The role of arts and crafts in the formation of a child. Decorative and applied art: types, images, development


Today current situation in Russia is characterized by the devaluation of spiritual values ​​among young people, a decrease in the educational impact of historical and cultural values, art and education as critical factors formation of citizenship and patriotism younger generation.

Underestimation of patriotism as the most important component of public consciousness leads to a weakening of the socio-economic, spiritual and cultural foundations development of society and the state. This determines the key role of patriotic education in common system education of citizens of Russia.

The main goal of patriotic education is to create conditions for high social activity, spirituality, civic responsibility. The formation of young people who have, are able to show their positive values ​​and qualities in the creative process in the interests of the Fatherland, strengthening the state, ensuring its sustainable development.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

  • instill respect for national traditions and customs, heritage and culture of Russia ;
  • study the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which creates conditions for the worthy development of the individual;
  • instill respect for the armed forces of Russia;
  • to form in schoolchildren moral, psychological and physical readiness for the fulfillment of their constitutional duty to defend the Motherland .
  • to instill in young people a sense of pride and deep respect for the symbols of Russia (Coat of Arms, Flag, Anthem) and other symbols;
  • to form tolerance and development of friendly relations between peoples;
  • to develop a respectful attitude towards nature, to form a strong need for the protection of the natural environment.

Thus, the principles of patriotic education are :

  • the principle of a systematic and organized approach, which involves the constant, purposeful, coordinated work of all state and public structures for the patriotic education of youth in Russia;
  • the principle of a targeted approach in the formation of patriotism, involving the use special forms and methods of patriotic work, taking into account age, social and other groups of the population;
  • the principle of universality, based on the use of the socially valuable experience of past generations and pride in one's ancestors, national traditions in everyday life and intra-family relations;
  • the principle of taking into account regional conditions, which means the promotion of ideas and values ​​not only of all-Russian patriotism, but also local or regional, characterized by affection, love for the native land, city, street, team, etc.

The main groups that act as objects of patriotic education are:

1. The family, as the main social cell of society, in which the foundation is laid for the moral, spiritual, cultural, physical and other development of the individual. In the family, the formation of life guidelines and values, attitudes towards oneself, to other people and to the Fatherland takes place. Therefore, first of all, parents should be educated in the field of culture and traditions of the country, have knowledge of history native land. Special attention is paid to working with parents at the Raduga Creativity Center. Joint activities with children and parents various events, thematic hikes and walks allows to instill in children love and respect for the history of the country and the region from an early age.

2. Patriotic education in conditions additional education children. At the Raduga Creativity Center, patriotic education is one of the areas of spiritual and moral formation of the civic qualities of a person.

Patriotic education is carried out both in the learning process within the educational program of each creative team, and through a system of events: competitions, search and project activities etc. So, educational program"Istok" - History, Traditions, Customs, Culture - is designed to promote development creativity students, to stimulate their cognitive activity, to form a desire for self-improvement, thereby educating a moral and spiritual personality on the basis of familiarization with the history of the country, customs and culture of the peoples of the North Caucasus region.

3. Young citizens (volunteers), children and youth public organizations, associations. Public associations, organizations, movements, initiatives are a special institution of social education. Any social formation is a micromodel of society, since it has all its elements (a set of normative rules or laws, attributes, self-government bodies, elements of self-organization).

A new association "Leader's School" has been opened in the Center.

Patriotic education in public formations can be implemented both through the content of their activity programs and through the organization of the very way of life. Through familiarization with the values ​​of a public association, a value attitude towards civil and state values ​​is involuntarily formed, a careful and respectful attitude towards one's Motherland is brought up.

Members public associations master the elements of democratic, political, legal, national culture master social roles.

At the Center for Creativity "Rainbow" works children's association"Pioneer" new Russia» - Lermontov City Pioneer Organization, the main goal of which is to create conditions for the social development and self-realization of the child. The motto of the LGPO is "For the Motherland, Kindness, Honor and Justice." The organization has more than 250 pioneers from all schools in the city. The main areas of work: educational, search, Timurov, labor.

