How to play zero kilometer on the drums to tell. How can a drummer learn to play without a drum kit?


The two main components of music are melody and rhythm. Drummers (or drummers) are responsible for the latter in "live" bands. Drums and bass make up the band's rhythm section. Unlike the same bass guitar, they are clearly audible in any mix. Without drums, the music sounds dull and dull - the rhythm gives the songs dynamics and expressiveness.

Together with the guitar and bass, the drums make up the classic trio of instruments that no band can do without. Therefore, the number of people who want to learn how to play the drums abound. But not everyone can afford to buy a drum kit. This is due to their considerable cost and the traditional “love for music” of the neighbors of the newly minted drummer. In addition, learning to play the drums is difficult, painful and exhausting. With the wrong approach, the path from green beginner to master of the rhythm will take years. Therefore, we will figure out how to quickly learn how to play the drums from scratch and without the drums themselves.

Introduction to drums

First you need to get to know the tool. It is better to do it personally: sit, touch, knock. But if this is not possible, then for the first time a correspondence acquaintance will be enough.

When a beginner looks at a drum kit (also called a “kitchen”), he sees two things: drums and cymbals. These are the main elements that make up the drum set.

Drums are divided into three types:

  • Bass drum. It is played with a special beater, which is driven by a pedal. The barrel is needed to make a dull low sound. Bass drum is "boom".
  • Small drum. It is also called a worker. Bright and juicy "thousand", which is heard on the records - on his conscience.
  • Tom-toms. These drums are needed for additional filling and decoration of the rhythmic pattern. Classic variant Includes three volumes: two hanging and one floor.

There are incomparably more types of plates. But it is enough for a beginner drummer to know about four: hi-hat, ride, crash and splash. The main cymbal is the hi-hat. It is a set of two cymbals mounted on a separate rack with a pedal. Het acts as a metronome - the main rhythm is tapped on it. Similar role plays and ride. And the rest of the plates are needed for accents.

Hand positioning and coordination

Paradoxically, at first, a beginner will not need drums. The primary task of the student is to place his hands and develop coordination of movements between the limbs. For these purposes, you need to regularly perform basic exercises. Practice proper seating, hitting the rhythm on your knees or on a pad - a special rubber cymbal that mimics a snare drum. The following exercise will help here:

  • Start tapping a simple four-quarter rhythm with your right hand. To do this, simply count “one-two-three-four” and hit one for each count.
  • Then start hitting eighth notes: "one-and-two-and-three-and-four." Blows also go to each account.
  • Add a left hand strike to each weak beat. Weak beats fall on "two" and "four".
  • Then, add an imaginary kick to each downbeat. Strong beats- "one" and "three".

Practice like this until the movements are worked out to automatism. As soon as this happens, you can accept congratulations - you have mastered the simplest rhythmic pattern. And this important step on the way to the title of modern Buddy Rich.

Performing these exercises to develop a sense of rhythm and coordination is critical for a beginner. They will help to lay the foundations of the technique, which then will have to be perfected in classes on a real installation. In addition, knowing the basics will help you not get lost the moment you finally get access to the coveted “kitchen”.

In addition, it is important to get a metronome and suitable sticks. There are no questions about the metronome, but a separate article can be devoted to the choice of sticks. However, let's highlight the main points:

Choose sticks of the right size. Beginners are advised to start from size 5A. But this is not a rule, and if it is more convenient to hold sticks of a different length and thickness, take them.

Buy quality products. Do not save money - bad sticks limit the technique, break quickly, and the cheapest specimens will cause splinters.


The easiest answer to the question “how to quickly learn to play the drums from scratch” is to go to the teacher. This solution will save you a lot of time and nerves. A competent teacher will help a beginner to master the basics of technology, point out flaws and mistakes.

If you can’t work out with a teacher, you need to establish the right approach to classes. We're talking about practicing on a real drum kit here, but these tips apply to pad practice as well.

Play with a metronome. For a drummer, a metronome is indispensable. No matter how well the drummer feels the rhythm, the risk of “floating” when playing remains.
Devote time to practice basic elements. Even professional musicians need to go back to basics. Take care of yourself and your technique. Flaws in technique translate into tightness, loss of speed, fatigue and errors in the game. For progress, landing, and the grip of the sticks, and the strength of the blow are important.

