Where the poem Dead Souls was written by Gogol. N.V


It can be said that the poem Dead Souls”was the life work of N.V. Gogol. After all, out of twenty-three years of his writer's biography he spent seventeen years working on this work.

History of creation " dead souls" is inextricably linked with the name of Pushkin. In the "Author's Confession" Gogol recalled that Alexander Sergeevich repeatedly pushed him to write a large, large-scale work. Decisive was the poet's story about the incident he heard in Chisinau during his exile. He always remembered him, but told Nikolai Vasilievich only a decade and a half after the incident. So, the story of the creation of "Dead Souls" is based on the real adventures of an adventurer who bought long-dead serfs from landowners in order to pawn them, as if alive, in the Board of Trustees to obtain a considerable loan.

Actually in real life the invention of the main character of Chichikov's poem was not so rare. In those years, fraud of this kind was even common. It is quite possible that in the Mirgorod district itself there was a case with the purchase of the dead. One thing is obvious: the history of the creation of "Dead Souls" is connected not with one such event, but with several, which the writer skillfully summarized.

Chichikov's adventure is the plot core of the work. Its slightest details look reliable, as they are taken from real life. The possibility of carrying out such adventures was due to the fact that until the beginning of the 18th century, peasants were counted in the country not without exception, but by household. And only in 1718 a decree was issued to conduct a poll census, as a result of which all male serfs began to be taxed, starting with babies. Their number was recalculated every fifteen years. If some peasants died, fled or were recruited, the landowner had to pay taxes for them until the next census or divide them among the remaining workers. Naturally, any owner dreamed of getting rid of the so-called dead souls and easily fell into the net of an adventurer.

These were the real prerequisites for writing the work.

The history of the creation of the poem "Dead Souls" on paper begins in 1835. Gogol began work on it a little earlier than on The Inspector General. However, at first she did not fascinate him too much, because, after writing three chapters, he returned to comedy. And only after finishing it and returning from abroad, Nikolai Vasilyevich took up Dead Souls seriously.

With every step, with every written word, the new work seemed to him grander and grander. Gogol reworks the first chapters and generally rewrites the finished pages many times. For three years in Rome, he leads the life of a recluse, allowing himself only to undergo treatment in Germany and relax a bit in Paris or Geneva. In 1839, Gogol was forced to leave Italy for a long eight months, and with it the work on the poem. Upon his return to Rome, he continued to work on it and completed it within a year. The writer has only to polish the essay. Gogol took Dead Souls to Russia in 1841 with the intention of printing them there.

In Moscow, the result of his six years of work was taken into consideration by the censorship committee, whose members showed hostility towards him. Then Gogol took his manuscript and turned to Belinsky, who was just visiting Moscow, asking him to take the work with him to St. Petersburg and help him get through the censorship. The critic agreed to help.

The censorship in St. Petersburg was less strict and, after lengthy delays, they nevertheless allowed the book to be printed. True, with some conditions: to amend the title of the poem, the Tale of Captain Kopeikin, and thirty-six more dubious places.

The long-suffering work was finally out of print in the spring of 1842. Takova Short story Creation of "Dead Souls".


Poem N.V. Gogol.

