be contextually misunderstood. Flying in - the year before last (cf. flying, flying). Ployma - a lot (perhaps for children, in the sense of a crowd). Klopat is a concern.

And further:
"Justification of provincial old age since 5 lime 1918
locality Chernigiv

14) In the village of Lyshchichi, on the night of June 25, unknown attackers planted two pyroxylin bombs under the house in which the district head of the district varta Tarasevich was located, which exploded, and the walls of the house were damaged from the explosion and the named head of the varta Tarasevich and him were shell-shocked. son.

For the provincial headman Savitsky
TsDAVO of Ukraine F. 1216. – Op. 1. - Ref. 103. - Ark. 133-138".

“The right to create provincial old age on the 30th leaf fall, 1918
locality Chernigiv
I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that during the period from November 14 to November 24 of [his] year, I received the following reports on the state of the Chernigov province:
6) Novozybkovsky district. The Bolsheviks, having crossed the demarcation line, headed for Great Topal. A detachment of Cossacks was sent against them. The situation is alarming. The mood of the German troops is generally calm, although drunken groups began to appear singing revolutionary songs. The local German Soviets receive prudent directives from Kyiv.
7) Starodubsky district. On November 14, a battalion of Bolsheviks arrived in the village of Lyshchichi in full force. The Bolsheviks were well received by the Germans and quartered in the barracks together with the German soldiers. Bolshevik delegations appeared in the villages of Kustichi and Pyatovsk and, finally, at the Starodub station, and later in Starodub itself. Everywhere the Bolsheviks met with a friendly reception from the Germans. The latter fraternize with the Bolsheviks and let their detachments cross the border. On this occasion, a protest was made to the German command on the spot and in Kyiv. According to the latest information from the county, the withdrawal of German troops is expected in the very near future. To enter the territory of the county, following the withdrawal of the Germans, the Bolsheviks planned two infantry regiments. The mood in the county is alarming. Requires a small regular military force to guard the borders. Being late will cause complications.
8) Surazh district. The accumulation of Bolshevik gangs was observed along the demarcation line. In Robchik and other places along the demarcation line, Germans fraternized with the Bolsheviks. Urgent measures have been taken to form volunteer detachments. In Klintsy, the mood is extremely alarming in connection with the events in Germany, the collapse of the German army that began and the fall in discipline among them.
Original to the Minister of Internal Affairs, typewritten
TsDAVO of Ukraine F. 1216. – Op. 1. - Ref. 79. - Ark. 288-290."

I wonder if the information below is related to the Bogunsky regiment?
"Justification of provincial old age on July 16, 1918
locality Chernigiv
On August 29 from [his] year, by order of the German military authorities, ninety-four yards and sixty-three yards were burned in the village of Pyatovsk, Starodubsky district, and in the village of Yankove local residents for the fact that in the village of Pyatovsk and the village of Yankovo ​​there are more than thirty people who are in Bolshevik gangs operating in the forests of the dachas of Pyatovsk and Yankovo ​​and neighboring villages. This gang, by agreement with some residents of the villages of Pyatovsk and Yankov, on the night of August 29 from [his] year, brought four machine guns into Pyatovsk and from four sides began to fire at the school, which housed German troops. In turn, the German troops also opened fire on the Bolshevik gang, which fled. By order of the German authorities, a meeting of Pyatovsk and Yankov was convened, where it was proposed to extradite the persons who participated in the attack on the German troops, after which it was established that from the inhabitants of the village of Pyatovsk, Nil Pasinok, Kozma Short, Klimenty Podolny and Dmitry took part in the attack Golushka, who, after the shelling, fled the village with the gang; in addition, the Germans took away cattle, bread and various property in the form of an indemnity, shot the brother of the Bolshevik Savely Suslov and a resident of the village of Oskolkovo Mendel Ryklin, who hosted the Bolshevik gangs. I report this to Your Excellency.
Governor Vysotsky
Original to the Minister of Internal Affairs, typewritten
TsDAVO of Ukraine F. 1216. – Op. 1. - Ref. 79. - Ark. 38".
The link to the source of information is given on the page http://offtop.ru/radimich/v15_720927_11_.php

Dear Alexander!
Your version is quite logical, and we ourselves thought about it in the first place. We assume that the journalist who wrote the article, through inattention, could "rename" the settlement, as is done very often now.

