Where was Eugene Onegin written? Eugene Onegin


January 27th, 2012 07:01 pm

Sexologist Alexander Kotrovsky put forward a sensational version of reading famous novel Alexander Pushkin...

The conversation about Pushkin started almost by accident. With a candidate of medical sciences, we talked about the wave of pedophilia that swept the country this year. What to do?

Take an example from Eugene Onegin! - said the doctor. - He did not seduce the young Tatyana, although the girl herself offered herself to him.

Onegin should become a model for schoolchildren. Look guys here a real man! There would be fewer pedophiles in the country ... Now, every day there are reports of children - victims of violence.

The State Duma is already proposing life imprisonment for those who have committed sexual acts with teenagers under the age of 14. And Tatyana was 13!

Can't be! I wondered.

And I heard a new and, frankly, slightly stunned interpretation of the novel - from the point of view of a sexologist. Here she is.

It's time to finally restore justice! A 26-year-old man quite naturally refused a 13-year-old, and for this Noble act the progressive public condemns!

Let's turn to the novel. After 17 years, Eugene began to attend balls. Had many sexual relations with married women. And with the girls, whom he "privately gave lessons in silence." He was a genius in the science of tender passion. He had a strong sexual constitution.

At the age of 26, he found himself in a remote village, making out the inheritance of a rich uncle. All mistresses remained in St. Petersburg. Experienced forced sexual abstinence.

And then the 13-year-old landowner's daughter offers herself to him: “That is the will of heaven: I am yours!”

He refuses. Evidence that he had a normal psychosexual sex- and age-oriented libido. Attracted to mature women, sexually mature girls. But not for girls!

There were no romantic feelings for Tatyana either. I appreciated that her feeling is immature. The girl has been reading romance novels, decided to realize her romantic libido. Then turned up mysterious person from the capital. And after all, Eugene kept the very fact of the letter a secret, did not brag and compromise Tatyana. A real man!

- And why then did our ideal for married Tatyana flare up with passion?

After long wanderings he returned to Petersburg. At the very first ball I saw the most beautiful lady of the capital, immediately fell in love with her and tried to get closer. Risking his reputation and the reputation of Tatyana and her husband. This means that the normal libido has been preserved. He did not react to the girl, but to the adult beauty - instantly! He hardly recognized the same Tatyana.

Another confirmation. Whether she adult girl at their first meeting, it would hardly have changed beyond recognition. A 13-year-old after 3 - 4 years has changed.

By the way, in early XIX centuries, completely different customs reigned. And if Onegin had become close to Tatyana, they would have taken it normally. But, unfortunately, there was an opinion that Tatyana is a victim, a sufferer. Onegin, a womanizer, inflicted a deep mental trauma on her. In fact, he is the hero of our time.

I listened to the fantastic version of the sexologist, and one thought beat in my head: “It can't be! Tatyana, Russian soul, cannot be 13 years old! Confused sexologist! I think that the readers are in shock.

Returning home, he was overlaid with the works of Pushkin, the memoirs of his contemporaries, the works of Pushkinists, literary critics, starting with the frantic Vissarion Belinsky. Even Ovid Nason dug up, who suffered for the science of tender passion. Three days studied, compared.

And here's what I discovered...

First of all, I opened the fourth chapter of Onegin, to which the sexologist referred. It begins with the famous lines:

How less woman we love,

The easier it is for her to like us.

But usually no one delves into the continuation, although they contain the key to the mystery of the novel!

And the more we ruin it

In the midst of seductive nets.

Debauchery used to be cold-blooded

Science was famous for love,

Blowing about himself everywhere

And enjoying without loving.

But this important fun

Worthy of old monkeys

Vaunted grandfather's time...

(In a letter younger brother The 23-year-old poet put it more specifically to Lev: “The less a woman is loved, the sooner they can hope to possess her, but this fun is worthy of an old monkey of the 18th century.” He has not sat down for "Onegin" yet. - E. Ch.)

Who is not bored to be hypocritical,

Repeat one thing differently

Trying to make sure

What everyone is sure for a long time,

All the same to hear objections,

Destroy prejudice,

Which were not and are not


So, main question: where did it come from in the novel THIRTEEN the girl our hero was thinking about when he received Larina's letter? Who is she? Nanny Tatiana? (All the teachers and intellectuals I interviewed instantly pointed to the old woman!)

