Pepper house on the Prechistenskaya embankment. Profitable house A


Pertsova's house (Pertsov's house) - a building in the neo-Russian style belonged to Zinaida Alekseevna Pertsova, the wife of the railway engineer Pyotr Nikolaevich Pertsov.

The building was conceived as a tenement house for creative intelligentsia. The house included apartments, as well as artists' studios in the upper attic of the building.


Despite the diversity and complexity of forms, the building is notable for its plastic unity and reflects the desire for an artistic synthesis of architecture and forms of fine art and art, characteristic of the Art Nouveau style. applied arts.

Fairy tale house Other cities , CC BY-SA 3.0

In the composition of the facades, the picturesque asymmetry of the arrangement of windows, balconies, and tower-like elevations of the roof diversifies the monotonous divisions of an apartment building; medieval architecture.

The decor of the facades is "populated" with bizarre mythological creatures, fabulous animals and plants. According to Malyutin's drawings, furniture for the home was made. Similar samples of Malyutin furniture are in the Museum of Decorative and Applied folk art in Moscow.

Malyutin's stylization even extended to the use of mica. Initially, the front rooms in the owners' apartment were decorated with wooden carvings and paintings.

Pepper's house. Detail Nina Belyavskaya, CC BY-SA 3.0

The carved decorations of external doors, stair railings and apartment doors, as well as the decoration of the main staircase, have been preserved.


The basement housed the artistic cabaret from 1908 to 1910. Bat”, where the Moscow Art Theater celebrities tried themselves in unexpected roles: V. I. Kachalov - in the role of a circus wrestler, O. L. Knipper-Chekhov - a Parisian chansonette, V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko conducted an amateur orchestra, K. S. Stanislavsky demonstrated "miracles of black and white magic", and the charter read "Do not be offended."

Nina Belyavskaya, CC BY-SA 3.0

They express the opinion that main character short story by Ivan Bunin Clean Monday” lived in this house, however, this is not confirmed by direct indications in the text.

The house was the studio of the artist Robert Falk, until the mid-1970s. the house remained residential, and then passed into the possession of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Art critic Sergei Glagol in 1913 called Pertsova's house one of the most original in Russian architecture in recent decades.

The restoration of the building in 1918 was carried out by the architect V. A. Mazyrin

The house of Zinaida Alekseevna Pertsova is one of the most beautiful buildings in Moscow, which already in the first years after its construction received the name “Fairy Tale House” among the townspeople. The famous railway engineer Pyotr Nikolaevich Pertsov became the customer of the building and its actual owner. In 1905, he purchased a corner plot bounded by Prechistenskaya Embankment, Soymonovsky Proyezd and Kursovy Lane. Considering the financial risks he carried by participating in the construction railways, Peter Pertsov rewrote the site, and then the built house in the name of his wife, Zinaida Alekseevna.

Pertsov decided to build a whole residential complex, which included profitable apartments and a part in which he planned to settle with his family. To create a project for the house, an outstanding commission of architects and artists was convened, which included Franz Shekhtel, Viktor Vasnetsov, Vasily Surikov, Sergei Solovyov, Vasily Polenov, Illarion Ivanov-Shitz and other prominent representatives of the Moscow creative intelligentsia. Among the projects submitted for the competition most attention were awarded the work of artists Apollinary Vasnetsov and Sergey Malyutin.

It is interesting that Vasnetsov's project was awarded the first prize, however, according to the decision of the customer, Petr Pertsov, not even a competitive project was selected for further implementation, but a sketch of the building, made as a variant by Sergey Vasilyevich Malyutin. Unusual work Malyutin inspired Pyotr Pertsov so much that he completely entrusted the artist with the creation of the long-awaited tenement house. Sergey Malyutin studied at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, along with such outstanding artists like Isaac Ilyich Levitan, Mikhail Vasilievich Nesterov and Konstantin Alekseevich Korovin.