Pleased to note that my message did not go unanswered.
Maybe, if you associate with the name of Shchors, the author of the note meant Bogunets? Bogunets is a former settlement of Unechsky district, Naytopovichi village council, 3 km southeast of the village of Naytopovichi. Excluded from credentials in 1978. The maximum number of inhabitants is 190 people (1926).

Dear Alexander!
The museum staff did not know about the ski agitation transition you mentioned. Thank you very much for the information.
We conducted a small study, but we could not find any living participants in it or witnesses.
The settlement with the name Sherskovskoye also could not be found. Maybe he had the name Shchorsovskoe? But no such item was found. There is a version that for some time some place with a different official name was called that by the people.

BRYANSKY WORKER. 1945, No. 49 (7448) (MARCH 10)
In this issue of the newspaper, on the fourth page, there is a note "Skiing agitation crossing along the path of Shchors" with the following content:
"UNECHA. 25 athletes of the railway high school held a ski agitation transition along the Shchorsovsky path - Unecha-Naitopovichi, Sherskovskoye. The team of athletes was headed by a history teacher comrade. Kozhevets. After skiing 40 kilometers, the participants of the agitation transition had conversations with the collective farmers about the civil war, about the military affairs of Shchors, about the heroes of the Patriotic War and about the Crimean Conference of the Three Allied Powers. Forum/br.1945_49-7448-10_marta-s4.jpg.
Questions to the author of the research work “On the 100th anniversary of the formation of the Bohun regiment and the historical “fraternization” in Lyshchichi: 1) Do you know anything about this agitation transition?; 2) are there any participants and witnesses of this agitation transition among the living residents and natives of the Unechi district?; 3) On what part of the route can Sherskovskoye, which is indicated in the note, be located?

According to such a publication as the "List of populated places in the Chernihiv province, with at least 10 inhabitants, according to 1901":
"Unecha, a village near the station railway, Mglinsky district, Pavlovsk volost, near the Unech river, the number of males is 34, females are 48. Postal address is Unecha station.
Unech, settlement, Surazh district, Lyalichsky volost, near the Unech river, the number of males is 141, females are 148. The postal address is the city of Surazh.

I'm afraid not yet. But when they grow up a little and come to a lesson dedicated to the Great Patriotic war We will definitely tell them about it. As well as about other countrymen who heroically fought against the Nazis.

Western Front!
48th Army!
217th 《Unech》 Rifle Division.
My grandfather Aslanbek Sakhamovich Batsoev was also in the rank of a mortar gunner of the 2nd mortar regiment as part of the 740th rifle regiment.


《In the battle for the village of Svyatoye Ozero, Rogachevsky district of the Gomel region, acting as part of the calculation from his mortar, he destroyed one heavy machine gun of the enemy with his calculation, thereby making it possible for infantry units to move forward, on June 25, 1944, the village of Svyatoye Ozero was liberated from the German fascists.
Commander of the 740 Infantry Regiment (Yaroshenko)

According to the official version, the head of the 44th Infantry Division, Nikolai Shchors, was killed on August 30, 1919 by a stray bullet at the combat positions of the Bogunsky regiment near the village of Beloshitsy - now with. Shchorsovka, Korostensky district, Zhytomyr region.
Yesterday, August 30, 2017, it was 98 years since the death of the legendary commander.

I wonder where the creators of the encyclopedic dictionary "Settlements of the Bryansk Territory" could get the following information: "Rassukha - a village in the Pogarsky district Bryansk region, Prirubkinsky rural settlement, 3 km west of the village of Prirubki. It has been mentioned since the 18th century as a farm; perhaps - the location of the annalistic village of Rosukhi, usually identified with the modern village of Rassukha, Unechi district"?

In the work of German authors Andreas Weigelt, Klaus-Dieter Müller, Thomas Schaarschmidt, Mike Schmeitzner. Friedrich Mann / Todesurteile sowjetischer Militärtribunale gegen Deutsche (1944–1947): Eine historisch-biographische Studie. - Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 22 April 2015. - S. 435. - 1272 S. curriculum vitae on Friedrich Mann. Let's quote it in full:

Friedrich Mann (German: Friedrich Mann) was born on September 20, 1904 in Langensalz (Thuringia), lived in Langensalz, co-owner of the book publishing house Hermann Beyer and Sons (German: Hermann Beyer und Söhne). With the rank of lieutenant, he served in the intelligence department of the headquarters of the 29th motorized infantry division. In January 1943 he was taken prisoner in Stalingrad and on December 3, 1946 in Moscow he was sentenced to death on the basis of Decree No. 43 of the Moscow Military District.

