The study of art in elementary school. The Importance of Fine Arts Lessons in Remedial Schools


IN work program"FINE ARTS IN PRIMARY SCHOOL" presented explanatory note, which gives a general description of the subject in accordance with the new standard, indicates the basic principles of the EMC "School of Russia", defines the value orientations of the content of the subject, personal, meta-subject and subject results mastering the subject, the main content lines of the course "Fine Arts", as well as the content of the course "Fine Arts" (Grade 1).



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Working programm

fine arts in primary school

1-4 grade

EMC "School of Russia"

Plotnikova S.N.

FULL NAME. developer teacher




General characteristics of the subject

primary goal the training course "Fine Arts" - the formation of the artistic culture of students as an integral part of the spiritual culture, that is, the culture of world relations developed by generations. These values, as the highest values ​​of human civilization, should be a means of humanization, the formation of moral and aesthetic responsiveness to the beautiful and the ugly in life and art, that is, the vigilance of the child's soul.

Course Objectives:

Education of aesthetic feelings, interest in fine arts, enrichment of moral experience, readiness to express and defend one's position in art and through art;

Development of imagination, creativity, skills and abilities of cooperation in artistic activity;

Mastering the initial knowledge about the plastic arts, their role in human life;

Mastering elementary artistic literacy, gaining experience in various types of artistic activity and various materials.

The tasks of implementing the subject area are the development of abilities for artistic, figurative, emotional and value perception of works visual arts and the surrounding world, expression in creative works of their attitude to the surrounding world.

The work program is based on the program "Fine Arts and Artistic Work", developed under the guidance of folk artist Russia, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education B. M. Nemensky and an exemplary program in fine arts (Series "Standards of the second generation", leaders A. M. Kondakov, L. P. Kezina). The program assumes a holistic integrated course, which includes the arts: painting, graphics, sculpture, folk and decorative arts, and is built on the basis of domestic traditions of humane pedagogy. The goals of art education are to develop the emotional and moral potential of the child, to develop his soul by means of familiarization with artistic culture as a form of spiritual and moral search for mankind.

The program is based on the ideas and provisions of the Federal State educational standard elementary general education and the Concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of Russia, the main principles of the EMC "School of Russia":

  1. The principle of educating a citizenensures the implementation ideological basis GEF - Concepts of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of Russia, which formulated the modernnational educational ideal. This is a highly moral, creative, competent citizen of Russia, who accepts the fate of the Fatherland as his own, aware of the responsibility for the present and future of his country, strengthened in the spiritual and cultural traditions of the multinational people of the Russian Federation.
  2. The principle of value orientationsprovides for the selection of educational content and activities of younger students, aimed at the formation of a harmonious system of personal values ​​in the process of education and upbringing. At the heart of the formed system of values ​​arebasic national valuespresented in the Concept of Spiritual and Moral Development and Education of the Personality of a Russian Citizen.
  3. Learning principle in activity assumes that the achievement of the goals specified in the Standard and implemented in the EMC "School of Russia" is ensured, first of all, by the formationuniversal learning activities(UUD): personal, regulatory , cognitive , communicativewhich act as the basis of the educational and upbringing process.
  4. The principle of working for the resultmeans purposeful and consistent activity of teachers and learners to achieve personal, meta-subject and subject the results of mastering the main educational program of primary general education. To do this, the structure and content of textbooks includetask system,aimed at the inclusion of younger students in the active development of educational material in order to master the UUD and form the ability to independently successfully acquire new knowledge, skills and competencies, including the leading educational competence - the ability to learn.
  5. The principle of synthesis of traditions and innovationsmeans relying on the besttraditions of the national school in combination with innovative approachesthat ensure the development of education at the present stage of the life of the country.
    IN training courses educational system "School of Russia" widely and consistently apply such innovations as the formation of universal educational activities, organization project activities, work with various media, the creation of a portfolio of students, the final complex work and others, both of a general and substantive nature.
    Based on the development of the traditions of Russian art education and on the basis of modern understanding requirements for learning outcomes in the EMC "School of Russia" is built from
    complete subject line of textbooks "art» (the principle of relying on the personal experience of the child and expanding, enriching him with the development of culture is expressed in the structure of the construction of textbook material):


Construction of textbook material

Nemenskaya L.A. (under the editorship of Nemensky B.M.). Art. 1 class

Textbook for grade 1"Art. You depict, you decorate and build” reveals everyday actions and games as a potential expression of artistic activity that organizes the subject-spatial environment of our life, forms of communication and artistic observation of reality

Koroteeva E.I. (under the editorship of Nemensky B.M.). Art. 2 class

Textbook for grade 2"Art. You and Art" reveals the connection of feelings, emotional and moral experiences with their expression in art

3. Goryaeva N.A. (under the editorship of Nemensky B.M.). Art. 3 cells

Textbook for grade 3"Art. Art around us" shows the activity of the artist in organizing the subject-spatial environment in the house, on the street, at a holiday, in a theater and a museum, that is, in human environment life

Nemenskaya L.A. (under the editorship of Nemensky B.M.). Art. 4 cells

Textbook for grade 4"Art. Every nation is an artist" first introduces the originality of the national traditional artistic culture, and then - with the originality of ideas about the beauty of the peoples of the world

In accordance with the requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program of primary general education, textbooks for grades 1-4 in fine arts are aimed at achieving personal, meta-subject and subject results by students.

The course is designed asan integral system of introduction to artistic cultureand includes on a single basis the study of all the main types of spatial (plastic) arts: fine arts - painting, graphics, sculpture; constructive - architecture, design; various types of decorative applied arts, folk art - traditional peasant and folk crafts, as well as understanding the role of the artist in synthetic (screen) arts - the art of books, theater, cinema, etc. They are studied in the context of interaction with other arts, as well as in the context of specific connections with the life of society and the individual.

The systematizing method isidentification of three main types of artistic activityfor visual spatial arts:

- visual art activity;

Decorative artistic activity;

Constructive artistic activity.

Three ways of artistic assimilation of reality - pictorial, decorative and constructive - in elementary school act for children as well-understood, interesting and accessible types of artistic activity: image, decoration, construction. The constant practical participation of schoolchildren in these three activities allows them to systematically introduce them to the world of art.

These three types of artistic activity are the basis for dividing the visual-spatial arts into types: fine arts, constructive arts, decorative and applied arts. At the same time, each of the three types of activity is present in the creation of any work of art and therefore is the basis for integrating the whole variety of art forms into single system, divided not according to the principle of listing the types of art, but according to the principle of highlighting one or another type of artistic activity. Isolation of the principle of artistic activity focuses not only on the work of art, but also onhuman activity, on revealing his connections with art in the process of daily life.

