As vlmsanovib black color of clothes. Why do teenagers dress in black?


Somehow I was asked what can be said about a person who opens a closet and thinks about what black thing to wear today. Bearing in mind the predominant preference for black in the wardrobe, regardless of fashion trends.

I love black very much, even rather plain things in this color acquire a certain charm. Many consider the black color in clothes to be universal, but in my opinion this is a cruel delusion. Black is an insidious color, it is able to both hide all the flaws and put them on public display.

Black is a color in nature and most cultures, usually associated with night, mystery, in some cases, it expresses vice and aggressiveness, death. For example, let's remember the image of a vampire, so attractive to many. They are mysterious, strong, attractive, sexy and dressed in black. Agree this image is little associated with yellow, green or pink.

The style of clothing and its color is one of the important elements that form the first idea of ​​​​us among others. Yes, and we ourselves, choosing clothes, prefer things in which we are comfortable, and I'm not just talking about the convenience of the body. After all, sometimes you put on, in general, a pretty thing and you feel like a cow under the saddle, despite the fact that it sits kind of well and looks good.

Our clothes are a way to communicate with the outside world. By creating our image, we send others a lot of information about ourselves, important role color plays here. Wearing black clothes most feel more confident, more secure. Black, not flashy, it does not attract everyone's attention, like red, but it is not as faceless and inexpressive as gray, it protects against too much attention others suggesting that you keep your distance. Yes, black is primarily a protective color for creative, vulnerable, impressionable, or simply not too self-confident people. This does not mean that strong and truly aggressive people they won’t choose black things, it’s just that for them it will be another means of putting pressure on others.

Black is an adult color, in no way associated with childhood, which is characterized by bright juicy colors, such as yellow, blue, pink. Perhaps that is why this color is so loved by teenagers who want to emphasize their way out of childhood. This is the color of sexual activity, remember again religion and folklore. Sex is a sinful act hidden from God's eyes cover of the night. Another bundle of sexuality is black.

Sometimes the preference given to black speaks of a person’s inner protest, negativism, opposing oneself to any generally accepted norms. This moment is especially relevant for teenagers who are looking for their place in life, and creative people. So, for example, many subcultures, in the philosophy of which there are accents on death, rebellion, war, pain, confrontation, etc., in color basis of their paraphernalia, in most cases, they prefer this particular color. Suffice it to recall goths, emos, skinheads, bikers, etc., using other colors as dramatic accents.

In adulthood, black may be preferred, straight, strong people With high intelligence, moving away from the primitive, natural-animal meanings of this color, which I spoke about earlier, however, such cases are negligible. Here we are most often talking about the aesthetic and artistic significance of color. Black, a very contrasting color, is an ideal base; unlike white, for example, it emphasizes the form, and is not absorbed by it, i.e. creates a clear, sharp silhouette. From what it has been the title of the most stylish color for more than a century.

Now, when the spiritual side of life is losing its meaning, the religious meaning of black is also blurred. Death, mourning, these are not the first words that come to mind when we see a woman in a black dress. However, a veil of mystery and mystery still continues to curl behind people dressed in black. Many consciously or not, but use this quality of his.

In general, they usually prefer to dress in black, creative people, impressionable with finely organized nervous system. People who are looking for their place in the world are rebels. People prone to misanthropic personality, seeking to keep the general mass of people at a distance from themselves. Insecure people who seek to hide it behind an aggressive appearance. Demonstrative-romantic personalities, as a rule, are very young.

Some prefer black things, arguing their choice simply: non-staining and goes with everything. You should not consider such a case as a natural choice, and try to draw conclusions. You always need to consider the context, otherwise it is very easy to be deceived.

They are greeted by clothes, says folk wisdom, because clothes are a declaration to the outside world about our intentions and way of thinking.


