Custom despot among people essay. You can be a good person


You can be a good person
And think about the beauty of nails:
Why fruitlessly argue with the century?
Custom despot among people.
The second Chadaev, my Eugene,
Fearing jealous judgments
There was a pedant in his clothes
And what we called a dandy.
It's three hours at least
Spent in front of the mirrors
And came out of the restroom
Like windy Venus
When, wearing a man's outfit,
The goddess is going to the masquerade.

"... Chaadaev ... - in the first edition, instead of a surname, there was ***"

“K. Polevoy described a meeting with Pushkin in St. Petersburg in 1828: “He lived in Demuth's hotel. When a guest came to him, he ... sat down at a table with toiletries and, talking, usually cleaned, sharpened his nails, so long that they could be called claws.
He continues to explain: “Pushkin does not want to lag behind Onegin in terms of philosophy ...“ The custom, - the philosopher Pushkin continues, - is a despot among people. Well, of course, and besides, custom always remains a despot among such philosophers as Onegin and Pushkin. Unfortunately, the number of such precious thinkers is slowly starting to decrease…”

Here are stanzas from "Eugene Onegin of our time" by D. Minaev - a parody of Pisarev's articles "Pushkin and Belinsky" which I quote. Minaev "translates" EO into a raznochin language, portrays the characters of the novel in accordance with Pisarev's tastes - and the caricature of the images that have arisen turns Pisarev's "criticism" into a caricature.
(But not for contemporaries - alas! Pisarev turned a whole generation away from AS. Here is the story of Marietta Shaginyan: “Pushkin from early childhood became my deity. And this deity - Pushkin - faded in front of me from page to page ... I was in the greatest, and spontaneous confusion ... mentally it was expressed in the pleasure of overthrowing the authorities "
So, X, XI and XII stanza of the first chapter of Minaev's parody:

Will I portray in a bright picture
secluded office
With a huge oven, very hot,
Where Onegin lived for five or six years
Next door to an old Swedish lady?
Window without curtains, cuckoo clock,
Oilcloth sofa in the corner
Yes, a chair attached to the table,
Where on the sheet from old lectures
There was Creon tobacco ...
An old tailcoat is thrown on the screen.
Skeletons several collections
And a couple of naked skulls
They look in the shadows between two cupboards.
A row of books on the unbleached shelves,
Pieces of paper, a penny erased ...
Slightly visible within the dusty
Jean Jacques Rousseau and Rigolbosch
A bottle of ink, a bottle of rum
Briefcase and Schlosser two volumes,
Cigars in a pack, microscope
And without glass stereoscope;
Two uncut logs
And an unfinished story
Where are a few initial phrases
The hero's pen is dirty,
But women's legs and heads
There he did not draw instead of words
O muse! Would you be glad
Start your review differently:
"Amber on the pipes of Tsaregrad,
Crystal, and bronze, and porcelain,
And everything that is loved in a fashionable light.
Instruct in this office;
But my hero, alas, is not fat,
And boudoir fragrance
From the office he drove strictly,
And he despised the upper world,
Even in high society have not been
But since there is a lot of phosphorus in it,
That he, friends, in absentia could
Be very strict with secular people"

The second Chadaev, my Eugene ... - Before this stanza, P very carefully introduced Onegin into his biographical environment .... Here, for the first time, such a rapprochement is carried out directly.

demi_ange :
200 years have passed, and the opposition of high spirituality and well-groomed hands is still relevant.
manon_gabrielle :
The word "pedant" refers us to the stanza where Onegin chats at receptions, being known as a "learned fellow", i.e. again for us collide already linguistically - the image of the "dandy" (from satyrs, as Lotman writes) and this very, with ostentatious learning, "pedant" - also, in fact, chatting for the sake of fashion.
The Problem of the 18th Century: Courtliness and Scholarship. In the space of the 1st chapter, it is not solved. Then he decides - in the 9th.


Rousseau considered it not at all to take care of his nails, but only to be immodest and excessive in the manifestation of this care. And Pushkin (in the midst of satire! after the “nail files”!) rushed to defend these whims of panache (Pushkin’s “think about the beauty of nails” should be understood in this way - otherwise what does he protect from Rousseau?)

Wanted to re-French the French?

What a barbaric streak! But it does not cause tenderness - what good is it in our shameful manner to ridicule and challenge someone else's high culture, instead of following her patterns or creating your own? And, almost as a favor, to borrow it from a foreign culture, for the most part, tops and bling?
Returning to Pushkin, isn't this the secret of the open-handedness of his "worldwide responsiveness"? “In Italy, he is Italian ...” - how not to be! - with such childishness, yes with national culture in the form of tabula rasa - what else could Gogol expect?