It must be borne in mind that in elementary school three types of artistic activity are presented in a playful way as Brothers-Masters of Image, Decoration and Buildings. They help in the beginning to structurally divide, and therefore, to understand the activity of arts in the surrounding life, to realize art more deeply.

Thematic integrity and sequence of course development help to ensure transparent emotional contacts with art at every stage of learning. The child rises year after year, lesson after lesson, on the steps of cognition of personal connections with the whole world of artistic and emotional culture.

The subject "Fine Arts" involves the co-creation of a teacher and a student; dialogue; clarity of tasks and variability of their solution; mastering the traditions of artistic culture and improvisational search for personally significant meanings.

Main types of learning activities- practical artistic and creative activity of the student and the perception of the beauty of the world and works of art.

Practical artistic and creative activity(the child acts as an artist) andart perception activity(the child acts as a spectator, mastering the experience of artistic culture) are creative in nature. Students master various art materials (gouache and watercolor, pencils, crayons, charcoal, pastels, plasticine, clay, various types of paper, fabrics, natural materials), tools (brushes, stacks, scissors, etc.), as well as artistic techniques (application, collage, monotype, modeling, paper plastic, etc.).

One of the tasks is constant change of art materials,mastering their expressive abilities.Variety of activitiesstimulates the interest of students in the subject, the study of art and is a necessary condition for the formation of the personality of each.

Perception of works of artinvolves the development of special skills, the development of feelings, as well as the mastery figurative language art. Only in the unity of the perception of works of art and one's own creative practical work does the formation of a figurative artistic thinking children.

A special type of activity of students is the implementation creative projects and presentations. This requires working with dictionaries, searching for a variety of artistic information on the Internet.

Development of artistic and figurative thinkingstudents is built on the unity of its two foundations:development of observation, i.e. the ability to peer into the phenomena of life, andfantasy development, i.e., the ability to build an artistic image on the basis of developed observation, expressing one's attitude to reality.

Observation and experience of the surrounding reality, as well as the ability to realize one's own experiences, one's inner world are important conditions for children to master the course material. ultimate target - spiritual personal development, that is, the formation in the child of the ability to independently see the world, to think about it, to express one's attitude on the basis of mastering the experience of artistic culture.

Perception of works of art and practical creative tasks subordinated to a common task, create conditions for a deep understanding and experience of each proposed topic. Appropriate music and poetry also contribute to this, helping children perceive and create a given image in the classroom.

The program "Fine Arts" provides for the alternation of lessonsindividualpractical creativity of students and lessons

Collective forms of work can be different: work in groups; individual-collective work, when everyone performs his part for a common panel or building. Joint creative activity teaches children to negotiate, set and decide general tasks, understand each other, treat the work of a friend with respect and interest, and the overall positive result gives an incentive for further creativity and self-confidence. Most often, such work is a summing up of some big topic and the possibility of a more complete and multifaceted disclosure of it, when the efforts of everyone, put together, give a bright and holistic picture.

The artistic activity of schoolchildren in the classroom finds various forms of expression: the image on the plane and in volume (from nature, from memory, from imagination); decorative and constructive work; perception of the phenomena of reality and works of art; discussion of the work of comrades, the results of collective creativity and individual work in the classroom; study of artistic heritage; selection of illustrative material for the topics studied; listening to music and literary works(folk, classical, modern).

Artistic knowledge, skills and abilities are the main means of introduction to artistic culture. Facilities artistic expressiveness- form, proportions, space, light tone, color, line, volume, material texture, rhythm, composition - are mastered by students throughout the course of education.

The lessons introduce game dramaturgy on the topic being studied, links with music, literature, history, and labor are traced.

The systematic development of the artistic heritage helps to realize art as a spiritual chronicle of mankind, as an expression of a person's attitude to nature, society, and the search for truth. Throughout the course, students are introduced to outstanding works architecture, sculpture, painting, graphics, arts and crafts, studying classical and folk art different countries and epochs. Knowledge of the artistic culture of one's people is of great importance.

Discussion of children's workin terms of their content, expressiveness, originality, it activates the attention of children, forms the experience of creative communication.

periodic organization of exhibitionsgives children the opportunity to see and evaluate their work again, to feel the joy of success. The work of students completed in the classroom can be used as gifts for relatives and friends, can be used in the design of the school.

The place of the subject in the curriculum

The Visual Arts curriculum is designed for grades 1-4 in elementary school.

1 hour per week is allotted for the study of the subject, in total for the course - 135 hours.

The subject is studied: in grade 1 - 33 hours per year, in grades 2-4 - 34 hours per year (with 1 hour per week).

Value orientations of the content of the subject

The priority goal of art education at school isspiritual and moral developmentchild, i.e., the formation of his emotional-value, aesthetic perception of the world, qualities that meet the ideas of true humanity, kindness and cultural usefulness in the perception of the world.

The cultural-creating role of the program also consists in educatingcitizenship and patriotism. First of all, the child comprehends the art of his homeland, and then gets acquainted with the art of other peoples.

The program is based on the principle “from the native threshold to the world of universal culture”. Russia is part of a diverse and whole world. The child opens step by stepcultural diversity different peoples and value ties that unite all the people of the planet. Nature and life are the basis of the formed world relation.

Links between art and human life, the role of art in its daily existence, in the life of society, the importance of art in the development of each child - the main semantic core of the course.

The program is designed to give students a clear understanding of the system of interaction between art and life. It is envisaged to draw on the life experience of children, examples from surrounding reality. Work based on observation and aesthetic experience of the surrounding reality is an important condition for children to master the program material. The desire to express one's attitude to reality should serve as a source of development of figurative thinking.

One of the main objectives of the course is the development of the childinterest in the inner world of man, the ability to deepen oneself, to realize one's inner experiences. This is the key to developmentempathy abilitiesI through fairy tales, parables, situations from life, literary and musical series.

Any topic on art should not only be studied, but lived through, i.e. passed through the feelings of the student, and this is possible only in an active form, in the form of a personal creative experience.Only then, knowledge and skills in art become personally significant, associated with real life and emotionally colored, the development of the child's personality takes place, his value attitude to the world is formed.