In my opinion, it is very controversial ... And too philosophical. And too deep. My belief is that the black color is still not easily soiled, without any psychology; black color - slims; black is the dress code for offices and all sorts of stuff, like pre-a-porter and, yes, ready, rockers, etc.... Hardly anything more. I can be wrong, as a lover of light suits and white trousers :)

Of course, it is debatable, there was a sample of a little more than 180 respondents. But, nevertheless, this is not unfounded reasoning.
Why does a person choose practical non-staining colors? This is also psychology
In my opinion, everything that we do or choose, be it clothes, food, car, etc., if we know the context of the choice, can tell more about us than ourselves. Everything we do is controlled either by primitive reflexes or brains, and then as in mathematics: 3 + 4 = 7, therefore 7-4 = 3
By the way, the office dress code is often gray.

It's just psychology a little different. Most people are a zombie herd. If it is necessary in some situation to wear black, then I will wear black. And there is no need to look for some other psychology here. Psychology should be sought from those who are freaks. Well, it's a pathology

That's why I say, do not forget about the context. It's about about a conscious preference when there is no restriction by the rules of the dress code, or the situation. We need to look for psychopathology in freaks) And in normal people, the reasons for choosing. Nothing special.
So you say that you love light-colored suits, which means you can be assumed that you are easy to communicate with, quite possibly, have some penchant for adventures, are easy-going, find your appearance attractive to the opposite sex. Average qualities of light lovers))

You're right. I also noticed that people who love light (white) are conceited. More-less. And girls. And men.

I'm trying to say that the choice is influenced by pressure on the fragile psyche. Well, for example. Girl doing her own lips. The whole world is laughing, but in HER company, in HER little world - it's beautiful! It's stylish. It's status. Character and temperament influence, of course. But they are greatly leveled by the environment and critical perception. I think it's the same with black. And no freaks! :)

There is such a thing)
Yes, group pressure is a powerful thing. But have you thought about why some are successful, others are not, and others become trendsetters in their company. A girl who makes her own lips can have many motives, but they all exist only in her head. In fact, only an injury or a congenital defect such as a cleft lip can be objective indicators for such an operation. Everything is in the head! From that and talk about psychology.
So you yourself began to think about psychological characteristics a girl for whom the status, style and recognition of the group are important.

Today we will discuss the love of black.

In our colors of life and the world around us, there are only seven primary colors, like in a rainbow. Plus two more neutral colors - white and black as dual opposites. Esoterically, they represent the Yin-Yang symbolism or the two beginnings of our world. The floor is made of black and white tiles in Masonic lodges as a symbol of the duality of our world.

Each color has its own meaning, and in psychology, many character traits can be determined depending on the preferred color.

Yin Yang Symbol

White classically considered a symbol of innocence, purity, light, spirituality, higher, birth. This is the color of the day and active male energy, the archetype of the Sun.

It is worn by brides for a wedding - as a symbol of innocence, doctors and scientists- for sterility and purity, during meditation - for openness to the Highest, in Brazil dancing capoeira - to demonstrate the perfection of the body and movements, kimono in martial arts - for openness to a fair fight, and in Arab world this is the color of a man's dress - kandora, as belonging to the highest and dominant caste.

Black is considered a gloomy color, darkness, death, the unknown, hidden and secret, what needs to be hidden. It is the color of the night and the passive female energy, the archetype of the Moon (its hidden side).

He is dressed for funerals - as a symbol of mourning and sorrow, death and sadness, monks in monasteries - as a symbol of isolation from society and material world, sorcerers wear black cloaks - to take advantage of the hidden and mysterious power, in the Arab world this color women's clothing- abaya, as a desire to hide, hide, close from prying eyes.

Arabic clothes

The metaphysical meaning of black for mourning is as follows: when a person loses a close relative on whom his life depended, he needs some time to decide how to live. This big changes in the usual way of life and in order to decide on the future, a person needs a lot of time to think. This is best done in solitude, in silence. Therefore, black clothes send a signal - "do not disturb me, I am immersed in my thoughts." For others, this is a sign not to impose their communication and society and leave a person alone with his thoughts. You can offer your help and care, but respect the boundaries of personal space and not be intrusive.