Sergey Malyutin was a craftsman capable of embodying the aspirations of Pyotr Pertsov - to build a house in which the wonderful traditions of Russian architecture would find expression. Russian national art was close to Malyutin, it is no coincidence that in 1898 it was he who painted the modern symbol of Russia - the first matryoshka. However, when building a house for Pyotr Pertsov, the artist used the features of the northern version of the Art Nouveau style, which was extremely relevant at that time, which meant borrowing expressive details and features from the architectural works of Northern Europe.

Thus, the motifs of European Gothic, popular at that time, and national Russian architecture were combined in the project of Pertsov's apartment building. XVII century, which have become a harmonious whole thanks to the unifying aestheticism of the Art Nouveau style. Russian influence read in such vivid detail as forged grating above a pointed tong, in the design of tower-balconies, one of which (from the side of Soymonovsky passage) received its own special name "The Dream of the Princess". Plots of ceramic panels that define the decorative appearance of Pertsov's apartment building are also associated with Slavic mythology.

The panel that adorned the facade from the side of the embankment shows images of the solar Slavic deity Yarila, watching the battle of the Bull and the Bear - the symbolic animals of the deities of Perun and Veles. The ceramic details of the facades are reminiscent of the architecture of the pattern, and on the panel above the entrance from the side of Soymonovsky passage you can see the prophetic bird Gamayun, a meeting with which foreshadowed good luck. However, details such as the corner bay window, the broken lines of the cornices and the dragon-shaped brackets of the balcony refer us to the traditions of the architecture of Medieval Europe.

When working on the project, the artist Sergey Malyutin, who did not have some specific knowledge and skills, needed cooperation with a professional engineer and architect Nikolai Konstantinovich Zhukov, who helped Malyutin create an ultra-modern building equipped with all types of city communications known at that time, including sewerage and water supply , the pipes of which were securely hidden in the thickness of the powerful walls of this tall building. Malyutin also fully developed the unusual interior design in the master part of the apartment building, completing them, like the facades, in the Russian style.

In 1908, in one of the basements of the "Fairy Tale House" there was a unique theater-cabaret "The Bat" under the direction of Nikita Fedorovich Baliyev. The performances and productions of this unique theater were attended by famous actors Moscow art theater People: Olga Leonardovna Knipper-Chekhova, Vasily Ivanovich Kachalov, famous directors Konstantin Sergeevich Stanislavsky and Vladimir Ivanovich Nemirovich-Danchenko. At first, they were also the only spectators, since the outside audience was not allowed to attend chamber productions of The Bat.

Subsequently, the theater moved out of Pertsov's house, and the idea of ​​closed theatrical actors' skits was lost - third-party guests began to appear at performances for a fee or using acquaintances with actors. Pyotr Pertsov lived in this wonderful house until his emigration in 1923. IN Soviet period Pertsov's house was transferred to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, whose diplomatic representation is located here today. Today, the unique Fairy Tale House is rightfully considered the most beautiful tenement house in Moscow. He is loved by Muscovites and guests of the city.

Alexandra Gurianova

1937-1938: List of residents of the house - Ligovskaya st., 44,
- injured as a result mass repression according to Article 58 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR:
"13. Krastyn Jan Frantsevich, born in 1891, a native of the farm. Zvanytay of the Courland province., Latvian, non-partisan, carpenter of the 2nd car park of the Leningrad City Council, lived: Leningrad, Ligovskaya st., 44, apt. 608 . Arrested on December 3, 1937 by the Commission of the NKVD and the USSR Prosecutor's Office on December 29, 1937, sentenced under Art. Art. 58-7-8-9-10-11 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR to capital punishment. Shot in Leningrad on January 4, 1938.

