What does Stoltz do in life. The composition “Stolz Andrey Ivanovich is one of the main characters


Brilliant for its time, the novel Oblomov, published by Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov in 1859, still makes us think about the moral, social, and philosophical issues of life. Each person is responsible for his life and destiny - this can be formulated main idea this literary work. One of the main actors, designed to bring the reader to an understanding of the idea of ​​the novel, is the image of Stolz. He "sets off" the image of the protagonist of Oblomov's story in his tireless struggle for his salvation. At the same time, the author endows Stolz with living features human personality, which allows you to look deeper into his soul and understand the motives of his actions.

The appearance of Andrei Ivanovich Stolz

From the very first appearance on the pages of a great work, the reader can quite accurately “outline” the portrait of Stolz in the novel Oblomov. This character is decisively the opposite of Oblomov in everything. He is active, mobile, devoid of bouts of depression and blues.

Stoltz appears before the reader in part 2 of the work (third chapter). After a long absence, our character visited Oblomov and found his friend lying on the couch. Andrei without hesitation showed active participation in the position of Ilya Ilyich, trying to shake off the blues that had overcome his friend.


Every action has a motive. The behavior of Andrei Ivanovich follows from his characteristics given by the author of the work. The image of Stolz was briefly described by Gocharov himself: "The leading role in life belongs" new force"- the energetic businessman Stolz. He wins, he is the future."

What makes Andrei try to save Oblomov? First of all, love and affection for your friend. He sincerely, caringly interested in his health. Realizing that staying on the couch is not due to physical, but due to spiritual weakness, he considers it necessary to change the way of life of Ilya Ilyich. He acts according to his beliefs about how a person's life should be - this is the real portrait of Stolz.

childhood friends

Based on the story, the characters are friendly since childhood. Andrei is used to behaving with Ilya like a senior with a junior. Stolz remembers that early years Oblomov, throwing off his sleepy veil, was no stranger to poetry, so he hopes for the success of his "educational" impact. At first, one gets the impression that Andrei's tireless nature takes precedence over Oblomov's passivity. In fact, Andrei Ivanovich, thanks to his seething energy, outwardly managed to move his friend from his place, but internally it was still the same Oblomov.

and Stolz

Both comrades, although they were friends from childhood, were completely different in character and attitude to life. Stolz liked to "rotate" in society, make contacts, he was a business man. Oblomov was a homebody, he liked to be alone and do "self-digging".

The portrait of Stolz and the portrait of Oblomov were so different from each other that the author could not avoid the topic of the main characters. Once Ilya Ilyich "revolted" against the role imposed by Stolz, this was the beginning of a psychological confrontation between friends. What was Andrei Stolz thinking about during the famous conversation with Oblomov, what is his internal monologue? Did he internally agree with his friend when he uttered an emotional tirade about the emptiness and vanity of social life?

Rather, yes. He does not interrupt Oblomov and objects to him rather sluggishly, which slightly violates the usual image of Stolz in the novel: "It's all old - it's been talked about a thousand times." He even asks Ilya to continue developing his thought and awards him the title of philosopher. Offering Oblomov to draw perfect image life, Stoltz pushes him to confession, citing examples of the wonderful deeds of his youth. Thus, he wants to achieve that Ilya came to the idea of ​​the need to change his life.

The image of Andrei Stolz is characterized by his incredible determination. Touched by Oblomov's confession, he is even more convinced of the need for his help and exclaims: "I will not leave you." And only when Ilya Ilyich began to draw new obstacles in the path of action, Stolz realized that he needed to act decisively and firmly. "Now or never" is his ultimatum.

Attitude towards love of Olga and Oblomov

Having gone abroad and leaving Oblomov in the care of Olga, the thought of the possibility of a romance between them does not occur to Stolz. Much later, when Olga confesses to him her past love for Oblomov, Stolz will not attach importance to her first feeling. Why? No, this is not wounded pride - this is not the portrait of Stolz - rather, an underestimation of the personality of Ilya Ilyich, an inability to catch the subtle, gentle, pure that is in his soul and can evoke a reciprocal feeling of a woman.