It was started by Gogol in October 1835 and completed in 1840. The first volume of the book was published in 1842 under the title "The Adventures of Chichikov, or Dead Souls." The second volume was burned by the author in 1852; only a few chapters of the draft have survived.
The story that became the basis of the plot of the poem was told to Gogol A.S. Pushkin. The events take place in the 30s of the nineteenth century. in one of the central provinces (cm.) Russia. The work is written in the travel genre. The protagonist of the poem, Pavel Ivanovich, travels around the province in order to buy the so-called "dead souls", that is, serfs ( cm., ), which have recently died, but before the new revision appear in the lists of the living. "Dead souls" are needed by Chichikov in order to pawn them and, having received a significant sum of money and land, to get rich. Chichikov's patrols give the author the opportunity to depict a wide panorama Russian life, show whole gallery satirical images landowners and officials ( cm.). In accordance with the genre, the poem, in addition to the main line, includes lyrical digressions. The most famous of them is dedicated to Russia, which the author compares with troika1, flying somewhere far away, forward: Eh, trio! bird troika, who invented you?
The poem "Dead Souls" remained unfinished. Gogol failed to complete the second volume, where it was supposed to goodies, to show the possibility of correcting social evil by preaching moral principles.
The heroes of the book, satirically depicted by Gogol, were perceived by the reader as types of human characters, embodying such vices as stupidity, stinginess, rudeness, deceit, boastfulness. It is they, and not the dead peasants, who are ultimately perceived as "dead souls", that is, as people "dead in spirit".
The poem "Dead Souls" was enthusiastically received by Gogol's contemporaries and still remains among the favorite works of the Russian reader. She is regularly included in school ( cm.) programs on the literature of the nineteenth century.
The poem has been repeatedly illustrated, staged and filmed. The best illustrators"Dead Souls" were artists A.A. Agin and P.M. Boklevsky. One of the best dramatizations of the poem was made M.A. Bulgakov For Moscow Art Theater in 1932
The surnames of the main characters of the book began to be perceived as common nouns. Each of them can be used as a disapproving characteristic of a person. This is realPlushkin can be said of a painfully stingy person; box they can name a mentally limited woman, a hoarder, all immersed in the economy; Sobakevich - an impolite, rude person with a strong appetite and clumsiness bear; Nozdrev - drunkard and brawler; Chichikov- a swindler entrepreneur.
From last name Manilov concept manilovism- that is, a dreamy and inactive attitude to the environment.
Some phrases of the poem have become winged. For example: And what Russian does not like to drive fast?!; Lady, pleasant in every way; historical man (about constantly falling into different stories); Rus', where are you going? Give an answer. Gives no answer.
Portrait of N.V. Gogol. Artist F. Moller. 1841:

Chichikov. From the album Types from Dead Souls. Artist A.M. Boklevsky. 1895:

Frame from the TV movie M.A. Schweitzer Dead Souls. Plushkin - I. Smoktunovsky:

Sobakevich. From the album Types from Dead Souls. Artist A.M. Boklevsky. 1895:

Manilov. From the album Types from Dead Souls. Artist A.M. Boklevsky. 1895:

Russia. Large linguo-cultural dictionary. - M.: State Institute Russian language them. A.S. Pushkin. AST-Press. T.N. Chernyavskaya, K.S. Miloslavskaya, E.G. Rostova, O.E. Frolova, V.I. Borisenko, Yu.A. Vyunov, V.P. Chudnov. 2007 .

See what "DEAD SOULS" is in other dictionaries:

    Dead Souls- This article is about the poem by N. V. Gogol. For film adaptations of the work, see Dead Souls (film). Dead souls ... Wikipedia

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    dead Souls- noun, number of synonyms: 1 dead souls (1) ASIS Synonym Dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    "Dead Souls"- DEAD SOULS is the title of a poem by N.V. Gogol (1st volume published in 1842). Before Gogol, this expression was not used and the writer's contemporaries gave the impression of a strange, contradictory, even illegal. For the author of the poem, it literally means ... ... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary

    Dead Souls- 1. Book. or publ. People fictitiously listed where l. F 1, 179. 2. Jarg. arm. Shuttle. iron. Soldiers of civilian specialties (musicians, artists, athletes) who are registered in military positions and perform special assignments from their superiors. Kor… Big Dictionary Russian sayings

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Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol's poem "Dead Souls" has to be read in the 9th grade. It was written in the 30's and 40's. XIX years century. The author worked on his work for a long time, since his original idea, which was to show "at least from one side all of Rus'", gradually transformed into a more global idea: to show "the whole depth of the abomination" that exists in Rus' in order to push society "to the beautiful". It cannot be said that the author achieved his ultimate goal, but, as Herzen believed, the poem "Dead Souls" shocked Russia. The author defined his work as a poem in prose; the text contains many digressions. If it were not for them, it would have turned out classic novel- a journey, or in European "picaresque" romance, since main character works are a real scammer. The plot of the poem was suggested to Gogol by A. S. Pushkin shortly before his death.

In Gogol's poem "Dead Souls" it is shown as truthfully as possible social structure Russian Empire 20-30 years of the XIX century - a time when the state experienced certain upheavals: the death of Emperor Alexander I, the Decembrist uprising, the beginning of the reign of the new emperor, Nicholas I. The author draws the capital, in which ministers and generals rule, classical provincial city, in which officials, nobles and merchants rule, draws a classic landowner's estate and a serf village, where the protagonist of the poem, Chichikov, visits in search of the so-called "dead souls". The author, not embarrassed and not afraid of censorship, shows all the negative character traits of "managers" and "those in power", speaks of bureaucratic and landowner arbitrariness, draws "an evil and vile world of real slave owners."