Warm-up is required. To warm up the limbs, start your practice session by practicing simple rhythms like the one discussed above. Start at a comfortable pace and gradually speed up. In addition, you can complicate the exercise by adding strikes on different cymbals or toms.

Develop coordination. When playing drums, all limbs are involved and it is important to achieve their independence. To do this, add the opening and closing of the hi-hat with the left foot to the basic exercises.

Don't chase speed. If it is not comfortable to play at the selected tempo (you feel tired or tight muscles), reduce the tempo of the metronome. With the development of technology, speed will come by itself.

How to learn to play drums with your hands

Percussion instruments are not limited to drum kits. In addition to the drums themselves, they also include percussion. These are percussion instruments that differ in design from classical drums: darbuki, djembe, bongos, tambourines and others. The answer to the question of how to learn to play such drums with your hands is one - to play. The principles of playing percussion instruments are the same. The only difference is that the sound is produced not with sticks, but with hands and depends on the place where the performer hits.

Drumming is more than just a hobby, it is a way of life - the one who gives a lot of strength and diligence will always win in any business. However, the training costs are quite high. If you want to be a drummer it could be one of the longest trips of your life.

How to get to this high level of musicality? There is definitely a difference between a drummer who plays an instrument as a hobby and a drummer who has become a life drummer. This a big difference lies in the approach and habit of training. The only way to improve your drumming is if you learn self-control and stick to regular practice.

There are a few secrets that I have developed over the years of drumming that will greatly help any drummer. Tips to speed up your learning process and make your drum lessons pleasant experience and not a routine. They will be described below and designed to help you in your drumming.

shock labor

If suddenly in a club where a rock band performs, the electricity on the stage turns off, then most of the musicians will be out of work. will come finest hour drummer! He must give out such a solo so that the audience does not get bored until the electricians fix the problem. Then the concert will be saved!

In an army orchestra, one musician beats a large ("Turkish") drum with a mallet, the other beats a fraction on a small ("pioneer") drum with sticks. The third one has cymbals in his hands, and in the pathetic moments of waltzes and marches he beats one against the other ... In rock groups and jazz ensembles, percussion instruments, as a rule, are subordinated to one person.

The drummer always sits in the background. Maybe that's why people musical profession most often devoid of excessive ambitions and do not pose as stars. Even the drummers of great bands who are de facto stars. Who was the humblest of the Beatles? Right, Ringo Starr. And from Rolling Stones? Perhaps also a drummer - Charlie Watts. Meanwhile, the role of a drummer in a small musical rock band is always decisive, especially at live concerts. The success of a studio recording depends on many factors - the skill of all musicians, originality musical material, the content of the texts, the manner of the vocalist's performance, the "hitness" of the songs ... The success of a rock concert is determined primarily by how well the rhythm section "shakes the drive": the drummer and the bass guitarist. Moreover, if the person behind the drums plays unevenly or clumsily, the group will not be saved either by virtuoso guitar cuts or soulful vocals. The task of humble guy(and sometimes girls) behind a pile of brightly painted drums and enticingly shiny cymbals is not just beating the beat that the rest of us are following. He is also a musician, he does not knock, but plays. His many-sided and multi-piece instrument is called a drum set.

Why and how to play with a metronome?

Why and how to play with a metronome.

There are two reasons why a drummer should be able to play with a metronome, and both of these reasons are essential to learning to play the drums well.

  1. Development of a sense of time. This allows the drummer to keep playing evenly without slowing down or speeding up.
  2. Ability to record in the studio under a metronome or click track. This ensures that any editing of your recorded tracks can be done quickly and easily.

Reason number 1 is the most important, because not every musician records music in the studio, but every drummer must be able to play exactly in time. The ability to play evenly cannot be developed without the use of a metronome.

You'd be surprised how many drummers can't play to a metronome. They believe that it is easy and if necessary there will be no problems. However, when you come to the studio, you discover a complete inability to play with a metronome, and it's too late to do anything about it.

