What is the basis of the Russian mentality. National features of the Russian mentality


About the mysterious Russian mentality many words are spoken, both flattering and not very. There are also nice features the mysterious Russian soul, but there are also dark, unkind ones. On closer examination, a rather ambiguous picture emerges, but looking at it is still interesting and very informative, at least in terms of understanding yourself and the environment in which you grew up.

One of the main traits of the Russian character consider the primacy of society over the individual. A Russian person feels himself a part of society, and does not think of himself outside of it. He is just a grain of sand, a drop in the endless ocean of his fellows. The concept of society goes far beyond a few neighboring houses, it traditionally embraces the entire village. A Russian person is primarily "Lukoshkinsky", "Tulupkinsky", "Medvezhansky", and only after that he is Vasily Stepanovich, Ignat Petrovich and so on.

Positive moment in this approach, it manifests itself in the ability to very quickly cooperate against a common one, to act as a united front against the enemy. The negative is the overwriting of one's own personality, the constant desire to transfer one's own responsibility to the collective, to "opism".

Russian world rather polar, in the mind of a Russian person there is "truth", and there is "falsehood", and there are no halftones between them. Even processes modern globalization they still cannot level this line, smooth it out by mixing cultures, our people still try to see the world like a chessboard: there are black ones, there are white ones, and all the fields are clear and square.

Of course, each worthy member of society seeks to live "in truth", a term that is reflected even in legal documents. One of the first legal documents Kievan Rus so it is called "Russian Truth", it regulated trade relations, inheritance rules, norms of criminal and procedural legislation. Explained how to live by the truth.

While with Germans traditionally associate pedantry, strict adherence to rules, discipline, all this is deeply alien to the Russian person. He is rather prone to the absence of any discipline, he is more attracted to freemen, sincerity, he prefers a deep feeling to reason. This also sometimes leads to turmoil, disorder of life and life in general, but in other cases it can become truly strong point. And certainly life with emotions gives a Russian person much more happiness than blindly following the instructions written by someone for him.

Generally written by other people instructions by Russian people greatly despised. Traditionally, such a feature of mentality has developed as the opposition of oneself and society to the state and governing bodies. The state is perceived as a necessary evil, as a kind of apparatus of oppression. And a person, society, survives and adapts in the conditions of the state. That is why the Russian is not so offended by the one who inflicted a direct insult on him, as by the one who entered into soldering with the state. Such at all times were called different equivalents modern word"snitch" and considered notorious scoundrels, traitors to the people, Christ-sellers.

Good, I'm sure Russian man, reachable, it exists. Somewhere out there, far away, but it is there, and one day it will definitely come. Maybe not in this life, but someday it will happen, it will come, it will come a good life. Belief in this warms the Russian man in the most dark times, in war, in famine, in times of revolution and rebellion. Good is sure to come. And the Russian himself always strives to be a kind person.

On the negative side faith into some supreme good which will come one day on its own - personal irresponsibility. The Russian person himself does not consider himself strong enough to bring closer this moment of the condescension of good from the heights of heaven, so there is nothing to try for. Russian not only does not take an active part in approaching the hour of the victory of good, but does not even think about how to do it.

Love for controversy- another characteristic touch to the portrait of a person. In this, the Russian character echoes the Roman one, in whose culture a sincere popular love for discussions was also laid. And in both cultures, the argument is perceived rather not as a way to show oneself or to convince the interlocutor of one's own rightness, but as intellectual exercise, charging for the mind and form table entertainment. Contrary to popular belief, it is not at all accepted to switch from words to fists, on the contrary, a Russian person is usually quite tolerant of someone else's opinion if he does not see direct aggression against him in it.

Attitude towards own health a Russian person clearly does not give a damn. To be treated or take care of the state of your body, engage in physical culture, is seen by the Russian mentality as a kind of effeminacy, pamperedness.

Well, not to mention extraordinary loyalty of the Russian people to theft and bribery. As already mentioned, opposing oneself to the state, treating it as an enemy, develops a similar attitude towards bribes with theft. From historical information we can conclude that it has always been so.

It is no secret, however, that time even the mentality of peoples may be substantially changed. After all, it comes not only from geographical location places of residence of the people, but also on many other factors that determine its consciousness. All this gives hope for a brighter future, for the eradication or mitigation of the shortcomings of our mentality and the multiple strengthening of its merits.

