Justin bieber personal. Problems with law


History will go about a young performer who achieved his success with his own strength and perseverance. Justin Bieber is a real world star today. Some people adore him, while others hate him, but no one remains indifferent to his person.

Childhood of Justin Bieber

The life story of Justin Bieber began with his first breath on March 1, 1994 in the province of Ontario in Canada. He was born into a very young family, his mother at that time was only 18 years old. Unfortunately, this family could not stand the routine of life and soon broke up. But Justin Bieber's mother, Patty Mallet, and father, Jeremy Bieber, have maintained a good relationship to this day.

The childhood of the young performer was not cloudless, Justin's mother worked very hard to provide her son with everything necessary.

Music entered his life at an early age. Justin's father had excellent guitar playing skills, and his mother's vocal abilities fascinated many listeners. Thanks to his parents, Justin Bieber mastered keyboards, drums and guitar. His first drum kit appeared in early childhood, as a gift from his mother.

Justin Bieber as a child:

Despite the fact that Father Justin has long had new family, the relationship between father and son was not interrupted, but rather strengthened.

Musical career of Justin Bieber

Justin began his rise to world fame at the age of 12. In an aspiring singing competition called Stratford Idol, Justin deservedly won the second prize. The mother was so proud of her son's success that she posted videos of the performances on YouTube to show them to family friends. But the boy's talent interested not only them ...

Manager Scooter Braun was in the midst of scouting for new talent when he came across Justin Bieber's records. Scooter Brown was amazed by the talent of the young performer and invited him to go to Atlanta to build a musical career there.

When Justin and his mother moved to Atlanta, they had to meet a world-famous star Asher, who, having heard Justin's performance, decided to sign a contract with him. Under the auspices of Usher, a successful future began to take shape much faster.

The first songs of the singer begin to appear during Justin Bieber's collaboration with Island Records, which was very interested in the guy's talent.

The debut was for Justin in 2009, he released song One Time and album coming soon my world.

Justin Bieber- One Time:

Popularity came very quickly, and within the next two years he received the title "Artist of the Year" from the American Music Awards.

In 2011 was born Under the Mistletoe, and in 2012 the album was born Believe.

At the present time, more and more of his songs appear, Justin continues to work actively.

Personal life, girls of Justin Bieber

Despite his young age, Justin Bieber is already famous for his many romance novels.

His first hobby was Caitlin Beatles, his friend's sister.

This relationship lasted about a year, it was replaced by Kristen Rodehever And Jasmine Villegas.

But his greatest passion was Selena Gomez. They had a passionate romance that lasted about three years. During this time, they parted and reconciled many times.

In 2012, they nevertheless decided to finally end the relationship. But to this day they do not forget about each other. It was a really exciting romance that the star teenagers did not even hide from the paparazzi.

After parting with Selena Gomez, there were several intrigues, from which nothing serious happened. Among these novels barbara Palvin and model Ella Page Roberts Clark.

Tensions with the law

Well, fame has not gone unnoticed for Justin Bieber, it has left its mark on him. Justin's character has changed: from a sweet, harmless boy, he has turned into a guy who is not very friendly with the law.

His hooligan behavior leads to the fact that from time to time he is detained by the police, either for drunk driving, and even at a high speed of a yellow Lamborghini, or for smoking marijuana. It also caused a big scandal when Justin Bieber beat the limousine driver.

Well, what can I say, the boy is growing! How his career will go on is not known. We will watch and hope that he will take up his head and grow up, because despite his star disease, Justin Bieber remains an excellent performer and a world-class star.

Justin Bieber is famous american singer, author and performer of his own songs in the style of R&B, pop and rap, idol of youth, and a very popular new generation star. For ten years now, this young artist has been collecting stadiums and is an enviable groom for many young girls in the world. First, he became insanely popular on YouTube, and then he got to the stage. Thanks to the Internet, the guy became world famous at the age of 14. It is difficult to say what is so fundamentally new in a young performer, but the fact that he has risen to the top of popularity over the years is an indisputable fact.