A body of student self-government "Council of Skillful" was created, the purpose of which is to ensure the management of the children's team of the Center for Creativity by teachers and students on the basis of their mutual trust and exactingness, respect and responsibility, creative cooperation .

Today, the youth organizations of the Raduga Creativity Center are one of the main initiators of many events held not only in the Center, but also in the city of Lermontov: “Parade of song and formation of pioneer detachments”, “Memory Watch” at the memorial “Fire of Eternal Glory”, “ Living Corridor" - to congratulate veterans of the Great Patriotic War, the action "Crystal Heart", "Veteran lives nearby", "My generation for peace in the Caucasus", "We are against smoking", the action "Clean City" and many others.

4. Creative, pedagogical intelligentsia and representatives of the media mass media(MASS MEDIA). Interaction with the media contributes to the growth of social activity of the younger generation, motivating them to participate in the affairs of the city. Thanks to the media, a system has been formed in the city to inform citizens about problems in the children's and youth environment. The creation of groups in social networks has become relevant, allowing young people to always be aware of the latest events, tell their peers about their activities and take part in the discussion of any issues.

5. Representatives of religious confessions traditional for Russia as carriers of spiritual and moral ideals and traditions of the Russian people.

Being included in the system of patriotic education, the listed social groups, at the same time, can act as subjects of patriotic education.

The Raduga Creativity Center regularly hosts preventive actions to create favorable conditions in the adolescent and youth environment for the education of a healthy society in which there is no place for drug addiction, alcoholism and other addictions.

Young people discuss important issues related to extremism, traffic rules, and attention is paid to the prevention of a healthy lifestyle. The children openly discuss the dangers of drugs that cause addiction and have a detrimental effect on the health of a teenager and plan new activities aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle. Excursions around the region, organized jointly with the Russian Geographical Society, have gained great popularity among young people.

In August 2014, the leaders of our youth organizations took part in the School of Active Leaders of Student Self-Government and Public Associations of the Territory, which was held on the basis of the Mashuk multifunctional center in Pyatigorsk. They successfully manifest themselves and acquire new experience. Every year the winners of the city competition "Leader" take part in regional competition"Leader". Here our guys prove to everyone what exactly they deserve to carry. honorary title- LEADER!

IN modern world small man lives and develops, surrounded by a variety of sources of social influence on him, both positive and negative, which daily fall on the child’s fragile intellect and feelings, on the still emerging sphere of morality.

Thus, the patriotic education of students is a process of purposeful, systematic and organized pedagogical influence on consciousness, feelings, will, and on the whole personality. young man with the aim of developing in him a versatile emotional and sensory sphere, social and moral, aesthetic, social and cultural values.

At the present stage, the patriotic education of the younger generations should be considered as component as one of the full-fledged directions in the school educational process.

Behind Lately nationalistic sentiments intensified significantly in Russian society. Negativism, a demonstrative attitude towards adults, cruelty in extreme manifestations. Crime has sharply increased and "younger". Many young people today found themselves outside the educational environment, on the street, where they learn the difficult science of education in harsh conditions. Behind last decade we have practically lost a whole generation whose representatives could potentially become true patriots and worthy citizens of our country.

At present, the priorities of earthly interests over moral and religious values, as well as patriotic feelings, are being imposed to a greater extent. " Traditional Basics upbringing and education are being replaced by "more modern", Western ones: Christian virtues - by the universal values ​​of humanism; pedagogy of respect for elders and joint work - the development of a creative egoistic personality; chastity, abstinence, self-restraint - permissiveness and satisfaction of one's needs; love and self-sacrifice - Western psychology of self-affirmation; interest in national culture- exceptional interest in foreign languages and foreign traditions.

Many scientists note that the crisis occurs in the souls of people. The system of former spiritual values ​​and guidelines has been lost, and new ones have not yet been developed. In turn, the system of false values ​​of "mass" culture and subcultures (Goths, punks, emo, skinheads, etc.) is spreading: consumerism, entertainment, the cult of power, aggression, vandalism, freedom without responsibility, simplification.

Hence one of sensitive issues is a question of patriotic education of modern youth. To be a patriot is a natural need of people, the satisfaction of which acts as a condition for their material and spiritual development, the establishment of a humanistic way of life, awareness of their historical cultural, national and spiritual belonging to the Motherland and understanding of the democratic prospects for its development in the modern world.