Event scenario

"Custom is a despot among men." A.S. Pushkin

(From the history of Russian etiquette)

Target: Introduce the history of Russian etiquette


Show that the rules of etiquette arose deep in antiquity and were caused by an urgent need.

Observe how the norms of human behavior in society have changed.

Create conditions for children to understand the need for etiquette rules

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, performance costumes.

Attached Media : , .

move class hour

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teacher . Today we will talk about etiquette.

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And who remembers what etiquette is? ("Established orderbehavior, forms of treatment in any society, ”- Akademic dictionary of the modern Russian language).We will touch on some moments of historyRussian etiquette. After all, it is important, owning the rules modern etiquette to know its history. So right?

Lead 1. "Respect for the past is the feature that distinguishes education from savagery." So wrote our great poetAlexander Sergeevich Pushkin.It is clear that this statement applies equally tohuman external culture.

Leading 2. Modern etiquette inherits the customs and traditions of all times and peoples. It has been proven that the desire to behave decently goes back thousands of years of human history. The rules of conduct are recorded in the oldest written documents, and it is quite obvious that these rules existed even before the advent of writing.

Teacher. But who came up withrules of etiquette?Who forced to reckon with them as with laws? Of course people. But not suddenly, not immediately. These rules arose and evolved over the centuries. And of course, they were most closely connected with the traditions, customs of a particular country, with the concepts of good and evil, with the laws that society adopted.

Leading 1 . The time has come, and the rules of etiquette began to be written down.

It is believed that the first book on etiquette was written in Egypt about 2350 BC. e. It was called: "Instruction by age Denia." Unfortunately, the contents of the book have not come down to us. But the first book on behavior that has come down to us was published in 1204. It was called« Discipline Clericalis" and was written by the Spanish priest Pedro Alfonso. It was intended for priests and monks. And only later began to publish etiquette manuals inHolland, France, Englandand other countries Europe. The main attention in such books was given to the order of receiving guests, conducting conversations and behavior at the table.

Leading 2. Rules of conduct on Rus', as elsewhere, they were formed under the influence of customs, traditions, and religious norms. The baptism of Rus' had a huge impact. At Byzantium they took not only Christianity, but also morality, which forbade killing, stealing, and revenge. Morals softened, the culture of Byzantium had a beneficial effect on the entire spiritual life of Rus'. Greek books were brought from Byzantium. And the grand dukes organized schools for the kids. In the instructions of that time for young people, we also find features of ancient Russian etiquette.

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Teacher. Here is what the Grand Duke wroteVladimir Monomakh in "Teaching" addressed to children:“My children or anyone else, listening to this letter, do not laugh at it, but accept it in your heart and do not be lazy, but work hard ...

Honor the old like a father, and the young like brothers. Most of all, honor the guest, wherever he comes to you, whether a commoner, or a noble, or an ambassador; if you cannot honor him with a gift, treat him with food and drink; for he, passing, will glorify man in all lands, either good or evil. Visit the sick, see the dead, for we are all mortal. Don't let a person pass without greeting him, and good word speak to him.

What you know how to do well, don't forget it, and what you don't know how to do, learn from it.- as my father, sitting at home, knew five languages, that's why he was honored from other countries. Laziness is the mother of everything bad... When you do good, do not be lazy for anything good...”

Archivist. Allow me to introduce myself, archivist.I am eager to acquaint you with my work, in which I talk about the etiquette of court life. I dare say that court life is a serious, cold, intense game. Entertainment has always been the main occupation. Masquerades, exquisite feasts, balls required good manners and special qualities of a person, but above all, nobility of origin.In the heyday royalty said that the lawsketa bind monarchs much more strongly than the law of the constitution.There was an expression: etiquette makes kings slaves of the court.

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Archivist. Of particular interest to me was the history of Russian etiquette.

In Russian society, etiquette began to take shape during the reign of PeterI. Before him in Rus', representatives of the ruling classesowls rarely communicated, and the circle of those who communicated was limited.They lived in isolation, meetings were either business or casual ha rakter.

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In the new capital, Petersburg, all sorts offestivities on the Neva, fleet reviews, theatrical performances, masquerades, receptions of foreign guests. All this destroyed the former isolation, increased communication. In 1718 PeterIintroduces assemblies - free meetings that open in the evenings innoble houses in established order. Their participants couldto be nobles, people higher ranks, as well as noble merchants and headsmasters. Lackeys and servants were not allowed to enter.

The assemblies were given from 5 to 10 pm. The biggest comNata at home was given under dance hall, where they were performed forWestern European dances (minuet, anglaise). In adjoining roomsusually played chess and cards. One room was intended for smoking.