The special nature of artistic information cannot be adequately conveyed in words. Emotional-valuable, sensual experience expressed in art can only be comprehended through one's own experience -living the artistic imagein the form of artistic actions. For this, it is necessary to master the artistic-figurative language, the means of artistic expression. A developed ability for emotional assimilation is the basis of aesthetic responsiveness. This is the special strength and originality of art: its content must be appropriated by the child as his own sensory experience.On this basis, the development of feelings, the development of the artistic experience of generations and the emotional and value criteria of life take place.

Personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering a subject

As a result of studying the course "Fine Arts" in elementary school, certain results should be achieved.

Personal Outcomesare reflected in the individual qualitative properties of students, which they must acquire in the process of mastering the subject under the program "Fine Arts":

  • a sense of pride in the culture and art of the Motherland, its people;
  • respect for the culture and art of other peoples of our country and the world as a whole;
  • understanding of the special role of culture and art in the life of society and each individual;
  • the formation of aesthetic feelings, artistic and creative thinking, observation and fantasy;
  • the formation of aesthetic needs - the needs for communication with art, nature, the needs for a creative attitude to the world, the needs for independent practical creative activity;
  • development of skills:
  • mastering the skills of collective activityin a joint creative work in a team of classmates under the guidance of a teacher;
  • cooperationwith friends in the process joint activities, correlate your part of the work with the general idea;
  • the ability to discuss and analyze one's own artistic activity and the work of classmates from the standpoint of creative tasks given topic, in terms of content and means of its expression.

Metasubject Resultscharacterize the level

the formation of the universal abilities of students, manifested in cognitive and practical creative activity:

  • mastering the skill of creative vision from the standpoint of the artist, i.e. the ability to compare, analyze, highlight the main thing, generalize;
  • mastering the ability to conduct a dialogue, distribute functions and roles in the process of performing collective creative work;
  • use of funds information technologies to solve various educational and creative tasks in the process of searching for additional pictorial material, implementation of creative projects of individual exercises in painting, drawing, modeling, etc.;
  • the ability to plan and competently carry out educational activities in accordance with the task, to find options for solving various artistic and creative tasks;
  • the ability to rationally build self-reliance creative activity, the ability to organize a place of employment;
  • a conscious desire to master new knowledge and skills, to achieve higher and more original creative results.

Subject Resultscharacterize the experience of students in artistic and creative activities, which is acquired and consolidated in the process of mastering the subject:

  • knowledge of the types of artistic activity: visual (painting, graphics, sculpture), constructive (design and architecture), decorative (folk and applied arts);
  • knowledge of the main types and genres of spatial visual arts;
  • understanding the figurative nature of art;
  • aesthetic assessment of natural phenomena, events of the surrounding world;
  • application of artistic skills, knowledge and ideas in the process of performing artistic and creative work;
  • the ability to recognize, perceive, describe and emotionally evaluate several great works of Russian and world art;
  • the ability to discuss and analyze works of art, expressing judgments about the content, plots and means of expression Oh;
  • assimilation of the names of the leading art museums in Russia and art museums in their region;
  • the ability to see manifestations of visual-spatial arts in the surrounding life: in the house, on the street, in the theater, at a holiday;
  • the ability to use various artistic materials and artistic techniques in artistic and creative activities;
  • the ability to convey character in artistic and creative activity, emotional states and their attitude to nature, man, society;
  • the ability to arrange on the plane of the sheet and in volume the conceived artistic image;
  • mastering the skills to apply in artistic and creative activities the basics of color science, the basics of graphic literacy;
  • mastering the skills of modeling from paper, modeling from plasticine, image skills by means of appliqué and collage;
  • the ability to characterize and aesthetically evaluate the diversity and beauty of nature in various regions of our country;
  • reasoning skillsabout the diversity of ideas about beauty among the peoples of the world, the ability of a person in a variety of natural conditions to create their own original artistic culture;
  • depiction in creative works of the features of the artistic culture of different (familiar from the lessons) peoples, the transfer of features of their understanding of the beauty of nature, man, folk traditions;
  • the ability to recognize and name which artistic cultures the proposed (familiar from the lessons) works of fine art and traditional culture belong to;
  • the ability to aesthetically, emotionally perceive the beauty of cities that have preserved their historical appearance - witnesses of our history;
  • ability to explainthe importance of monuments and the architectural environment of ancient architecture for modern society;
  • expression in the visual activity of one's attitude to the architectural and historical ensembles of ancient Russian cities;
  • ability to give examplesworks of art expressing the beauty of wisdom and rich spiritual life, the beauty of the inner world of man.

The main content lines of the course "Fine Arts" grades 1-4 (135 hours)

The training material is presented in four blocks:

"Types of artistic activity"(reflects the content of the educational material):

Perception of works of art (artistic image - H.o.);

Drawing (graphics, materials, means of expression, working methods - G );

Painting (materials, color basics, expressive means - C);

Sculpture (materials, methods of work, means - WITH );

Artistic design and design (a variety of materials, methods of work, modeling and design in human life, here architecture is A );

Decorative and applied arts (origins, synthetic nature of folk culture, fairy-tale images and the image of a person, folk crafts of Russia - DPI);

"The ABC of Art"(gives toolkit):

Composition (elementary techniques, compositional center, main and secondary, symmetry and asymmetry, rhythm, transmission of movement in the composition - TO );

Color (color - primary and secondary colors, warm and cold, color mixing, emotions and color), drawing (line, stroke, spot, tone, emotionality of lines) - C;

Form (a variety of forms of the objective world, geometric forms, natural, the influence of form on the nature of the image, silhouette, proportions - f);

Volume (in space and on a plane, ways of conveying volume, expressiveness of volumetric compositions, perspective - the horizon line, basic laws - P);

"Meaningful Arts"(outlines the spiritual, moral, emotional and value orientation of the subject of assignments):

Earth is our common home (observation of nature, landscape, buildings in nature, perception of works of art, vibrant cultures of the world, the role of nature in the nature of cultural traditions - Z );

My homeland is Russia (the nature and culture of Russia, the unity of the decorative system in decorating a home, household items, costume, the beauty of a person, the image of a defender of the Fatherland - R );

Man and human relationships (image of man in different cultures, portrait, images that awaken the best human feelings, evil feelings, themes of love, friendship, family - H );

Art gives people beauty (types of art, art materials and means of expression, role in human life, still life, artistic design - AND );

"Experience in artistic and creative activity"(contains the types and conditions of activities where artistic and creative experience is acquired):

Ability to learn - (organize workplace, plan the time of work, bring the work to the result, restrain emotions, reckon with others, sum up the work);

Participation in various types of fine, decorative, design activities;

Mastering the basics of drawing, painting, sculpture, DPI;

Mastering the basics of artistic literacy;

The choice and use of expressive means for the realization of one's own idea (creative idea - Tz ), various artistic techniques and materials;

Transfer of mood with the help of color, tone, composition, space, line, stroke, spot, volume, texture of the material;

Discussion and expression of one's attitude to the work

1 class

Grade 2

3rd grade

4th grade





You are portraying. Acquaintancewith Image Master

Images are all around us.