White is the color of simplicity. White rooms make you feel uncomfortable. Black is a complex and mysterious color. In black rooms, there is a sense of mystery and there is a fear of the unknown. People intuitively choose black when they have not yet figured out themselves, have not passed long haul self-knowledge, when chaos reigns inside and they are not sure of the answers to the questions Who am I? How can I live? Where to go? For what?

As an example, I will give Angelina Joly - famous actress, Ambassador Good will UN and mothers of six children (three of whom are adopted). Angelina has a complex horoscope and Venus tense with Pluto, the planet of gloom and great depth. In her youth, Anji was torn and stormy from the inability to master such powerful energies, she wore only black, collected a collection of knives and dreamed of becoming the owner funeral home. With age, knowing herself and making a choice in the direction of a bright path, Anji worked out her power energies, using them not to fight internal demons, but to help the world, needy children and the poor. Now she often wears light dresses made of flying light fabrics. Recently, the news reported that she even threw away all her jeans, as she now feels more feminine and calm and wears appropriate clothes. But sometimes the inner nature still asserts itself and Angelina dresses in black.

Angelina Joly

In one of my articles, I called people who wear a lot of black, those who experience period of the erased personality. This can happen in late adolescence or early adolescence. I myself preferred dark purple when I was a young student. In it time is running period of self-identification, therefore a person “hides” behind black color, since he has not yet determined his personal I (and this is the function of the Sun) in order to loudly declare himself to the world - this is I and I am - this is ....

If Small child loves black, perhaps he is afraid of something, the family has an anxious or tense situation, he has recently experienced stress from a move, divorce or quarrel of his parents, the birth of another child, a sharp change in regimen or environment. He seems to want to hide from what worries and frightens him, or perhaps saddens and hurts.

Another nuance of black in clothes is the desire to hide from prying eyes, as Arab and muslim women or hide figure flaws. As stated above - black hides, hides, brings secrets. Therefore, women use it to hide their fullness, figure flaws. Wearing white is bold because white is the color of openness and flaunting. Not every woman dares to wear white trousers, for this the priest must be perfect (from a female point of view, of course).

Insecure people hide behind black so that they are not so noticeable.

And finally, the mysterious little black dress that carries the message of mystery and promise. It is sexy and charming, perfect for those who want to look elegant without being the center of attention. This is another of the meanings of black - elegance, charm and sexuality.

Little black dress

Black is often used to select a suit for an interview or business meeting, here it means that you allegedly hid and you are no longer so scared and you feel more confident in yourself.

When I was in Paris, I noticed that in this city people are very often dressed in all black - both men and women and adherents of the Goth movement. For me it was amazing - the capital of world fashion, and its inhabitants are dressed in neutral. I cannot explain it otherwise than by the riddle of Paris.

Crowds of outsiders dressed in black rags declare to the world - "leave me alone, I don't want to belong to your false society, I'm out of it and live as I want." The current is ready - this is a mysterious and gloomy subculture with a halo of dark romance. These are gloomy romantics-loners, living as if it were the last day of their life, but they live it not in enjoying positive emotions, but are inspired from depression, despair and hopelessness, mental pain. They are loners separated from society. There are a lot of them in Paris.


Black is transformational.

Black color always challenges a person to try to free his essence, that is, a person must go through black in order to know how much white is in it.

Black gives a chance to relax, contains a promise - “everything will be fine”, hope, but at the same time we must remember that it will not let you out the way you were before - it draws you in, but does not force you to do anything. When depression sets in, only the negative characteristics of black remain. He always, like death, speaks of silence and tranquility, means the end.

The preference for black in clothes - the lack or absence of something very important in life - a person closes in black. It is necessary to come out of black gradually, diluting it with other colors.

