Igor Kornelyuk personal life. Igor Kornelyuk: After the funeral, the pain became deeper and deeper


Singer and composer Igor Kornelyuk is known as the author and performer of popular hits of the 80-90s. Today he writes music for serials and films, remaining as popular and in demand as in his youth.

Childhood and youth

Igor was born on November 16, 1962 in Brest (Belarus). His parents were not musicians. Father worked for railway mother worked as an engineer. His sister studied violin and piano at the music school. The love of music was passed on to children from grandmother Maria, who sang romances with a guitar.

Parents were against music education son, but on the advice of a professor at the conservatory in 1968 they gave Igor to music school. He had ringing voice, he often sang during family holidays in the presence of guests, accompanying himself on the button accordion. Igor wrote the first song called “Russia, dear Russia, slender trunks of birches ...” at the age of 9.

Studying at a music school did not please with success, the boy was not given solfeggio, but this did not prevent him from playing dances. From the age of 12, on weekends, Igor performed at the Palace of Culture with an ensemble. His musical work experience began in the 5th grade. Igor played ionics and received 30 rubles a month for this. It was there that he first met Lyuba's love. Igor, despite his young age, truly fell in love, but the girl did not return his feelings.

For the vulnerable child's soul, this was a tragedy that affected health. When Igor recovered from mental trauma and illness, he had a need to express everything that overwhelmed his soul. So the girl Lyuba made him a composer. The first, still naive, songs about love appeared. He took the words for his works from Sergei Yesenin, Anna Akhmatova, Marina Tsvetaeva, and even from Boris Pasternak.

IN School of Music Igor enters after the 8th grade. Little time was devoted to studying, since he played in a rock ensemble, "hung out" and returned home in the morning. At that time, from one of the teachers, he received advice that influenced him further fate. Igor was advised to go to Leningrad, where at that time there was a strong composer school.

The decision to move was hasty, he put his parents before the fact, announcing that he was going to Leningrad. He passed the exams, not hoping for success, so he was very surprised when a teacher approached him and congratulated him on enrollment. This teacher was Vladlen Chistyakov, who would become his mentor and close friend.

The study turned out to be difficult, but fruitful and interesting. Students studied the work of the orchestra, studied composition. While studying at the school, Kornelyuk was entrusted with writing musical accompaniment for the play "Trumpeter on the Square" for the Drama Theater. Pushkin. The school was successfully completed in 1982.

By the time he entered the conservatory, Kornelyuk already had a family that needed to be supported. The scholarship was not enough, so he worked part-time where he could. During his studies, he wrote a symphony, composed romances, film scores and theatrical performances. During this period, he masters synthesizers and computers. His thesis work, which Kornelyuk defended with "excellent", was a computer symphony.


On becoming creative biography the composer was influenced different music: V youth it was "QUEEN", in the music school - jazz. As a student at the conservatory, the young man became interested in the works of the great classics " mighty handful"(N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, M. P. Mussorgsky, A. P. Borodin).

Alexander Morozov helped him become a hitmaker, who touched Igor to the core, accusing him of writing music that was incomprehensible to the simple the Soviet people. In response, Kornelyuk wrote several songs that became hits. His new songs "Darling", "Boy was friends with a girl", "Rain" and many others sounded in every house.

Regina Lisits becomes his poet-co-author. Their songs are performed soviet stars stage, they win prizes at competitions and festivals. Already in the first year of joint work, Igor Kornelyuk's song "Learn" helped Anna Veski become a laureate of the festival in Sopot. The singer had a whole program of Kornelyuk's songs, including: "I don't understand what's wrong with me", "Monkey", "Horoscope" and others. And at the TV contest "Jurmala-86" Svetlana Medyanik became the second, performing the composer's hit "Not with me." In 1987 he was recognized best author and songwriter own composition.

In addition to working on solo compositions, the composer works on music for plays and films, and also creates musicals. Among the works of the late 80s are the children's opera "Pull-Push, or Aibolit from Zverinskaya Street" and musical arrangement films " Music games". Kornelyuk's songs replenish the repertoire of Mikhail Boyarsky, Edita Piekha, Philip Kirkorov, the cabaret duet "Academy".