She really went down the aisle at the age of 13, but there was no smell of debauchery of old monkeys. Husband Vanya was even younger! Yes, and Onegin did not know about the early marriage of some kind of nanny - Tatyana did not write about her, but personally, before the explanation in the garden, she did not talk to her beloved at all. Random typo?

I opened the pre-revolutionary collected works Pushkin XIX centuries with yats. Also thirteen. Is there a word for rhyme? With the same success, one could write "fifteen" and "seventeen".

A girl is an abstract figure, for a red word? But there is nothing accidental in Pushkin's poetry. He is always precise even in details.

It turns out that Tatyana Larina was 13 years old when she sent a letter to Evgeny ?! After all, nowhere else in the novel is her age indicated.

And Pushkin everywhere reported the age of his heroines. Even an old queen of spades. (The exception is an old woman with broken trough and Lyudmila, Ruslan's fiancee. But those are fairy tales.)

And even more so in the main novel of his life, he could not break the tradition. Don't forget about the men. Lensky is "nearly eighteen years old."

We also see Onegin himself for the first time "philosopher at eighteen" going to the ball. At the balls hero "killed eight years, losing life's best color." It turns out 26. Exactly according to Pushkin: “Having lived without a goal, without labor, until the age of twenty-six.”

There are also frank hints at Tatiana's young age in the novel. "She seemed like a stranger in her own family." She didn’t play with dolls and burners, she didn’t go to the meadow with the younger Olenka and her “little friends”. And I read a lot of romance novels.

British muse of fiction

The maiden's dream is disturbing.

The maiden's dream is disturbing. (Youth, maiden - age from 7 to 15 years, says the famous Dictionary Vladimir Dahl. Doctor Dal was a contemporary of the poet, he was on duty at the bedside of the mortally wounded Pushkin.)

Inflamed with passion for Onegin, the girl asks her nanny if she was in love?

And that's it, Tanya! DURING THESE SUMMER

We haven't heard of love;

And then I would drive from the world

My dead mother-in-law.

IN THESE (that is, Tannins) SUMMER, the nanny has already gone down the aisle. And she was, remember, 13 years old.

Onegin, returning from the ball, where he saw for the first time a general's wife, a secular lady, asks himself:

Is it the same Tatyana?

That GIRL... Is this a dream?

The GIRL he

neglected in a humble share?

You weren't news

Humble GIRL love?

Tatyana herself rebukes the hero.

Let's continue reading the fourth chapter, where a 13-year-old girl appeared.

...having received Tanya's message,

Onegin was deeply touched...

Perhaps the feelings of the ardor of the old

He took possession of him for a moment;

But he didn't want to cheat.

The trust of an innocent soul.

It turns out that Eugene did not want, like an old depraved monkey, to destroy an innocent girl. And so he refused. Tactfully taking all the blame on himself, so as not to injure Tatyana. And at the end of the meeting he gave the girl good advice:

Learn to control yourself;

Not everyone will understand you like me;

Inexperience leads to trouble.

I read carefully Alexander Sergeevich and suddenly realized what kind of stupidity we had to do at school, tormented by essays about the relationship between Evgeny and Tatiana! Pushkin himself explained everything and himself assessed the act of his hero.

You will agree, my reader,

What a very nice act

With sad Tanya our friend.

And how old was Olga then, whom the 17-year-old Lensky was going to marry? Maximum 12. Where is it written?

In this case, Pushkin only indicated that Olya was younger sister 13 year old Tatyana. A little boy (about 8 years old according to Dahl) Lensky was a tender witness to her INFANT amusements. (Infant - up to 3 years. From 3 to 7 - a child).

We believe: if he was 8 years old, then she was 2 - 3 years old. By the time of the duel, he was almost 18, she was 12. Do you remember how indignant Lensky was when Olya danced with Onegin?

A little from diapers

Coquette, windy child!

She knows the trick

Already learned to change!

Of course you are shocked. At that age - and get married?! Don't forget what time it was. Here is what Belinsky wrote in an article about Onegin:

“A Russian girl is not a woman in the European sense of the word, not a person: she is something else, like a bride ... As soon as she turns twelve years old, and her mother, reproaching her for laziness, for her inability to hold on ..., tells her: “It’s not a shame whether you, madam: after all, you are already a bride!

And at 18, according to Belinsky, “she is no longer the daughter of her parents, not the beloved child of their hearts, but a burdensome burden, ready to stale goods, extra furniture, which, just look, will drop from the price and will not get away with it.”

