528 Hz what frequency. Influence of solfeggio frequencies


These frequencies are known as"Ascension Frequencies" , or "Solfeggio Frequencies" . Books have been written and there is heated debate about their origins. The impact on the body of these frequencies is studied by world centers for studying the effect of sound on living matter. In the west there are whole currents with their musical groups who play music using solfeggio frequencies.

174Hz, 285Hz, 396Hz, 417Hz, 528Hz, 639Hz, 741Hz, 852Hz, 963Hz

As writes Dr. Leonard Horowitz , solfeggio music, is a revolution in spirituality and the healing of society. He believes that the key, conceptual frequency in solfeggio is the vibration of 528 Hz, which can help in healing the whole world.

These statements are confirmed by the research of the "Federal Medical and Biological Agency", Moscow, under the leadership of Khazina L.V. In the work "Structural-resonance therapy in the restoration of a coordinated energy interaction of the functional systems of the human body in the process of life" the frequencies of the morphogenetic code are given. The frequency that determines the initial level of organization of the striated muscles is 528.384 Hz. The striated muscles are the basis of the muscles that provide movement and breathing. In fact, this frequency provides both movement and life itself.

Mystery of Nikola Tesla

The numerological studies of the Solfeggio Frequencies are very interesting. The fact is that if you write in a column all the numbers denoting frequencies, then it is enough to remember only the original frequency174 . Further, 1 is added to each digit below, and when the value 9 is reached, it returns to 1. For example:

174 (1+1=2 , 7+1=8 , 4+1=5 ) 285

285 (2+1=3 , 8+1=9 , 5+1=6 ) 396

Moreover, all numbers are multiples of the number 3, to which NikolaTesla paid great attention. As you know, Tesla did not settle in hotel rooms if the number of his apartment was not a multiple of the number3 . There is also a connection, and it is possible to say with a high degree of certainty thatthe answer to the riddle of Nikola Tesla must be sought precisely in the Ascension Frequencies! There is an opinion that it was Nikola Tesla who uttered the mysterious phrase: “If you knew the magnificence3, 6 and 9then you would have the key to the universe.”

In the mathematics of vortices, there is a pattern that repeats itself:1- 2- 4- 8- 7- 5 etc 1- 2- 4- 8- 7- 5-1- 2- 4- 8- 7- 5- 1- 2- 4 . As we can see, the sequence 3-6-9 in this matrix stands apart.

Scientist Marco Roden believes that the 3-6-9 sequence represents a transition vector from the third to the fourth dimension, which he calls the "flow field". This field is the energy of the transition to next level measurement affecting another energy matrix 1- 2- 4- 8- 7- 5.

Marco Rodin's student Randy Powell claims that this matrix key to free energy, which Tesla mastered.

Both interconnected matrices 1- 2- 4- 8- 7- 5 and 3-6-9 are included in the number seriessolfeggio frequencies .

The sequence 3-6-9 can be traced in the Solfeggio Frequencies. The fact is that the sum of the digits in all 9 numerical values ​​repeats these values ​​3 times, namely3-6-9

1+7+4= 3 , 2+8+5= 6 , 3+9+6= 9 , 4+1+7= 3 , 5+2+8= 6 , 6+3+9= 9 , 7+4+1= 3 , 8+5+2= 6 , 9+6+3= 9 .

At the same time, the series contains a triple of values, where the initial and subsequent digits form this matrix 396 - 639 - 963

The second matrix is ​​1-2-4-8-7-5 where initial values Solfeggio frequencies - numbers of numbers in a sequence.1 74- 2 85- 4 17- 8 52- 7 14- 5 28. In this case, the sum of the numbers in this row will cycle through 3-6-3-6-3-6

The beauty of the Solfeggio Frequencies is also determined by the presence of two pairs of numbers, the ratio of which is as close as possible togolden ratio 1.618 and differs only in thousandths:

852/528= 1,614 528/852= 0,619

639/396= 1,614 396/639= 0,619

An interesting difference between adjacent frequencies, which is the number111 .







The two exceptions are

417-396= 21

741-639= 102 .

If we consider the numbers 111, 102 and 21 from the point of view of numerology, then it is not difficult to notice that the sum of the digits in the numbers is3 !