The Russian mentality was formed under the influence of the richness of natural landscapes and a sharply contrasting climate. Protracted cold and frost, lasting almost half a year, are replaced by the lush flowering of plants and sultry heat. Historian Valery Ilyin believes that in this powerful amplitude of fluctuations in weather conditions during one season - the secret of the pendulum of the Russian character: decline is replaced by an incredible rise, a long depression - a huge surge of optimism, apathy and lethargy - a surge of strength and inspiration.

There is also an anatomical feature that affected the Russian mentality: the Slavs have a more developed right hemisphere brain, which is responsible for emotions, and not for logic, therefore we are often not rational. This feature of the Russian mentality is clearly visible in planning - say, the family budget. If a German meticulously calculates all expenses, up to the purchase of napkins, for a month, six months and even a year, then a measured way is alien to a Russian person.

The Russian mentality is formed by sharp fluctuations in weather conditions.

We are unable to foresee everything that may happen in the near future. We may be carried away by some project; we can, without preparing in advance, suddenly make a fairly expensive acquisition; in the end, our relative, friend, or even almost to a stranger help may be needed unexpectedly, and we will provide it without hesitation. After all, considering the Russian mentality, it is impossible not to mention such a feature as sentimentality. Unlike people of other nationalities who know how to keep their distance, we are instantly imbued with the feelings of other people. It is not for nothing that only in Russian there are expressions “heart-to-heart conversation”, “heart-to-heart conversation”.

We acutely perceive someone else's misfortune and someone else's joy, and we ourselves are often ready to reveal our innermost feelings to someone almost on the first day of our acquaintance. An Italian will never tell a stranger about his family problems, an American will tactfully avoid personal topics - it's as if you came to visit, and you were only allowed into the corridor. Russians tend to open all the doors wide open.

Russians tend to be sentimental and compassionate

That is why almost any Russian emigrant who left for Western Europe, the USA or Canada, cannot get used to the fact that the people around him are cold, dryish, “buttoned up”. There, it takes years to establish close relationships, but here contacts between people develop much faster and warmer.
Moreover, we are very compassionate to our smaller brothers. From time immemorial, the Slavs willingly have pets and perceive them as full members of the family. And residents of Russian villages who keep cows cannot calmly lead them to the slaughterhouse and often continue to care for them until their death.

Our sensitivity has back side medals. We are quickly fascinated by people, but soon we are often disappointed in them. These features of the Russian mentality manifested in a sharp change in attitudes- for example, fraternization after a fight and vice versa. And yet, if a quarrel has occurred, a Russian person quickly forgets about it. We have no tradition of "blood feud" because quickness is one of the features of the Russian mentality. We are able not only to forget a momentary conflict, but also to endure serious insults. Dostoevsky expressed it this way: "... and all the Russian people are ready to forget whole torments for one kind word."

Ease is one of the characteristic features of the Russian mentality

Another one feature of the Russian mentalitysocial conformity. We like everything to be “like people”, we care so that they don’t think badly of us. Satirist Mikhail Zadornov notes: “Only a Russian woman, leaving the hotel, cleans the room before the cleaning lady arrives. It would not occur to a Frenchwoman or a German woman - after all, a cleaning lady is paid for this job!

And the last. Despite creative thinking, according to the way of action we can be called conservatives. We perceive innovations with distrust and approach them for a long time, this way and that, before we accept them in our lives. Compare: in the UK, 55% of older people are able to work at a computer, in the USA - 67%, and in Russia - only 24%. And the point here is not only the lack of material opportunity to purchase equipment, but unwillingness to change habitual way of life.

Russia has always been a country located between East and West. The Russian man has repeatedly wondered whether he is a man of the West or, after all, of a more spontaneous East. Philosophers have dealt with this issue in their own way. Many of them even began to talk about the unique position of the country, which has its own unique path. The mentality of Russians is difficult to compare with the mentalities neighboring countries both western and eastern. Of course, one can find in it something in common from each of the powers, however, there is something in the Russian soul that defies simple classification.

The mentality has evolved over the centuries. It was influenced by both countries and new religion (Orthodox Christianity). Moreover, a Russian person is predominantly Orthodox, because he reflects the dogmas of his faith. Features of the Russian mentality can be found not only in the way of thinking, but also in the very way of life. Western world extremely simple, there is a trinity division of the universe: the divine world, the demonic world and the world of people. Therefore, people living in the West strive to do something in this world. The Russian person has a binary universe: either divine or demonic. This world is considered a kingdom of darkness, given to the prince of darkness. Every day people see injustice and imperfection.