In 2008, the singer presented his first hit "One time". On this recording, it is impossible to say with certainty whether the song is performed by a guy or a girl. That's how much Bieber had high voice, but she, as they say, "shot." And after some time, posters with the image of a guy began to be bought up by young fans at the speed of sound. And the new released disc immediately became one of the best-selling.

Justin's career started by posting his song and homemade music video on his YouTube channel. Then the guy was noticed by an American producer and after some time Justin has become a real star. Millions of fans around the world wanted to know everything about their favorite, but then there was no complete information about the guy in any source. The media wrote about the appearance new star, gradually revealed the details of Justin's life, and then offers from TV channels to participate in shows and programs rained down on Bieber. Justin began to give interviews, came to the most famous studios, and became a guest of eminent programs on the country's leading channels. The fans wanted to know everything about the guy: how he decided to sing, what instruments he plays, what he is fond of, and also the main question - what kind of girls does the singer like?

Even Justin Bieber's hairstyle, which he wore at that time, as well as personal parameters: height, weight, age, did not go unnoticed by the public. How old is Justin Bieber - one of the most popular queries on the network of those years. Today, the guy is already 24. He has been at the peak of popularity for ten years now and during this time he has already changed his image several times. At such a young age, Justin wants to constantly be in trend, and it seems that in terms of appearance, the guy still has not found himself. He wore a long haircut and bangs, dyed blond, and today wears a fashionable "torn" haircut.

Biography and personal life of Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber was born in 1994 in Canada, in the city of interesting name- London. The guy was fond of music since childhood, he always liked groovy fashion motives and beats, so as a teenager, she began to mix her tracks herself, and then decided to post them on YouTube. In principle, there is just a lot of such content on the Internet, but after a while they began to subscribe to Bieber's page, and he realized that he was doing something right. At that time, Justin had no idea that posting his music on the Internet, he could become a star, but he still did not stop, the growing number of subscribers pleased the aspiring singer, and he tried himself in different styles.

One day, Scooter Brown, the manager of a record company, accidentally stumbled on the page of a young talent, and immediately realized that the guy’s compositions are what the public needs today. Scooter contacted the artist and said he wanted to offer him a real job. The man spoke with the mother of the young man, and said that Bieber found gold mine, but for now he lacks professionalism, so he needs to work at a real studio. Justin was so fired up that a few days later he was flying a plane to Atlanta, thinking about how it would all be, and how not to lose face in the dirt. Upon arrival, the guy was immediately brought to the studio, and for the first time he met with the famous R&B singer, Usher, who was a co-owner of a record company. Justin signed with the studio and Scooter became his producer.

In 2009, the singer's first album "My World" was released, and literally the next day the guy woke up famous. His record was sold out by fans in record time, even the recording studio and Scooter himself did not expect such an incredible success right away! All songs from the collection immediately entered the charts of the leading music channels and were constantly played on the radio. Justin began to be invited with performances and presentations of the album. He performed in clubs and traveled all over America, became the guest of the highest rated TV programs, and visited the studio of Ellen DiGeneres. However, all this was just a trifle, compared with what proposal Justin received at the end of the year! He was given the great honor of addressing the President of America on Christmas Eve. When Bieber was 16, he hosted the Grammy Awards.

A year later, the singer's second album, called "My World 2.0", was released. Like the first record, this collection is sold out very quickly by fans, and despite the fact that one of the songs has bad comments from listeners, they say it is not performed in the genre of a singer, the album still becomes gold, and Justin, thanks to him, receives the title of the youngest artist, musical composition which is number one on the charts.

The biography and personal life of Justin Bieber are closely related to music. The popularity of the artist in America just went beyond. Millions of downloads on iTunes, posters, t-shirts, prints and merchandise featuring the singer made him more and more popular, and proved that the music industry aimed at young teenage fans works! His songs were in the highest places in the ratings of Canada, right there, in his homeland, the singer's albums became platinum several times, and across the distant ocean in Australia and Zealand - gold. The activity of Bieber's fans on the Internet also beat all records. Eight years ago, according to agency estimates, the traffic of Bieber's personal page on Twitter was about 3% of the entire resource! The youth idol travels all over the world, so fans often wonder where Justin Bieber lives now. The artist works with a recording studio in America, so he lives in the USA.