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Women also had to take part in the assemblies. The host, hostess or someone from the household started dancing, after which the guests could dance. A man who wanted to dance with a lady approached her and made three ceremonial bows, which was a mandatory form of invitation. During the dance, he had to barely touch her fingers with his fingers, and after the end, kiss her hand.

Peter Iliked to have fun at the assemblies. Suddenly during slow dance a fast melody began to play. The ladies, on this signal, left the gentlemen, inviting new ones who had not danced before. The gentlemen, in turn, caught the ladies who left them or looked for others. In such moments there was running around, noise, shouting, jostling. was distributednew signal, everything was back to normal. And the one who stayedwithout a lady, was fined.

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Lead 1. The imperial court was famous for itsbrilliance and splendor. To be in good standing withyard, large expenses were required for the dress. Even the arrivalFrenchmen living in Russia, accustomed to the splendor of Versailles,marveled at the luxury of the Russian court.

To consolidate the new rules in Russian society, Peter ordered the publication special book. It appeared in 1717 and was called“Youth is an honest mirror,or Indication for worldly behavior, collected from various authors.

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Lead 2. Tricky, in modern eyes, the title, but before many books had headings that detailed the content. This was required by the etiquette of that time, respect for the reader!

The book gave advice to young people noble origin how to behave in society, in the family, how to achieve success at court and in the world.

Teacher. Let us turn to the book "Youth Honest Mirror". Here is what she advised young people: “To be polite in words, and the hat should be held in hands not at a loss, but worthy of praise, and it’s better when they say about someone: he is a polite, humble gentleman and well done, than when they say about whom: he there is an arrogant blockhead...” Perhaps not outdated, huh?

Archivist. In the post-Petrine era, when the noble state strengtheneddrank, for noble lifeXVIIIcenturies, splendor, luxury, the strictest class isolation, and etiquette developed to the smallest detail became characteristic.

During this period for Russian society french was excessiveinfluence. French became almost official in Russianym. During appointments, dinner parties, balls, masquerades andOn private evenings it was customary to speak French.

The higher nobility raised their children at home or in special educational institutions, military or civilian. Under the influence of French tutors in a noble societyXVIIIcentury there were two curious characteristic type. They were called petimeters and coquettes.

(Two petimeters appear, then two coquettes, ridiculously dressed, with large canes, with turned up collars, combed hair. When talking, they make incredible stresses in words .)

1st petimeter. You know, Alexander, I'm a real petimeter!

2nd petimeter. You know Michelle! I also consider myself a high-society cavalier, brought up in the French manner!

1st petimeter . Nothing Russian exists for me! And in general, I don’t want to know anything about my homeland!

2nd petimeter . Not only do I not want to know Russianright, I would not even want to know the Russian language! Nasty language!Why was I born Russian?!

1st coquette . I'm all about business and worries!

2nd coquette . Why are you so busy, my dear?

1st coquette . I am so tired! I've been studying grace all daybut bow, gracefully dance!

2nd coquette . What's this! I sit behind the toilet all day! I spent four hours in one "puder-mantel", whitened,blushed, furrowed her brows.

1st coquette . But yesterday I managed to stick a fly the size of a dime.

2nd coquette . And yesterday I'm like a real Frenchthe coquette received guests, lying in bed among a pile of pillows.

Petimeters begin to bow with coquettes.

1st petimeter . Let me introduce myself, Alexander!

2nd petimeter . Michelle! I am at your service.

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Archivist. Everything that was done in Paris becameobligatory and on Tverskoy Boulevard. In everything - blind podrazhanie French fashion. Petimeter had a gal up to his earsknocking, and on the chest - a huge number of key chains. In one handhe held a cane, and in the other a round hat, which he could notwear with a tousled hairdo.Respectful and important bows, hand salutations, curtsies andall other external greetings, manifestations of etiquette of that time represented a rather theatrical picture on the streets of PeTerburg and Moscow.

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Archivist. As for the merchant class, at first it was"dark realm" (A merchant and a merchant's wife appear. ) Merchants lived in the old fashioned way, like fathersand grandfathers taught. And they punished their children the same way.

Merchant. There were times before. Sit by the window, look how the pigs grunt in the puddles, and the chickens walk around the yard, that’s all, how to brush off annoying flies, and now there’s no time to sit down. The tsar-father, how he brought these foreign etiquettes - even a cow moo, even a guard shout! Now you have to shave your beard, wash your face and brush your teeth, but in the mornings coffee makes you drink, shove tobacco up your nose and smoke. The caftan, the caftan was cut off, it’s already a shameful place to see. But is it a thing seen before a woman to bow and kiss her hands? Ugh! Bad offspring! Totally fucked up!