The Russian mentality has always strived for maximalism. And this desire results either in the creation of an ideal world here and now (revolution), or in complete self-elimination and asceticism. Russian people are predominantly apolitical. he acutely feels dissatisfaction with the authorities. Justice in Russian means equality and brotherhood. And since the ideals are unrealizable, the world is in the grip of evil forces. Instead of doing something (as is customary in all capitalist countries), the Russian would rather fall into asceticism.

The mentality of Russians, shaped by the Orthodox religion, is not prepared to follow the path market economy. Only a few were able to accept the fact that self-elimination will not lead to anything good. Russia is an abundant country. And, at the same time, the Russians continue to live worse than the European paradox, over which specialists puzzle over from year to year. The neighborhood of the Turkic people had a great influence on the mentality of the Russians. They themselves were a peace-loving people, hospitable and meek. The mixing of the Slavs with the Turks gave rise to a tendency to melancholy, depression, cruelty and spree. This is how the contradictory temperament of Russians was born, in which extremes coexist. The most eastern feature in the mentality of the Russian people is manifested in its collectivism and attitude towards power.

Power for the Russian is sacred, it is given from above. Authorities must be obeyed. However, as soon as rebellion is born in the soul, the Russian person is ready to destroy everything. Since ancient times, history has brought cases of riots and uprisings to our days. As soon as a Russian person sees the Prince of Darkness in the image of the Tsar, a holy revolution begins. However, strong sovereigns could always pacify their subjects. The collectivism of Russians manifests itself not so much in peacetime as in times of war and disaster. Here you can find not only amazing mutual assistance among people, but also resilience. There are cases when the inhabitants of Russian cities kept the defense to the last without any control from military officials. This amazing fact, which shows not only the high foundations of collectivism, but also patriotism and citizenship. By the way, Russian nationalism is not inherent in the form in which it manifested itself in a number of Western countries. The citizenship of this people has a completely different basis.

In general, the mentality is the prevailing schemes, stereotypes and thought patterns. Russians are not necessarily Russians. individual person may be proud of being a "Cossack", "Bashkir" or "Jew" within Russia, but outside of it all Russians (former and present) are traditionally called (regardless of origin) Russians. There are good reasons for this: as a rule, they all have similarities in their mentality and stereotypes of behavior.

The Russians have something to be proud of, we have a huge and strong country, we have talented people and deep literature, while we ourselves know our own weak sides. If we want to become better, we must know them.

So, let's look at ourselves from the side, namely from the side strictly scientific research. What cultural researchers say specific features Russian mentality?

1. Conciliarity, the primacy of the common over the personal: "we are all our own", we have everything in common and "what will people say." Sobornost turns into a lack of privacy and the opportunity for any neighbor grandmother to intervene and tell you everything she thinks about your clothes, manners and upbringing of your children.

From the same opera, the concepts of "public", "collective" that are absent in the West. “The opinion of the collective”, “not to separate from the collective”, “what will people say?” - conciliarity in pure form. On the other hand, they will tell you if your tag is sticking out, your drawstring is untied, your pants are splashed, or your grocery bag is torn. And also - flashing headlights on the road to warn about the traffic police and save from a fine.

2. The desire to live in truth. The term "pravda", often found in ancient Russian sources, means legal regulations, on the basis of which the court was decided (hence the expressions “to judge the right” or “to judge in truth”, that is, objectively, fairly). Sources of codification - customary law, princely arbitrage practice, as well as borrowed norms from authoritative sources - primarily the Holy Scriptures.

Outside Russian culture more often it is about law-abidingness, the rules of decency or following religious precepts. IN Eastern mentality Truth is not spoken about, in China it is important to live according to the precepts left by Confucius.

3. In the choice between reason and feeling, Russians choose feeling: sincerity and sincerity. In the Russian mentality, “expediency” is practically a synonym for selfish, selfish behavior and is not honored, like something “American”. It is difficult for the average Russian layman to imagine that it is possible to act reasonably and consciously not only for oneself, but also for someone else, therefore, selfless actions are identified with actions “from the heart”, based on feelings, without a head.