The understanding of patriotism has a deep theoretical tradition that goes back centuries. Already Plato has reasoning that the motherland is more precious than father and mother. In a more developed form, love for the Fatherland, as the highest value, is considered in the works of such thinkers as N. Machiavelli, Yu. Krizhanich, J.-J. Russo, I.G. Fichte.

The idea of ​​patriotism as the basis for the unification of Russian lands in the struggle against a common enemy is already clearly heard both in The Tale of Bygone Years and in the sermons of Sergius of Radonezh. As the country was liberated from the foreign yoke and the formation united state patriotic ideas acquire a material basis and become one of the forms of manifestation of state patriotism, the most important direction in the activities of state and public institutions.

Many thinkers and teachers of the past, revealing the role of patriotism in the process of personal development of a person, pointed to their many-sided formative influence. So, for example, K.D. Ushinsky believed that patriotism is not only an important task of education, but also a powerful pedagogical tool: “Just as there is no person without pride, so there is no person without love for the fatherland, and this love gives upbringing a sure key to a person’s heart and a powerful support for combating his bad natural, personal, family and tribal inclinations.”

I.A. Ilyin wrote: “People instinctively, naturally and imperceptibly get used to their environment, to nature, to their neighbors and culture of their country, to the life of their people. But that is precisely why the spiritual essence of patriotism almost always remains beyond the threshold of their consciousness. Then love for the motherland lives in the souls in the form of an unreasonable, objectively indefinite inclination, which either completely freezes and loses its strength until there is a proper irritation (in times of peace, in eras of calm life), then it flares up with a blind and unreasonable passion, the fire of an awakened, frightened and hardened instinct, capable of drowning out in the soul the voice of conscience, and the sense of proportion and justice, and even the demands of elementary meaning.

In the explanatory dictionary of V.I. Dahl, the word "patriot" means "lover of the fatherland, zealot for its good, fatherland lover, patriot or fatherlander". Patriotism as a personality trait is manifested in love and respect for one's Fatherland, compatriots, devotion, readiness to serve one's Motherland. The Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary gives the following definition of patriotism: “... love for the fatherland, for native land to their cultural environment. With these natural foundations of patriotism as a natural feeling, its moral significance as duties and virtues. A clear awareness of one's duties in relation to the fatherland and their faithful fulfillment form the virtue of patriotism, which from ancient times also had a religious significance ... ".

Patriotism is a spiritual phenomenon that has great stability, persists for a long time in the people when it is destroyed, and dies in the 3rd-4th generation. True, essentially spiritual patriotism presupposes disinterested, selfless service to the Fatherland. It was and remains a moral and political principle, a social feeling, the content of which is expressed in love for one's Fatherland, devotion to it, pride in its past and present, desire and readiness to defend it. Patriotism is one of the deepest feelings, fixed by centuries of struggle for the freedom and independence of the motherland.

Patriotism is an element of both social and individual consciousness. At the level of public consciousness, patriotism means the national and state idea of ​​unity and originality. given people which is formed on the basis of traditions, stereotypes, mores, history and culture of each specific nation. At the level of individual consciousness, patriotism is experienced as love for the Motherland, pride in one's country, the desire to know, understand and improve it. Thus, patriotism is one of the constituent elements of the structure of public consciousness, which reflects: the attitude of the individual to the Fatherland, to the Motherland, to the people.

A.N. Vyrshchikov, M.B. Kusmartsev believe that patriotism is not a movement against something, but a movement for the values ​​that society and man have. Patriotism is, first of all, a state of mind, soul. Hence, according to A.N. Vyrshchikova, M.B. Kusmartsev, the most important domestic sociocultural postulate comes out, revealing the meaning of education: highest value is a person who knows and is able to love, and the highest value of the person himself is love for his homeland. “The idea of ​​patriotism at all times has occupied a special place not only in the spiritual life of society, but also in all the most important areas of its activity - in ideology, politics, culture, economics, ecology, etc. Patriotism is an integral part of the national idea of ​​Russia, an integral component of domestic science and culture, developed over the centuries. He has always been regarded as a source of courage, heroism and strength of the Russian people, as a necessary condition for the greatness and power of our state.