The Image Master teaches you to see.

You can depict a spot.

You can depict in volume.

It can be shown as a line.

Multicolored paints.

You can depict what is invisible.

Artists and viewers (generalization of the topic).

What and how artists work

The three main colors are red, blue and yellow.

Five colors - all the richness of color and tone.

Pastel and colored crayons, watercolor, their expressive possibilities.

Expressive applications.

Expressive possibilities of graphic materials.

Expressiveness of materials for work in volume.

The expressive power of paper.

For the artist, any material can become expressive (generalization of the topic).

Art in your home

Your toys were designed by an artist.

Dishes at home.

Mother's scarf.

Wallpaper and curtains in your home.

Your books.

Greeting card.

What the artist did in our house (generalization of the topic).

Origins of native art

Landscape of native land.

Harmony of housing with nature. The village is a wooden world.

The image of human beauty.

Folk holidays (generalization of the topic).

You decorate. Acquaintance with the Master of Decoration

The world is full of decorations.

Beauty must be seen.

Patterns created by people.

How a person decorates himself.

Master of Decoration helps to make a holiday (generalization of the theme).

Reality and fantasy

Image and reality.

Image and fantasy.

Decoration and reality.

Decoration and fantasy.

Construction and reality.

Building and fantasy.

Brothers-Masters Images, decorations and Buildings always work together (a generalization of the theme).

Art in the streets of yours


Monuments of architecture - the legacy of centuries.

Parks, squares, boulevards.

Openwork fences.

Lanterns on the streets and in parks.

Shop windows.

Transport in the city.

What did the artist do on the streets of my city (village) (generalization of the topic).

Ancient cities of our Earth

Ancient Russian city-fortress.

Ancient cathedrals.

The ancient city and its inhabitants.

Ancient Russian warriors-defenders.

Cities of the Russian land.

Pattern of towers.

Festive feast in the chambers (generalization of the topic).

You are building. Getting to know the Builder

buildings in our lives.

Houses are different.

Houses built by nature.

House outside and inside.

We are building a city.

Everything has its own structure.

We build things.

The city in which we live (generalization of the topic).

What art says

An expression of the nature of the depicted animals.

Expression of a person's character in an image: a male image.

The expression of a person's character in the image: the female image.

The image of a person and his character, expressed in volume.

Image of nature in various states.

Expression of a person's character through jewelry.

Expressing intentions through decoration.

In the image, decoration, construction, a person expresses his feelings, thoughts, mood, his attitude to the world (generalization of the topic).

The artist and the spectacle

Circus artist.

Theater artist.


Puppet Theatre.

Poster and poster.

Holiday in the city.

School holiday-carnival (generalization of the topic).

Every nation is an artist

A country rising sun. The image of the artistic culture of Japan.

Art of the peoples of the mountains and steppes.

The image of the artistic culture of Central Asia.

The image of the artistic culture of Ancient Greece.

The image of the artistic culture of medieval Western Europe.

Manifold artistic cultures in the world (generalization of the topic).

Image, decoration, building always help each other

The Three Master Brothers always work together.

"Dreamland". Creation of a panel.

"Spring Festival". Paper construction.

A lesson in love. The ability to see.

Hello summer! (generalization of the topic).

As art says

Color as a means of expression. Warm and cold colors. The struggle between warm and cold.

Color as a means of expression: quiet (deaf) and sonorous colors.

Line as a means of expression: the rhythm of lines.

Line as a means of expression: the nature of lines.

The rhythm of spots as a means of expression.

Proportions express character.

The rhythm of lines and spots, color, proportions are means of expression.

General lesson of the year.

Artist and museum

Museums in the life of the city.

Art. Landscape painting.

Portrait painting.

Still life painting.

Paintings historical and domestic.

Sculpture in the museum and on the street.

Art exhibition (generalization of the topic).

Art unites nations

All peoples sing of motherhood.

All peoples sing the wisdom of old age.

Empathy is a great theme of art.

Heroes, fighters and defenders.

Youth and hope.

Art of the peoples of the world (generalization of the topic).

Theme of the year: You paint, decorate and build

Three types of artistic activity (graphic, decorative, constructive), which determine the whole variety of visual spatial arts, are the basis for understanding the unity of the world of these visual arts. A playful, figurative form of familiarization with art: three Brothers-Masters - the Master of the Image, the Master of Decoration and the Master of Construction. To be able to see in the surrounding life the work of this or that Brother-Master - interesting game with which begins the knowledge of the relationship of art with life. Primary development of artistic materials and techniques.

Section 1. You portray. Introduction to the Image Master (8 hours)

Image Master teaches to see and depict. Primary experience of working with art materials, aesthetic assessment of their expressive possibilities.

Spot, volume, line, color - the main means of the image.

Mastering the primary skills of drawing on a plane with the help of lines, spots, colors. Mastering the primary skills of the image in volume.

Images are all around us

Images in human life. Depicting the world, we learn to see and understand it. Development of observation and analytical capabilities of the eye. Formation of a poetic vision of the world.

Subject "Fine Arts". What will we learn in art classes? The art room is an art workshop. Exhibition of children's works and the first experience of their discussion.

Acquaintance with the Image Master.

Image Master teaches to see

The beauty and diversity of the natural world.

The development of observation. Aesthetic perception of the details of nature.

Introduction to the concept of form. Comparison of the shape of various leaves and the identification of its geometric basis. Using this experience in the image of trees of different shapes.

Comparison of the proportions of parts in composite, complex forms (for example, what simple forms the body consists of in different animals).

You can depict a spot

Development of the ability of a holistic generalized vision.

A spot as a way of depicting on a plane. The image on the plane. The role of imagination and fantasy in the image based on the spot.

A shadow is an example of a spot that helps to see a generalized image of a form.

Metaphorical image of a spot in real life(moss on a stone, scree on a wall, patterns on marble in the subway, etc.).

An image based on a spot in illustrations by famous artists (T. Mavrina, E. Charushin, V. Lebedev, M. Miturich, etc.) for children's books about animals.

Can be depicted in volume

Volumetric images.

The difference between an image in space and an image on a plane. Volume, image in three-dimensional space.

