Where they don’t sow there, they don’t. He reaps where he did not sow, he gathers where he did not squander


Wed. See what the old devil is up to:

Wants reap there, where I didn’t sow:

Well, the varnish hurt.

Ershov. The Little Humpbacked Horse.

Wed. Der eine fängt den Hasen, der andere isst ihn.

Wed. Uno se la fa, e l "altro se la gode.

Pasqualigo. 3, 18.

Wed. One sows, the other reaps.

(Turkish) Osman. 153.

Wed. The horse found it, but the donkey ate it.

(Sart.) Vambery. 208.

Wed. Ego apros occido, sed alter fruitur pulpamento.

I kill boars and the other enjoys the meat.

Diocletianus. Wed. Flav. Vopiec. 14.

Wed. Άλλότριον χάματον σφετέρην ες γαστέρ" άμώνται .

Atque metunt ventrem in proprium sudorem alienum.

They reap someone else's labor (sweat) into their own stomach.

Hesiod. Theogonia. 599.

Wed. Άλλότριον άμας θέρος .

You are reaping someone else's harvest.

Diogen. 2, 75.

Wed. Άλλότριον άμών θέρος .

Alieuam metens messem.

Reaping someone else's harvest.

Aristoph. in equitibus. 392.

Wed. I knew you were a cruel person: you reap where you did not sow, and you collect where you did not scatter it.

Matt. 25, 24.

Wed. For in this case the saying is true: one sows, and another reaps.

John. 4, 87.

Cm. bury your talent .

Cm. sic vos non vobis.

Cm. rake in the heat with someone else's hands.

  • - Immediately after the conversation with Pelias, Jason began to prepare for the campaign to Colchis. He traveled all over the countries of Greece and everywhere invited heroes famous for their exploits to go to Colchis for the Golden Fleece...

    Encyclopedia of Mythology

  • - He reaps where he did not sow, he gathers where he did not squander. Wed. Look, what the old horseradish is up to: He wants to reap where he has not sown: That’s enough, it’s become painful with varnish. Ershov. The Little Humpbacked Horse...

    Michelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (orig. orf.)

  • - From the Bible. The Gospel of Matthew says: “...You are a cruel man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you did not scatter.” The same is true in the Gospel of Luke: “.....

    Dictionary winged words and expressions

  • - See HAPPINESS -...
  • - see: The world is dying, and the army is feeding...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - The expression acts as a kind of riddle test to determine the meaning of something quickly said...

    Dictionary of folk phraseology

  • - He sowed evil without pleasure, He did not meet resistance to his art anywhere - And evil bored him M.Yu. Lermontov. Daemon...

    Mikhelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

  • - See REASON -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See GULBA -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Cm....

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See THEFT -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See A LOT -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - The Most Pure Mother sows and collects the cover...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See CONDITION -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Cm....

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - People's Disapproved About a slacker, a lazy person. DP, 257...

    Big dictionary Russian sayings

“he reaps where he did not sow, gathers where he did not squander” in books


From the book Alias ​​Dora: Memoirs Soviet intelligence officer by Rado Sandor

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“I walked, I sowed; and grew..."

From the book Memory of a Dream [Poems and translations] author Puchkova Elena Olegovna

“I walked, I sowed; and it grew..." I walked, I sowed; and fate grew, rewarding me generously for my efforts, but the bone stuck too firmly in my throat, becoming natural, like in a fish’s body. I cannot return Libra to its balance, I cannot equalize the irreconcilability of the cups; but in the sky there is a sign, no

KGB colonel collects bribes

From the book The Kremlin Case author Ivanov Nikolay Vladimirovich

KGB colonel collects bribes Joint work with the KGB provides enough grounds to judge the morals of the mysterious institution. But it turns out that there is not enough mystery. More than once I had to be convinced that it is not the interests of the cause that are above all, but the honor of the uniform.

