Gentlemen of Fortune Moment Vasily Alibabaevich. Isn't that his only famous role? Unsuccessful family life


Soviet painting"Gentlemen of Fortune" is still one of the favorite comedies of Russians. One of the most touching characters in the film is Vasily Alibabaevich, played by the talented Radner Muratov. It was in this role that Muratov was most remembered by the viewer. Unfortunately, the actor himself, towards the end of his life, began to forget not only his character, but even the names of his relatives.

From pilot to actor

Radik Muratov was born in 1928 in the northern capital. At that time his father Zinnat studied in Leningrad. Zinnat Ibyatovich climbed high career ladder and in 20 years he turned from an ordinary loader into the first secretary of the Tatar regional committee of the CPSU. Therefore, Radik spent his childhood and youth in Tatarstan. Driven by a dream of heaven, during the war, Muratov Jr. entered the Air Force School in Kazan. However, he finished his studies after the Victory, without having made a single sortie, which he later regretted very much.

Interestingly, Radner never dreamed of theater or cinema. He became an artist by accident. Muratov arrived in Moscow, being on another vacation. Then there was just a recruitment to VGIK. The young man found out about this and, out of sports interest, decided to try: will they take it or not? Have taken. Gossips and envious people still gossip that Muratov did not differ in special talent and entered the institute only because he was a Tatar (at that time representatives of certain nationalities were often admitted to universities on preferential terms).

Vasya the gentleman

Be that as it may, VGIK Muratov graduated, and even perfectly well. Despite this, until the end of his days, Radner played mostly only supporting roles or appeared in tiny episodes and extras. But even in this case, the actor managed to become famous throughout the Union. For the first time, the public noted him in the role of the soldier Taxirov in the film "Maxim Perepelitsa". However, Vasily Alibabaevich from "Gentlemen of Fortune" really sunk into the soul of the viewer. Muratov's remarks are still quoted by the people.

In general, the actor starred in more than 80 films, and also did voice acting for foreign films and films of the Union republics. In 1986, Muratov received the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR. However, in his theatrical and cinematic career, this event was the final one. Since the late 1980s, he has never appeared on the screen again.


The personal life of the actor did not work out. For some time he was married to the actress Elena Dovlatbekova, who bore him a son, Lenya. But the marriage did not last long. Radner Muratov was left alone. They say that horse racing was to blame for everything. Muratov started going to the hippodrome back in the 1960s, made bets and often lost large sums. But even this hobby in his declining years ceased to excite the actor, he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. His memory began to fail him more and more. Sometimes he could not remember the names of loved ones, confused them. Muratov ceased to navigate in space and was lost even near his home. Therefore, soon the actor most spent time in the apartment. From the help of his son and ex-wife, he categorically refused. He didn't want to be seen as weak or poor.

Like a bum

In autumn 2004, Muratov left the house. On that day, the door behind him slammed shut forever. He did not return back. After a while, someone brought him to one of the capital's hospitals. But the actor was so bad that he could not say anything about himself. An unknown citizen who looked like a homeless person was placed in a psychiatric hospital. However, Muratov's friend Vladimir Protasenko managed to find him. Radner Zinyatovich was admitted to a regular hospital. But there he had a stroke. He fell into a coma, and on December 10 he died.

Since childhood, he dreamed of becoming a pilot and even graduated from the Air Force School in Kazan. But his further fate was determined by chance, and Radner Muratov became an actor. He stayed forever...

Since childhood, he dreamed of becoming a pilot and even graduated from the Air Force School in Kazan. But his further fate was determined by chance, and Radner Muratov became an actor. He forever remained in the memory of the audience in the image of the unlucky Vasily Alibabaevich in "Gentlemen of Fortune". However, neither the family nor the huge popularity of the actor could not make him happy. His life was difficult, and its ending was actually tragic.

Lucky case

He got his name from the commitment of his father, Zinyat Muratov, to the bright ideals of communism. Zinat Ibyatovich decided to name his son Radner - "rejoice new era". When the boy grew up, he introduced himself as Radik, almost never using his full name.

He really could have become a pilot, but he accidentally saw an advertisement for recruitment at VGIK changed his whole later life. Radik Muratov, who graduated from flight school, quite easily passed the competition for a prestigious institute and soon saw his name on the lists of students.