Expressive, that is, figurative (similar to someone), three-dimensional objects in nature (stumps, stones, driftwood, snowdrifts, etc.). The development of observation and fantasy in the perception of three-dimensional form.

Form integrity.

How to work with plasticine. Modeling: from creating a large form to working out the details. Transformation (change) of a lump of plasticine by means of pulling and pressing.

Modeling of birds and animals.

Can be shown as a line

Familiarization with the concepts of "line" and "plane".

Lines in nature.

Linear images on a plane.

Narrative possibilities of the line (the line is the narrator).

multicolored paints

Introduction to color. Gouache paints.

Gouache skills.

Workplace organization.

Color. Emotional and associative sounding of color (what does the color of each paint resemble?).

Color test. Rhythmic filling of the sheet (creating a colorful rug).

You can depict what is invisible (mood)

Expression of mood in the image.

You can show not only object world, but also the world of our feelings ( invisible world). Emotional and associative sounding of color. What mood do different colors evoke?

How to depict joy and sadness? (Depicting with color and rhythm can be pointless.)

Artists and viewers (generalization of the topic)

Artists and spectators. Initial experience artistic creativity and art experience. Perception of children's visual activity.

Learning to be artists, learning to be spectators. The final exhibition of children's works on the topic. The initial formation of the skills of perception and evaluation of one's own artistic activity, as well as the activities of classmates.

Initial formation of skills of perception of an easel painting.

Introduction to the concept of "work of art". Painting. Sculpture. Color and paint in the paintings of artists.

Art Museum.

Section 2. You decorate. Acquaintance with the Master of Decoration (8 hours)

Jewelry in nature. Beauty must be seen.People rejoice in beauty and decorate the world around them.Master of Jewelry teaches to admire beauty.

Fundamentals of understanding the role of decorative art in human life. The Master of Decoration is a master of communication, he organizes the communication of people, helping them to visually identify their roles.

Primary experience in mastering art materials and techniques (application, paper-plastic, collage, monotype). Primary experience of collective activity.

The world is full of decorations

Decorations in the surrounding reality. Variety of decorations (decor). People rejoice in beauty and decorate the world around them.

Acquaintance with the Master of Decoration. The Master of Jewelry teaches to admire beauty, to develop observation skills; it helps to make life more beautiful; he learns from nature.

Flowers are the decoration of the Earth. Flowers adorn all our holidays, all the events of our life. A variety of colors, their shapes, coloring, patterned details.

Beauty must be seen

The development of observation. Experience aesthetic impressions of the beauty of nature.

The Master of Decoration learns from nature and helps us to see its beauty. Bright and discreet, quiet and unexpected beauty in nature.

The variety and beauty of shapes, patterns, colors and textures in nature.

Acquaintance with new possibilities of art materials and new techniques. Development of painting and color skills.

Symmetry, repetition, rhythm, free fantasy pattern. Acquaintance with the technique of monotype (imprint of a colorful spot).

Graphic materials, fantasy graphic pattern (on butterfly wings, fish scales, etc.).

The expressiveness of the texture.

Spot to line ratio.

Volume application, collage, simple tricks paper plastics.

Suggested quest plots: "Patterns on the wings of butterflies", "Beautiful fish", "Ornaments of birds".

Patterns that people have created

The beauty of patterns (ornaments) created by man. A variety of ornaments and their application in the subject environment of a person.

The Master of Decoration is a master of communication, he organizes the communication of people, helping them to visually identify their roles.

natural and pictorial motifs in ornament.

Figurative and emotional impressions from ornaments.

Where can you find ornaments? What do they decorate?

How does a person decorate himself?

A person's jewelry tells about their owner.

What can jewelry say? What jewelry do different people have?

When and why do people decorate themselves?

Jewelry can tell others who you are, what your intentions are.

Master of Decoration helps to make a holiday (generalization of the topic)

Without holiday decorations, there is no holiday. Preparing for the New Year.

Traditional new Year decoration. Christmas garlands, Christmas decorations. Decorations for the New Year's carnival.

New paper skills and generalization of the material of the whole topic.

Section 3. You build. Introduction to the Builder (11 hours)

Primary ideas about constructive artistic activity and its role in human life. Artistic image in architecture and design.

The Master of Construction is the personification of constructive artistic activity.The ability to see the design of the shape of an object underlies the ability to draw. different types buildings. Primary skills to see the design, i.e., the construction of an object.

Primary experience in art materials and design techniques. Primary experience teamwork.

Buildings in our life

An introduction to architecture and design. Buildings in the life around us.

Buildings made by man. They build not only houses, but also things, creating the necessary shape for them - comfortable and beautiful.

Acquaintance with the Builder, who helps to come up with how different houses or things will look like, for whom to build them and from what materials.

Houses are different

Variety of architectural structures and their purpose.

Ratio appearance building and its purpose. What are the parts of a house? Components (elements) of the house (walls, roof, foundation, doors, windows, etc.) and a variety of their forms.

Houses built by nature

Natural buildings and structures.

Variety of natural structures (pods, nuts, shells, minks, nests, honeycombs, etc.), their shapes and designs.

The Master of Construction learns from nature, comprehending the forms and constructions of natural houses.

The ratio of forms and their proportions.

House outside and inside

The relationship and relationship between the appearance and internal structure of the house.

Purpose of the house and its appearance.

The internal structure of the house, its content. Beauty and comfort at home.

Building a city

Construction of a game city.

The Build Master helps to design the city. Architecture. Architect. City planning. The activity of the artist-architect.

The role of constructive fantasy and observation in the work of an architect.

Techniques of work in the technique of paper plastics. Creation of a collective layout.

Everything has its structure

The structure of the object.

The formation of primary skills to see the design of an object, that is, how it is built.

Any image is an interaction of several simple geometric shapes.

Building things

Construction of household items.

The development of primary ideas about the constructive arrangement of household items.

Development of constructive thinking and paper building skills.

Introduction to the designer's work: The Builder comes up with a shape for household items. The Master of Decoration in accordance with this form helps to decorate things. How do our things become beautiful and comfortable?

The city we live in (generalization of the topic)

Creation of the image of the city.

walk along hometown or village in order to observe real buildings: consideration of the street from the position of the work of the Master of Construction.

Analysis of the form of houses, their elements, details in connection with their purpose. Variety of city buildings. Small architectural forms, trees in the city.

Creating an image of the city (collective creative work or individual work).

Initial skills of collective work on a panel (distribution of duties, combination of parts or elements of an image into a single composition). Discussion of work.