Russian - dislike for discipline and method, life according to the soul and mood, change of mood from peacefulness, forgiveness and humility to a merciless rebellion to complete annihilation - and vice versa. The Russian mentality lives more like a female model: feeling, gentleness, forgiveness, reacting with crying and rage to the consequences of such a life strategy.

4. A certain amount of negativism: most Russians tend to see themselves as shortcomings rather than virtues. Abroad, if a person on the street accidentally touches another person, the stereotyped reaction of almost anyone is: “Sorry”, an apology and a smile. They are so brought up. It is sad that in Russia such patterns are more negative, here you can hear “Well, where are you looking?”, And something more harsh. The Russians understand well what longing is, despite the fact that this word is untranslatable to other European languages. On the streets, it is not customary for us to smile, look into the faces of others, indecently get to know each other and just talk.

5. A smile in Russian communication is not a mandatory attribute of politeness. In the West, the more a person smiles, the more polite he is. In traditional Russian communication, the priority is the requirement of sincerity. A smile in Russians demonstrates a personal disposition towards another person, which, of course, does not apply to everyone. Therefore, if a person smiles not from the heart, it causes rejection.

You can ask for help - most likely they will help. It is normal to beg - and a cigarette, and money. Man with constant good mood raises suspicion - whether sick, or insincere. The one who usually smiles kindly at others - if not a foreigner, then, of course, a toady. Of course, insincere. Says "Yes", agrees - a hypocrite. Because a sincere Russian person will definitely disagree and object. And in general, the real sincerity is when obscene! That's when you believe the man!

6. Love for disputes. Traditionally in Russian communication great place take up controversy. A Russian person loves to argue on a variety of issues, both private and general. Love for disputes on global, philosophical issues is a striking feature of Russian communicative behavior.

A Russian person is often interested in a dispute not as a means of finding the truth, but as a mental exercise, as a form of emotional, sincere communication with each other. That is why, in Russian communicative culture, those who argue so often lose the thread of the dispute, easily deviate from the original topic.

At the same time, the desire for compromise or for allowing the interlocutor to save face is completely uncharacteristic. Uncompromisingness, conflict manifests itself very clearly: our person is uncomfortable if he did not argue, could not prove his case. How did you formulate this quality? english teacher: "The Russian always argues to win." And vice versa, the characteristic "conflict-free", rather, has a disapproving connotation, like "spineless", "unprincipled".

7. A Russian person lives by faith in the good that will one day descend from heaven.(or simply from above) to the long-suffering Russian land: "Good will definitely defeat evil, but then, someday." At the same time, his personal position is irresponsible: “Someone will bring us the truth, but not me personally. I can't do anything myself, and I won't." For several centuries now, the main enemy of the Russian people has been considered the state in the form of a serving-punitive estate.

8. The principle of "keep your head down." In the Russian mentality dismissive attitude to politics and democracy as a form of political system, in which the people act as the source and controller of the activities of power. Characteristic is the conviction that in reality people do not decide anything anywhere and democracy is a lie and hypocrisy. At the same time, tolerance and the habit of lying and hypocrisy of one's power because of the conviction that it is impossible otherwise.

9. The habit of theft, bribery and deceit. The conviction that they steal everywhere and everything, and it is impossible to earn big money in an honest way. The principle is “if you don’t steal, you won’t live”. Alexander I: “There is such theft in Russia that I’m afraid to go to the dentist - I’ll sit in a chair and steal my jaw ...” Dahl: “A Russian person is not afraid of the cross, but is afraid of the pestle.”

At the same time, Russians are characterized by a protest attitude towards punishments: punishing minor violations is not good, somehow petty, you need to “forgive!”, And when against this background people get used to disrespect laws and move from minor violations to major ones - here is a Russian person will sigh for a long time until he gets angry and arranges a pogrom.

10. A characteristic feature of the Russian mentality arising from the previous paragraph is love for freebies. Movies need to be downloaded via torrent, pay for licensed programs - zapadlo, the dream is the joy of Leni Golubkov in the MMM pyramid. Our fairy tales depict heroes who lie on the stove and eventually receive a kingdom and a sexy queen. Ivan the Fool is strong not in hard work, but in quick wit, when Pike, Sivki-Burki, Humpbacked Skates and other wolves, fish and firebirds will do everything for him.

11. Taking care of health is not a value, sports are strange, getting sick is normal, but it is categorically not allowed to leave the poor, including it is considered morally unacceptable to leave those who did not care about their health and as a result became, in fact, a helpless invalid. Women are looking for the rich and successful, but they love the poor and sick. "How is he without me?" - hence codependency as a norm of life.

