For the first time (The First Time) (2012). “Slander is a fire that destroys all good


Teenage films about schoolchildren are always popular. As a rule, they show torn-off prepubescent children who party endlessly at parties, drink barrels of beer and try to lose their virginity, no matter where and with whom.

But The First Time is not like that at all. There is no stupid humor and obscene language, as, for example, in "American Pie", no one endlessly exposes different parts of the body and the roles of fifteen-year-old teenagers are not performed by thirty-year-old actors with bristles. This film does not promote vulgarity and depravity, which is now very fashionable. "For the first time" tells us about ... falling in love. I confess that this film pleasantly and completely unexpectedly surprised me.

The main characters - Dave and Aubrey - quite by chance collide at a party. Both are completely different lives, their relationships, thoughts and dreams. Dave is in love with a beautiful woman, Aubrey has a boyfriend, but something tirelessly pulls them towards each other. After spending the evening together, the guys fall asleep in an embrace, and then something that happens for everyone for the first time begins - love ...

The film shows not the standards imposed by Hollywood, but the real relationships of teenagers, their fears, intermittent inept conversations, the first mistakes that can then be remembered with a smile.

The actors were also happy. The director did not fail with Britt Robertson - the girl has outstanding appearance and sensual lips. Dylan O'Brien did a great job as well. young guy who is just beginning to become a man

“All good things have been destroyed. Even before we were born, even sex and relationships, everything became comfortable and nothing ... no, it doesn’t suit me, ”Aubrey’s words really hit me to the core. In the film, the girl talks a lot, talks about how society turned moral values ​​inside out, and, damn it, she's right!

I liked the position of the parents main character. Mom and dad support Aubrey, she is able to trust them, open up and go forward. I think episodes with parents are present in the film for a reason, but in order to show modern people how easy it is to solve the problem of fathers and children.

The film "The First Time" is not too intense, but very touching, full of romance and makes you think. Best Experience we get when we learn from our mistakes. But is it worth always using this method if you can look at someone else's life story and learn from it with benefit and without harm to yourself? I recommend watching this movie to all teenagers to avoid some of the mistakes that the characters made. And also for those who have long since left adolescence- maybe this film will help you take a different look at your children, feel love for them and arrange a heart-to-heart talk?

"In today's world, the most important element of progress is capital."

Graduated Soviet school number 1. In 1998 he graduated Faculty of Law Moldovan State University. In 2000 he worked at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Moldova. Managed the Administration Department. In 2005 - Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. Since 2010, he has been engaged in academic activities in the field of security, coordinating the activities of the Institute for Security Problems.

Name five things that everyone who enters your life should know.

There are no such people. There are people that I interact with. Entering life means constantly being together, nearby, doing something ... I don’t have such people.

Even the majority of relatives who can be called friends - I come into contact with them, I have short and distant communication. What exactly should people be in order to get in touch with them? Of course, first of all, they must be decent people, they must have a sense of humor, they must have a goal in life, they must be fond of something and, of course, this good people. If these people are unkind, they will not only not come into contact with me, we will basically have a conflict.

What is your story hiding?

Secrets. Of course, I don’t have many real secrets… Although there are some. I am not very ashamed of my life, even of that part of it that is not visible. Of course, there are mistakes that I made. There are things in my performance that I call meanness. I don’t want to be particularly happy for these deeds, but there are not very many of them. Unfortunately, if I were to find myself in these same situations again, I would repeat them. I regret that a person, in principle, gets into such situations, but assessing objectively, most likely, I would repeat everything.

Youdeeply religious atheist?

No. I have a very peculiar view of what is called faith, not religion. It's "Vera". I have my own approach to what is called the laws of nature. It can be dressed up in the framework of religion and somehow called, but I call it faith on a deeply individual level ... Let's just say, it is not included in generally accepted concepts. This is a mix based on the laws of nature. What I believe in is symbiosis different laws, which are in different religions, they can be found in different sources and directions.