Igor Chili: "The pace and sense of time"

Ah, a sore subject for many drummers. Now you don't often see a drummer who asks the question of tempo on "you". Often, everyone just goes to work with a drum machine or a metronome. Stuff happens on stage, which is why drummers often insure themselves this way. It's not bad. But still, do not forget to play without a click. Still, the group must be alive. Remember always about the pace. After all, each song has its own, and this should not be forgotten. Let the song breathe freely as you do. Don't make her choke.

Drummer's sense of timeessential component drum games. The feel and mood of a song depends primarily on the drummer. How well it creates a sense of time in the song. A drummer's stable and confident sense of time creates a foothold and foundation for other musicians. A lot also depends on the style of music. If it's "Sad But True" by Metallica, then it's worth playing with a pull, and if it's "Birdland" by Zawinula, then on the contrary, add aspirations and movement.

Mark Shulman's video tutorial "A Day At The Recording Studio" shows three examples of timing: playing a little ahead of the metronome, a little behind, and exactly one meter like a drum machine. John "Bonzo" Bonham played mostly with a pull, Stuart Copeland, on the contrary, with a slight lead, and Jeff Porcaro exactly a meter. Not always, of course, because it also depends on the nature of the song, not just the drummer, but that's mostly how those drummers acted.

Warm-up and stretching before drumming

Warm up. How necessary is it physical labor and especially before practice at the drum set. Every professional athlete knows about the benefits of muscle stretching, by some measure drums are also a sport, because the whole body works here: from the muscles of the foot, legs, pelvis, back, spine, neck, to arms, forearm, hands and fingers. Our limbs, which are most involved when playing drums, are especially injured, which means we need to pay special attention to warming up these parts of the body. Although the topic of health care and warm-up is not new to anyone, we hope that this article will help you understand the importance of the principle of warming up the muscles before drumming. Here we'll talk about pain and injury prevention, and see what activities are there to warm up.

"It's no secret to anyone that drumming requires the most physical effort than playing any other instrument. Because of this, drummers are prone to all sorts of injuries. Some drummers can play for decades without injury. Unfortunately, this does not apply to everyone. Whether you are a beginner or a professional, anyone can get injured while playing.".

Let's get acquainted with ghost or ghost notes (ghost stroke / notes) and grace notes (flams)

Today we will analyze with you such concepts as "ghostly" strokes or notes (ghost stroke/ghost notes) and grace notes (flam). Guest notes are very useful in changing the dynamics of the groove, they are played very quietly, but at the same time they drastically change the feel of the playing. For example, you can hit the hat with a normal beat, but when you play the updown, the rhythm pulse changes. Similar sensations arise in the use of ghostly notes. On musical staff denoted as a note in parentheses (if the note is played quite quietly compared to the accented one) or in square brackets (if the note is played an order of magnitude quieter than the accented one).

Grace is an element of the game based on the shift of one of the notes for a fraction of a second, as a result you get the sound "tram". On the stave it is indicated by a small note on the same musical line near the accented note (sometimes connected by an arc).

Bart Elliot: warm-up before drumming

In the game, the drummer makes more physical effort than any other musician . Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to your muscles, exercising in a rocking chair, or just paying attention to sports and keeping your body in shape. The pre-game physical warm-up is a way to get in shape before training. Muscles need time to gradually stretch and work to their maximum, and therefore you need to prepare and train them before each game and in free minutes. How to stretch your muscles before playing knows the part of "How to be a better drummer", where you learned about improving your sound, namely tuning, subscribing and recording drums, as well as dealing with noise, improving the rehearsal process and tips self-study. If you missed any part, it's best to go back and read it all over again. Now the time has come to the third part and here you will get acquainted with the information regarding the group and performances. Read in this part: three ways to find a band, seven ways to prepare for an audition and four ways to prepare for a concert, seven tips for performing in front of an audience and five tips for soundcheck, seven CDs, three DVDs and three books every drummer should have , as well as three things to know about music theory. If you managed to read the previous sentence and I haven’t tired you yet, then feel free to proceed to reading the article. Here is only helpful information from the best specialists in the world!

The drum is the first musical instrument that was invented by man. He gives rhythm human life for 8 thousand years and still has not lost its appeal. Learning to play the drums is a real pleasure! And all because the drum set helps to release emotions. By playing every day or at least 2 times a week, you can significantly improve not only your musical skills, but also your mood and health. What should be paid attention to beginner drummers and those who are just thinking about going and finally? We have collected ten simple rules which a drummer should never forget. Let's start...