In 1951 he received a diploma and was enrolled in the Film Actor's Theater, where he worked for 37 years. Radik Muratov actively acted in films, but he got episodic roles. He starred in eighty films, but really significant roles can be counted on fingers.

When he was invited to star in "Gentlemen of Fortune" with Alexander Sery, Radner Ziyatovich, unexpectedly for everyone, refused. He was supposed to play the head of the prison, but the role seemed so uninteresting to him that he decided to refuse it, informing the director: he could only play Vasily Alibabaevich in his film. But this role has already been given to Frunzik Mkrtchan.

However, luck was again on the side of Radik Muratov: the actor, known by that time, was busy, and the director decided to give Radik a chance. As a result, the unlucky Vasily Alibabaevich became the favorite of the audience, and Radner Muratov finally became famous.

True, the popularity of the actor did not affect his creative biography. He still acted in episodes, and the main income was brought to him by concerts and creative evenings in which he took part.

twists of fate

The personal life of the actor was also full of difficulties and failures. He was in love with Isolde Izvitskaya, whom he met while still studying at VGIK. One of the most beautiful girls Institute responded to him in return. Radik and Isolde invariably appeared together, took care of each other very touchingly, lived together for several years, seriously thinking about the wedding.

But after graduating from the institute, Isolda Izvitskaya went to shoot in the film "First Echelon", from where she returned already official wife actor Eduard Bredun. However, fate gave the actor another chance to become happy.

Radik Muratov met Elena Dovlatbekova in 1955 during the filming of the film Scarf for the Beloved. After parting with Izvitskaya, Radik began to show signs of attention to Elena and was soon in love and happy again. The girl agreed to his marriage proposal.
It seemed that the young family had decades of cloudless happiness ahead.

They had a common profession, similar interests, beloved son Leonid. But the marriage fell apart. Elena Petrovna refused to comment on their divorce, and Radner Ziyatovich did not let anyone into her personal life at all. True reason their parting became known many years later.

Name: Radner Muratov

Age: 76 years old

Activity: actor, Honored Artist of the RSFSR

Family status: was divorced

Radner Muratov: biography

Muratov Radner Zinyatovich - Honored Artist of the RSFSR, actor of Soviet cinema, who starred in 82 films.

Radner Zinjatovic was born in northern capital, then Leningrad, October 21, 1928. At that time, Muratov Sr. was in his 3rd year at the Polytechnic Institute, and two years later, at the beginning of 1930, he was sent to the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic along the party line. Thus, the childhood of the future actor passed in Tatarstan.

There he took the first steps towards obtaining a profession - he entered the Air Force School. Despite the fact that at that time there was a war, he successfully completed it in 1946. After that, Radner complained more than once that he did not have time to make a single sortie, although he really dreamed about it.


In 1947, the freshly baked pilot went on vacation to Moscow. There, having seen an announcement about the admission of applicants to VGIK, unexpectedly for himself, he decided to try. And luck smiled at him - the first attempt was successful.

More than once later, spiteful critics said that the reason for the easy entry into the profession was nationality (the distribution of quotas between the republics). However, VGIK graduated from Radik with honors in 1951.

The first place of work for Muratov was State Theater film actor, where the first roles in extras were played. And in the late 50s, Radner began to play episodic roles in Soviet films. One of these roles was minor hero paintings "Maxim Perepelitsa". Right after her young actor they began to recognize on the streets, after it he got a prominent role in the film "Time, forward!".

The long-awaited success overtook Radner Muratov in 1971 - this, of course, is the charming Vasily Alibabaevich from "Gentlemen of Fortune". They say that the actor came to the casting with an application for another episodic role. But director Alexander Sery decided to try an artist with such characteristic appearance as one of the main characters. And I wasn't wrong. The role was a success, and extraordinary popularity hit Radner.

In addition to appearing on the screen, Muratov actively worked in voice acting. He has more than 10 works to his credit. The actor gave his voice to Leon in the films "Fantômas" and "Fantômas raged", to Rahim in the film "Escape from the Darkness", Janis Dalda in the movie "In the Shadow of Death".