Such an attitude towards girls, early marriages are explained not by the savagery of customs, but common sense, - says the sexologist Kotrovsky. - Families then were, as a rule, large - the church forbade abortions, and there were no reliable contraceptives.

Parents tried to quickly marry the girl (“extra mouth”) into a strange family, while she looks young. And the dowry for her was required less than for a withered maiden. (The age-old girl is like an autumn fly!)

In the case of the Larins, the situation was even more acute. The girls' father died, the brides had to be urgently attached! Yuri Lotman, the famous literary critic, wrote in the comments to the novel:

“In the beginning of the 19th century, young noblewomen entered into marriage early. True, the frequent marriages of 14-15-year-old girls in the 18th century began to go out of common practice, and 17-19 years old became the normal age for marriage.

Early marriages, which were the norm in peasant life, late XVIII centuries were not uncommon for provincial noble life not affected by Europeanization. A. Labzina, an acquaintance of the poet Kheraskov, was married off as soon as she was 13 years old.

Gogol's mother was married at 14. However, the time of the first hobbies of the young reader of novels began much earlier. And the surrounding men looked at the young noblewoman as a woman already at an age at which subsequent generations would see in her only a child.

The 23-year-old poet Zhukovsky fell in love with Masha Protasova when she was 12. The hero of Woe from Wit Chatsky fell in love with Sophia when she was 12-14 years old.

Everything seems to be complicated. And yet, I confess, dear reader, I was constantly tormented by one question. Well, why, why did Pushkin appoint 13 years for his favorite heroine?

All his other heroines in love were older. Dunya, daughter stationmaster, ran away with a hussar after 14 years. The young lady-peasant Lisa, Dubrovsky's beloved Masha Troekurova, Marya Gavrilovna from the "Metel" 17 knocked. Captain's daughter Masha is all 18. And then ...

And suddenly it dawned!

Yes, he deliberately made Tatyana so young!

If Onegin had rejected the love of 17-year-old Larina, questions could really have arisen for him. A callous person!

But it was precisely at her young age that Pushkin was able to emphasize the morality of his beloved hero, whom he largely wrote off from himself.


KOTROVSKY Alexander Viktorovich, 62 years old. Candidate of Medical Sciences, venereologist, sexologist. Has over 70 scientific papers on medical matters, healthy lifestyle life. Friends call him a walker medical encyclopedia. Works in Moscow. Married.


In Russian literature, there is only one heroine who, out of the love of readers, approaches Tatyana Larina. Natasha from "War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoy.

Also a noblewoman. We first meet the girl on her name day. In love with officer Drubetskoy, she caught Boris in secluded place and kissed her on the lips. Embarrassed, Boris also confessed his love to the girl, but asked not to kiss again for 4 years. "Then I will ask for your hand."

The situation is exactly the same as in "Eugene Onegin". But she is not controversial. Meanwhile, her father, Count Rostov, recalls in small talk that their mothers got married at 12-13 years old.


Yuri Lotman refers to Pushkin's correspondence with Vyazemsky. The prince found contradictions in the recognition of the heroine. The poet replied that this was “a letter from a woman, moreover, a 17-year-old, moreover, in love!” It would seem that there is nothing to argue about.

But let's try to answer. The poet answered his friend in obvious irritation: “I wonder how Tatyana's letter ended up with you. Interpret it to me." The intrigue is that the prince dreamed of publishing the third chapter himself, but Pushkin gave it to his brother. And it hasn't been released yet!

Where is the information leak coming from? (The poet wrote the novel in verse for 8 whole years! And he printed it in separate chapters as they were ready.) He could then simply unsubscribe to the prince about 17 years. Or did not want to disclose the age of the heroine.

But, most importantly, at that moment Pushkin had not yet sat down for the 4th chapter, where the girl appears at the age of 13. original intent could change. But even Lotman did not comment on the girl without prejudice...

Although the age of Onegin and Lensky he designated strictly according to the novel.

"Eugene Onegin" (1823-1831) - a novel in verse by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, one of the most significant works of Russian literature.

History of creation

Pushkin worked on the novel for over seven years. Pushkin called work on it a feat - from all his creative heritage only "Boris Godunov" he characterized with the same word. On a wide background of pictures of Russian life, a dramatic fate is shown. the best people noble intelligentsia.