I believe in how the universe works human life and believe in certain rules. I have not yet found a single Religion with clearly defined rules, but I do not need it. What is important to me, I do it individually, and my contact with what is called God is not controlled by anyone and is not subjected to any rituals.

Is the best education in the world obtained in the struggle for a piece of bread?

The best education in the world is self-talk. Why do the Chinese think that best university- it's a prison. This is very common and very popular concept. When you're in jail and when you're alone throughout for long years, you begin to realize what is really important in life and what is not.

Is man a product of evolution?

I'm thinking more now about what evolution is, and whether we both understand this correctly. No! Because "Evolution" means constant progress, and today's man is no different from the primitive. If an iPhone and all relevant technical attributes are taken away from today's person and thrown back into the forest, then from a spiritual point of view, it will be very similar to primitive man. The only thing - primitive people from a physical point of view, they are stronger and able to adapt, but from a spiritual point of view, we are in the same place. Therefore, I personally do not see any evolution.

I am of the opinion that each of us, in addition to physical body, this is a certain energy clot that continues through what people call life. I sincerely believe that energy does not disappear anywhere, it transforms, and life goes on. But in what form and how is another matter.

To what extent does your life help to make the lives of other people more beautiful and nobler?

How much I try to do it. If I try, but I don't always try. Moreover, I rarely try. But when I have a goal, then it works. If I set myself the goal of a specific person, whether it is a man or a woman, then I do what he cannot afford. Wants, but can't. Or he doesn't even know he would love it.

This help can be completely different forms, and this does not apply to material gifts, this is not about that. Helping a person make his life more interesting requires serious efforts. If you want to do it qualitatively and in such a way that it really pleases a person, you must first understand him. Perhaps even better than he knows himself. People tend to be very resistant when you please them. This mainly applies to women.

What can stupidity do?

To the revolution. Progress is artificially interrupted, a certain system is changing. If society, then socio-economic, if a person, then life ... We can say: "He / she staged a revolution in his life." In most cases, if you study history, then the revolution itself is the result of stupidity.

Modesty is usually called well-disguised arrogance?

Usually called, but it is not. It's like in the case of religion, when they take pictures at the entrance to the church. But this does not exclude the presence of true believers. There is a mass humble people and that's why we don't even know they exist. Once upon a time foreign intelligence The GDR was led by Markus Wolf. In my opinion, this is one of the most legendary scouts throughout the history of intelligence in principle.

In 1993, in Moscow, a journalist interviewed him and told him the following phrase: "I am very pleased that I am now talking with one of the greatest professionals in the history of intelligence." To which he replied: "If I were the biggest professional, you would not be talking to me now."

"The world has never been able to be corrected or terrified by punishment." What does the world need?

Man is weak. And some individuals, which we study and in which one way or another we find deviations, are trying at their local level, which develops over time into a larger one, but having their own boundaries, to influence the structure of the world around them in the form that they see it, or how it is possible and need for this moment. I remember the most terrible tyrants in history, and we all remember them with the number of corpses and some in sophisticated ways destruction of people. And that's all we can remember about tyrants.

If you ask any person to name the winner Nobel Prize and the fact for which he received this very award, then we will have problems with you. They won't remember... You can remember what you know. They do not know. We are not interested in what is not included in the scandalous framework that arouses our curiosity. Blood, death, murder, torture, betrayal - this is what causes the greatest curiosity. One of the most popular species entertainment has always been public executions. People are very comfortable in these states. Humanity does not change!

I don't see how you can really change the world. We are talking about the essence of man, which does not change. Everyone has their own specific genetic memory, their weaknesses, their interests. We can only limit the behavior to a certain mode, but we do not change it. Why am I humorous about the concept of " Western culture or some other culture. Because we are talking about the control system. Getting, for example, into our conditions, any Western representative of culture begins to do things that we never dreamed of. Although, in my opinion, if a person is predisposed to such behavior, then no religion, rules and laws will restrain him. And there are many more such people than you can imagine. If one day all people who are predisposed to aggression, violence and other negative manifestations of their Self were painted red, then the world would become crimson.