Radner Muratov in the movie "Gentlemen of Fortune" | Cinema

Constant cooperation with the leading directors of the country, as well as participation in most popular films, have borne fruit - Muratov Radner Zinyatovich received the title of Honored Artist. It happened in 1986, when the age of the actor was approaching 60 years.

Unfortunately, receiving such an important award was the crown creative career Muratov. After the age of 86, he played an inconspicuous role as a steward in the film "Seven Screams in the Ocean" and performed as a conductor in the "Kreutzer Sonata". Later, he never appeared either on the stage or on the blue screens of the country.

People close to the actor said that the reason for this was a pernicious addiction to horse racing, where former star Soviet cinema left a fortune. Friends claimed that the recession creative activity coincided with a significant deterioration in health.

Personal life

Experience of the first Serious relationships Radner received with the film actress Izolda Vasilievna Izvitskaya. Muratov met her at VGIK: he was a senior student, and she had just entered the famous forge of theatrical personnel. Young people lived together for three years, but strong family they didn’t: soon Isolde began dating actor Eduard Bredun. They never had children, and the couple broke up.

Izolda Izvitskaya - Muratov's first wife | Cinema

The second attempt was made after two years. This time, the object of attention was Dovlatbekova Elena Petrovna, a graduate of VGIK, who, together with Muratov, served in the theater as a film actor. In this marriage, the son Leonid was born, who later successfully continued the acting dynasty.

Son Leonid Muratov | Cinema

The reason for the divorce this time was Radner Zinyatovich's addiction to gambling. According to the recollections of friends, he was extremely rarely at home. All free time was given to horse racing - the hippodrome on Begovaya became the second home of the actor. All the money and things were carried away there. Moreover, because of the addiction, the family quickly found itself in debt.

Final years and death

In the nineties, the health of Radner Zinjatovich gradually deteriorated. More and more difficult were given regular meetings with the audience, memory increasingly failed. According to eyewitness accounts - fans who never missed such meetings, Muratov often lost orientation in space, confused photos of loved ones, could not remember important dates your life.

By the beginning of 2000, the world for Muratov was his small studio apartment. There he spent all his time, he was regularly visited there. ex-wife and son. Not wanting their help, or, perhaps, simply not recognizing his relatives, Radner refused help and behaved rather aggressively.

star life

The first disturbing "call" was the disappearance of the actor in early October 2004. Then a police patrol picked him up on Preobrazhenskaya Square. Seeing that old man behaves inappropriately (he could not give any personal data or address), the employees of the authorities took him to a psychiatric hospital.

In the waiting room medical workers recognized in a crazy old man famous actor and, wanting to preserve his reputation, they redirected the patient to City Clinical Hospital No. 68. Until December, the doctors of the 68th hospital fought for Muratov's life. But his condition was critical - on December 10 he died. The cause of death was a stroke, multiple cerebral hemorrhages.

Movie Mania

It was decided to hold the funeral in Moscow, since in the small homeland of Radner Muratov, in Tatarstan, there were almost no people close to him left. Although in Moscow there were few who wanted to spend last way There were barely 15 people at the cemetery. And among them there were neither fans nor colleagues on the stage. Today, the grave of the famous actor can be found at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery in the capital.

  • The name Radner is made up of three words - glad-new-era. And although Muratov's father always told his son that he could be proud of his name, the owner himself considered him unsightly. And more often he introduced himself as Radik.
  • The brothers of the actor have achieved a lot in life. One of them succeeded in military service, going from private to general. Another, who suffered from absolute deafness, became the world champion in chess among the disabled.
  • IN last years When Muratov was still able to move independently, he was often fed in local canteens. Recognizing the idol, compassionate employees of the points Catering they gave the artist food for free and even collected packages home. This is how folk love, thanks to ordinary viewers.


Despite the richest filmography, Muratov no longer had significant roles. The most notable episodic specialists include works in films:

  • "Duel";
  • "Golden calf";
  • "The Lost Expedition";
  • "Afonya";
  • "Eternal Call";
  • "Wild honey";
  • "Outpost in the mountains";
  • "Business trip";
  • "Lady with a dog";
  • "Kreutzer Sonata".

What happened after "Gentlemen of Fortune" with Vasily Alibabaevich.

