Advice on how to find yourself. How to find yourself in life psychology. You are a strong personality


The question "How to find your calling?" or “How to find yourself in life?” people ask in different ages. It’s good when, as a child, a person begins to think about such important issues. But even if you are forty years old, there is nothing shameful in this. What is wrong with the fact that a person rethinks his life, his own, changes his views on the reality surrounding him, wants to change his life in better side? Nothing!

Some say the alter ego is divine and they worship him. This is another kind of salvation, to save the Self, to minimize it. Death is the subtraction of fractions. These values ​​are positive and negative, good and bad. Eternity brings them, devours them. In the astral light these meanings attract and repel each other in accordance with the laws of universal magnetization.

What is a calling?

These values ​​are the same non-human elements that make up the ego. These elements sometimes collide with each other or simply attract or repel. Death is a return to the original starting point. If you are not working on your life, if you are not trying to change it, then it is obvious that you are wasting your time on miserable time. Man is nothing more than what his life is like. We must lead our own life to make it a masterpiece.

The relevance of this issue is enormous. Firstly, only by moving in the right way and doing what you love, you will always be full of inspiration and energy, you will enjoy life and enjoy it. And secondly, finding your own path can be much more difficult than finding it to follow.

If you are still concerned about finding your place in life and your vocation, reading this article will be useful to you.

Life is like a movie; when it ends, we take it for eternity. In eternity, we experience our own life that has just passed. In the early days, incorporeal, deceased, usually goes to the house where he died, and even lives in it. Unfortunately, nothing has changed for Ego. He will sit at the table, order the usual food. Obviously your family members won't see it, but in their subconscious they will respond. In his subconscious, he puts food on the table, not physical food, but mental forms similar to the food that the deceased used.

An angry person may see an awakening, but he could never bear that this trail had anything to do with him. He thinks that the footprint corresponds to the one who died, another person. He never thought it was his because he feels so alive that he doesn't even know he's dead.

Grab paper and pen...

The most common method (but no less effective) used by school psychologists to help children decide on a life calling and with:

Take a piece of paper, a pen and write down what you like to do most in life. Approach the matter seriously, with inspiration, after all, decide the future direction of your life! Write more, points should not be less than thirty.

He goes out into the streets and sees everything just like nothing could make him think that something has happened. If you go to a church, you will see a priest praying for a mass, attending a ceremony, and leaving the church absolutely certain that he is alive. Nothing could make him think he was dead. If someone made such a statement, he would smile skeptically, incredulously, would not agree.

The deceased must revive in astral world the whole being that has just passed, but resurrects it in a very natural way and in time. Identified with his existence, he truly enjoys each of the centuries of life that has ended.

After that, cross out the activities that you do inconsistently only because of your mood. Also cross out hobbies and passions that you would not want to do professionally, cross out those that you will not do all your life. Think well!

Now write down all your strengths, skills, abilities, skills. Highlight what you are better than others? What are you proud of?

For example, if he died, for example, at 80 years old, he will caress his grandchildren, sit at the table and lie on the bed. But in time he will adapt himself to the other circumstances of his existence; lives at the age of 79, 77, 60, etc. If you live in another house at the age of 60, you will go to that other house and even assume the same psychological aspect that you have at the age of 60. And if at the age of 50 he lived in another city, then at this age he will see himself in another city, etc. At the same time, that his psychological aspect and his physiognomy change in accordance with the reality that he must revive.

Now match your list of favorite activities with your list. strengths and write down in which activities you think it can be used. Think, it cannot be that your virtues and hobbies cannot be applied. The more options you get, the better, it's always good when there is plenty to choose from.

At the age of 20 he will have exactly the physiognomy that he was at that age, at the age of 10 he will be a boy until he finishes revising his past life. Your whole life will be reduced to mathematical sums and subtractions. This is very useful for consciousness.

Under these conditions, the deceased must appear before the courts of objective justice or heavenly justice. These judgments are entirely different from judgments of subjective or earthly justice. In the courts of objective justice, only law and mercy reign, because it is obvious that along with justice there is always mercy.

It does not matter if there is a great desire to do something, but there are no abilities and talents. Skills can be developed.


The main thing to do in order to find your place in life, to find yourself - you have to try! Try yourself everywhere and in everything, use all the chances and opportunities, and one day you will definitely find exactly what you personally need! What will you be ready to give your whole life!

Three paths open before the deceased. Vacation in the upper worlds, for those who deserve it. Return, immediately or immediately, to new matrix. Up to the infernal worlds, until the second death of which they speak the Apocalypse of St. John and the Gospel of Christ. It is obvious that those who manage to climb into higher worlds are experiencing a season of great happiness.

