Interview with Anya Pletneva Anya Pletneva: “As long as I can, I will wear my baby. it is so sweet! What is a female whim in your performance? Please tell me these people - at least they are alive


In an interview with TOPBEAUTY, the singer told how she turned from a spoiled girl into a determined person, that before going on stage she has a split personality, and philosophical lyrics are hidden behind the dance hits of her team.

What do you want to talk about yourself?

(Laughs.) I mean what am I complaining about? Nothing. I am absolutely happy man.

How long have you been completely happy?

From birth.

What, you never had any problems?

No, of course they were. I would even say that events took place in my life that turned me into a rather tough, determined person.

Before that, I lived and looked at everything through rose-colored glasses, and then I faced reality and realized that, in addition to pink, there are other colors in life. But I believe that the Lord gives us exactly as many trials as we can endure and from which - most importantly - we can emerge as normal people.

What tests do you mean?

Now time has passed, and I can talk about it quite calmly. It happened in one year: my father died, my mother lost her job ... But it’s better to tell from the beginning so that you understand. I was born in Moscow, in a very good family, in which I was only child, terribly spoiled. I harassed my parents with whims. Of course, I had a limit, but sometimes I did terrible things. I could, for example, break all the dishes in the house, and I didn’t have anything for it.

I only did what I liked. And I loved dancing and music. I got tired of doing music in the 5th grade - I left it. Then the parents agreed with the teacher that she would come to give lessons to us at home. However, I hid under the bed and didn't let her in. She rang the doorbell, then left. I was too lazy to do it. Even then, as a girl, I thought a lot about feelings, men, I let my hair down and dreamed of love.

Dancing was different. Then in the Soviet Union there were three dance groups- Ensemble of Igor Moiseev, "Birch" and the Ostankino ballet, where I studied. We had a strict leader, she brought us up tough. I remember that she had a ring on her hand, with which she could hit between the eyes for the fact that you are not pulling the lift or building a disgruntled face. I once had a bruise on my forehead from this ring for a long time.

But work in such a team allowed us to travel abroad - at the same time it was impossible to leave the USSR just like that. For example, once we went on tour to Spain, visited forty cities in forty days. Two concerts in each city. Moreover, we were paid money for this, and not bad: I brought 235 rubles from the trip, despite the fact that my father's salary was 150-180 rubles.

Ballet discipline in some way balanced domestic permissiveness. This played a role: in the ensemble I learned to work hard, to achieve my goal. Therefore, when my family came Hard times- Dad passed away, and mom was out of work, - I realized that I had become the only breadwinner. I was 19 years old.

In the same year, I entered the "Red Banner Ensemble" "Lyceum", and then to the institute. And so my adult life began.

There is no bad without good, as they say.

I think that everything in life happens for a reason, although I still miss my father, he was an authority for me, a holiday person, and I was his beloved daughter for him.

Does your beloved man look like your father?

He is a little different in character. Perhaps it would be more correct to say that my father lives inside me. It may sound strange, but I am convinced that dad became my guardian angel. After all, it does not happen that a child simultaneously begins to study and earn money. At the same time, he does not make special efforts - everything goes into his own hands.

What events of childhood and youth would you call character-forming?

You won't tell right off the bat. I can tell you what's on my mind right now. I grew up as a hyper-responsible child. I was sure that Lenin was my grandfather. IN dance hall, which I visited, hung a huge portrait of Vladimir Ilyich, I looked at him and cried. They asked me why I'm crying. And I answered that my grandfather died.

Once I was the chairman of the council of the squad in the pioneer camp and had to command the main line. And here I am, next to the head of the camp, all the guys are looking at me. And I really want to go to the toilet ... The responsibility was so high that I was embarrassed to ask the Pioneer leader for leave. I commanded "Equal! Attention!" and at that very moment she peed herself ... This incident seems to have influenced my whole life. A terrible impression when everyone is looking at you, laughing, and this treacherous puddle is growing under you.

You were condemned or, on the contrary, they said: behold, a selfless Soviet girl!

The counselor praised me, the children gave me hell. But now, no matter what happens to me on stage, I can withstand any blow - from a skirt that fell off me to a chandelier that fell on the stage. That situation from childhood hardened me for life and made me reinforced concrete.

