Anna Pletneva. bad girl


Sex symbol of the national scene Anna Pletneva for the first time gave candid interview about his family and children.

Photo: DR

Fans of Anna Pletneva know her as a "bad girl". The artist shoots sensual clips and shines on stage in miniature latex outfits. And how many people know that Anna has been happily married for 13 years and is raising three children? The singer spoke about the atmosphere in her family and what kind of relationship developed with the heirs. exclusive interview magazine OK!.

For the cover, the artist posed with her eldest daughter Varey, who appeared in her video for the song "Sunday Angel". It was the shooting in the video that helped Anna to improve relations with the teenager, as the girl finally saw the work of her mother “from the inside”. About this singer

Varya is my copy. And this is absolutely my problem, because I cannot agree with myself. She is an absolutely obstinate woman who cannot be tamed.

FROM youngest daughter, Marusey, Anna is much easier to contact. The girl understands how hard it is for her mother to cope with her younger brother and older sister, but also wants attention.

We had a similar experience with her. We went skiing and her nose bled. I was so scared! I spent the whole evening fiddling with her ... The next day, for some reason, she bled again - and so on for a week, until it turned out that she was deliberately picking something in order to get all my attention in this way.

Anna Pletneva and her husband are also growing little son. He, like his mother, is Leo according to the horoscope and the real "king of animals." Most of the attention, of course, goes to him - as the youngest member of the family. Full interview Read Anna Pletneva in the new issue of OK! magazine. On sale from 30 August.

In an interview with the site, Anna Pletneva told why, after 15 years, she decided to show her eldest daughter, how her husband reacts to her super-candid images and videos, and what helps her to remain a successful artist and happy woman simultaneously.

Anna Pletneva is a mystery girl. For many years we discussed her extravagant outfits, songs from hidden meaning, controversial clips, but personal life - never. The singer kept this part of her life behind seven seals, only occasionally hinting that she was happy and there was no need to worry about her.

So, for many fans of Pletneva, the fact that she has been married for 15 years and is raising three children was a big surprise.

Anna managed to hide even her pregnancies from the public - you must admit, a rare skill these days!

Not so long ago, our heroine released a video for the song "Sunday Angel", where she first showed her eldest daughter, 15-year-old Barbara. Then Pletneva gave great interview one of the Russian publications, where she shared the details of her personal life, which was previously banned for all journalists ...

website: Anna long years They didn't say anything about their family at all. And suddenly they decided. Why?
Everything happened spontaneously, and thanks to this, I reconciled with my eldest daughter. The point is that we had complicated relationship, especially Last year. Varya is a teenager, and although it seemed to me that I was a progressive mother and understood young people, I could not reconnect with her.

“I have been looking for solutions for a long time. My energy and strength simply flowed into a black hole: I could not do anything, sleep, eat. Couldn't live."

At some point it occurred to me to try to solve our problem in a non-standard way- to write a song about her and in general all teenagers who really need love and nothing more. After the song was written, I invited Varya to star in the video. Filming took place in Paris. We flew away from Moscow literally on knives, and a day later we returned best friends.

website: And yet, despite the disagreements between you, the daughter agreed to fly and star in the video.

A.P .: Of course, she is a girl and simply could not refuse such tempting offer! In addition, it seemed to her that it would not cost any effort: show off in front of the camera, and you're done. And only in Paris did she realize what a hard job it was. It was there that my daughter finally understood and heard me. Actually, like me.

I did not expect many things from Varya, I saw her in a completely different light: what a strong, independent, real smart girl she is. I stopped being afraid for her, because before it seemed to me that she was completely irresponsible. And only on film set I saw her as a completely different person.

“These - without exaggeration - bloody days united us.”

24 hours of continuous shooting without food, water and sleep put everything in its place. Now I know for sure that sometimes you need to find a non-standard approach to a problem, and magic happens.

website: Is it hard to admit that your child has grown up?

A.P.: It is very difficult. It's hard for me to let go - by nature I'm still the owner, I would say, mommy maniac (laughs). Just most people except himself inner circle, do not know me from this side. In fact, these are very interesting sensations when a part of you with which you breathed the same air for 15 years suddenly disconnects and becomes an independent unit. You begin to realize that this is an adult who needs to be let go, forgetting about your mother's emotions and feelings.

website: Do you think you are a good mother?

A.P.: I am a good mother. Immodest, but I really think so. At least I'm well developed maternal instinct.