Isn't it blasphemymake friends with people who are naturally dumber than you?

No. Is not. There is a very good french movie, is called "Dinner with a Jerk", it answers your question well. If a person has other qualities that sincerely attract you to him, for example, kindness, a sense of humor, pure spiritual thoughts, and so on, then this friendship has a right to exist.

Should a person believe that the incomprehensible can be understood?

Otherwise there would be no science. Another thing is that science, curiosity, interest have long been the subject of business. If earlier scientific discoveries were made solely on the basis of vocation, then today science is part of a huge business. We must come to terms with the fact that in today's world it will be so for many more years, the most important element of progress is capital. This must be clearly understood.

Has anyone else managed to be so cunning as to hide this quality of theirs?

It's very real to do. I don't even see the question itself. It is not difficult for truly cunning people to hide their cunning.

"True greatness begins with understanding your own insignificance."TOHow do you deal with your "insignificance"?

As for my insignificance, this element is constantly present in my life. It is the main element of ongoing analysis. This is necessary in order not to lose the coast, landmark, navigation, and so on. I clearly understand who I really am, what I am. This is not modesty or cunning. The first comparison will not be in my favor.

They often write about you and say that you have sharp mind and an excellent sense of humour. Demonstrate or refute this statement.

I refute the very fact that people often write or talk about me. I doubt it very much. If someone wrote something there several times, it does not mean much or often.

Today, unfortunately, in Moldova there is an acute shortage of non-standard behavior. In principle, most of us behave in a very standard way. I don’t represent anything special if I once joked somewhere, sometime, somehow in a public space, using unconventional wording like: “Fuck you!” This does not mean at all that I am different from the rest.

I think that the increased interest in my person is due to the fact that the bulk of the speakers, in principle, say nothing. If I speak somewhere, I try to think about why I came there and express at least some thought.

Regarding the sense of humor… If you have fun with me, then I have a sense of humor. For example, I have fun with you.

Does society impose on us the duty of infinite patience with stupidity, perversity and madness? How do you deal with society?

I am an absolute nonconformist and I reject the rules of society. I live the way I want it. You see, society has made it a rule for you and me that the language spoken here is Romanian. And it's easier to agree with that, because that's what society says. But I will never agree with this, because I have my own opinion on what language I speak, and it does not matter to me what is written in the Constitution or what five citizens have decided. Who are these people to tell me what language I should speak, and what is it called?

This also applies to my worldview in other areas. I have my own scale of understanding what is right and what is good for society. If I do not agree with the rules of society, I will break them. I don't know what immoral behavior is. I do not allow interference in my life or threats against me - this is the only thing that I do not allow. Everything else - I recognize the right of people to do everything the way they want. This is not about anarchy, but about the fact that people should be adequate, and how exactly they express themselves is the right of everyone.

Name a famous villain in history whocommittedno less famous gooddetail?

Stalin exterminated a huge number of people, but at the same time he saved the world from disaster. By defeating fascism, he saved an incredible number of lives and destinies.

Was everything good destroyed before we were born?

No. There are heroes among us, and there always will be. Good and bad have always been and will be equal. Not one side of the scale has outweighed the other. Neither before us, nor after us - this will not change. That is why we remain in this world. If something starts to take over, then the era of "Man" will end. I don't see how either side can win.

TOathegorism Is it a sign of limitation?

Categoricalness is a sign of courage, intelligence and quick reaction. You can categorically express your point of view, because you know for sure, and there is no time for unnecessary talk. If your interlocutor or a group of interlocutors has not reached your level of knowledge, then this does not mean anything to you, and pride has nothing to do with it.

How will you end this year?

