Evgeny Bychkov: “Today, the Internet plays the same role as rock and roll used to. Although it does not carry a creative charge


The wife of life-sentenced Oleg Mikhailov became the mother of four children

A wedding was played in the colony for life-sentenced "Vologda Pyatak": the killer of the Orekhovo-Medvedkovo group Oleg Mikhailov married former investigator Victoria, mother of four children. She told us why she decided on this marriage.

Oleg Mikhailov and Victoria

On Ognenny Island, where a life sentence is served in the Vologda Pyatak serial killers and maniacs, Oleg Mikhailov married a 43-year-old resident of Perm.

"MK" became the unwitting culprit of this, so to speak, celebration. On March 12, 2018, Mikhailov's penitential confession was published on the pages of our newspaper under the title, which was read by Victoria. She was not afraid of the killer's confessions and found a place in her heart not just for sympathy, but for love.

Suppose Mikhailov is sincere both in his remorse for what he has done and in his feelings for Victoria. But so far no one has been released from the death row colony where he is imprisoned. And how can spouses who see each other only twice a year (more often dates are not allowed by law) be happy? And in general, what normal person wants to connect his life (albeit purely officially) with a hired killer?

We asked Victoria herself about all this.

REFERENCE "MK": “Oleg Mikhailov in the 90s was a full-time killer of the Orekhovo-Medvedkovskaya group. However, before the trial, no one knew him by sight, since the leadership of the organized crime group kept the mercenary apart so that he could kill his own. It was rumored that it was he who came up with the brutal method of hiding the bodies in barrels of concrete. At the trial of the leaders of the Orekhovo-Medvedkovskaya organized criminal group, it turned out that he was actually the only one who himself came to the authorities to write a confession. Mikhailov was found guilty of 9 murders.”

"Thank you! Thanks to you, I found my love ”- these are the lines of Mikhailov’s letter to the editor. But in front of me is that same love - a very pretty, sweet woman. Victoria has two higher education one of which is legal. Woman for a long time She was an investigator-inquirer, and then she began to do business. Victoria is divorced, now she has four children, adults live separately, the youngest are 3 and 4 years old.

You will also think: they say, probably, no one needed it and therefore contacted the prisoner? she asks. - Usually everyone thinks that only unclaimed women go for such actions.

- No. But why did you choose a convicted killer out of all the men?

Believe me, I had someone to marry. Not so long ago, a friend of mine made a marriage proposal to me. Another has been calling for marriage for several years. But I'm not interested in them. I would die of boredom. And it doesn't matter that there are four children. Before I met Oleg, I even had an idea: if you can’t fall in love with a Russian, you need to look for a foreigner.

- And then you got a newspaper in your hands?

Yes! I usually don’t read about crime, but then something happened. I read it once, twice. A lot of things struck me, especially the fact that he was the only one from the gang who wrote a confession, and the court did not take this into account, that he was asking for forgiveness from the Muscovites. I noticed that the head of the colony speaks well of him. For a long time I rummaged through the Internet in search of information about organized crime groups. I found almost nothing about him.

I don't justify it at all. But he was a killer in the bloody 90s. Back then, a lot of good boys got into gangs, no one was safe. In addition, I know that many former bandits, on whose conscience not fewer souls, then legalized, came to power or became businessmen. And now they have no questions.

In general, I began to notice that I think about this person all the time. Decided to write. At first I stopped myself: he is in prison for such terrible deeds! And then she nevertheless said to herself: “Write him a letter, since he hooked him. Write friendly. April 9, 2018 I sent email(Where to address it, I found out with the help of the Internet). I must say right away: I have never corresponded with men from places of deprivation of liberty.

Three days later I received a response. He warned me, wrote that I probably read the article in MK inattentively and that he was a bandit. Yes, here is the letter, see for yourself.

"Why do you need this, Vika?"

“Hello, Victoria-Vika! To be honest, I was very surprised by your letter. After all, I did not expect any letters after the article in Moskovsky Komsomolets about me. I did not expect any reaction to it from anyone.