In the fourth part of the novel main character"sank into a dream" in Pshenitsyna's house, eventually becoming her husband. Time seemed to turn back, as if returning Ilya Ilyich to his native Oblomovka. Stolz is still not indifferent to the fate of Oblomov. Arriving in the city, a friend visited Ilya.

What did Andrei feel during the meeting with a friend? He talks to Ilya, rather, like a wise teacher with a negligent student. His thoughts are occupied with Olga, but, of course, he does not confess to Oblomov his feelings for her. Nevertheless, he is the first to talk about Olga, because he wants to talk about this girl. He understands that Oblomov, carried away by Olga, could not follow Stolz and come to Paris, and he excuses him.

save a friend

The portrait of Stolz in the novel "Oblomov" is endowed with features strong personality setting challenging goals and striving to achieve them. Waking up Oblomov at least for some activity is his task, so he scares a friend terrible diseases who will certainly come if he does not change his habits. But it doesn't help. In addition, his self-esteem spurs him to act more and more energetically: after all, he promised Olga to save Oblomov. How can he not comply with her request!

When Andrey realized that due to his negligence, Ilya was also robbed, he, a man of the business world who knows how to count money, is extremely outraged. He is excited. This is evidenced by his plasticity: "... threw up his hands at this story." Then he turns to his comrade in an orderly tone and "almost by force" takes Oblomov to his place in order to settle everything. Emotionally, the scene is built by the author on the rise. An inexperienced reader has the right to hope that now Ilya will obey his friend, go to the village, and everything will work out well. But Goncharov, true to the truth of his characters, leads his heroes in a different way. The purposeful and strong image of Stolz could not change the weak and weak-willed image of Oblomov.

Stolz's practicality determines the foundations of his worldview. The hero of the novel is portrayed as a sober realist, in whose soul "there was no place for a dream, a mysterious, mysterious". Things beyond his awareness were, in his eyes, a kind of optical illusion. Perhaps a total misunderstanding of the character and thoughts of a friend prevented Andrei from "becoming a messiah."

Disabled Oblomov

The characterization of Oblomov and Stolz is especially pronounced towards the end of the story. Without waiting for Oblomov in the village, Stolz again visits a friend. He is amazed not only by the appearance of Ilya Ilyich, but also by the environment that surrounds him. Almost immediately it comes to Olga. Knowing people and having sufficient life experience, Andrei is excited and touched by how sincerely Ilya rejoices at the happiness of his friends. All the more he wants to tear this lazy man with a beautiful soul out of a gray, wretched environment. Andrei is trying to disturb his soul, to evoke exciting memories of the past, but Oblomov decisively suppresses him: “No, Andrei, no, don’t remember, don’t move, for God’s sake!”

Then Stolz undertakes to captivate him with a description of those remarkable changes that have taken place in Oblomovka, as well as the opportunity to equip new house according to your taste. But even this leaves Oblomov indifferent. Stolz is silent, discouraged, does not know how to proceed. Watching an intoxicated friend, he tries to understand why, with sufficient funds, Ilya is surrounded by such poverty. Finally, it seems to him that he is close to the solution, and then he begins to act. Using his will, knowledge and connections, Stolz again saves Oblomov from lack of money.

After 5 years

After five years, Goncharov draws us the last and most dramatic meeting of friends. Of course, Stolz doubts that he can resurrect Oblomov. And yet he considers it his duty to pull him out of the "pit" into a more dignified and decent life. Supported by his wife, he intends to almost force Oblomov into a carriage and take him away. He was ready to meet Ilya’s resistance, but was not ready to accept the news that his friend was married to Agafya Matveevna and had a son: “The abyss suddenly opened up before him ...”

Andrei Ivanovich knows nothing about what a deep and strong feeling lives in the chest of Pshenitsyna, a simple and undeveloped woman. He for a long time is silent, not answering Olga's persistent questions, deeply shocked by the loss of a friend.