1) Metronome

If you're going to learn how to play, you'll definitely need a metronome, and if you're already playing, you'll need to grow into it with your whole being and eventually become a metronome yourself. No one can do without this useful thing professional musician, so don't think that playing to the squeaker is beginner level. You're a human being, not a machine, so it's only natural for you to experience rhythm failures, and a metronome can help you avoid that kind of trouble.

2) Learn to hold chopsticks

There are two ways to hold drumsticks:

  • Symmetrical grip - sticks are held large and index fingers 10-15 centimeters from the edge, and the other fingers gently hold them.
  • Traditional grip - the stick lies on the hand between the thumb and forefinger, leaning on the ring finger. At the same time, the large, index and middle fingers should be on top. This method is most often used by drummers who play jazz. The sound you get depends on the grip.

3) Take care of your hearing

It's no secret that drums are pretty loud instrument, and it is very easy to lose your hearing or spoil it. Therefore, it would be nice for all drummers to get earplugs or special headphones. They will definitely come in handy for you not only for the game, but also in such life situations like repairs or the desire to sleep.

4) Practice every day

If you want to grow musically, you need to include classes in your daily schedule. Even if you don’t have your own instrument and you’re just banging your hands on your knees for now, practice as often as possible. It is better to play for 15 minutes every day than 2 times a week for an hour, and even better - increase both the time and frequency of classes. Make a program of exercises for yourself every day and do them, then the result will not keep you waiting.

5) Speed ​​is not the point

Many novice drummers try to learn how to play fast right away, without really understanding rhythmic patterns and without even learning how to sit properly at the drum kit. It comes from impatience and the desire to learn how to play as quickly as possible. Do not forget that the ability to play quickly comes with experience. To begin with, learn to play slowly, under a metronome, and not fly out of rhythm, correctly extract the sound, use all the components drum set. And then you will increase the speed.

6) Look for information

7) Find a good teacher

A lot in your development initially depends on the teacher, so take the choice of a teacher as seriously as possible. The more successful he is, the more successful you can become. Another important factor in choosing a teacher is yours and his characters. If this person is able to inspire you, explains clearly, speaks openly about your mistakes and helps to correct them, this is what you need. Avoid teachers who:

  • Lazy to tell;
  • In the lesson, they play more by themselves than help you learn;
  • They criticize too sharply, trying to assert themselves at your expense;
  • Haven't achieved any success (they don't play in a band, don't write music, don't know how to improvise, don't aspire to anything other than earning money from lessons).

8) Coordination is important

In a way, drumming is a sport. When you start learning to play, it seems that your arms and legs do not obey you and you need to learn how to use them again, feel every muscle and control your body. Therefore, pay attention not only to musical, but also exercise. You can start running, swimming or dancing, eating right, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that you have more energy and your body is always in good shape.

9) Buy yourself everything you need

Usually all drummers start by buying sticks, and then they think about buying a drum kit. It is not necessary to buy everything at once in order to play. Many drummers don't have their own setup at home, but they practice at rehearsal spaces and play in bands. By the way, at many points for drummers who want to work out alone with a drum kit, discounts are provided.

10) Don't give up!

If you really want to learn how to play, nothing will stop you. No matter how hard it is for you, don't give up. Everything will work out, albeit not immediately. Ask those who play drums professionally how many times they wanted to give up everything and what breaks they took in practice ... Almost everyone who has achieved something in life faces difficulties, but it is the ability to rise that distinguishes them from everyone else after the falls and move on. Be patient and don't be afraid...

Finally, I got to that "pen" to record a pathetic semblance of a drum course for beginner drummers - how to learn to play drums at home(something like a drumming school). Initially, I planned to do something serious, but after 10 takes and 7 GB of high-slag video, respectively, I realized that the serious does not come out of my pen. Having spit and rubbed, I decided to make, probably, the most stupid in the world. Naturally, this only applies to the presentation of the material, all these exercises work (although they are not mine). It's just that the presentation will be somewhat rollicking. So, who has a lot of time, a complete lack of humor and a desire to learn how to drum (besides me, are there any here?) - these drum courses will suit your taste.