14. Glacier Ivan Fedorovich, born in 1903, a native of the village of Podsvilie Disnenskogo u. Vilna province, Belarusian, member of the CPSU (b) in 1920-1937, head of the Kirov railway. d., lived: Leningrad, Ligovskaya st., 44, apt. 303 . Arrested on August 8, 1937 by the Commission of the NKVD and the USSR Prosecutor's Office on October 1, 1937, sentenced under Art. Art. 58-6-7-9-11 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR to capital punishment. Shot in Leningrad on October 6, 1937.

15. Lench Ivan Iosifovich, born in 1897, a native of the Korosten district. Volyn province., Pole, non-partisan, foreman of the stokers of the post office st. Leningrad-Moskovsky, lived: Leningrad, Ligovskaya st., 44, apt. 410 . Arrested on January 29, 1938 by the Commission of the NKVD and the USSR Prosecutor's Office on March 25, 1938, sentenced under Art. Art. 17-58-8, 58-10-11 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR to capital punishment. Shot in Leningrad on April 2, 1938.

16. Markevich Emelyan Vikentievich, born in 1894, a native of the village of Ostrovki, Novogrudok district. Minsk province., Pole, non-party, locomotive driver of the depot st. Sorting house of the Moscow line Oct. and. d., lived: Leningrad, Ligovskaya st., 44, apt. 520 . Arrested on April 10, 1938 by the Commission of the NKVD and the USSR Prosecutor's Office on April 28, 1938, sentenced under Art. Art. 58-9-10-11 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR to capital punishment. Shot in Leningrad on May 22, 1938.

17. Makhov Aleksey Fedorovich, born in 1903, native of the village of Yeremeitsevo, Lyubimsky district, Yaroslavl region, Russian, member of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks in 1927-1938, wagon master of the Kirov Railway. d., lived: Leningrad, Ligovskaya st., 44, apt. 424 . Arrested on January 14, 1938. On February 21, 1938, a special troika of the UNKVD LO was sentenced under Art. Art. 58-7-9-11 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR to capital punishment. Shot in Leningrad on March 1, 1938.

18. Okhotin Anatoly Dmitrievich, born in 1897, native of the village of Zakurino, Pestyakovsky district, Ivanovo region, Russian, member of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks in 1918-1937, deputy. Head of the Political Department of the Kirov Railway d., lived: Leningrad, Ligovskaya st., 44, apt. 631 . Arrested on August 7, 1937. On September 22, 1938, by the visiting session of the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR in Leningrad, he was sentenced under Art. Art. 58-7-8-11 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR to capital punishment. Shot in Leningrad on September 23, 1938.

19. Pavlov Vladimir Kalenikovich, born in 1895, a native of the city of Zhlobin, BSSR, a member of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks in 1918-1937, head of the locomotive department of Art. Volkhovstroy I of the Kirov Railway where he lived temporarily, permanently resided: Leningrad, Ligovskaya st., 44, apt. 533 . Arrested on September 15, 1937 by the Commission of the NKVD and the USSR Prosecutor's Office on October 1, 1937, sentenced under Art. Art. 58-7-9-11 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR to capital punishment. Shot in Leningrad on October 6, 1937.

20. Panov Georgy Ivanovich, born in Dnepropetrovsk in 1898, Russian, member of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks in 1926-1936, early. All-Union Academy of Railways. transport them. Stalin, lived: Leningrad, Ligovskaya st., 44, apt. 308 . A special meeting at the NKVD of the USSR on December 3, 1936 was convicted under Art. 58-10 for 5 years ITL. He served his sentence in Ukhtpechlage. On December 28, 1937, the Commission of the NKVD and the Prosecutor's Office of the USSR was sentenced under Art. Art. 58-8-11 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR to capital punishment. Shot in Leningrad on January 5, 1938.

21. Rytov Alexei Nikolaevich, born in Moscow in 1895, Russian, member of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks in 1927-1938, inspector of Raytranstorgpit-2 Oct. and. d., lived: Leningrad, Ligovskaya st., 44, apt. 314 . Arrested on February 14, 1938. On June 8, 1938, a special troika of the UNKVD LO was sentenced under Art. Art. 17-58-8, 58-11 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR to capital punishment. Shot in Leningrad on June 18, 1938.