In 2010, the singer first appeared in films. He got the role of a troubled teenager in the film Crime Scene, and a year later he made his first film appearance as himself. During his career, five films have already been released, where Justin played a cameo. Agree, not a bad achievement for a 24-year-old. In addition to filming a movie, the singer even has his own film-concert. After releasing two albums, he spent almost two years on a world tour. Flights, hotels, clubs, and event venues, many concerts were bundled into one huge Bieber tour of the world. The film-concert was released in 2011 and those fans who could not see the idol live got the opportunity to watch his concert on the big screen.

After two albums with the same name, Justin slightly changed the style of his compositions and continued to release albums. During this time, he released three collections of songs, each of which sold millions of copies.

Throughout his career as a singer, he has repeatedly become a subject of discussion for fans, because he is a rather outrageous star, and Justin's antics are often associated with alcohol. At a young age, the singer made tattoos for himself and continues to fill his body with inscriptions and drawings. Justin Bieber tattoo on arms, chest and back.

Family and children of Justin Bieber

Analyzing the childhood of a young artist, it becomes clear that he was one of the difficult teenagers who can so often be seen in the movies. Often, show business stars who become famous at such a young age begin to suffer very quickly. star disease, are addicted to drugs or alcohol, Justin has not bypassed this topic. Huge popularity, crazy fees, financial independence at one time hit the young man hard in the head, and he did all sorts of stupid things. Although the consequences of the guy's pranks were quite serious, this did not stop Justin. He was repeatedly brought to administrative responsibility for drunk driving, disturbing public order, and he was also found to have narcotic substances.

Perhaps all this is because the boy's childhood was rather difficult. His mother, Peggy, was a single mother and raised her son alone. She found out that she was pregnant when she was 17, the child's father ran away very quickly, and Peg was left with a difficult choice: keep the child or terminate the pregnancy. It was scary for the girl to have an abortion, and the term was already long, so after 9 months she gave birth. Justin grew up without a father, so he tried to help his mother in everything he could.

His grandparents helped in his upbringing, so the guy tried not to disappoint them, went to sports clubs and studied music with his grandmother. She was a good pianist, and since there was no money for mugs, she taught her grandson to play the piano. Until the age of 14, the guy studied well at school, he wanted to get an education, so that later he could find Good work and his mother didn't need anything. One day he performed at song contest and took second place. The guy gave all the money of the prize fee to his mother.

But when he gained fame, at first Justin did not pass the test of popularity and money. He got into scandals, fought on the streets, and once beat a taxi driver who turned to the police. This situation caused a great resonance in the media and among fans, whose idol was Justin Bieber. The citizen of which country the singer is immediately began to break through and government agencies, the artist even wanted to be deported to Canada, but he remained in America.

Justin Bieber's wife

All the time that Justin sings on stage, his popularity among fans is growing at a tremendous pace. And first of all it concerns, of course, young girls. Fans followed him in a crowd, followed his personal life and were “jealous” of every companion who appeared in the circles of the artist.

The artist began his first relationship at a fairly early age. When he was 16, information appeared in the media that the singer was dating a colleague in the shop, the young singer Selena Gomez. They were together for several years, and during this time information appeared in the media all the time that the young couple was planning to get married. The tabloids "notice" non-existent rings on the girl's finger, and thereby fueled interest in the singers. In 2012, they even published information that Selena is now the wife of Justin Bieber, but the infa was not confirmed, and soon the couple terminated the relationship.

Is Justin Bieber gay? Singer Orientation

After the singer did not marry the girl and they broke up, there was a wave of negativity from the admirers that such a gorgeous couple broke up. The media fueled these discussions, and even made suggestions that Justin Bieberg was gay. The singer's orientation became the subject of discussion along with the release of his new album, in addition, at that time the singer was touring the world, and many thought that such a hype was just a PR stunt. After some time, a confession of non-traditional sexual orientation appeared on the artist's Twitter page, and then everyone just gasped!