From the indictment: “War criminal. From 1941 to 1943, as head of the intelligence department of the 29th Infantry Division, he committed crimes in the occupied territories of the Bryansk and Oryol regions against prisoners of war and Soviet residents. On his personal order, three prisoners of war were shot, a political worker Soviet army.

In August 1941, on his orders, the director of the school, Otrokov, his wife, and the head of the post office, Zubtsov, were arrested and shot on suspicion of having links with partisans.

In the Minsk region, on his personal order, a Soviet prisoner of war was shot because of his patriotic statements. close locality Ryabchischi on the highway Roslavl-Bryansk, innocent Soviet citizens were shot.

February 7, 1947 Presidium Supreme Council The USSR refused the amnesty. The final verdict came into effect on February 14, 1947.


Interesting stuff. It is possible to add to it some information from the materials of the "Unechskaya Gazeta" concerning Melnikov Mikhail Ivanovich, mentioned in the work of Cheplyanskaya E.A. Watch here - http://unecha-gazeta.ru/ludi/imi_gordimsya/529-VPOBEDEESTOTTSAZASLUGA.html

Any museum is a memory of centuries.
Creations from the beginning of the universe,
Any human creation
In pictures, writings, poems.

Today is a solemn and strict day.
The door is open, the museum welcomes guests,
In the walls of his incoming welcomes,
It is only worth crossing its threshold.

It's not customary to speak loudly here,
And the strict look from the portraits of the face,
You understand: it was worth being born,
To learn how a master could create.

There is a technical museum,
There is a biological
There is a toy museum
And forest animals.
And the clothing museum
What they wore before
There is also combat
All soaked in war.
All of them are important to us
We need all of them!

What are museums for?
To give us knowledge
By visiting them, we will
Know about everything in the world:
Life, religion, art
And the history of the earth
Museums are opening
So that we can all know.

The museum has a soul
The soul has a muse -
Two girlfriends slowly
Good people are served.

They come to be silent
Spectator and artist
Music teaches to understand
That which is not possible.

A friend helps her
tender soul museum,
They speak without a sound
They talk to everyone.

It's a pity that not all
People hear this:
How to walk on the dew
Summer in the picture

How flowers sing in winter
From ice and sun
Like rays hitting glass
And the window trembles.

Everyone knows:
Beauty is alive
Only in the museum is pure snow
Never melts.

Only in the museum breathing a little
Muse sees her husband -
Only a tender soul
Knows who she wants...

Demyankov Alexander

Shadows of your past
Wandering through museums
As if by the hand of people
Taken to the past!

Respectfully we visit the palaces,
Which the fathers took with fury.

Valentin Berestov

Come to the museum and enjoy
There are so many important things in it!
Touch the art with your soul,
Invite relatives and friends to the museum!
Open your heart to beauty
Every exhibit is amazing!
Only those who understand art
Who is happy to see the beauty!

A hundred and two hundred years will pass,
And three hundred years will pass
But every shot and portrait
Any thing, any object
This is where the people will be saved.

Sergei Mikhalkov

Museums store material memory,
Which can be gently touched
Lightly touch the bygone eras,
Former greatness to meager crumbs.
Time leads excursions here at night,
Knocking very quietly, shy before the past.
Keeping silence and its exhibits,
Silent ghosts, viciously kudlat.
And let the years pass by,
Pipes, rulers, fashions change,
May museum days be easy
And the ceilings never flow!

Here we have gathered friends
And we went to the museum.

For a long time we walked
Forgotten nothing:
Seen a lot of pictures:
Admired as one!
Benois and Levitan -
Came from different countries
Foreign and our
We looked at landscapes.
Still lifes and portraits -
There is nothing more beautiful!

Learned many new words
We are in a large antique hall.

Wandered around the museum
And now home soon!
Let's go to bed early -
Let's draw tomorrow!

Let's gather friends again -
Let's draw the whole museum!

These strange, gloomy buildings,
They are simply called museums.
The whole history of the universe
Artifacts - all collected here.
You can also meet Pithecanthropus here,
You can look a mammoth in the eye.
And a path leads to the foot of the volcano,
And I would like to shoot from a cannon.