Number 111 (1+1+1= 3 ) is very strong because it combines the energies of number 1 and karmic number 11. Number 1 resonates with perseverance, independence and uniqueness, motivation, leadership, change and struggle, understanding, inspiration, success and goal achievement. The number 11 reminds us that we must define our personal mission and follow this path. The essence of the number 111 symbolizes the principles of spiritual awakening.

Number 102 (1+0+2= 3 ). If we add up its components, we get the symbol material well-being. In addition, a lucky seven and an unusual three are hidden inside it. This is a sign of creation. Three is obtained by adding one, zero and two. Such manipulations with the number 102 are attributed to Pythagoras, who believed that inside the tens and two lies the wisdom that our race has collected throughout its existence.

Number 21 (2+1= 3 ) is the decisive figure in the definition life path each person will help in various life endeavors. The necessary vital energy is sealed in the number. The number bestows the necessary vital energy, which contributes to the disclosure of the abilities hidden in a person.

The concept of Ascension Frequencies was developed in the understanding that the frequency528 Hzshould sound as much as possible Everyday life. To do this, all musicians are invited to tune their instruments not to A 1 (A4) = 440 Hertz, but to a frequency of 444 Hertz. In this case, the frequency of the note C to the second octave (C5) will be 528.01 Hz. There is a whole conspiracy theory around this setting. The events surrounding John Lennon are also associated with it. As stated in book The Book of 528: Prosperity Key of LOVE, this is how his piano was tuned.

For those who want to tune their instruments and play music in tune528 , below is a note-frequency correspondence table in tuningA4 - 444 Hz, where, as mentioned above, the noteUp to 2corresponds to a frequency of 528 Hz., and the values ​​of all notesBeforeother octaves, multiples of the frequency528 Hz.

IN this moment, for the first time in the world, a tool is made Pentagramon - Beel of the Golden Section ,which is tuned in the Pentagramon™ Musical Tuning. The sound of such an instrument, through the fibonacci-step system, which is based on golden ratio, and acoustic harmonics of the golden section, are associated with the genetic system of living matter. In addition to everything, the starting point of the entire scale in this instrument is the frequency of 528 Hz.

Connection of Solfeggio Frequencies with Ener genetic system human

As a result of long research and testing, we have been able to establish that the Ascension Frequencies resonate with the human chakras. As a result of the resonance of the sounds of the solfeggio frequencies with the chakras, not only individual energy centers but also balancing the whole organism as a whole. These properties of frequencies were the basis of Sound Therapy Methods. and method.

Acoustic balancing of human energy-chakra toning sounds

Now in the West there are practices of acoustical balancing of the chakras, which are calledchakra toning sounds. Chakra toning - sound treatment - is one of the ways to a more positive attitude and to better health. Meditation using the practice of chakra toning - acoustic toning of the chakras, gives the deepest feeling of peace and inner balance.

More details about the methodology

At present, as a result of calculations, the frequencies corresponding to the FOURTH DIMENSION chakras, which are located above the human head, have been discovered and mathematically justified.

Correspondence table of Solfeggio Frequencies - chakra system.

Name of the chakra


Chakra Functions Influence of frequencies Listen Frequency Hz.
3D spectrum
What is responsible for
Above your head. Level
totality of unconscious mental and cognitive processes.
Nerve plexuses: nervous system the person as a whole. 963 Hz
The center of spiritual orderliness, genius. Illumination field.
In the dark. In the physical body, it controls the mind, higher mental functions. epiphysis 852 Hz
Elimination of stereotypes and restoration of associative links.
Ajna or Agni
On the forehead, between the eyebrows. Reception and transmission of energy. Governs physical functions organism, and coordinates them with intellectual and mental activity. Pituitary. 741Hz
The development of abstract thinking.
Awakening intuition. Self-realization.
Throat, between the VI and VII cervical vertebrae. Space, time, hearing and voice. Thyroid. Salivary glands. Tonsil glands. 639 Hz

Solfeggio frequencies refer for some reason to the pseudo-scientific belief of Christianity and some scientists (primarily Leonard Horowitz, MD, who is a supporter of this belief) that a set of nine frequencies derived from numerology were used many centuries ago in Gregorian and Sanskrit chants or mantras. These frequencies are believed to tentatively distribute spiritual blessings during religious ceremonies. The so-called solfeggio frequencies have been studied by many laboratories and a serious result has been obtained.

