What is the climax in a dramatic work. What is a climax


- (new lat., from lat. culmen top). 1) the passage of a star through a meridian. 2) the highest point of a heavenly body above the horizon. Dictionary foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. CULMINATION 1) the passage of a star through ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

climax- and, well. culmination f., German Culmination lat. culmen (culminis) top. 1. aster. Passage through the celestial meridian. Sl. 18. Compose the climaxes of the sun, moon and planets. MAN 10 559. Upper climax. Lower climax. BASS 1. 2. shift… … Historical dictionary gallicisms of the Russian language

Top, pinnacle, crown, apogee, zenith; highest point, point, highest step Dictionary of Russian synonyms. culmination see the highest point Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E... Synonym dictionary

Modern Encyclopedia

CULMINATION, in astronomy, the passage of one of inner planets, Mercury or Venus, through the solar disk. Mercury culminates every 13 years, Venus every 100 years. The term also refers to the passage of any celestial body through… … Scientific and technical encyclopedic Dictionary

climax- (from the Latin culmen, genitive culminis peak), 1) the point of highest tension, rise, development of something. 2) In astronomy, the passage of luminaries through the celestial meridian. They distinguish the upper climax when the sun was close to the zenith, and ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

- (from Latin culmen, genus n. culminis peak), 1) a point of highest tension, rise, development of something. 2) In astronomy, the passage of luminaries through the celestial meridian. There is an upper climax (M), when the sun was closer to the zenith (Z), and a lower one (M), ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

CULMINATION, climax, women. (lat. culminatio) (book). 1. The passage of the luminary through the meridian (aster). 2. trans. The point of the highest rise, the highest tension. Dictionary Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

CULMINATION, and, wives. 1. The passage of the luminary through the celestial meridian (special). 2. The point of highest tension, rise, development of what n. (book) K. events. | adj. climactic, oh, oh. K. moment. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu.… … Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

Luminaries, astra. the transition and the instant of the passage of the luminary through the noon of the place; achievement greatest height. Culminate, roll over the meridian. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. IN AND. Dal. 1863 1866 ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

- (Culmination) the passage of any luminary through the noon or midnight part of the meridian of the observer. Upper K. the passage of any luminary through the noon part of the meridian of the observer. Lower K. the passage of any luminary through the midnight ... ... Marine Dictionary


  • Passion Climax, Katherine Mann. Broderick and Glenna are scions of rival families who hold high positions in family business. But on the verge of a sudden merger of the two companies, they have to start working together - and ...
  • Climax of Passion, Mann K. Broderick and Glenna are scions of rival families who hold high positions in the family business. But on the verge of a sudden merger of the two companies, they have to start working together - and ...

Everyone knows that the climax is the most intense moment of the work, which requires special attention from the viewer. It occurs exclusively in all forms. literary creativity, ranging from the simplest sayings to large forms of prose. The presence of this aspect in the work is inevitable, otherwise the reader's interest will be lost.


The climax is the highest point of tension, which shows the essence of the problem and ways to solve it. In small literary forms most often there is only one intriguing episode, which is usually at the end. These are easy-to-understand stories, parables, fables and the like. A prime example could be the climax of the story. We take any story from a children's book, for example, Cinderella, and look for a decisive moment there. Of course, the child will be most interested in reading about how evil stepmother learned that the mysterious guest at the ball is Cinderella, who is now marrying the prince.

Fairy tale elements

Several climaxes are Arabian tales, as they consist of different chapters. An example is Sinbad the Sailor. In each of his seven journeys there were previous events, their denouement and an outcome that was always happy. The plot is simple, but there are many tense moments, while reading this work we understand that every time the culmination is the way home, which Sinbad will be able to find during the next voyage.

Complex climaxes

In works large form, as a rule, there are many climaxes. There can be several leaders in a story. storylines, which are intertwined with each other, and each of them must have its culmination and events preceding it. The fates of the characters are intertwined, during which one solution to the problem can become the basis for the emergence of a new plot. Let's take Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita as an example. It can be said with full confidence that in this case the climax is the whole novel. Here the disappearance of the outfits in which the ladies were dressed in the theater is replaced by the scene of Margarita's experiences, which lead her to meet Azazello. And the journey of Professor Woland to Moscow leads to the fact that the Master frees from all sins who has been sitting in his chair for more than one millennium.


It is believed that for the reader it is the moments of climax that are the most interesting. Therefore, often the authors stretched the decisive events into chapters, forcing us to turn the pages one by one in search of answers to all the questions that were of interest to us earlier. As a result, the climax can be unexpected, with many conflicting facts. Such works are called non-standard, the most interesting and exciting. If the plot comes to its logical end, then reading such a book is simple and accessible. It is ideal for those who often fly on planes or travel on trains.

We can say that the climax in literature is the most interesting point works. He reveals to us all the secrets and shows the true face of the heroes. And if something seemed incomprehensible to you, it means that it was intended by the author. Treat such books as mysteries that no one can solve.