Velvet comfort in the museum
And striped marble.
Slippers are given in the museum,
And the chairs are exhibits!
You can't sit on them
And slippers slip by.

Paintings on the ceiling
Aunts flutter in flowers,
But it's better to lie on your back
Otherwise you won't understand.
Probably earlier in the hall
Was everyone on their back?

And on the walls - portraits;
powdered ladies,
Mustache and epaulettes
They look at us from the frame:
We used to live here
Do you remember guys?

And for a long, long time they look after
So that I do not damage the parquet.

Aldonina Rimma

Museum and memory. Each exhibit
Tells about the history of the era.
The guide is calm, smart, strict,
It will be a pleasure to see you here again.
In addition to the expositions of antiquities
The museum has a history
She won't regret telling you
Only you should hear it.

I invite you to go to the museum -
It is not simple, it contains wonderful exhibits.
In them is the memory of my love,
About those who were with me once.
I deliberately didn't sign them.
For you, they will remain a mystery.
Who was the cause of my joys, who was my troubles,
Who helped make the road of life smooth.
Silence rings in my museum
Pastel colors without flashy brights.
The museum of the soul pulls everyone like a magnet,
A ticket to it is for kindness in a gift.
Please do not touch the exhibits,
They are fragile, like my soul -
She keeps all the names and dates
Everything that was once close to me.

Repositories of ancient forgotten motifs
And rhymes hidden in the depths of centuries.
Museums - for the dusty secrets of the apartment,
Soaked up the secrets of the departed gods.
May the vaults of heaven be calm,
And our prayers keep you from troubles.
Your employees will pass adversity,
And joy sparkles in tired hearts.

To plunge into the past is not necessary
Time machine, believe me, invent.
Cross the threshold into the museum halls,
And it seems like time is turning back.

A barn, and there is a carriage in it.
And who came to the museum
By ticket stub
They let him in to her.

I sat in it without asking,
Clogged - and silent.
Huge wheels.
High beam.

I became a little more daring.
Rocked her. And so
To Peter at the assembly
She's taking me.

Valentin Berestov

We are interested in the museum
What we will see is unknown
Let's all study
Will remember everything.
Down the halls, forward
The tour guide will lead
The exhibits will show us
And he will tell you everything in detail.

The life of peoples that have become dust,
Traces of traceless deeds -
I look at you with fear
With a quiet sadness of compassion.

Before me in a clear picture
Rises like the morning of May
A distant day, a beautiful day,
Life is unknown holy.

In the light of secret languor,
Through the struggle and blood and tears
We will cleanse for oblivion
Our soul, our dreams.

And indistinct on a free day,
On the day of love and renunciation
There will be a cold look of sorrow,
Kind of frozen torment.

Cover yourself with a thicker layer of dust,
Echoes of days gone by
This mixture of dreams and were,
These books, these boards!

Kursinsky Alexander

I'll tell you, in the museum
I'm always glad to be!
I open my mouth and stare
for each exhibit.

Here the spirit is elusive -
Breath of old
Stories of the innocent
We stand opposite.

And people are in awe
Admire stand
To the beauty of the museum
Collections of marvelous series.

Yesterday we went to the museum
We were told about kings

Armor, guns and swords,
And about brocade outfits.

Then we went to another room -
Looking at the broken rocks

And painted on them -
Animals: both small and large.

There is a mammoth with tusks, a deer,
There the archer aims at the target ...

In the cave, sparing no effort,
The artist created in antiquity.

And this unusual room
I also remembered for a long time.

Decided to invite my friends
Together we made a museum:

rock drawings
We decorated the entire bedroom.

But mom and dad, opening the door,
Our impulse was not appreciated:

Seeing this beauty
They fell right on the couch.

I must confess to you, friends:
Looks like I'm not an artist...

There are many statues in the museums of Rome,
Nero, Tiberius, Claudius, Titus,
Any Rogue Emperor
Classic looks.
Any of them, talking about the truth,
He was lusting for blood,
Claudius smoked out the British,
Armenia was tormented by Trajan.
I do not remember the old revelry,
Romans look at marble
And only skinny Caligula
Little kids are scared.
Dashing cavalryman before Rome
And to the world to blame:
How he dared his beloved horse
Replenish the lordly senate?
slandered Caligula -
When he issued his decree,
The horse didn't even kick.
Your frightened colleagues.
Forgive the one who softly spreads,
Ready to put roses on the rods,
But the servants will never endure,
To be carved without loud words.