12. The place of humanism with us is occupied by pity. If humanism welcomes concern for a person, placing on a pedestal a free, developed, strong man, then pity directs care to the unfortunate and sick. According to Mail.ru and VTsIOM statistics, helping adults is in fifth place in popularity after helping children, the elderly, animals and helping environmental issues. People feel more sorry for dogs than people, and out of a sense of pity, it is more important to support unviable children, rather than adults who could still live and work.

In the comments to the article, someone agrees with such a portrait, someone accuses the author of Russophobia. No, the author loves Russia and believes in it, having been engaged in educational and educational activities for your country. There are no enemies here and there is no need to look for them here, our task is different: namely, to think about how we can raise our country and raise children - our new citizens.

The national character, features of the Russian mentality belong to the ethno- and socio-psychological Russia.

History of the question of national character

The question of national character has not received a generally accepted formulation, although it has significant historiography in the world and Russian pre-revolutionary science. This problem was studied by Montesquieu, Kant, Herder. And the thought that different peoples have your own national spirit”, was formed in the philosophy of romanticism and pochvennichestvo both in the West and in Russia. In the German ten-volume "Psychology of Peoples" the essence of man was analyzed in different cultural manifestations: life, mythology, religion, etc. Social anthropologists of the last century also did not bypass this topic with their attention. In Soviet society humanities was taken as a basis for the advantage of class over national, therefore national character, ethnic psychology and similar issues were left aside. They weren't given much importance back then.

The concept of national character

At this stage, the concept of national character includes different schools and approaches. Of all the interpretations, two main ones can be distinguished:

  • personal-psychological

  • value-normative.

Personal and psychological interpretation of the national character

This interpretation implies that people alone cultural property there are common personality and mental traits. The complex of such qualities distinguishes representatives of this group from others. The American psychiatrist A. Kardiner created the concept of "basic personality", on the basis of which he drew a conclusion about the "basic personality type" that is inherent in every culture. The same idea is supported by N.O. Lossky. He highlights the main features of the Russian character, which is different:

  • religiosity,
  • susceptibility to the highest examples of skills,
  • spiritual openness,
  • subtle understanding of someone else's state,
  • strong willpower,
  • fervor in religious life,
  • ebullition in public affairs,
  • adherence to extreme views,
  • love of freedom, reaching to anarchy,
  • love for the fatherland
  • contempt for the common people.

Similar researches reveal also the results contradicting each other. Any people can find absolutely polar traits. Here it is necessary to conduct more in-depth studies using new statistical techniques.

Value-normative approach to the problem of national character

Such an approach admits that the national character is embodied not in the individual qualities of the representative of the nation, but in the socio-cultural functioning of his people. B.P. Vysheslavtsev in his work "Russian National Character" explains that the human character is not obvious, on the contrary, it is something secret. Therefore, it is difficult to understand and surprises happen. The root of character is not in expressive ideas and not in the essence of consciousness, it grows from unconscious forces, from the subconscious. In this sub-foundation such cataclysms are ripening that cannot be predicted by looking at the outer shell. For the most part, this applies to the Russian people.

Such a social state of mind, based on the attitudes of group consciousness, is usually called mentality. In connection with this interpretation, the features of the Russian character appear as a reflection of the mentality of the people, that is, they are the property of the people, and not a set of features inherent in its individual representatives.


  • reflected in the actions of people, their way of thinking,
  • leaves its mark on folklore, literature, art,
  • gives rise to an original way of life and special culture characteristic of one or another people.

Features of the Russian mentality

The study of the Russian mentality was begun in the 19th century, first in the works of the Slavophiles, the research was continued at the turn of the next century. In the early nineties of the last century, interest in this issue arose again.

Most researchers note the most characteristics mentality of the Russian people. It is based on deep compositions of consciousness that help to make choices in time and space. In the context of this, there is the concept of a chronotope - i.e. connection of spatio-temporal relations in culture.

  • Endless movement

Klyuchevsky, Berdyaev, Fedotov noted in their writings the sense of Space characteristic of the people of Russia. This is the boundlessness of the plains, their openness, the absence of borders. This model of the national Cosmos was reflected in their works by many poets and writers.