The second episode from my childhood that comes to my mind is connected with the October star, which I managed to "push" to foreigners in the Kolomenskoye park in exchange for chewing gum.

Did you propose the exchange yourself or did the initiative come from the "vile capitalists"?

She came up and offered. I just really wanted gum. Suddenly, a policeman appeared from somewhere and grabbed my hand. Then I realized: if I ever want to do something forbidden, I will always be watched.

I still remember how I was expelled from the same pioneer camp because during a quiet hour I kissed a boy who was punished - they put him in our ward.

Did you want to somehow compensate for his suffering?

Yes, I felt sorry for him. I told him: "Don't kiss me!" He said: "Kiss!" So we kissed the whole quiet hour. I was handed over by a neighbor in the bed - apparently, she also liked him. Then there was the same line on which they condemned me, branded me with shame and kicked me out - the pioneer Pletneva committed terrible act, kissed Vova. Morality is broken.

Many boys then wanted to be punished in your ward?

(Laughs.) I don't know it anymore - my parents had to pick me up. Again, dad and mom did not scold me, did not shame me. They even remained silent when I ended up in a London prison.

And what did you get there for?

After leaving school, I was going to enter the foreign language, and I was sent to London to practice my English. I settled in an English family - then it was accepted that way, by exchange. And then she ran away from them with a taxi driver. He apparently liked me, and he decided to hit on me. He allowed me to drive a car - I wanted to drive a right-hand drive car. I rode around London until they arrested me and put me in jail.

How much did you spend there?

Two days.

What were they fed?

I still remember that it was corn, from a can, which always seemed very tasty to me. I remember my cellmates - adult uncles, to whom I sang Vladimir Presnyakov's songs - "Zurbagan" and others. Yes, a lot of things in my life are connected with Vladimir Presnyakov.

For example?

Thanks to him, I became a singer. I fell in love with him as a child, constantly listening to his songs. And my girlfriend lived in Medvedkovo right opposite the house of his parents. I went to visit her, stayed overnight, and in the dark on Severodvinskaya Street we wrote declarations of love to Volodya on the pavement under the windows of Presnyakov. Recently, by the way, I confessed this to his mother Elena Petrovna - she laughed for a long time: "So it was you?! That's who I wiped the street for." But those childhood feelings for Vladimir Presnyakov changed my life.

At an older age, do you allow yourself to make rash acts or have you become more cautious?

I stopped after everything changed dramatically in our family and I actually became its head.

Do you agree that the difficulties and tragic events in life - is it for the benefit of a creative person?

In general, I believe that the author, artist, artist must be hungry, cold, unhappy. Recently, my friends and I even discussed this phenomenon: if you look at biographies famous composers past, they, as a rule, actively created 10-15 years of their lives, and this period was the most tragic for them. unhappy unrequited love, financial difficulties, etc. As soon as the artist becomes full and satisfied, the Muse leaves.

Does this theory also work for contemporary artists?

100 percent. Contemporary artists must also be hungry, cold, miserable...

And you say that you are absolutely happy.

Well, I'm a woman. Everything is a little different here, I can play these mind games, I even have a certificate that I suffer from a split personality.

Like the singer Beyonce, or what? She becomes a different person when she goes on stage.

Is it true? Well, they will say that I borrowed the idea from her. I can’t say that it started for me since childhood - rather, with the formation of the Vintage group. I learned to be on stage completely different from what I really am. For eight years of work in the Lyceum group, I got used to playing a certain role - a girl from a neighboring yard, smiling, radiant, with a guitar. It was not difficult for me at all, but even the sound that I extracted from myself was the one that the producer demanded of me - flat, cheerful.

In "Vintage" I learned to sing again - for six months we beat out of me what was not me. And we managed to do it. On this moment we can say that both I and my teammate Alexei Romanof got rid of those phantoms that we acquired earlier. In the Amega group, Lesha also did not write songs, but was only a performer. Now, before going on stage, while still in the dressing room, I am reborn, reincarnated, like the hero of the film "Mask". Should I draw arrows, put on stage costume how I stop remembering myself.

