Full face profile rear view as it is called. Portrait Drawing Basics


Of course, sometimes we have to take pictures in profile - turning sideways to the photographer. But this happens quite rarely. Usually, a different kind of photography is required: when you are sitting or standing facing the person who is photographing you. And yet, the photographer may ask: to shoot you in profile or ...
And with this "or" options are possible. Someone can say in full face, and someone in front. But only knowledgeable people asked to take a picture of them full face. What is a profile, it is clear: the outline of an object or face from the side. So the photographer has the right to ask if it is necessary to shoot you in profile. Classical noun with preposition: in profile.

Quite another thing - full face. If you think it's a noun male, then you are wrong. This is an adverb.

How to take a photo? - full face. This is a French word, or rather, even two words - en face, literally "in the face." In French, this is a noun with a preposition, but in Russian it has become an invariable adverb. Full face is like "facing the beholder." And the word "full face" does not need to be glued to anything, it does not need prepositions. Full face is full face. Ask the photographer to take a full-face shot of you - and he will take a full-face shot of you. Without any suggestions.

, linguist, deputy chief editor of the radio station "Echo of Moscow"

Full face and in profile. In the meaning of the adverb facing the beholder. In profile and full face. Stories Shukshin Vasily Makarovich. Spain. Full face and profile, edited by V. L. Vernikov.

When filing a missing person report, it is also recommended to choose photographs that show the missing person from the front and in profile. It is the profile and silhouette images of animals and people that prevail in cave art. A clear profile drawing, in contrast to the face, made it convenient for metal. In antiquity, which actively used the technique of sculpture, the relief profile was used in many variations.

At the same time, in Greece, an ideal Greek profile appeared in art (a single line of the forehead and nose), designed according to the canons of beauty. Fas (position "eye to eye") is more convenient for depicting the spiritual, spiritualistic, which becomes the main content medieval art. Such are the images of demons, as well as Judas in the compositions of the Last Supper: he is usually the only one of the apostles who is depicted in profile. However, in other compositions, other apostles may also be painted in profile, as this is a compromise position between turning the face towards Christ and towards the viewer).

Fundamentals of drawing a portrait. proportions and angles.

Thus, the ancient tradition of the profiles of rulers on coins and medals was revived. T. n. The exit from the profile to the front is a compositional symptom of the formation of the European portrait genre in the era early renaissance. The first frontal portrait (that is, similar to the face of Christ) is Dürer's Self-portrait (1500), which was perceived at first as outrageous. If the profile gravitates toward the plane, then in a new compositional turn one can interpret the head and shoulders in volume, as if in real space which leads to greater vitality.

The royal profile falls on a coin and a medal, having received a very high status. Full face, trouble with foreign words, we all want to change them into a Russian way. Sometimes we succeed.

1. On the contrary. On the position of a human face, if you look at point-blank range. Braz writes me. Workshop. Spain. Full face and profile" continues the series of collective monographs of the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences under common name"Old World - New Times". I think I should only talk about the film, and leave the film story alone, because the path from literature to cinema is an irreversible path. Quite another thing - full face. If you think that this is a masculine noun, then you are mistaken.

See what "ANFAS" is in other dictionaries:

When quoting and reprinting materials, a link to nashasreda.ru is required. Mark the middle of the right and left halves horizontal line. The eyes will be located exactly at these points. Eyelashes grow from the inside out, not the other way around, and this is very important when drawing to make them look natural. Eyelashes on the lower eyelid are shorter. If you look in profile, the shape of the eyebrows changes dramatically and becomes more like a comma. Just like in the case of the eyes, detailing does not always give a good result.

How is it in Russian? Full face shot - or full face?

As a synonym for the word “profile”, the word “silhouette” is used, but this is not always true, since the silhouette can depict a person in absolutely any aspect turn. Signalistic photography prefers the right profile. In Russian, it is used in several well-established phrases.

Profile images of animals (symbols of gods or tribes), and later people, are minted on coins starting from the Kingdom of Lydia (where money was first minted in the 6th century BC). However, the high memorial qualities of the profile image led to its popularity in coins, medals, carved cameos and intaglios, and in tomb steles.

As the Roman Empire declined, the art became more and more "barbaric", as can be seen from the quality of the profile minting on the coins. The portrait of the Middle Ages, which was not at all guided by the principles of similarity, takes the profile sharply minor role, preferring the face even on coins. These were images of donors (the so-called ktitor or donor portraits).