What is the true image of Stolz?

Briefly answering the question of who Stolz is is not so simple. Despite the abundance of positive epithets, this person is not perfect. His excessive practicality made it difficult to see in Oblomov not just an apathetic, at times weak-willed and lazy friend, but a philosopher, a person with a fine mental organization, capable of loving and falling in love with himself. The author of the novel did not fail to emphasize the excessive dryness of Andrei Ivanovich. His activities were limited to personal well-being. However, he wanted to help Oblomov sincerely, without hidden implications.

The portrait of Stolz, according to the thinkers of that time, is close to ideal. To shake up the country, it was precisely such "stolts" that were required. Dobrolyubov noted that the country needed a type of public figure who would actively fight against "Oblomovism" in all areas of life.

Stolz - positive hero Goncharova - sharply opposed to Oblomov. Already the very social environment surrounding the future "merchant and tourist", the conditions and methods of his upbringing and education are fundamentally different from Oblomov's. Stolz is not a dreamer. First of all, he business man". But this, however, does not prevent him from striving "for a balance of practical aspects with the high needs of the spirit."

The image of Stolz was conceived by Goncharov as an antipode to the image of Oblomov. In the image of this hero, the writer wanted to present a whole, active, active person, to embody a new Russian type. However, Goncharov's plan was not entirely successful, and, above all, because this type was not represented in Russian life itself.

“Stoltsev, people with an integral, active character, in which every thought is immediately an aspiration and turns into action, are not yet in the life of our society ... That is why from Goncharov’s novel we only see that Stolz is an active person, everything he fusses about something, runs around, acquires, says that to live means to work ... But what he does, and how he manages to do something decent ... - this remains a mystery to us, ”writes N. Dobrolyubov .

The image of Stolz could have remained in the novel as a schematic, abstract symbol of active goodness, but the writer himself felt this discrepancy. Denoting positive traits hero at the beginning of the novel, Goncharov then creates a multifaceted, voluminous character, not ideal, not so original intention, but in its own way complex, life-truthful, realistic.

The novel presents Stolz's backstory. The writer tells in detail about his childhood, family, life in parental home. Andrei's father was a German, from whom his son inherited a love of order, pedantry and accuracy, efficiency and diligence. The father, who wanted to see in his son a repetition of his own fate, gave him a "strict, practical upbringing", an excellent education. But the tender love of a mother, a Russian noblewoman, who dreams of seeing her son as a Russian master, variations of Hertz, the proximity of Oblomovka, the prince's castle - all this was intended to turn "the narrow German track into such a wide road that neither his grandfather, nor his father, nor himself dreamed of. ".

However, Stolz's "wide road" turns into his private family life. “And we don’t understand how Stoltz could calm down in his activity from all the aspirations and needs that Oblomov further overcame, how he could be satisfied with his position, calm down on his lonely, separate, exceptional happiness ...,” writes Dobrolyubov. However, in the depiction of the hero's character, Goncharov's artistic flair, the flair of a realist artist, who studied this character deeply and completely, manifested itself.

The first thing that the writer notes in the character of Stolz is rationalism. “The dream, the mysterious, the mysterious, had no place in his soul. What was not subjected to the analysis of experience, practical truth, was in his eyes optical illusion... He did not have that dilettantism that loves to roam in the miraculous or to be quixotic in the field of conjectures and discoveries a thousand years in advance. He stubbornly stopped at the threshold of the mystery, not revealing either the faith of the child or the doubt of the veil, but expected the appearance of the law, and with it the key to it, ”writes Goncharov. Above all, Stoltz valued in people perseverance in achieving goals, but he was afraid of imagination, dreams, violent impulses, passions and tried to avoid them in life.