The name and surname of this wonderful actor is unlikely today that anyone can name right off the bat. But it is worth looking at the photo, as everyone who loves and revises films from the "golden fund" of Soviet cinema will recognize the laconic petty swindler Vasily Alibabaevich from the legendary "Gentlemen of Fortune".

People's Artist of the RSFSR Radner Muratov lived like that after his star role under the name of a movie character. He became Vasily Alibabaevich for his friends, and for neighbors, and for fellow players.

Like many of our wonderful actors, Muratov did not stand the test of the crazy 90s. Someone got drunk, someone went into crime (like Sergei Shevkunenko, who played in popular adventure films"Dagger" and "Bronze Bird"). And Radner Muratov, having become a regular at the Moscow hippodrome, lost all his savings and almost all his property. He didn't even have a bed left, he slept on the door removed from its hinges. This is such a life tragedy.

And everything started very well.

From heaven to VGIK

Radner Muratov was born on October 21, 1928 in Leningrad. His father was a party worker, later served as first secretary of the regional committee of the Tatar ASSR. In the 20-30s of the last century, it was fashionable in the USSR to give children "revolutionary" names - Arvil, Oktyabrina, Vilen ... The name Radner, which the parents gave to the boy, was deciphered as "rejoice in the new era." However, from childhood, Radner disliked his name and asked everyone to call him Radik.

Being brought up on the exploits of Valery Chkalov, all the boys of the 30s dreamed of being air aces. Radik was also fascinated by aviation. At the age of 15, already during the Great Patriotic War, he entered the Kazan Air Force Special School, which he successfully graduated in 1946. But he never got to be a pilot. One year after graduation flight school Radner went to Moscow. And there I accidentally saw an announcement about the recruitment of students at VGIK. Yielding to a momentary desire, the young man decided to become an actor.

Entered VGIK Radner on the first try. At that time, teachers did not find particularly outstanding abilities in him. But at that time, an order from above had just arrived: to recruit not only boys and girls from Slavic appearance, but also representatives of various nationalities living in the Union. And here is just such a colorful young man! “Do you know why they took me? Because everyone is white, and Radik Muratov is black, ”Muratov later said in an interview.

Radner was lucky: he was taught by director Mikhail Romm, who had already become famous for his films about Lenin (later, Andrei Tarkovsky, Vasily Shukshin and Nikita Mikhalkov were among his students) and director Sergei Yutkevich, who also contributed to the “Leniniana” by making the films “A Man with a Gun "," Stories about Lenin "and others. In 1951, Muratov graduated with honors from VGIK and was admitted to the State Film Actor Theater. But there was practically no work there. Not rained down on a colorful graduate and proposals from filmmakers.

Muratov played his first prominent role in 1955 in Anatoly Granik's comedy Maxim Perepelitsa. His soldier Taskirov was remembered by the audience with one single phrase: "You are not a commander." But even after this role, the young and obviously talented actor was not often invited to audition. Although the USSR was a multinational country, but in the capital's film studios, plots where the scene was the union republics and actors were needed - people from them, did not appear so often.

"Dinner is served. Sit down to eat, please!”

The most successful in the career of Radner Muratov was 1971, when he played his starring role - Vasily Alibabaevich in Alexander Sery's comedy "Gentlemen of Fortune".

However, at first Muratov was offered a completely different role in this film - the head of the prison. But Radner, surprising many, refused to play another passing episode. And he turned out to be right.

Vasily Alibabaevich, a crook who went to jail for diluting gasoline with donkey urine, was supposed to be played by Frunzik Mkrtchyan. But in last moment the actor refused, as he was very busy in the theater. They urgently began to look for a replacement for Mkrtchyan. But it turned out to be not so easy: even the famous Vladimir Etush seemed unconvincing in the role of an unlucky gas tanker from Central Asia. The minutes of the meeting of the artistic council read: “Not one of those presented at the screen test is suitable, to make a screen test for I. Rutberg.” When Ilya Rutberg, who by that time had played a physical education teacher in Elem Klimov's debut film “Welcome, or No Trespassing!”, was unlucky, the applicants began to be reviewed again. And then they remembered the "refusenik" Muratov.