His solo career began in 1988 after leaving the Buff Theatre, where he served as artistic director. Igor becomes extremely popular, participates in the Musical Ring, where he was invited by Viktor Reznikov. He wins and becomes famous, and the composition "Ballet Ticket", with which he performed on "Song of the Year", receives a prize.

Igor Kornelyuk. Song "Rain"

Three solo albums, which appeared one after another - "Ticket to the Ballet", "Wait", "I Can't Live Like This", made the singer mega-popular. From now on, Igor Kornelyuk becomes a welcome guest at Alla Pugacheva's "Christmas Meetings", his songs are heard in the popular intellectual game"What? Where? When?". Can't do without Kornelyuk popular festival"Song of the year". In 1998, the composer reminds of himself with the album "Hello, and this is Kornelyuk!", After which the composer's discography is replenished only with works from films.

In the early 90s, Igor Kornelyuk tried himself as an actor, starring in the film "Kud-kud-kuda, or provincial stories with interludes and divertissement in the final. Plot and musical material film comedies were used by Kornelyuk in joint concerts with Ilona Bronevitskaya.

Igor Kornelyuk. Song ticket to the ballet

The singer gives solo concerts at Luzhniki, Olimpiysky, Oktyabrsky concert halls and the State Central Rossiya. In 1998, he again participates in the Musical Ring, now with Viktor Chaika. It was his second victory in popular show. Kornelyuk over time musical activity wrote over a hundred songs and created music studio.

Igor Kornelyuk - composer, writing music for cinema. "The city that does not exist" from the series "Gangster Petersburg" is one of the most popular hits. A clip was created using film frames.

Igor Kornelyuk, "The city that does not exist"

His music sounds in the films "Idiot", "Taras Bulba", "If the sky is silent", "Someone else's war" and others. The soundtrack from "The Master and Margarita" was called "Infernal Waltz" and was also released as a separate video.

Igor Kornelyuk performs not only solo, but also in duets. He performed the song "Darling" years later together with Sati Casanova. In 2014, Kornelyuk was invited to the jury of the One to One television contest.

Personal life

Marina's wife studied at the department choral singing. The young people got married after two years of living together, when they were 19 years old. The marriage took place between the final exams at the school and the entrance to the conservatory. Along the way, the play “Trumpeter on the Square” was released with Nikolai Fomenko in leading role. For Kornelyuk, work on the music for the production was a premiere. The student wedding was played for the first fee. In 1983, their son Anton was born. The son did not follow in the footsteps of his parents, devoting his life to computer technology.

There are many photo portraits and photos on the web. full height Igor and Marina, who have been happily married for over 30 years. Igor writes music in his country house, and Marina organizes concerts of a talented husband.

In 2012, the artist officially announced that he was suffering diabetes. The failure in the body was affected by a difficult event in the composer's personal life - the death of his father, which came suddenly from a detached blood clot. The singer could not recover for a long time, problems with sugar began. The illness forced the composer to reconsider his attitude to the diet. Lose weight from 110 kg to 92 kg helped Pierre Dukan's diet, as well as noni fruit juice.

Igor Kornelyuk now

Now the Kornelyuks live in a country mansion in Sestroretsk. At the musician's house big collection watches and rare items. The singer does not use social networks, on Instagram, his photos are posted on the pages of fans.

In 2017, the singer re-released the collection “Igor Kornelyuk. Best songs". In 2018, the musician pleased the residents of Petrozavodsk with a performance at the City Day.