Oleg Mikhailov in the cell

I have never given an interview to journalists before, it was my first experience of communication with the writing fraternity. And then the administration came to the cell, they said that the MK correspondent wanted to talk, and I, I don’t know why, agreed. Somehow it worked out. I just wanted to ask the Muscovites for forgiveness through Eva Merkacheva, the MK correspondent, for all the grief that I brought with my “activities”. It turned out what happened.

Vika, I don't think badly of you. I was not in the habit of judging anyone, and now that I myself am condemned, even more so. But why do you need this, Vika? Maybe you read something wrong about me? I'm not just a bandit, there's blood on my hands. You will need to re-read the article in "MK".

- That is, he kind of scolded you for wanting to correspond with him?

Yes! I think it's okay. I wrote to him again. And then we began to constantly exchange correspondence. And then he just wrote: "You know, I notice that I'm looking out the window and waiting for the postman with your letters."

- He, of course, has nothing more to do in prison. Well, what about you?

I was interested in him from the first moment. We have a complete coincidence in many ways: in habits, character, attitude to life. We even have one blood group - the fourth! I'm a roar like him. He recently listened on the radio while he was at work. captain's daughter” and was forced to pretend that something had fallen, while he wiped his tears under the table.

- And you believe in all this?

There are facts. We just have mystical coincidences. He divorced his first wife in the same year that I divorced my husband, and so on. Oleg, according to him, was "covered" last winter, he asked God for love. And just at that time I was making a “wish card”, and a man, a wedding were depicted there. In general, we both got what we wanted.

By the way, he perfectly feels me at such a great distance: he washed the dishes, took off the ring, and then he calls: “Vikulya, I don’t feel rings ...” We have the same size of fingers with him. After the wedding, I took him home wedding ring(not allowed in prison) and now I wear two at once.

During the interview, I photographed him from behind, so that his face was not visible. So you fell in love blindly? Did you care what he looked like?

I read in your article that he is athletic. I also found an old photo from the courtroom where members of the organized criminal group were tried. On May 25, we had our first date, and he was just worried that he would not like me outwardly.

- And how was the first date?

He wrote to me so that I would not come in until I talked with the leadership of the colony. “Listen to them and then make a decision. There are such cadres sitting here who get to know each other out of nothing to do or for the sake of parcels. I spoke to one of the bosses. He said: "Vika, Oleg is very vulnerable, don't break his heart."

Did he say so? Something not very believable, to be honest. The head of the colony told me that he spends hours discouraging potential brides who go to the local prisoners from all over Russia.

But here the case turns out to be special. He also said that Oleg never wrote to dating services that he did not correspond with any of the women. After the meeting, the boss called to himself: “So what? Did you like him?" What can you say?

I immediately felt that he was mine, completely mine. I have a shiver from his voice, and at first my legs were shaking when I picked up the phone and heard him on the other end of the wire. By the way, we are entitled to four calls a month.

May 9, Victory Day, Oleg proposed to me by phone. I didn't even think about it. But I had to go to Moscow, take a copy of his divorce certificate so that I could apply to the registry office.

Oleg at the wedding ceremony

"I was in a white dress, I brought him a suit"

- How was the wedding?

The ceremony took place on September 20. I rode with curls, they scattered in the wind, I had to collect my hair in a bun. But she was in a white dress. I brought him a suit. Everything was very fast, but solemn, in the psychologist's room. They signed, hugged once, and he was taken away.

- And it suits you that you and your husband will see each other only twice a year?

Many spouses see each other daily, and families are unhappy. They told me here: they say, Oleg “branded a woman”, deprived me of a future.

I am free and independent, I do not depend on anyone. If I decide to get a divorce, no one will stop me from doing it. But I feel that I will be with him until the end. I love him so much, although by nature I am not an amorous person.

And I will get divorced in two cases: if I find out that there are some other shura-mura with someone (at least by correspondence), and if they offend me with words and deeds. And so we want to have a child. We want to get married.

- As for the wedding ... After it, all the sins of the husband fall on the wife. And your chosen one is very heavy ...

He prays every day for the dead. I think I prayed, since God sent me to him. And the people who condemn me need to take care of their lives. Everyone goes their own way, and everyone gets what they deserve.