Victoria Tokareva (screenwriter together with Georgy Danelia) asked Muratov: “We have a comedy. Therefore, play seriously, like Schweitzer in "Time, forward!". “I played seriously…” Muratov later recalled. One of his phrases: “Dinner is served. Sit down to eat, please! ”, Said in all seriousness, immediately became winged.

Muratov took comedy filming very seriously. And he did not even agree to take part in a conspiracy against the director, in which Leonov, Vitsin and Kramarov tried to drag him into. They really did not want to run almost naked in the snow, and even in 17-degree frost, as Alexander Sery wanted to give credibility to what was happening on the screen. But Muratov fearlessly undressed and jumped out into the cold. Then famous actors decided to take revenge on a newcomer colleague: Kramarov crept up to him and immediately, in front of the camera, rubbed it with snow, and Vitsin, to make it more fun, began to rub Kramarov himself. As a result, this take was included in the film.

“The day came when the scene with the escape in the cement tank was filmed,” Radner Muratov told about the filming of the film. - A tanker with ordinary bread sourdough, tinted with green onion essence, rolled up. The composition was so tart, sticky ... After filming, we got out of this solution and washed faster ... The shooting was near Samarkand, and there was a factory, and with it a shower room, and only forty or forty-five minutes later we this composition somehow from ourselves scraped off, our pores breathed again, we began to turn into a man again, looked around, but Vitsin was gone. It turned out that he continues to sit in the tank, because he found out that this composition is based on 23 medicinal herbs and that this prolongs youth by 15 years.

"Gentlemen of Fortune" brought Radner Muratov immense popularity. But this did not affect the career of the actor at all. He still acted in episodes. However, Radner did not complain about the fate: they began to invite him to small roles quite often, and they paid for them well in those days.

From 1971 to 1986, he starred in two dozen films, including Leonid Gaidai's comedies 12 Chairs (the role of a chess player) and It Can't Be! (policeman), Vilen Azarov's comedy "The Incorrigible Liar" (waterer), detective series "Conscience" (Rakhimov), adventure dilogy "The Lost Expedition" and "Golden River" (Akhmetka), Georgiy Danelia's comedy "Afonya" (Murat Rakhimov), TV series "Eternal Call" (Magomedov).

Love and passion

While studying at VGIK, Muratov met a local student, Izolda Izvitskaya, and the young people lived together for three years. But the young beauty was turned by the actor Eduard Bredun. She broke up with Muratov. If this had not happened, perhaps Izvitskaya would not have passed away so early in life.

She became famous after the role of Maryutka in Grigory Chukhrai's piercing military drama "Forty-First". But the rapid rise was followed by a rapid fall. In the 60s, the young actress began a sincere and creative crisis. And the catalyst was just Bredun, whom she married, but life with whom did not work out at all. Film actress Tatyana Gavrilova later said: “In 1968, I, my friend, famous actress Lyudmila Marchenko and her husband, theater administrator Vitaly Voitenko, came to visit Isolde. We were shocked to see that she was badly beaten. She showed us a lot of abrasions on her arms and body, blue smudges under her eyes, but did not say who did it…”. However, everyone guessed who.

Isolde became addicted to alcohol. Colleagues and friends tried to save the woman. They literally persuaded the directors to give her at least small roles. But after in 1971 her beloved husband left Izvitskaya for her friend, she had already ceased to control herself. The actress closed herself in her apartment and did not appear on the street for weeks. From food she had only crackers and water.

At the end of February 1971, the actress disappeared. The dispatcher of the theater-studio of the film actor, concerned that Izvitskaya's phone was not answering, called Bredun. He, in turn, called the police. They broke the door ... Isolda Izvitskaya was lying on the floor somehow sideways, in a quilted French dressing gown, her head - in the kitchen, her thin body - in the room. At the insistence of Bredun, the death was explained by "poisoning the body with unknown poisons, weakness of the cardiovascular system." The actress was only 38 years old.

After breaking up with Isolde Radner, Muratov connected his life with Elena Dovlatbekova, an actress of the Film Actor Theater. The Muratovs had a son, Leonid. But soon the couple divorced. The actor said that mutual agreement. But, perhaps, the role was played by the fact that Muratov "fell ill" with the races, which carried him so much that he began to constantly disappear at the hippodrome.