  • openness, incompleteness, questioning

A weighty value of Russian culture is its openness. She can comprehend another, alien to her, and is subject to various influences from outside. Some, for example, D. Likhachev, call this universalism, others, like, note universal understanding, call it, like G. Florovsky, universal responsiveness. G. Gachev noticed that many domestic classic masterpieces literature remained unfinished, leaving the way for development. This is the whole culture of Russia.

  • Mismatch between the Space step and the Time step

The peculiarity of Russian landscapes and territories predetermines the experience of Space. The linearity of Christianity and the European tempo determine the experience of Time. The vast territories of Russia, endless expanses predetermine the colossal step of Space. For Time, European criteria are used, Western ones are tried on. historical processes, formations.

According to Gachev, in Russia all processes should proceed more slowly. The psyche of a Russian person is slower. The gap between the steps of Space and Time generates tragedy and is fatal for the country.

Antinomy of Russian culture

The discrepancy in two coordinates - Time and Space creates a constant tension in Russian culture. Another feature of it is connected with this - antinomy. Many researchers consider this feature to be one of the most distinctive. Berdyaev noted the strong inconsistency of national life and self-consciousness, where a deep abyss and boundless heights are combined with meanness, baseness, lack of pride, servility. He wrote that in Russia boundless philanthropy and compassion can coexist with misanthropy and savagery, and the desire for freedom coexists with slavish resignation. These polarities in Russian culture do not have semitones. Other peoples also have opposites, but only in Russia bureaucracy can be born from anarchism, and slavery from freedom. This specificity of consciousness is reflected in philosophy, art, and literature. This dualism, both in culture and in personality, is best reflected in the works of Dostoevsky. Literature always provides great information for the study of mentality. The binary principle, which is important in national culture, is reflected even in the works Russian writers. Here is a list compiled by Gachev:

"War and Peace", "Fathers and Sons", "Crime and Punishment", "Poet and Crowd", "Poet and Citizen", "Christ and Antichrist".

The names speak of the great inconsistency of thinking:

"Dead Souls", "Living Corpse", "Virgin Soil Upturned", "Yawning Heights".

Polarization of Russian culture

The Russian mentality, with its binary combination of mutually exclusive qualities, reflects the hidden polarity of Russian culture, which is inherent in all periods of its development. Continuous tragic tension manifested itself in their collisions:

G.P. Fedotov in his work "The Fate and Sins of Russia" explored the originality of Russian culture and depicted national mentality, its device is in the form of an ellipse with a pair of centers of opposite polarity, which are constantly fighting and cooperating. This causes constant instability and variability in the development of our culture, at the same time it stimulates the intention to solve the problem instantly, through a flash, a throw, a revolution.

"Intelligibility" of Russian culture

The internal antinomy of Russian culture also gives rise to its “incomprehensibility”. The sensual, spiritual, and illogical always prevail over the expedient and meaningful in it. Its originality is difficult to analyze from the point of view of science, as well as to convey the possibilities of plastic art. In his works, I.V. Kondakov writes that literature is the most consonant with the national identity of Russian culture. This is the reason for the deep respect for the book, the word. This is especially noticeable in the Russian culture of the Middle Ages. Classical Russian culture of the nineteenth century: painting, music, philosophy, social thought, he notes, was created for the most part under the impression literary works, their heroes, designs, plots. It is impossible to underestimate the consciousness of Russian society.

Cultural identity of Russia

Russian cultural self-identification is hampered by the specifics of mentality. The concept of cultural identity includes the identification of a person with cultural tradition, national values.

At Western nations national and cultural identity is expressed on two grounds: national (I am German, I am Italian, etc.) and civilizational (I am European). In Russia, there is no such certainty. This is due to the fact that the cultural identity of Russia depends on:

  • multi-ethnic basis of culture, where there are a lot of local variants and subcultures;
  • intermediate position between ;
  • inherent gift of compassion and empathy;
  • repeated impetuous transformations.

This ambiguity, inconsistency gives rise to arguments about its exclusivity, originality. In Russian culture, the idea of ​​a unique path and the highest calling of the people of Russia is deep. This idea was embodied in the popular socio-philosophical thesis about.

But in full agreement with everything that was said above, along with the awareness of national dignity and conviction in one's own exclusivity, there is a national denial that reaches self-abasement. The philosopher Vysheslavtsev emphasized that restraint, self-flagellation, repentance are national trait of our character, that there is no people who so criticized themselves, exposed, joked with themselves.

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