He provides for himself. Oleg works in the sewing industry until late every day. Himself called to go on shift at the weekend and holidays, if it's necessary. Everything he needs, he buys with his own money. So he doesn't need me to sponsor him.

I always take care of children, because I work from home.

- By the way, do the children know that you are married?

Little ones don't. And the elders know, of course. My daughter was shocked, she even thought that I had joined some kind of sect. I decided for myself: I will raise children, send them to adulthood, and I myself will settle next to the colony on an island or in the city of Belozersk. To be closer to him.

Oleg is a family man, not a lone wolf. I realized that he committed crimes mainly for the sake of his woman, her well-being. If not for this, then he would not have got into the gang in the first place.

From left to right: Andrey Pylev (sitting for life), Sergei Ananyevsky (killed), Grigory Gusyatinsky (killed), Sergei Butorin (sitting for life) - leaders of the Orekhov organized criminal group

And so he embarked on a criminal path in order to raise funds for the family. And then, when I realized that I had gotten myself into trouble, it was already dangerous to leave the gang. And he was afraid not for himself, but for her.

There was such Vladimir Gribkov, nicknamed the Baker, known for his cruelty. When he decided to leave, his wife was killed by the Pylevs, that is, their own people (the gang was headed by the Pylev brothers - Auth.). After that, he gave up the gang. Here he has 12 episodes (this is more than Oleg's), but they gave him only 13 years, and he has already been released on parole.

When Oleg was arrested, his wife left him. And I think she knew how he made money for her.

Oleg Mikhailov

Victoria, last question. Are you ready until the end of your days to love a prisoner who will never go beyond the perimeter guarded by machine gunners and dogs?

Ready. But I hope that he will be replaced with a life sentence for some specific period. There are reasons for this. According to today's legislation, if there was a confession, then they should not be given a life sentence. At the time when Oleg was tried, this was not the case. But the law is retroactive if it mitigates the fate of the prisoner. In general, I am now collecting documents with faith in the future.

It is difficult to understand a woman who connected her life with a suicide bomber. But she is not the first and not the last. In general, it has become like a tradition for Russian women to marry prisoners who, with sweet speeches and promises, find their way to their hearts.

But love story Mikhailova still, in my opinion, stands apart. Initially, during my visit to the colony, the head of the institution only found about him Nice words. And it was he who told the story, which later went into.

“Somehow they led us to work in formation, under escort. But the weather was good. It was very quiet, it was light, it was snowing lightly. And as if from the sky a ray of light fell on everyone. I had the feeling that the monks were going to obedience. A fleeting, but very vivid sensation.

Functions in C play the same role as subroutines and functions in Fortran or procedures and functions in Pascal. The function provides convenient way Separately issue some calculation and use it further, without caring about how it is implemented. After the functions are written, you can forget How they are done, it is enough to know What they know how to do. The mechanism for using a function in C is convenient, easy, and efficient. Often you will see short functions that are called only once: they are formatted as a function with the sole purpose of making the program clearer.

So far we've been using ready-made functions like main, getchar and putchar, now it's time for us to write some functions ourselves. There is no exponentiation operator in C like ** in Fortran. Therefore, we illustrate the mechanism for defining a function using the example of the function power(m, n), which raises the integer m to a positive integer power of n. So power(2, 5) is 32. In fact, for practical application this function is of little use, since it operates only on small integer powers, but it may well serve as an illustration. (There is a function in the standard library pow(x, y), which calculates x to the power of y.)

So we have a power function and a main function using its services, so the whole program looks like this:

#include ‹stdio.h›

int power(int m, int n);

/* power function test */

for (i = 0; i ‹ 10; ++i)

/* raise base to nth degree, n ›= 0 */

int power(int base, int n)

for (i = 1; i ‹= n; ++i)

The definition of any function has the following form:

result-type function-name (parameter list, if any)



Function definitions can be placed in any order in one or more source files, but any function must be located entirely in one. If the program's source code is spread over several files, you'll have to say a little more to compile and download it than if you were using a single file; but that already applies to operating system and not to the language. For now, we're assuming both functions are in the same file, so the knowledge you've already gained about running C programs will suffice.

