Drawing 2 ml gr dandelions open lesson. Abstract of a drawing lesson in the second junior group “Yellow Dandelion


Natalia Anatolievna

Target: - teach children to convey the image of a flower using the poke method;

To consolidate the ability to properly hold the brush while doing the work (poke);

To consolidate knowledge of colors (yellow, green);

Develop creative imagination children;

Cause an emotional and aesthetic response to the topic of the lesson;

Bring up careful attitude to nature;

Tasks: Continue to teach children to draw using the method of poking dandelion flowers along the contour, to consolidate the ability to paint over the leaves with the tip of the brush; expand children's knowledge about the first spring flowers. Enrich vocabulary children to instill an interest in poetry.

Material: Album sheet with painted contours of dandelions, yellow and green gouache, two brushes (thin (No. 3) and hard (No. 7, jars of water, brush stands, napkins, 12 sheets of paper, samples of painted dandelions, a flower pot with planted dandelions, illustration.

Preliminary work: observation on walks, looking at illustrations and dandelion flowers, transplanting the plant into a flower pot; didactic games: "Fold the picture", "Find by description"; memorization of the poem "Dandelion".

Lesson progress:

The music sounds "How beautiful the world around" T. Gomez

Educator: Guys, let's sit down at the tables. Hands put on knees, back

straightened out.

Educator: Spring has come, all the snow has melted, the sun is shining brighter.

The leaves on the trees blossomed, the first dandelion flowers appeared. We

with you on a walk they were examined. Listen to the poem.


Dropped the sun

golden beam,

Dandelion has grown

First, young.

He has wonderful

Golden color.

He is a big sun

Small portrait.

O. Vysotskaya.

Educator: On a walk, you and I watched a dandelion and planted it in

flower pot. Look, we have our own little

Educator: Let's look at a dandelion flower.

Teacher: What shape is it?

Children: Round.

Teacher: What color is it?

Children: Yellow.

Educator: Guys, what does a dandelion look like?

Children: In the sun.

Educator: Yes, guys, “Dandelions - flowers are yellow like the sun!”

Educator: What does a dandelion have?

Children: Stem, leaves, flower.

Educator: What color are the stem and leaves?

Children: Green.

Educator: What does a dandelion stem look like?

Children: On a stick.

Teacher: What do the leaves look like? Look how beautiful, carved

dandelion leaves.

Educator: Guys, let's draw dandelions for the exhibition "Spring

red with flowers "... to graduation party children of the preparatory group.

Educator: We will draw a flower using the poke method. Look all at me and

I take a special hard brush in my right hand for drawing

above the metal tip with three fingers.

Let's do our warm-up exercise with a brush. Took everything

hard brushes in the right hand with three fingers, above the iron

tip, while the hand should be on the elbow.

Educator: Children perform movements:

Hold the brush like this:

It's difficult?

No, rubbish!

Right left,

Up and down

Our brush ran.

And then, and then the brush runs around.

Twisted like a top.

After the poke comes the poke! Hand on elbow.

The brush is held with three fingers above its metal part.

Movements with the hand over the text.

The brush is held vertically.

Perform poking without paint on a separate piece of paper.

Educator: And now we take a brush, dip it in yellow paint, take a little paint, make a test poke on a separate piece of paper. Did everyone succeed?

Educator: Well done. Now let's take a sheet with a drawn stencil and draw a flower with yellow paint along the line of circles, and then inside them.

Fitness minute.

Educator: Everyone got up and went to the carpet. Guys, imagine that

you are dandelions. Here in the clearing you will grow. Sit down.

Educator Children

Dandelions are starting to grow.

Grow, grow, grow.

Wind started to blow,

Dandelions are swinging.

Evening came,

Dandelions close up.

The sun came out

Dandelions woke up

shake their heads,

Rejoice in the sun. They start to get up slowly.

Hands up, light swaying.

Squat, hands on head.

Again they slowly get up, hands up, swaying in place.

They smile.

They go to their places.

Educator: Look at the pictures carefully: what is missing in them?

Children: Stem and leaflets.

Educator: Stem and leaves, what color will we draw?

Children: Green.

Educator: Right. But we will draw with a different brush. Take a regular, thin brush right hand three fingers near the iron tip. Dip the brush into a glass of water excess water remove from the edge of the glass. We collect brushes on the pile green paint and draw the stem, starting from the flower to the bottom of the leaf. The stem of a dandelion is thin. And then draw the leaves, starting from the bottom of the stem to the sides. Dandelion leaves are thick. We carry out the work carefully, without going beyond the contour.

