Lesson in the kindergarten preparatory group for school. Drawing "Sketch of a beautiful scarf" (group work)


Alexandra Sytova


Continue familiarity with non-traditional methods drawing and application techniques.

Teach children to create, to fantasize.

Develop fine motor skills of fingers in children.

Cultivate perseverance, accuracy, interest in the fine arts.

Learn how to finish your work.

“Everything in this world has beauty. But not every eye can see it."- says Chinese wisdom.

Twisted napkin appliqué- the lesson is quite exciting and also very useful for the development of children. This type of creativity promotes training fine motor skills children's pens, the development of color and tactile perception, stimulates the imagination, forms an interest in applications and in working with paper.

Drawing with palms will help develop in children a subtle sense of beauty. After all, all children have a vivid imagination and a desire to fantasize, and with the help of a single palm, you can get a huge number of various prints, and by supplementing them with your own imagination, turn them into real masterpieces. Children's palms hide a lot of mysterious mysterious images, characters.

The process of creating such a drawing causes great delight in children. When we draw with palms and hands, many sensitive endings that abound in this area are included in the work, so the child not only enjoys the lesson, but also activates many areas of the cerebral cortex, which contributes to its development.

To create with the help of palms, you do not need to be able to draw at all, you only need imagination and a good mood.

You will need: gouache or watercolor paints, the floor of whatman paper, multi-colored napkins, colored paper, brushes, wet wipes, felt-tip pens.

Stages of work:

1. We draw a circle in the middle of the sheet.

2. From colored paper, cut out and glue the eyes.

3. We draw a nose, cilia, mouth with felt-tip pens.

4. From multi-colored napkins, children twist flagella. To do this, you need to either cut the napkin into strips or carefully tear it apart (1.5 - 2 cm wide). And twist the flagellum with the index and thumb.

5. Then we twist and fold the flagellum (as if winding a ball) in a spiral from the middle to the edge and fix the end with glue.

6. Glue the folded flagella in a circle (around the face).

7. It remains to draw the rays.

8. We help children apply paint with a brush on their palms.

9. And the children take turns pressing their palm to the sheet in a circle, that is, they put handprints around their faces.

10. Ready!

Children from the palms of the sun folded,

To make sure people are all friends,

To make this sun shine for people,

Visitors ran into every window.

Thank you for your attention!

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Material for work: contours of snowflakes cut out of cardboard, plasticine, blue colored paper for the background. Work order: 1. Prepare.

I want to tell you how the children and I drew the sun. The work uses an unconventional drawing technique - drawing with palms.

Teamwork. The sun from paper napkins in the technique of facing. The weather in recent days has not been very pleasing to us with sunny days.

In anticipation New Year holidays the children and I decided to make unconventional technique drawing a collective work "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

Synopsis of an open lesson on non-traditional drawing techniques in the second junior group "The sun that shines on me" Purpose: To continue to introduce in an unconventional way palm drawing. Tasks: To develop color perception and visual-motor.

Goals: development creativity children, revealing the creative individual potential of each child, his abilities.

Prepared by Bousheva N.A.

Purpose: to develop independence in decision-making, based on their knowledge and skills.


  • Develop emotional responsiveness, imagination and creativity.
  • Strengthen the ability to draw using non-traditional methods.
  • Create conditions for solving problems.
  • Develop the ability to work in a team.

Region Integration:

  • Artistic and aesthetic development.
  • cognitive development.
  • Physical development.
  • Musical development.

Types of children's activities:

  • Game, communicative, cognitive, musical, artistic.

Material: Different color balloons, fan, music.

Educator: brings Balloons emoticons with drawn closed eyes.

Educator: Guys, why do you think the emoticons have their eyes closed?

Kids are sleeping.

Educator: What needs to be done to wake them up?

Children: (children's answers)

Educator: Remember, we have a charge. Remind me of her, please?

Children: Tell and do exercises.