22. Smirnov (Vitchik) Fedor Andreevich, born in 1894, a native of the village of Maryino, Maryinsky vol. Novgorod and provinces, Latvian, non-partisan, chief fire brigade construction of the Palace of Furs of Lengorvnutorg, lived: Leningrad, Ligovskaya st., 44, room. 359 . Arrested on August 10, 1937. On September 3, 1937, by a special troika of the UNKVD LO, he was sentenced under Art. 58-10 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR to capital punishment. Shot in Leningrad on September 6, 1937.

23. Sobol Alexander Nikolaevich, born in 1884 Builders of the Yampolsky district of the Vinnitsa region, Russian, non-partisan, deputy head of the traffic service of the Kirov railway. d., lived: Leningrad, Ligovskaya st., 44, apt. 503 . Arrested on August 8, 1937 by the Commission of the NKVD and the USSR Prosecutor's Office on October 1, 1937, sentenced under Art. Art. 58-7-9-11 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR to capital punishment. Shot in Leningrad on October 6, 1937.

24. Fedor Illarionovich Startsev, born in 1896 Chernyaevka Bogoroditsky st. Tula province., Russian, from peasants, member of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks in 1917-1937, head of the consumer goods department of the aircraft plant No. 23, lived: Leningrad, Ligovskaya st., 44, apt. 716 . Arrested on November 1, 1937. On February 26, 1938, by the visiting session of the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR in Leningrad, he was sentenced under Art. Art. 58-7-8-11 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR to capital punishment. He was shot in Leningrad on February 27, 1938 (His wife Elena Iosifovna Gorelova was deported to the Pinezhsky district, where she was sentenced to 8 years in labor camp.). "

It all started, however, from another house. The “casket house” was built on Prechistenskaya embankment by the art collector Tsvetkov. Competing with fame, he even fired his architect, hiring him when he found out that the Tretyakovs were building a mansion according to Vasnetsov's sketches. The “casket house” was inferior in size Tretyakov Gallery, but had a wonderful view of the Moscow River, the Kremlin and the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.
This view fascinated the railway engineer Pyotr Nikolaevich Pertsov. Tsvetkov proposed to indicate more the best place provided that Pertsov builds a house in the Russian style. He agreed and, with the assistance of Tsvetkov, acquired a plot nearby. Pertsov announced a closed competition for the drafting of a "profit house in the Russian style." The jury - the most famous: Vasnetsov, Surikov, Polenov, Shekhtel. But in the end, Pertsov himself settled on the project of Malyutin (the author of the painting of the first Russian nesting doll), which took 2nd place.
The house was built within 11 months - a very short time, given the carved stairs, tiled majolica stoves, stained glass windows, bedrooms with niches and smoking rooms in oriental style, for the decoration of which handicraftsmen from Nizhny Novgorod province. Like everyone else tenement houses, with the magnificent decoration of the facade of the building with expensive apartments, the back of the house, where the windows of cheap apartments go, is simple and unpretentious.
Pertsov lived in his house for 15 years. He was one of the custodians of the values ​​of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, spoke in defense of the church, and in 1922 received 5 years in prison in the process of "churchmen". Pertsov was released a year later, but he was evicted from his house. The house was nationalized. Here is what he writes in his memoirs youngest daughter Pertsova Zinaida: “... lived in our house famous original and an eccentric - Pozdnyakov. He arranged his apartment of four huge rooms in an extraordinary way. The largest, almost a hall, was turned into a bathroom (my brothers visited Pozdnyakov, they described its arrangement to me in detail). The floor and walls were covered with black cloth. In the middle of the room, on a specially constructed platform, there was a huge black marble bath (weight 70 pounds). There were orange lights all around. Huge wall mirrors reflected from all sides sitting in the bath. Another room has been turned into winter Garden: the parquet is covered with sand and lined with green plants and garden furniture. The living room was lovely tiger skins and artistic furniture made of Karelian birch. The owner received visitors in it in an ancient Greek toga and sandals on a bare foot, and on a nail thumb shining diamond monogram. He was served by a negro in a red livery, always accompanied by a black pug with a big red bow! It was this fantastic apartment that Lev Davydovich Trotsky was seduced at first: I just don’t know if he also borrowed his Greek toga and sandals from Pozdnyakov!
Now the building houses the Office of the Diplomatic Corps.