For me New Year is not a specific date. Moreover, I do not like this holiday. formal for me calendar holidays are rather sad. One of my favorite authors is Schopenhauer... And everything that concerns fuss and mass character, I try to avoid. I do not deny this holiday, but I cannot say that I once experienced a special feeling of joy.

I have another feature: I never know what day it is. With a natural phenomenal gift for photographic memory, I never remember what day it is. For me, Tuesday is no different from Saturday. I don't know what a weekend is. Wherever I work, my work never brings me anything but pleasure. I'm at work as if I'm on vacation. I have been doing planning and analysis for a long time, and I do it not only at the end of the year, so I will most likely end this year with something fun. I'll play you, for example. You take it as a joke, but I'm not joking at all.

If Santa Claus exists, what desire should he fulfill in the first place?

I think that first of all he should make children happy. Children who have no one at all. Regarding my belief in Santa Claus, I learned to read very early, and in general I believe in little.

What should you never ask for?

Do you know what Woland said? “Never ask for anything. Never and nothing, and especially for those who are stronger than you. They themselves will offer and give everything themselves! It's very close to me. This is one of the basic principles of my life.

The most absurd act in your life?

I have hurt others sincerely and with the best of intentions. But these people in any case received a lot of positive things, but at the same time a little later they received serious damage, including psychological and moral. And I already knew all this. It's absurd when you know the ending, but still do it with the best of intentions. This is the absurdity - you know how to and how not to, but you act not quite rationally.

Your state of mind in currently?

» Ahmed Tangiev

The most precious and great thing that guarantees a Muslim complete success in this world and finding happiness for him on the Day of Judgment is protecting his tongue from everything negative. At first glance, the word may seem safe, but in fact it is not...

What narrow-minded people do not go to in order to discredit the honest name of a person. Anyone who has ever encountered slander knows what a disgusting phenomenon of a person's public life.

About what types of slander and slander exist in Islam, what is said about this sin in the Koran, and what are Negative consequences foul language and slander to the Ingushetia newspaper was told by the executive director of the Rassvet cultural and educational center and the host of the weekly spiritual and educational program on the Ingushetia NTRK TV channel, Akhmed Tangiev.

Wounds from a knife heal quickly, and a cut from a word is a wound forever.

Ahmed, what is slander and should we fight it?

- Slander or, in other words, hibat - is a mention of a Muslim in his absence using such words that he would not like, regardless of whether it will be about his body, religious or worldly affairs, about himself, his morals or appearance. And regardless of how these shortcomings were mentioned: verbally, in writing, or by some signs.

Most often, slander is spread to harm a person and damage his business reputation. The most skillful slanderers, before spreading false information, carefully collect information about the object in order to subsequently weave lies into the mosaic of facts that discredit the chosen object of attacks.

There are two kinds of slander and slander. Slander spread by those who gossip out of bad temper or just for fun. This kind of slander is empty and insignificant, the less attention is paid to it, the faster it destroys the gossiper himself.

And slander spread deliberately and professionally. This kind of slander is like a poisonous blade that inflicts bleeding wounds. A slanderer to fight specific person, a group of persons or a company deliberately creates defamatory information aimed at destroying the reputation of the object, discrediting good name or image specific person or companies. This type of slander is the most dangerous and it is necessary to fight it.

Abu Musa al-Ashari (may Allah be pleased with him) asked: “O Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him)! Which Muslim is better? The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) replied: “The one from whose tongue and hands the Muslims are prosperous.”

Also, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him) said: “Shall I tell you about the worst servants of Allah?”. The Companions replied: “Yes, O Messenger of Allah.” Then he said: “These are people who spread gossip, sow discord between loving friend friend and accusing the innocent."

Yahya bin Muaz al-Razi (may his soul be holy) said: “Let there be three features from you for a Muslim: if you cannot benefit him, then at least do no harm; if you cannot please him, then at least do not grieve him, and if you cannot praise him, then at least do not blame him.

- Can a respectable Muslim himself slander someone without suspecting it?

