Test for compulsive disorder. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (compulsive disorder). How to know if I have obsessive-compulsive disorder


Any test to diagnose neurosis must be performed by a specialist. The results obtained provide only generalized information. Conclusions about whether there is a neurosis can only be drawn on the basis of a detailed study of the patient's personality. Online versions are needed more for self-diagnosis, to confirm the need to seek medical help.

It is a disorder characterized by ambivalence, regression and fixation. initial stages development, a shift in attachment to distant ideas about the initial conflict, a lack of understanding, the presence of anxiety, restlessness, internal tension, often accompanied by depressive episodes.

Although it usually starts at adolescence and in early adulthood, it can appear even in childhood. It affects 2.5% of the population and prevails throughout a person's life. Barlow, in discussing the nature of anxiety, emphasizes that the basis of this emotion is a "feeling of being out of control", mainly focused on possible future threats, dangers or other negative events in the future, in contrast to fear, in which danger is present and imminent. "Anxious fear" is accompanied by a state of hypersensitivity, the function of which is to prepare for negative events.

A psychological test that is offered to a patient with suspected neurosis is designed to help identify the symptoms of the disorder:

  • anxiety;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • self-doubt, indecision.

Such a test will show that a person does not have life goals, is not set up for success. It will also allow you to identify - if available - an inferiority complex in relation to the patient's appearance, his sociability.

This state of vigilance affects the cognitive processes of attention and retrieval of information from memory-forming ideas with the same emotional tone that are most likely to be received. For a definitive diagnosis, according to the International Classification of Diseases, obsessional symptoms, compulsions, or both must be present on most days for at least two consecutive weeks and be a source of distress or activity interference. It must also have the following characteristics: be recognized by the person's own thoughts or impulses; there is at least one thought or deed that still resists, without success; the thought of performing an act should not in itself be pleasant; thoughts, images or impulses must be unpleasantly repetitive.

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Luscher color diagnostics

This technique was developed by Max Luscher. With its help, the psychophysical state of the patient, his communication skills, activity, as well as stress resistance are assessed. The method allows you to determine the causes of stress, which may provoke the manifestation of physiological symptoms, as well as neurosis.

Cordioli and Heldt state that the most common compulsions are hand washing or checking, control, repetition, ordering, arrangement, symmetry, consistency, or alignment. Throughout his work, Freud sought to find psychic causes for the development of such an illness, trying to test how bodily manifestations were related to mental life and to the emotional experience experienced by the individual. In "Obsessive Acts and Religious Practices" he says that "what is presented in obsessive-ceremonial acts comes from the patient's most intimate experiences, especially sexual ones."

The purpose of writing this article is aimed at highlighting the details of such a disease as obsessive compulsive disorder, to describe characteristic features and manifestations of this disease, as well as the direction of treatment and medications with OCD.

You do not need to have a deductive method to conclude that if a person is looking for information on the Internet the following kind: "Fevarin - instructions for use", then the person for whom he does this is sick. And he suffers from either depression or obsessive-compulsive disorder. If the concept of “depression” is more or less familiar to most people, then the phrase “obsessive-compulsive states” sounds almost like a Chinese letter to an unaccustomed ear.

In his work, The Rat Man stated that "love-hate relationships are among the most frequent, most striking, and probably most important features of obsessional neurosis." For psychoanalysis, the unconscious content that dominates obsessions and compulsions is associated with sexual characteristics, predominantly of the anal order, where the essence of this disorder is that something, when repressed by consciousness, manifests itself through other thoughts and behavior. This is a disorder that needs further study and research, as the development of this psychopathological basis is still associated with issues that challenge patients and professionals in this field, and it is believed that only with new research and the integration of knowledge from different fields of knowledge better forecast And best quality life for these people can be achieved.

What is obsessive compulsive disorder? Obsession, translated as a siege or blockade, is today used in psychiatry as a definition of obsessive thoughts or reflections. Compulsion (compulsion) - used to determine the imposed actions (rituals). That is, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD, obsessive, condition or syndrome) is obsessive thoughts, actions (rituals), cravings that a person cannot get rid of on their own.

The subjects of this study were thirty people over the age of 18. Control group: It is compiled according to data related to age and school education, aiming to match the maximum of the experimental group. It was attended by 18 people from the community, employees of the city transport company, university staff and students.

The Pfister test, consisting of a set of three cards containing a pyramid design, is subdivided into 15 squares and a set of colored squares, consisting of ten divided colors in twenty-four shades. After contacting partner institutions - a private mental health clinic, a day hospital, and the university's own mental health clinic - the project was reviewed by the relevant ethics committees. Once the study had been agreed upon, the interview was scheduled in advance by a specialist from the institution responsible for selecting the participants.