True patriotism is humanistic in nature, includes respect for other peoples and countries, for their national customs and traditions, and is inextricably linked with culture. interethnic relations. In this sense, patriotism and the culture of interethnic relations are closely related to each other, act in an organic unity and are defined in pedagogy as “such a moral quality that includes the need to faithfully serve one's homeland, the manifestation of love and loyalty to it, the awareness and experience of its greatness. and glory, his spiritual connection with her, the desire to protect her honor and dignity, to strengthen her power and independence with practical deeds.

Thus, patriotism includes: a feeling of attachment to the places where a person was born and raised; respect for the language of their people; concern for the interests of the great and small motherland; awareness of the duty to the Motherland, upholding its honor and dignity, freedom and independence (defence of the Fatherland); manifestation of civic feelings and loyalty to the Motherland; pride in the social, economic, political, sports and cultural achievements of their country; pride in one's Fatherland, for the symbols of the state, for one's people; respect for the historical past of the Motherland, its people, its customs and traditions; responsibility for the fate of the Motherland and its people, their future, expressed in the desire to devote their work, the ability to strengthen the power and flourishing of the Motherland; humanism, mercy, universal values, i.е. true patriotism presupposes the formation and its long-term development of a whole complex of positive qualities. The basis of this development is the spiritual, moral and socio-cultural components. Patriotism acts in the unity of spirituality, citizenship and social activity of the individual, who is aware of his inseparability, inseparability from the Fatherland.

The main functions of patriotism of a Russian citizen at the beginning of the third millennium are: “preservation, savings and gathering of Russian statehood; reproduction of patriotically expressed social relations; ensuring the comfort of human life in this socio-cultural environment; protection of the state and national interests of Russia, its integrity; identification of a person in the socio-cultural environment of one's own small Motherland and correlation of oneself in the space of a large Motherland; mobilization of resources of an individual, a particular team, society, state in ensuring social, political and economic stability; civil and patriotic meaning formation in the life position and strategy of the individual; tolerance in the process of consolidation Russian society» .

State budgetary educational institution

Republic of Crimea

"Crimean gymnasium-boarding school for gifted children"

Article on the topic: "How to educate patriotism among young people."

Prepared by the teacher:

Umerova Lilia Alikovna

Simferopol 2016

How to instill patriotism in youth.

The system of patriotic education is formed by the state and public organizations. Its task is to give young people an idea of ​​patriotic consciousness, of the greatness of the Motherland, to educate a citizen of Russia. Military-patriotic education plays an important role in this system, because the young man must be ready to stand up for the country.

Significant stratification of society, economic crises and instability, lack of spiritual values ​​have a negative impact on the minds of young people. Patriotism gradually degenerates into nationalism or completely depreciates.

The manifestations of indifference, selfishness, cynicism, aggression and disrespectful attitude towards the state among young people became more and more noticeable. The prestige of military service and the army as a whole is falling. The positive educational impact on the part of the institutions of culture, education and art is decreasing.

statesmen are well aware of the urgency of measures to recreate the system of instilling patriotism among young people. It is necessary to unite and coordinate the efforts of all organizations dealing with this important issue. To do this, it is necessary to create a regulatory legal framework and develop a set of methods and means for the formation of patriotic consciousness among young people.

An important role in this matter is played by cinema, television and respected people of Russia. Heroic deeds And tragic events national history should be reflected and adequately served by the figures of cinema and television. People with undoubted authority, such as famous athletes, scientists, cultural and art figures and respected veterans, can greatly help in the promotion of patriotism.

The following priority measures are identified that will help raise the patriotism of the youth of Russia to the proper level. Amendments should be made to the Federal Law “On Days military glory Russia”, the list of museums that constitute the national treasure of the Motherland has been supplemented.

In schools and other educational institutions, military sports and other patriotic games should be revived. The same applies to various competitions about the history of Russia. For example, literary - for the best essay about the Patriotic War, artistic - for the best children's drawing about the greatness of the Motherland.