Igor Kornelyuk - Soviet and Russian musician and composer, singer, Honored Art Worker Russian Federation (2007).
Igor Kornelyuk was born on November 16, 1962 in Brest.At the age of six, Igor Kornelyuk began studying at a music school. He studied in Brest at Secondary School No. 4, and on weekends from the age of 12 he played in the ionic ensemble at the Brest Palace of Culture at dances. After eight classes, he entered the Brest Musical College in the class of the composer and musician Mark Rusin, who wrote music for the Brest Drama Theater.In 1978 he moved from Brest to Leningrad to live with relatives. 1978-1982 graduated from the music school at the Leningrad Conservatory named after N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, graduated with honors and effortlessly entered the conservatory.1982-1987 Leningrad Conservatory, composition class.As a composer, he was influenced by the work of Queen, jazz, "The Mighty Handful".From 1985 to 1988 Igor Kornelyuk worked music director Leningrad Theater "Buff" and composed music for it.In 1985, he recorded his first disc: the Melodiya company released the EP "A Boy Was Friends with a Girl" performed by Albert Asadullin.In 1988 Kornelyuk began solo career in the TV program Music ring”, for the first time reaches the final of the festival “Song of the Year”.
He wrote music for the following performances: The Trumpeter on the Square (Leningrad Pushkin Theatre, 1982), Tic-Tac-Toe (Comedy Theatre, 1985), the opera for children Pull-Push or Aibolit from Zverinskaya Street (Music Hall, 1988), music for film "Musical Games" (Lenfilm 1988).
His songs were performed by Mikhail Boyarsky “We walk around Paris”, Anna Veski “Horoscope”, “Know”, “I don’t understand what’s wrong with me”, “Monkey”, E. Alexandrov and E. Spiridonova “Darling”, Edita Pieha “White evening”, cabaret duet “Academy” “I was offended”, Philip Kirkorov “Omen”, “Let's make peace”.In 1990, he starred in the film "Kud-kud-kuda, or provincial stories with interludes and divertissement in the final", and in 1992 the film "Let them talk" about his work was shot.Igor Kornelyuk is the author of music for the films "Gangster Petersburg", "Master and Margarita", "Heaven and Earth", "The Legend of Tampuk", "Idiot", "Russian Translation", "Taras Bulba".Igor is the author of more than 200 popular songs. As a composer and singer-songwriter, Igor wrote music and performed the following songs: “Ballet ticket”, “We will dance”, “Come back”, “The city that does not exist”, “Rain”, “Smoke”, “Cool”, “Little whether…”, “The month of May”, “Darling”, “Time to go home”, “Walking around Paris”, etc.On the official website of the vipartist, you can get acquainted with the work of Igor Kornelyuk, see photos and new video clips of the artist, and invite Igor Kornelyuk with a concert to your event using the indicated contact numbers. You can order concert performance Kornelyuk Igor to a celebration or invite to a corporate party, as well as order a performance of Kornelyuk Igor for a wedding.In order to find out the conditions for inviting Kornelyuk Igor to your event: fee and rider, fill out the artist order form. The manager will contact you to clarify the details of the order, or call us. Specify and book free performance dates in advance.

Kornelyuk Igor Evgenievich (11/16/1962) composer, singer.

Born in Brest. After the 8th grade, in 1977, Igor entered the Brest Musical College in the theoretical and compositional department. True, it was difficult to call it study, since at the same time he played in rock ensembles, “hung out”, came home tired in the morning, so there was no time for theories. But it was precisely in this year that the teacher told Igor that he needed to go to study in Leningrad, since there was the strongest composing school there. One fine June morning in 1978, returning home from another "session", Igor told his mother: "Mom, I'm going to study in Leningrad!" On the same day, Igor left for Leningrad.

School (Leningrad-Petersburg period)

Since the decision to leave was spontaneous, and the departure itself was swift, Igor arrived in Leningrad without any documents for admission to the Music School at the Leningrad Order of Lenin of the N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov State Conservatory. There was no talk of any transfer from course to course from the Brest Musical College. Igor had to re-enter the 1st course.
There was one week left before the entrance exams. During this time, Igor composed a cycle of pieces for piano, which he brought to the exam. Vladlen Pavlovich Chistyakov, who teaches instrumentation and composition at the Leningrad Conservatory, was invited to take the exam at the school. Having passed the exam, Igor went out into the corridor completely sure of failure. But after some time the door opened, Vladlen Pavlovich appeared, went up to Igor and said: “Congratulations, young man! I will have the honor to teach you." They spent all four years together and their relationship was very warm, almost filial-fatherly.
In general, four years of study at the school, according to Igor, were the most fruitful for him in terms of education. It was difficult, the workload was enormous. It was at the school that Igor came to grips with composition and for the first time seriously approached the study of the orchestra.


