Music director's essay my pedagogical trajectory. Essay "music director is not a profession, but a vocation"


MBDOU "Kindergarten of the combined type No. 39", Sergiev Posad.


Sound culture of speech.

Preparing for literacy

(preparatory group)

Prepared and conducted by the educator of the highest category: Uzikova O.A.


Target. To educate children's sensitivity to the word, to activate and enrich the vocabulary.


-Learn how to build sentences.

- Improve phonemic awareness.

- Learn to perform sound and syllabic analysis of the word.

Hod ood

Greeting "Dear friend" Purpose: creation emotional mood and motivational readiness to participate in the work.

mischievous bell,
You guys in a circle build
The guys gathered in a circle (children stand in a circle)
Hello friend (take the right hand to the side);
Hello friend (take away left hand to the side)
Let's hold hands together (join hands)
And smile at each other (smile at each other).

Educator. Guys, what do you think what's happened wealth (children's answers).

Educator: - Wealth - it is not only something that can be bought, sold, it is some kind of value. Wealth is invisible. For example:spiritual richness, richness of speech, that is beautiful speech . Russian language is one of the richest languages ​​in the world. Our speech must be beautiful, expressive, and for this we must talk with you, read, choose the right words to accurately describe an object or action, and of course, to know more.

caregiver : So what is a "word"?(children's answers). (The word is everything we say.)

Every word we say matters. We use the word to give names to objects, to characterize them, to describe their qualities. And with one more word, we can designate a group of objects.

The game "Name it in one word" (p. 6 T.G. Lyubimova)

Ball, doll, pyramid, car - (toys)

Pot, kettle, frying pan, plate - (dishes)

Oak, birch, spruce, pine - (trees)

Rose, lily, aster, tulip - (flowers)

Educator. Words must be beautiful.

What season is it? (Spring) Let's play a game« Decorate the word"

(We select as many adjectives as possible. For example, spring - what is it like? what can spring be called? (blooming, joyful, sonorous, warm, long-awaited, early, beautiful, friendly, etc.)

caregiver : Guys, what do you think can be made up of words?

Children: Suggestions.

caregiver : And what can help us to make a proposal?

Children: Sentence scheme (the teacher hangs a sentence scheme on the board)

Educator: Guys, what is the difference between a word and a sentence?

Children: The word is one, but the sentence can consist of several words.

caregiver : Guys, before you is a sentence scheme, what do you think, how many words are in this sentence?

Children: Two

Educator: Why?

Children : Because there are two rectangles drawn in the diagram.

caregiver : Well done boys! Now come up with a proposal for me according to this scheme.


Here the window opened, the cat came out on the ledge

The cat looked up, the cat looked down

Here she turned to the left, looked after the flies

Stretched, smiled and sat on the ledge!

caregiver : Well done boys. And now we will try to make suggestions on the topic"Spring". (The educator puts up a sentence chart on the board)

Making proposals.

(clap how many words in a sentence)

caregiver : - I want to make sure that you are attentive and able to work independently.

Where is the sound (s) in the word veWith on the? (In the middle)

(Each child has a house with sound windows, a magnet or a chip on the table)

caregiver : - And now let's play the game "I - to you, you - to me"

What parts does the word spring consist of (Spring-on)

The game "Name the sounds in the word without skipping or rearranging them" (juice (s, o, k), mustache, catfish, beads)

Series "Speech therapy notebooks for sounds" ("Sunny steps" p. 9)

(Before working in notebooks, you can spendfinger gymnastics teacher's choice)

"Friendly Fingers"

Educator: - Who is drawn in these pictures? (Birds)

- Color only those birds whose names contain the sound (s).

At the end of the ood, the teacher reads S. Yesenin's poem "Bird Cherry" (p. 78 / V.V. Gerbova) and invites children who wish to learn it by heart (in abbreviation)

D / and "The fourth extra"

Municipal Autonomous Preschool educational institution
kindergarten No. 9 "Dewdrop"

Synopsis of GCD
Topic: "Sound" Zh "
(as part of the implementation of the NGO " Speech development»: preparation for teaching literacy - training on ZKR in preparatory group)

Compiled by:
Educator high. categories
Amosova O.S.


