Which plant drink is the national symbol of Brazil. Brazilian flag: general description, symbolism and history of appearance


Business card Brazil - the statue of Christ the Redeemer, which stands on top of Mount Corcovado in Rio de Janeiro, annually attracts millions of tourists from all over the world to the country. Travelers climb a 700-meter-high mountain to stand at the base of the monument to see Rio, whose population is about 10 million inhabitants, and the surroundings of the city: beaches, bays and the ocean.

The history of the statue begins in 1921, on the eve of the 100th anniversary of Brazil's national independence. It was the round date that prompted the city leadership to erect a monument. At that time, Rio de Janeiro was the capital of Brazil.

Money for the erection of the monument was collected in the form of voluntary donations by declaring a subscription. As a result of the campaign, 2.5 million flights were collected. Financially supported the project and the church; the archbishop of Rio de Janeiro, don Sebastian Leme, made a huge personal contribution.

The construction of the monument was facilitated by the fact that in the period from 1882 to 1884, a Railway, through which the delivery of materials was later carried out. By the way, this railway was the first in Brazil.

The construction of the statue lasted about nine years - from 1922 to 1931.

The railway is still in operation and is actively used to deliver tourists. get to observation deck at the foot of the statue is also possible by car.

The road you will have to travel is through national park Tizhuk. This is the largest forest area in the world, which is included in the city limits.

The first version of the sketch of the statue was developed by the artist Carlos Oswald, who proposed to portray Christ with his hands spread apart in a blessing gesture.

According to the author's idea from a distance, the sculpture was supposed to resemble a cross. The artist suggested using a ball as the foot of the statue, which would symbolize the Earth. The sketch for the statue as it stands today was designed by Carlos Oswald's successor, Heitor da Silva Costa.

The height of the statue is -38 m, including the pedestal - 8 m; arm span - 28 m. Weight of the monument - 1145 tons.

Currently, the statue is the highest point in the area, which is why it is regularly struck by lightning. The rangers even calculated that Christ receives an average of four lightning strikes per year.

Not always a lightning strike passes without a trace. Therefore, the Catholic Diocese always keeps a supply of the stone from which the statue is made in order to restore damaged parts.

So in December last year and on the evening of January 16, 2014, during a strong storm in right hand lightning struck the statue, chipping off the tips of the middle and thumb.

At that time, Brazil did not have the technology to create such an imposing monument. Therefore, all parts are made in France. The material of the statue is reinforced concrete and soapstone.

Currently, the statue is included in the list of the New Seven Wonders of the World, where it was introduced in 2007.

Brazil, like many independent states, made great efforts to gain the long-awaited freedom, her story is one of clear examples courage, perseverance, perseverance in the pursuit of independence, which is also reflected in the state symbols of the country.

Let's start with coat of arms of brazil. If we take a closer look at modern coat of arms of brazil, then let's pay attention to the fact that the time of its creation is November 15, 1889, when it was created federal Republic Brazil. Until that time, there were other samples of the coat of arms of Brazil, which reflected the development of historical and political events in the country in certain periods. The very first coat of arms of brazil appeared during the period when Brazil was a Spanish and Portuguese colony from 1500 to 1816. The Declaration of Independence of Brazil on September 7, 1822, and the ensuing coronation of the first Emperor, Pedro I, led to the creation of a new coat of arms of Brazil, hallmark which is the crown, as a symbol of the empire. This coat of arms of Brazil for more than sixty years remained the state symbol of the country, some elements of which we can see on the modern coat of arms. Such surviving elements are the branches of the coffee tree and the branches of tobacco, which frame the emblem on both sides, thereby demonstrating the importance that these crops had and have in economic development Brazil. Modern look coat of arms of brazil is a reflection of changes in public life countries.

27 stars around the image of the constellation of the Southern Cross, symbolizing the 26 states and 1 federal district, a five-pointed star impaled on a sword hilt, full official name republic, located on a fluttering blue ribbon - all these elements clearly show us what hard way Brazil went through the development, starting with the colonial system and ending with the creation of the Federal Republic.

The second state symbol of Brazil is the flag. Flag of Brazil made in the same color scheme, which is the coat of arms. The predominance of green yellow flowers not by chance. It is believed that in Brazil for a long time there was gold mining, so yellow symbolizes gold, the abundance of green is due to the rich flora and fauna. There is another assumption that has political overtones. The first emperor Pedro I, in protest against the Portuguese expansion, refused to wear a headdress with a blue and white cockade (such a color scheme is typical for the state symbols of Portugal) and replaced it with another, yellow and green. Since then, these colors have been the national colors of both the flag of Brazil and its coat of arms. Motto brazil flag- Order and Progress. In this motto, Teixera Mendes, one of the authors of the flag, wanted to emphasize the global significance of the revolution, since it was she who became the impetus from which the development of a new state began, in which order and progress are the key to the prosperity of Brazil. The flag of Brazil is a green rectangular canvas with a yellow rhombus in the center. The image is located in the center of the rhombus starry sky, which very schematically shows 27 stars, symbolizing, as on the coat of arms of Brazil, 26 states and 1 federal district. Moreover, the location of these stars corresponds to that starry picture, which was November 15, 1889, when Brazil was proclaimed a federal republic.