In general, from a serious business woman you turn into a bitch in leather underwear?

Too easy, I become different. Alien.

How seriously do you take your art?

To music - very seriously. Everything else - with a slight smile. Especially to all these concepts "sex symbol", "star". I know how to play it, but I don't take it seriously.

It does not interfere? With good serious music, can you do everything else, frivolous?

One without the other is impossible.

Doesn't light-weight presentation with a touch of eroticism make the material easier to perceive?

Facilitates - and thank God. Without this shell, nothing would have reached people. Nobody would have heard the albums "Criminal Love", "Sex", "Anechka", which is completely philosophical, if not for this shiny wrapper. Without her now nowhere.

But there are other examples - Zemfira.

Don't touch the sacred.

Doesn't she have a wrapper?

Zemfira is a separate planet, I would say that she is a superman. It is impossible to take such people into account, people like her are born once in a hundred years. And it is a great happiness that we live with her at the same time.

By the way, do you know her?

We were at her December concert. Then we were invited to a banquet. We met - this is loudly said, I would not even dare to talk to her.

The Vintage group is perceived more as a dance group.

We have been striving for this for a long time.

This is the contradiction: on the one hand, when you go to dance, you want to move and unload your brain without thinking about the lyrics of the song. To what extent is this the right presentation for the music that you call philosophical? Maybe you should sing it quietly, with a guitar?

We have different concerts. There are those that we perform for real fans who listen to our lyrics, know them by heart. These fans first fell in love with the lighter dance hits, and only then - with our other, deeper songs. And we are just now releasing two collections of our best songs- "Mickey. Alternative", which includes songs that did not sound on the air, and the Light album, where all our lyrics will be.

When your group took their first steps, they were predicted to succeed t.A.T.u. To what extent was this forecast correct?

The forecast was natural, we then released a provocative video "Bad Girl". I can't say that it was a calculated move, but we wanted to be noticed. We decided to invite a famous person to participate in the video. Offered to many - Tatyana Navka, Anna Sedokova. But they didn't know what "Vintage" was. Although we had hits by that time - "Mamma Mia", "All the best", we were brushed aside.

Why did Elena Korikova agree?

She liked the music. True, later, when we were already standing at her door to pick up and take to the shooting, she suddenly said that she had changed her mind. She said: I won’t go - my car broke down, the door jammed. So we repaired the door for her there. Almost by force they brought her to the studio. And I don't think they missed it. Then the whole country recognized me as the soloist of the Vintage group, and Lena Korikova, who before this clip was Poor Nastya for everyone, in a new bold image.

With the help of this outrageous video, we wanted to laugh at all the "singing cowards" that appeared at that time, incomprehensible girls who decided that they could sing. However, everyone took it seriously and put a stigma on me, as Madonna once did, which, it seems, will remain Material Girl for all time for us. No matter how much we later recorded songs with a different mood and meaning, I forever remained the most "Bad Girl" of the domestic show business.

What song would you now call your calling card?

We have many of these. "Bad Girl", "Loneliness of Love", "Moscow", "Roman" ...

What if one?

I think, "Moscow", which is already time to replace the song "Moscow - the bells are ringing." And, of course, "The Sign of Aquarius" has been on the air for almost a year and reflects the mood of the group. At concerts, we try to sing all our hits - because people come for this.

Is it true that at one of the concerts you broke your leg right on stage?

Yes, I fell out of the coffin.

From which coffin?

It was Halloween, there was a flying coffin on the stage among the scenery - I appeared in front of the audience in it. She couldn't resist and fell out of it. Broke her leg. Nothing special.

You talk like you break every day.

No, I broke it for the first time in my life. And everything turned out to be so serious that a metal pin was inserted into my leg, I visited twice wheelchair. If a week after the fracture I had not stood on crutches and heels, I would have recovered faster.

The theme of our issue conventionally sounds like "superwoman" - how do you understand that?

They sometimes say this about me: everything is fine in her personal life, and in her work. She is a superwoman. It's funny.

And what do you really do?

It's all just a buzz for me, but I'm not a superwoman at all.

Why don't you like to talk about children?