It is necessary to actively use the most modern technologies to attract the attention of young people. It's about on the creation of patriotic sites on the Internet.


A.G. Solomatina, teacher of physical culture,

Russia, Tula, GPOU TO "Tula State Municipal Construction College", [email protected]

Traditions of the military-patriotic education of youth in the Tula State Communal-Construction College (from work experience).

Key words: military-patriotic education, physical and psychological preparation, students, military sports games, competitions, service in the Armed Forces.

The life of society today poses the most serious tasks in the field of education and training of the new generation. The state needs healthy, courageous, courageous, enterprising, disciplined, literate people who would be ready to study, work for its benefit and, if necessary, stand up for its defense.The devaluation of spiritual values ​​had a negative impact on the public consciousness of the majority of the country's population, the educational impact of Russian culture and art as the most important factors in the formation of patriotism has sharply decreased. Significantly aggravated national question. Patriotism in some places began to degenerate into nationalism. Indifference, selfishness, individualism, cynicism, unmotivated aggressiveness, disrespectful attitude towards the state and social institutions have become widespread in the public consciousness.

The situation in the field pre-conscription training youth is also characterized by a number of negative factors. The dominant ones include the following: a decrease in the indicators of the state of health and physical development of the majority of conscripts, a weak system of preparation for military service, insufficient volumes of sports training, the absence of a unified coordinated program of military-patriotic education, insufficient development of military-applied and technical sports .

One of the main reasons for the low quality of training of the younger generation continues to be the weak level of the moral and psychological state of the majority of citizens, associated with the lack of conscious motivation, as well as the weak material and technical base of patriotic education. First of all, insufficient funding at the regional and municipal level; patriotic themes should be more represented in the media.

Military-patriotic education has a very special function that distinguishes it from other areas. educational work: to prepare youth for the most extreme situations defense of the Fatherland - to the armed struggle against the aggressor, to develop readiness for service in the Armed Forces of Russia and to conduct a daily struggle for the preservation of peace.

The criteria for military-patriotic education are: that students have the knowledge and skills necessary for the successful fulfillment of military duty to the Motherland; high discipline, direct military-patriotic activity as a factor in the formation of readiness to defend the fatherland; self-education as an indicator of the active, conscious attitude of young people to their military duty.

Despite the fact that in 2015 The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation stated “the trend towards a decrease in the number of citizens who evade activities related to conscription for military service, the bulk of first-year students of our technical school, after a sociological survey, would like to find a way to avoid military “service”.

stated that the level physical training in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation remains insufficient. First of all, he named the weak physical development conscripts and obsolete sports infrastructure.

Analyzing the conducted testing of the level of preparedness of first-year students of the technical school, it should be concluded that the physical readiness of the young replenishment of the Armed Forces has deteriorated. In general, 30-40% of conscripts have a low level of professionally significant physical qualities, military-applied motor skills and abilities. If the speed-strength qualities of young people are at the proper level, then strength qualities are not developed in 25%, and endurance in 60%% of students. There is a steady trend of new recruits entering the troops with poor health and a low level of physical fitness.

The relevance of the military-patriotic education of young people in an educational institution is increasing, since it is it that should make a significant contribution, and in some cases a decisive one, to the training of skilled and strong defenders of the Motherland.

The Tula State Communal Construction College has developed its own traditions, which are supported annually. Military-patriotic work is carried out in three main areas.

1 Education on the fighting traditions of the people and the Armed Forces:

  • events to perpetuate the memory of those who died in the struggle for the independence of our Motherland (participation in rallies, parades, commemorative events);
  • conducting excursions, lessons of Courage, meetings with war veterans;
  • celebrating anniversaries, holding competitions, watching videos, presentations;
  • messages about the heroic events of national history, outstanding achievements in the field of politics, economics, science, culture, sports.

2 Participation in military sports games and competitions:

  • paintball tournaments;
  • Open military sports game "Victory";
  • Regional military sports game "Defender of the Fatherland";
  • military-tactical game "March";
  • conducting a drill review and a military-patriotic song;
  • shooting sports tournaments;
  • Spartakiad of young men of pre-conscription age;
  • tourism competition.