Sound healing, Solffegio frequencies, also called ascension frequencies as scientists believe, was an ancient healing method that has always been very successful, as we all respond to sounds and quickly change our internal state. Many simply cannot meditate without music.

What is solfeggio frequency?

Thanks to the work of Dr. Joseph Paula, Dr. Len Horowitz. The result showed that the 6 tones of the musical scale (which belong to the ancient musical scale) there are secret frequencies that are believed to increase spiritual growth and create transformation and healing when the music plays and the person resonates with this music.

Frequencies work like this:

Up to 396 Hz release from guilt and fear
Re 417 Hz Cancel situations and promote change
Mi 528 Hz Transformation and Miracles (DNA repair)
Fa 639 Hz Togetherness / Relationships
Sol 741 Hz Awakening of intuition
A 852 Hz return to the spiritual order

Certain frequencies create forms and influence the structure of matter. Numerous experiments were shown on the effect of sound on matter.

DNA has its own melody. The musical nature of nuclear matter from atoms to galaxies is now officially recognized by science.

In 1998, Glen Rhine, a doctor of quantum biology in New York, conducted an experiment with DNA. Four musical style, including Gregorian chants, which use the solfeggio scale, were converted to scalar wave and the sound played through a CD player. music containing in DNA. The effect of music was determined by measuring the absorption of DNA samples in ultrasonic radiation after an hour of music exposure.

Vibration is everything. And each vibration has its own frequency. By directing your mind and body to solfeggio frequencies, you can easily achieve a greater sense of balance and deep healing. Solfeggio frequencies align in you the rhythms and tones that form the basis of the universe.

The first three frequencies are associated with the subconscious (174-285-396 Hz) Effect: release from vibrations of fear, guilt and quantum initiation

285 Hz, the achievement of new thought or knowledge.

396Hz Emotional Ammo Release and Fear Release

417 Hz breaking the crystallization of emotional patrons, and transmutation

528 Hz Transformation and Miracle Healing at the DNA Level

528 Hz consciousness

639 Hz Commonality/relationship/relationships

639 Hz Violet flame

714 Hz Awakening Intuition

852Hz balance, pure love

963 Hz Solfeggio -Mirror

Activation of energies

PRACTICE: Global Love Intention - Alpha Binaural Beats - 528 Hz

1. Global Love Intention (Alpha binaural beats)

This is a beautiful relaxing Alpha track. The music was tuned to be in tune at 528 Hz.

The alpha frequency of the binaural beats is tuned to assist in the focus of love.

2. Love Signal 528 Hz (Alpha binaural beats 8 Hz)

Audio Healing Meditations with Music tuned to 528Hz vibrate tones of Love.

The Solfeggio frequency of 528 Hz is the frequency of DNA transformation and repair.

There is a special sound and color to love, according to Dr. Horowitz (graduated from Harvard and has an award-winning researcher).

Broadcasting on certain frequencies can help open your heart, suggest peaceful solutions to problems, and speed up healing.

"Now we know that 528 Hertz is one of the six fundamental creative frequencies of the universe, because the math doesn't lie, the geometries of physical reality universally reflect this music.

These results were obtained by him independently," says Dr. Horowitz.

Music & Video - Jandy

For a deeper meditative experience, it is better to use stereo headphones to stimulate the Alpha brainwaves.

Although this track is in the conventional scale, I have of-set the tuning up, so it will be harmonious with the C of 528 Hz. It is also rich, with the pure 528 Hz frequency; the love Hz.

Frequency 528, relates to the note MI on the scale and derives from the phrase "MI-ra gestorum" in Latin meaning "miracle." Stunningly, this is the exact frequency used by genetic biochemists to repair broken DNA - the genetic blueprint upon which life is based! MI - 528 Hz - relates to the crown chakra. Dr Puleo suggests an association with DNA integrity.

The regular "C" that we all know of in this culture (which is from the diatonic scale of do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do) is not the 528 Hz frequency "C.
A regular "C" vibrates at a frequency of 523.3 Hz.
The "C" of 528 Hz used for DNA repair is part of an ancient scale called the Solfeggio Scale.

MI - 528 Hz - related to the crown chakra; Dr. Puleo suggests an association with "DNA integrity" transformation and repair.................................-... ....................................