Section 4. Image, decoration, building always help each other (5 hours)

The common beginnings of all spatial visual arts are spot, line, color in space and on a plane. Various uses in different types of art these elements of language.

Image, decoration and construction are different sides of the artist's work and are present in any work that he creates.

Observation of nature and natural objects.Aesthetic perception of nature.Artistic and figurative vision of the surrounding world.

Skills collective creative activity.

Three Master Brothers always work together

Interaction of three types of artistic activity.

Three types of artistic activity are involved in the process of creating practical work and in the analysis of works of art.

Three types of artistic activity (three Brother-Masters) as stages, the sequence of creating a work. The three Master Brothers are inseparable. They constantly help each other, but each Master has his own work, his own purpose (his own social function).

In a specific work, one of the Masters is always the main one, he determines the purpose of the work, i.e., that it is an image, decoration or building.

Exhibition of the best work of students. Exhibition discussion.

"Dreamland". Creating a panel

Creation of a collective panel.

Image of a fairy world. Masters help to see the world of a fairy tale and recreate it.

Teamwork with the participation of all students in the class.

The expressiveness of the placement of elements of the collective panel.

"Spring Festival". paper construction

Paper construction of objects of nature.

The development of observation and the study of natural forms. Spring events in nature (arrival of birds, awakening of bugs, dragonflies, insects, etc.).

Paper construction of objects of nature (birds, ladybugs, beetles, dragonflies, butterflies) and decorate them.

A lesson in love. The ability to see

Perception of the beauty of nature.

Excursion to nature. Observation of wildlife from the point of view of the three Masters.

View slides and photos with expressive details spring nature(branches with blossoming buds, flowering catkins, blades of grass, snowdrops, tree trunks, insects).

Repetition of the theme "Masters of Image, Decoration and Building learn from nature." Brothers-Masters help to consider the objects of nature: construction (how it is built), decor (how it is decorated).

Hello summer! (generalization of the topic)

The beauty of nature delights people, artists sing about it in their works.

The image of summer in creativity Russian artists. Painting and sculpture. Reproduction.

The ability to see. Development of visual skills.

Creation of a composition based on the impressions of summer nature.

Nature is a book of wisdom. The landscape helps to read this book, to master the precious wealth contained in it. He depicts nature in its individual manifestations and therefore can gradually reveal its innermost meaning. Nature teaches and educates us directly, daily and deeply.



Related article:

"The Importance of Landscape Painting in Fine Arts Classes in Elementary School."

Creativity itself is necessary condition existence

person and everything that goes beyond the routine and in what

at least an iota of new is concluded, it owes its own

the origin of the human creative process.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

Society's need for a new type of personality - creatively active and free-thinking - will undoubtedly increase as the socio-economic and cultural conditions of life improve. The implementation of this direction in education requires an appeal to new pedagogical systems in which each academic subject will perform a general developing cultural function. The systematic development of the artistic heritage helps to understand art as a spiritual chronicle of mankind, as an expression of a person's attitude to nature, society, and the search for truth.

Fine art is one of the favorite activities of children. This work requires artistic ability, knowledge and skills in the field of visual literacy, decorative arts, design, a large supply of visual images and impressions, creative imagination are needed. One of the very important issues child psychology and pedagogy is a question about the creativity of children, its development and the importance of creative work for general development child.

Creativity opens in the child's soul those innermost corners in which the sources of good feelings lie dormant. Helping the child to feel the beauty of the world around him, the teacher imperceptibly touches these corners.

Nature is what nourishes and inspires a person, gives strength and soothes. “Forests teach a person to understand beauty,” said A.P. Chekhov.

Great educational and educational value has landscape painting at the school, which introduces students to native nature. Equally important is teaching children drawing and painting from life and from imagination. These classes are held in close communion with nature. They bring up patriotism, help to deeply understand the patterns of nature, and also form a materialistic worldview, develop creative thinking.

The landscape is always a special mood, a unique state of nature: whether it is snowing, whether the sun is shining, whether it is raining. The task of the artist is to feel this mood and transfer it to his sheet of paper. After all, painting literally means “living writing”. It reflects the inner world of the artist, and allows us to look at this world with different eyes - the eyes of a child. “It's never too late to plant a tree: you may not get the fruits, but the joy of life begins with the opening of the first bud of the planted plant,” wrote K. Paustovsky.

Nature is a book of wisdom. The landscape helps to read this book, to master the precious wealth contained in it. He depicts nature in its individual manifestations and therefore can gradually reveal its innermost meaning. Nature teaches and educates us directly, daily and deeply.

That is why the relevance of landscape painting in fine arts lessons lies in the possibility of forming a positive, emotional and sensory perception of reality in children of primary school age through creativity.


  1. Ignatiev E.I., Psychology of visual activity of children, M., UCHPEDGIZ, 1961, 225C.
  1. Sokolnikova N.M., Visual art and methods of its teaching in elementary school, tutorial for students of higher pedagogical institutions, 2nd ed., M., Academy, 2002, 368s.
  1. Sokolnikova N.M., Programs of the integrated course "Art", M., Education, 1998.

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Visual arts in elementary school

1. The purpose and objectives of fine arts as a subject in primary school

The subject "Fine Arts" plays a significant role in the system of general secondary education. It is designed to solve specific problems related to the transfer of fundamental values ​​developed by mankind, with the aim of emotional, spiritual, aesthetic and moral development of the individual, the formation of its creativity.

Due to this fine art of students in conjunction with other forms of artistic activity is an essential factor in identifying and asserting the individuality of the student, his abilities, leading to self-identification and the development of his own view of the world. On this basis, students learn to creatively transform the surrounding reality and the world of their own personality.

In the educational process, the subject "Fine Arts" is distinguished by the dominance of artistic and creative activity. In the process of studying fine arts, such areas of the student's individuality are actively developing, such as creative thinking, fantasy, imagination, emotional sphere, mental activity, intuition, etc.

Based on the specifics of the subject, the main goal of education in the field of fine arts is the formation of the artistic, aesthetic, spiritual and moral culture of the student as a culture of value attitude to the world, the development of his creative potential as a factor in the creative development and transformation of the world.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks are set:

Students' comprehension of the cultural experience of mankind through the artistic and figurative system of domestic and world art;

Development of ideas about national identity native culture;

Spiritual and moral enrichment of students in the process of artistic and aesthetic development of the surrounding reality and perception of artistic heritage;

Formation of understanding of art as a form of artistic and figurative understanding of the world;

Development of the sensory-emotional sphere of students;

Creation of conditions for the development of creative potential and artistic abilities of students on the basis of visual activity;

Acquaintance with theoretical knowledge, language and system of expressive means of fine arts;

Formation of practical skills of work in various types of artistic activity;

Formation of a sustainable interest in fine arts, the ability to comprehend its specific features.