I like to talk about them, but with relatives, friends, I can with you, outside of the interview. Now many artists do nothing but show their children, their families, houses, toilets in the media ... I don’t want to be in this stream. At the same concert, Zemfira showed a video filmed by Renata Litvinova, where in the frame the baby, who is turned over in every possible way, is photographed, and in the finale is burned. I do not want children to become a tool for my advancement. Suddenly they will grow up and say: "Mom, why did you do this with us?"

If you are asked about child education?

Does it happen to you that you commit an act, and then you are afraid that the public might find out about it?

I don't tend to be reflective at all. I know a lot of people who think over their every step, but I myself try not to think, but to do as my heart and soul tell me.

Are you afraid of growing up?

I'm afraid of becoming a callous person.

Are you afraid of external changes?

Do you mean old age?

Yes. Does the word antiage piss you off?

No Coco Chanel said: "If a woman has not become a beauty by the age of 30, then she is just a fool." I think a woman has to take care of herself. Now there are all means in order to correct external flaws.

Any means are good or are there still limitations?

I know for sure: no matter what you inject yourself and pull up, if you have a void in your head, you will still grow old ugly. Girls do not take this factor into account, they do not understand the importance of the internal component.

I wonder if you've ever been embarrassed about your body?

In general, I have an exhibitionist soul. My beauty is non-standard, so many tried to shame me for it. However, I remember the words of my dad - he said: show everything you have, because you are beautiful. Here I am showing.

My colleagues who spoke with you agree on one thing: you are very flirtatious.

There is such. Since childhood, I can not help myself. True, now it is less.


Several times I hurt people badly with my coquetry.

So someone misunderstood this?

Yes, many. There were those who suffered greatly from my coquetry. But I myself am to blame - I can’t control myself 100 percent. IN Lately I try to turn off coquetry, because I am aware of the consequences.

Tell me, please, these people - are they at least alive?

Yes, but some of them are still sick.


This summer, the charming singer announced that she was leaving the Vintage group as a soloist, but remains in the team as a producer. The artist also presented her debut video "Strong Girl", which marks the era new Anna Pletneva.

However, this is not all news. Next year, fans of the sultry brunette will have another surprise - a duet with the star of the show comedy woman Marina Fedunkiv. Despite concerts, filming and recording, Anya was able to find time in her busy schedule and took part in an exclusive photo shoot for the site.

In the Moscow cafe Beverly Hills Diner, our heroine and I recreated real “vintage” images, with the help of the Runway Store showroom, Tarik Ediz and Yakubowitch brands. Naturally, "the worst girl" Russian show business I couldn't get past the gas station and the plastic Marlon Brando... You can already evaluate our retro shooting in the photo gallery. And from the interview you will learn how to cook in order to conquer your beloved, why men should not know how strong you are, and who helped Anna Pletneva herself to liberate herself.

Anna Pletneva in an exclusive photoshoot for the website (at RunwayStore)

website: Anya, we can’t help but ask why you decided to sing solo?

Anna Pletneva: To be honest, behind the brand of the Vintage group, people did not hear a lot of lyrical, deep compositions. Unfortunately, there is a certain stereotype in relation to the team - they say, it is always outrageous, dance, club tracks. But those fans who have been with us for a long time know what Lesha and I have (Alexey Romanof - the creator of the Vintage group, along with Anna Pletneva, author and composer, - site note) a huge baggage of songs, including, at first glance, unusual for the group. I didn’t want to limit myself to some kind of framework, so the only right decision was made. However, we could not abandon our offspring - the Vintage group, which turned ten this year. With the help of online casting, the line-up was updated, and now four girls continue my just cause: they carry the banner of the “bad girl” on stage (smiles).

website: Who was the first to propose such a division: you or Lesha?

A.P.: Hard to tell. Romanov and I have long been a family, we look in the same direction, we think alike. They say that with age people become similar friend on a friend, and in our case this is exactly the case (laughs). I was “pregnant” with this idea for a long time, only, apparently, I did not fully realize what I wanted, did not dare to speak out. And once Lyosha caught my wave, called, and we said in one voice: “It's time!”

website: What is Anna Pletneva singing about now? How do you define the style of your solo project?