In the next line from the main function, power is accessed twice.

printf("%d %d %d\n", i, power(2,i), power(-3,i));

Each time power is called, two arguments are passed, and each time main program main receives an integer as a response, which is then converted to the proper format and printed. Inside the expression, power(2, i) is an integer value just like 2 or i. (Not all functions return integer values; more on that in Chapter 4.)

In the first line of the power definition:

int power(int base, int n);

parameter types, function name, and result type are specified. Parameter names are local inside power, which means that they are hidden from every other function, so other subroutines are free to use the same names for their own purposes. The last statement is also true for the variables i and p: i in power and i in main have nothing in common.

Further parameter we will name the variable from the list of parameters enclosed in parentheses and given in the function definition, and argument- the value used when calling the function. Sometimes in the same sense we will use the terms formal argument And actual argument .

The value computed by the power function is returned to main using the statement return. Behind the word return any expression can follow:

return expression ;

The function does not necessarily return any value. Instruction return without an expression, it only transfers control to the program that called it, without passing any result value to it. The same thing happens if, in the course of calculations, we reach the end of the function, indicated in the text by the last closing curly brace. It is possible that the calling function ignores the result returned to it.

You probably paid attention to the instructions return at the end main. Since main is a function, like any other, it can return the resulting value to the one who called it - in fact, to the environment from which the program was launched. Normally, a null value is returned, which indicates that the execution completed normally. A non-zero value signals an unusual or erroneous termination. So far, for the sake of simplicity, we've omitted return from main, but from now on, we'll use return as a reminder that programs should report their exit status to the operating system.


int power(int m, int n);

standing directly in front main, tells that the power function expects two arguments of type int and returns a result like int. This ad is called function prototype, must be consistent with the definition and all calls power. If a function definition or call does not match its prototype, it is an error.

Parameter names do not require negotiation. In fact, in the prototype, they can be arbitrary or absent altogether, i.e., the prototype could be written like this:

int power(int, int);

However, well-chosen names explain the program, and we will often use this.

Historical reference. Most big differences ANSI-C from earlier versions of the language is just about how functions are declared and defined. In the first version of C, the power function had to be specified in following form:

/* power: raise base to the nth power, n ›= 0 */

/* (old-style C version) */

for (i = 1; i ‹= n; ++i)

Here, the parameter names are listed in parentheses, and their types are given before the first opening curly brace. If there is no indication of the type of the parameter, it is considered to be of type int. (The body of the function has not changed.)

The description of power at the beginning of the program according to the first version of C would have looked like this:

It was not possible to specify a list of parameters, and therefore the compiler was not able to check the correctness of calls to power. Since, in the absence of a declaration of power, it was assumed that the function returns a value of type int, in this case the declaration could be omitted entirely.

The new syntax for function prototypes makes it easier for the compiler to catch errors in the number of arguments and their types. The old function declaration and definition syntax is still allowed by the ANSI standard, at least for transition period, but if your compiler supports the new syntax, we strongly recommend that you only use it.

Exercise 1.15. Rewrite the temperature conversion program, separating the conversion itself into a separate function.

On May 30-31, 2016 Skoltech hosts a conference of the BRICS countries dedicated to photonics. Ildar Gabitov, director of the Skoltech Center for Photonics and Quantum Materials, shared his vision of the prospects of this technology with the site

Today, the development of electronics, which has significantly changed the technology of the last century, is entering a new phase. In a number of applications, its capabilities are approaching the physical limit, which requires the search for new technological solutions.

Photonics is one of the fastest growing industries. According to various estimates, today up to 30-40% of products manufactured in the world are created using photonics. Photo: Flickr.

In the past, the development of electronics took place in several stages: first, the basic principles were understood, the main components of electronic devices were created, such as inductors, resistors, radio tubes, etc. Later, semiconductor diodes and transistors appeared, which were used in electronic circuits for various purposes, from communication to control. characteristic feature this stage is the "discrete" nature of electronics devices.