Pertsova's House (Soymonovsky proezd, 1) is a unique building built in the style of Russian Art Nouveau in 1905-1907.

Profitable house was built by order of Pyotr Nikolaevich Pertsov, a successful engineer of communications, however, in fact, his story began from another famous person. A little earlier, in 1898, the famous collector of paintings Ivan Tsvetkov bought a piece of land on Prechistenskaya Embankment for the construction of a house with a gallery, the project of which was carried out by the artist Viktor Vasnetsov. According to Vasnetsov's project, Tsvetkov's mansion was decorated in the Russian style: with tiles, carved decorations and interior decoration. Pertsov, who visited the gallery, was delighted with the views of the Moscow River, the Kremlin and the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, opening from the windows of the Tsvetkov mansion, and Tsvetkov promised to help him buy a plot nearby, provided that the house on it would also be decorated in Russian style.

The site was bought for 70,000 rubles - huge money at that time - and registered in the name of Pertsov's wife Zinaida Alekseevna.

Pertsov started the construction of the house with enviable responsibility - he established a competition for the drafting of the project, to the jury of which they were invited outstanding masters Russian architecture and arts: Viktor Vasnetsov, Fedor Shekhtel, Vasily Surikov, Vasily Polenov, Illarion Ivanov-Shits and Stanislav Noakovsky; was established" prize fund". However, Pertsov reserved the right to the final choice of the winner.

As a result, the jury members awarded the first prize to Apollinary Vasnetsov, the brother of Viktor Vasnetsov, but Pertsov exercised his right and chose the project of the second place winner, Sergey Malyutin, who by that time was known as the author of the first Russian matryoshka.

As a result, according to the project of Malyutin, architects Nikolai Zhukov and Boris Schnaubert built a house resembling a fairy-tale tower and having the appropriate design: with tiles in the Old Russian style, majolica panels with images of mythical animals, creatures and plants, figures of dragons - and even the pipes were made in the form owls frozen on the roof. There is artistic asymmetry in the structure of the house (the arrangement of windows, balconies, tower-like elevations), but the house looks holistic and harmonious, and characteristic shape the roofs and the elements of the facade that continue it really resemble the roof of a Russian tower.

The owners themselves occupied only part of the house: the rest of the apartments and rooms were rented to tenants, and in the basement in 1908-1910 there was an artistic cabaret "The Bat", created as a place for creative recreation of the actors of the Moscow Art Theater.

Pyotr Pertsov lived in his house for only 15 years. Being one of the custodians of the values ​​of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, he defended the church from attacks Soviet power, and in 1922 he became an accused in the "case of churchmen", receiving 5 years imprisonment. A year later, he was released ahead of schedule, but he was evicted from the house that had been nationalized by that time, and Leon Trotsky himself occupied the family’s apartment, who lived here until he emigrated to Mexico.

Interestingly, there is some discrepancy in the name of the house. Despite the fact that on the plate on the facade the monument of architecture is indicated as "Profitable residential building Z.A. Pertseva"(named after Pertsov's wife - his official owner), he is often called "House of Pertsov"(according to Pyotr Nikolaevich himself), as well as "House of Peppers"- due to the discrepancy between the names of Pertsov / Pertsev. Use "House of Peppers" is the most common and recognizable and is used more often than others.

You can get to Pertsova's apartment building on foot from metro station "Kropotkinskaya".

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