ZKR training
Subject: Sound "Zh"
Purpose: to teach children to hear the sound "g".
Objectives: Learn attentively, listen and decide logical tasks. To teach correctly, to pronounce the sound "Ж", to produce a sound-syllabic analysis of words with this sound. Fixing the sound "Ж" in dialogic speech. To acquaint children in an accessible form with the concept of " related words". Learn to choose related words from a stream of words and coherent text. Learn to cut along the contour. To fix the distinction and naming of the object using schemes.
Vocabulary: hard, bend, slope, fishing net, snowfall.
Material: demo: Phone with a recording of a song of a beetle, a beetle on a stick, a picture - the symbol "Beetle". Pictures for the game: a beetle - a tree, a cook - a knife, a girl - scissors, caps of an apple tree and a pumpkin. Pictures - snowflake, snow maiden, snowman, snowfall. Pictures: toad, ground beetle, lark, woman, hedgehog, crane, duckling. Blue and purple vests.

Methodical methods:
Org. Moment: solving logical problems.
Sound analysis.
Game "Who needs what?"
related words.
Paper torn.
The game "Which arm, which leg?"
Course progress.
1. Organizing time: solving logic problems.
Mom has a cat Fluff, a dog friend and a daughter Dasha. How many children does the mother have?
The dog Mickey had kittens: three white and one black. How many kittens does Mickey have in total?

Guys, an unusual guest came to us today. And you will know who it is as soon as you listen to his song. (Phone with a beetle song).
- Well, what did you find out? Of course, this is a beetle that sings its buzzing song all the time. And here he is.
Sound analysis
- Guys, who is it? (bug). How does a beetle buzz? (f-f-f) right.
- The sound "Zh", what is it? (consonant, hard, voiced)
-Let's show on the diagram the sound "Ж" (Blue square, bell)
-Guys, now we will be beetles, but we will buzz in different ways: if our beetle flies far, then how do we buzz? (quietly). The beetle flies up to us as if buzzing? (loudly). Let's fly. (A beetle on a stick with a string flies around the group).
- Well done, buzzed, and now let's play an interesting game.
3. The game "Who needs what?"
- Let's play the game "Who needs what?".
There are three pictures on the table: a tree, a cook, a girl who cuts paper. You need to choose pictures that fit everything drawn. They picked it right: a beetle to a tree, a knife was given to the cook, scissors to the girl. In all these words there is a sound...? ("AND")
- Where is he? (in the word "beetle" at the beginning, in the word "knife" in the middle, in the word "scissors" - in the middle)

4. Staging. (Two children play in hats of an apple tree and a pumpkin)
- Guys, listen to the scene.
- Oh, it's hard.
- Why is it hard for you, apple tree?
- On me, branches from apples bend, bend to the ground, I can hardly hold it.
- Oh, it's hard!
- And you, pumpkin, what makes it hard?
- Lie on the ground, but keep yourself!
Educator: - Guys, what sound is most common here? ("AND")

5. Fizminutka "Beetle"
The beetle lies, and cannot get up,
He is waiting for someone to help him.
6. Game "Carousel"
-And now, together with the beetle, we will go to the park for a ride on the carousel. But those objects will sit on the carousel, in the name of which the sound “Ж” is heard (toad, ground beetle, lark, woman, hedgehog, crane, duckling).

6. Related words. (According to the text of the fairy tale, the corresponding pictures are displayed)
Guys, I'll tell you a story.
“A long time ago, people lost the word “snow” and forgot about it, but the word fell into the ground, and sprouts of the word appeared - snow maiden, snowman, snowfall, snowflake. People looked, listened, but the words are similar, like relatives, like relatives. And people called such words related.
Words, like native ones, are a little bit alike,
H carried put them hardly,
Listen a little and think about the essence,
They are talking about the same thing.
- And now, I will read you a poem, and you find related words.
The fishermen have an unprecedented catch,
The old fisherman also caught a fish.
We will collect a fishing net,
fish soup pour into bowls.
What are the related words here? (fishermen, fish, angler, fishing, fish) common word? (fish)

7. Paper tearing.
- Well done boys. And now I suggest you make a sky with clouds, where our beetle loves to fly. You need to make clouds using clipping. We cut off with the tips of three fingers or a probe. This is how we got the sky with clouds. We will glue the clouds and draw a lot of beetles so that our beetle will have friends ..
What season is in our picture? What else can be quickly done and added?
-Children, how many paws does our beetle have? What do we have? Let's play a game and tell you where the left and right side, arms and legs.

8. The game "Which arm, which leg?"
Stencils of "arms" and "legs" lie on the floor. Apply right hand and call. We put the right foot on the trail and call it. (For example, right hand, left leg etc.)