- Certainly! We often do things like this without realizing it. But this does not exempt us from punishment, because we are responsible for everything that we do in this world. Every adult Muslim is obliged to keep his tongue from any conversation, except for the one in which there is the pleasure of the Almighty, because the language sometimes goes from permitted to unwanted or forbidden conversation.

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, let him say good or be silent.”

Do not talk about what does not concern you, if you say a word - it will immediately become your master, but until you say it - you are its master. So be its master and do not be a slave to a set of letters that leads you to shame and humiliation in this mortal world and loss in the next world.

Almighty Allah in the first verse 104 of Sura "Humaza" (Slanderer) says the following:

Which means: “Woe [the punishment of Hell awaits] every slanderer [who loves to stab another, slander, incite people to enmity], [any] mocker [who prefers blasphemy [sharp condemnation; words that defame someone], slander and looking for the shortcomings of other people]”.

“And why don’t you, when you hear this (gossip, slander), say: “It’s not good [it’s not allowed] for us to talk about this. You (O Allah) are glorious [blameless]! This is a great slander" (24, 16).

Islam is a religion of love, peace and compassion. Lies, slander, slander are fundamentally alien to Islam. They are considered one of the most destructive sins, because they sow discord among people, as a result of which even the closest people - neighbors, relatives, friends - can become mortal enemies.

Islam requires that relationships among people be built on sincerity and respect. We must respect the reputation and privacy other people.

What we say will be turned against us

What does the Quran say about this sin?

Allah forbade the believers to slander and slander: “O you who believe! Avoid many suspicions (about other believers), verily, some suspicions are sin. Indeed, some conjectures (namely, bad thoughts about good believers) are a sin; and do not follow each other [do not look for faults in others], and let not one of you gossip about the other. Would any of you like to eat your brother's meat when he is dead? You were disgusted by it (so don't do it). And beware (punishment) of Allah, - indeed, Allah (for those who repent) is repentant, merciful! (Al-Khujurat (Rooms), 49:12)

Ibn Kathir comments on this verse as follows: Anas ibn Malik reports that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him!) said: “When I was taken up to heaven, I passed people with copper claws with which they scratched themselves face and chest, and asked: ''Who are they, Jibril?'' He said: ''These are those who ate the meat of people and dishonored them''" [Sahih" Ahmad 3 / 224, Abu Dawud 4878].

Ibn Abu Hatim reported from Sa'id al-Khudri, who said: "We said:" Messenger of Allah, tell us what you saw on the night of ascension to heaven. And he (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him!) said: “I passed by many creations from the creations of Allah, men and women, and saw how people introduced to them leaned to the side of one of them and cut off a piece of flesh from him, and then put in the mouth of another, saying: ''Eat as you ate''. I asked: ‘‘Who are they, Jibril?’’ He said: ‘‘They are detractors, scoffers and slanderers’’. And he said, “Would any of you like to eat the meat of your dead brother, if you feel disgusted by it? It is disgusting for him to eat his meat.”

Another hadith says: “Whoever leaves a Muslim without help where the right of his immunity is not respected and his dignity is humiliated, Allah will surely leave him without help where he wishes to receive His help. Whoever helps a Muslim where his dignity is humiliated and his right of immunity is not respected, Allah will surely help him where he needs it” [Abu Dawud 4883, Ahmad 3/441]

“Behold, you meet this [this lie] with your tongues and speak with your lips what you have no knowledge of, and consider that it is insignificant (out of sinfulness), and this is great in the sight of Allah” (24, 15).

Many people think that gossip, slander and slander are nothing, but Allah Almighty reminds them to be careful, as this is a serious sin before Him. Shaitan (Satan) wants us humans to use our language to incite conflict and hatred towards each other: “And tell My servants (believers) to say (in their speeches) what is best. (And if they do not, then know that) verily, Satan brings discord among them [people]. Verily, Satan is a clear enemy to man!” (Al-Isra (night shift) 17, 53)

What did the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) say about slander?