The next step in education was to be the conservatory. During his studies at the conservatory, Igor wrote a symphony, four pieces for piano, several piano cycles, a cycle of romances (8) on verses by B. Pasternak, a cycle of romances (4) on verses by A. Akhmatova, a cycle of romances (5) on verses Mustaya Karima, choral cycle on poems by A. S. Pushkin, string Quartet. All his works were performed by students of the conservatory.

In 1985, Igor wrote his first professional songs to lyrics by Regina Lisits. These were “Monkey”, performed by Anna Veske, “Darling”, performed by Elena Spiridonova and Yevgeny Alexandrov, and a song on the verses of S. V. Mikhalkov “A Boy Was Friends with a Girl”, which was unforgettably sung by Albert Assadullin. According to a poll conducted in 1985 by the newspaper " TVNZ”, the song “The boy was friends with the girl” entered the top ten songs. In 1986, Igor Kornelyuk was named among the best pop singer-songwriters, and also included in the top ten melodists of the country.

The beginning of a solo career as a composer-performer

In early 1988, Igor begins his solo career. Sergey Danilov became its first art director, on whose verses Igor subsequently wrote the songs “If I knew the buy-in I would live in Sochi”, “We walk around Paris”, “Lunatics”, “Well, let it”, “Listen”, sung together with Edita Piekha, "Mom", performed by Ilona Bronevitskaya.
In April 1988, the "Musical Ring" took place with Viktor Reznikov, in which Igor won. In the same year his new song"Ballet Ticket" becomes the Laureate of the television festival "Song of the Year". Thus began the fruitful career of pop composer-performer Igor Kornelyuk.
In 1997, Igor turned 35 years old. He celebrated his anniversary in the work on the music for the play "Passion according to Molière", staged by the young talented director Victor Kramer at the Comedy Theater named after N.P. Akimov. The premiere was successful in December 1997.

Over the years creative work Igor Kornelyuk wrote over 100 songs, music for the play "Tic-Tac-Toe" (Comedy Theater named after N.P. Akimov, 1985), the children's opera "Tyanitolkay, or Aibolit from Zverinskaya Street", which has been staged at the Music Hall since 1989 years so far.

Igor, in addition to his solo and group concerts, performs a lot with charity concerts, and is also the founder of the St. Petersburg public charitable foundation for the support of education and creativity FUND FOR THE CONTINUATION OF LIFE, actively participating in the implementation of its statutory tasks.

Singer and composer Igor Kornelyuk is known as the author and performer of popular hits of the 80-90s. Today he writes music for serials and films, remaining as popular and in demand as in his youth.

Childhood and youth

Igor was born on November 16, 1962 in Brest (Belarus). His parents were not musicians. His father worked on the railroad, his mother worked as an engineer. His sister studied violin and piano at the music school. The love of music was passed on to children from their grandmother Maria, who sang romances with a guitar.

Parents were against the musical education of their son, but on the advice of a professor at the conservatory in 1968 they sent Igor to a music school. He had a sonorous voice, he often sang during family holidays in the presence of guests, accompanying himself on the button accordion. Igor wrote the first song called “Russia, dear Russia, slender trunks of birches ...” at the age of 9.

Studying at a music school did not please with success, the boy was not given solfeggio, but this did not prevent him from playing dances. From the age of 12, on weekends, Igor performed at the Palace of Culture with an ensemble. His musical work experience began in the 5th grade. Igor played ionics and received 30 rubles a month for this. It was there that he first met Lyuba's love. Igor, despite his young age, truly fell in love, but the girl did not return his feelings.