Creation of the third state symbol - modern Anthem of Brazil- refers to 1922. The anthem is in two parts. The first part enthusiastically describes the struggle for the independence of Brazil. Freedom, to which they had been walking for so long, finally shone like the sun in the blue sky of the country. Once free, Brazil can become the prosperous state that many generations of Brazilians have dreamed of. A symbol of prosperity, as well as a symbol of love and hope, is the image of the Southern Cross, which illuminates the path to new heights and victories. A lot in the text of the hymn of appeals to the Motherland, as to the mother, can be found in the text. Such syntactic expressive means give brazilian anthem solemnity, pathos character, as well as in again demonstrate great love, respect and devotion to their Motherland. The second part of the anthem tells about the untold riches that Brazil owns, about the huge potential that this beautiful country has. The people are ready at any moment from last strength to defend the independence of his beloved homeland if she "raises, in the name of justice, a mighty mace", because this will be a struggle for freedom and peace.

See also:

Brazilian culture

Brazilian culture is carnival, football, incendiary rhythms and the interweaving of ethnic groups, traditions and beliefs. If a modern Brazilian is asked about what he can highlight in Brazilian culture, then everyone will name exactly what he likes.

Major cities in Brazil

Brazil is the largest and most populous country Latin America, that's why major cities Brazil with a population of more than a million inhabitants is quite a lot here. Each of them deserves special attention. Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador are cities in Brazil that embody Brazilian culture.

Is it possible to remember a country that just as brightly and cheerfully celebrates important events like Brazil? Where they also know how to enjoy life, love songs and dances, and where every day can become like a holiday? Hardly! And it is the traditions distinctive features and interesting corners, will become the object of our attention today.

Amazing corners of Brazil: flowers of a sunny country

Do you know about the existence of the small town of Olambra in the state of São Paulo? This is a real little Holland! Founded by Dutch emigrants, it became the floristic center of Latin America. It is in Olambra that Expoflora is held annually - the largest in South America floral exhibition. Simultaneously with the exhibition, the festival of flowers begins: all its participants are showered, and not a single guest is able to resist the clockwork dances!

Flower of Brazil: beauty lelia

The national flower of Brazil is the lelia. This is a variety that grows on rocks and trees. Beautiful and unusual, it perfectly reflects the essence of the country itself - bright and original. You can get acquainted with bouquets of other flowers delivered to Brazil.

Brazilian Traditions: Marriage Ceremony

How easy it is to guess brazilian wedding is one of the brightest and most colorful celebrations: loud music sounds, delicious treats delight the eye, and incendiary dances do not allow to sit still, and even the traditional a wedding dance- it's a fun pagoda!

Boutonnieres for men wedding ceremony serves as a miniature flag of the country, national flags the wedding car is also decorated - instead of the ribbons and flowers that are familiar to us, and the bride is allowed to be late - the appearance in the church before the groom is considered a bad omen.

The wedding ceremony itself is not much different from the European one, but the choice of witnesses is original - it is carried out immediately upon the arrival of the bride at the temple, without prior arrangements!

The placement of guests at the tables at the wedding banquet is also very curious: they are seated depending on which city they came from. Thus, fellow countrymen become neighbors.

It is customary to give not only to the newlyweds, but also to their parents. Well, what is a celebration without wedding bouquets? In Brazil, flowers in shades of pink will symbolize health; yellow - well-being; red - love.

Brazil itself is like an armful bright colors. A country of amazing contrasts, beautiful like a legend, fairy tale. She will spin in a whirlwind of dance everyone who opens her heart to her, blossom his life and forever remain in her memories with the warmth of summer, the aroma of exotic flowers and the breathtaking beauty of nature.

We also invite you to watch a video about Brazil:

Ostap Bender called Rio de Janeiro "the city of happy dreams" for a reason. Grand schemer knew a lot about entertainment, and there are plenty of them in sunny Brazil: noisy carnivals, a round-the-clock football festival, passionate dances under open sky. On the eve of the World Cup, which is again held in Brazil half a century later, ELLE recalls what this amazing country is rich and famous for.

Football and football players

Everyone in the world knows the attitude of Brazilians to football: it is real love. At least 75% of the country's population is interested in this sport. Every city has at least one football field of a decent level - Brazil holds the absolute record for the number of stadiums. The national team has never missed the World Cup in history and has won it five times.