In this video tutorial:
In this video:
1. What to buy in order to fully learn to play the drums?
2. How to hold sticks, what kind of locks are there (this is really tough)
3. The first (and very important) exercise is throwing a stick on your hand and returning it with your fingers.

How I Became a Drummer

There was an idea to post here a little from the story of my love for drums. Maybe in order to stimulate the youth partly. It's probably necessary.

Here is (video below) we played with Pasha from RadioClub for a bit. The idea was combine live drums and electronics. I don’t play anything special here (I don’t allow myself this at all in the studio), it’s simple, clear and powerful. This is an improvisation (slightly processed later). I hid behind a plate for mystery.

I think it will also interesting video with MondayDrummer, where I played with Zakhar Rondel in particular (the constant guitarist). As always, 100% improvisation in the style of "what comes to mind." At this concert, my temperature is about 40, please take this into account when making a verdict on me.

There used to be a case young drummers competition. All this was a very long time ago, of course, it is impossible to look at many of these things without a smile. I took the honorable 6th place, got a T-shirt from Zilzhan and met there with wonderful people(Manyakin, Udalov, Andrey Shatunovsky and many others). In later years I participated, but the gut was already weak. Very seasoned participants went (which only Sashka Rozembaum is worth, who won 5 years in a row). Well, that was - it was, without beauty and exaggeration. Worried, of course, pipets, forgot everything he wanted to play. But something squeezed out. The aforementioned jury members gave me first place. For the force of impact. How to do it - I'll tell you. 🙂

Well, finally so .. from life ... I thought to put it in a separate post, but who the hell is interested in it. It was as follows, I constantly carried a camera with me and often wrote all sorts of turbidity that happened around. Then I decided somehow to mold all this into one video and it turned out like this crap. Here are my friends, work, rehearsals and so on. Well, in short, it will be interesting a little 🙂

Handsome Shoe (bassist of the band Pull, moonlighting in Lifeform and Barsoom, as well as in all our terrible undertakings, not only musical ones), so Shoe managed to SLEEP THE NAPALM DEATH CONCERT. Agree that few people can boast of such a thing. Cyril, you are really handsome!

Practical lessons for beginner drummers

In fact, I would like to tell you how I practiced myself, starting from the very first lessons. I want to show how one or another ability can be developed in the art of drumming. In order to jump start playing, you need 3 things. The first is the desire to play. The second is patience. The third is opportunities (having a salary in the region of 10 thousand and the ability to spend this money on some kind of drum purchases).

Everything I say is common knowledge. I will synthesize the information that was shown to me from the video lessons, which I myself came to. I will occasionally refer to Dave Weckl.

Methods of learning to play the drums

I’ll immediately move on to the technique that he told me about Alexander Arzamastsev, drummer of the Bering Strait group. This technique is unique. The point is that there is no such methodology. Everything is known. But, its essence is that for each exercise we must develop a certain muscle memory at a certain pace. The human body automatically signals you that muscle memory is emerging. It manifests itself in the fact that you relax. Let's say you are doing some compound fractions. At first it is tight, but after 20 minutes you feel that you are relaxed. This, in fact, is muscle memory. She starts working for you. This suggests that you can move to a faster pace, increase the metronome by 10.

What should a beginner drummer buy?

Let's talk about the basic equipment that you need to buy to start playing drums.


In order to start practicing, you need to buy drum sticks. What exactly? In the shop musical instruments you will see a rack, where there will be a huge variety of sticks, from different materials, some will say, for example, heavy metal. I do not recommend taking super-oak rock crushers or expensive aluminum ones that Joey Jordison uses to start with. In short, come to the store and buy any normal sticks.

rubber pad

Immediately, if you have the opportunity, buy a rubber pad. What it is? Roughly speaking, this is an elastic band that you put on a stool or put on a certain rack and practice hitting on it. Worth pad order 400 - 800 rubles. depending on what's in it.


Still need a metronome. It is required. Without a metronome, there is no point in playing drums. We will talk with you about muscle memory, it develops beautifully and in a crooked way. Practice without a metronome initial stage will lead you to the fact that you will develop a "crookedness" in yourself. To prevent this from happening, you should definitely have a metronome with you. If you study at home, and you have a computer, it is not necessary to buy it at all. There are a huge number of all kinds of programs that have a metronome click. In general, you need something that counts the beat and shows how much.