For the vulnerable child's soul, this was a tragedy that affected health. When Igor recovered from mental trauma and illness, he had a need to express everything that overwhelmed his soul. So the girl Lyuba made him a composer. The first, still naive, songs about love appeared. He took words for his works from, and even from.

Igor enters the music school after the 8th grade. Little time was devoted to studying, since he played in a rock ensemble, "hung out" and returned home in the morning. At that time, he received advice from one of the teachers, which influenced his future fate. Igor was advised to go to Leningrad, where at that time there was a strong composer school.

The decision to move was hasty, he put his parents before the fact, announcing that he was going to Leningrad. He passed the exams, not hoping for success, so he was very surprised when a teacher approached him and congratulated him on enrollment. This teacher was Vladlen Chistyakov, who would become his mentor and close friend.

The study turned out to be difficult, but fruitful and interesting. Students studied the work of the orchestra, studied composition. While studying at the school, Kornelyuk was entrusted with writing musical accompaniment for the play "Trumpeter on the Square" for the Drama Theater. . The school was successfully completed in 1982.

By the time he entered the conservatory, Kornelyuk already had a family that needed to be supported. The scholarship was not enough, so he worked part-time where he could. During his studies, he wrote a symphony, composed romances, music for films and theatrical productions. During this period, he masters synthesizers and computers. His thesis work, which Kornelyuk defended "excellently", was a computer symphony.


The formation of the composer's creative biography was influenced by different music: in his youth it was "QUEEN", in the music school - jazz. As a student at the conservatory, the young man became interested in the works of the great classics of the Mighty Handful (, M. P. Mussorgsky,).

He was helped to become a hitmaker, who touched Igor to the core, accusing him of writing music that was incomprehensible to ordinary Soviet people. In response, Kornelyuk wrote several songs that became hits. His new songs "Darling", "Boy was friends with a girl", "Rain" and many others sounded in every house.

Regina Lisits becomes his poet-co-author. Their songs are performed by Soviet pop stars, they win prizes at competitions and festivals. Already in the first year of joint work, Igor Kornelyuk's song "Learn" helped to become a laureate of the festival in Sopot. The singer had a whole program of Kornelyuk's songs, including: "I don't understand what's wrong with me", "Monkey", "Horoscope" and others. And at the TV contest "Jurmala-86" Svetlana Medyanik became the second, performing the composer's hit "Not with me." In 1987, he was recognized as the best author and performer of songs of his own composition.

In addition to working on solo compositions, the composer works on music for plays and films, and also creates musicals. Among the works of the late 80s are the children's opera "Pull-Push, or Aibolit from Zverinskaya Street" and the musical arrangement of the film "Musical Games". The songs of Kornelyuk replenish the repertoire of the cabaret duet "Academy".

His solo career began in 1988 after leaving the Buff Theatre, where he served as artistic director. Igor becomes extremely popular, participates in the "Musical Ring", where he was invited. He wins and becomes famous, and the composition "Ballet Ticket", with which he performed on "Song of the Year", receives a prize.

Igor Kornelyuk. Song "Rain"

Three solo albums, which appeared one after another - "Ticket to the Ballet", "Wait", "I Can't Live Like This", made the singer mega-popular. From now on, Igor Kornelyuk becomes a welcome guest at "Christmas Meetings", his songs are heard in the popular intellectual game "What? Where? When?". The popular festival "Song of the Year" is not complete without Kornelyuk. In 1998, the composer reminds of himself with the album "Hello, and this is Kornelyuk!", After which the composer's discography is replenished only with works from films.

In the early 90s, Igor Kornelyuk tried himself as an actor, starring in the film Kud-Kud-Kuda, or Provincial Stories with Interludes and Divertissement in the Finale. The plot and musical material of the film comedy were used by Kornelyuk in joint concerts with.

Igor Kornelyuk. Song ticket to the ballet

The singer gives solo concerts at Luzhniki, Olimpiysky, Oktyabrsky concert halls and the State Central Rossiya. In 1998, he again participates in the Musical Ring, now with Viktor Chaika. It was his second win on the popular show. Kornelyuk wrote more than a hundred songs during his musical activity and created a music studio.