The press service of the singer also started a commotion, as he could lose ratings from the fans, who are the majority. This information was immediately followed by a refutation of the information, and the tabloids reported that the singer's account had been hacked by haters. Despite the fact that the artist publicly said that he loves women, doubts still crept into the souls of fans, and some still believe that the singer is blue.

Justin Bieber and his girlfriend

For today most big love The singer was Selena Gomez. They met in 2010 and immediately started dating. He seemed to be singing about her. And Selena also released tearful compositions about love and romance, the hero of which, most likely, was the singer. Justin Bieber and his girlfriend did not hesitate to appear in public together. They walked by the hand, publicly kissed and surrendered to their feelings, not paying attention to the ubiquitous journalists and photographers.

Alas, their relationship did not stand the test of publicity, they constantly parted, hurting each other, and in 2012 they announced that they were no longer together. Justin was credited with novels with various models and singers, and photographers caught him on the streets and in cafes. If another girl was in sight with the artist, they were immediately convicted of treason. Journalists seem to be confused themselves, what kind of girl is Justin Bieber, constantly attributing novels to him.

After breaking up with Gomez, the singer dated model Barbara Palvin, one of the Kardashian sisters, and model Xenia Delhi, but this relationship ended in nothing.

Justin Bieber was born on March 1, 1994, at that time his mother, Patty Mallet, was only 18 years old, her relationship with the father of the child was very weak and quickly fell apart. Therefore, she was forced to raise the boy and earn a living on her own.

But despite the current situation in the family, Justin knew his father and is still trying to keep in touch with him - Jeremy Bieber, after breaking up with Justin's mother, married another woman and had two children with her.

Due to the fact that Justin's mother needed to be present at work most of the time, in his childhood he was often left to his own devices, but this did not spoil the boy. He was interested various types sports (for example, hockey, football and even chess), and was also able to independently master the game on several musical instruments- piano, drums, guitar.

Singer career

Singer Justin Bieber took the first steps towards his career at the age of 12. Then he took part in the Stratford Idol competition, which was aimed at finding talent among aspiring singers. The young performer managed to take second place. In the same year, Justin's mother decided to post a recording of his speech on the Internet resource with videos - YouTube. Initially, she wanted to show her son's achievement to her friends, but other users became interested in his talent. Thus, the number of views grew. The videotape happened to catch the eye of talent manager Scooter Braun. Brown became Bieber's manager and convinced him to go to the US, to Atlanta.

Here he was to meet Usher, a famous American singer, who was amazed by Justin's talent and, without hesitation, decided to sign a cooperation contract with him. After that, Justin began his ascent to musical Olympus already under the patronage of the authoritative Usher, he sent Bieber to audition for the influential company Island Records, thanks to which the first songs performed by Justin began to appear.

In 2009, Justin's first song, One Time, appeared on the charts. Simultaneously with the release of songs, the singer was preparing his first album called My World. Every new single The audience greeted them very warmly, so they got good places in the music ratings. Over the next two years, Justin managed to become "Artist of the Year" according to the American Music Awards.

Young singer Justin Bieber continues to actively record songs. The result of his work in 2011 was the album Under the Mistletoe, and in 2012 - a record called Believe, which was released on June 19.

Justin Bieber is 173 cm tall and weighs 53 kg.

Personal life of Justin Bieber

With the advent of popularity, the singer Justin Bieber became the idol of teenagers, mostly girls, but the first girl of the newly-minted star was also a well-known person - the singer and. They have been dating since 2010.

Quick answer: 22 years old as of June 2016.