All this is opposed in the poem lyrical image real people's Russia which the author admires. The images of “people from the people” are deeper, cleaner, softer, one feels that their souls are alive, that their aspirations come down to only one thing - to free life. The author speaks about folk dreams with sadness, with pain, but at the same time one can feel his genuine faith that someday there will be no Chichikovs and Sobakevichs, that Russia will get rid of the “landowner oppression” and “rise from its knees to greatness and glory.” The poem "Dead Souls" is a kind of social manifesto, an encyclopedia, according to which you can study all the disadvantages of the dominant social system. N. Gogol, like many other enlightened people, understood what exactly feudal system hinders the development of the empire. If Russia can throw off its shackles, then it will pull ahead and take a leading position on the world stage. No wonder Belinsky said that Gogol boldly and in a new way looked at Russian reality, not being afraid of the consequences, drawing a future in which it was no longer the feudal nobles "masters of life", but the Russian peasant, the one who moves the country forward and, being free, does not spare himself and his strength. You can download or read the work of N. Gogol completely online on our website.

One of the most famous works Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol is considered to be the poem "Dead Souls". The author painstakingly worked on this work about the adventures of a middle-aged adventurer for 17 long years. The history of the creation of Gogol's "Dead Souls" is really interesting. Work on the poem began in 1835. Initially, "Dead Souls" was conceived as comic work, but the plot kept getting more complicated. Gogol wanted to display the entire Russian soul with its inherent vices and virtues, and the conceived three-part structure was to refer readers to " Divine Comedy» Dante.

It is known that the plot of the poem was suggested to Gogol by Pushkin. Alexander Sergeevich briefly outlined the story of an enterprising man who sold dead souls to the board of trustees, for which he received a lot of money. Gogol wrote in his diary: “Pushkin found that such a plot of Dead Souls is good for me because it gives me complete freedom to travel all over Russia with the hero and bring out many different characters.” By the way, in those days this story was not the only one. Heroes like Chichikov were constantly talked about, so we can say that Gogol reflected reality in his work. Gogol considered Pushkin his mentors in matters of writing, so he read the first chapters of the work to him, expecting that the plot would make Pushkin laugh. However great poet was darker than clouds- Russia was too hopeless.

The creative history of Gogol's "Dead Souls" could have ended at this moment, but the writer enthusiastically made corrections, trying to remove the painful impression and adding comical moments. In the future, Gogol read the work in the Askakov family, the head of which was a well-known theater critic and public figure. The poem was highly acclaimed. Zhukovsky was also familiar with the work, and Gogol made corrections several times in accordance with Vasily Andreevich's suggestions. At the end of 1836, Gogol wrote to Zhukovsky: “I redid everything I started again, thought over the whole plan more and now I lead it calmly, like a chronicle ... If I make this creation the way it needs to be done, then ... what a huge, what an original plot! .. All Rus' will appear in it!” Nikolai Vasilyevich did his best to show all aspects of Russian life, and not just the negative, as was the case in the first editions.

Nikolai Vasilyevich wrote the first chapters in Russia. But in 1837 Gogol left for Italy, where he continued to work on the text. The manuscript went through several edits, many scenes were deleted and redone, and the author had to make concessions in order for the work to be published. The censorship could not let The Tale of Captain Kopeikin go to print, because it satirically depicted the life of the capital: high prices, the arbitrariness of the king and the ruling elite, the abuse of power. Gogol did not want to remove the story of Captain Kopeikin, so he had to "extinguish" satirical motives. The author considered this part to be one of the best in the poem, which was easier to remake than to remove altogether.

Who would have thought that the history of the creation of the poem "Dead Souls" is full of intrigue! In 1841, the manuscript was ready for printing, but censorship in last moment changed her mind. Gogol was depressed. In frustrated feelings, he writes to Belinsky, who agrees to help with the publication of the book. After a while, the decision was made in favor of Gogol, but a new condition was set for him: to change the name from "Dead Souls" to "The Adventures of Chichikov, or Dead Souls." This was done in order to distract potential readers from current public problems, focusing on the adventures of the protagonist.