Drawing the head - front or full face

The oldest example easel portrait man of the New Age, which has come down to our days (that is, a symptom of the birth of a new genre of secular portrait) was made precisely in the form of a profile portrait.

According to the Italian tradition, the background is golden, the image is profile and bust. Renaissance humanists are actively studying ancient coins, medals, reliefs and cameos, using them as a role model. The main type of portrait in Italy at the beginning of the 15th century is still profile, the foundations of which were laid by the donor portrait of the Middle Ages.

Later, such medals were minted in abundance by Pisanello, who also worked a lot in painting. And in the middle of the 15th century, there is a tendency towards concretization of life, the neutral background often changes to an interior or landscape, the composition becomes more expanded in space. It took certain time and mental effort.

Already in the meaning of the word itself there is a prepositional semantics. And yet, the photographer may ask: to shoot you in profile or ... And with this "or" options are possible. And the word "full face" does not need to be glued to anything, it does not need prepositions. Full face is full face. Ask the photographer to shoot you full face - and he will take you full face. Without any suggestions.

Full face and profile


Which is correct: "take a picture in full face" or "full face"?

Anfa/ With , adv. (French en face - in front, in the face) - facing the beholder. Already in the meaning of the word itself there is a prepositional semantics. Use full face arose under the influence of a prepositional combination in profile , Where profile- noun in the meaning of "side view": take a profile picture. Wed V. Kataev: Each one was photographed. Full face and in profile. full face as colloquially recorded in BAS-2: take off close-ups in full face; you have to look at it from the front.

On the loss of tautology in the expression full face K. S. Gorbachevich pointed out: “For the modern literary language... as a norm, traditional literary full face, and the new one that came from spoken language full face"(Gorbachevich, 1971, p. 123).


be photographed full face And take a full face photo.


Dictionary of difficulties of the Russian language. Yu. A. Belchikov, O. I. Razheva. 2015 .

See what "full face and profile" is in other dictionaries:

    Human profile- Giovanni da Oriolo. Portrait of Leonello d Este This term has a ... Wikipedia

    full face- adv. and noun. a, m. Facing the beholder; front view of the face. Take a photo full face. His profile is more interesting than the full face. Etymology: From the French en face ‘to the face’. Culture of speech: Under the influence of turns of the type in profile and as a result of oblivion ... ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

    Profile (person)- Artist Gorelova Galina Gavrilrvna, painting Head in profile. Sketch for the work Ivan the Terrible Profile position of the head or a complex figure "sideways", at 90 ° to the observer. There is a left profile and a right profile, depending on the direction of rotation ... ... Wikipedia

    FULL FACE- [fr. en face letters. in the face] front view of the face. In the meaning of the adverb facing the beholder. Dictionary of foreign words. Komlev N.G., 2006. full face (fr. en face letters. in the face) facing the viewer; view of a person, an object directly in front. New dictionary foreign words... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    full face- adv. en face. 1. On the contrary. On the position of a human face, if you look at point-blank range. Braz writes me. Workshop. I sit in a chair with a green velvet back. en face. 23. 3. 1898. Chekhov A. A. Khotyaintseva. He certainly wanted to shoot one lion in ... ... Historical dictionary gallicisms of the Russian language

    full face- Full face, the trouble with foreign words, we all want to change them into a Russian way. Sometimes we succeed. Who has not heard expressions in full face? Before us is an example of an irregular form, so firmly established in the language that linguists were ... ... Dictionary of Russian language errors

    FULL FACE- ANFAS, adv. (French en face in person). About the face, as it appears to the eye, if you look at it not from the side, but directly; ant. in profile. Shoot on the card full face. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    Full face- Self-portrait of Dürer (1500): considered to be the first portrait depicting a person from the front. Prior to this, such images were the prerogative of only Jesus Christ and the saints Full face, also face (fr. ... Wikipedia

    profile- n., m., use. comp. often Morphology: (no) what? profile for what? profile, (see) what? profile what? profile about what? about the profile; pl. What? profiles, (no) what? profiles for what? profiles, (see) what? profiles what? profiles about what? about profiles 1.… … Dictionary of Dmitriev

    Full face- adv. qualities. the situation 1. Facing the beholder; in front Ant: in profile 2. Used as inconsistent definition. Explanatory Dictionary of Ephraim. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova


  • Spain. Full face and profile, edited by V. L. Vernikov. "Spain. Full face and profile" continues the series of collective monographs of the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences under the general title "Old World - New Times". A little over three decades ago, Spain…

Germany's leading creative photo editing magazine, will share their experience with us today. We'll show you how to create a "double portrait" effect with a little effort, and Doc Baumann will help us with this. You can take a photo of yourself, a photo of your loved ones or, as we did, find suitable images on Fotolia.