Just a few years ago, no one knew about the existence of this young talent, but now Bieber is the idol of millions of girls around the world and one of the most famous singers in the last few. However, let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Justin is a native of Canada - he was born on March 1, 1994. It is worth noting that his mother, Patricia Lynn "Petty" Mallett, gave birth to a baby early enough - she became pregnant as soon as she was 18 years old. However, she could not get along with Jeremy Jack, who is Justin's biological father, and ended up raising the child on her own. The kid was smart enough, was fond of sports, chess and music. An interesting fact from his biography: he taught himself to play the guitar, piano, trumpet and drums. He first rose to fame in 2007 when he sang Ne-Yo's "So Sick" at one of the local competitions, where he took second place. Justin's mother posted YouTube videos of her child singing. For some time he managed to become famous and earned popularity on the Internet.

In 2008, Scooter Brown, a well-known music manager, saw Justin on YouTube. He was so impressed with the guy's voice that he immediately started looking for him. After a long search, he contacted Patricia and begged her for a long time to let Justin go to Atlanta to record demo versions of songs. And after a short period of time young star signs a contract with record company RBMG, which is jointly owned by Brown and Asher.

In 2009, the first single "One Time" was released, which instantly acquires world fame. Then several more songs were released, and at the end of the year the author presented his debut album called My World. And under New Year Justin was offered to sing in front of the first persons of the United States, then he sang Stevie Wonder's song "Someday At Christmas".

The first single from his new album My World 2.0 "Baby", which appeared on the radio stations, became a real hit for the next few months. The filmed clip for it is one of the most viewed on YouTube. The release of the album itself took place in March and also took first place in sales in many countries, including America, Canada and New Zealand.

Around the same time, Bieber starred in the biopic Never Say Never, where he plays the role of himself. The film was able to collect more than 30 million dollars in its opening weekend, which was an outstanding result.

On November 1, 2011, Bieber's new album Under The Mistletoe was released, which was recorded with the participation of such stars as Busta Rhymes, Usher, Mariah Carey, The Band Perry and Boyz II Men. Well, on June 19, 2012, his album Believe debuted, which in the first week alone sold more than 500,000 digital copies.

As for the personal life of the star, since 2010 he has met with the famous American singer and an actress. True, some time ago the couple broke up.

Justin is currently 22 years old.

Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber
Full name Justin Drew Bieber
Date of birth March 1, 1994
Birthplace London, Ontario, Canada
Years of activity 2009 - present
Country Canada USA
Occupation Singer, musician, actor
Instruments vocals, guitar, piano, percussion, trumpet
Genres pop, R&B
Asher collaboration
Labels Island, RBMG

Justin Drew Bieber(born Justin Drew Bieber; born March 1, 1994) is a Canadian pop-R&B singer, songwriter, musician, and actor. In 2008, Scooter Braun saw his YouTube videos and later became his manager. Brown arranged for Bieber to meet Usher in Atlanta, Georgia (USA). Bieber soon became an artist on the Raymond Braun Media Group (RBMG), a joint venture between Brown and Usher, and was later invited by L.A. Reid to Island Records. To date, Justin has sold 15 million copies of his albums.

Biography and career
1994 - 2008: Childhood and adolescence

Justin Bieber Born in London, Ontario, Canada at St. Joseph's Hospital on March 1, 1994, grew up in Stratford. mothers bieber, Patricia Lynn "Petty" Mallett, was 18 years old when she became pregnant. Mallett, originally from Stratford, was assisted by her parents, Bruce and Diana. Mallett worked multiple jobs to support her family. Petty and Justin kept in touch with their father, Jeremy Jack Bieber, who married another woman and had two children. Bieber's great-grandfather was from Germany. As a child, Bieber loved hockey, football, chess, he was fond of music. As he grew up, Bieber taught himself how to play the piano, drums, guitar, and trumpet. In early 2007, when he was twelve, Bieber sang Ne-Yo's "So Sick" at a local Stratford Idol song contest and placed second. His mother posted a video of the performance on YouTube for family and friends to see. She kept uploading videos of Bieber singing various styles of music. His popularity on the site grew.