Pushkin began work on Onegin in 1823, during his southern exile. The author abandoned romanticism as a leading creative method and started writing realistic novel in verse, although the influence of romanticism is still noticeable in the first chapters. Initially, it was assumed that the novel in verse would consist of 9 chapters, but later Pushkin reworked its structure, leaving only 8 chapters. He excluded from the work the chapter "Onegin's Journey", which he included as an appendix. After that, the tenth chapter of the novel was written, which is an encrypted chronicle from the life of future Decembrists.

The novel was published in verse in separate chapters, and the release of each chapter became a big event in contemporary literature. In 1831 the novel in verse was finished and in 1833 it was published. It covers events from 1819 to 1825: from the foreign campaigns of the Russian army after the defeat of Napoleon to the Decembrist uprising. These were the years of the development of Russian society, during the reign of Tsar Alexander I. The plot of the novel is simple and well known. At the center of the novel is a love affair. A main problem is eternal problem feelings and duty. The novel "Eugene Onegin" reflected the events of the first quarter of the 19th century, that is, the time of creation and the time of the novel approximately coincide. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin created a novel in verse like Byron's poem Don Juan. Having defined the novel as a “collection of motley chapters”, Pushkin emphasizes one of the features of this work: the novel is, as it were, “opened” in time, each chapter could be the last, but it can also have a continuation. And thus the reader draws attention to the independence of each chapter of the novel. The novel became an encyclopedia of Russian life in the 20s of the century before last, since the breadth of the novel shows readers the whole reality of Russian life, as well as the multi-plot and description different eras. This is what gave grounds to V. G. Belinsky in his article "Eugene Onegin" to conclude:
“Onegin can be called an encyclopedia of Russian life and in the highest degree folk art."
In the novel, as in the encyclopedia, you can learn everything about the era: about how they dressed, and what was in fashion, what people valued most, what they talked about, what interests they lived. "Eugene Onegin" reflected the whole of Russian life. Briefly, but quite clearly, the author showed the serf village, lordly Moscow, secular Petersburg. Pushkin truthfully portrayed the environment in which the main characters of his novel live - Tatyana Larina and Eugene Onegin. The author reproduced the atmosphere of the city noble salons, in which Onegin spent his youth.

The novel begins with a squeamish speech by the young nobleman Eugene Onegin, dedicated to the illness of his uncle, which forced him to leave St. Petersburg and go to the patient's bed in the hope of becoming the heir to the dying. The narrative itself is conducted on behalf of the nameless author, who introduced himself as a good friend of Onegin. Having marked the plot in this way, the author devotes the first chapter to the story of the origin, family, life of his hero before receiving news of the illness of a relative.

Eugene was born "on the banks of the Neva", that is, in St. Petersburg, in the family of a typical nobleman of his time -

“Having served excellently - nobly, His father lived with debts. Gave three balls annually And finally squandered. The son of such a father received a typical upbringing - first the governess Madame, then the French tutor, who did not bother his pupil with an abundance of sciences. Here Pushkin emphasizes that the upbringing of Yevgeny from childhood was carried out by strangers for him, besides foreigners.
Onegin's life in Petersburg was full love affairs and secular amusements, but now he will be bored in the countryside. Upon arrival, it turns out that the uncle has died, and Eugene has become his heir. Onegin settles in the village, and soon the blues really take possession of him.

Onegin's neighbor turns out to be eighteen-year-old Vladimir Lensky, a romantic poet, who came from Germany. Lensky and Onegin converge. Lensky is in love with Olga Larina, the daughter of a landowner. Forever cheerful Olga her thoughtful sister Tatyana is not like her. Having met Onegin, Tatyana falls in love with him and writes him a letter. However, Onegin rejects her: he is not looking for a calm family life. Lensky and Onegin are invited to the Larins. Onegin is not happy about this invitation, but Lensky persuades him to go.

History of creation

Pushkin worked on the novel for over eight years. The novel was, according to the poet, "the fruit of the mind of cold observations and the heart of sorrowful remarks." Pushkin called the work on it a feat - of all his creative heritage, only Boris Godunov he described with the same word. In the work, against a wide background of pictures of Russian life, the dramatic fate of the best people of the noble intelligentsia is shown.