“I was faced with the choice of “child or work” three times, and each time I decided to give birth, but by all means save my career.”

The first time the ultimatum was very harsh, but later everyone told me: “You are crazy! You are now at the peak of popularity! Which child?". But I, having discarded all doubts, went to give birth and I think that this is an act. Moreover, it was wildly important for me to breastfeed my children, and, believe me, it is very difficult to do this without interrupting the work process, because I performed on stage two weeks after giving birth.

website: Work anyway takes a lot of time. Have you ever felt guilty about not paying enough attention to your children?

A.P .: Not what I experienced, but I constantly experience. At one time, the feeling of guilt directly tore me apart. But, as far as I know, this is inherent not only to working mothers, but even to those who stay at home. It seems to me that this is an inherent feeling that appears in you with the birth of a child. I still live with him, but I worry to a lesser extent, because next to me there are no longer cute kids, but arrogant adults (smiles). Nevertheless, I try to spend any free minute with them, find time for important conversations, give as much of my energy and love as possible.

website: It's amazing how two such people coexist in one person different personalities- a mother hen and a bad girl in a super revealing outfit.

A.P.: For me, these two images are absolutely organic. To be honest, I've been a bad girl since childhood. Then there was a break - for the duration of my participation in the red banner ensemble "Lyceum". But before and after this period, I absolutely enjoyed and enjoy my true way. Moreover, I believe that one of my personality is impossible without the other.

“It is the bad girl that keeps me from completely going crazy and turning into a chicken mother who will bring both herself and her children to the edge.”

And vice versa: knowing that inside I good mom and a person with the right values ​​​​in life, I can afford to be a slutty, cheeky gouging on stage. Such a thrill - to switch. This is very important to me, because it does not allow me to go crazy.

As you know, I have a medical certificate of a split personality. I decided to officially confirm the diagnosis, because sometimes crazy things happen on stage. I rushed into the crowd to the fans, and pulled the guards away from them. And in order not to thunder anywhere after this, I had to make a certificate (laughs).

website: At the same time, the “YazhMat” stereotype never worked for you?

AP: No, I don't care at all. I even like that I'm different from many mothers. However, there are situations when you have to extinguish your second self. For example, I regularly do volunteer work with children at school: I stand behind the cash register, I sell T-shirts, caps, school uniform and other things. For me, this is a holy day, and I try not to occupy it with anything. The main thing is not to come to the place immediately from filming or after the concert (smiles).

“Of course, everyone knows that there is such a mother at school - an exalted artist, but sometimes they still get scared.”

It is important to me that my own children are proud of me. They often bring their girlfriends to the school store, show them and say: “Look, this is our mother.” The kids are very supportive and that's great. If it were the other way around, it would be difficult for me.

“When people are together for a long time, they start to get bored, so they look for ways to diversify their personal lives. Here and role-playing games, and various sex toys. And I don't need any of that."

website: Your spouse also supports you and approves of your creative activity, or are there moments that he does not like, but he reconciled?

A.P.: Let's start with the fact that my other half supported me initially: I was already an artist, and he knew who he was taking - this was not a surprise to him. We agreed on everything on the beach. I then asked: “Do you understand what you are signing up for?”. He replied, "Yes, I understand." We said that no one touches me and I continue to do what I love. And he kept his word. But one funny case still was.

Together with Alexei Romanov, we had just created the Vintage group and were preparing for the release of the first album called Sex. The cover was like this: I'm sitting on the floor in a revealing image, the word "Sex" is laid out around me with candles. I had a black patch over my eyes, and at some point we decided to write “Fuck me” on it (laughs). We tried very hard, and it was a very expensive album: with excellent printing and beautiful photos inside. We printed the first batch, and I proudly brought one collection home.

“When he saw the cover, the husband ruthlessly declared:“ Burn it! I said: urgently burn the whole party!" "".

All our persuasion was then useless. Wedged a person, and that's it. The guys had to travel for a long time, collect and take out the first batch of disks out of the city, where it was all then burned. Now there's a place to cry (smiles). This is the only time my husband was strongly against our activities. Since then, he has not touched me, because he knows: I am happy only if I do what I was born for.

website: Hard to build family relationships when millions want you?