Goncharov emphasizes "non-Russian", but "European" features in the hero. This is rationality, restraint, moderation in everything. Stolz “was unable to arm himself with that courage that, closing his eyes, jumps through the abyss or throws himself at the wall at random. He will measure the abyss or the wall, and if there is no sure means to overcome, he will depart, no matter what they say about him. " Common sense mediocrity" - with these words Tolstoy described one of his heroes, Nikolai Rostov, in the novel "War and Peace". These words perfectly reveal the character of the hero Goncharov.

Stolz is strong strong-willed person, controlling not only all his actions, but also feelings. He never completely surrendered to his feelings, "even in the midst of passion he felt the ground under his feet." He was not afraid of difficulties, he looked at life directly and simply. Pisarev notes that "Stolz is not one of those cold, phlegmatic people who subordinate their actions to calculation, because there is no vital warmth in them ...". However, the hero's susceptibility in this area is limited. Stolz is capable of love, friendship, but all these feelings are subject to his convictions, some formalities.

Limitation is also reflected in the hero's "ideological quest". All his "indefatigable activity" is "participation in some company that sends goods abroad." While doing business, Stolz "made a house and money." Olga's inquisitive, searching mind, her restless nature could not be satisfied with a quiet family idyll. When she tried to talk about it with her husband, she received advice in response to come to terms with life. “We are not Titans with you ... we will not go, with Manfreds and Fausts, to a daring fight against rebellious issues, we will not accept their challenge, bow our heads and humbly survive Hard time...”, says Stolz to Olga.

Stolz's limitations are also reflected in his relationship with Oblomov. So, Stolz is constantly trying to "reshape" the character of a friend in his own image, to involve him in the cycle of life, to take work. However, at the heart of these motives - just a thirst for activity. “Olga, Stolz and Raisky are nothing more than gusli-samogudy. They wake up Oblomov and Sofya Nikolaevna not out of love, not out of friendship, not out of a wish for them well, but simply out of a feverish thirst for activity ... ”, N.K. Mikhailovsky.

What is true attitude Stolz to Oblomov? Andrei Ivanovich considers himself his friend, he seems to love him, meanwhile he not only does not understand Oblomov, but does not take him seriously, deep down considering him an empty and insignificant person. Having met Olga in Paris and noting how internally “this girl has developed”, he is at a loss: “Who was her teacher? Where did she take life lessons? At the baron? It's smooth there, you can't learn anything from his smart phrases! Not with Ilya! .. "

When Olga Ilyinskaya tells Stolz about her love for Ilya, Andrei cannot believe her. Conscious of his own superiority, he considers this relationship a mistake, a misunderstanding, a delusion, a deceit - anything but love. “But love needs something like that, sometimes trifles, which cannot be defined or named, and which is not in my incomparable, but clumsy Ilya ... Ah, if only it were true! he added with enthusiasm. - If Oblomov, and not another! Oblomov! After all, this means that you do not belong to the past, not to love, that you are free ... ”Stolz denies Oblomov the ability to love, denies him the right to be loved.

At the same time, everything is revealed in these words. Stolz's insecurity, his fear of rivalry with Olga's "former admirer". Andrei Ivanovich is deprived of the spiritual breadth characteristic of a Russian person - it is not known whether he would have dared to propose to Olga if someone else had been her admirer.

Significant for Stolz public opinion class prejudice. He obeys the order established in life in everything, and any violation of the “rules” is unacceptable to him. Rules and laws are the main life value in the mind of Stolz. For him, not people and their feelings are significant, but only formal compliance with the order accepted in society. He considers Oblomov's marriage to Agafya Matveevna as the moral fall of Ilya, as his death, and, in fact, terminates all relations with him. “What was the meaning of this hopeless, desperate verdict? Ilya Ilyich married Pshenitsyna and had a child with this uneducated woman. And this is the reason why the blood connection is terminated, Oblomovism is recognized as having crossed all limits! - notes A. V. Druzhinin.