Merchant. (Included ) Father, your coffee.

Merchant. (Drinking, grimacing ) I would like mead!

Archivist. In the morning the merchant sat in a shop, where he drank several so-called "galenks" of tea with friends he knew. Dinner at noon. After dinner I slept for three hours. The rest of the time he played checkers and had conversations. At nine o'clock in the evening he had supper and immediately went to bed.

Merchants, trying to give their speech a touch of politeness and imitating the provincial nobles in everything, used the particle “s” as the second part of the word.

Any actions of the head of the house were perceived as undeniable. When leaving, the husband punished his wife how to live without him.

Merchant. Agrafena! Agrafena! Where did you go, kuzkina mother?

Merchant. I'm coming! I'm coming! Cursed idol!(to the side).

Merchant. Look, Agrafena, I'm leaving. I will bring gifts fromfairs, well, don’t look at the neighbor’s men, ma listen to manka.

Merchant. How can I be without you, killer whale?! Oh! I can not! Yeswhat about how long - three days?

Merchant. Nothing! Nothing!

Archivist. The wife, seeing off her husband, had togive a bow to the ground, and after seeing it off, throw yourself on the porch and howl, thereby showing your loyalty and love for your husband. (The merchant leaves, and the merchant's wife accompanies him, wailing and saying. Music plays in the background .)

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Archivist. The life and way of life of the peasantry of Russia up to to end XIXcenturies were closed. But it is in theIn the Styansk environment, peculiar rules of behavior were formed that were characteristic of the Russian people: respect for the father, mother, oldkam, courtesy, hospitality.

From a real mistress, patience, courtesy, courtesy and delicacy were required above all.

No less serious attitude was required from the hostess and the duties of the mother. Under the nursery, the cleanest and brightest room was always assigned, since a the whole world. A to good manners The child was taught from the tenderest age. At the same time, they tried not to reprimand the children for pranks in the presence of strangers. But they were not in a hurry to praise too much. Remember that the most important educator - personal example parents. From here great attention to the language and tone in which the parents communicated with each other. They perfectly understood that the school does not educate, but only teaches. And the basis of education was put primarily respect for the elders.

Presenter1. How did young peopleyourself in this environment?

Archivist. No liberties between the youngpeople were not allowed. The guy saw off the one he likedgirl home, but never entered the house.

Lead 2. From a book of etiquetteXIXcentury: "Politeness- neither quality nor virtue, it is a quality that we learn and must teach our children, just as we learn to speak correctly and dress with taste. Is not politeness the form in which we clothe our actions?

Lead 1. The twentieth century has simplified and democratized the rules of conduct. Many customs and prejudices are gone. But for those who sometimes look down on people who lived in centuries past, who believe that all the old rules are outdated, I want to say: "Do not rush to judge and shake off the dust of the past." After all, we are left with the values ​​developed by previous generations.

Lead 2. In any village from century to century

Guests are greeted with a bow.

Good afternoon, a kind person!

And people respond the same way.

Etiquette norms developed gradually as a result of selection fromrules of conduct in the field of culture of human relations.They express the rich experience of human society.niya. Reasonableness, simplicity, naturalness, maximum respectto a person, his dignity - this is what modern etiquette is based on.

Lead 1. Oh, etiquette, oh, etiquette!Do we really need it today!

Lead 2. Most people think they do.

Modern etiquette is simple. It is not so difficult to remember that a man should give a woman a hand, helping to get out of the transport, help put on or take off a coat, give way tobus, and when entering the room, take off your hat. So let'sLet's be polite and considerate to each other. 'Cause it's soeasy, but so nice!

Lead 1. And one more piece of advice. Fashion is constantly changing, so, despite all its whims, learn Golden Rule and follow it always: “Avoid excesses! Everything is good in moderation". This is one of the commandments of modern etiquette, which has come to us from time immemorial.

Custom is a despot among people

Custom is a despot among people
From the novel in verse "Eugene Onegin" (1823-1831) by A. S. Pushkin (1799-1837) (ch. I, stanza 25).
Why fruitlessly argue with the century?
Custom is a despot among people.
The meaning of the expression: the rules once established by people eventually become unwritten laws that have to be obeyed - contrary to common sense and own interests.

encyclopedic Dictionary winged words and expressions. - M.: "Lokid-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003 .

See what "Custom is a despot among people" in other dictionaries:

    Allegorically about the power of habit, established traditions, etc. (ironic). see You can be a smart person / And think about the beauty of nails. Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. Moscow: Locky Press. Vadim Serov. 2003 ...