2008 - 2010: Start creative career
Scooter Braun, former manager of So So Def, was looking for videos and stumbled upon one of Bieber video. Brown was impressed, he found Justin Bieber and decided to contact his mother. Petty was reluctant to agree immediately, but after much persuasion from Scooter, she allowed Justin to fly to Atlanta, Georgia to record demos. Justin soon signed with Raymond Braun Media Group (RBMG), a joint venture between Brown and Usher. Justin Timberlake also wanted to sign a contract with Justin, but Bieber chose Usher. Brown became Bieber's manager.
Bieber in September 2009 at the Nintendo World Store

His debut single, "One Time", was released in 2009, reaching the top ten in Canada and the top 30 in some countries. My World, the first mini-album, was released on November 17, 2009 and was certified platinum in Canada and the US and gold in Australia and New Zealand. Justin became the first artist to have seven songs from his debut album chart on the Billboard Hot 100.

The first release of the album, titled My World, was released on November 17, 2009. The album's second single, "One Less Lonely Girl", and two promotional singles, "Love Me" and "Favourite Girl", were released on iTunes and reached the top 40 on the Billboard Hot 100. "One Less Lonely Girl", subsequently was released to radio, peaked in the top 15 in Canada and the US, and went gold. My World was certified platinum in the US, Canada and the UK. In support of the album, Bieber performed at the 2009 VMAs, Dome, The Today Show, Wendy Williams Show, Lopez Tonight, The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Good Morning America.

Bieber performed at the White House for US President and First Lady Michelle Obama on Christmas with Stevie Wonder's "Someday At Christmas". This ceremony was broadcast on December 20, 2009 on the American television network TNT. Bieber hosted the 52nd Grammy Awards on January 31, 2010. He was featured as vocalist on We Are World (a song written by Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie) in support of Haiti after the earthquake. Bieber sings the opening, which was sung by Lionel Richie in the original version.
2010 - 2011: Debut album "My World 2.0" and film "Never Say Never"

"Baby", a single from the debut album My World 2.0, featuring Ludacris, was released in January 2010 and became a hit. The single peaked at number five in the US and reached the top ten in seven other countries. clip to it long time was the most viewed and most talked about, until it lost the lead to the video of the South Korean artist PSY - "Gangnam Style". However, "Baby" still holds the record as a music video with largest number negative reviews on YouTube.

Two promotional singles "Never Let You Go" and "U Smile" were top thirty hits on the US Hot 100 and top twenty. greatest hits In Canada. According to Metacritic, the album received an "overall positive reviews". He debuted at number one on the US Billboard 200, making Bieber the youngest male to top the chart, as did Stevie Wonder in 1963.

My World 2.0 was released on March 23, 2010 and also debuted at number one in the US, Canada, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand. In support of the album, Bieber appeared on several programs including The View, 2010 Kids Choice Awards, Nightline, Late Show with David Letterman, and more. Bieber collaborated with Sean Kingston on the single "Eenie Meenie", which also appeared on debut album Bieber. The song reached the top ten in the UK and Australia, and the top twenty in several other countries.

On April 10, 2010, Bieber was the musical guest on Saturday Night Live. The second single from My World 2.0, "Somebody To Love", was released in April 2010, with a remix featuring Bieber's mentor Usher. The single peaked at number ten in Canada, number fifteen in the United States, and reached the top twenty in several other countries. On June 23, 2010, Bieber went on his first official tour (My World) to promote My World and My World 2.0. In July 2010, it was reported that Bieber had become the most searched-for celebrity on the internet. That same month, his "Baby" video surpassed Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance" as the most viewed video. In September 2010, it became known that Bieber makes up three percent of all traffic on Twitter.

Bieber began recording his second album in July 2010 in New York. Then his voice became lower than it was before. In April 2010, the singer remarked: "Like any teenager, I deal with this, but I have the best vocal coach in the world, everything will be fine."