A.P .: You won’t believe it: it’s very easy, just wonderful. On the contrary: when you have been married for 15 years, there is simply nothing better to stimulate feelings. Truth. When people have been together for a long time, they start to get bored, so they are looking for ways to diversify their personal lives. Here and role-playing games, and various sex toys. And I don't need any of that. Therefore, my advice to everyone: who wants to live a long and happy married life, become pop stars, and you will be able to do what you want. (smiles).

website: Nevertheless, we know many examples when men left beautiful, famous, successful women simply due to lack of attention. How do you find time for your husband in the turmoil of days?

By by and large no matter what exactly you do. It is important to understand the main thing: if you have to be bossy and tough at work, this does not mean that you need to transfer such behavior to the house. We live in a patriarchal world, so let's enjoy it! No need to try to be the boss at home.

“There is nothing more pleasant than being weak next to strong man. Make a distinction for yourself: at home you are a woman, and at work you are a man with balls.

website: In one of the interviews, you said that you had (and perhaps continue to sit) a lot of complexes. How do you deal with them?

A.P.: I know for sure: in order to overcome your fears and complexes, you need to at least say them out loud, and as a maximum, understand why this is happening. As it was in my situation: until I realized why I was running from all men ahead of time, the situation did not improve. I really had a complex of an unloved girl - not a child! Because my parents loved me very much. However, unfortunately, things were far from smooth between them. I grew up and saw it, despite the fact that they tried not to make a fuss in front of me. I perfectly understood that there was some kind of “dislike” between my parents, and I was very hurt and scared, which was in my future family may be the same.

“With age, without realizing it, because of childhood fear I ruined all relationships as soon as the candy-bouquet period ended and just life began.

Until I found the root of the problem and said this fact out loud 150 times, nothing changed in my life. Therefore, I advise everyone to find the cause of your fears, complexes, and then you can solve everything, overcome and throw it out of your head, like unnecessary trash. And live on.

website: Any activity is somehow connected with stress. How do you deal with it?

A.P .: It is important to understand that stress is just our reaction to what is happening, and not what is actually happening. It is up to us whether to be nervous or not. It's up to us to flip the switch: just pretend you're in a bad movie. I do this very often. There are days when the day doesn’t start right in the morning: the concert is canceled, everyone is late for the rehearsal, a car cuts you off on the road, and its driver also insults you, and then you get stuck in the elevator to the heap, late for an important meeting. At such moments, I imagine that I am filming a black comedy, and I start laughing at this whole situation, I try to imagine that a hidden camera is hidden somewhere and now someone will run out and say: “This is all a prank!”.

By the way, it all started with a story that happened many years ago, when the Vintage group was just formed. It happened on August 21 - my birthday. We had a concert: then still inexperienced, we did not check any information about the organizers. On that day, we arrived at the appointed place, they put us on the bus and didn’t let us out of it for an hour, before that they took everything Cell phones. On the street - no more than five degrees of heat, and now imagine our concert costumes - we were half naked! None of us understood what was happening. Finally we started shouting, “Let us out! We just want to go to the toilet!”

After that, a man came to us, pointed the muzzle of his machine gun and said: "Sit!". Such cretinism, and what was there to do? Panic, scream, cry? I started looking for a hidden camera: the “Joke” program was very popular then, besides, it was my birthday - everything converged. We just started laughing and shouting: “We got it! Where is the camera? Get out! But no one came out, and the camera did not appear. Alas, it was not a prank, but in that situation I managed to maintain my composure, just by laughing, besides making everyone around me laugh. Since then, I've been using this approach over and over again. Sometimes it helps to just imagine that everything is not real, that we are in the matrix (smiles).

“The stage is generally the only thing in my activity that does not bother me”

website: You are so smiling, resilient, cheerful - and yet have you ever faced depression?

A.P .: I am a living person, but depression for no reason, such as, for example, people have in autumn, spring or during PMS, is not characteristic of me. If I get upset about anything, there must be a good reason for it. But, as a rule, this is a fleeting weakness, because I simply have no right to “hang” in this state.

“For many people in this life, I am a battery: from the family to the work team and even the audience in the hall.”

If a destructive process starts inside me, then, believe me, everything around goes to hell: people get sick, quit, important events suddenly fly off. Therefore, I simply do not have time for the blues.

website: Work helps to overcome difficult periods in life?

A.P.: Oh, yes. For example, my childhood friends do not work, they do not have a favorite thing. And I often say to them: "Find yourself." After all, it is not even so important that your business is profitable (although this is also a good incentive), it is much more important to fulfill yourself. Why creative people- the happiest? Yes, because they are so passionate about their work that without any meditation they can get high, get into a completely different space.