    The custom is not a cage (you can't rearrange it) Cf. Why fruitlessly argue with the century? Custom despot among people. A.S. Pushkin. Evg. Oneg. 1, 25. Cf. The custom of the land is the unwritten law of the land; custom and law. Stoglav. 42. Laws father (according to Nestor Pechersky) customs ...

    CUSTOM, custom, husband. The generally accepted, established, traditional order, rooted in the life of a particular class for a long time. "Custom is older than law." pogov. "The custom is a despot among men." Pushkin. "I don't know the customs here." A. Ostrovsky.… … Dictionary Ushakov

    - (inosk.) tyrant, oppressor, unbridled whimsically disposing of the Despotic family. Despotism. Wed What a despot! At the same time, Aggei Nikitich involuntarily looked down, secretly thinking that with what joy he would submit for the rest of his life to such a ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    - (1799 1837) poet and writer, founder of new Russian literature, creator of Russian literary language Oh, it's not hard to deceive me! I'm glad to be deceived! The disease of love is incurable. Being glorious is good, Calm is twice as good. ... ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

    Tradition- (lat. traditio - transmission; narration) - any social experience that is passed down from generation to generation. * * * (from lat. traditio - transmission, narration) - historically established and transmitted from generation to generation knowledge, forms ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

    adv. to barren (in 3 values). Why fruitlessly argue with the century? Custom despot among people. Pushkin, Eugene Onegin. Players fruitlessly tried to win back the ball from Topornin. L. Gumilevsky, Light from the East! … Small Academic Dictionary

    From the novel in verse "Eugene Onegin" (1823 1831) by A. S. Pushkin (1799 1837) (ch. 1, stanza 25): You can be a sensible person And think about the beauty of nails: Why is it useless to argue with the age? Custom despot among people. In these lines, the poet described not only ... ... Dictionary of winged words and expressions

    - - was born on May 26, 1799 in Moscow, on Nemetskaya Street in the house of Skvortsov; died January 29, 1837 in St. Petersburg. On his father's side, Pushkin belonged to the ancient noble family, which, according to the legend of genealogies, came from a native "from ... ... Big biographical encyclopedia

anti_fascist1 wrote on June 16th, 2014

Liberal "anti-family" values ​​are actively cultivated only among the lower classes and the population of the colonized countries. These are special values ​​for the “cattle”, aimed at destroying the connection between generations, the identity of people, the responsibility of a person to his ancestors and descendants, the ability to self-organize and, consequently, to resist.

We are completing the newspaper publication of fragments of the analysis of the survey results AXIO-4 results on question No. 20, from the answers to which we wanted to understand to what extent certain types of behavior, the attitude towards which was the subject of our study, are unacceptable (or desirable) for citizens. The question was formulated as follows: “Any features of the behavior and lifestyle of people can manifest themselves with varying degrees of publicity. For example, there are people who like to drink beer. You can drink beer at home alone, you can in company and in public, you can engage in propaganda of drinking beer as a better holiday, or you can create a "Party of Beer Lovers" and fight for the adoption of laws on the mandatory drinking of beer once a month (those who do not drink - a fine), as well as against discrimination against the rights of beer lovers near children's institutions. Below are various features behavior and lifestyle of people. Please indicate on each line what level of publicity you personally think is acceptable for each of these features?”

The rating scale proposed to the respondents was constructed on the basis of the assumption that a person’s attitude to a particular behavior is manifested, in particular, in the degree of publicity and “acceptance” by society for this behavior he considers normal. That is, if a person considers some behavior generally unacceptable and impossible, then even alone with himself, he will not be able to implement this behavior, since he will not be allowed to do it. own feeling guilt (which is a reflection of the internalized, that is, the social prohibition immersed in the personality and accepted by it). Let's say we know that naked body in Christian culture for a very long time it was “under a ban” so complete that even at home, alone with themselves, people could not undress, including for swimming, etc. What prevented people from stripping naked at home, without witnesses, in a completely safe situation? It was probably the guilt that would have tormented them if they had done so. Then, as we know, this norm was slowly shifting, "democratized" ... First, on public beaches, they swam practically in overalls, then they began to bare their arms and legs, then ... you know. Even 30 years ago, an adult in shorts and slippers walking through Moscow was perceived as crazy (probably it would be more correct to write “would be perceived”, because there were none). And now ... thanks for not wearing a bikini.