Gradually, the passion for horse racing began to take on an increasingly hypertrophied form. The actor could not cope with himself: he withdrew the accumulated money from the savings book, bet on races, won, bet even more, and then luck turned away from him. It is said that by the mid-1970s he had lost so much money that it could buy several cars.

In 1986, Muratov was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR. It was the last pleasant event in his career. In 1988, the Film Actor Theater ceased to exist, where he served and he was no longer invited to act in films. But he stubbornly continued to go to the hippodrome. Things from the apartment were already used, the most valuable of which he handed over to a pawnshop, and put the proceeds on another horse.

Moscow taxi drivers loved to tell the story of how Vasily Alibabaevich won 40 thousand rubles on the run. For two weeks, the entire hippodrome walked in the Aragvi restaurant with this money. And then the actor woke up somewhere under the fence. Nearby lay three rubles. Most likely it was just urban legend. But, as you know, in any fairy tale there is a grain of truth.

Slept on the door

No furniture, no fridge, no TV. Newspapers on the floor ... Muratov gradually lost everything he had. “And I slept on a door taken off its hinges,” recalls Nadezhda Karpysheva, a neighbor at the entrance to the house on Nagatinskaya Embankment, where the actor had a one-room apartment. - I brought a pillow with a blanket ... ".

For lunch, Muratov went to the canteen of social assistance, where he sometimes gave concerts. In 2000, Muratov suffered a stroke, after which his memory began to fail - he developed Alzheimer's disease. He forgot names, surnames, dates and even simple words. Often the actor left home and got lost on the streets. Even earlier, Muratov began serious problems with vision, but he did not like to go to the doctors. As a result, the right eye stopped seeing.

Son Leonid did his best to help. He gave neighbors money for food for his father. They bought products and hung on the handle front door. But the actor never took anything. Once I even threw my bag at the neighbor's door. "You think I'm a beggar!" - he was indignant. He also did not accept the help of a novice from the monastery, whom the Screen Actors Guild tried to assign to him. He did not go to the Matveevsky House of Cinematography Veterans, where his son tried to attach him. On the contrary, he was offended by Leonid and practically stopped communicating with him.

“Radik didn’t let anyone into his life,” she recalled. ex-wife Elena Petrovna. - When he was in the hospital, everyone visited him, my son and I offered him to clean the apartment. But he forbade us to go there without him. He has long had his own life, he lives by his principles, his thoughts, his inner world. This is generally the fate of all the actors who are now out of work.

In October 2004 Radner Muratov Once again lost in the street. When police officers stopped an elderly, emaciated, homeless-looking man, he could not give his name or address. It was impossible to recognize the ingenuous Vasily Alibabaevich in him. The actor was sent to a psychiatric hospital, but there he became ill. With a suspicion of a second stroke, he was brought to the intensive care unit of the 68th hospital. The identity of the actor was established there. Doctors fought for his life for a long time ... Radner Muratov died on December 10, 2004 from a second stroke. He was 76 years old. The actor was buried at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery in Moscow.

“I lost my wife… I lost my son…”

Muratov's only friend was the actor Vladimir Protasenko (he played in "Gentlemen of Fortune" the episodic role of a man meeting his childhood friend Fedya on the street - the hero Savely Kramarov).

“I remember that we were on a creative business trip in Kabul,” Vladimir Protasenko recalled. - We lived in the same room. Late at night I ask him: “Radik, why are you not sleeping?” And he answered: “How did it happen, I think. He lost his wife, she is a lovely person. Lost the son. I don’t even have a blanket at home, I hide behind that coat that they don’t take to a pawnshop ... And now I have calmed down. We all die - and the whole story ... "

Neither success, nor talent, nor popular love can protect the human psyche from sudden passion or illness. And there is no way to avoid it or protect yourself.

Who does not remember the cute naive Asian from the famous comedy "Gentlemen of Fortune"? His phrases scattered into quotes and have been circulating among the people for 46 years. But how many people know how the artist, beloved by millions, ended his days?

Everyone ran, and I ran!

Blat or talent?