The two components of this unusual illusion: photos in profile and full face. The photographs should have as similar lighting as possible, and the background should be such that it can be easily cropped.

So how does it work:

1. Full face photo

Both source photos must meet two requirements: first, and above all, the background must be as contrasting as possible with the skin and hair of the model (even if excessive lighting will create glare on the face). This background is much easier to cut out, and we will need it in steps 4 and 5.

2. Profile photo

Secondly, the face of the model should be as similarly lit as possible in both shots. The model and the camera should not move relative to the light sources, the model only needs to turn 90 degrees, in profile to the camera. Otherwise, you simply cannot re-position the camera and light in the same way as in the front-facing photo.

3. Scale and position

It usually doesn't matter which photo will be the background layer and which one will be superimposed on it. In our example, we will impose a full face on the profile. Set up two guides that go through the mouth and through the pupil of the background photo. Now reduce the opacity of the top layer to about 50% and scale and move the photo to match the eyes and mouth of the top layer with the guides.

4. Highlight the color range of the background

If the background of your image is monochromatic, then it is very easy to separate it using the tool Selection > Color Range (Select > color range). In our case, the background is almost pure white, so we set it to a low value. scatter(Tolerance) and all the hairs are perfectly cut off from the background. Difficult places, on which overexposures are possible (nose, shoulders), you need to additionally process in the mode quick mask (Quick Mask) tool Dimmer (Burn tool).

5. Applying a mask

In most cases, the correct selection of hair is not too critical, since the main thing for us is the contour of the face. After you finalize the selection in the mode quick mask (Quick Mask), it can be saved in a new channel or immediately applied to the top layer as a mask by clicking on the icon Add Layer Mask (Add layer mask) at the bottom of the layers panel.

6. Layer Mask

Now our image is similar to what we saw in step 3, however now the top layer is visible only within the profile boundaries. If it seems to you that the top layer is not located well enough, then you can disable the link between the layer and the mask by clicking on the “ chain" between them. After that you can move the layer while the mask stays still.

7. Final retouch

Set the top layer back to 100% transparency. Click on the mask while holding ctrl/ command- so you form a selection on the mask, which will help not to go beyond the contours of the face during further editing. Now use a black brush to hide unwanted areas on the mask. We need to get a believable merger of the two shots, while the contour of the face, nose and hair should remain from the profile, and the eyes and mouth should remain from the front view.

8. Another example: a man

Now you should be clear - the most important step is step 7, which gives the desired shape to the mask. Now we will look at another example, this time with a male face. The main steps are similar to those discussed earlier, only now we will make two versions of the image.

9. Overlay

Let's go through all the steps again: the profile and front views need to be combined in one file, reduce the transparency of the top layer, scale and position the top layer, aligning it with the lips and pupils. Then choose a background color and create a mask for the top layer. And then we perform the final retouching, hide unnecessary parts, achieve realistic effect mergers.

10. Combination options

The female portrait we got in step 7 looks pretty realistic (and a little disturbed). The next two options male portrait differ in character: the right one is based on the contour of the profile, and the left one partially repeats the same shape from the front (the shape of the hair is outlined with a special brush).

Thanks to Doc Baumann for sharing this great tutorial with us!

More more lessons, tips, tricks and information from Germany's leading photo editing magazine can be found at DOCMA, V

Many artists on different stages creativity are faced with special terminology. For example, a specific task was set: to paint a portrait of a person in profile and full face. What it is? The question is quite common among beginner portrait painters and just people who are interested in art. Choosing one or another type of image, the artist makes the model's face more expressive, draws attention to one or another of its features.