If a social ban on a particular behavior is not so strict and not so justified for a person, but still exists, then a person can allow the corresponding behavior alone (without being tormented by guilt) and even, perhaps, will be able to behave this way in the presence of some people known to him, but to allow such behavior in public, in front of strangers, he will be hindered by a sense of shame - after all, he knows about the existence of the ban. By the way, the opposite is also true: behavior that is acceptable in secluded places, but shown to the general public, is described by the audience as shameless. Let's say, more recently, for a long time hugging and kissing in public places was not accepted, ashamed. And therefore good place for lovers who had nowhere to hide, the back rows of cinemas were considered - it’s dark there and everyone is looking at the screen. However, now they squeeze and kiss passionately almost everywhere, almost defiantly, and almost always involuntary spectators describe this behavior as shamelessness.

When a certain behavior becomes more or less common and does not cause a negative reaction of the people observing it, then the person is no longer ashamed of such behavior. However, this does not mean at all that he considers him a role model and will, for example, teach his children to behave this way: this is the next phase, which for some types of behavior may never come. For example, today in Russia the use of obscenity has become so widespread that people have already stopped even reacting: if earlier citizens who used obscenity in public were necessarily reprimanded, now they no longer do it, and with the use of obscenity in the media and “works of art” it has gone so far that had to take special law, which forbids it. However, we can hardly imagine parents who will teach their children "Russian swearing." Because it's accepted, but...

Some behavior can be perceived by a person not just as accepted, but as correct, as an achievement, a basis for pride. And in this case, the person will believe that this behavior should be promoted and disseminated, and it is in this case that he will teach his children to behave accordingly. For example, if a person lets women go ahead and gives them a seat in transport, he has the right to be proud of himself and he will definitely teach his children to behave the same way.

Finally, there are types of behavior that are perceived as inalienable attributes of people, as something that is not subject to evaluation, and even more so cannot be banned. For example, it is impossible to take away a person's nationality and commitment to their national traditions. And the desire to educate children in these traditions. And so on. These types of behavior are perceived by people as an absolute value, so any discrimination against such behavior will be rejected.

In accordance with the assumptions described above, the scale used in question No. 20 was compiled. For clarity of analysis, we calculated the total index (assigned values ​​from -3 to +3 to different answers, then calculated the average value of the index for the group). The results are presented in fig. VII-1.

It seems to us that Fig. 1 does not require special comments: everyone can easily see for himself how valuable traditional values ​​are for the citizens of Russia (pardon the pun). The only thing I would like to pay special attention to is the strange, “invisible” presence of the value of the family in all answers to question No. 20. The fact is that the family and the protection of the family were not directly asked in this question. However, the answers “lined up” in such a way that everything that threatens the family turned out to be completely unacceptable, and only that which supports the family was positively assessed. And not just any, but a large one, and not a nuclear one, but a large one. Of course, this can be "induced" by all previous questions of the questionnaire, however, it seems that not completely. Because the value of the family in Russian society is very large, and no raids on it and digging under it do not help.

They “help” only a very small group of citizens, about whom we have already spoken many times when analyzing the results of the survey. These are "reckless and uncompromising Westerners" - those who believe that the West should be an example for Russia in everything, and even better - for Russia to become the West in every sense. The indexes for question No. 20 for this group are shown in Fig. 1 in comparison with the averages for the entire sample. VII-2.

As can be seen from the figure, the "Westerners" are, without a doubt, our people. Because the structure of their answers is exactly the same as everyone else’s (deviations were revealed only in relation to the assessment of three types of behavior: “Same-sex marriages” and “Adoption and upbringing of children by same-sex families”, which are ranked by “Westernoids” by seven points higher than the average among Russians, as well as “Punishment of children in the family with slaps, cuffs”, which are 11 points lower among the “Westernoids” than the majority). That is, the "Westerners" are simply the most suggestible and most propagandized Russians. After all, three listed species behaviors are precisely the very ones that are the reasons for the West’s claims to Russia regarding human rights violations: a ban on the promotion of homosexuality, the refusal to allow same-sex marriages and the introduction of juvenile justice and the practice of mass removal of children from families for “small crimes” against children. That is, it was precisely on these points that the pressure of the Western propaganda machine was maximum. And the result - for the "Western" - is obvious.

What would our “westernized” dolphins do if they knew that all these “liberal values” that they defend under the propaganda onslaught of the West are in fact not intended for everyone, but exclusively for “anchovies” - that is, for cattle, for for the poor, for the lower classes, and that real Western dolphins live just according to traditional values?

In 2012, renowned American political scientist Charles Murray published a sociological study of class differences in the United States Coming Apart: The State of White America 1960-2010. The book was named the book of the year in the United States, and its heated discussion continues to this day.

Bursting at the Seams analyzes sociological data about the differences between the classes of the white population of the United States. The lower class refers to the "blue-collar" workers, more precisely, the "new poor", whose number today reaches 30% of the population. Under the highest - representatives of the 10% of the richest part of the US population.