After Oblomov's death, his son Andryusha was adopted into the Stolz family, but Oblomov's servant Zakhar "was accidentally found among the beggars," and "the widow of Ilya Ilyich was not close to her husband's friends." If Oblomov had been in Stolz's place, everything would have been different. As A. V. Druzhinin notes, Ilya Ilyich would not break off friendship because of a misalliance made by a friend, he would take Zakhar to him, help Stolz's widow - “he would share with them the last piece of bread and, metaphorically speaking, would accept all of them exactly under the shade of his warm robe.

Stolz is inconsistent in his good impulses. So, in the novel, he twice helps Oblomov, arranging the affairs of a friend with the estate, exposing Tarantiev's money frauds. But in general, the fate of Oblomov does not excite him.

Thus, the image of Stolz in the novel not only clarifies the image of Oblomov, but is also interesting to readers as such. It's complicated enough realistic image, investigated by the writer deeply and comprehensively.

Actions, deeds

Stolz was German only by his father, his mother was Russian. He spoke Russian and confessed Orthodox faith. He learned the Russian language from his mother, from books, in games with village boys. German he knew from his father and from books. Andrei Stoltz grew up and was brought up in the village of Verkhlev, where his father was a manager.At the age of eight, he already read the works of German authors, Bible verses, taught Krylov's fables and read sacred history.

In free time from studyhe ran away with the boys to ruin bird nests. More than once it happened that the courtyard people brought Andrei home without boots, with a torn dress and a broken nose.

When he grew uphis father began to take him with him to the factory, then to the fields, and from the age of fourteen Andrei went to the city with his father's orders alone.Mother did not like this upbringing. She was afraid that her son would turn into the same German burgher that his father had come out of. In her son, she saw the ideal of the master - "a white, beautifully built boy .., with a clean face, with a clear and lively look ..." Therefore, every time,when Andrei returned from factories and fields in dirty clothes and with a wolfish appetite, she rushed to wash him, change clothes, told him about the poetry of life, sang about flowers, taught him to listen to the sounds of music.

Andrew studied well andhis father made him a tutor in his small boarding school and, quite in German, gave him a salary of ten rubles a month.

When Andrei graduated from the university and lived at home for three months, his father said that “there was nothing more for him to do in Verkhlev, that even Oblomov was sent to St. Petersburg, which, therefore, it’s time for him.” The mother was no longer in the world, and there was no one to object to the decision of the father. On the day of departure, Stolz gave his son a hundred rubles.

You will ride to provincial city, - he said. - There, get three hundred and fifty rubles from Kalinnikov, and leave the horse with him. If he is not there, sell the horse; There's a fair coming up soongive four hundred rublesand not a hunter.It will cost you forty rubles to get to Moscow, from there to Petersburg - seventy-five; stay pretty. Then - as you wish.You did business with me, so you know that I have some capital; but you don't count on him before my deathYou are well educated: all careers are open before you; you can serve, trade, even compose,perhaps - I don’t know what you will choose, what you feel more willing to ...

Yes, I'll see if it's possible all of a sudden, - said Andrei.

The father laughed with all his might and began to pat his son on the shoulder so that even the horse could not stand it. Andrew is nothing.

Well, if you don’t have the skill, you won’t be able to find your own way all of a sudden, you need to consult, ask - go to Reingold: he will teach. He has a four-story house. I'll give you the address...

Don't, don't say, - Andrey objected, - I will go to him whenI will have a four-story house, and now I can do without it ...

Another pat on the shoulder.

Andrei jumped on the horse. Two bags were tied to the saddle: in one lay an oilcloth cloak and one could see thick boots lined with nails and several shirts made of Verkhlev linen - things bought and taken at the insistence of the father; in the other was an elegant tailcoat of fine cloth, a shaggy coat, a dozen thin shirts and boots, ordered in Moscow, in memory of mother's instructions...

Father and son looked at each other in silence, "as if they had pierced one another through", and said goodbye. Neighbors crowded nearby in surprise and indignantly discussed such a farewell, one woman could not stand it and began to cry: “Father, you little light! Orphan poor! You don’t have a dear mother, there is no one to bless you ... Let me at least rebaptize you, my handsome man! .. ” Andrei jumped off his horse, hugged the old woman, then he wanted to goand suddenly he began to cry - in her words he heard his mother's voice.He hugged the woman tightly, mounted his horse and disappeared into the dust.