Pathology belongs to the category mental disorders requiring mandatory treatment. If this condition worries someone close to you, then you can learn more about what obsessive compulsive disorder is - symptoms of pathology, causes of development and methods of struggle in this article.

Causes and manifestations of OCD

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is more common than was commonly believed until recently, affecting all social strata, more often people with high intelligence suffer from it.

The only requirement was that the institution had a place where the interview could be conducted without disruption. Required materials there was a table and chairs. The participant was also asked to be over 18 years of age and be able to answer a series of questions and follow instructions to administer the test.

The applicators were students of scientific initiation, carefully trained in the application of the instruments. In order to train the procedure used and confirm that they were able to perform the test correctly, initial tests were conducted on volunteers. The presence or absence of episodes of humor, psychotic symptoms, alcohol and other substance use, obsessive-compulsive symptoms, panic disorders, and other episodes were checked. anxiety disorders in order to make a psychopathological diagnosis.

Regarding the reasons for the development of such neurotic states no exact data. Factors that contribute to the development of pathology can be psychological or biophysical. Psychological include acute traumatic situations, psychologically uncomfortable relationships in the family.

This also includes work associated with constant nervous tension, excessive ideological education, for example, religious, personality accentuations and functional features of the vegetative nervous system(for example, a sharp reaction to criticism or a negative result of one's actions).

Later, the Pfister test was applied. The application of this test is to ask the participant to complete the pyramid using the colors they want to look beautiful. Then one card is presented at a time, and after all three are asked to tell the person which pyramid they liked and least liked. He also wonders about what color he liked most and least in this test, and what color he likes and loves in his life.

The calls were made in pairs and the doubts raised were noted and then taken up for discussion in supervision. Each interview lasted from one to three hours, varying depending on the clinical condition of each patient as well as their individual characteristics, while no more than two applications were executed within one day.

Biophysical include TBI (brain injury), which cause post-traumatic disorder, brain damage, hereditary predisposition, malfunctioning neurons, decreased production of neurotransmitters (norepinephrine, dopamine, serotonin).

At risk are people who experienced psychological trauma in childhood, suspicious and wanting to control everything, people who were overprotected in childhood and did not receive parental attention.

As for the control group, this was formed according to the data provided by the experimental group, taking into account mainly the age and training of the participants. The subjects that made up this group were university students and employees, employees of the city's transportation company, and people from the community itself. The only requirement was that they never sought psychiatric or psychological help.

In the interview, the study was clarified about the study and it was suggested that they sign a consent agreement. Later, some questions were asked about identification data - name, age, education, profession, Family status, number of children, race, religion, medication use, psychiatric or psychological treatment, alcohol or drug treatment - to exclude individuals with a history of psychological or psychiatric treatment.

Manifestations of obsessive-compulsive disorder

The most characteristic symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder are obsessive thoughts, cravings that are meaningless, futile, and actions that are designed to prevent unlikely events, often absurd and alien. A person understands this, but cannot get rid of thoughts and actions.

A variable was also calculated indicating the number of colors used in the pyramids, varying from one to the other. For each color, a variable was calculated indicating whether it appeared in three pyramids or at least two pyramids. The second set was composed of scores from nine formal configurations.

These variables can take two values, indicating the presence or absence of a particular formal configuration in at least one of the three pyramids built, or the presence or absence of absolute or relative permanence. For this, logistic regression was used. Logistic regression aims to estimate the probability of a subject belonging to an experimental group from a model containing independent variables using the following formula.

Schematically, the state of a person can be described as follows: he is overcome by obsessive thoughts or desires, on this basis he feels fear or acute anxiety, performs certain ritual actions in order to achieve psychological comfort. After performing the ritual, temporary relief occurs, then everything repeats. If for some reason the ritual fails, it causes great stress. In addition to this, the patient is concerned about:

As with multiple linear regression, the first coefficient is a constant term and other regression coefficients of the independent variables indicating the amount of change in the probability of belonging to the experimental group due to a change in one unit in the independent variable. We have adopted a statistical procedure for choosing the variables to enter the equation. This procedure selects variables step by step because of their contribution to the prediction of membership in the experimental group.

At each step, a variable is selected if it can improve the prediction beyond what has already been achieved by the variables that were introduced before it. A sensitivity of 58.3% and a specificity of 88.9% were observed. Therefore, there is a greater likelihood of false negative rather than false positive errors.

  • sleepless nights;
  • disturbing dreams or nightmares;
  • appetite disorders.