A.P.: It's funny when an artist tries to predict his "certain project". I don’t really like this word at all ... You know, when I went to my first performance as a solo artist in the summer, Lesha instructed me in every possible way: “Remember, you are different! You are now Anya Pletneva! Understand? It's like Alla Pugacheva - lyrical, soft. Don’t be daring on stage, don’t be hooligans, control yourself!” I nodded, went on stage, and as soon as the first notes began to play, I was carried away ... Jumping into the hall, crazy movements - in general, a complete break (laughs). From which I concluded that I will not change. As she was a "bad girl", she remained. It's too late for me to change drastically. And probably pointless.

website: For ten years we have known you as the founder and soloist of the Vintage group. But before that, you sang in the Lyceum group. Did you already have such qualities as impudence, sexuality?

A.P.: Certainly! "Lyceum" was a production project in which I was supposed to have a certain role. But I kept breaking the rules that existed in this girl group, and scolded for it by full program. I was punished in every way: both monetary fines and verbal warnings, they almost put me in a corner! Yes, many of my tears were shed in the toilet at the rehearsal base ... Shamed in person, shamed in public. They said that I wag my hips like an obscene woman ... You know, now it's so funny to remember those years - it was a great school of life. These memories give me even more confidence that today I am doing everything right. I am the way I am. And I'm free.

A.P.: Yes, i was active child. Hooligan, "lighter". At the same time, she always treated each person with a soul, and this is the main thing.

A.P.: I studied badly. Rather, it’s good until the age of eight, but then the touring life began: I danced in the children’s ballet Ostankino. The stage has always been everything to me, so I completed my studies later. Now, of course, I know German, English languages... But, frankly, I'm glad that everything happened that way. Then I had a different school - the school of life, which only made me stronger and more self-confident.

Anna Pletneva in an exclusive photo shoot for the site (at Yakubowitch)

website: At what age did you realize that you are a beautiful, sexy girl?

A.P.: Although I grew up in the Soviet Union, where there was no sex and information, I was raised by a wonderful dad. He was very bright, light, internally a free man with an amazing sense of humor. I remember when the boys started to like me, he told me: “Anechka, now you have something to show - show it! Because you are beautiful!" It is very important to convey to your child in time that he is beautiful and that he does not need to be shy in good sense words. Therefore, my father partly influenced my inner freedom, emancipation and self-confidence, for which many thanks to him.

website: Do you think it is possible for those girls in whom femininity has not yet awakened to discover it in themselves?

A.P.: I am absolutely sure of it! I think one day I will definitely start to conduct such courses. (laughs). To be honest, I have already begun to do it quietly, but so far only in the circle of my friends. Everyone who communicates closely with me knows that they can turn to me for advice, and I will help. It's time to read lectures. So maybe this future is just around the corner (laughs).

website: What affects female sexuality?

A.P.: Lots of factors. For example, shopping. You know - it's worth buying a new dress in which you will feel like a queen, and all your men at this evening! A new hairstyle, styling, manicure ... But, of course, the main thing is self-confidence. No matter how trite it may sound, but if a woman does not doubt herself, if she is smart, she will be able to make herself beautiful, desirable, attractive.

. One gets the impression that men do not hurt the same love smart and strong.

A.P.: It is not true. It's just that some girls misbehave. You have to be weak with men. Instead of this

The strength of a woman is in her weakness. A woman who takes upon herself the solution of all problems and does not allow a man to do it is not so much strong as unhappy. You know, just for last week several of my acquaintances complained to me that they have to do everything: earn money, feed the children, while their husbands are at home. At the same time, neither the woman herself nor her beloved become happier because they change roles. Remaining fragile and defenseless, you motivate men to exploits. And you have to be strong in order to find your love, not to get used to loneliness, not to be afraid to change your life for the sake of love.

Russian women are strong in spirit from birth. It's about us - "stop a galloping horse." Why do you think we got this role?

We ourselves repeat all the time that we can stop a horse and go into a burning hut... This stereotype developed in the Soviet past, when the most fashionable memes were a collective farmer and a woman with an oar. It's just that someone needed it at one time - to turn a woman into labor force… But we ourselves make our choice now.