Binaural beats are a scientifically proven brain entrainment process that slowly started to gain recognition after an article called, Auditory Beats in the Brain, by Dr Gerald Oster, was published in the October 1973 edition of Scientific America.

Binaural beats in the Alpha, Theta and Delta range provide a continuous relaxed input and promote healthy rewiring through its audio neurological signal calculation. These new audio experiences in the brain trigger a burst of new connections between neurons. With repetition, these new neural pathways become fit, just like going to a gym, and it is the fittest connections in our brains that survive. The binaural beat process is faster, easier and more than just meditation. After several weeks of repeated listening the brain becomes more synchronized and starts to form permanent relaxed memories in both hemispheres.

These binaural frequencies have been used to assist lucid dreaming, altered states and out of body experiences. With extended use the pineal gland is activated and positive energy directed to the pre-frontal cortex, making binaural beats a truly powerful tool for developing higher consciousness.

The brain doesnt become dependent on binaural beats for relaxation. Over time, it actually becomes more resilient to stress. As this process continues to develop further, more binaural stimuli are received by the brain. With binaural entrainment, more traditional forms of meditation become easier to learn and implement without the many years of required practice as done by Buddhist Monks.

There are many websites and audio companies that provide various information both free and paid on how to use ancient music solfeggio. I don't think the ancients needed our modern manuals to benefit from the beauty and bliss of solfeggio music.
However, several useful tips, I’ll still give, and tell you what effect each frequency of solfeggio has on the body. In addition, you can listen to these frequencies on the website, or download them to your computer.

Use these simple tips as a starting point, listen to your body and create your own unique method how to use solfeggio frequencies. Don't limit yourself on how to use the music.

1 . You don't have to listen to the solfeggio tones in a specific order. After all, the Gregorian monks sang all the tones in harmony, not one after the other.

2. Headphones are not required, but they can help you increase exposure and focus. I recommend using good quality stereo headphones or speakers. Listen to music at medium or low volume.

3. Listen at least 3 times a week for 4-6 weeks. For maximum effect, it is better to listen daily. Of course, this does not mean that you have to listen 24/7. Just find your own comfortable schedule, such as morning, afternoon, evening, and don't try to listen to too much at one time.

4. Find a quiet and comfortable place to sit or lie down. There is no special "solfeggio position" and you can keep your eyes closed or open. You can even listen to frequencies in the background during your normal daily activities (excluding potentially hazardous activities such as driving, etc.).

5. While listening, you do not need to use any special affirmations. Just let the waves of solfeggio music wash over your mind, body and spirit. Let your mind be open, immerse yourself in the soothing sounds of solfeggio, and then return your attention to your surroundings.

What effect do solfeggio frequencies have?
(note the frozen water crystals (taken from the book) exposed to these 6 solfeggio frequencies).

Frequency - 396 Hz
Turning sadness into joy, releasing guilt and fear

This frequency releases energy and has beneficial effect to feelings of guilt and fear. Guilt is in your field and it's looking for ways to fuel it, and it will keep you stuck as long as you let it. This frequency clears guilt, which is often one of the biggest barriers to unlocking your full potential to achieve your goals. the best way. The 396Hz searches for hidden blockages, subconscious negative beliefs and ideas that have led to your current situation.

Frequency - 417 Hz
Cancel Situations and Facilitate Change

417 Hz produces energy that brings about change. This frequency clears traumatic experiences and the destructive influence of past events. Speaking of cellular processes, this frequency stimulates the cells and their functions in the most beneficial way. The frequency of 417 Hz connects you to an inexhaustible source of energy that allows you to change your life.

Frequency - 528 Hz
Transformation and miracles (DNA regeneration)

This frequency brings transformation and miracles into your life. They say that its sound is used to return human DNA to its original, ideal state. The process of DNA regeneration is accompanied by beneficial effects - the number of vital energy, clarity of mind, consciousness, awaken or activate creative abilities. This frequency also activates your imagination, intent and intuition to achieve your best and highest goals.

Harmonization of relations

This frequency can be used to solve relationship problems - within the family, between partners, friends, or social problems. When we are talking about cellular processes, the frequency of 639 Hz can be used to stimulate cells to interact with their environment. This ancient solfeggio frequency expands the possibilities of communication, mutual understanding, tolerance and love.