People with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder are gloomy and often self-isolate from society. Quite often, this disorder is exacerbated over time by depression. Most often among patients there are:

  1. misophobes - people who are afraid of infection (such people constantly wash or wipe their hands with bactericidal agents, boil dishes, try to disinfect finished products, bread, for example);
  2. people prone to excessive superstitions (they repeat a certain set of words, numbers, actions to avoid bad events);
  3. collectors (“buns”) who do not throw away completely unnecessary things, fearing that they may be needed;
  4. people subject to intrusive thoughts religious or moral sense;
  5. patients who experience sexual desires or experience frankly cruel images;
  6. people who are "obsessed" with symmetry in clothing, arrangement of furniture, etc.;
  7. patients experiencing obsessive doubts (gas turned off, water turned off, etc.).

The course of the disease can be episodic, progressive and chronic. The quality of life of such patients is markedly reduced. The productivity of activity is low, due to the waste of time and effort on constant rituals designed to alleviate the condition.

When evaluating the results obtained with regard to the use of colors, we noticed that the group consisting of patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder significantly increased the use of Brown. Considering that this disorder is associated with conflicts arising from love and hate experienced during the anal phase of development, the increase in brown is an important indicator for our research, since, according to previous studies and even in Max Pfister's original coincidences, an increase in this color will indicate the presence of compulsions and obsessions.

Most patients adequately assess their condition and understand that they are sick. This neurogenic pathology differs from psychotic disorders. Symptoms of OCD are exacerbated in pregnant women and in women immediately after childbirth.

Methods for diagnosing a disease

Obsessive compulsive disorder - what is it, and how to determine the presence of this syndrome in yourself at the very beginning of the disease. If something is not right, it is better to see a specialist who is qualified to make a diagnosis and determine the type of disorder, if any.

At another point, he states that "obsessive-compulsive thinking is one whose function is to represent regression." With regard to the formal aspect, we also found in this group a significant increase in formations and a decrease in symmetrical structures.

The symmetrical formation characterizes the formal aspect in which the colors are arranged on the pyramid scheme, two by two, symmetrically, that is, distributed on one side and the other of the pyramid alternately. Its difference for symmetrical structures is that in structures we can observe symmetries in the vertical and horizontal planes of the pyramid, while in formations we find only symmetries in the horizontal sense. However, official organizations that take into account the vertical plane of the pyramid are among people with more high level emotional structuring and emotional maturity.

Diagnostic test for self-diagnosis

To facilitate the diagnosis of obsessive-compulsive disorder, special questionnaire tests have been developed that allow you to a high degree reliability to determine the presence of this syndrome, according to the patient's answers to the test questions. Answers must be truthful.

The most common test for obsessive-compulsive disorder is the Yale Brown scale. This is a clinical guide designed for professionals. To date, the test questionnaire has been adapted for self-assessment of the mental state and consists of 10 questions, half of which assess the severity of obsessions, the second half - compulsions.

Direction of treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder

For obsessive compulsive disorder - treatment for present stage provided psychotherapeutic and pharmacological. Not all methods of psychotherapy are recognized by experts as effective in combating OCD. For example, hypnosis, psychodynamics, transactional analysis are not recognized by many specialists. traditional method therapy is considered CBT (cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy).

Other psychotherapeutic methods are also used (rational and group therapy, family and aversive). Today, new effective methods to combat obsessive-compulsive disorder - TOC-method and SVT-method of therapy.

CBT is a specific psychiatric intervention that is based on the management stressful situation focuses on emotional awareness and interpersonal communication.

SVT methods are designed to expose the obsessive states of patients and prevent their development. It is used in relation to those patients who do not give an adequate response to standard methods of treatment.


Medical measures include the use of the following antidepressants different groups and normotimics:

  • paroxetine;
  • Mirtazapine;
  • memantine;
  • Buspirone.

To reduce the intensity of the manifestations of the syndrome, it is recommended that patients use physiotherapy methods at home, for example, warm baths. The temperature of the water should be gradually reduced, and come to a cool douche. You need to take a bath in a cool, well-ventilated room, and no more than 15 minutes. A good effect is given by sea bathing in the cool season.

For obsessive-compulsive disorder, home treatment also consists in the method of auto-training (you must convince yourself that fears are a game of the imagination), in creating comfortable conditions for sleeping, proper rest, and nutrition control. It is required to exclude alcohol and coffee from the diet. And include foods rich in tryptophan (dark chocolate, dates, figs, milk, bananas, plums).

You need to support yourself with praise. And in case of impossibility to cope with the situation, seek help from relatives and specialists. People with OCD create entire communities to help each other. For example, there are a great many forums on the topic of obsessive-compulsive disorder. These sources can also be found useful knowledge. But it is better to contact a professional.

Video: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

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