Pushkin began work on Onegin in 1823, during his southern exile. The author abandoned romanticism as the leading creative method and began to write a realistic novel in verse, although the influence of romanticism is still noticeable in the first chapters. Initially, it was assumed that the novel in verse would consist of 9 chapters, but later Pushkin reworked its structure, leaving only 8 chapters. He excluded the chapter "Onegin's Journey" from the main text of the work, leaving it as an appendix. One chapter also had to be completely removed from the novel: it describes how Onegin sees military settlements near the Odessa pier, and then there are remarks and judgments, in some places in an excessively harsh tone. It was too dangerous to leave this chapter - Pushkin could have been arrested for revolutionary views, so he destroyed it.

The novel was published in verse in separate chapters, and the release of each part became a big event in Russian literature of that time. The first chapter of the work was published in 1825. In 1831 the novel in verse was finished and in 1833 it was published. It covers events from to 1825: from the foreign campaigns of the Russian army after the defeat of Napoleon to the uprising of the Decembrists. These were the years of the development of Russian society, during the reign of Alexander I. The plot of the novel is simple and well known, in the center of it is a love story. In general, the events of the first quarter of the 19th century were reflected in the novel "Eugene Onegin", that is, the time of creation and the time of the novel approximately coincide.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin created a novel in verse like Lord Byron's poem Don Juan. Having defined the novel as a “collection of motley chapters”, Pushkin highlights one of the features of this work: the novel is, as it were, “opened” in time (each chapter could be the last, but it can also have a continuation), thereby drawing readers’ attention to the independence and integrity of each chapters. The novel became truly an encyclopedia of Russian life in the 1820s, since the breadth of the topics covered in it, the detail of everyday life, the multi-plot composition, the depth of the description of the characters' characters, and now reliably demonstrate to readers the features of the life of that era.


First of all, in Onegin we see a poetically reproduced picture of Russian society, taken in one of interesting moments its development. From this point of view, "Eugene Onegin" is a historical poem in the full sense of the word, although there is not a single historical person among its heroes.

In his poem, he was able to touch on so many things, to hint about so many things, that he belongs exclusively to the world of Russian nature, to the world of Russian society. "Onegin" can be called an encyclopedia of Russian life and an eminently folk work.

Research Yu. M. Lotman

"Eugene Onegin" is a difficult work. The very lightness of the verse, the familiarity of the content, familiar to the reader from childhood and emphatically simple, paradoxically create additional difficulties in understanding Pushkin's novel in verse. The illusory notion of the "comprehensibility" of the work hides from consciousness modern reader a huge number of words, expressions, phraseological units, hints, quotes that he does not understand. Thinking about a verse that you know from childhood seems to be unjustified pedantry. However, it is worth overcoming this naive optimism of an inexperienced reader in order to make it obvious how far we are even from a simple textual understanding of the novel. Specific structure Pushkin's novel in verse, in which any positive statement the author can immediately imperceptibly be turned into ironic, and the verbal fabric, as it were, slips, passing from one speaker to another, making the method of forcible extraction of quotations especially dangerous. In order to avoid this threat, the novel should be viewed not as a mechanical sum of the author's statements on various issues, a kind of anthology of quotations, but as an organic art world, parts of which live and receive meaning only in relation to the whole. A simple list of problems that Pushkin “poses” in his work will not introduce us into the world of Onegin. artistic idea implies a special type of transformation of life in art. It is known that for Pushkin there was a "devilish difference" between poetic and prosaic modeling of the same reality, even while maintaining the same themes and issues.

Tenth chapter

On November 26, 1949, the chief bibliographer of the Leningrad State public library named after M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin Daniil Alshits discovered the manuscript of the second half of XIX century, presumably with the text of the X chapter of Onegin. According to David Samoilov, "not a single serious literary critic believed in the authenticity of the text" - the style is too unlike Pushkin's and the artistic level is low.

Editions of the novel

Comments on the novel

One of the first comments on the novel was a small book by A. Volsky, published in 1877. Commentaries by Vladimir Nabokov, Nikolai Brodsky, Yuri Lotman, S. M. Bondi have become classics.

In miniature

"Eugene Onegin". Size 8x9 mm

One of the Russian printing houses in 1837 released the novel "Eugene Onegin" in miniature - the last lifetime edition of A. S. Pushkin. The plans of the printing house were such that in one year the entire circulation (5,000 copies) could be sold at 5 rubles per book. But due to the sensation - the sad outcome of the life of the author of the work - the entire circulation was sold out within a week. And in 1988, the publishing house "Kniga" issued a facsimile edition of the book with a circulation of 15,000 copies.