Dancing is the second most popular Brazilian hobby. Every year in February, Rio de Janeiro turns into a place of endless fun and euphoria, costume processions and a parade of titled samba schools for four days. The Brazilian Dance Festival is an old pagan tradition. Like our Maslenitsa, it is held before Easter, only instead of sleigh rides and eating pancakes, Brazilians indulge in pulsating rhythms to the sound of drums in almost what their mother gave birth to.

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One of the main assets of Brazil, in addition to football and carnivals, are local beauties. perfect forms, passionate nature, sexuality in its original sense - the sultry angels of Copacabana haunt the strong half of humanity. It is no coincidence that the rating best models Brazilian women lead the world: the inimitable Gisele Bundchen, the "dream girl" Alessandra Ambrosio, the most desirable woman on the planet Adriana Lima, the fatal beauty Isabeli Fontana, the charming wife of actor Matthew McConaughey Camilla Alves - and this is only an incomplete list of beauties at the sight of which men feel awe .

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Brazilian TV series - this phrase is familiar to everyone. Tearful love stories are the most important product of local television, which is actively exported. actresses this genre are gaining popularity along with supermodels, film and show business figures. Giovanna Antonelli, Juliana Paes, Carolina Dickman - they all became stars of the first magnitude in their homeland after roles in soap operas.

Juliana Paes

Statue of Christ on top of Mount Corcovado

The statue of Christ the Redeemer with outstretched arms on the top of Mount Corcovado in Rio is recognized as a new wonder of the world and the state symbol of his country. The monument towers over the city like the Statue of Liberty in America and is considered one of the most recognizable monuments in the world. Millions of tourists rise to the foot of the sculpture every year: a breathtaking panorama of the city, bays and beaches of Copacabana and Ipanema opens from the top of the mountain. The statue of Christ was erected in honor of the centenary of the country's national independence (1922), at a time when Rio de Janeiro was the capital of Brazil. Construction lasted nine years (from 1922 to 1931).

  • Major cities in Brazil are surrounded by favelas - slums where even the police do not dare to look. By the way, the Brazilian police is considered one of the most brutal in the world.
  • In Brazil, you can shout out beautiful girl: "What a beautiful ass you have!" Here, such a statement will not be considered vulgar and even taken as a compliment.
  • The most common names in Brazil are Gabrielle for men and Julia for women.
  • The “OK” gesture in Brazil means anger and discontent, and can also serve as an insult: empty place, zero.
  • Flowers are the most popular gift in Brazil.
  • In Brazil, it is not customary to marry early. They don't go down the aisle until they are 25 years old.
  • Brazil is known as the most prolific apple producer in the world.
  • Symbols of Brazil


    State flag Brazil is a green cloth with a yellow rhombus in the center. Inside the diamond is a dark blue circle with 27 white stars. The circle is crossed by a ribbon bearing the motto Ordem e Progresso ( port. order and progress). The draft flag was approved on November 19, 1889, 4 days after the proclamation of the Brazilian Republic.

    The location of the stars on the flag depicts the sky over Rio de Janeiro in the morning at 9:22 am on November 15, 1889 - the moment the republic was proclaimed. Each of the 26 states, plus Federal District Brasilia, corresponds to its own star.

    Professor of astronomy Manuel Pereira was responsible for the arrangement of the stars, and the drawing was made by Desio Villares.

    National colors of Brazil- green and yellow. Green color symbolizes the forest wealth of the Amazon, yellow - gold reserves. In the XVI-XIX centuries. Brazil had the largest gold mines in the world. The flag is sometimes called Auriverde ( port.- Gold and green).

    Slogan "Order and Progress"- an abbreviated version of the saying of Auguste Comte, an outstanding French philosopher XIX century., The teachings of which adhered to Teixeira Mendez, the author of the Brazilian flag. In the original, the phrase of the creator of the philosophy of positivism sounds like this: "In the beginning - love, at the base - order, as a result - progress." Mendez's call implied that the revolution not only abolished the monarchy, but also became the beginning of the construction of "a country of true brothers, where order and progress serve as a guarantee of constant harmony."

    National Flag of Brazil

    National Emblem of Brazil


    In the original version, the country's national anthem was created on April 7, 1832 during the celebrations dedicated to the abdication of the throne of Emperor Don Pedro I in favor of his son Don Pedro II. The melody was composed by the outstanding musician Francisco Manoel da Silva (1795–1865). 59 years after its creation, on January 29, 1890, it was officially approved as the music of the Brazilian national anthem. The first text called for an uprising against the rule of Portugal, later these were words praising Don Pedro II.

    The modern words were approved on September 6, 1922, on the eve of the 100th anniversary of the independence of Brazil. Osorio Duque Estrada (1879–1927) became the author of the poems.

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