Ehrenburg Ilya

Let's go to the museum, where the paintings await us,
And we will hold our hands, laying the edges,
Think meaningfully, and shun the dull,
And sprinkle with laughter, giving yourself pleasure.

Lartov Konstantin

So that things do not grow old,
Not a single year lay
Exhibit them in museums
And people look at them.
In the silence of museum halls
(Everyone should remember that)
Exhibited a lot
Valuable facts of antiquity.

Here I will meet a girl, and after talking with her,
To charm her,
Fall in love, turn, deprive of rest,
I'll take her to the museum.

She might be a little surprised.
But he will agree, or say that it is not worth it,
But no matter how she behaves,
I will see who is in front of me.

And if - a miracle! - leveled with her,
Hear "Yes", slightly filled with paint,
I'll show her that the museum
It might be an amazing story.

And when the fear passes from the meeting,
I’ll say “thank you” to the museum workers, that’s what I am for,
What is collected in their reliable hands
Things hundreds of amazing stories.

Thank you museum workers
For the heat invested in the exhibition.
And I would like to return to you as soon as possible,
And let people still be attracted to the museum.

Desert room. Showcases. Light and darkness
Here they fight like the gods of Zoroaster.
A light pilaster strives for the vault,
I wander alone and approached the vase.
Two long volutes, two wings,
Like hands made of see-through alabaster,
The middle is rounded like an aster,
Two gentle branches at the trunk.
With excitement unexpected before you,
O pale friend, I stand.
How pure you are! A dream in love
I catch your transparent dream.
You are sound asleep. You wait tirelessly...
Always alone. Hours pass by...
For vain caresses, for pure exposures.

Vilkina Ludmila

Dispelling topical worries,
nervousness dissolving in silence,
the sad significance of museums
often healed my soul.
On the days of failure
I, as if from bad weather,
hid there from the noisy maety.
I walked
and vaults floated above me,
like dead bridges.
Bridges connected without effort
and the age of concrete slabs,
floated under them
plows and chain mail -
and the eyes of the Sumerian Aelites...
And the air of a hundred centuries
thick as bitumen
humbled the thoughts of vain races,
and suddenly pop up
over the forgotten life -
not a verse yet
string premonition.
Thought soared
circling over the lace
shackled rust,
gilded lat:
“Yes, things have always worried us,
but only the mind is eternal and winged!”
I was away,
calming down, calming down
making sure that
that was right for the most part...
My noisy age again
dictated a story to me
all in dialogues
short as a binomial.
And here I am
where, as in other museums,
steps and whispers
light and silence
and look out of the glass shells
other life
other times...
But here is chain mail with swords
we do not copy:
a jacket and a hat, and a mountain of volumes,
yes - instead of copies -
hundreds of photocopies
Yes, a bowler hat from the Razliv fire.
Here under glass
in deep lethargy,
in bright light, mattely radiant,
his watches are inexpensive,
keeping forever the mournful hour ...
We feel -
each very personal
with him our inextricable relationship,
and greatness does not turn into a cult
bronze images of him.
Things of a millennium can hardly live,
the fabric of the jacket will decay over the centuries,
but the way things have experienced us,
his line will outlive them all.
Behind the stroke
determined and subtle
hand will rise
flashing red bow
and the direct wire has descendants
read the words
People are passing by.
Look in depth
on an old, hastily molded bust...
And crimson banners rustle,
and smoky battle air
hot and thick...
I'm leaving,
ready for song
to fight
and labor.
Through the vanity
through the years -
I'm going to Revolution Square.

Lyadov Andrey

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Museums always attract with their mystery and spiritual connection with history. Works of art from different eras and trends, brilliant authors, ancient relics and still unsolved mysteries attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors every year. Don Wildman, host of Museum Mysteries on the Travel Channel, explores mysterious cultural and historical heritage sites. In search of extraordinary stories, he travels around the world to create a unique video tour of the most interesting and fascinating places on the planet. In the Museum Mysteries show, he will visit famous museums in America, try to uncover historical secrets and see with his own eyes the objects that the whole world is talking about! And in December, Don will continue his fascinating journey as part of the new show "Monumental Secrets", go to and acquaint viewers with the history and legends of the most amazing monuments located in, and. We invite you to go on an educational journey with Don and learn about the most mysterious museums and ancient exhibits, the secrets of which have not yet been unraveled.