"Eyes need to rest." (Guys close their eyes)
"You need to take a deep breath." (Deep breath. Eyes still closed)
"The eyes will run in a circle." (Eyes open. Pupil movement in a circle clockwise and counterclockwise)
"Blink many, many times" (Frequent blinking of eyes)

"The eyes are good." (lightly touching closed eyes with fingertips)
"Everyone will see my eyes!" (Eyes wide open. Wide smile on face)
At this time, the teacher changes the balls. Emoticons with open eyes.
Educator: Please tell me what color the balls are?

How can you call them, in one word (What are they?)

Children: (colored)

Teacher: What size? Show.

Children: Show.

Educator: And what sizes can they be?

Children: Show.

The wind's blowing, (fan) the balls fly away.

Educator: Guys, the balls have flown away, please tell us, and we can draw balls with you.

Children: (children's answers)

Teacher: What are we going to draw?

Children choose what they will draw with.

Educator: Guys, please tell me what you chose for drawing.

Children: You can draw with your fingers, a cotton swab, ear sticks, brush.

Educator: Answer, why are they holding the ball?

Children: Thread.

Educator: Who wants to draw strings for balloons?

Educator: There are many who wish, let's choose a counting rhyme.

We shared an orange
There are many of us, and he is one.
This slice is for the hedgehog,
This slice is for a swift,

This slice is for ducklings,
This slice is for kittens,
This slice is for the beaver,
And for a wolf - peel.

He is angry with us - trouble!!!
Run somewhere!

Educator: And what color will the threads of the balls be?

Children: (answers)

Children begin to draw balls.


Look at our drawings.
What can be said about them.
What happened?
What drawing methods did you use?

Children: (children's answers)

Educator: And we all know the song about balloons.

Words and music by Anna Petryasheva

1. Balloons will fly into the sky.
Balloons are not returned back.
Red, yellow, blue - rainbow colors.

Look - over the Earth what a beauty!


obedient to the wind,

2. Let's release the air balloons from our hands,
Air balloons will fly apart...
People smile as they look to the sky.

They give everyone balls of childhood miracles!

obedient to the wind,
Balloons fly away In a fabulous distance.
Balloons in the air Like birds, circling!

Parting, balls, You are very sorry!
It is very sad to part with you!
Balloons fly across the sky like clouds
Under the quiet whisper of the breeze...


obedient to the wind,
Balloons fly away In a fabulous distance.
Balloons in the air Like birds, circling!

Parting, balls, You are very sorry!
It is very sad to part with you!

Children sing, smiley balls appear according to the number of children.

Alexandra Suvorova
Collective drawing non-traditional methods

Target: To develop creative thinking, imagination of teachers in the conditions of fruitful communication at the master class.


Familiarize teachers with techniques non-traditional drawing .

Develop the ability to create art collective work by non-traditional methods.

Learn to work together collective.

Conduct form: master class for teachers;

Materials and tools for work:

Paints, brushes different forms and sizes, sponges, napkins, drawing paper, cotton buds and disks, toothbrushes, stencil paper, pencils and felt-tip pens, scissors

The structure of the master class:

1. Introductory part.

Announcement of the topic and purpose of the master class.

2. Theoretically - demo part.

Explanation of the main 5 stages of execution teamwork. From idea to result.

Meaning collective drawing for the development of the child.

3. Practical part.

Mastering the techniques of execution non-traditional drawing in teamwork.

Drawing competition emblems professional excellence « Golden Apple» .

4. Reflection of the participants of the master class. Summarizing.

Master class progress.

The theme of my work for the competition of professional skills "Golden Apple-2013" « Drawing collective work with children 5-6 years old non-traditional methods».

I began to work in this direction in order to rally the children's team. Because collective drawing provides socio-communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic and aesthetic development.

All program work "Kindergarten - the house of joy" follows the principle "from idea to result".

Stage 1. idea: draw and present the emblem of the competition of professional skills "Golden Apple" various methods.

Your task is to show professional quality teacher.

Stage 2. Materials. The very professional skill of the teacher. The talent of a teacher.

Professional qualities that need to be transformed.