One of the smallest complete editions"Eugene Onegin" is a micro-edition in 4 volumes 8 × 9 mm in size 2002 Omsk, A. I. Konenko.


"Eugene Onegin" has been translated into many languages ​​of the world:

Influence on other works

In literature

The type of "superfluous person", bred by Pushkin in the image of Onegin, influenced all further Russian literature. Of the closest illustrative examples - Lermontov "Pechorin" from The Hero of Our Time, whose surname, like Onegin's surname, is derived from the name of the Russian river. Both characters are close in many psychological characteristics.

In the modern Russian novel "Onegin's Code", written by Dmitry Bykov under the pseudonym Brain Down, we are talking about the search for the missing chapter of Pushkin's manuscript. In addition, the novel contains bold assumptions about the true genealogy of Pushkin.

The genre of a full-fledged "novel in verse" inspired A. Dolsky to create the novel "Anna", which was completed in 2005.

In music

In cinema

  • "Eugene Onegin" (1911). B/W, mute. In the role of Onegin - Pyotr Chardynin
  • Onegin (1999). In the role of Eugene Onegin - Ralph Fiennes, Tatyana Larina - Liv Tyler, Vladimir Lensky - Toby Stevens
  • "Eugene Onegin. Between past and future" documentary(), 52 min., director Nikita Tikhonov
opera adaptations:
  • "Eugene Onegin" (1958). Screen version of the opera. In the role of Onegin - Vadim Medvedev, the vocal part is performed by Evgeny Kibkalo. Tatyana is played by Ariadna Shengelaya, voiced by Galina Vishnevskaya. In the role of Olga - Svetlana Nemolyaeva
  • "Eugene Onegin" (1994). In the role of Eugene Onegin - Wojciech Drabovich
  • "Eugene Onegin" (2002). In the role of Eugene Onegin - Peter Mattei
  • "Eugene Onegin" (2007). In the role of Eugene Onegin - Peter Mattei

In education

IN Russian schools"Eugene Onegin" is included in the mandatory school curriculum on literature.

In addition, a number of excerpts describing nature (“Already the sky was breathing in autumn ...”, “Here is the north, catching up clouds ...”, “Winter! Peasant, triumphant ...”, “Driven by spring rays ...”) used in lower grades for learning by heart out of touch with the work as a whole.


14.1936 Samad Vurgun translates the novel by A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" into Azerbaijan language and for this translation he was awarded the Pushkin Committee with the Medal “A. S. Pushkin.


  • V. Nepomniachtchi "Eugene Onegin" The series on the channel "Culture" is read and commented by V. Nepomniachtchi.
  • Pushkin A. S. Evgeny Onegin: A novel in verse // Pushkin A. S. complete collection compositions: In 10 volumes - L .: Science. Leningrad. department, 1977-1979. (FEB)
  • "Eugene Onegin" with full commentary by Nabokov, Lotman and Tomashevsky on the website "Secrets of the Craft"

The novel "Eugene Onegin" is a work of amazing creative destiny. It was created for more than seven years - from May 1823 to September 1830. But work on the text did not stop until the first complete edition appeared in 1833. The last author's version of the novel was published in 1837. Pushkin has no works that would have just as long creative history. The novel was not written “in one breath”, but was composed - from stanzas and chapters created at different times, in different circumstances, in different periods creativity. The work on the novel covers four periods of Pushkin's work - from the southern exile to the Boldin autumn of 1830.

The work was interrupted not only by the twists of Pushkin's fate and new ideas, for the sake of which he threw the text of "Eugene Onegin". Some poems ("The Demon", "The Desert Sower of Freedom...") arose from drafts of the novel. In the drafts of the second chapter (written in 1824), Horace's verse "Exegi monumentum" flashed through, which 12 years later became the epigraph to the poem "I erected a monument to myself not made by hands ...". It seemed that history itself was not very favorable to Pushkin's work: from a novel about a contemporary and modern life, how the poet conceived "Eugene Onegin", after 1825 he became a novel about another historical era. The "internal chronology" of the novel covers about 6 years - from 1819 to the spring of 1825.