Educator: Well done! Look how beautiful our meadow turned out to be.

Educator: Guys, what did we draw today?

How should flowers be treated?

Did you like our activity?

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GCD abstract for drawing "Dandelion"

for children of the second younger group

Romankova Z.A., educator 2 ml. gr. MOBU Gymnasium No. 44, Sochi

Main educational area: "Artistic Creation".




Reading fiction

Goals : expand viewchildrenabout spring and about the appearance of primroses, to teachchildren draw dandelion mixed wayusing traditional and non-traditional techniques.


Tutorials: learnchildren draw a dandelion flower.

Strengthen knowledge of primary colors(green, yellow ).

Exercisechildrenin the technique of painting with gouache paints.

Strengthen the ability to properly hold the brush, pick up paint, draw leavesdandelionway of sticking, and the flower with cotton swabs(in an unconventional way).

Consolidate knowledgechildren about dandelion, its parts(stem, leaves, flower).

Developing: develop auditory and color perception.

develop speechchildren, enrich vocabulary:(primrose).

Educational : to cultivate interest and love for nature, respect for it: you can not pick flowers.

Cultivate friendly relationships, the desire to work together.

Equipment: illustrationsdandelions, didactic game"gather a flower", a basket withdandelions, butterfly models, gouache paintsyellow and green flowers , brushes number 10, tinted paper, cotton swabs.

Preliminary work:

1. Observationdandelion for a walk.

2. Examining the illustration "Dandelions.

3. Reading fiction about primroses.

4. Guessing riddles about primroses.

GCD progress:

- caregiver : Good morning smiling faces, good morning animals and birds!

Let's smile and give a smile to each other!

Well done! You gave each other a smile, look, and the sun smiles at you! It warms us with its warmth! We have a good spring and joyful mood!

Guys! See what kind of basket it is, who brought it?

Oh, I think I know! This spring brought a basket, and now guess my riddle:

A drop of sun early in the morning

Appeared in the meadow

It's inyellow sarafan

dressed up( Dandelion ).

Well done! You guessed it!Dandelionone of the first appears in the clearings, when the sun shines, warming everything around with its warmth, and nature begins to wake up, everything blooms.

And now, I invite you to listen to a poem aboutdandelion:

The sun dropped a golden ray,

Increaseddandelion - first, young,

It has a wonderful, golden color,

He is a big sun little portrait!

Let's take a close look atdandelionwhat does he look like?

- Children : to the sun, to the chicken, to the circle.

What colourdandelion?

- Children : yellow!

What do you havedandelion? What does it grow on?

- Children : on a stalk(on a leg)

What color is the stem?

- Children: green!

What else does a flower have?

- Children: leaves!

Look, children, the leaves are long and wavy along the edge and also Green colour. That's how beautiful he is!

And now, let's play and make a whole flower from parts(didactic game "collect a flower").

Children picking a flower

Tired? Now, let's get some rest!

Physical education:

One, two, three, four, five,

We'll go for a walk in the meadow!

Look among the flowers

Butterflies are fluttering

multi-colored wings flicker around,

One-two, one-two, the game is over!

Guys, look, butterflies have arrived, and we have so few flowers! The field is almost empty! How can we help butterflies? We have paints and brushes.

- Children : we can draw a flower!

Well done! But before we start drawing, let's get our fingers ready for work.

Finger gymnastics:

Our hands are like flowers

fingers like petals

the sun wakes up, the flowers open,

in the dark they will sleep very soundly again!

And now, let's remember how to draw a flower correctly: first, we draw green paint and draw a stem, draw a solid line from top to bottom, then also draw leaves, and to make them fluffy, we stick the brush along the entire length of the sheet, now we wash the brush well from green paint. We drain it on a napkin, take it in hand cotton swab and pick up paintyellow color , put over the stalk in a circleyellow dots, the more dots - the more fluffy our flower(children start work, who needs help - I help) .

Guys, take yourdandelionsand let's make a fun meadow out of them(children post their work) .

You like? Look - and our butterflies liked it, they cheerfully flap their wings!

How beautifulyellow dandelions on green grass! Although there are a lot of them, you should not pick them.Dandelionswill not stand in a vase, they will immediately die. Let's take care of the flowers, let's not pick them and preserve the beauty of nature, and bees, butterflies and ants will thank us for saving flowers for them!