Problem solving, self-expression / consciousness expansion

The frequency of 741 Hz cleanses cells from toxins, viral, bacterial or fungal infections, as well as from electromagnetic radiation. Listening to it leads to healthy lifestyle life, as well as changes in diet - the transition to foods that are not poisoned by various kinds of toxins. This frequency of the solfeggio scale will give you the power of self-expression, and as a result, lead you to a bright, stable and spiritual life. Another application of this audio frequency- Solving problems of any kind.

Awakening of intuition, return of Spiritual Order

The frequency of 852 Hz is related to your ability to see through the illusions of life, such as the "double bottom" of people, places and things. This frequency can be used as a means to open a person's connection to the all-encompassing Spirit. It raises awareness and allows you to return to spiritual order.

Additional research by Dr. Leonard Horowitz has shown three more solfeggio frequencies:

Solfeggio frequency 963 Hz

The frequency of 963 Hz is associated with the flow of Light and allows you to directly experience the return to unity, to your true nature. It reconnects you to Spirit, or non-vibrational energies. spiritual world.

Solfeggio frequency 174 Hz

This frequency appears to be a natural pain reliever. It, as a rule, reduces physical and energy pains. The 174Hz frequency gives your organs a sense of security and love, motivating them to do their best.

Solfeggio frequency 285 Hz

This frequency is useful in the treatment of wounds, cuts, burns, or any other form of tissue damage. It helps to return the fabric to its original appearance. The frequency of 285 Hz affects the energy fields, sending them information to restore damaged organs. It also leaves your body, rejuvenating and energizing it.

Before the session After 20 minutes session

Look at these two photos.
That's what Solfeggio Frequencies does!

Ascension Frequencies

Solfeggio of Ascension Frequencies

  • Up to - 396 Hz freedom from guilt and fear
  • Re - 417 Hz
  • Mi - 528 Hz
  • Fa - 639 Hz Unity / Relationships
  • Salt - 741 Hz Awakening intuition
  • La - 852 Hz

174 Hz

285 Hz

396 Hz

417 Hz

528 Hz

639 Hz

741 Hz

852 Hz

963 Hz

The frequency of 963 Hz is associated with the flow of Light and allows you to directly experience the return to oneness, to your true nature. It reconnects you to Spirit, or the non-vibrational energies of the spirit world.

The mental system of the tuning fork - Binaural Beats.

Like a tuning fork, our brain has two forks (left and right hemisphere) and the space between them (the middle part of the brain smoothly turning into the dorsal staff: from the root up through the spheres to the crown - all the fabulous staffs of wizards are crowned with a wonderful stone of co-creation (adjna). I ask you not to confuse the Staff with the curved stick of the sorcerer, which is bent by a mountain over manipura or above anahata, without surpassing vishuddha). If each of the halves of the brain is acted upon through the ears with two different frequencies, then, like two forks of a tuning fork, they overlap each other and tune the middle with a difference (if the left fork emits 1000 Gy, and the right one - 1016 Gy, then the core of the tuning fork sounds at 16 Gy ), which balances the dichotomy, which causes the harmonization of the entire trinity at the middle frequency (in our example, 16 Gy). Scientists describe five basic brain wave frequencies.

If we force our brain to operate in gamma mode for too long, then nervous exhaustion and: madness ensues (either temporary or permanent - depends on the capabilities of each individual).

Binaural music is used to tune/re-tune our brain and to heal the brain from overwork.

This healing music must be heard with stereo headphones. It is important that the right was on the right ear, and the left on the left!

Some Australian comrades published the following result of the study: an encephalogram illustrating changes in the ratio of four brain waves (beta, alpha, theta, delta), where it can be seen that after 25 minutes of exposure to the brain with delta waves, the structure of brain waves is organized into a silhouette very closely corresponding to the silhouette of the Buddhist Stupas.

Thus, both Ascension Frequencies and binaural beats can be useful in healing or used by us for meditation practice. As with all devices, they are not recommended to be abused or become dependent on them. Like all devices, aids will help you as much as your potential can accept. (if you vibrate at the frequency of fear (or gamma), then by working with the delta frequency, you can improve your well-being, but not ascend to nirvana in 5 minutes).

Each time it is necessary to carry out a zeroing and start each practice as a doctor's appointment of a new patient, because your instrument, like everything else in matter, is constantly changing!