Explanation of terms

It is worth starting to look for information about what it is - profile and full face, with the definition of these two concepts. The first word came into Russian from French. The French, in turn, borrowed it from the Italians, where it meant "thread, edging." In Russia, the word began to be used from the time of Peter the Great, at first in exact sciences. Later, the meaning was enriched, and now the term denotes a certain lateral outline of an object or object.

In contrast, "full face" means "from the face, from the front side." Use given word in combination with a preposition in Russian is not entirely true. This application is especially true for colloquial speech. A tautological statement is created: in translation, the phrase already implies a preposition. Some dictionaries even include a separate word "face", meaning simply "the front side of the subject."

About the differences

You can create a recognizable portrait of a person in profile using several lines. Such images can be seen on coins, postcards, in textbooks on history and literature. Almost anyone after studying at school will be able to easily recognize the profile of Gogol, Pushkin or Leo Tolstoy. In our time, small portrait sketches began to be used in logos and emblems. Very often, Anna Akhmatova's drawn profile is used in the design of poetry collections.

The profile and full face of a famous person can often be seen on money. For coins, a side image is more often chosen. This is due to the fact that it is much easier to mint a recognizable profile (of a statesman, ruler) on metal. One or two types of lines are enough, hatching is not important in this case. The main thing is to convey the silhouette of the nose, forehead, chin, sometimes hairstyles. The full-face image can also be made recognizable, but for this you need to add to the picture the smallest details, to work on the accuracy of the location of the elements. A paper banknote serves as an excellent "canvas" for such a portrait.

How to draw full face?

In painting, drawings of a person in profile are less common than a direct depiction of a face. Basic advice for portrait painters: figure out what it is - full face and profile, learn how to distinguish them and study the structure human body(especially the heads) before you start drawing. For more early stage learn to paint a portrait of a man holding his head directly in front of the artist. It is important to achieve symmetry here. First, they outline the oval of the face, make notes where the eyes, ears, mouth and nose will be located. For convenience, you can mark the line of symmetry in the center of the figure.

faces different people may vary significantly, but there are main points that are familiar professional artists. The distance between the eyes is usually equated to the length of one eye; in rare cases it is more. The same distance is laid from the lower lip to the chin.

How to write a work in profile and full face

There is one convenient technique that painters use to paint portraits. To accurately measure the segments of distances from one part of the face to another, use a large and index fingers outstretched hand. Another option is to use a pencil for this, but you will need to strain harder visual memory. The head of a person or animal in profile has a more complex shape.

Here it is also desirable to designate the median axes. In the center of their intersection, the ear will be located (in the case of human face). The shape of the only visible eye will be slightly changed, now it looks more like a triangle. The silhouette of the nose should be most accurately indicated, which can be bent down, upturned, with a hump. When forehead and nose are one solid line without bends we are talking about the "Greek" profile.

Some famous profile portraits

Acquaintance with famous masterpieces painting will help you understand what it is: full face and profile - and how to depict them correctly. Among the works famous artists there are different types of portraits. For example, Ingres' "Great Odalisque" is written in profile. The woman depicted on the bed turned to the viewer, the light falls on the right half of her face. An expressive look creates a feeling of the presence of a living person looking from the canvas. Graceful images of women's heads in profile and full face can also be seen in Botticelli's painting "Spring". An attempt to copy portraits of people from famous paintings will serve as a lesson for a novice artist, help to realize the correct construction of facial features and body parts.

In profile depicted and statesmen bygone eras. The portrait of Catherine II by Rokotov, where the empress does not look at the viewer, will serve as a model. Her intelligent gaze is directed to the side, at an invisible interlocutor. The head is slightly raised, the gaze is directed slightly upwards - such an image is not accidental, one feels authority, confidence and life force royal person.

In photography

Often used and portrait images in photography. After Bertillonage was invented, the police different countries they began to look for criminals by photographs of their faces: full face and in profile. This photo file is now stored in the police database. There are even certain rules for filming caught criminals. The face pointing sideways should be clearly at an angle of 90 degrees. A three-quarter turn of the head is unacceptable in this case. Be sure to photograph the right profile of the criminal.

Professional photographers see the difference between an outgoing profile and an incoming profile. The first definition means that the full face and profile of the head are practically invisible, only part of the cheek, the ear, remains in the portrait. Sometimes we can distinguish the tip of the model's nose. In the case of the “coming one”, the situation is different: both eyebrows of a person are visible, the second eye is partially visible. The nose is fully visible and visually appears longer.

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