Pedals and pedal pad

The pads can be practiced at home. At any rate, you won't have to play real drums for the first six months, because you have to play all the beats. And only after that you can move on to the real drum set. For example, I lost on rubber bands for about 1.5 years. I was strictly forbidden to sit on the drums until I spent a year and a half on rubber bands. It makes sense. So don't worry about where to find a rehearsal base for now, just buy some rubber pads. They justify themselves.

You can buy a gimbal if you are a terrible metalhead or want to become one in the future. I still recommend buying a cardan, not necessarily super-expensive. If you don't have much money, you can buy Maxtone.


There are several types of locks. The lock is how you hold the sticks, the grip.
There are three types of locks:

  • German (German grip). The sticks lie on 4 fingers, pressed with the thumb. The position of the palms when playing - thumb looks inward, the outer side of the palm is on top.
  • French (French grip). The sticks lie on 4 fingers, pressed with the thumb. The position of the palms when playing is the thumb on top.
  • Traditional (Traditional grip). In the left hand, the stick, being between the thumb and palm, passes between the middle and ring fingers. A lot of drummers play like that. I do not recommend immediately engaging in such a castle, you yourself must come to this with time.

Dave Weckl teaches you how to play with your thumbs up. Moreover, he recommends not pressing the thumb tightly against the palm of your hand, but leaving a small space.

When you start exercising, your hands will begin to “walk”, i.e. move not vertically, but from the side to the center. I myself left hand sometimes mows. To fix this, I don’t change the lock on my right hand, but on my left hand I turn my thumb inward a little. We will talk about it. But for now, practice in a direct setting (French castle).

Practice Exercises for Beginner Drummers

Drum exercise 1 - throwing a stick

First practical exercise consists in the fact that you throw a stick located in a French castle onto your hand (in this way, the tip of the stick looks at you when casting). Throw sticks and return to starting position.

At this exercise there are several useful aspects. You shape the direction of the wand in your castle. Many can drop the stick at the same time. This is also very important point. In the future, this exercise will have a good effect on fractions. I recommend spending about 2 weeks on this exercise. And then periodically return to it.

So, just throw the wand on your hand. In this case, if at first the thumb is on top of the stick, after casting the stick is sandwiched between the finger and the hand. You return the stick to the castle again (thumb on top).

The return of the wand occurs at the expense of the fingers. Here is such a trick. What does it develop? This develops your fingers, they will have to work hard, in particular, with fractions by twos. I recommend that you focus on this exercise a little. This exercise is precisely so that you understand where the stick is in your hand, what direction it should have.

If you succeed, try to quickly return the stick forward.

This is the first exercise. To "deliver a blow", you need to work out a number of exercises. The setting of my personal strike went through them. And I can now say with full confidence that it works, and it is worth spending time on it. What does not work, I will try NOT to tell you about it.

So, the problem of a strong blow is faced by many drummers. As my mentor said: "You iron plastics." Don't hit, stroke. Small stick dynamics, played quietly by many drummers. But a completely thoughtless hit that breaks cymbals and drums is also ineffective. Therefore, you need to find this zone, you need to feel this blow. There is a blow called a "whip". And now we are starting to disassemble the technology of the whip. But in order to approach it, you need to do the first exercise.

The meaning of this lesson on the topic how to learn to play drums- development of muscle memory. As soon as you develop it, you will feel that you are doing this exercise in a completely relaxed way. So, it starts working for you, and you just need to fix it. The fact that I play electronic drums is a completely different area. I can't hit them hard because they'll check their triggers. So, on an electronic drum kit, I play quietly. I don’t use the whip here, but on a real drum kit I definitely use it.

Publication date: 25.09.2011
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Music, and especially music performed live, is what has the strongest influence on a person. Having gone through its centuries-old life, music today is a combination of performing skills of the highest level, high technology in the field of recording and sound design, as well as a serious development business musical styles and individual performers. speech in our article will go about what you need to start your journey as a future drummer. So:

How to play drums and what do you need for this?

The subject of our conversation will be an ordinary drum kit, which is a must for any studio. Let's first talk about what it is, and after that we will go through the basic requirements for the technique of playing on the installation.