The melody of a song by Yuri Antonov sounds"Don't pick flowers" , children lead a round dance around a fundandelion clearing.

Elena Pelipenko
OCD lesson "Yellow dandelions" (second junior group)





st. Lenin house 82 of the city of Slavyansk-on-Kuban

tel: 8-86146-7-82-92

Abstract directly educational activities

« yellow dandelion»

(2 junior group)

Prepared by Pelipenko E.V.

Educator MBDOU d / s about / in No. 18

Finger painting

Topic: « yellow dandelion» , using TRIZ, developing, ICT, health-saving technologies.

Program content: Continue to introduce children to characteristic features summer weather and nature. To expand ideas about forest plants, to form a careful attitude towards them. Develop a desire to admire flowering herbaceous plants. Arouse in children the desire to convey beauty in the drawing blooming flower, its shape, structure. Practice finger painting. To consolidate the ability to accurately apply paint on a sheet of paper. Develop aesthetic perception, creative imagination.

vocabulary work: dandelions, sun, ray, golden, small, beautiful, yellow, stem, leaves, flower, fashionista, bee, nectar, meadow, golden, sweet.

Didactic material:

Demo: illustrations depicting dandelions in the meadow. Image picture dandelions on an easel. Model of bees by the number of children. flannelgraph, pictures for flannelgraph.

Dispensing: tinted drawing paper (A4 format, finger paints, a jar of water, wet wipes.

Music background. musical composition Chaikovsky "Seasons".

Technique: finger painting.

The course of educational activities.

caregiver: Guys, what a wonderful morning we have today! And what a sun! It sends out its hot rays to warm us. How nice, it became warm for us!

(The teacher recites a poem by Svetlana Sakharova and accompanies the words with a flannelgraph display.)

In the morning the sun woke up (Exposes the sun)

Stretched, smiled. (rays)

The sun began to bake

And around everything to ripen.

The snow began to melt suddenly (stream, puddle)

Turned into a stream.

He murmured merrily

Ran along the path.

The grass began to turn green (Grass)

The birds began to sing loudly. (Birds)

The kidneys have turned (leaves)

into green leaves.

The animals are happy, the birds are happy, (animals)

All kids are happy.

The red summer has come

It invites everyone to walk.

caregiver: Guys, do you want to go for a walk?

Children: Yes.

caregiver: And I want to take a walk. And today I invite you to take a walk in the forest clearing. Are you ready to go with me?

Children: Yes

caregiver: Well, you need to close your eyes, and I will say magic the words:

Children - do not be afraid, go for a walk together.

1, 2, turn around, find yourself in the clearing.

(At this time, he scatters flowers on the carpet, turns on a soundtrack with forest sounds.)

caregiver: Look how beautiful the clearing is. Guys, what do you hear? (Birds sing)

What is under our feet? (Grass)

And tell me why the forest has changed so much, what time of year? (Summer)

What are the signs of summer? (The sun is very warm, the birds have arrived, they sing their songs, a warm wind is blowing, flowers are blooming, butterflies are flying)

caregiver: Guys, what is missing in our clearing?

Of course, flowers, let's all collect a flower together.

And how many flowers do we have in the meadow (One)

Come on guys, let's smell it.

Breathing exercise "Flower fragrance"

(take a calm breath through the nose, hold the breath, and slowly exhale


Hear the riddle guys:

early morning sun drops

Appeared in the meadow.

It's in a yellow sarafan

dressed up (Dandelion.)

caregiver: look how handsome dandelion. How is this flower similar to the sun?

He is round. Dandelion yellow like the sun.

Guys, look, what parts does it consist of dandelion?

Flower, leaves, stem.

Guys, let's draw the parts you named in the air. (we draw in the air, how many stems does a flower have?

Look at the color of the leaves and stem, flower?

Oh, guys, do you hear someone buzzing.

(Child Bee flies in)

Fashionista winged

Striped dress

Just a tiny bit tall

Bite, it will be bad! Bee.

Hello bee. What is your name?

Bee: Maya.

The bee found out that we have in the group got a dandelion. She woke up early, and the flowers had not yet blossomed anywhere. The bee wants to taste the nectar so badly. So she flew to us, but she flew to us not alone, but with her friends - bees.

(The teacher puts bee hats on the children.)

Reading a poem to children

1 baby bee works all day (Hand draw a circle in front of you).