For example, when I go on stage, I find myself in some parallel reality. For this, yogis sit for a long time in caves without food and water, and it is enough for me to go out to the viewer. And this transition to another state is extremely important for me: it saves me from everyday life, nervous anger.

“When you find yourself and your business, you will absolutely be happy and will cope with everything.”

As the great Confucius said: “Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.”

website: Speaking of work: November 1 will be your solo concert. Will it be a show in the spirit of "Vintage" or something fundamentally new?

A.P.: This will be a unique concert, because on this day the Vintage group will take the stage with a golden line-up in the person of Alexei Romanov and Anna Pletneva. I know that the fans have been waiting for our reunion for a long time, and it will happen, but only once.

As you remember, at some point we broke up, and I no longer want to procrastinate on this topic. In the past New Year we met, hugged, cried for five hours and decided that we would work together again. The only thing, Lesha said that he no longer wants to go on stage, because it is a huge stress for him. Few people know about this, but he really suffered a lot every time. It is mentally difficult for him. Actually for me too, but I have no choice. But he has. And our concert on November 1 is the only day I managed to persuade him to go on stage for our fans. To be honest, I myself missed this feeling and really want everything to happen.

website: Do you think you can ever get bored with the scene?

A.P.: I hope no.

"The stage is generally the only thing in my activity that does not bother me."

I am a sculptor by training, at some point it occurred to me to start painting. I did pretty well, but after a month I got bored. I graduated from the academy and became a vocal teacher. I learned two issues, but this area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity bored me. And so it is with everything that I can. With everything but singing. I really hope that I will go on stage and sing for the audience until I die.

Anna Pletneva

Anna Pletneva: “When I see myself on the cover men's magazine I always remember the words of my father"

- What were you like as a child?

I was a beloved, spoiled child who was allowed to do everything. I am grateful to my parents for not setting any limits and giving me a sense of inner freedom.

- How did you earn the first money and what did you spend it on?

I received my first performance fee at Artek in the form of a package of chewing gum from a detachment of pioneers from Czechoslovakia. But the comrades condemned me for this, and the "fee" had to be returned ...

- How often do you have to listen to jokes about girls driving?

I prefer to travel around the city with a driver. But one day I almost became the heroine of a joke when I was driving a car on my own. I vertically challenged and behind the wheel of my rather large car, I can hardly be seen. The traffic police officer stopped me with the words: “I look and I don’t understand - is this car driving by itself? ..”

- best advice which one did you follow?

My dad gave me the best advice. He said: "Show everything if you have something to show." When I see myself on the cover of a men's magazine, I always remember his words.

- For the sake of what delicacy are you ready to give up the diet?

My motto is: "You can do everything, but little by little." As soon as you start limiting yourself in something, you will only want it even more, and then you will eat twice as much.

- With what masculine quality you will never put up with?

Greedy and lacking a sense of humor.

- In what clothes do you feel irresistible?

At any.

- Is it easy to deceive you?

I am a fairly perceptive person, besides, I have a well-developed intuition. I feel people and usually immediately understand when they tell me a lie.

- Do you know how to deceive yourself?

It seems to me that any true woman should be able to dissemble a little.

- What films can you watch endlessly?

- "Real love".

- What feminine whim in your performance?

I am not a capricious person, but a demanding one. Please do not confuse these qualities in my performance!

- A trip that you remember forever?

Tahiti, where I had a wedding according to local rites.

- How do you imagine the best job in the world?

Watch my video or concert performance. For me this is best job in the world.

- Do you know what is in your purse?

I thought that such a question is asked only at customs in Israel. (Smiling.)

- Happiness is…

Live in harmony with yourself.

“My daughter ran away from home several times. Sometimes she collected her things, and sometimes she did so, empty-handed. And in last time she ran away barefoot in the snow somewhere, it is generally not clear where. So it's not easy for her. I would say that it was not easy for my parents with me either, but it seems to me that they didn’t raise me at all, I was left to myself, ”says the singer.

- Anna, you have three children, big family. Can you call her friendly?

Children love each other, but since each of them is a personality, individuality, they always find out something, swear, establish their own rules. The eldest Varya, she is fifteen years old, is trying to show and prove that she is the best. The younger Cyril, he is eight, just fights with or without a reason. He is a terrible fighter, he is engaged in boxing. I'm thinking of taking it from there.