In the spring of 1842, the poem was published, this event caused fierce controversy in the literary environment. Gogol was accused of slander and hatred of Russia, but Belinsky defended the writer, praising the work.

Gogol again goes abroad, where he continues to work on the second volume of Dead Souls. The work got even harder. The history of writing the second part is full of mental suffering and personal drama of the writer. By that time, Gogol felt an internal discord, which he could not cope with in any way. Reality did not match Christian ideals on which Nikolai Vasilyevich was brought up, and this abyss grew larger every day. In the second volume, the author wanted to portray characters that are different from the characters in the first part - positive ones. And Chichikov had to go through a certain rite of purification, having embarked on the true path. Many drafts of the poem were destroyed by order of the author, but some parts still managed to be saved. Gogol believed that life and truth were completely absent in the second volume, he doubted himself as an artist, hating the continuation of the poem.

Unfortunately, Gogol did not realize his original plan, however, "Dead Souls" rightfully play their very important role in the history of Russian literature.

Artwork test

In the title itself famous poem Nikolai Gogol's "Dead Souls" has already been concluded main idea and the idea behind this piece. Judging superficially, the title reveals the content of the scam and Chichikov's personality itself - he bought souls already dead peasants. But in order to embrace the whole philosophical meaning Gogol's ideas, you need to look deeper than the literal interpretation of the title and even what is happening in the poem.

The meaning of the name "Dead Souls"

The title "Dead Souls" contains a much more important and deep meaning than it is displayed by the author in the first volume of the work. Already for a long time they say that Gogol originally planned to write this poem by analogy with the famous and immortal "Divine Comedy" by Dante, and as you know, it consisted of three parts - "Hell", "Purgatory" and "Paradise". It was they who had to correspond to the three volumes of Gogol's poem.

In the first volume of his most famous poem, the author intended to show the hell of Russian reality, the frightening and truly terrifying truth about the life of that time, and in the second and third volumes, the rise of the spiritual culture and life of Russia. To some extent, the title of the work is a symbol of the life of the county town N., and the city itself is a symbol of the whole of Russia, and thus the author indicates that his Mother country is in a terrible state, and the saddest and most terrible thing is that this is due to the fact that the souls of people are gradually cooling down, stale and dying.

The history of the creation of Dead Souls

The poem "Dead Souls" Nikolai Gogol began in 1835 and continued to work on it until the end of his life. At the very beginning, the writer singled out for himself, most likely, the funny side of the novel and created the plot of Dead Souls, as for a long work. There is an opinion that Gogol borrowed the main idea of ​​the poem from A.S. Pushkin, since it was this poet who first heard real story about "dead souls" in the city of Bendery. Gogol worked on the novel not only in his homeland, but also in Switzerland, Italy and France. The first volume of "Dead Souls" was completed in 1842, and in May it was already published under the title "The Adventures of Chichikov or Dead Souls."

Subsequently, work on the novel, original intention Gogol expanded significantly, it was then that the analogy with the three parts of the Divine Comedy appeared. Gogol conceived that his characters went through a kind of circles of hell and purgatory, so that at the end of the poem they would rise spiritually and be reborn. The author never managed to realize his idea, only the first part of the poem was completely written. It is known that Gogol began work on the second volume of the poem in 1840, and by 1845 he had already prepared several options for continuing the poem. Unfortunately, it was in this year that the author independently destroyed the second volume of the work, he irrevocably burned the second part of Dead Souls, being dissatisfied with what was written. The exact reason for this act of the writer is still unknown. There are draft manuscripts of four chapters of the second volume, which were discovered after the opening of Gogol's papers.

Thus, it becomes clear that the central category and at the same time the main idea of ​​Gogol's poem is the soul, the presence of which makes a person complete and real. This is precisely the main theme of the work, and Gogol tries to point out the value of the soul using the example of soulless and callous heroes who represent a special social stratum of Russia. In his immortal and brilliant work, Gogol simultaneously raises the topic of the crisis in Russia and shows what it is directly related to. The author talks about the fact that it is the soul that is the nature of man, without which there is no meaning in life, without which life becomes dead, and that it is thanks to it that salvation can be found.

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