The listener reaps

author Yakovlev Vasily Pavlovich

The listener reaps

From the book Where Falcons Fly From author Yakovlev Vasily Pavlovich

The listener reaps Mikhail Galkin passed the draft commission only on the second attempt, and then, a year ago, he was declared unfit for any service in the ranks of the Red Army and was sent back to his Plast from the very first office: rapid pulse, elevated blood pressure

The Empire is gathering information

From the book Soviet Village [Between Colonialism and Modernization] author Abashin Sergey

The Empire collects information Paths In Russia, the first information about the southeastern foothills of the Kurama Range began to appear in the first half of the 19th century, when the

19. The captain gathers his forces

From the book John Brown author Kalma Anna Iosifovna

19. The captain gathers forces In the East, everyone was interested in the Kansas events. Many liberal-minded businessmen stood for free states, donated money to resettlement relief committees and published articles in newspapers. They enthusiastically received the man who fought in

Zemstvo gathers forces

From the book In the Abyss of the Russian Troubles. Lessons unlearned stories author Zarezin Maxim Igorevich

Zemstvo gathers forces By the fall of 1611, the Russian elite had completely discredited itself. Numerous centers of power, or rather its fragments, have either lost the last signs of legitimacy and popular support, or have completely lost the ability to influence the situation.

Chapter 1 Who sowed the wind

From the book The Emperor Who Knew His Fate. And Russia, which did not know... author Romanov Boris Semenovich

Chapter 1 Who sowed the wind About global crises and morality in politics Even within the memory of contemporaries, the global financial and industrial crisis that began in 2008 is not the first. The one that erupted in the late 1980s contributed to, if not was the main cause of, the collapse of the economy

How the Kremlin sowed panic

From the author's book

How the Kremlin sowed panic If you believe A.S. Kulikov, he unraveled the “devilish plan” of the organizers of the rally on Oktyabrsky Square at 14.30 and only then understood how to act. In fact, there was nothing unexpected for the commander of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at 14.30

He reaps where he did not sow

From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary of Catchwords and Expressions author Serov Vadim Vasilievich

He reaps where he did not sow. From the Bible. The Gospel of Matthew (chapter 25, v. 24) says: “...You are a cruel man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you did not scatter.” The same thing is in the Gospel of Luke (chapter 19, v. 21): “...You are a cruel man: you take what you did not put in, and you reap what you did not sow.” The Gospel itself


From the book Man with a Ruble author Mikhail Khodorkovsky

WHO SOUCED THE TROUBLE? To be honest, classic literature both of us since school years irritated and angered, her role was shamelessly exaggerated. There was no corner of life that she would not expose, nail to pillory etc. etc. Leo Tolstoy

37. For in this case the saying is true: one sows, and another reaps. 38. I sent you to reap what you did not labor at: others labored, but you entered into their labor.

From the book The Explanatory Bible. Volume 10 author Lopukhin Alexander

37. For in this case the saying is true: one sows, and another reaps. 38. I sent you to reap what you did not labor at: others labored, but you entered into their labor. In relation to the spiritual harvest, the saying “one sows, another reaps” finds its perfect fulfillment. If at

26. His master answered him, “You wicked and lazy servant!” You knew that I reap where I did not sow, and gather where I did not scatter;

From the book The Explanatory Bible. Volume 9 author Lopukhin Alexander

26. His master answered him, “You wicked and lazy servant!” You knew that I reap where I did not sow, and gather where I did not scatter; (Luke 19:22). The former joy upon meeting the first two slaves is now out of the question. The former gentle and quiet speech now turns into a menacing breath of a storm.

12. And Isaac sowed in that land, and that year he received barley a hundredfold: so the Lord blessed him

From the book The Explanatory Bible. Volume 1 author Lopukhin Alexander

12. And Isaac sowed in that land and received barley a hundredfold that year: so the Lord blessed him. If Abraham was a simple nomad and perhaps sometimes planted trees (21:33), then Isaac begins, along with cattle breeding, to also agriculture, and Jacob develops this

Where is the inner truth?
There is composure of the soul.
When thirst comes,
Then write here.
For all the cherished lines,
What did you do when?
The prophet told us:
Do not reap where you did not sow.

Dare to create your dream,
But remember the instructions.