9. The result of the lesson. Reflection.
- We worked hard today. What difficulties did you encounter? What did you like? I have vests for the bug in two colors on my table: if you liked the lesson, then take the blue vest, and if you have questions about the lesson, take the purple vest and Thank you for the lesson.

Petrova Anna Vasilievna
Job title: educator
Educational institution: MDOU kindergarten "Sunshine"
Locality: Spirovo village, Tver region
Material name: Methodical development
Subject:"Sound culture of speech. Preparation for teaching literacy"
Publication date: 13.03.2018
Chapter: preschool education

Synopsis of GCD in the preparatory group of preschool educational institutions.

Subject: Sound culture of speech. Preparing for literacy.

Target: To improve the phonemic perception of children. form

the ability to divide words into parts.


Educational: improve skills:

Identify common sounds in words

IN sound analysis words; in the formation of new words (phonemic hearing);

In the name of the word according to a certain phonemic feature;

In the ability to change the sound composition of the word;

To consolidate children's knowledge of hard and soft consonants;

To consolidate the ability of children to determine the presence and place of a given sound in a word;


Develop phonemic awareness; communication skills of children;

Develop coherent speech; attention, thinking;

Develop the ability to perform individual work and team work.


Cultivate interest in working with words and sounds, the ability to listen to each other

friend, tactfully supplement the answers of comrades as necessary;

Raise interest and love for the native language;

Cultivate interest in the school.

Educational area: speech development

OO integration taking into account GEF: cognitive development, artistic

aesthetic development.


Expected result:

Have an idea of ​​soft and hard consonants;

Skillfully apply their knowledge of the development of literacy;

Actively interact with peers;

Perform individual and group assignments.

Methodical methods:

game situation;

Conversation - dialogue;

Fizkultminutka; breathing exercises, gymnastics for the eyes;

Breathing exercises;

Children's activities;


Stages of work

The activities of the educator

Children activities



moment - 1 min.

Motivating start -

rules of conduct for


Guys, look

how many came to us

guests. Let's

say hello and smile.

Our guests were not

by chance - after all, very soon

you will become schoolchildren and

our guests would like

find out what you have learned

in training sessions

I invite you to remember our

rules of conduct for

do not speak loudly

one says the other

listen, don't interrupt

if you know the answer

Raise your hand, etc.

Guys, so that we are with you

well said that we

should perform?

Lived in the mouth cheerful


I will introduce you to him


Every morning tongue

woke up

Fun everyone, wide


(lips in a wide smile,

upper and lower teeth

Opening the windows, he

ventilated the house

(open and close mouth)

Sweet tubes ate for


(lips move forward)

Children stand in a circle

Welcome guests.

Children remember:

Problem situation

He loved the tongue to bake


(broad tongue lies on

upper lip, mouth open)

Could it get sharper?

(mouth open, tongue narrow

pulled forward)

The tongue went from the hill


(mouth open, tip of tongue

rest on the lower teeth,

the back of the tongue is raised)

loves our tongue

have fun!

Guys, let's go to the garden today

brought a letter. It

addressed to children

preparatory group,

i.e. us, therefore we

Reading a letter:

"Hello guys

preparatory to school

groups. Writes to you


I ended up in the country of "Smarts"

and smart ones." Queen Diploma

handed me an envelope

tasks that I don't

was able to complete. Help

me please comply


Well guys, let's help.


But in order to

Dunno understood everything, we

let's talk loudly

clearly, clearly

pronounce and pronounce

every word. Do you agree?

For this we will work

The children answer that


Breathing exercises

over your breath.

I distribute snowflakes to the children.

Guys, take a snowflake

by the thread and lift it up to

mouth level (showing how).

imagine blowing

strong wind, spinning

snowflakes, the wind died down.

(I see that everyone

children succeeded).

Children take snowflakes

blow on snowflakes

Main part

Practical work -

Repetition (soft and

hard consonant)

Task 1. Guess

(sound "z" and "z")

There are many sounds in the world:

the rustle of leaves, the splash of water.

And then there are the sounds of speech. We

they must know for sure.

Pronouncing sounds clearly

we listen carefully.

Let's speak clearly

we are diligent.

Guys, what does it say


Let's remember how

sounds are called

meet obstacles in the mouth?

What are the consonants

What chips do we have them


Well done boys! Let's

to complete tasks!

Guys, guess riddles and

determine what sound

word starts with

hard or soft, and


corresponding token.