And she is not too lazy to work. (Wag the index

fingers in denial.)

2 children flies from flower to flower, (Rhythmic wave of hands.)

Glues pollen to the abdomen. (Circular movements of the palm on the stomach.)

3 reb Proboscis sucks nectar, (Pull your hand forward, then down,

bend over.)

Gathers a lot in a day. ( "To uncover" all fingers in front of you.)

4 reb will take the nectar to the hive (Depict flight.)

And it will come back like a bullet. (Sharply throws out his hand with outstretched

index finger forward.)

5 children tamp honey in honeycombs, (Stomping feet.)

Soon winter will come. (Squirming.)

6 children The bees will have something to eat. (Imitation of the movement of a spoon.)

They have to try in the summer. (Imitation of putting honey in a honeycomb.)

Dance of the bees

Educator Guys, there are many bees, but one flower. Where can we get a flower for each bee? Draw.

What can you draw? Paints, brushes. But we don't have brushes.

It doesn't matter, we always have 10 brushes ready, which are constantly with us. Who knows what these brushes are? Guessed? Of course, these are our fingers.

Finger gymnastics.

This finger is a grandfather

This finger is a grandmother,

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

This finger is me

That's my whole family.

And now I will teach you how to draw with brush fingers. Let's pick on the finger yellow paint, put a bright dot on the sheet, and then there are many dots around it in a circle.

The teacher accompanies the explanation with an exemplary demonstration.

Here is the flower - yellow, fluffy. What haven't we drawn yet?

Leaves. Stalk.

Yes guys. They can be drawn with straight lines. Who wants to show?

The child draws on the sample.

Look in our the group grew another dandelion. And now you draw dandelions for every bee.

Children draw dandelions. The teacher provides individual assistance as needed.

caregiver: What wonderful flowers turned out. Well done. Now let's add dandelions together - a golden meadow turned out. Our bees will sit on it and drink sweet nectar. Listen to the poem that I will read to you.

Dropped the sun

golden ray

Increased dandelion -

First young!

He has wonderful

golden color,

He is a big sun

Little portrait!

All the guys did their best, the bees are very happy and thank you.

Svetlana Bykova




Topic: « yellow dandelion »


Bykova S. L.

Technique drawing: "Finger painting"

Topic: « yellow dandelion»

Program content:

Learn to convey the image of a flower, its structure and shape using fingers.

Develop a sense of color, shape, composition.

Cause an emotional and aesthetic response to the topic lessons.

Cultivate respect for nature.

Material: Album sheets, napkins, yellow and green gouache, picture dandelion, butterflies.

preliminary work: Examining the grass and flowers on a walk.

Lesson progress:

V-l:- Guys, what time of year are we now?

Children:- Spring

V-l:- Well done, and what changes in nature occur after winter?

Children:- leaves bloom on trees, grass grows, flowers bloom.

V-l:-And what flower did we consider on our site?

Children:- Dandelion.

V-l:- Guys, listen, I will tell you a beautiful poem

“The sun dropped a golden ray.

Increased dandelion-first young!

It has a wonderful golden color

He is a big sun, a small portrait!”

Look at dandelion how handsome he is. What colour is he?

Children:- yellow

V-l:- Here is the leg on which he stands, it is called "stem". And these are the leaves, what color are the leaves and the stem?

Children:- Green.

V-l:- Guys, what dandelion is like the sun?

Children:- Same round and yellow.

V-l: - Look, a butterfly flew to visit us, she saw that we had the group got a dandelion, but she flew not alone, but with her butterfly friends.

V-l:- (brings butterflies) Guys, there are many butterflies, but one flower. What do you think, what should we do so that we have a lot of dandelions?

Children:- draw.

V-l:- Look, we have paints, but no brushes, what will we be paint?

Children:- Fingers.

V-l:- We always have 10 brushes ready, which are always with us, of course, these are our fingers. And before we start draw with fingers we will play with them. Look at my fingers and do as I do

(finger game)

"Our hands are like flowers,

(show hands)

Fingers like petals

(finger movements, close in a fist)

The sun is waking up

Flowers open

(open fists slowly)

In the dark they are again

They will sleep very soundly.

(slowly fingers gather into a cam)

V_l:- Well done guys, our fingers played, and now they will draw. Let's type on the index finger yellow paint, put a bright dot in the middle of the sheet, and then there are many dots around it in a circle. (I accompany the explanation with an exemplary display).