What is the inner truth?
If there is no Sprout to the Soul,
If there is no connection with creativity -
Unopened to the Light of Day?!

If there is thirst, it will be sad
And the sprout won’t break through
That asphalt demon feeling
What they lay over Him like a tomb.

Only if you plant in the soil,
Only if it came out in Color,
Here, then, ask for Happiness
Dear Heart Man!
Vladimir! Let your Sprout break through and find out the Truth, not the truth! Good luck!


Vadim, here we are...
As they say, it’s time to take stock.

Based on your entire dialogue, it turns out,
that you are just another god Kuzya,
who has imagined the right to teach everyone under the guise of goodwill,
and even on behalf of the “Creator” (as you claim).
A typical example of attempted manipulation. After all, we are now on my review feed.
Please discuss, and your manipulations are clearly visible here.
Just the phrase that you have been given a special right “from Above!”, and even on behalf of all the “slaves” whom you call “Children” (with capital letters)?
Well, talk to yourself, but not on behalf of others.
We didn’t give you this right, “God Kuzya.”
And naturally, I looked at your page (speaking of Children with a capital C). But I have enough sense of ethics - not to swoop in on you and not lecture or scold you that your truths are somehow not the same. After all, one of my professional interests is social media based on an IT platform.

And yet, you flatter me very much by calling me a philosopher, and I am just a teacher (management, analytics, situational analysis, opposition to lies and aggression for managers).
But you gave me good teaching material.
- Let your Sprout break through and find out the Truth, not the truth!
- If the truth is yours, then no one needs it. Truth relies on the Creator and spreads through Children: They are Its Bearers - therefore Truth is always stronger, both truth and lies!
-...You still don’t understand what kind of Children we are talking about: those that you give me as an example have nothing in common with Those that I am talking about - these are God’s Children...
- and to speak on Their behalf is entrusted to me from Above! (?)
- Good luck to you, philosopher: look at life more simply and broadly...
- for every glance from people means nothing with the Word that the Baby’s Lips will utter!
(so detailed - just to save it in documentary form)

By the way, in conclusion - today is Forgiveness Sunday,
forgive me if I offended you in any way.
And good luck to you, and we all don’t need unnecessary manipulations, just out of respect for ourselves and other people...

General lesson on the topic “Ancient people”, grade 5

Non-traditional forms of education. Lesson-game.

Development of a history lesson

Lesson objectives:

1. repeat and summarize students’ knowledge on the topic;

2. develop the ability to work with a historical map, timeline, find historical mistakes in the text, work with illustrative material, define terms;

3. cultivate feelings of collectivism, camaraderie, and healthy competition; increase positive motivation for studying history.

Lesson plan:

1.introduction teachers (5 min.)

2. Competition (35 min.)

3. Homework(2 minutes.)

4. Summing up (3 min.)

Teaching methods:

1. Reproductive

2. Search engine

3. Creative

4. Visual

Teaching aids (equipment): multimedia equipment, task cards, “The Ancient People on Earth” map, results tables.

During the classes

I. Introductory speech by the teacher (about the type of lesson, form of delivery, rules of the game, summing up).

II. Competition Tasks:

1. Come up with a name for the team (the name must correspond to the topic of the lesson, choose team captains).

2. Warm-up: name the right word or expression.

1 team:

1. Where, according to scientists, they lived ancient people? (In East Africa)

2. The first group of ancient people. (Herd of Man)

3. 40 thousand years ago, man became... (“homo sapiens”)

4. Ability to portray the world in colors. (Painting)

5. Head of the clan. (Elder)

6. A request to God, spirit. (Prayer)

7. The first metal that people learned to process. (Copper)

8. The replacement team tribal community. (Neighborhood community)

2nd team:

1. The main difference between primitive people and animals. (Ability to make tools)

2. The first occupations of people are gathering and... (hunting).

3. To hunt small and fast-running animals, man invented... (bow and arrows).

4. Belief in witchcraft, the soul, and life after death. (Religion)

5. Several tribal communities. (Tribe)

6. Skill from various materials make figures of people or animals. (Sculpture)

7.What activity arose from hunting? (Cattle breeding)