The most mysterious museum in the world

The Louvre is certainly not only one of the most famous museums in the world, but also one of the most mysterious. Its collection includes exhibits from the period of the birth of ancient civilizations and delights tourists from all over the world. Until now, no one knows for sure where the name of the museum came from. According to one version, it arose from the ancient Saxon word “lower” - “fortress”, according to another, it is somehow connected with the word “loup” - “wolf”, and this is not surprising, because the Louvre was built on swamps, which were then literally filled with wolves. Another mystery of the museum is the sculpture of the Venus de Milo exhibited here. Historians are still wondering who is the author of this work of art and why the sculpture has no hands? There is an opinion that the monument could have been originally created without these body parts, on the other hand, perhaps the marble goddess was holding something valuable in her hands... Some researchers claim that she had a mirror in her hands, others believe that it was a cover with which she covered herself. Recently, the most popular story is about the French envoy who allegedly managed to solve this mystery. He visited the Buttonov family, the head of which at one time found Venus. His already elderly son replied that Venus had an apple in his hands!

This assumption has produced real sensation: an unusual turn of the shoulders of Venus, a complex pose did not fit at all with an apple in her hands. Moreover, for such a complex Greek statue an apple would be more biblical.
On the island where the goddess was found, more than one expedition was equipped, but the search yielded nothing and no hands were found there. On the other hand, this incredible story gave free rein and imagination to activists who create various models of hands and send them to the Louvre. Sometimes museum workers even arrange a photo show of Venus with hands, but it is surprising that none of the hand models still fit this statue.

The most mysterious picture

"The Crying Boy" is perhaps not only one of the most mysterious, but also one of the most famous paintings in the world. The author of this masterpiece is the Spanish artist Giovanni Bragolin. At first glance, the picture is absolutely harmless, it depicts a little boy in tears. Upon closer inspection, you can see that the boy does not look very upset or offended, but anger is visible in his eyes. There is a legend that the boy’s father (who is also the author of the portrait), trying to achieve brightness, vitality, real emotions and naturalness of the canvas, lit matches in front of the baby’s face, while the boy was scared to death of fire. The kid cried, and his father painted his emotions on the canvas. Once the child could not stand it and screamed at his father in fear: “You yourself burn!”. A month later, the boy died of pneumonia, and soon the artist's body was found in his own burned-out house next to the painting that had miraculously survived the fire. On this sad story could have ended if, in 1985, the British newspapers had continued to claim that firefighters found reproductions of the Crying Boy in almost every burned-out building, and the most amazing thing is that the fire did not even damage them. Until now, just looking at the picture makes me feel uncomfortable.

The most unusual mechanism ever created

In the small village of Kag in there is a real work of art, which is called the "World Machine". In 1958, Franz Gselmann, the son of a poor farmer, saw big model atom at the World Expo in Brussels. The iron sculpture "Atomium" immediately became a symbol of the peaceful use of atomic energy and literally fascinated Franz. He purchased a sculpture model of such an atom and conceived his own project, to which he eventually devoted 23 years of his life, using scrap metal, scrap metal and parts from the second-hand markets as materials.

Franz built his strange contraption around a model of an atom, adding bells, clocks, fans, conveyor belts, whistles, chains, and even a xylophone. His project was eventually completed, the 6 m long and 3 m high structure was a complex mechanical system consisting of a wide variety of components. Even today, this design is able to capture the imagination of anyone, on the other hand, it can be called the strangest mechanism ever created in the world. The fact is that no one knows what the author intended this car for! He hid his creation from his family until it was nearly complete, and then he suddenly died without revealing the secret of the World Machine's purpose. The details of this design work on 25 electric motors and perform various kinetic processes: trembling, swinging, rotation, and also reproduce light and sound effects. Currently, there are many theories about why Gselmann dedicated best years his life building this crazy machine. Although the exact answers to the questions have not yet been found, the World Machine is still one of the strangest projects in the history of mankind. I would like to believe that with the help of this mechanism, Franz wanted to show and open the most intimate and hidden doors of the human soul.

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