Here is the flower yellow and fluffy.

What do you think we forgot draw?

Children:- Stem and leaves.

V-l:- Let's take a napkin and wipe your finger from yellow paint . Draw a stem and a leaf green paint straight lines. Like this (show) From top to bottom of the flower, we draw a stalk, we also draw green paint on the finger and add a leaf to the stalk. Well, what did you do well?

Children:- Yes!

V-l:- What wonderful turned out dandelions, now put the flowers together - you get a golden meadow. Our butterflies will fly in, sit down and admire our flowers. All the guys did their best, the butterflies are happy. Well done!


GCD abstract for drawing in the second junior group« Dandelions in the grass»

Target: Fix tricks paint drawing; the ability to gently wash the brush. Arouse the desire to convey in the drawing the beauty of a flowering meadow, the shape of flowers. Develop aesthetic perception, creative imagination.

preliminary work: Reading poems about flowers, looking at illustrations about flowers. Watching dandelions on a walk.

Material: Easel, sample drawing, illustration depicting dandelion. Gouache, brush for drawing, bristle glue brush, napkins, cups of water, sheets of paper

The course of directly educational activities.

caregiver: Listen to a poem about a flower and tell me how it is called:

Only the sun warmed

By the path in a row

Flowers dressed up

Your sunny outfit.

bask in the sun,

Bathed in dew

Shine like stars

In a short grass.

Time flies and a flower

Turned into a bubble!

Blowed softly at him

And it's not in the palm of your hand!

Children: Dandelion.

caregiver: That's right, it's dandelion. Our dandelion wears a yellow tunic. Grow up, dressed up in a white dress. Let's look at it in the picture. Which dandelion?

Children: Beautiful, yellow, round.

caregiver: Look at his stem, long, green. And also at dandelion eating leaves. What color are they?

Children: green

caregiver: What do you have dandelion?

Children: stem, leaves, flower.

caregiver Q: What are flowers for?

Children: To admire them.

caregiver: Yes, admire, but not only. Flowers are for insects. Flowers are part of nature. The food of winged gourmets is hidden in bright corollas of flowers. There is a lot of pollen, which feeds on some insects. Here lie light drops of sweet juice - nectar.

In green grass yellow dandelions look very nice. There are a lot of them, but you should not pluck them. Dandelions will not stand in a vase, they will immediately die.

We will be with you today draw a dandelion in the grass. But before paint we will do a physical activity. Dandelion, dandelion!

(squat, then slowly rise)

The stem is thin, like a finger.

If the wind is fast, fast

(They run in different directions)

Will fly into the meadow,

Everything around will rustle.

(They say "sh-sh-sh-sh-sh")

dandelion stamens,

Scatter in a round dance

(Hold hands and walk in a circle)

And merge with the sky.

caregiver: Now it's time to go to the workshop and draw a dandelion. What do we need for this?

Children: brush, paper, paints.

caregiver: That's right, here's paper and a brush next to you. Open the yellow gouache and draw a hat with a dry brush dandelion. She is round. Then we paint the stem with the tip of the brush for drawing. Stem thin, green. What else have you forgotten draw?

Children: leaves.

caregiver: That's right, green leaves. They are long. Like these ones (showing how paint) .

Dandelions grow in the grass. Therefore, we will draw more and weed. Look at your drawings. So beautiful you got dandelions. Let's make an exhibition of drawings. We'll get big dandelion meadow.

The colors suddenly became flowers,

Light up all around!

In a new yellow sundress

dandelion meadow.

Related publications:

The sun dropped a golden ray, The first, young dandelion grew, It has a wonderful golden color, It is a small portrait of the big sun.

Yellow head, pink leg. Dandelion - I will hold the sun in my palm. The sun appeared in May in the meadow, I admire it, I shore it very much.

Artistic creativity-drawing. "Yellow dandelions grow in the lawn." Tasks: 1. Strengthen the ability of children independently and creatively.

Abstract of GCD on drawing in the second junior group "Droplets" Summary of GCD on drawing in the second junior group "Droplets" Purpose: developing children's interest in drawing with their fingers. Develop the ability to lower.

Theme: "Dandelions". Purpose: To introduce children to a new way non-traditional drawing crumpled paper. Tasks: Continue to shape.

Summary of GCD Drawing in an unconventional way, with palms in the second junior group. Teamwork. Tasks: Educational: Introduce.

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