Then, in the second half of the twentieth century, there were devices high degree integration - microcircuits, and then processors containing a huge number of elementary components. As a result, there was a transition from quantity to quality, the most vivid and understandable illustration of which can be a modern smartphone.

About 15-20 years ago, it was impossible to imagine not only the capabilities of this device, but also to some extent imagine the emergence of a need for its existence. It was impossible to think that short term mankind will have technological capabilities for industrial production such powerful and compact electronics, used not only in special applications but also in everyday life. For example, recalling the television series Star Track, we note that dialogues with a computer to connect to information databases were as fantastically unreal as instantaneous movements in space.

Photonics has been identified by the Russian government as a critical technology for our country

Today, the connection to information networks, available in the past only to imaginary heroes of science fiction, is everyday reality for anyone with a smartphone in hand. The capabilities of modern electronics are largely driven by breakthrough advances in highly integrated device technology.

However, the high degree of integration was, in turn, a source of limitations. further development electronic devices. The miniaturization and high density of processor components have led to many problems.

First, every element of an electronic device generates heat. The heat dissipation of an individual transistor is insignificant, however, due to the high density of transistors, the total heat dissipation becomes significant, which leads to overheating of the processor due to the lack of materials that can effectively remove heat.

Ildar Gabitov. Photo: site

Over the past few years, the clock speed has hardly grown, further progress is being made as a result of improving the architecture of processors. And, finally, the number of electrons involved in an elementary logical act has approached one, which is a natural limitation of the process of further miniaturization.

The combination of these problems forms serious limitations in the development of various electronics applications. Growing demands on information systems, brought to life the idea of ​​using photons rather than electrons as information carriers. A similar situation occurs in many other applications, which led to the emergence of photonics - the field of science and technology, where electrons have been replaced by photons.

Photonics is one of the fastest growing industries. According to various estimates, today up to 30-40% of products manufactured in the world are created using photonics. Fiber optic communication is the most a prime example development of photonic technologies, which has transformed our lives. There is a wonderful saying by M. Weiser (“The Computer for the 21st Century,” Scientific American, 2659(3) pp. 66-75, 1991): “The most significant technologies are those that disappear. They are woven into fabric. Everyday life becoming indistinguishable from her.” Photonics is the very case of technologies that are organically intertwined and “dissolved” in our lives. It has found its place in all spheres of human activity - from information technologies to agriculture.

However, many serious problems. Electrons have a charge, so they can be controlled electrically or magnetic fields. Photons are neutral and now science faces a problem effective management photons. The lack of effective photon flux control mechanisms is one of the reasons for the absence of high-speed optical computers, as well as information processing systems based solely on photonics devices.

The capabilities of modern electronics are largely driven by breakthrough advances in highly integrated device technology.

The creation of highly integrated photonics devices is one of the most important areas of research. The lack of materials suitable for creating such devices, restrictions on the localization of photons by the size of the wavelength, optical keys, and many other things are serious obstacles to solving this problem.

Today, intensive work is underway to solve the problem of creating highly integrated photonics devices, including research in frames national programs accepted in the US, Europe, and China. It is practically impossible to predict in full what technological shifts the solution of this problem will lead to. One can only guess about their scale, drawing an analogy with how the life of mankind has changed over the past 15-20 years after breakthrough achievements in electronics.

Photonics has been identified by the Russian government as a critical technology for our country. A similar decision was made by other BRICS countries. Along with India, our country is responsible for the development of the photonics program within the framework of the BRICS. The development of photonic technologies requires the attraction of significant financial and intellectual resources. It makes sense for the BRICS countries to combine the intellectual and financial capabilities, experience and competencies accumulated in this area.

The photonics conference at Skoltech will be the first in the history of the program. Its purpose is to identify priority areas and tasks in the field of photonics that are of mutual interest to the BRICS member countries. At this stage, it is necessary to get acquainted with potential partners, to get an idea of ​​the frontiers of research in the BRICS countries, in which areas it is necessary to develop cooperation, and in which programs and projects to consolidate resources.

Another important task of the conference will be to establish partnerships between universities, institutions, companies in the real sector of the economy and other structures of the BRICS member countries interested in implementing joint industrial-oriented projects. In this meeting, we should start by adding " simple fractions”, that is, from the procedure of “bringing disparate interests to a common denominator”. We must understand who is where, what each other needs, where we can combine our efforts.