2. Requirements for the content and methods of teaching

The main requirements for the content and methods of teaching fine arts at school are based on the following principles:

The organic combination and unity of the educational process: moral, spiritual, aesthetic and artistic education should be carried out in conjunction with the systematic assimilation of artistic knowledge by students and the development of practical skills in artistic activity;

Mastering visual skills and techniques by students, which is not an end in itself, but a means or tool for artistic knowledge and creating an artistic image;

Taking into account the age characteristics of students, a combination of individual and collective forms of work;

Formation of ideas about fine arts, its types and genres, concepts and terms, mastery of techniques and materials, figurative system;

Formation of core ideas about the fine arts, which takes place in conjunction with all types of artistic activity: aesthetic exploration of the surrounding world, perception of art, theoretical knowledge, creative and practical activities;

The use of a variety of types of work and art materials;

Relationships different types arts (poly-artistic) - fine arts, music, literature, cinema, etc., with the help of which an associative-figurative atmosphere is created, which is necessary for the optimal development of students' artistic thinking. For this purpose, the lesson certain time is given to viewing reproductions, listening to music, literary works, viewing fragments

fine arts educational elementary

3. Structure of the program and types of classes

The backbone of the program and its semantic core is the differentiation of the entire educational material into three content components that cover the entire program from grades I to grades 4. These include:

- "Aesthetic perception of reality";

- "Perception of art";

- "Practical activities".

Aesthetic perception of reality as component artistic activity has a relatively independent system in the program learning objectives.

The task of this content component of the program is also the development of visual culture among schoolchildren, visual perception, observational.

The content component "Perception of Art" contributes to the development of the subject at the art criticism level. Its task is to form key guidelines for the perception of works of fine art, expand the artistic horizons of students, study the theoretical foundations of fine art, master its language, system of expressive means.

As a result of mastering the content this section program students get an idea of ​​the role of art in human life and society, the foundations of national and world art, the features of various types and genres of fine art, their relationship.

At the lessons of fine arts, students draw and sculpt from nature, from memory, from imagination, design, perform work in various artistic techniques.

Practical artistic and creative activity includes:

Image on a plane (use of different artistic materials and techniques (watercolor, gouache, colored pencils, wax crayons, ink; application, collage, monotype);

Plasticine modeling and work with sculptural materials (clay, salt dough);

Arts and crafts activities and design (artistic solution of flat and three-dimensional products with elements of architecture, artistic design, decorative molding, traditional folk art).

The image on the plane includes drawing from nature, from memory, from a representation after direct observation or from imagination, work on a topic on the instructions of a teacher, as well as sketches, applied graphics, appliqué, collage, monotype, etc.

Modeling (sculpture) is of particular importance in elementary school, where the motor-tactile component plays a dominant role in the development of children's visual activity.

Decorative and applied activity includes elements of the image on the plane, artistic design and design, work with natural materials (leaves, flowers, herbs, etc.), which contributes to the development of schoolchildren's ideas about the connection between different types of artistic activity.

The content of practical activities involves the solution of four main groups of educational tasks: 1) composition; 2) color and lighting; 3) shape, proportions, construction; 4) space and volume. The development of these groups of educational tasks that underlie visual literacy should be subject to the conscious solution of the artistic image in accordance with age opportunities students.

The main thing in the work on composition in the primary grades is the development of the entire surface of a sheet of paper and filling it with an image, and in modeling and decorative work - the creation of an integral form. Students learn to select image objects that correspond to the idea for composition and draw them large.

Working with color I-IV classes the task is to see color in a variety of ways, to distinguish and compose desired shades. In elementary grades, gouache should be preferred over watercolor, as gouache gives more freedom in work and allows you to make corrections. In working on the form, it is important to teach to feel figurative character form, strive for a consistent figurative complication in its display. Modeling, arts and crafts, design, where students actively work with three-dimensional form, are of great importance for developing the skills of analyzing the form and its subsequent embodiment in an artistic image.

Learning to transfer space on paper begins from grade I, mainly in observational work and on given topics. The main attention in working with younger students is given to the formation of their concepts of a fracture of planes and a boundary of a fracture: the boundary of the floor and the wall, the visible boundary of the earth and sky, as well as the ability to correctly place objects on the surface of the floor and earth.

When planning time for this species work, it must be taken into account that the types of artistic activity in the lessons can be combined and occupy part of the lesson: perception - with practical work, modeling - with drawing.

It is desirable to diversify the methods of working with students on art in the classroom. It can be a conversation, story, discussion, viewing a multimedia presentation. A huge role is played by lessons built according to the laws of artistic dramaturgy, forms of extra-curricular and out-of-school classes in fine arts.

Particular attention should be paid to artistically gifted children, for whom their own system of education is developed, taking into account their abilities.

Fine art lessons should be equipped necessary allowances and means of visualization with the use of modern technical means.

Efficiency educational process is directly dependent on the level of development of practical skills and abilities of students.

Leading skills are formed comprehensively in all types of artistic activity. The development of each type requires the formation of particular skills and abilities: pictorial, graphic, plastic, decorative, constructive, perception of works of art, mastering their language, expressive means, etc.


1Volkova, I.G. Fine arts 1 - 5 classes. Approximate calendar-thematic planning / I.G. Volkova, V.N. Danilov - Minsk: Adukatsia i vykhavanne, 2008.

2Danilov, V.N. Methods of teaching fine arts and artistic work/ V.N. Danilov. - Minsk: UITs BSPU, 2004.

3 Fine arts in elementary grades / under. ed. B.P. Yusova, N.D. Mints. - Minsk: People's Asveta, 1992.

4 Fine arts grades 1-4: curriculum for educational institutions with Belarusian and Russian languages ​​of instruction. - Minsk: NMU NIO, 2008.

5Nemensky, B.M. Pedagogy of art / B.M. Nemensky. - M.: Education, 2007.

6. Sokolnikova, N.M. Visual arts and methods of teaching in elementary school / N.M. Sokolnikov. - 2nd ed. - M.: Academy, 2002 art).

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Annotation to the material

Art presentations- the best demonstration material, which, thanks to the use of information technology in the school, will allow the teacher not only to teach children how to draw, but also provide an opportunity to introduce works of fine art, the work of artists in drawing lessons at school. Conducting a lesson in fine arts without the presence of visual images is impossible today. Drawing presentations make a lesson for any theme easy in perception and understandable to children. Only these electronic manuals will help students immerse themselves in the world of art, see the work of world artists, feel like a novice designer and discover new techniques for depicting objects using paints and brushes, plasticine or non-traditional materials used today in creativity.