3 Development of social partnership.

Work in this area is carried out through the expansion and development of cultural, educational, sports ties with various institutions, the participation of specialists from law enforcement agencies in leisure activities, military field training and competitions.In Tula, in April 2015, a club "Rusich" , its main goalmilitary-patriotic, sports education of the younger generation, preparation for military service. On the basis of the club, the theoretical, physical and psychological preparation of young people for military service in the 106th Guards Red Banner Airborne Order of Kutuzov II degree division and other branches of the military, formations, law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation, higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation takes place. Six of our students completed their initial military training at this club and received diplomas.

The main form of military-patriotic education is participation in military sports games and competitions.

Currently, among adolescents, there is an increase in interest in all kinds of games, sports associated with some extreme experiences. This phenomenon is due to the fact that the urbanization of society and the rapid technical progress so surrounded a person with comfort and all kinds of benefits of civilization, which led to the loss of the sharpness of emotional experiences, the appearance of hypodynamia.

Military sports games serve as a powerful protective tool against the "ideals" of the street, the transfer of positive social experience to adolescents, moral and physical improvement and the formation of patriotic consciousness.

The romance of heroic deeds on the battlefield in the name of defending the beloved Fatherland has always excited and will continue to excite youthful hearts. Satisfy their craving for military knowledge, give a correct idea of ​​some aspects of the marching and combat life, instill endurance, soldier's resourcefulness, determination and courage - this is the purpose of a military sports game.

The game accustoms a person to those physical and psychological conditions that are necessary for work. “What is a child like in a game,” wrote A.S. Makarenko, - this is how he will be in work in many respects when he grows up.

The main motives that generate students' interest in military sports games are the following: firstly, the desire to satisfy their desire for heroic deeds, to prove their adulthood, independence, to test their strengths and capabilities, to show personal qualities, to take a certain place in the team, assert oneself; secondly, the desire to acquire some primary military knowledge, skills and abilities in actions on the ground, as well as to develop a number of moral and volitional qualities necessary for active participation in the future in labor activity, the defense of one's Fatherland.

The lessons learned in the military sports field help not only in preparing for military service, but also in life, realizing the principle - "count on oneself." I affirm with confidence that students - participants of military sports games for service in the ranks armed forces ready both physically and mentally. For them, service is a duty both to the Motherland and to those people who have sacrificed their lives throughout history so that we can all live now.


1 Bondar N. G. Psychological readiness of young men for service in the armed forces of the Russian Federation / Psychological magazine, 2010. - No. 4

2 Bolshakova T.V., Krivtsova S.V. Features of social and psychological adaptation of conscripts / Personality in modern research, Issue 10: Sat. scientific tr. / Ryazan state. Honey. Univ. Ryazan, 2012.

3 Military-patriotic education of youth (Problems and experience): collection / comp. Yu. I. Deryugin. – M.: Patriot, 2011. – 210 p.

4 Soloviev V.A., Myasnikov V.R. The army conscription fell into a tailspin. / Independent military review. 2012. 21 Apr.

5 Sorokin M.A. To whom do we trust the defense of the Fatherland. Today's conscripts / Sociological research. - 2012. - No. 2.


In this work, an attempt is made to comprehensively analyze the role and educational function of history in the formation of young people from active civic and patriotic positions. The relevance of the topic is determined by the promising tasks of pedagogical science, based on the need for a comprehensive scientific penetration into the problem vocational education and requires its own scientific solution in the study pedagogical conditions for professional education. It is necessary to improve the forms and methods of teaching, to involve students more actively in working with various sources of knowledge, to develop independent thinking, to show creative activity. In the implementation of these tasks, an important role belongs to the subjects of the social and humanitarian cycle. One of the necessary conditions for strong and deep knowledge The development of students' thinking is the establishment of interdisciplinary connections, the inclusion of newly studied facts and concepts in the students' knowledge system, through such moral categories as patriotism.