All previous albums of "Vintage" were very conceptual. Each had some idea that connected all the tracks on the record. There is no such thing in Strong Girl. This is really the story of three years of my life, my personal experience which I lived, felt and turned into knowledge. Summary The album is exactly that: three years in the life of Anya Pletneva.

What awaits the audience at the concert?

The main event, of course, will be our joint appearance on stage with Alexei Romanov. It's not a secret for anyone that after many years of success and victories, our cooperation turned out to be in some dead end. We both did not understand what to do, where to go next. We didn't talk at all for several months. And before the New Year, we met, hugged, cried for several hours and decided that we would be together again. And although Lesha still categorically refuses to go on stage, at this concert he will make an exception. This will be exclusive once on November 1st at the RED Club.

The date of the concert is beautiful - 01/11, was it not chosen by chance? Do you believe in all sorts of esoteric signs?

The date is really beautiful. And, from the point of view of esotericism, it is not we who chose her, but she herself chose us. I became interested in spiritual literature, now I am reading the book of the Indian yogi and mystic Sadhguru "Internal Engineering". She is amazing! Sometimes there is no time, and I can not open it for two or three days. But as soon as I pick it up again, I immediately find the answer to the question that interests me at the moment.

Your performances are always accompanied by bright and deliberately sexy costumes. It seems to be a miniature little girl, but at the same time very frank. Why do you need such self-expression?

All images are obtained by themselves. I feel completely natural and comfortable. When I was a member of the Red Banner ensemble "Lyceum", the producer all the time tried to somehow change me. He forced me to braid a braid, forbade unnecessary movements on stage. I suffered terribly, cried in the toilet before the concert. I untwisted this stupid braid, for which I was fined many times. They made me into someone I really wasn't. But in the Vintage group, when I was already my own mistress, I was able to do whatever I want. And I still keep experimenting. You have no idea how I will look on November 1st! I can say that for my costumes I had to buy 150 Barbie dolls ...

Your daughters are already quite old - 15 and 13 years old. How do they feel about such experiments of mom on stage?

They like it. Children adore the Vintage group, and this helps me not to doubt the correctness of the chosen image. Parents often come up to me and tell me that their kids know all our songs. After all, you can’t fool children, they have a very clear lie detector. They do not analyze what Anya showed and how she dressed. I hope my children in years to come and will perceive me today.

There was just a breathtaking story in your life when one of your fans wanted to force you out of your own life. As in the book by Sergei Minaev "Selfie", where the hero is completely replaced by a double.

Yes, quite a long time has passed since that incident, and I can talk about it, although I do not like to remember it. It began with the fact that a girl approached me, introduced herself as an aspiring writer and offered to write a book about me. After reading some of her work, I agreed. It was supposed to be a novel about a teenage hooligan at school, a "rebel" in the "Lyceum" and a "bad girl" in the Vintage group. It, of course, had to be about love, my family, children. We began to communicate almost 24 hours a day, Lena almost settled at my house. She was interested in everything: what clothes I wear, what paste I brush my teeth with. We became very good friends. Behind a short time she learned about me as much as some did not know for long years communication with me. After some time, I began to notice that Lena was becoming more and more like me: the same hairstyle, the same style of dress, facial expressions, gestures ... At some point, I even felt creepy, but the process of working on the book went on full swing- the content suited me completely, and I drove bad thoughts away from me.

Everything changed in one second. Once Lena forgot her phone with me, the phone rang, I picked up the phone on the machine. The man who called was sure that he was calling Anna Pletneva. But I realized that the phone is not mine! When I opened the "Photos" folder, I was horrified - there were only my photos and photos of my family and not a single Lenina! In addition, I found out that she communicated on my behalf not only with Vintage fans, but also with my acquaintances! When Lena returned a few minutes later for the phone, I demanded an explanation. She burst into tears and, after threatening to call the police, showed me a brand new passport, where it was written: "Anna Pletneva." Somehow she managed to obtain such a document. According to the girl, an unsettled personal life pushed her to such an act, she really wanted to feel loved. "Everyone loves you, but I don't, I want to be like you!" Lena repeated. Despite the raging inside of me negative emotions I decided to help Lena. She was treated by a psychologist friend of mine. Through acquaintances, I find out how Lena is doing. Now she is doing well, she works. But personally I do not communicate with her and never met again.