8. Who did primitive artists depict? (Animals)

3rd team:

1. The first tools of labor of the ancient people were: a digging stick, a club... (sharpened stone)

2. A team in which people lived, worked together, had common property and were related to each other. (Clan community)

4. What occupation arose from gathering? (Agriculture)

5. The tribe was ruled by... (council of elders)

6. Manufacturing of various products. (Craft)

7. Rich and famous people. (Know)

8. An invention that allowed people to settle in areas where hoe farming was impossible. (Plow)

3. Historical map

1. Show the continent on which bones and tools of ancient people were found.

2. Show the supposed area of ​​the ancestral home of man.

3. Mark with icons the most ancient human sites.

4. Solve the problem (one person from the team at a time).

1. How many thousands of years has “Homo sapiens” existed on Earth?

2. What came first: agriculture or metal processing? How much earlier?

3.What arose later: agriculture or metal processing? How much later?

Task: “What were ancient tools labor?

Scientists suggest that people who lived more than 2 million years ago made and used tools such as sharpened stones, digging sticks and clubs.

What are the scientists' assumptions based on? How do they know about this?

Excavations cannot provide insight into wooden tools, because wood rots. One can only guess about this; there is no direct evidence. Here and there on the islands of Oceania, in the depths of the African continent, there live tribes that are lagging behind in their development. These tribes do not grow plants, do not raise livestock, and do not know metals. They engage in hunting and gathering. Studying the life of these tribes, scientists suggest that even 2 million years ago, ancient people made tools not only from stone, but also from wood.

In the same way, studying cave drawings of primitive people who lived several tens of thousands of years ago, scientists find wooden tools in these drawings (drawings in the textbook). On this basis, it can be assumed that the distant ancestors of primitive artists also used wood as a material for tools.

Task: “Stain from the fire”

As you know, almost everything we know about the life of primitive people was obtained by the work of an archaeologist. Think about what the place where a fire once burned can tell about ancient people?

Primitive people, about whom we're talking about in the task, they knew how to use fire.

The thickness of the ash will tell you how long people lived at this site.

Special analysis of the embers preserved in the fire allows scientists to determine how many thousands of years ago the tree that burned in the fire was cut down.

Objective: "Ancient Graves"

Archaeologists find traces of the life of primitive people during excavations of ancient settlements, garbage pits, and also ancient graves.

Explain why archaeologists often find vessels, weapons, tools, and jewelry in graves, while in garbage pits only fragments of objects and animal bones can be found.

To solve a problem, you need to know what else is in primitive times belief in the soul and its posthumous existence arose. The task can be proposed as before studying the material about " land of the dead"(§3, paragraph 4), and after (as consolidation of what has been learned).

“For an archaeologist, burials are very valuable and special historical source. The fact is that things and, in general, all the remnants of the past that are found at sites, settlements, and fortifications, in most cases, are greatly damaged by time. Buildings were destroyed or burned, things were once either lost or abandoned as having fallen into disrepair. Time has scattered and mixed it all up. In the burials it reigns full order, if they were not dug up and robbed, all things are in the same position in which they were placed and placed during burial. The decorations are in the places where they were usually worn: temple rings at the temples of the skull, rings and bracelets on the fingers and wrists of the skeleton, buttons are in the order in which they were sewn. Even if the clothes themselves have decayed, but if a row of buttons reaches the knees of the skeleton, then we can confidently assume that the dress reached the knees or lower. Pottery stores food remains, and even if the vessel is crushed by the earth, all the shards remain in place and are easy to glue together.

Based on the burials, it is easy to establish the difference in property between the deceased and, consequently, the difference in the society that left the burial. The graves are rich and poor - from the luxurious tombs of Egyptian pharaohs and with piles of gold to a modest mound over the ashes of a simple farmer or shepherd with a stone ax and a pot of spelled.”

(Amalrik A.S.Yu Mongait A.L. What is archeology. - M., 1966, p.44-45)

Task: “Why didn’t he die? one-armed hunter

Archaeologists examined the site of primitive hunters who lived several tens of thousands of years ago. During excavations, the skeleton of a one-armed man was discovered who died under the collapsed arch of the cave. A study of the skeleton showed that the man was about 50 years old at the time of death, and his right hand he lost it at a young age.