Black and white colors together extinguish each other, no longer carry their original information, do not carry pressure on the psyche. You should pay attention to the age at which black is rejected. As a rule, black is chosen when depression sets in and others are rejected.

Do you love black? Write your thoughts in the comments.

Wishing you a bright life

The world around us is represented by various shades of the seven primary colors of the spectrum and two neutral colors - black and white. The preference for one or another color depends on the personal characteristics of a person, his value and worldview attitudes, emotional state.

The symbolism of black

Historically, black color symbolizes sadness, death. Traditional mourning clothes in all European, and in many Asian countries, are black. Black is also associated with danger and emptiness. In analytical psychology, black expresses aversion to reality, hence its meaning - negativism, destructiveness, a promise to aggression.

Our clothes are one of the ways to communicate with the world, express own attitude to him. Black is a protective color that protects vulnerable, impressionable and insecure people from excessive attention surrounding. Why do young people, who, as we believe, should enjoy life in all its manifestations, prefer gloomy black clothes?

crisis age

Black color is often preferred by people who have experienced deep stress, for them it symbolizes the end. life stage desire to understand one's own inner world, and, quite likely, defy fate. Traditionally, we associate childhood with bright saturated colors. Children under the age of 10 almost never choose dark and muted colors in color tests and clothes. Perhaps that is why teenagers emphasize in black: “Childhood is in the past. I have grown up!"

Adolescence is a time when the body is restructured, and consciousness changes in parallel. A child leaving parental care faces a difficult the real world, in which there is meanness, betrayal, money-grubbing. A teenager begins to clearly realize that life is finite, death is the natural end of earthly existence. In addition, a growing child begins to look for his own "I", tries to assert himself among his peers, whose opinion becomes more significant for him than the opinion of parents and teachers.

We have to admit that the peer group for a teenager occupies a priority position. At the same time, a young man, on the one hand, is in search of his individuality and assertion in independence, and on the other hand, he most of all longs for unity, understanding. Therefore, black color, helping to feel secure, creates a sense of community with a group of similar people.

Usually, with the end of the youthful stage of throwing and confusion, which is fundamental in the formation of a personality, the time comes for the perception of the multicolored world. By the age of 19-20, a person begins to feel his worth, and gloomy clothes leave the wardrobe, so parents of teenagers most often should not be given special meaning the prevalence of black in the clothes of a son or daughter.

When should you be concerned?

But sometimes a persistent choice of black can be evidence of an attitude towards a certain youth subculture.


Black color in clothes is diluted with pink; hairstyle - oblique long ragged bangs, short hair at the back; piercing on the face and other parts of the body; the eyes are thickly drawn and made up in both girls and boys; nails are covered with dark varnish. Often in the costume there are headbands with bows, bracelets, large glasses, beads, soft mascot toys.

Features of the worldview

An emotional attitude to everything is promoted, mainly to death. The main idea is self-hatred, which often awakens.



Just like emos paint their eyes and nails black. The clothes are completely black, sexuality is emphasized: corsets, latex, leather, transparent or lace fabrics, as well as velvet. There is a “medieval” in the outfit - such as fanciful headdresses, veils, feathers, large buckles, etc.

Features of the worldview

A depressive attitude to life is also inherent in goths, but unlike emo, they hate the world around them, adore everything connected with cemeteries and vampires. Sometimes occultism (up to Satanism), homosexuality and bisexualism, neo-fascism are promoted in Gothic groups. There are cases of vandalism in cemeteries and holy places, animal abuse.

Sometimes the constant choice of black in clothes signals that a teenager is overly concerned about weight. Parents should carefully consider what and how much their child eats, whether he has any problems about the imperfection of his own figure.

A teenager needs attention no less than a small child. But sensitivity in relationships should not develop into guardianship. In time, direct the child to positive manifestations of personality, helping him to realize his own inclinations and interests, through visiting circles, studios, sports sections. It is equally important to organize a fulfilling joint pastime: traveling, visiting the theater, concerts, etc.

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