Igor Kornelyuk is a composer who writes music for films. "The city that does not exist" from the TV series "" is one of the most popular hits. A clip was created using film frames.

Igor Kornelyuk, "The city that does not exist"

His music sounds in the films "Idiot", "Taras Bulba", "If the sky is silent", "Someone else's war" and others. The soundtrack from "The Master and Margarita" was called "Infernal Waltz" and was also released as a separate video.

Igor Kornelyuk performs not only solo, but also in duets. He performed the song "Darling" years later, together with. In 2014, Kornelyuk was invited to the jury of the One to One television contest.

Personal life

His wife Marina studied at the department of choral singing. The young people got married after two years of living together, when they were 19 years old. The marriage took place between the final exams at the school and the entrance to the conservatory. Along the way, the play “Trumpeter on the Square” was released with the title role. For Kornelyuk, work on the music for the production was a premiere. The student wedding was played for the first fee. In 1983, their son Anton was born. The son did not follow in the footsteps of his parents, devoting his life to computer technology.

There are many photo portraits and full-length photos of Igor and Marina on the Web, who have been happily married for over 30 years. Igor writes music in his country house, and Marina organizes concerts for her talented husband.

In 2012, the artist officially announced that he was suffering from diabetes. The failure in the body was affected by a difficult event in the composer's personal life - the death of his father, which came suddenly from a detached blood clot. The singer could not recover for a long time, problems with sugar began. The illness forced the composer to reconsider his attitude to the diet. The diet, as well as noni fruit juice, helped to lose weight from 110 kg to 92 kg.

Igor Kornelyuk now

Now the Kornelyuks live in a country mansion in Sestroretsk. At home, the musician has a large collection of watches and rare items. The singer does not use social networks; on Instagram, his photos are posted on the pages of fans.

In 2017, the singer re-released the collection “Igor Kornelyuk. Best songs". In 2018, the musician pleased the residents of Petrozavodsk with a performance at the City Day.


  • 1988 - Ticket to the Ballet
  • 1990 - "Wait"
  • 1993 - "I can't live like this"
  • 1994 - "My Favorite Songs"
  • 1998 - “Hello, and this is Kornelyuk!”
  • 2001 - "Soundtrack to the series" Gangster Petersburg "" (OST)
  • 2010 - "Songs from the Cinema"
  • 2010 - "Taras Bulba" (OST)
  • 2010 - Master and Margarita (OST)

A lot of amazing hits were presented to his listeners by the talented Igor Kornelyuk. He gained immense popularity in the 80-90s. Today, the artist is writing music for films and TV shows.


Igor was born on November 16th in 1962. His hometown— Brest. His father worked on the railroad track, his mother was an engineer. His parents never played music. The elder sister of the singer studied at the school of music to play the piano. The composer's grandmother, Maria Demyanovna, once knew how to play the guitar and loved to sing romances.

The family often gathered at a common table, where Igor was constantly asked to do something. And then he took the button accordion and sang all the songs that he knew. At first, his parents did not welcome his desire to devote his life to music. But their opinion has changed in the future.


In 1968 he entered the music school. From the age of 12 he began performing with an ensemble at the Palace of Culture. Then he began studying at the city music school.

Soon Igor decided to move to Leningrad to be trained in composer school. This decision was unexpected for the parents, and the departure itself was hasty. Arriving in Leningrad, he began composing pieces for the exam, which was one week away.

After the exam, Igor was sure of failure. But what was his surprise when the teacher of the conservatory approached him, praised and congratulated him on entering the school. It was Vladlen Chistyakov, who in the future treated the singer like a son.

Time within the walls of the school was not in vain. Kornelyuk considers it the most fruitful and at the same time very difficult in terms of workload. The singer began a serious study of the work of the orchestra, took up composition.