Is it possible to say anything based on this find about the life of primitive hunters? About the relationships between people in this tribal community?

Hunting was very dangerous in those days; people often died in battles or lost parts of their bodies.

The tribe lived in a cave and did not build huts

People knew healing herbs or could prepare some kind of potion against blood poisoning, otherwise the man would have died, losing his arm.

A group of relatives continued to feed and care for him.

Task: “What can a garbage pit tell us?”

Imagine that on the site of an ancient village in an ancient garbage pit, archaeologists found a pile of animal bones. Scientists have determined that most of the bones belong to wild animals - deer, wild boar, bison. There are very few bones of domestic animals - pigs and goats.

What conclusions will you draw about the occupations of the people who lived in the ancient village? Which method of obtaining food, judging by these finds, was the main one, and which was the secondary one?

Hunting continued to be the main occupation (this is evidenced by the number of bones of wild animals), but cattle breeding was already beginning to play a noticeable role

Task: “What was the first arithmetic operation that people mastered?”

It is known that primitive hunters and gatherers, who lived in tribal communities, learned to count by heels and tens (by the number of fingers on their hands), and knew arithmetic operations.

Guess which arithmetic operation people mastered first. What do you think you had to do more often: multiply, divide, add, subtract?

According to scientists, first of all, people could master not addition and subtraction, but division (of course, this is just a hypothesis, but it follows from an analysis of the practical needs of primitive people and looks plausible). Everything that was caught in the hunt, and everything that women collected edibles, all belonged to the entire clan community. All this had to be divided among relatives. And this happened all the time. Therefore, division arose first.

Problem: “Is it possible to reap where you have not sown?”

Everyone knows the saying: “What goes around comes around.” Meanwhile, scientists claim that people once reaped with sickles what they did not sow. Are the scientists right? Justify your answer.

Even before the advent of agriculture primitive people When collecting wild cereals (barley, wheat), harvesting knives were used - sickles that had a wooden or bone base into which sharp pieces of flint or other stone were inserted.

Task: “Why study pot shards?”

One of the sciences that plays big role in the study of history can jokingly be called the science of broken pots.

What kind of science is this? What's in her funny name right, and what's wrong?


Pottery, i.e. making dishes from clay was invented approximately 10-12 thousand years ago. When today excavations are carried out in those settlements whose inhabitants knew how to make vessels from clay, archaeologists find a lot of shards (clothing, shoes, ginet wood, but no clay) .

The study of the shards allows us to draw conclusions that the inhabitants of the settlement studied by archaeologists:

  • knew (or did not know) pottery;
  • they made vessels on a potter's wheel (or sculpted them in a primitive way without a wheel);
  • traded (or did not trade) with nearby and distant settlements. Thus, by reconstructing the shape of broken vessels from shards and studying the composition of the clay, it is possible to determine whether they were made locally or brought from another region.

7. Historical mistakes.

Teams must find historical errors in the text.

  1. Africa, more than 2 million years ago. Here comes a herd of monkey-like people. Suddenly heavy snow fell, everyone was chilled, even clothing made from animal skins could not protect people from the cold. Finally they hid in a cave. They took out and began to chew roots, nuts and even stale bread. Suddenly everyone froze in horror - a huge dinosaur was approaching the cave. What will happen next?
  1. It's time for the harvest. The first farmers entered the field. With their flattened noses and protruding jaws, they resembled monkeys. Farmers cut buckwheat ears with copper and iron sickles. In the corral next to the field, the horses neighed anxiously. People became scared. A herd of mammoths was heading straight towards the village.
  1. The most ancient artists painted their pictures on canvas. They depicted animals, birds, but most often - people. All the colors of the rainbow are present in volumetric images bison, mammoths, bears. Primitive artists often organized exhibitions of their paintings.

III. Homework

Compose a crossword puzzle “Life of primitive people.”