(on screen pictures with

the image of objects from

About sounds.

consonant sounds.

Hard and soft

Solid consonants -

blue chips;

Soft consonants -

green chips.

Children guess

riddles and raise

blue or green

sound "z" and "z".

1. Cold blizzard

flew in,

Trees dressed in white

It's cold weather.

What time of year is this?

2. What kind of forest animal is this

And stands among the grass -

Ears are larger than the head. (Hare)

3.Who is longer than a stocking?

Who has no arms or legs?

Skin like scales.

Crawling on the ground... (snake).

4. This horse

Striped clothes.

Looks like her clothes

For a sailor.

5. Who does not bark, does not bite

And he won't let you into the house? (Lock)

6. The berry is pleasant,

Very fragrant.

Look under the bush

It turns red there ... (Strawberry)

7. He reveals himself

He closes you.

Only the rain will pass -

Will do the opposite. (Umbrella)

8. When we eat - they


When we don't eat, they


Let's not clean them

They will get sick. (Teeth)

Task 2 . "Name

Task 3. “How much

(dividing the word into parts

Physical education minute

"Cheerful snowman"

Task 4 (determine

the presence and place of sound in

Task 5. Lay out the letter

which starts

the name of the unknown.

Guys, I will throw

a ball to each of you and

name the sound. You will

catch the ball, say words,

which start with

specified sound.

Guys, you already know

divide words into parts

Now you will

pronounce words that

shown on cards and


Guys, decide

please place the "r" sound

in words: rocket, cancer,

pencil, crab, mole, axe,

tiger, ball, jacket, cheese.

Guys, lay out the letter, with

which name begins

Strangers from beans.

Children stand in a circle

catch the ball and call

words for given

Children stand around


number of syllables in

Children perform

movement to music.

Children work for

tables with diagrams and

chips, determine

the place of the "r" sound in

Children sit at

lay out the letter

6. Gymnastics for the eyes


Task 6. (skill

change the sound composition

Task 8. “Name and


Guys, and now we are with you

much to be done

hard task:

guess what happened

with a word?

Salt mole;

Guys, name only those

objects, names

which start with

Children to music



Children listen and


If we replace one

letter to another

the word changes.

the "s" sound was changed to

Children sit at

tables, perform

Final part

Highlighting the main

lesson 2-

Analysis of the

work, summing up

summary 2-3 min


Guys, what do you think

did we get the job done?

What tasks are we today


What do you guys think

we helped Dunno

Thanks, I'm very

I liked how you are today

were doing.

Today we are with you

talking about soft and

hard sound "z"

Determined the position

"r" sound in words

Repeated concept

part of a word (syllable)

surprise moment

Gives children coloring pages

picture of friends

Zhelyabina Tatyana Viktorovna
Job title: a kindergarten teacher
Educational institution: MADOUCRR №8
Locality: Kurganinsk, Krasnodar Territory
Material name: methodical development
Subject: NOD "Sound culture of speech" (preparatory group for school)
Publication date: 12.02.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Target: Develop phonemic and speech hearing.

Program tasks: teach children to select word patterns for pictures, producing

letter analysis; continue to teach children to identify and name a common sound in

words; consolidate the ability to divide words into syllables; develop pronunciation skills

phrases in different pace; exercise children in pronunciation of words, changing the strength of the voice.

Cultivate goodwill, independence, initiative,


Preliminary work: familiarity with sounds, games to find sounds in

words, inventing words with a certain sound; contemplation

illustrated alphabets; coloring work; memorization of quatrains

a certain letter.

Equipment: various pictures; interactive board; presentations: "First

sound", "Make a word", "Schemes for word-pictures for sound K"; musical

tools; ball; envelope with a letter, parcel.

Psychogymnastics. Children, let's say hello to the guests. We are speaking

hello, what do we wish these people? (children's answers)

And now we will take a deep breath - breathe in joy, good

mood, good luck, and exhale disappointment, uncertainty, bad mood,

despondency. And so we have with you good mood and we accept with a smile

Organizing time.

Guys, you know, I'm in today mailbox kindergarten found a letter.

It is addressed to the children of the preparatory school group, that is, to us, from the old man

- sound player, so we can safely read it.

(Print and read letter)

“Hello, guys of the preparatory group for school.

An old man is writing to you - a sound guy. I know that you will go to school soon. Like u

are you dealing with sounds and letters? I would like to test your knowledge. I

I hope you are ready for the test...