Bieber starred in C.S.I.: Crime Scene Investigation, which aired on September 23, 2010. He played a dysfunctional teenager who faces a difficult decision regarding his only brother, who is also a serial killer. Bieber performed a medley of "U Smile", "Baby" and "Somebody To Love" and played drums at the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards on September 12, 2010. In October 2010, Justin announced that he would be releasing an acoustic album titled My Worlds Acoustic. It was released on Black Friday in the US and included acoustic versions of songs from his previous albums, and new song called "Pry".

The 3D biographical concert documentary "Never Say Never" was released on February 11, 2011. It was directed by Step Up 3D director John Chu. The film topped the box office with $12.4 million on its first day in 3,105 theaters. It grossed $30.3 million in its opening weekend and became the highest-grossing concert film in the US in terms of box office receipts.

2011: First Christmas album "Under the Mistletoe"
On February 23, 2011, another NME Awards ceremony was held at the Brixton Academy. Justin Bieber received two awards: as "The most tastelessly dressed artist" and for "The worst album" (My World).

On February 27, Bieber attended the 2011 Vanity Fair Oscar Party along with American actress and singer Selena Gomez, thereby confirming the rumors about romantic relationship between a couple.
In June 2011, Bieber was ranked number two on Forbes' list of "Highest Paid Celebrities Under 30". He is the youngest star and one of seven musicians who have earned $53 million in 12 months.
On August 8, the Teen Choice Awards ceremony took place in New York, as a result of which Justin Bieber received four awards in the nominations “best male musician”, “most handsome man», « best actor” and “TV Villain” for a cameo role in the television series “C.S.I.: Crime Scene Investigation”.

At the end of October 2011, it became known that Bieber was the first whose video scored two billion views on YouTube.

November 1 came the second studio album Justin, titled "Under the Mistletoe". Some of the album's songs were recorded in collaboration with such artists and bands as Usher, Boyz II Men, Mariah Carey, The Band Perry and Busta Rhymes. It debuted at number one on the Billboard 200 and sold 210,000 copies in its first week of release.

2012 - present: Albums "Believe", "Journals" and the sequel "Never Say Never"
Justin Bieber during the Believe Tour (October 2012)

In late 2011, Bieber began recording his third studio album titled Believe. Kanye West and Drake have confirmed that they will be collaborating with Justin on this album.

On February 22, 2012, Bieber announced on Twitter that the first single from the album would be released in March 2012. The following week, Bieber appeared on The Ellen DeGeneres Show to announce that the first single would be called "Boyfriend" and would be released on March 26, 2012. The song was co-written with Mike Posner.

On June 19, the album "Believe" went on sale. In the first week after the release of the disc, over 370,000 copies were sold, which allowed the album to debut at number one on the Billboard 200.
In the fall of 2012, the tour began in support of the album "Believe", where the first date was a concert in Glendale. The tour ran until early December 2013, ending on the 8th in Perth. For so for a long time the singer managed to give concerts in America, Africa, Asia, Australasia and Europe. Also, Bieber with the European part of the "Believe Tour" came to Russia, giving two concerts for the first time - in St. Petersburg and Moscow. Before Bieber entered the stage, the audience was warmed up by the Russian blogger and singer Roma Zhelud, whom the organizers approved after difficult negotiations.
During the "Believe Tour" the acoustic album "Believe Acoustic" was released, consisting of lighter versions of songs from the "Believe" album, as well as several new compositions. The record reached number 1 in America and number 5 in the UK.

In October 2013, Bieber announced that he intended to release 10 new songs every Monday as a promo for a new concert film, Justin Bieber. believe." The first of ten songs, titled "Heartbreaker", was released on the first Monday in October as a single on iTunes. This was followed by the rest of the songs "All That Matters", "Hold Tight", "Recovery", "Bad Day", "All Bad", "PYD", "Roller Coaster", "Change Me" and "Confident". The second single, "All That Matters", was filmed with a music video directed by Colin Tilly. All 10 tracks from "Music Mondays" were eventually included in the "Journals" compilation, which contained an additional 5 unreleased songs, the "All That Matters" video and the trailer for the film "Justin Bieber. believe." So, at the end of 2013, the film “Justin Bieber. Believe" was released to the big screen. It was the sequel to the 2011 film Never Say Never.