“He served, retired, went about his business and actually made a house and money” - participated in some company that sent goods abroad.

Heconstantly on the move:if the society needs to send an agent to Belgium or England, they send him; need to write some project or adapt new idea to the point - choose it. Meanwhile, he travels to the world and reads: when he has time - God knows.

He didn't have any extra moves.If he sat, then he sat quietly, but if he acted, then he used as much facial expressions as needed ...

He walked firmly, cheerfully;lived on a budgettrying to spend every day like every ruble...It seems that he controlled both sorrows and joys, as hand movement, like with footsteps or how he dealt with bad and good weather ...

simple, that is a direct, real look at life - that was his constant task ...

Hestubbornly walked along the chosen road, and no one saw that he was painfully thinking about anything or hurting his soul.To everything that he did not meet, he found the right reception, andin achieving the goal put perseverance above all else. Myselfhe went to his goal, "bravely stepping over all obstacles", and could refuse it only if a wall appeared ahead or an abyss opened up.

Stolz Andrei Ivanovich - one of the main characters, a friend of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, the son of Ivan Bogdanovich Stolz, a Russified German, who manages an estate in the village of Verkhlev, five miles from Oblomovka. "Stolz was only half German, but to his father: his mother was Russian; he professed the Orthodox faith; his natural speech was Russian: he learned it from his mother and from books, in the university auditorium and in games with village boys, in conversations with their fathers and in the Moscow bazaars. He inherited the German language from his father and from books."

Stolz received a specific education: "From the age of eight he sat with his father at geographical map, sorted out the warehouses of Herder, Wieland, biblical verses and summed up the illiterate accounts of the peasants, burghers and factory workers, and with his mother read sacred history, taught Krylov's fables, sorted out the warehouses of Telemachus. "Upbringing, like education, was dual: dreaming of that from the son grew "good)! bursh", the father in every possible way encouraged boyish fights, without which the son could not do a day, the disappearance of a child for half a day or more with unknown goals to unknown places. If Andrei appeared without a lesson prepared "by heart", Ivan Bogdanovich sent his son to where he came from ", - and every time young Stoltz returned with the lessons learned. Stolz's mother, on the contrary, sought to raise a true gentleman, a decent, clean boy with curled curls - "in her son she saw the ideal of a gentleman, although upstarts, from a black body, from a burgher father, but all - the son of a Russian noblewoman. "From this bizarre combination, the character of Andrei was formed, about which not only the characters of the novel talk a lot and in different ways - a whole literature has been compiled about him. Goncharov himself in the article "Better late than never" wrote: ". .. I silently listened to the reprimands, agreeing completely with the fact that the image is pale, not real, not alive, but just an idea. well-being: "... how could Stolz in his activity calm down from all the aspirations and needs that even Oblomov overcame, how could he be satisfied with his position, calm down in his lonely, separate, exceptional happiness ..." ("What is Oblomovism? ")

There was a lot of controversy about Stolz: shortly after the release of the novel, he was evaluated by critics and contemporaries of Goncharov as an almost unconditionally positive figure, designed to wake up the sleepy kingdom of the Oblomovs and appeal to its inhabitants to useful activity. It was embarrassing that not a Russian, but a German was chosen as a hero. Stolz's "foreignness" causes rejection of his personality and some characters of the novel, in particular Tarantiev, who speaks of him openly hostile, not only because Stolz debunks her machinations. “Good boy! Suddenly, out of his father’s forty thousand, he made three hundred thousand in capital, and in the service of a court yard he exceeded, and a scientist ... now he’s still traveling! A Russian person will choose one thing, and even then not in a hurry, slowly and gently, somehow, otherwise, go ahead! It's unclean! I would sue such people! "
Oblomov perceives his friend differently:

    The image of Stolz was conceived by Goncharov as an antipode to the image of Oblomov. In the image of this hero, the writer wanted to present a whole, active, active person, to embody a new Russian type. However, Goncharov's plan was not entirely successful, and, above all, because ...