- (new lat., from lat. culmen top). 1) the passage of a star through a meridian. 2) the highest point of a heavenly body above the horizon. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. CULMINATION 1) the passage of a star through ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

climax- and, well. culmination f., German Culmination lat. culmen (culminis) top. 1. aster. Passage through the celestial meridian. Sl. 18. Compose the climaxes of the sun, moon and planets. MAN 10 559. Upper climax. Lower climax. BASS 1. 2. shift… … Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

climax- top, peak, crown, apogee, zenith; highest point, point, highest step Dictionary of Russian synonyms. culmination see the highest point Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E... Synonym dictionary

CULMINATION Modern Encyclopedia

CULMINATION- CULMINATION, in astronomy, the passage of one of the inner planets, Mercury or Venus, through the solar disk. Mercury culminates every 13 years, Venus every 100 years. The term also refers to the passage of any celestial body through ... ... Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

climax- (from the Latin culmen, genitive culminis peak), 1) the point of highest tension, rise, development of something. 2) In astronomy, the passage of luminaries through the celestial meridian. They distinguish the upper climax when the sun was close to the zenith, and ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

CULMINATION- (from Latin culmen, genus n. culminis peak), 1) a point of highest tension, rise, development of something. 2) In astronomy, the passage of luminaries through the celestial meridian. There is an upper climax (M), when the sun was closer to the zenith (Z), and a lower one (M), ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

CULMINATION- CULMINATION, climax, women. (lat. culminatio) (book). 1. The passage of the luminary through the meridian (aster). 2. trans. The point of the highest rise, the highest tension. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

CULMINATION- CULMINATION, and, wives. 1. The passage of the luminary through the celestial meridian (special). 2. The point of highest tension, rise, development of what n. (book) K. events. | adj. climactic, oh, oh. K. moment. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu.… … Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

CULMINATION- luminaries, astrakh. the transition and the instant of the passage of the luminary through the noon of the place; reaching the highest height. Culminate, roll over the meridian. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. IN AND. Dal. 1863 1866 ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

CULMINATION- (Culmination) the passage of any luminary through the noon or midnight part of the meridian of the observer. Upper K. the passage of any luminary through the noon part of the meridian of the observer. Lower K. the passage of any luminary through the midnight ... ... Marine Dictionary


  • Passion Climax, Katherine Mann. Broderick and Glenna are the scions of rival families who hold high positions in the family business. But on the verge of a sudden merger of the two companies, they have to start working together - and ... Buy for 71 rubles
  • Climax of Passion, Mann K. Broderick and Glenna are scions of rival families who hold high positions in the family business. But on the verge of a sudden merger of the two companies, they have to start working together - and ...

Many aspiring writers are concerned about the question of what is the climax in literature. This is the one Foundation stone on which the fate of the work depends. Will it be able to intrigue the reader, will it live for centuries or will it flash with a weak spark and sink into oblivion?

What works of literature have a climax

Exactly where there is a conflict, its development, that is, the storyline, there is always a climax. In literature, these are stories, short stories, novellas, plays, novels, sometimes poetry, for example, ballads, poems, fables.

In other kinds of genres, its presence may be inappropriate or undesirable. These can include lyric poem, essays, sketches, descriptions, essays, some types of articles, for example, critical or selling. Although exceptions are always and everywhere. But in any case, no matter what kind of work it is, no matter what genre it is written in, the presence of a climax requires the presence of a conflict, its development.

Can poetry have a climax?

In the literature, this is a rather controversial point. After all, not everywhere there is a storyline. For example, poetry of the 19th century. It was believed that she could not have a plot in any way. Lyrical poems usually described only the experiences and inner struggle of the hero, sang of nature and female beauty.

The turning point was the publication of the novel by A. S. Pushkin, which he wrote in verse. And in it, of course, there is a conflict that develops, reaches its climax, that is, the climax comes. In literature, this was the first experience of writing a novel in verse. However, it was received with a bang by readers.

Today, this trend has many followers. IN modern poetry there is a huge number of works where there is a conflict, its development and climax. Examples in twentieth-century literature are:

What is the climax

The development of the plot in the work is provoked by conflict. It grows, the old relationship becomes impossible. This can happen both in external events and at the level of spiritual inner life heroes. And here comes this one crucial moment- a revolution in the mind of the hero or an act, an event that changes everything around.

So what is a climax in literature? The definition of this part of the work will be quite simple. The moment when conflict situation reaches its highest point, its peak of development, is considered to be the climax. After all, this word itself is already translated as “top”.

One of the heroes of Guillaume Musso came up with a witty answer to the question of what is the climax in literature. The definition briefly sounds like this: this is the point of no return. And in fact, this tipping point is a boundary that should be crossed. After it comes a new countdown of absolutely changed being or consciousness.

It clearly demonstrates the presence of a climax " touching story about a boy and a dog. This work tells about how Dimka, selflessly loving dogs, becomes an invalid. The mother, previously opposed to keeping a dog in the house, decides to take this serious step. The climax comes when the baby plunges his face into the puppy's fluffy fur and laughs merrily for the first time since the injury. And the mother strictly says to him: “You promised that you would raise the dog yourself. It's time to keep the promise!"

And now the reader is transported through the years ahead. Not a boy, but a young man, limping along next to an aged dog, carefully watching him - what if you need help? Dima understands that once upon a time it was this animal that made the baby get up from the wheelchair.