1. Dal V. I. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. - M.: Astrel AST, 2006. - 983 p.

2. Lokshina S. M. Concise Dictionary foreign words. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1971. - 384 p.

3. Ozhegov S. I. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. - M.: A TEMP, 2004. - 944 p..

4. Political science. Encyclopedic Dictionary. - M., 1993. - 431s.

5. Simonov K. M. Living and dead. - M., 1989. - 350 p.

The revival of lost traditions, awareness of the identity of the culture of each ethnic group are the priority tasks of our time. The state strives to instill tolerance and mutual respect in the younger generation. Priority any state is patriotic education.

Patriotism implies pride in the achievements and culture of one's Motherland, the desire to preserve its character and cultural characteristics, the desire to protect the interests of the motherland. In addition to the personal aspirations of a person, universal human values ​​are needed, and one of them is a sense of patriotism. It is patriotism, love for one's Motherland, that is the moral trait that binds all people into a single society. Only a society united by love for its Motherland can make the state integral and prosperous.

Patriotism is a feeling that is understandable and inherent in every reasonable person. It is a moral category inseparable from the individual and civic qualities of a person. Patriotism is moral and political principle, a social feeling, the content of which is love for the fatherland. Vladimir Dal interpreted patriotism as "love for the motherland". Without a deep feeling of love for one's country, genuine patriotism, there is no real citizen, no real person.

There are various definitions of the concept of patriotism. The explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by S.I. Ozhegov gives the following definition to the concept of patriotism: “Patriotism is devotion and love for one’s fatherland, for one’s people.” In the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Political Science, edited by Averyanova Yu. I.: “Patriotism is an emotional attitude towards the motherland, expressed in the readiness to serve it and protect it from enemies.” The dictionary of foreign words in Russian gives the following definition to this concept: “Patriotism is love for the motherland, for the fatherland; one of the deepest feelings fixed for centuries and millennia.

Patriotic education goes through several stages: from love for one's family to love for the Motherland. Love for the motherland is highest level patriotism.

Reviving the traditions and achievements of previous generations, we create conditions for progressive movement into the future, and this is where education plays a great role as a factor in ensuring peace and stability by educating young people in the spirit of tolerance and harmony. An integral part of the formation of patriotism among modern youth is education on the examples of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

Every year the events of the Great Patriotic War, there are fewer and fewer witnesses of those terrible days. There are very few veterans left who have endured on their shoulders the exorbitant burden of front-line everyday life, the inhuman exertion of forces in bloodless villages, at factories and railways. The sacred duty of contemporaries to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War is not to forget about the exploits they accomplished, to have a complete picture of the tragic and heroic pages of the Great Patriotic War. War with Nazi Germany showed the whole world the unprecedented stamina and courage of the Soviet soldier.

“There is high historical justice in the fact that the country again and again remembers the feat of its sons. The world would be different if Soviet people did not survive, could not stand these four years, ”wrote K. Simonov.

The years of the Great Patriotic War - the years of courage, heroism, fortitude Soviet people. Knowledge historical events creates the basis for the formation of patriotic feelings among modern youth. The theme of the Great Patriotic War will not lose its relevance, because this event affected every family. Every year, Victory Day is widely celebrated in countries that fought against the Nazi invaders.

Thousands of young girls and boys perished on the battlefield. They were inspired by the idea of ​​victory. They sacrificed their lives for the sake of our youth, the state now prospering. Each person should think about this and be grateful to these people for having the opportunity to breathe deeply in a free country.

It should be noted that patriotism acts in the unity of spirituality, citizenship and social activity of the individual, which is formed under the influence of many factors. In this case, education plays a major role. After all, it has always had a decisive impact on the formation of the individual and, accordingly, on the well-being of the whole society.

A person's personality is formed and developed as a result of the influence of numerous factors, objective and subjective, natural and social, internal and external, independent and dependent on the will and consciousness of people acting spontaneously or according to certain goals. At the same time, the person himself is not thought of as a passive being, which photographically reflects external influences. It acts as a subject of its own formation and development. The genetic characteristics of the individual, received by him at birth, have a great influence. Hereditary traits are the basis for the formation of personality. Abilities or physical qualities leave an imprint on his character, the way he perceives the world around him. Biological heredity largely explains the individuality of the individual, its difference from other individuals, since there are no two identical individuals in terms of their biological heredity. A unique individual experience is one of the most significant factors in the formation of a person's personality. There are certain conditions under which moral qualities person. The personality of a person is formed on the basis of what nature has given a person (heredity), environment and what man has made of himself.