New approaches to modern education require the teacher to use multimedia presentations on the topic of drawing in art classes as:

  • The main source of information on the topic of the lesson
  • A reliable assistant to the teacher when demonstrating work processes or step-by-step drawing
  • Sample to run student projects
  • A tool that allows you to demonstrate the process of artistic activity using graphic programs

As soon as the teacher downloads presentations on art for free, the lesson takes on completely different colors:

  • He becomes attractive
  • His material is informative and persuasive.
  • His slides motivate students to get a decent result.

In a visual arts class, a presentation can be used as a guide to explain a topic or as a means to test knowledge. The teacher can free download drawing presentations for primary and secondary school about the life and work of artists (about artists, architects), about museums and types of fine arts to explain new material using the best visualization taken from virtual museums and Internet art galleries. When summarizing knowledge on a topic, you can download presentations for art lessons with tests, the implementation of which does not take much time in the lesson, but allows the teacher to quickly check the studied material, causing a keen interest in the child to further study the subject.

In order for children to learn to draw beautifully, this desire and possibilities must be awakened in them. The wonderful presentations on drawing (iso, fine arts) that we offer for free from the sections by class will help in this. Each work was created by a professional, so the children will appreciate the material that will be presented in the lesson. Along with presentations on fine arts for many classes, you can also download the outlines of a drawing lesson at a school, both primary and secondary.

Teach kids to draw. Perhaps it is some kind of presentation on fine arts that will allow a spark of creativity to ignite in a child and pictures of another one will appear on Earth. talented artist who has not lost his gift.

IZO (fine arts) - 1st grade

All small children love to draw, but after going to school, many lose interest in art lessons. The whole trouble is that the teacher cannot competently build a lesson and kills the interest of first-graders in this activity, demanding the impossible from young students. In an art lesson, a presentation in grade 1 allows the teacher to be ...

IZO (drawing) - Grade 2

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Fine Arts (fine arts) - Grade 4

The presentation on art in grade 4 is a reliable visual aid for the teacher, which is able to interest every elementary school student in drawing or fine arts. In this regard, each modern teacher must be able not only to use the computer that is in his class, but also to be able to compose multimedia developments, masterfully ...

IZO (fine arts) - Grade 5

Presentations on art for grade 5 will help the teacher maintain students' interest in fine arts and drawing when the children move to the middle level. Illustrative material at these lessons should be present in large numbers. After all, students not only learn to draw, they first get acquainted with the history of the creation of things, with the biographies of artists, with ...

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The Importance of Fine Arts Lessons in Remedial Schools

Drawing is one of the most important and necessary moments in the development and upbringing of a child. But many people don't attach to drawing special significance consider it a form of leisure.

In schools, drawing occupies a very modest place, because they devote very little time to it and consider it an additional, and not the main subject for children. Although drawing gives the child a lot.

In the history of human development, drawing plays big role, as a means of communication, transmission of information, self-expression, even before writing appeared. Drawing laid the foundation for fine arts and many other forms.

In the system of training and education of students of special (correctional) secondary school Fine art lessons are of great importance and are one of the most important and necessary moments in raising a child with disabilities.

In combination with other academic subjects, they have a noticeable correctional and developmental effect on students with special needs. intellectual development: affect his intellectual, emotional and motor spheres (mainly motor skills of the hands), the development of personal qualities. They contribute to the formation of aesthetic perception, help in solving the problems of socialization and adaptation of a "special" child.

At the lessons of fine arts, a whole range of qualities, skills and abilities of the child develops. First, he pays close attention to shapes, chiaroscuro and color shades. Secondly, he develops his eye, understands the perspective and relation of the parts of the whole, their interrelation and general idea. Thirdly, the child develops a distinct visual memory, which encourages him to explore, develop an aesthetic taste and look. He cultivates in himself a noble taste, develops a sense of beauty, spiritualizes his views and his life. Visual activity develops in him a psychological assessment of facial expressions, the meaning of postures and movements. And, undoubtedly, the student gets great pleasure, creating, fantasizing, realizing the deep concepts of life and creativity.

From the point of view of psychology, fine arts can be considered as a visual activity (Fine art activity). Visual activity is one of the productive activities and has a modeling character. It reflects the level of intellectual and emotional development of children. A significant contribution to its formation is made by perception, memory, attention. Great importance has a level of development of spatial representations, fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

At the lesson on fine arts activities, not only traditional tasks for the formation of visual skills and abilities are solved, but also specific tasks for the correction and development of the emotional and cognitive sphere of the child. Fine art activity is of great importance for the formation of planning skills. Special correctional classes are held, in which children are taught, using cards, to visually draw up a plan for upcoming activities, pronounce the entire sequence of actions, and then carry it out in stages and compare the result with the planned one. Thus, art activity can be considered not only as one of the favorite types of preschool activities for children, but also as a tool for correction and development.

As part of the fine arts activities, children are taught drawing, modeling, and appliqué.

On initial stage(in the younger group) classes are conducted on the basis of the joint activities of children and the teacher. The purpose of these classes is to develop an emotionally positive attitude towards fine arts activities.

The operational prerequisites for fine arts activities are formed in the correctional and developmental classes of a teacher-defectologist.

First, modeling classes are held. Children are taught methods of examining the structure of objects, which contributes to the development of sensory-perceptual and analytical-synthetic activities. After sculpting, the object is depicted using the appliqué technique. Children are taught to correctly arrange elements relative to each other, to build a composition on a sheet. First, children work with ready-made elements, and then select the necessary ones from several proposed ones based on the formed idea of ​​​​the subject. At the next stage, children are taught the techniques of depicting an object in a drawing.

How many lessons in modeling, appliqué and drawing in the first half of the year the teacher determines independently based on an analysis of the achievements of the children. In the second half of the year, the teacher gradually switches to the mode of conducting one type of lesson per week (sculpting, appliqué, drawing), while their logical sequence is preserved in the fine arts of the correctional school. A child who can draw makes it easier for himself to teach others school subjects, because the kid gets great benefits from drawing, especially the development of his own logical thinking. The work includes motor and visual, muscular and tactile analyzers. In addition, drawing helps the child develop memory and attention, teaches the child to think correctly and analyze the situation, compose and imagine. The expansion of the stock of one's own knowledge has a very good effect on the mental development of children.

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