The average statistical differences in intelligence between the lower and upper classes greatly exceed the differences between whites and blacks, men and women, Jews and other ethnic groups. Class differences are not limited to intelligence, they are manifested in everything and are aggravated every year. The upper class lives an average of 15-20 years longer, which is associated not only with the availability of better medicine, but also more in a healthy way the lives of the rich. In the upper class, there are practically no traditional American fat men, fattened on hamburgers, cola and chips, since representatives of the upper class do not eat such muck. The rich go in for sports, they don't have bad habits, have intelligent and healthy neighbors, they know nothing about the crisis of American education, as their children study in the best schools in the world and in top universities. Representatives of the upper class do not watch serials and similar mass production, they prefer real art. They don't go to the standard resorts - 5-star fattening grounds for the middle class, who crave a few days a year to be the master of life, they travel along uncharted routes. lifestyle of the wealthy involves wide communication, close family and comradely ties.

The rich live in special separate places, which Murray calls Belmonts (beautiful mountain), and the depressed, dirty and unsafe places where the poor live are called Fishtowns (fish town; of course - for anchovies). In such fishtowns over the past 50 years, there has been a catastrophic worsening according to indicators such as:

  • the number of people living and raising children out of wedlock;

  • share of divorces;

  • the percentage of people receiving a full secondary or higher education;

  • the level of crime (in the number of convicted criminals per 1,000 people);

  • debt level;

  • the number of drug addicts;

  • percentage of teenage pregnancy;

  • reduced participation in civil society structures;

  • decrease in the number of believers.

That is, the upper class of America is returning by leaps and bounds to the traditional values ​​that they so passionately destroyed among their citizens and are now persistently trying to destroy all over the world. Statistics show that American dolphins are downright traditional society: the number of divorces has decreased several times, religiosity is growing, Puritan values ​​are being revived, the participation of parents in the upbringing of their own children is growing. The marriages of the rich are completely closed in their own circle - upper layer turns into a closed caste, money is no longer an automatic ticket to the upper class for the "new rich".

Custom is a despot among people
From the novel in verse "Eugene Onegin" (1823-1831) by A. S. Pushkin (1799-1837) (ch. I, stanza 25).
Why fruitlessly argue with the century?
Custom is a despot among people.
The meaning of the expression: the rules once established by people eventually become unwritten laws that you have to obey - contrary to common sense and your own interests.

  • - in the Eastern Roman Empire, the title of co-ruler of the emperor, and in the Middle Ages the title of sovereigns in the Balkan ...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - Loans. V late XVII V. from the French lang., where despote Greek. despotēs "master, master of the house, chief" , which is the addition of des <...

    Etymological dictionary Russian language

  • - Allegorically about the power of habit, established traditions, etc. . see You can be a smart person / And think about the beauty of nails ...

    Dictionary of winged words and expressions

  • - ; pl. de/spots, R....

    Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

  • - DESPOT, -a, husband. 1. In slave-owning monarchies ancient east: the supreme ruler, enjoying unlimited power. 2. An autocratic person, trampling on other people's desires, not taking into account anyone, a tyrant ...

    Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

  • - DESPOT, despot, husband. . The supreme ruler, enjoying unlimited power and guided by personal arbitrariness. || trans. A person who forces others to act according to his will, not taking into account other people's desires ...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

  • - despot I m. The supreme ruler of the slave-owning state, who enjoyed unlimited power. II m. The one who dictates his will to others tramples on other people's desires; tyrant...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

  • - d"...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - despot already in the 16th century; see Vasmer, Gr.-sl. this. 52. In other Russian, possibly from Greek. δεσπότης "lord, master", but in a negative sense. through app. languages: cf. German Despot, French despote, "cruel lord"...

    Vasmer's etymological dictionary

  • - DESPOT a, m. despote m., German. Despot gr. despotes master, master. 1. A despot, an autocratic ruler who rules not according to laws, but according to his own will. FRL-1 1 316...

    Historical dictionary gallicisms of the Russian language

  • - a tyrant, an oppressor, unbridled whimsically disposing of the Despotic family. Despotism...

    Explanatory-phraseological dictionary of Michelson

  • - tyrant, oppressor, unbridled whimsically disposing - in the family. medical...

    Michelson Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original orph.)

  • - See DECENCY - GOODNESS -...
  • - See VINA -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Great Despot. Jarg. school Principal of a school, technical school. VMN 2003, 43...

    Big dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - An autocratic ruler who does not limit his arbitrariness by any laws ...