- The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) once asked his companions: "Do you know what gibat is?" They replied: "Allah and His Messenger know best." He said, "That's if you say something about your brother that he doesn't like." Someone asked, "What if what I'm saying is true?" Then the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) replied: “If this is true, then this is slander, but if it is not true, then you have slandered him” (Muslim).

One day the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, turned to Muadh ibn Jabal, may Allah be pleased with him, said: Hold it(pointing to the tongue). Muadh, may Allah be pleased with him, asked: “O Messenger of Allah, will what we say be turned against us?” The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) replied: “May your mother be deprived of you, Muadh! What else plunges people with their face (or, as he put it with their nose), into hell, if not the fruits of their tongue?

Also once the Messenger of Allah asked his companions: “Do you know who the bankrupt is?”

The Companions replied: “It is customary to consider a bankrupt one who has no money or property.”

The Messenger of Allah said: “Verily, a bankrupt in my community is one who comes to a great court with a reward for prayers, fasting or zakat, and then it turns out that during his lifetime he scolded someone, groundlessly accused someone of adultery, without rights took possession of other people's property, shed someone's blood without rights, beat someone. And for this, his savabs will be distributed to those whom he offended, and if his savabs are not enough for all these people, then their sins will be laid on him, and after that he will be thrown into Hell.

We must guard our tongue from sins and use our limbs in deeds of obedience to Allah. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Whoever protects his tongue from slander and bad words, and his intimate organs from adultery, I guarantee him entry into Paradise” (Bukhari and Muslim).

What will happen on the Day of Judgment to those who slandered and slandered?

Backbiting and slander are so widespread in our time that they have become an occasion for people to meet and a way to express their anger, suspicion and jealousy. Those who engage in slander forget that by doing so they harm only themselves. On the Day of Resurrection, both the gossiper and the one offended by him will stand before Allah, the Just Judge, and Allah will give offended person the opportunity to take away part of the benefits of the person who offended him with unjust slander (and if his good deeds are not enough, then the offended person will have the opportunity to give his sins to the offender).

Islam also teaches us that if in our presence people ridicule or slander another believer, we must defend the honor of our brother. If we neglect this, then we will deprive ourselves of the help and mercy of Allah: If in the presence of a person a Muslim brother is slandered, and he is able to protect him and will do it, then Allah will protect him in this world and the next. But if he does not protect him, then Allah will destroy him in this world and the next (Bagavi).

- In what cases can you inform on a person and are there such cases in general?

- There are some situations where we can say something unpleasant about a person (if it is true), and it will not be a sin. We are allowed to inform the authorities when someone does an injustice to us or other people, it is allowed for us to report it to someone who can keep the offender from committing a sin. It is also permissible for us to tell the truth about a person to someone who comes to us for advice - whether it is possible to do business with him or marry him.

In this case, it is not allowed for us to hide what we know about a person, even bad.

Islam also teaches us that if in our presence people ridicule or slander another believer, we must protect the honor of our brother. If we neglect this, then we will deprive ourselves of the help and mercy of Allah:

If a Muslim brother is slandered in the presence of a person, and he is able to protect him and does this, then Allah will protect him in this world and the next. But if he does not protect him, then Allah will destroy him in this world and the next (Bagavi).

Science and slander

“Today, science has stepped far forward, and, as I heard, there are scientific proof that slander harms the human body. How true is this?

- Actually, it's true. According to modern scientific research, a person prone to foul language dooms himself not only to eternal, but also to earthly suffering. The word "suffering" in this context may sound pathetic due to the fact that a person is not aware of the negative impact own words. Because this influence occurs at the molecular level. And only with time can a person feel the result of such an impact in the form of a disease, mental disorder, toxic relationships with others, etc.

As a result of research by Russian scientists from the Institute of Quantum Genetics of the Academy of Sciences of Russia, the adverse effects of foul language were revealed. It turned out that electromagnetic vibrations, in the form of which words were presented, have a direct effect on the properties and structure of DNA molecules.