Scheme for constructing a plot literary work

Each plot work consists of exposition, tie, climax and denouement. The classical construction should be exactly like this, the parts are in the marked sequence.

However, today the authors are quite free to handle the rules once established by the classics. Today, the climax quite successfully plays the role of an introduction, intriguing the reader at the very beginning. However, even in this case, a decoupling following it is necessary. Therefore, the writer at the end of the work again returns to the climax. And on those rare occasions when the author gives the reader the opportunity to think through the options for the denouement, the climax is a stunning final chord.

He runs as fast as he can, a little more and he will be able to reach his opponent, there are meters to a crushing victory. Sweat trickles down the boy's forehead, his legs hurt, but his willpower makes him scream ahead of his opponent and cross that line first.

There is a certain tension, excitement for the hero, right? Such a move is present in almost all works of art, and is called the Climax.

The climax is the extreme point of tension, the peak of the whole story and a turning point that contributes to the achievement of the goal, or catastrophic failure.

Starting from primary school, the teacher begins to introduce children to this concept with the help of some leading questions:

  • What did you like the most about the story?
  • When did you most worry about a hero?
  • What is the most memorable part of the story?

An adult understands that we are talking about the climax, but the children present it in the form of a simple explanation - the moment of the highest experience. However, the question arises: what is a climax? In the literature, this word means highest voltage and the intersection of all storylines at one point with a further result that affected each key character. In all Russian works, this component is easily visible.

Climax: Meaning

It is almost impossible to reliably study the appearance of this concept. Many scholars believe that the climax comes from the Latin ancient language, others argue - the roots must be sought in Greece.

However, few believe, but this is the most likely hypothesis, that the climax has many origins of development. For the first time, you need to talk about it during the appearance of drawings on the walls of caves. They also slip little story, where the voltage peak is shown at the right time. That is, even before the advent of writing, there was such a concept. It was not cited or identified in any way. On a subconscious level, when creating drawings, ancient people first tried to prepare a person, and then only talk about the hottest moment. And that's without language. For example, cave people gathered in a group. They drove the mammoth into a dead end. And they caught him. Everyone was happy. Each sentence represents a certain stage of development:

  1. Start.
  2. Development of events.
  3. Climax.
  4. Interchange.

This was all seen in the sequence of drawings in the caves.

There are theories that the climax first appeared in the works of Homer and his Iliad and Odyssey. They clearly show where the most exciting points were present. However, due to the lack of structure, such climaxes could be observed at any point in the stories. No one argues that in one work there can be several climaxes, they must all be in the right places, it will be difficult to read this.

In Russian, it is much easier to determine this milestone excitement than others. Due to the simplicity of presentation and ease of syllable.

Sometimes, after a hard day at work, you want to relax and read the last few chapters of another book. However, after last word remain confused: “It seems to be the end, but something is missing”.

Similar problems have been seen many times. Books of this kind were called bad, because of the absence of this very boiling point. However, if you dig a little deeper, a different picture emerges. From point of view fiction, the climax is always present. If the reader did not notice it, that is a problem in the previous steps. In order for a person to be able to feel all the tensions of the main events of the written story, it is important to start correctly and competently, that is, to introduce the characters. If the reader does not empathize with the hero, then that very tension will not appear at the turning point.

Any story must evoke feelings in the reader., negative or positive, it doesn't matter. The point is their presence. When the events in the described new novel from famous writer make a person think, worry, then even at this moment of the highest boiling point, there will be a massive explosion of emotions. Simply creating an imaginary text of connected sentences and calling it a story will not work. Even in the simplest stories written by schoolchildren in the Russian language lessons on the theme of the knight Ivanhoe or another battle of Don Quixote with windmills, there is a climax. The main thing is to submit it correctly, and then it's a matter of technique.

Many represent the climax only in literature, this word is also used in other areas of human creativity and activity.

The culmination, from the point of view of astronomy, denotes the movement through the celestial meridian of the luminary with an interval of an earth day.

Don't Forget the Music. It turns out that in such creative world there is a concept of climax. In many ways, the terminology converges with the literary designation: the most intriguing and exciting moment in piece of music. Most often, this period falls on the penultimate or final stage musical creation. For modern people who love only songs and dances, the climax can mean, again, most often, the chorus after the second verse, when the speed, timbre and tempo of the growing melody increase.

In cinema climax mark the final confrontation of interests important heroes on the screen. Much more interesting things are in the series. The catch is that in most series there are two climactic parts. Exciting peak of the series with the most exciting grin. This is the time when the main problems and characters of the series find the necessary ways to solve the tasks. After the denouement, there is a small scene, which also has the right to be called the climax. The point is to intrigue the viewer and keep each new series, producers and directors through the use of musical arrangement, insufficient information in the frame create an exciting moment.

For example. In one of the series last season « the walking Dead Rick and his group were taken prisoner by the Scavengers, however, he saw and laughed. At the same time, we were not shown who he saw and why he laughed. This moment evokes the same feelings that were at the very climax of the series, and the unknown only increases the degree of excitement for the characters.

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