But those who ascend to the higher worlds temporarily leave the Ego. In these cases the Soul or Consciousness or Essence leaves this terrible prison which is the Ego, the Self, in order to ascend to the famous Devakan of which the Hindus have told us; an area of ​​unspeakable happiness, in the world higher mind Universe. There he enjoys true happiness. There, the absent-minded woman meets her relatives, who left on time. He meets what, we would say, the "soul" of them.

Conditional values ​​and rivalry

In the depths of his soul, a person can know his vocation, but he is prevented from comprehending his place in life and following his inner urges by conventional values, as well as the wishes and hopes of other people. Here is what the Austrian psychiatrist and psychologist Viktor Frankl said about this - “ Often people do not see themselves as responsible for self-determination in values ​​and therefore as an active participant in their own life. Therefore, they allow various - social, natural, and psychological - determinants to determine their life path ».

The main result of our life

Subsequently, consciousness or Essence also leaves the world of mind to enter the world of natural causes. All the harmonies of the Universe resonate in it. There they really feel the melodies of the infinite. It is that each planet has several sounds that, taken together, give a synth note, which is the key note of the planet. The set of keynotes of each world resounds beautifully in the vast choir of stellar space, and this creates an indescribable joy in the consciousness of all those who enjoy the happiness of the Causal World.

So how to find yourself in life, how to distinguish the inner vocation from the attitudes once adopted from other people?

If you are striving to achieve a certain result in order to feel like the most-most (“most beautiful”, “most powerful”, “most successful”, “richest”) and you are driven solely by yourself, then maintaining a sense of significance and importance is decisive for you. You are forced to hide your true nature and wear a psychological "mask". And even if you achieve what you were striving for, let's say, become the richest (although there will always be those who are richer than you, you are unlikely to earn more), the feeling of meaninglessness, futility and emptiness will not leave you.

In the world of natural causes, we also find Law Lords who punish or reward people and people. There we also find true people, causal people. There we find them, working for humanity. In the world of natural causes we still find principalities, princes of the elements, fire, air, water and earth.

Life beat in this world. Those who live in this region are happy, in the most transcendent sense of the word. But every win, every reward, eventually exhausted, has a limit. There comes a point when the soul that has entered the causal world must return, return and inevitably descend into the ego again into the ego of experimental psychology.

Find yourself in life, find your true purpose you will succeed if you refuse to compare yourself with others, stop competing with other people, then all the beauty of your true essence will appear. The true essence seeks ways for self-determination through creativity and love for life. The activity of such a person ceases to depend on the opinions of others. He is busy with an interesting and favorite thing and this brings him joy and satisfaction, he does it with enthusiasm, for his own sake, and not for the sake of the result.

Subsequently, these souls come to fertilize the fertilized egg in order to form a new one. physical body- if they enter a new physical body, they return to the world. Another path that awaits those who descend into the hellish realms. These are people who have fulfilled their time, their cycle of manifestations or have been too perverted. Such people participate in the bowels of the earth.

Dante Allighieri tells us in his " Divine Comedy» about the nine hellish circles; he sees these nine circles within the earth. Our Anahuac ancestors, in the great Tenochtiltan, speak clearly of Mixtlan, a hellish region which they also located within our globe.

By abandoning rivalry and conventional values, a person can realize how to find his purpose in life.

Be Consistent

The problem with many people who don't know how to find themselves in life is inconsistency. They grab onto one thing, then give it up, abruptly switch to another, as soon as the primary enthusiasm goes out, give it up, and again find something new, and so on in a circle. Not seeing the results in the end, they are disappointed in themselves.

Unlike some other sects and religions, for our ancestors of Anahuac, as we have seen in our codices, the passage of the Mixtlan is obligatory, and they regard it simply as a place of trial where souls are tested; if they manage to pass through the nine circles, they will certainly enter Eden, the earthly paradise.

For Muslim Sufis, no hell is a place of punishment, but a training of conscience and purification. For Christianity, everywhere in the world, hell is a place of punishment and eternal punishment. However, the secret circle of Christianity, the hidden part Christian religion, is different.

Having chosen a task, and feel the courage, do not back down. Bring the work you have started to the end, and you will feel how much energy and strength you will have to move in the chosen direction. Doubts about the correctness of your calling will disappear as soon as you achieve some results. If it doesn't disappear, then try something else.

Breaking stereotypes

On a subconscious level, it is common for a person to consider his style of life and thinking as the most true and correct, and this makes him sometimes immune to certain things. Therefore, if you want to change something in life and find new meaning, you should get rid of the prevailing stereotypes that have been formed in your mind for many years.

In the hidden part of any Christian movement there is Gnosis. Universal Gnosticism sees hell not as a place of endless, eternal punishment, but as a place of redemption, testing, and instruction for conscience. It is obvious that there must be pain in the hellish worlds, because life is terribly dense in the earth, especially in this ninth round where this particular core of terribly heavy matter is; there is inexpressible. In any case, those who enter the submerged involution of the mineral kingdom must sooner or later go through why the Second Death is called in the Christian Gospel.