In one of your interviews, you called leaving the Vintage group a difficult divorce. Usually, a departed woman always tries to show her ex-partner that she is fine without him, even better. Have you been like that?

Not really. We tried to change the composition of the Vintage group, but the attempt was unsuccessful. It was impossible to separate me from Vintage. And now on the poster of our performance it is written: Anna Pletneva "Vintage". When I talked about divorce, I meant our creative relationship with Alexei Romanov. I didn't want to prove anything to anyone. It was just hard, that's all. Over the 10 years of working together, we have become family to each other. And everything that happened to us was like a crisis within the family - mutual claims, resentment ... We were both tired, and we needed a break.

You once said that in order to improve the quality of life, you need to smile every day. Do you follow this rule?

Certainly! This is a simple physiological law. Our mind and body are inextricably linked. If you just smile for even a minute even for no reason, positive thoughts will start to come to your mind, your mood will improve, everything will turn out easily and simply, and life will become better.

She has been on stage for twenty years, but there is no question of any star disease. Sitting in the presidential suite of the Lotte Hotel, Anya simply, with a laugh, and self-irony spoke about friendship, music, beauty and happiness. Everything was so relaxed that five hours of shooting flew by in a flash.

- More recently, another work with Dj Smash has been released, tell us why the choice fell on him for the third time?

- And really, I didn’t even think about how much I like working with Andrey. It combines a huge number of qualities - this is the desire for adventure, and crazy luck, and endless energy. He's the kind of person with whom things happen all the time. incredible stories, it is extremely interesting to communicate with him, make friends and, of course, create new musical compositions.

- The initiative comes from Andrey, or are these your joint ideas?

- Our first collaboration happened at the concert of the Vintage group. I invited him to Crocus for our performance, where he came with pleasure. Then quite a bit happened interesting story. I had a lot of "clones" in in social networks, and one of them wrote to Andrey with a proposal to write down joint track. After some time, he calls me back, and we have a very funny dialogue. Andrew says: Cool idea!" - "What's the idea?" – “Well, how? You yourself offered me to record a joint track ?! - "Yes?! Well, let's write down ... "So the" clones "played with me good joke.

- So the song "Moscow" appeared?

- Yes, and after that there was the song “Three Wishes”, and now “The City Where Dreams Come True”. Again, by the way, the unreal story that served as the beginning of the song. Andrey in Ibiza met the owner of an ostrich farm in Yerevan, who offered to visit him. After the trip, the idea arose to create a new track and video, of course, with the Vintage group.

Are men easier to work with than women?

- I do not share the principle of "boy-girl". I was very lucky - all the people with whom I worked and work become very close to me. In general, I am madly in love with people, I try to see only the right and good things, although everyone has their own “cockroaches”, and it doesn’t matter if you are a man or a woman.

- Do you have a lot of friends?

– I have many associates and people whom I love and who love me. Friendship is not quite the right word, for me these people rather family.

- How do you feel about criticism?

- Of course, I'm worried. I remember how after the song "Moscow" there was a huge amount negative reviews from our fans because it was a new style for the Vintage group. Everyone scolded us, saying: “Vintage is something deep, but here dance music". But then new fans joined us.

Are you afraid to be so open with your fans?

On the contrary, it is very important for me. We often meet with the fan club, we invite you to all our events. Even when performing in clubs where there is strict face control, there must be reserved seats near the stage for fans, in our rider this is a mandatory item.

- You have been on stage for a very long time, but your very first performance on big stage surely you remember?

- Naturally, I remember my first performance, it was in the Lyceum group. I got into the team quite by accident, and a week later we were supposed to have a concert. Behind short term I needed to learn how to play the guitar. Having wiped all my fingers into the blood, I still managed to do it. And here is the day of the concert. I go on stage and I see David Copperfield in the hall in the first row. It was just the peak of his career, it seems to me that all the women of the planet were in love with him. I looked at him and could not sing a word, moreover, my microphone turned off, my hands could not remember a single chord, in general, complete horror. After the concert, he came up and said that it was amazing, although I didn't make a sound (laughs).