Many people know about the Singing Bowls of Tibet and that for thousands of years they have been used as a tuning fork for chakra tuning, mind and heart healing and meditative aid. The tuning system is simple and based on seven musical notes, each of which, like any electromagnetic wave, has its own wave and frequency.

Computerized humans invented electronic "tuning forks" to tune the chakra pillar and called it Solfeggio of Ascension Frequencies(by analogy with the octave of seven notes). The music of the Ascension Frequencies was rediscovered by Dr. Joseph Pouleo, who studied the ancient manuscripts of the Gregorian monks and discovered that their chants were powerful healers precisely because of the special arrangement of the six tones of solfeggio. Solfeggio starts from the base note (corresponding to muladhara), rising up to the supreme note (Ajna - the head of Kundalini).

The six solfeggio frequencies include:

  • Up to - 396 Hz freedom from guilt and fear
  • Re - 417 Hz Cancellation of situations and promotion of change
  • Mi - 528 Hz Transformation and Miracles (DNA repair)
  • Fa - 639 Hz Unity / Relationships
  • Salt - 741 Hz Awakening intuition
  • La - 852 Hz return to spiritual order.

For example, the third note, frequency 528, refers to the note Mi and comes from the word "MI-ra gestorum", which means "miracle" in Latin. Stunningly, these same frequencies are being used by genetic biochemists to "repair" the broken DNA of the genetic program on which life is based.

174 Hz

This frequency appears to be a natural pain reliever. It, as a rule, reduces physical and energy pains. The 174Hz frequency gives your organs a sense of security and love, motivating them to do their best.

285 Hz

This frequency is useful in the treatment of wounds, cuts, burns, or any other form of tissue damage.. It helps to return the fabric to its original appearance. The frequency of 285 Hz affects the energy fields, sending them information to restore damaged organs. It also leaves your body, rejuvenating and energizing it.

396 Hz

Turning sadness into joy, releasing guilt and fear

This frequency releases energy and has a beneficial effect on feelings of guilt and fear. Guilt is in your field and it's looking for ways to fuel it, and it will keep you stuck as long as you let it. This Do note clears guilt, which is often one of the biggest barriers to unlocking your full potential so you can achieve your goals in the best possible way. The 396Hz searches for hidden blockages, subconscious negative beliefs and ideas that have led to your current situation.

417 Hz

Cancel Situations and Facilitate Change

417 Hz produces energy that brings about change. This frequency clears traumatic experiences and the destructive influence of past events. Speaking of cellular processes, the note "Re" stimulates the cells and their functions in the most favorable way. The frequency of 417 Hz connects you to an inexhaustible source of energy that allows you to change your life.

528 Hz

Transformation and miracles, DNA regeneration

The 528 Hz frequency brings transformation and wonder into your life. It is said that the sound of the note "Mi" is used to return a person's DNA to its original, ideal state. The process of DNA regeneration is accompanied by beneficial effects - the amount of vital energy increases, the clarity of the mind, consciousness, creative abilities are awakened or activated. This frequency also activates your imagination, intent and intuition to achieve your best and highest goals.

639 Hz

Harmonization of relationships, disclosure of the Heart Center

This frequency can be used to solve relationship problems - within the family, between partners, friends, or social problems. When it comes to cellular processes, the frequency of 639 Hz can be used to stimulate cells to interact with their environment. This ancient solfeggio frequency expands the possibilities of communication, mutual understanding, tolerance and love.

741 Hz

Problem solving, self-expression/expansion of consciousness, healing

The frequency of 741 Hz cleanses cells from toxins, viral, bacterial or fungal infections, as well as from electromagnetic radiation. The note of "salt" leads to a healthy lifestyle, as well as changes in diet - switching to foods that are not poisoned by various kinds of toxins. The fifth frequency of the solfeggio scale will give you the power of self-expression, and as a result, lead you to a bright, stable and spiritual life. Another application of this sound frequency is solving problems of any nature.

852 Hz

Awakening of intuition, return of Spiritual Order

The frequency of 852 Hz is associated with your ability to see through the illusions of life, such as the "double bottom" of people, places and things. This frequency can be used as a means to open a person's connection to the all-encompassing Spirit. It raises awareness and allows you to return to spiritual order.

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