Try, communicating with people who do not belong to your circle, try on their “skin” for a while, i.e. understand and even accept their worldview, their values ​​and aspirations. Try, in spite of these alien values ​​from above, to weigh them objectively.

Deal with your fears

Sometimes a person is insecure own forces, but at the same time knows how to find his calling, knows everything about his life goals. In this case, uncertainty and a sense of fear do not allow him to move. All sorts of things prevent people from doing what they like. I will not delve into this topic, because there are a lot of fears and fears, and many reasons for their occurrence. Identify and get rid of, either on your own or with the help of qualified psychologists.

In studying this question of a dentesque hell, universal Gnosticism never holds that punishment has no limit. Here, in our earthly justice, entirely subjective justice, we see that if someone goes to jail for any crime, then the crime once paid is released. There are cases of prisoners who are so numerous in the prison that when the day comes they have to be taken by force.

Thus, every mistake, no matter how serious, has its price. If the judges know this, let alone Divine Justice. If this were not so, God would be a tyrant, and we well know that, along with Divine Just Mercy, there is never a shortage. We could in no way qualify God as a tyrant; that would be blasphemous, and we don't like blasphemy.

Every person has a genius of a particular industry, you just need to wake him up, and those who can do this are guaranteed success in life, so the question “How to find yourself in life?” relevant to everyone without exception. It is good if a person begins to think about it from childhood, but even if you have already reached a respectable age, there is nothing shameful in the search for your vocation.

Therefore, the Second Death is the limit of punishment, in the infernal Dantesque. If hell was called Tartarus in Greece, or Avernus in Rome, or Avitchi in India, or Mixtlan in old Tenochtiltan, it matters little. Every country, every religion, every culture has known about the existence of Hell and has qualified it by its name.

For the inhabitants of the great Hesperia, as we read in the divine Aeneid, of Virgil, the poet of Mantua, hell is the abode of Pluto, this cave region where Aeneas Trojan met Dido, this queen who killed herself for love, in love herself, after swore allegiance to the ashes of Sikeus.

After all, how can you blame a person for trying to change his life for the better? If you also think that you have not yet found yourself in life, but want to do it, then this article is for you. It will present simple tips who can help in this difficult task. So let's get started.

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The Second Death is often very painful. The self feels torn apart, its arms and legs fall, and it suffers from a huge swoon. In a few moments the Essence, or that which belongs to the Soul, is placed in the Ego, is free, because the Ego has been annihilated.

Emancipated entity, freed, then takes the piece beautiful child. The Virgins of Nature examine the released entity to make sure it doesn't have the more subjective Ego element, and then give the soul a release letter. In these happy moments the soul of the deceased enters some atomic doors that allow him to leave again in the light of the sun. And then, on the epidermis of our world, the free Essence, as an element of nature, resumes a new evolution.

1 How to find your calling in life - Tip #1. First things first, think about what you love and what kind of pastime brings you pleasure. Believe it or not, all wealthy, successful people have been able to do this because they have managed to make their favorite business generate income (read the article, in 60 minutes). Only by doing what you really like, you can reach the pinnacle of mastery.

How to gain a foothold in the chosen activity and achieve success in life?

The elementals of nature are different. As an authority on the subject, we have Franz Hartmann with his book The Elementals. We also have Paracelsus, the great physician, Philip Theophrastus Bombast of Hohenheim, Aureola Paracelsus. In any case, the elementals are the consciousness of the elements, for we know that fire, air, water, and earth are not merely physical, as the "trained ignoramuses" suppose. This is, more precisely, vehicles simple conscience, we would say primitives, in the most transcendent sense of the word. Thus the elementals are the principles of the consciousness of the elements, in the transcendent or essential sense of the word.

Therefore, take a sheet of paper and write down on it what you would like to do in life. Just take it seriously, there should be at least a few dozen items on the list, and phrases like “I want to lie on the couch all my life” will not work. So, write whatever comes to your mind.

Maybe you like to dance or sing well? Or maybe others admire your pictures, which you painted while being on courage? Think about whether you like to communicate with people, help them solve problems and make deals. Or maybe, on the contrary, not for you the best occupation than in peace and quiet to engage in scientific activities?

It is not scary even if you sincerely want to do something, but do not yet have all the necessary skills. Don't worry, this is a live business. Whatever one may say, but your life goal goes hand in hand with hobbies, with your idea, which allows you not to lose yourself in a changing world and not dissolve in the cycle of gray everyday life.