Do you still have stage fright?

- For so many years I have been on stage, and every time for me this is a test that I have to go through. This is an amazing feeling, every time I think that it would be time for him to disappear, but no, it haunts me before every performance.

- And something has changed in show business "then and now"?

Several generations of listeners have changed before my eyes. A lot has changed, but we are still perceived as a fashionable youth group. And it's very cool!

- So what is the secret to always be in the rotation, on TV, in the top?

- It's like in the book of Lewis Carroll: "You need to run as fast as you can just to stay in place, but to get somewhere, you have to run twice as fast!" Of course, we make mistakes, we learn, but we run, and every time we get faster.

Is there anything you wanted to fix in the past?

– Today is the result of what you did and what you dreamed about yesterday. Therefore, it seems to me that in my past everything was correct, as it should have been. By the way, we recently recorded a song on this topic, which will become the soundtrack to the series "Dreams". And it is about how you can influence the future by turning to your subconscious, which stores all of our past.

– Is there a place where you would like to be, but it was not possible?

- It would be more correct to say that there are places that I have not yet been, but I will definitely visit there. For example, in America...

- Can you call yourself a happy person?

- Certainly! I am a happy person who does what he loves and enjoys it. In addition, I can say that I can dream, and my dreams come true. Even the most incredible ones!

- I think it's not a secret for you that they call you a sex symbol, and which of the men can you call the sexiest?

- Carlson.

- New Year is coming soon, have you already decided where you will celebrate, or is there work to be done?

New Year- This family celebration. And unlike most artists, we never work on this day, but celebrate it with loved ones and relatives. But there is one obligatory tradition: at midnight we must certainly be together with Alexei Romanov, my friend and partner in the Vintage group. And then we can both be sure that the coming year will be successful for us!

Dress - Mania (@official_mania)
Jewelry - Yulia Logvinova (@okatava)
Shoes - Carlo Pazolini (@carlopazolini)

Anna Pletneva

Anna Pletneva: “When I see myself on the cover men's magazine I always remember the words of my father"

- What were you like as a child?

I was a beloved, spoiled child who was allowed to do everything. I am grateful to my parents for not setting any limits and giving me a sense of inner freedom.

- How did you earn the first money and what did you spend it on?

I received my first performance fee at Artek in the form of a package of chewing gum from a detachment of pioneers from Czechoslovakia. But the comrades condemned me for this, and the "fee" had to be returned ...

- How often do you have to listen to jokes about girls driving?

I prefer to travel around the city with a driver. But one day I almost became the heroine of a joke when I was driving a car on my own. I vertically challenged and behind the wheel of my rather large car, I can hardly be seen. The traffic police officer stopped me with the words: “I look and I don’t understand - is this car driving by itself? ..”

- best advice which one did you follow?

My dad gave me the best advice. He said: "Show everything if you have something to show." When I see myself on the cover of a men's magazine, I always remember his words.

- For the sake of what delicacy are you ready to give up the diet?

My motto is: "You can do everything, but little by little." As soon as you start limiting yourself in something, you will only want it even more, and then you will eat twice as much.

- With which male quality won't you put up with anything?

Greedy and lacking a sense of humor.

- In what clothes do you feel irresistible?

At any.

- Is it easy to deceive you?

I am a fairly perceptive person, besides, I have a well-developed intuition. I feel people and usually immediately understand when they tell me a lie.

- Do you know how to deceive yourself?

It seems to me that any true woman should be able to dissemble a little.

- What films can you watch endlessly?

- "Real love".

- What is a female whim in your performance?

I am not a capricious person, but a demanding one. Please do not confuse these qualities in my performance!

- A trip that you remember forever?

Tahiti, where I had a wedding according to local rites.

- How do you imagine the best job in the world?

Watch my video or concert performance. For me this is best job in the world.

- Do you know what is in your purse?

I thought that such a question is asked only at customs in Israel. (Smiling.)

- Happiness is…

Live in harmony with yourself.

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