    Ilya Ilyich Oblomov - the protagonist of the novel - is a Russian landowner who lives in St. Petersburg on the income received from the serf estate. “He was a man of about thirty-two or three years of age, of medium height, of pleasant appearance, with dark gray eyes, but with no...

    The image of Oblomov consists, as it were, of 2 parts. There is Oblomov "moldy, almost disgusting", "greasy, clumsy piece of meat." There is Oblomov, in love with Olga, Oblomov, who is "deeply touching and sympathetic in his sad comedy." Between these Oblomovs...

  1. New!

    With all its stunning success, the play “Woe from Wit” did not fit into the usual ideas about comedy so much that even experienced writers misunderstood the originality of its intention, mistaking Griboedov’s artistic discoveries for lack of skill....



2. Youth

3.Adult life



Andrei Stolz was the son of a German who served as a manager in a noble estate. The father wanted his son to follow in his footsteps. From the very early years Andrei began to study various applied sciences and achieved great success. The boy's mother was Russian. She dreamed that Andryusha looked like noble children. To this end, the mother showed great concern for appearance own son. Andrey studied music and reading with her. art books. Such a controversial education and upbringing made Andrei a very rich and versatile person. He himself had a very lively character. Having fulfilled all the instructions of his father, Andrei received complete freedom and spent time in the company of village children. Even among them, he was the first tomboy. The boy was often brought home with bruises and scratches, which made the poor mother very upset. The father believed that all this was for the benefit of his son.

Andrei very early began not only to study, but also to help his father in business. The boy alone easily drove a harnessed carriage, and even went to the city alone on behalf of his father. Andrew got used to independent living and making responsible decisions. At the age of thirteen, he already worked as a tutor in his father's boarding school, for which he received from him the salary due. After graduating from university, Andrey returned home for a short time. The father believed that the young man had nothing more to do here and advised him to go to St. Petersburg. The parting was more like a business conversation between partners. Andrei felt like an absolutely independent person, not needing anyone's help.

In the capital, Stolz spent some time on civil service. During these years, he became close friends with Oblomov. Young people together dreamed of conquering the vast world. But Ilya Ilyich resigned because he was tired of active life. Stolz left the service, as it did not allow him to really turn around. Andrey took up commercial affairs. Thanks to the knowledge and skills received from his father, such activities soon began to bring him a decent income. In addition, Stoltz had an innate restless character, which allowed him to easily make numerous business trips.

By the age of thirty, Andrey managed to visit almost all European countries. Stolz was considered a dry and self-contained person, relating to life only from the practical side. In part, this was true. Andrei really looked at everything from the point of view of possible benefits. But maternal education was not in vain. Andrew acknowledged the existence strong feelings but he just didn't have time for them. Stolz believed that someday he himself would experience an all-consuming passion. the only person with whom Andrei could talk heart to heart was Oblomov. Stoltz was infinitely sorry for his comrade dying of laziness. He tried his best to help him.

Nevertheless, love came to the practical and businesslike Stolz in the person of Olga. Their relationship for a long time did not go beyond friendship. Olga considered Stolz her teacher. After a decisive conversation, Andrei and Olga realized that they were born for each other. After the wedding, they became not just husband and wife, but equal friends, going together towards the same goal. This happy couple boldly looked ahead and was not afraid of any obstacles on the path of life.


Andrei Stolz is a key character in the novel Oblomov. The author did not accidentally make him half German. Inexhaustible spiritual strength is stored in Russian people, but they still sleep in eternal sleep. Some kind of push is needed to wake them up. Europeans are an active and practical people, but they have lost their simple human feelings for profit. The combination of Russian spirituality and European pragmatism, according to the author, will give new type perfect person similar to Stolz.

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