All chapters were published from 1825 to 1832 as independent parts great work and even before the completion of the novel became facts of the literary process. Perhaps, if we take into account the fragmentation, discontinuity of Pushkin's work, it can be argued that the novel was for him something like a huge " notebook" or a poetic "album" ("notebooks" sometimes calls the chapters of the novel the poet himself). For more than seven years, the records were replenished with sorrowful "notes" of the heart and "observations" of a cold mind.

He was painted, painted

Onegin's hand all around,

Between the incomprehensible maranya

Flashed thoughts, remarks,

Portraits, numbers, names,

Yes, letters, the secrets of writing,

Fragments, draft letters...

The first chapter, published in 1825, pointed to Eugene Onegin as the protagonist of the intended work. However, from the very beginning of work on the “great poem”, the author needed the figure of Onegin not only to express his ideas about “modern man”. There was another goal: Onegin was destined for the role of the central character, who, like a magnet, would "attract" the heterogeneous life and literary material. The silhouette of Onegin and the silhouettes of other characters, barely outlined plot lines, gradually cleared up as the work on the novel progressed. The contours of the fates and characters of Onegin, Tatyana Larina, Lensky emerged from under the thick layers of rough notes ("finished"), a unique image was created - the image of the Author.

The novel "Eugene Onegin" is the most difficult work of Pushkin, despite the apparent lightness and simplicity. V. G. Belinsky called "Eugene Onegin" "an encyclopedia of Russian life", emphasizing the scale of Pushkin's "many years of work." This is not a critical praise of the novel, but its capacious metaphor. Behind the "variegation" of chapters and stanzas, the change in narrative techniques, there is a harmonious concept of a fundamentally innovative literary work - a "novel of life", which has absorbed a huge socio-historical, everyday, literary material.

A. S. Pushkin wrote the novel in verse "Eugene Onegin" intermittently for about nine years. He is the most famous work poet. Why? Perhaps because it was included in the school curriculum, and all the children, before and after, crammed “I am writing to you, what more”, or maybe because of the abundance of aphoristic lines that have become catchphrases: “all ages are submissive to love”, “we all learned little by little”; it is also stated that "Eugene Onegin" is "the most important part of our cultural code, one that allows us to speak the same language, to understand the same jokes, allusions and comparisons in the same way. Is this so, otherwise, everyone has their own opinion, but the fact remains - "Eugene Onegin" is a great work of a great poet.

The plot of "Eugene Onegin"

Pushkin was a gentleman and an aristocrat. His hero Eugene Onegin - typical representative the same circle. That is, when describing Onegin's everyday life in St. Petersburg and in the countryside, Pushkin relied on own experience, guided by his own life observations. Because in the novel there are so many everyday details of the mores of the capital and provincial Russian nobility of the first third of the nineteenth century. Not casually literary critic V. Belinsky called "Eugene Onegin" "an encyclopedia of Russian life", and the main character of the novel "a suffering egoist ... an egoist involuntarily, (cold) to fruitless passions and petty entertainment"
Anything literary work unthinkable without love story. In "Eugene Onegin" she is in the relationship between Onegin and Tatyana Larina. First, the girl falls in love with Eugene, but turns out to be unnecessary to him, then he seeks reciprocity, but Tatyana is already married
Another one story line novel - a conflict between friends Onegin and Lensky, ending in a duel.

Description of the novel "Eugene Onegin"

The novel in verse "Eugene Onegin" consists of eight chapters, each with 40-60 stanzas (14 lines per stanza). The longest chapter one is 60 stanzas, the shortest second one is 40. In the canonical text of the novel, Pushkin did not include the chapter on Onegin’s wandering, it was published separately with the poet’s preface: “The author frankly admits that he released a whole chapter from his novel, in which Onegin's journey through Russia was described ... P. A. Katenin remarked to us that this exception ... harms ... the plan of the composition; for through that the transition from Tatiana, the county young lady, to Tatiana, noble lady, becomes too unexpected and inexplicable. The author himself felt the justice of this, but decided to publish this chapter for reasons important to him, and not to the public. The chapter on Onegin's journey through Russia was the eighth in a row. Some of the stanzas from it Pushkin transferred to the chapter following the "Wandering" - the ninth, which eventually became the eighth. In 1830, before the exclusion of the "Wandering", Pushkin wrote the tenth chapter, but in the same year, guarded, burned it. From this chapter, only the first quatrains of fourteen stanzas, written in a special font, have come down to us, for example:

The ruler is weak and cunning
Bald dandy, enemy of labor
Inadvertently warmed by fame
Then ruled over us

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