I am sending you tasks, if you complete everything, you will be in for a surprise.

Get assignments from your teacher.

I wish you success.

Sincerely, the old sound man. ”

Main part

caregiver. Well, guys, how are you ready to complete the tasks? (Answers

children). Well then, let's get started. And so the first task.

“Define the first sound in words and name the letter.” (Presentation. 1 slide -

Pictures: headphones, threads, socks, Dunno. Slide 2 - cloud, windows, donkey, wasps. 3

slide - Cat, chicken, basket, sweets. 4 slide - sun, chair, elephant, sausages.

5 slide - apricot, orange, watermelon, stork. 6 slide - tiger, notebook, plate,

Who knows the poem about letters? H.On the letter N, I’m like on a ladder, I’m sitting and

I sing songs. ABOUT. Look at the wheel and you will see the letter O.

TO. The bird opened its beak, with the letter K, surprised us. WITH. The mouse sat in a corner, ate

bagel piece. A- the beginning of the alphabet, that's why she is famous. And it's easy to recognize

puts his feet wide. T tourist's axe. He walks fast through the mountains. Well done

Educator. And here is the second task. We need to divide words into syllables.

We will share with the help of musical instruments. (On the table are

inverted pictures: umbrella, parrot, glue, tram, boat, gloves,

mouse, trousers, horses, fox; and musical instruments: metallophone, tambourine,

maracas, rattles.) You need to take one picture to name the object,

shown on it, choose musical instrument and with his help

tap out the word. (completion of the task by children)

And this task has been completed.

Educator. It is necessary to pronounce the phrase at a different pace. First in

moderate, and then as quickly as possible, but try to clearly pronounce the words.

(Senya and Sanya have a catfish with a mustache ... I don’t need a beetle for dinner).

Well done guys, it worked out well.

Educator. The next task is "Continue the word" (with the ball) I

pronounce the first syllable, and throw the ball to the child. He calls a two-syllable word,

which begins with this syllable and throws the ball back: ma -, pa-; la-li-; book-;

zha-; ut-; RU-; But-; behind-; lu-; We-; shore-; de-; pu-…

Educator. Exercise "Make a word" (presentation)

1 slide - pictures: boat, duck, doll. ONION(the last one appears on click,

if the word is spelled correctly). 2 slide - carrot, orange, chair. POPPY

appears on click. 3 slide - melon, wasps, car. HOUSE also appears. 4

slide pan, needle, TV. WHALE also appears. 5 slide - snail,

bread, cloud EAR also appears. 6 slide - Nyusha, windows, candle. NOSE

also appears.

The child not only names the received word, but also explains how he

made up.

Educator. And now very difficult task. Gotta pick up

pictures of word schemes. Let's look at the pictures: apple, ball, cat, juice,

wolf, squirrel. What is the common sound and letter in all these words. We define

position of sound K.

The following diagrams appear on the screen:

To_ _; _ _ To; to _ _ _ _ to; _ _ _ To; _ _ _ To _ ; _ _ _ _ To _.

And you completed this task.

Educator. And the last task. There are pictures on the table, take one

one and listen to the task. It is necessary to pronounce the name of the picture with different strength

Well guys, you are great!

There are no more assignments.


Do you think we did our job?

What was the most interesting for you?

The janitor enters and brings a parcel for the children of the preparatory group.

Children open it, there are vitamins, plasticine and letters for

coloring. The children continued to work in art activities (sculpted letters,

coloring, cutting and composing)

Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution

child development center - kindergarten No. 8, Kurganinsk

Joint educational


on the sound culture of speech

(for children of preparatory

to school group)

Educator of the first qualification category

Tatyana Viktorovna Zhelyabina.

Open display for students.

Program content:

  • development of speech breathing;
  • to consolidate the ability to distinguish by ear and in pronunciation of sounds [V] And [V'];
  • strengthen the ability to clearly pronounce sounds [V] And [V'], in words and phrase; continue to differentiate isolated sounds, according to hardness-softness, to consolidate the ability to find the place of sounds in given words; educate the ability to work in a team, endurance;

Methods and techniques:

game - a surprise moment, verbal, visual.



pictures for sounds [V] And [V'], pictures of trees, emoticons, blue and green squares.

Demo material:

task envelope.

Course progress.

Educator: Guys, look, guests have come to us, they are smiling at you. And you smile at the guests. Smile at each other. Smile at me too. And listen to the poem.