    Dictionary foreign words Russian language

"Custom is a despot among people" in books


From the book Washington author Glagoleva Ekaterina Vladimirovna

DESPOT The revamped government team had to face new problem: 11 American merchant ships that were in total about a hundred people were captured in the Mediterranean by Algerian pirates. Washington reluctantly


From the book The Proclamation of the Buddha the author Karus Paul

Despot It happened that King Brahmadatta saw beautiful woman, the wife of a Brahmin merchant, and, burning with passion for her, ordered that a precious stone be secretly thrown into the cart of the merchant. gemstone allegedly was lost, he was searched for and found. The merchant was arrested


From the book Metamorphoses of Power author Toffler Alvin

DISPERSIVE "DESPOT" States proved unable to deal with terrorists or religious lunatics, and then found it harder to control corporations that could operate overseas and funnel funds, hazardous waste, and people there.


From the book …Para bellum! author Parshev Andrey Petrovich

Despot Manstein wrote a lot about Hitler, even devoted a whole chapter to him. At the same time, he not only describes the facts or actions of Hitler, but also tries to analyze them. His book is generally full of analytical analyzes of various circumstances, some of them successful, and

"Poor Despot"

From book Everyday life nobility in the golden age of Catherine author Eliseeva Olga Igorevna

"Poor despot" It would seem that such a mother should have taken care of raising her son. Blind him in your own image and likeness. However, life turned out differently. It would be wrong to think that Paul received the same bad education as his father. On the contrary, about education


From the book Friedrich Wilhelm I author Fenor Wolfgang

Despot Every year on the day of August 27, empty carriages drove up to the Berlin castle in the early morning. King Friedrich Wilhelm I politely led his wife Sophia Dorothea to the open carriage door. They were followed by little princes and princesses, as well as ladies of the court. All

Magnanimous Despot

From the book Paul I without retouching author Biographies and memoirs Team of authors --

Magnanimous Despot You see: I am not insensitive like a stone, and my heart is not so callous as many people think. My life will prove it. I prefer to be hated by doing good than loved by doing evil. Grand Duke Pavel Petrovich In the early morning of March 12, 1801 Russia

Despot and his state

From the book History of the Serbs author Chirkovich Sima M.

Despot and his state The great Turkish conquests in the period after the Battle of Kosovo were stopped by the threat from the East. Some of the Turkmen tribal elders conquered by the Ottomans managed to get the support of the Mongol commander Timur, whom the Europeans

Why fruitlessly argue with the century? / Custom is a despot among people

author Serov Vadim Vasilievich

Why fruitlessly argue with the century? / Custom is a despot among people Allegorically about the power of habit, established traditions, etc. (ironic). See You can be a smart person / And think about beauty

Custom is a despot among people

From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions author Serov Vadim Vasilievich

Custom is a despot among people From the novel in verse "Eugene Onegin" (1823-1831) by A. S. Pushkin (1799-1837) (ch. I, stanza 25). Why fruitlessly argue with the century? Custom is a despot among people. The meaning of the expression: the rules once established by people eventually become unwritten laws,

5. Custom, custom of business turnover, custom in the legal regulation of contracts

From the book Contract Law. Book one. General provisions author Braginsky Mikhail Isaakovich

5. Custom, custom business turnover, habits in legal regulation contracts Custom is a rule of conduct based on the duration and frequency of its application. The authority of custom is ultimately based on the formula: this is how everyone has always acted. Customs

Smug Despot

author Glass Lillian

Smug Despot ® The only time he feels uncomfortable is when his boots are tight.® He just lacks a few flaws to perfection.? Self-satisfied Despot - stubborn, insincere, dogmatic, critical, but not self-critical, stupid, arrogant, unsociable,

Smug Despot

From the book Harmful people around us [How to deal with them?] author Glass Lillian

The Smug Despot When confronted with the Smug Despot, first of all show him how unpleasant and boring he is for you using calm questions.

Chapter 6: That (the custom) to treat (people) is one of the manifestations of Islam.

From the book of Mukhtasar "Sahih" (collection of hadiths) by al-Bukhari

Chapter 6: That (the custom) to treat (people) is one of the manifestations of Islam. 12(12). It is reported that ‘Abdullah bin ‘Amr, may Allah be pleased with both of them, said: “A man asked the prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him: “Which manifestation of Islam is


From the book Cheat Sheet on Contract Law author Rezepova Victoria Evgenievna

3 CUSTOM, BUSINESS CUSTOM, USAGE IN THE LEGAL REGULATION OF CONTRACTS Custom is a rule of conduct based on the duration and repetition of its application, not regulated by law, developing spontaneously in society, transmitted from generation to

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