Stage 3. Tools: Knowledge drawing techniques by non-traditional methods. Individual abilities. "Think with your head, do with your hands". Paints (gouache and watercolor, brushes of various shapes and sizes, sponges, napkins, drawing paper, pencils, cotton buds and discs, toothbrushes, stencil paper, pencils and felt-tip pens, scissors, etc.

Stage 4. Procedure.

1. The knowledge of teachers is transformed into the ideas of the drawing.

2. Training non-traditional drawing methods. Methods:

Finger painting

hand drawing

foam impression

Blotography regular


3. Stages teamwork:

Distribution of who, what will be paint.

In what part of the sheet will its drawing be located.

What kind methods will be used during drawing.

4. Drawing teamwork with non-traditional methods.

Stage 5 Result. Presentation of the emblem of the competition of professional excellence "Golden Apple".

Reflection of the participants of the master class. Summarizing.

Time today makes its own adjustments to the development of preschoolers. Each child discovers his own planet, passes through it, paves his way, everything in it opens up for the first time. The most effective are the knowledge that is achieved as a result of joint communication, games, as a result of awareness of the result of one's activity, fantasy.

The draft program "STAR" provides section "Children's design", which defines a series program objectives. To implement the program tasks, a set of methodological support for educational work has been created:

Perspective plan for the senior, preparatory group

A selection of illustrations, video library

Compilation didactic exercises(shape, color, composition)

Sets of templates for drawing, modeling schemes.

Working with parents:

Master classes of the teacher and parents, parents with children

Exhibitions of children's works.

Excursions: to the park, to the museum, to the exhibition of paintings, to the store

Classes, from the section "Children's design", "Sketch beautiful scarf", "Children's jacket", "Mittens" are scheduled for the month of October.

I propose a summary of the lesson "Sketch of a beautiful scarf".

Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group for school kindergarten

Drawing (teamwork)

  • Continue to form children's interest in creating a common drawing.
  • Encourage children to understand the benefits of teamwork.
  • When coloring the details for the scarf sketch, practice using the color contrast technique.
  • Develop aesthetic perception, taste.

Material. Sheets of paper A-2 with the image of the silhouettes of scarves. Paper cut pieces for each child. Markers of different colors, pencils, erasers.

Demo material. Tables depicting color combinations. Scarves knitted from multi-colored threads.

Preliminary work. Excursion to a children's clothing store. A conversation about outerwear that children need in the cold season. Discussion of models of children's clothing. Acquaintance with the concept of an artist-designer of children's clothing. Reviewing magazines "Fashion for children".

Lesson progress

The teacher tells the children that every year in the fall, designers arrange a show of autumn clothing for adults and children.

In cold weather, a scarf is a necessary piece of clothing and it can be not only warm, but also beautiful. Then he invites the children to consider knitted scarves.

Please note that they are knitted from multi-colored threads. it handmade. The combination of color and pattern is not repeated on any scarf.

The teacher invites the children to imagine that they are artists-designers.

You need to come up with and offer your own version of a sketch of a beautiful scarf.

The work is laborious and it is better to do it collectively. We must split into two groups.

The first group of children will collect a sketch of a scarf on sheet No. 1, the second group on sheet No. 2. Each of you will paint the detail as you wish. From the beginning, you need to draw lines with a pencil in one direction over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe part. Then fill in the gaps between the lines with color. Choose a color taking into account the contrasting combination, a light color helps a dark color and vice versa. On the reverse side details are written numbers. One number corresponds to the number of the sheet on which the scarf is drawn, the other number corresponds to the number of the part located on the silhouette of the scarf. Apply the painted part to the place corresponding to the number and shape.

The children were divided into two groups and did the task on their own. In the course of work, the teacher specifies the combination of colors: yellow - lilac, yellow - blue.

With the finished part, the child goes to the sheet with the image of a scarf located on the easel, finds the numbers corresponding to the numbers on its part. The teacher lubricates the place that the child shows with pencil glue. The child attaches a painted part.

And so all the details of the scarf are assembled.