2 How to find your place in life - Tip #2. Next, analyze how you spend your leisure time and what you devote most free time. This point is similar to the previous one, however, here, instead of desires, you should analyze your actions directly. Maybe next to the bed you have an easel near which you spend all your weekends?

Or your desk is full recipes, and you are ready to stand at the stove for hours, delighting your family with culinary masterpieces? Only, in no case, should one brush aside such things as insolvent, with the words: “This will never be able to generate income, and build successful career on your hobby is impossible.

And it’s better that I continue to go to my current job, because I like it or not, I get money there.” Thinking in this way means being afraid to step out of your comfort zone and decide to make some changes. Don't be like the majority who do just that.

3 How to find your way - Tip #3. If you can't answer these questions on your own, get help from others. Remember, maybe someone is crazy about the cakes or salads you cooked? Or maybe, seeing how you move, people in all seriousness recommend that you go to the dance?

Indeed, frankly speaking, if you are passionate about cooking, but your dishes are rarely liked by anyone, then perhaps you are not destined to be a chef. Or, if you firmly believe that cooking is your calling, then you should enroll in culinary courses and improve your skills. Just be very careful about the reviews about your activities.

Unfortunately, modern realities are such that people are much more willing to smash you to smithereens, just to amuse their pride. Therefore, carefully filter all the ratings you receive and trust only trusted people, your family and best friends.

4 Your attention will help you find your true purpose - Tip #4. Think about what you most often pay attention to and what you are good at. For example, where a confectioner sees an excellent cake, the entrepreneur will see, first of all, a potential product and will be able to say whether it will be in demand by buyers and what needs to be done in order to profitably sell it.

Have you ever encountered the fact that your neighbor instantly determined what happened to your car and why it refuses to start, while you stood in front of the open hood and scratched your head for half an hour? Reflect on your past and consider how you have often been helpful to others.

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Maybe you easily solved complex problems that require serious scientific training? Or they could not pass by the karaoke club, so as not to go inside and perform their favorite song.

5 The books you read will also help you find your life calling - Tip #5. Go to the bookcase and see what kind of literature it is packed with. Similarly, analyze the TV shows you like to watch and the sites you visit the most. Are you subscribed to a fashion or style magazine? Or do not get off the pages of forums dedicated to fishing?

Wonderful. Here are some more tips for you in which direction you should look for yourself and your place in life. Or maybe even as a child, until late at night, you sat in an aircraft modeling circle, or instead of driving football on the street, you read books on psychology and self-improvement?

6 Creativity Tip #6 Next, think about what drives you to be creative. What pushes you to take action and makes you get out of your comfortable chair and the Internet? Recipe found there new technology knitting or embroidery?

Or maybe just the realization that someone has achieved something more than you in the chosen field of work? Think carefully, because by knowing what exactly serves as the best motivation for you, it will be much easier to determine your true purpose.

7 Tip #7 - The following technique is very effective in identifying your inclinations. Imagine that you are an adult, accomplished person who has already achieved success at work and who does not need to worry about the influx of finances, because you already have all this.

Next, imagine what you would do in this case? Maybe they would open a riding school, or a personal beauty salon, where they would relax their body and soul. Maybe they would come to grips with long-forgotten hobbies and take part in a talent show? Represented?

Now answer the question: what is stopping you from doing this right now? Lack of financial stability? Earlier in this article, it was said that any, even seemingly insolvent, activity can generate income. And these are not empty words, but a reality confirmed by statistics.

To accomplish all of the above, you will first have to work on yourself and your views on the world. To do this, use a number of rules:

! Be consistent. Many people tend to grab onto one thing, then abruptly drop it and move on to the next. And so in a vicious circle, having lost their initial enthusiasm, people give up all undertakings, disappointed in themselves and give up. Therefore, having taken up the matter, bring it to the end, and only then judge whether you like the result or not. It is foolish to evaluate your recognition only by the very process of activity, without seeing the final result.

! Break stereotypes. If a person is ossified in his thinking, and considers his life position the only true and correct one, then he becomes immune to certain things. Constantly reflect on your vision of the world, and try to understand the worldview of other people. So you can keep up with the times and not withdraw into yourself.

If your fear is so strong that it fetters you, preventing you from moving towards your goal, do not hesitate to seek help from a psychologist. There is nothing to be ashamed of, on the contrary, you will be able to move one step further in the search for your talent.

As you already understood, the relevance of the question asked at the beginning of the article is enormous. After all, only doing what you love, a person will be able to enjoy life. Remember that finding your path in life is often more difficult than moving along it. But, without this, you will not achieve well-being and harmony with yourself. The road will be mastered by the walking one, remember this once and for all.

In the article “how to find yourself in life”, we have sorted out 7 main tips on how you can find your favorite business that will help you earn money and which you would like to do all your life. If this article was useful to you - click the buttons social networks and share it with your friends. Thank you!

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