A drum kit, or "set" as musicians call it, consists of different drums that differ in tone of sound and in the method of playing the parts on each of them. Here is a list of tools that are common attributes of any modern setup:

  • Big drum (kick or kick). This instrument stands on the floor and is turned towards the musician with the head, so it stands on the body. The plastic is the area where the pedal hits. The barrel is played with the foot using a pedal or a double pedal. Particularly dexterous drummers sometimes use three pedals. As a rule, the pedal is placed right leg.
  • Snare drum (snare). One of the most important attributes drum kit, without which it cannot be considered complete. You can't play drums without it. The snare drum is set in front of the drummers at the level of the bend of the arm at the elbow at an angle of 90 degrees. Such a setting is necessary to perform a correct and powerful blow to the snare drum. It is equipped with a usually white top head and an adjustable jockstand, which is used to change the sound of the instrument.
  • Toms are drums of a lower pitch than the snare. They are used by the drummer during the transitions in the composition, during the so-called "breaks". Depending on the style and desire of the drummer, he can set at his discretion from zero to a large number volumes. The maximum limit of the toms is the drummer's ability to reach them to make a full hit. A typical setup is provided with three volumes of different tones. Above the snare is the highest-sounding tom, to the left the tone is lower, and the floor tone is the lowest-sounding instrument, with the exception, of course, of the kick.
  • Let's move on to the "iron", that is, to the plates. An indispensable attribute of any installation is a hi-hat (hi-hat). Without it, you won't learn how to play the drums. It is located near the snare drum on the left. Only the hi-hat has unique properties and building. The fact is that it includes an upper and lower plate in its composition. A special rack allows the musician to decompress and compress them, which significantly affects the sound of the hat.
  • Another indispensable tool in the hardware is the ride. This is the largest cymbal in diameter, which is located to the right of the drummer and gives a gentle, airy and sonorous tone when played correctly.
  • Well, a set of plates, such as crashes (crash). This includes various cymbals of any sound and tone. The main cymbals used by everyone are kreshi of a different tone, china (china), and splash (splash).

That's probably all the instruments that are used by drummers. Let's move on to the principle of drumming. It's no secret that good drummer must have perfect coordination and a sense of rhythm. It is these two indicators that determine the success of a particular percussionist. The principle of the game is as follows. Each song has its own time signature. The most common of these is the measure, which contains 4 beats. Thus, the drummer must fill in these four beats correctly in order to play the drums well. Correct filling comes down to this idea. The barrel performs the first beat in the measure for the count of times. Further, the barrel game may vary. The snare drum creates the rhythm of the sound of the composition. The blow to the snare drum falls on a weak beat of the measure. Thus, the beat pattern is as follows: 1-kick, 2-small, 3-kick, 4-small. To give the composition a more rocked and slow sound, they play in this way: 1-barrel, 2-barrel, 3-small, 4-barrel. At that moment, while the right foot and left hand of the musician hit the barrel and the small one, respectively, right hand The drummer plays any of the cymbals in this way: 1-cymbal, 2-cymbal, 3-cymbal, 4-cymbal.

Only in this way and in no other way will you be able to achieve a sound that is similar in composition to the sound during the performance of a professional drummer. A few words about what drumsticks are and how to use them correctly. Drum sticks are two processed wooden bars with tips for playing the instruments. The stick should be held by the thicker end, and hit with the side where there is a tip. The correct grip of the stick is to hold it not with the whole palm, but only with the fingers. The palm only holds the wand stabilizing its trajectory. That's right, you need to play the drums. The drum can be struck with three different ways, depending on the genre and nature of the work. The first way corresponds light music like jazz. Played with fingers only. With the help of special finger work, the drummer performs light blows on the heads. percussion instruments. The second method, which is used everywhere, involves the work of a brush. For impact, the brush and fingers of the musician are used. Well, the strongest blow that transfers maximum energy to the instrument and extracts the maximum decibels from it is performed using the elbow or shoulder part of the arm. This method is used extremely rarely and in special moments of the composition.

We hope that the material presented by us will help novice musicians master the basics of mastering such a multifaceted and complex instrument as a drum kit. For those who aspire to highest level mastery there is a video of how the drums are played.

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