In solving the problems of patriotic education of the modern generation, young people themselves should take part, realizing the importance of their activities in the life of the Motherland, to love, know and respect its culture, traditions and history. The feeling of patriotism is multifaceted in content. This is not only love for the Motherland, it is also love for one's native places, and pride in one's people, and a sense of one's inseparability with the outside world, and a desire to preserve and increase the wealth of one's country.

Patriotic education of young people is a process of influencing them with the aim of conscious perception of historical knowledge about the best traditions of their people, their heroic struggle, deeds, talents of the best sons, knowledge of the symbols of the state, education of intransigence towards the enemies of their homeland.

In our society, issues of moral education, the revival of such spiritual values ​​as: a sense of respect and tolerance for the culture and religions of other peoples, a sense of high patriotic consciousness, a sense of pride in one's country and people, a sense of loyalty and readiness to fulfill civic duty are becoming relevant.

Modern education needs to create a fundamentally new approach to the development of a modern communicative versatile personality capable of active work in a multicultural environment, with a developed sense of understanding and respect for other cultures, the ability to live in peace and harmony with people different nationalities, races, beliefs.

The main goal of the moral education of young people in the university is education through educational process, the revival of universal values. One of the tasks high school is to instill in students the skills of research work. Engaging in science forms respect for scientific truth and objectivity. The process of scientific research enriches the emotional sphere of the individual (belief in one's ideals, experiencing success, overcoming obstacles, a sense of one's own growth). All this contributes to the moral improvement of the individual, forms the civic consciousness of a person, brings up principles and consistency, strengthens and develops volitional qualities. At the same time, research activities are inseparable from painstaking everyday work that requires diligence and mobilization of forces.

spiritual man is a person who is active life position, intellectually developed, able to work for the good of the Motherland, leading healthy lifestyle life, morally well-founded, aesthetically enlightened, able to navigate the complex modern world. At the same time, spirituality consists in introducing a person to the basics cultural behavior, rules and norms of culture of speech and communication. A spiritual person is a tactful, well-mannered, delicate person. It is impossible in the conditions of the modern tense rhythm of life, increasing stress and intensification of communication to act by chance. The culture of behavior is the face of the nation, respect for oneself and others. A spiritual person does not waste his lofty human feelings in vain.

The moral development of youth, preparing it for independent living is the most important component of the development of society and the state. family tandem and teaching staff educational institutions form the basis of education and upbringing in the university. moral education students as the main driving force society should be carried out on the basis of modern experience of the integration of educational and educational processes, the balance of state, public and family education.

The experience of generations convinces us that education is of great importance in the social and spiritual development of a person. In the new prevailing conditions, only culture, its spiritual and moral values ​​can serve as a guide in the life of a young person and protect his spiritual health. Education can be different: intellectual, aesthetic, moral, labor, physical, etc., but has a common goal - the formation and development of a holistic healthy spiritual world person.

Spirituality is a qualitative characteristic of the consciousness and self-awareness of the individual, reflecting the integrity and harmony of its inner world, the ability to go beyond oneself and harmonize one's relations with the outside world.

The historical memory of the people is passed down from generation to generation. Spiritual and cultural values ​​created in the past become property modern society. History has the property of emotional impact on the thoughts and feelings of people, it actively participates in the harmonious education of a person and contributes to the formation of patriotism. The joint efforts of teachers and the younger generation should be aimed at creating all kinds of conditions for the formation of the spiritual and moral sphere modern personality on which the future of human society depends.


Egorov Viktor Vladimirovich, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of KSTU, Karaganda.

Mirza Natalya Viktorovna, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of T and MD and PPP of the Social Pedagogical Faculty of KarSU named after. E. A. Buketova, Karaganda.

Bibliographic link

Daniyarova A.E., Tleugabylova K.S., Abdrakhmanova A.A. ABOUT PATRIOTIC AND MORAL EDUCATION OF YOUTH AT THE PRESENT STAGE // Modern problems of science and education. - 2013. - No. 1.;
URL: (date of access: 04/06/2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

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