If speech is saturated with obscene language, word formations that are negative in meaning, the so-called “ negative program or "self-destruction program". That is, processes begin, the action of which is aimed at self-destruction. The gradual distortion of the program from healthy to dysfunctional leads to the fact that the structure of DNA changes. The swear word has a mutagenic effect, the radiation power of which is equal to a thousand roentgens.

Words with positive meanings have a corresponding effect. Let us recall, for example, the incident that happened to the Companions, may Allah be pleased with him. In the hadith of Abu Said al-Khudri, it is reported that once a group of the companions of the Prophet set out on a journey. When they reached the area where they found the settlement, they asked them for shelter, but they were refused. Then it became known that one of the elders was bitten by a snake, and no one could help him. They turned to the companions for help: “Our elder was bitten by a snake, none of our remedies helped him, do you have anything?” The Sahaba replied, "Yes, we have a spell, however you have denied us hospitality and we are not going to help until you change your mind." Having agreed on a herd of cattle, they read to the sick Sura Al-Fatiha. Then he was instantly healed. Moreover, the changes that have occurred at the DNA level are transmitted to descendants.

“So if I use foul language, my descendants are also committed to it?”

- Exactly. From generation to generation, in the “genetic heritage” of a person, the influence of self-destructive processes increases, the basis of which is laid by the speech of previous generations.

It has also been found that it doesn't matter to DNA who the speaker is. Its structure is influenced not only by what a person says, but also by what he hears. If a person hears abuse, curses, foul language from the lips of another person, even in a conversation, on the radio or on TV, this has the same negative impact as if he himself uttered these words. For the occasion, let us also recall the hadith narrated from Ibn Umar: “He who speaks evil and listens are partners in sin” (cited by at-Tabarani). Thus, we come to the following conclusions:

1. That the structure of DNA is affected by both spoken and heard words;

In general, the possibility of both positive and negative effects of words has been known to mankind since time immemorial. At a time when there was no developed medicine, people found healing in prayers and kind words. And swear words and curses were perceived at the level of spells. But if then it was still only guesses of the mind, today it is scientifically confirmed facts. Which, of course, should increase our vigilance both in what we say and in what we listen and read.

P.S. What will we do the next time we feel like slandering, slandering or hearing all of this in our presence? The choice is ours!

I don't know anything about relationships. And I don't know anything about love. I just said I know, but I don't know. I just want to keep talking to you. I want to know how your day went. I want to argue with you where we will have lunch. And for you to tell me about your theories, even erroneous ones...

I feel like there is noise all around me. White noise, like a radio. Teachers, parents, magazines... What is possible, what is not... Who is cool, who is not... And all this screams louder so that I can't hear myself anymore. And I want to get behind the wheel and drive away. And then I see you ... As you walk down the corridor, open the locker and you are wearing your favorite sweater and you put a lock of hair behind your ear, you see me, you smile. One smile of yours and all this white noise disappears. You know... And then I hear only your voice. You say my name...

The First Time (2012)

Remember this moment well, because it will never happen again.

The First Time (2012)

No need to hurry. Let everything take its course. Why do we need these platitudes.
Yes, platitudes suck.
- Estimate all of them: “Fu, these teenagers have the same hormones. They can't control themselves." And we're like, "Well, no." We can. We can very much. Nonsense all this. We are not rabbits.
- Definitely not rabbits.
- We are adults. And we can make informed decisions.
And we're taking it right now.
- Still would. Yes. And so it's better.
- A lot! You agree?
- Fully.
- Cool. Me too.
- ...
- Don't care!

The First Time (2012)

What do we do?
- If you want, we can watch a movie.
- I've seen all the films.
- We have a lot of films.
And I've seen them all.

The First Time (2012)

I know what platonic is. I'm not a graduate, but I'm not a down either.

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