At the end of the lesson, the children look at the sketches of scarves and share their impressions.

Sample statements:

- "Everyone did the same task, but the sketches of scarves were different";

- "Only lines were drawn and multi-colored stripes, but how beautiful it turned out!";

- "I want my mother to have such a scarf, she is my fashionista";

- "BUT yellow next to the blue color, as if glowing and smiling";

- “I wish I could knit such a scarf, but I’m still studying and it’s hard for me to knit alone. I’ll ask my grandmother for help.

Analyzing the transfer of color in children's work, the educator can determine the effectiveness of his work in shaping preschoolers' ideas about color and means of expression.

Prepared by Bousheva N.A.

Purpose: to develop independence in decision-making, based on their knowledge and skills.


  • Develop emotional responsiveness, imagination and creativity.
  • Strengthen the ability to draw using non-traditional methods.
  • Create conditions for solving problems.
  • Develop the ability to work in a team.

Region Integration:

  • Artistic and aesthetic development.
  • cognitive development.
  • Physical development.
  • Musical development.

Types of children's activities:

  • Game, communicative, cognitive, musical, artistic.

Material: Different color balloons, fan, music.

Educator: brings balloons emoticons with drawn closed eyes.

Educator: Guys, why do you think the emoticons have their eyes closed?

Kids are sleeping.

Educator: What needs to be done to wake them up?

Children: (children's answers)

Educator: Remember, we have a charge. Remind me of her, please?

Children: Tell and do exercises.

"Eyes need to rest." (Guys close their eyes)
"You need to take a deep breath." (Deep breath. Eyes still closed)
"The eyes will run in a circle." (Eyes open. Pupil movement in a circle clockwise and counterclockwise)
"Blink many, many times" (Frequent blinking of eyes)

"The eyes are good." (lightly touching closed eyes with fingertips)
"Everyone will see my eyes!" (Eyes wide open. Wide smile on face)
At this time, the teacher changes the balls. Emoticons with open eyes.
Educator: Please tell me what color the balls are?

How can you call them, in one word (What are they?)

Children: (colored)

Teacher: What size? Show.

Children: Show.

Educator: And what sizes can they be?

Children: Show.

The wind's blowing, (fan) the balls fly away.

Educator: Guys, the balls have flown away, please tell us, and we can draw balls with you.

Children: (children's answers)

Teacher: What are we going to draw?

Children choose what they will draw with.

Educator: Guys, please tell me what you chose for drawing.

Children: You can draw with your fingers, cotton swab, ear sticks, brush.

Educator: Answer, why are they holding the ball?

Children: Thread.

Educator: Who wants to draw strings for balloons?

Educator: There are many who wish, let's choose a counting rhyme.

We shared an orange
There are many of us, and he is one.
This slice is for the hedgehog,
This slice is for a swift,

This slice is for ducklings,
This slice is for kittens,
This slice is for the beaver,
And for a wolf - peel.

He is angry with us - trouble!!!
Run somewhere!

Educator: And what color will the threads of the balls be?

Children: (answers)

Children begin to draw balls.


Look at our drawings.
What can be said about them.
What happened?
What drawing methods did you use?

Children: (children's answers)

Educator: And we all know the song about balloons.

Words and music by Anna Petryasheva

1. Balloons will fly into the sky.
Balloons are not returned back.
Red, yellow, blue - rainbow colors.

Look - over the Earth what a beauty!


obedient to the wind,

2. Let's release the air balloons from our hands,
Air balloons will fly apart...
People smile as they look to the sky.

They give everyone balls of childhood miracles!

obedient to the wind,
Balloons fly away In a fabulous distance.
Balloons in the air Like birds, circling!

Parting, balls, You are very sorry!
It is very sad to part with you!
Balloons fly across the sky like clouds
Under the quiet whisper of the breeze...


obedient to the wind,
Balloons fly away In a fabulous distance.
Balloons in the air Like birds, circling!

Parting, balls, You are very sorry!
It is very sad to part with you!

Children sing, smiley balls appear according to the number of children.

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