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Andrey Tushev has been working at the Volgograd Youth Theater since 2010. During this time, he proved himself as a versatile actor, a professional in his field. Deep penetration into created image, sincerity and accuracy of the presentation of the material made him a favorite of the audience and brought recognition from his comrades in the shop.

Andrey Tushev's creative baggage includes a wide range of images created on the stage of the Youth Theatre. Such as Gary in the play "Gagarin Way", Warrior in the play "About the King of the Earth and Heaven", Coleman Connor in the play "The Dreary West", Seva Polonsky in the play "My Feast of Love", Nazaryev in the play "Life in Questions and Exclamations" , Shustek in the play “Before the cock crows”, roles in the productions of “Songs about the main thing”, “Notes of a Madman”, “Terrorism”, “Scream behind the scenes”.

The talent of Andrey Tushev was especially pronounced in the productions of the Volgograd Youth Theater recent years. His Chekhov characters in the play “Life in Questions and Exclamations” (in this production the artist plays several roles at once) are touching, a little funny and so familiar to us with their human weaknesses. You sincerely sympathize with them, empathize with the absurdities that they create for themselves. These are the same Chekhov " funny people”, for the images of which we love the work of Anton Pavlovich so much.

Another role, the veterinarian Shustek in the play "Before the rooster crows", turned out to be a landmark for the actor. In a magnificent ensemble of eleven characters, Pan Shustek Tusheva did not get lost, he remained a juicy brushstroke in a bright palette. The actor does not spare colors in the negative manifestations of his character. His Shustek is selfish, nervous, angry, hot-tempered, often unfair. But at the same time, he remains a living person with his aspirations, breakdowns and remorse.

Musicality and eccentric facets of his talent Tushev shows in the fairy tale "Puss in Boots", where in the images of Hans and Gustav he dances and sings beautifully, drawing funny characters that children like so much. Undoubted successes were the roles of the Middle in the absurdist play by Mrozhek "On the High Seas" and the freight forwarder Ugarov in the play based on Vampilov's comedy "Provincial Anecdotes". So different both in style and in character, the characters succeeded the actor with the same accuracy. The audience also remembered his Mikola from Shukshin's Freaks, a rude, narrow-minded, but sincere and sincere guy. Of particular note is the role of Tomsky in The Queen of Spades. In a stylish, infernal performance staged by Adgur Kove, Tushev leads the line of a rake, a bully and a life-burner. In the production of "Cabaret Illusion" Andrey showed outstanding vocal and plastic abilities.

Together with Volgograd youth theater and St. Petersburg director Yevgeny Zimin Andrey Tushev opens the famous Shakespearean comedy Twelfth Night. There is no doubt that new role, Sir Andrew Aguecheek, he will succeed with brilliance!

We live in the era of sequels and prequels, and it's no surprise that we see an actor in the same role year after year - say, Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark in Marvel comic films. But those are movie serials and movie cycles. And does it happen that an actor repeatedly portrays the same person in films that are not related to each other? For example, in different adaptations of the same book? Yes, it happens! We remembered ten actors and actresses who have repeatedly played the same roles in unrelated films.

Attention - we indicate total films in which the actor played the same role, and we do not separate related and unrelated tapes. For us, it is only important that among these paintings there are unrelated projects.

Peter O'Toole - Henry II (2 films)

Shot from the movie "Beckett"

It’s hard to believe now, but in 1964 one of the main films of the year was the historical drama Becket, which told about the conflict in medieval England between King Henry II and the Archbishop of Canterbury named Thomas Becket. Peter O'Toole played in this film the monarch who first shoved Becket into his post, and then drank grief with him. Four years later, in 1968, O'Toole again portrayed Henry II, but as an elderly monarch with adult sons in the drama The Lion in Winter. The actor was then one and a half times younger than his character. By the way, Richard Lion Heart, the eldest of the princes and the future famous king, played by Anthony Hopkins in that film. Both tapes are now considered Western classics.

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