"Good in the forest in April"

Good in the forest in April:
Smells like leafy rot
Different birds sing
Nests are built on trees;

In the glades of the lungwort
Strives to reach the sun
Between herbs morels
Raise caps;

Bud branches swell
leaves break through,
Ants start
Fix your palaces.

Teacher: Did you like the poem? What words do you remember and like the most? What words can determine that the poem is about spring? "Smells like leafy prey..." What does it smell like, you know? It is the smell of rotten leaves. So here

"It's good in the forest in April:

It smells like leafy prey ... "


1. Development of speech breathing.

Educator: Let's say everything together, but in one breath. 3 times

Now only girls ... 2 times

Vasilisa, Sasha, Arina.

Teacher: Very good.

Educator: Guys, today Lesovichok met me on the way to kindergarten, he told me that there was a problem with the spring, a strong gusty wind held it in the forest, he doesn’t want spring warmth to come to the city. Spring asked Lesovichka to turn to you for help. We've already helped him once. Do you think we can save Spring? Let's try. To do this, we need to complete all the tasks that Lesovichok handed over. Are you ready to help?

Children: Yes, ready!

First task.

2. Development of phonemic hearing.

Educator: Listen to the story about spring, in which the song of the wind settled, and Lesovichok asks you to find all these words. What is the song of the big wind?

Children: V-V-V

Educator: And the little one?

Children: B’ B’ B’

Educator: If you hear the song of a small wind, show the green square, and the big one - blue.

I am reading a story...

"Spring came"

Spring came. Everything became brighter than in winter: houses, fences, people's clothes, the sky, and the sun. You screw up your eyes from the April sun, it's so bright. And in a special way it gently warms, as if stroking everyone.

Buds on the branches swell in the gardens. They sway in the fresh wind and barely audibly whisper their spring song.

Both the forest and the garden smell in a special way - greenery, thawed earth, something fresh.

IN spring forest breathe easily and freely. The young, verdant forest whistles, shimmers in every way.

Joyfully, young in heaven, and on earth, and in the heart of man.

Teacher: You made me happy.

Next task.

3. Differentiation of isolated sounds.

Teacher: Look, this a big tree what song?

Show a picture of a big tree

Children: V-V-V

Educator: And this is a small tree.

Show a picture of a small tree

Children: B’ B’ B’

Teacher: Let's sing together. 3 times

We sing a song, then a big breeze, then a small one.

Now only girls ... 2 times

Now only boys… 2 times

Vania. K, Polina, Vanya. R ... 1 time

Third task.

4. Differentiation in words.

Educator: Look at the board 4 pictures in the name of which the song of the wind has settled. In this word, the song of what wind?

Children: Big

Educator: Right. Remind me a song.

Children: V-V-V

Educator: What chip will we designate, color?

Children: Blue chip.

Teacher: And here?

Children: small

Educator: Right. Remind me of this song.

Children: B’ B’ B’ green chip

Teacher: Very good. Now, in your place, remember the words in which the song of the wind, large or small, has settled, and one by one you will come up, pronounce your word so that everyone can hear your song that has settled in your word, take the chip of the color you need and attach it to the desired tree. ..

Teacher: Great. Let's rest, the breeze flew to us ...


The wind is blowing in our faces. (wave hands to face)

The tree swayed. (swing from side to side)

The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter. (sit down, wave your hands up and down)

The tree is getting higher and higher. (reach up)

And the last task.

5. Differentiation in a phrase.

Educator: Let's pronounce the tongue twister all together slowly, then quickly.

“Vali has a vase, Venya has a wreath”

Educator: We pronounce everything together slowly, then quickly.

Educator: Okay, pronounce it with different intonation.

Valya has a vase, Venya has a wreath - say sadly Misha, Nastya, Anya Zh.
Valya has a vase, Venya has a wreath - say joyfully Diana, Dasha
Valya has a vase, Venya has a wreath - say in surprise Vanya R., Ira
Valya has a vase, Venya has a wreath - say angrily Cyril, Dima

Valya has a vase, Venya has a wreath - say thoughtfully Sasha, Arina, Vanya K
Valya has a vase, Venya has a wreath - say calmly Vasilisa, Polina, Mariam

Educator: Well done guys, you coped with all the tasks. I think we saved the spring. The wind will finally let her go and the long-awaited spring will come. And here is a present for you from our Lesovichka. What is this? Yes, this is a turntable, we will catch our breeze, both large and small. Thank you…

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