Are you familiar with the problem of childish jealousy?

When the middle one, Marusya, was born, Varya was only three years old. And now I understand that then I behaved myself wrong. Now I know for sure that when a new family member is born, the oldest child should be given maximum attention. Twice as big as the little one. And then I did not understand this, and as a result, I still notice notes of jealousy in Vara. At the same time, in recent times she asks me for another brother, sister. Periodically closely examines my stomach and sticks with questions. And Marusya also really wants another brother. But my son is definitely against it. He is very categorical.

- The girls are already almost adults, especially Varya ...

In general, I am surprised: here some kind of adult girl, orders here, expresses something to me, says what and how it should be ... Varya is much taller than me. Well, this is not difficult, my height is 156. And my foot size is 35, and hers is 38.5. Now she has such an interesting period, she is trying in every possible way to compete with me in a feminine way, and I see it. Sometimes she goes to the mirror and looks at herself, then at me. That is, she is very worried that she was more beautiful than me. I tell her: “Varya, you are the most beautiful, there is no girl in the world more beautiful than you. You are tall, slim, you have an amazing figure. And it happens that she even literally starts fighting with me. To show physical advantage, superiority in strength. Or he says, for example: "I'm smarter than you, mom, I know many languages." cheeky girl! And in my head there are only suitors, it seems to me. But we must give her credit, she is getting older, she wants to become a doctor. From childhood, she loved all sorts of experiments; everything related to numbers and formulas was easy for her. And it's definitely not for me! She has very good grades in mathematics, in biology, and in chemistry, in general, five plus, moreover, she does not make any effort.

- Copies you in clothes, in make-up?

She says all the time: “Oh my God, mom, maybe I should make you up at least once?” Or: “Who did this highlighter for you?” In general, criticizes me constantly. I answer: “Var, are you kidding me? Do you understand that in this area I am much more experienced than you? How many years have I been on stage, how many times have stylists painted me? And she: “Look, you have problems with style, with clothes.” At the same time, it discreetly takes all my clothes. But every time I'm dissatisfied with the way I look.

Before going on stage, I draw arrows, put on a revealing suit and become different - liberated, aggressively sexual. I feel good as a bad girl. I even have a certificate from a doctor confirming that during performances there is a split personality.

Remember, in the movie "Station for Two" the train conductor Nikita Mikhalkov spoke to the heroine Ludmila Gurchenko, who ran to him in a compartment on a love date: “Sama-sama-sama!” Like, undress quickly, and no sentimentality. This phrase, alas, has become winged. Women were given equal rights with men, freed from restrictions and dependencies. You're free! But if you want to be equal, do not count on help and support. Probably, someone likes the conquest of emancipation, but I'm sorry that men are losing their role of protector, leader, breadwinner assigned to them by nature, and women are increasingly saying: “Itself-itself-itself...” We are moving further and further away from harmonious relationships As a result, families fall apart, people break up.

I consider myself an independent person, early years I worked and earned money, but I am not at all embarrassed to admit that in my life I have had to rely on a strong shoulder more than once. Thanks to my beloved men, I am who I am.

The first person to whom I owe a lot is, of course, my dad. I was born in Moscow in a loving friendly family and grew up as the only spoiled child who was allowed to do absolutely everything. My parents, far from creativity (mother is an engineer, father is a lawyer), nevertheless immediately understood what kind of girl they got, and did not try to change me, to squeeze me into the framework. I am very grateful for this - the freedom gained in childhood still lives in me. From the age of three, I did not hesitate to go to the stages of rest houses and boarding houses, where we rested as a family, danced, sang, recited poems and received well-deserved fees - dolls and sweets. At seven, I began to go on tour with the Ostankino ballet and was already earning real money. At the same time she worked in music school piano class.

I remember the first time I went with dance group in Voronezh in the middle of a harsh winter. They settled us in a dilapidated house with amenities on the street. When I refused to relieve myself in the cold, they handed me a bucket, over which she shed burning tears for a day. Everything that happened seemed like a nightmare to the homely spoiled girl. Years later, already in the Lyceum group, everything happened: scrambled eggs with a live cockroach for breakfast, squashed beds in tattered hotel rooms ... My colleagues were worried, but I remained calm and unflappable - I got used to touring life from childhood.

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