- And in prison right now, dinner, pasta! ..
Shot from the film "Gentlemen of Fortune"

Evil tongues claimed that Radner Muratov is so successful in theater and cinema due to the fact that his father rose to the rank of high officials and everywhere has a "shaggy paw". Like, only with his patronage did his son advance into sought-after actors. But how then to explain the graduation with honors from VGIK? Especially if you are in the hands of Mikhail Romm and Sergei Yutkevich: someone else, but these masters did not work with mediocrity. And what kind of “blat” should be for Radner to be invited to more than 80 roles!

Yes, Muratov's father, Zinyat Ibyatovich, was a truly devoted party member and a convinced Leninist. He believed in the imminent victory of communism and faithfully served the Soviet ideals. He was so imbued with the spirit of the time that he even called his son Radner - "rejoice in the new era." But it is unlikely that an official who worked in the Tatar Regional Committee could influence the selection committees of Moscow universities.

Chess player and pilot

“Dinner is served, sit down to eat, please!”
Shot from the film "Gentlemen of Fortune"

Despite the simple expression on his face, the actor was far from being a simpleton. He had a sharp mind and excellent reactions. Even before entering VGIK, Radner graduated from the Air Force School in Kazan, from where he graduated as a paratrooper pilot. And only having acquired a serious profession, he tried to become an actor. Radner played chess well and even under the pseudonym Murad Ferziev hosted a TV program in tandem with the famous chess player Yuri Averbakh.

Radner Muratov became widely known at one moment when big screens A film directed by Sery about the adventures of thieves who escaped from prison was released. This was far from Muratov's first role. Prior to that, he had already starred in many films and successfully performed at the Film Actor Theater. There, on the same stage, Radner Zinyatovych served without a break for 37 years until 1988. At the same time, he starred in 82 films, voiced a dozen film roles.

Unsuccessful family life

- San Sanych. Come on, dude, please. I will buy kerosene. Primus is very thin.
Shot from the film "Gentlemen of Fortune"

But with personal life no luck. For three years, Radner lived in a civil marriage with aspiring actress Izolda Izvitskaya, but they never formalized the relationship - they broke up after a series of scandals. The actress became popular, became interested in the handsome Eduard Bredun and married him. This story also ended tragically: both Izvitskaya and Bredun drank themselves and passed away very early. She is 38, he is 49.

Radner nevertheless found love: Elena Petrovna Dovlatbekova, an actress of the Film Actor Theater, became his chosen one. She bore her husband a son, Leonid. And everything would have been good and right for them, but a destructive passion appeared in Muratov's life - the game. All the fees, any penny that appeared in the house, the actor carried to the hippodrome. Elena Petrovna fought for her husband as much as she could, but all patience comes to an end and the couple parted.

All-consuming passion

— What do you have?
- Necessary.
Shot from the film "Gentlemen of Fortune"

Radner understood the danger of his passion, he tried to fight it and even turned to psychiatrists. But the treatment did not help: the actor still bet money on the run. He took out everything that was in the house to the bookmakers, and at the end of his life he slept on the floor on newspapers. That's just collected during the life of the home library, the actor left intact. His son, in an attempt to somehow improve his father's life, brought money to neighbors and asked them to buy food, not giving money to Radner. He preferred to bet instead of buying bread.

Misfortune never comes alone

- Grandma! Don't go there! Come here. And then the snow will fall on the head ... Frame from the film "Gentlemen of Fortune"

Alzheimer's disease has been added to the morbid passion of the player in recent years. The disease progressed rapidly, Radner could no longer memorize the text, and he was no longer offered roles. At a time when his mind was foggy, the actor left home and was found in a completely different places Moscow. He did not remember how he got there, did not know when he ate, could not say where he lived, and then national fame helped. Although thin and haggard, the actor was recognized and brought home.

Radner's condition worsened long years. Unfortunately, he was not provided with proper medical care in a specialized institution. One day, in the fall of 2004, the actor left the house and disappeared. They searched for him for a long two months, and when they found him, he had already completely lost his mind and was almost unconscious due to a stroke. Hospitalization did not help, help came too late. Already on the way to the hospital, the actor fell into a coma, and on December 10, Vasily Alibabaevich, the popular favorite, died.

Radner Muratov has not been with us for many years now. But no, no, and you will hear a joke: “Citizen! You don’t go there, you go here!…”

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