He was even given the opportunity to write musical accompaniment for the play "The Trumpeter on the Square", which was staged in drama theater them. Pushkin. The artist graduated from college with honors in 1982.

Then he entered the State Conservatory without much difficulty. By this time, Kornelyuk was already married, and he and his wife had a hard time. He tried to support his family on a scholarship, worked part-time wherever possible.

During his studies, Igor composed a symphony, many romances, music for films, theatrical performances. Here he became more familiar with the synthesizer and music processing on a computer. As thesis he introduced the computer symphony to the teachers.

Even then Professor A.S. Leman noted the guy huge talent. After a brilliant graduation from the university, the composer no longer composed symphonies, although this desire did not let him go for a long time.

First songs

According to the musician, different music influenced his work. He listened to QUEEN, he loved jazz. Kornelyuk wrote his first song at the age of 9. His work was greatly influenced by the first unrequited love. Igor worried and suffered for a long time because the girl Lyuba left him.

Then the first love songs appeared. The musician believes that it was this event that made him a composer.

Once he argued with a classmate that he would write a hit that would be sung by the whole Soviet Union. This was the song "Honey". Later Kornelyuk performed it himself together with E. Spiridonova and A. Ivantsova. Even more successful was the composition "The boy was friends with the girl", sung by A. Asadullin.

The artist composed many popular songs with Regina Lisits, whom he met in his youth. In 1985, they wrote many hits performed by famous stars stage. These were the compositions "Learn" by Anna Veski, "Not with me" by Svetlana Medyanik.

Later, Anna Veski released a whole album with Kornelyuk's songs. In 1987, the Smena newspaper named the singer the best author and performer of his songs, he became one of the 10 best melodists of the USSR.

Kornelyuk's successful career as a solo singer began in 1988. He left the theater "Buff", where he worked artistic director and suddenly gained popularity. Viktor Reznikov invited him to take part in the Musical Ring.

Despite the serious Reznik team, which consisted of fans and famous artists, Kornelyuk won and woke up famous after the program. He began to sing his own songs. His composition "Ballet Ticket" won a prize at the "Song of the Year" concert.

In 1988, the singer performed at Luzhniki with his solo concert. His touring activities began to gain momentum. In 1989, a concert was held at the Olimpiysky, in 1991 - again at the Luzhniki, in 1992 - at concert hall"October", in 1996 - in the State Central KZ "Russia".

In 1998, the second in the life of the singer "Musical Ring" took place, but already with Viktor Chaika. And again he won. During his musical career Kornelyuk created a music studio and wrote over a hundred songs.

Igor became one of the most popular composers of Russian cinema. What is worth only one hit "The city that does not exist", written for the series "Gangster Petersburg". The artist composed music for such films as The Master and Margarita, Justice of the Wolves, Russian Translation, Number 43, Taras Bulba, The Idiot and others.

Musical career

The composer tried himself in different areas: he hosted television programs and beauty contests, starred in TV shows, and participated in television shows. At the age of 45, he received the title of Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation, and in 2010, Honorary Citizen of the Petrogradsky District.

Apart from concert activity Igor Kornelyuk participates in charitable projects, is one of the founders of the Foundation for the Support of Education and Creativity.

Igor's parents were insanely proud of him. Unfortunately, they are no longer alive. In 2012, Kornelyuk buried his father, who suffered three strokes. In 2014, his mother died. The musician was very upset by the death of his parents. His only salvation was work and a beloved family.

Personal life

The chosen one of the musician studied at the department of choral singing. Igor and Marina were together for about two years when they decided to sign. At this time, the singer only entered the conservatory. Their parents dissuaded them, asked them to wait, because the young people were nineteen years old.

But Igor did not listen to them and considers this decision one of the most correct in fate. He earned money for the wedding himself, and did not ask anyone for help. The celebration took place in a restaurant where relatives and friends were invited.

In 1983, the couple had a son, Anton. He did not want to follow in his father's footsteps and now his hobby is computer technology. Igor dreams of having grandchildren as soon as possible, but Anton has not yet introduced his girlfriend to his parents.

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