Personal life
Since 2010, he has been dating actress and singer Selena Gomez. In 2012, information appeared that they officially broke up, but these reports were refuted by other sources. In January 2013, after the appearance of Selena in the company of Josh Hutcherson at the Golden Globe party, it became clear about the final breakup.

Problems with law

On January 23, 2014, Justin Bieber was arrested by Miami police for racing a sports car through city streets. He refused an alcohol test. Bieber later admitted that before driving, he drank alcohol, smoked marijuana and took pills. The court released him on bail of two and a half thousand dollars.

On January 23, 2014, a petition appeared on the website of the White House demanding that the US authorities revoke Justin Bieber's residence permit and deport him to his homeland in Canada:

We would like to see the dangerous, reckless, destructive and drug abuser Justin Bieber deported and his green card revoked. It not only threatens the security of our people, but also has a bad influence on our youth. We the people would like to exclude Justin Bieber from our society.

Justin Bieber is suspected of beating a limousine driver. The incident occurred on December 29, 2013 near the Air Canada Center hockey stadium, where the singer came with friends and bodyguards to watch the match with the NHL club. From the complaint filed by the driver, it follows that a conflict arose between him and one of the passengers. During the quarrel, he hit the driver several times on the head and on the back. The police charged Bieber with assault. A preliminary court hearing has been scheduled for March 10, 2014. On the previous incident - driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs, as well as driving with an expired driver's license, a court hearing is scheduled for February 16, 2014.

On February 1, 2014, Justin Bieber's plane was detained at the airport in Titerboro, New Jersey. The reason for the detention is the smell of marijuana in the cabin.

Studio albums:
2010: My World 2.0
2011: Under the Mistletoe
2012: Believe
2010: My Worlds: The Collection
2010: My Worlds Acoustic
2011: Never Say Never: The Remixes
2013: Believe Acoustic
2013: Journals

2009: My World

My World Tour (2010-2011)
Believe Tour (2012-2013)

Justin Bieber at the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards
Year Title Director
2009 One Time Vashtie Kola
One Less Lonely Girl Roman White
2010 Baby
(with Ludacris) Ray Kay
Never Let You Go Colin Tilley
We Are the World 25 for Haiti Paul Haggis
Eenie Meenie
(with Sean Kingston) Ray Kay
Somebody to Love (remix)
(with Usher) Dave Meyers
Never Say Never
(with Jaden Smith) Honey
Love Me Alfredo Flores
U Smile Colin Tilley
Never Say Never (acoustic) Jon Chu
Pray Scooter Braun, Alfredo Flores
2011 That Should Be Me
(with Rascal Flatts) Mark Kalbfeld
Next 2 You
(with Chris Brown) Colin Tilley
Mistletoe Roman White
Santa Claus Is Coming to Town (Animagic Version)
Fa La La
(with Boyz II Men) Colin Tilley
All I Want for Christmas Is You
(with Mariah Carey) Sanaa Hamri
Santa Claus Is Coming to Town (Arthur Christmas Version)
2012 Boyfriend Director X
As long as you love me
(with Big Sean) Anthony Mandler
Beauty and a Beat
(with Nicki Minaj) Jon Chu
2013 That Power
(with will.i.am) Ben Mor
(with Maejor Ali, Juicy J) Matt Alonzo
Wait For A Minute
(with Tyga) Krista Liney
All That Matters Colin Tilley
Year Russian title Original title Role
2010-2011 with C.S.I.: Crime Scene Investigation CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Jason McCann
2011 Justin Bieber: Never Say Never Justin Bieber: Never Say Never Himself
2013 Katy Perry: Part Of Me Katy Perry: Part Of Me Cameo
2013 Justin Bieber. Believe Justin Bieber's Believe Plays Himself

The singer has received several nominations and awards in recent years. He won Artist of the Year at the 2010 American Music Awards and was nominated for Best New Artist and Best Pop Vocal Album at the 53rd Grammy Awards.

Show compact

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