IV. Summarizing. Grading (winning team – “5”)

St. John Chrysostom

Oh, slavish anger! Oh, extreme ingratitude! Not only did he not acquire anything with the talent given to him, but he also reproached his master for the talent. Such is the depravity of the soul: it darkens the mind, and a person, once turned away from the straight path, is cast into the abyss. All this is said about teachers, so that they do not hide what is entrusted to them, but convey it to the students with all care.

Discourses on the book of Genesis. Conversation 41.

St. Grigory Dvoeslov

The slave who did not want to use his talent came to the master with words of justification: Master! I knew you that you were a cruel man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you did not scatter, and, being afraid, I went and hid your talent in the ground; here's yours. Note that the lazy slave calls his master cruel, but at the same time refuses to serve for his benefit. However, the only thing he should have feared was that he might not prove useless to his master. There are many people in the Church who resemble this slave - they are afraid to take the path better life, but are not afraid to remain in their uselessness. And if it happens that they recognize themselves as sinners, then the possibility of standing in the way of righteousness worries them, but remaining in vices is not scary for them.

A good example is Peter, who, while still in weakness, saw the miracle with the fish, and said: come away from me, Lord! because I'm a sinful person(Luke 5:8) If you recognize yourself as a sinful person, then only one thing is true: do not drive the Lord away from you! And people who see that they are weak, and for this reason do not want to improve either their morals or their way of life, are like those who admit that they are sinful, and at the same time drive away the Lord. They run away from Him whom they should sanctify within themselves; as if in confusion, even dying, they fear life.

Forty homilies on the Gospels.

St. Justin (Popovich)

Art. 24-25 The one who had received one talent came and said: Master! I knew you that you were a cruel man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you did not scatter, and, being afraid, I went and hid your talent in the ground; here's yours

The secret of the lazy servant: his contempt for God, his hatred of God, his attitude towards God as unjust, unrighteous and unmerciful; those. he considers Him a tyrant, a miser, a rapist. From all that is divine, the lazy servant is left with only the fear of God. And even here he did not tell the truth, because everything in him was shifted, and he was unable to be frank before the Master. I knew you were a cruel person: i.e. God, you are a harsh, unmerciful person, For you reap where you did not sow, and you gather where you did not scatter. In other words: this world and the people in it are not Yours, you are only unjustly using human labor; you take for yourself what belongs to people; You arrogate to yourself the glory of the Lord and Creator of the world, who is merciful and generous, but in reality you are a cruel person, a miser who does not give his own and takes away what belongs to others. Because you are like that, I did not want to use your talent, your goodness; I was afraid of you, I moved far from you, hid your talent in the ground - here, it’s yours!(verse 25)

Look, the lazy and crafty servant could not destroy the talent of God, the property of God; he had to return it to God: God's to God. - This is a type of materialist, atheist, positivist, in one word: humanist and hominist. They all don’t want one thing: they don’t want God and nothing of God, they want to remain with man and humanity at all costs (like foolish virgins: Matthew 25:1-13): I don’t want God, neither in this, nor in another world, nor in this, not in another life. And then the mosquito is strained out and the camel is swallowed. This is, in fact, the idea of ​​humanists of all kinds. The idea is senseless, crazy, crazy. - Yes, but only for those who have received their sight. And for them? - This is a triumph that has no equal in any of the worlds in which they crawl.

Interpretation of the Gospel of Matthew.

Blzh. Hieronymus of Stridonsky

Art. 24-25 The one who had received one talent came and said: Master! I knew you that you were a cruel man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you did not scatter, and, being afraid, I went and hid your talent in the ground; here's yours

Truly famous word: Don't feel guilty about sins(i.e., for inventing an excuse for sins) (Ps. 140:4), also applies to this slave, so that [he] adds the crime of pride to laziness and negligence. Indeed, the one who should simply confess his inactivity and beg the householder - he, on the contrary, slanderes him and says that he followed a prudent decision - namely: not to endanger the integrity of the money [entrusted to him], as long as he turns them into profitable enterprises.

Blzh. Theophylact of Bulgaria

The one who had received one talent came up and said: Master! I knew you that you were a cruel man, reaping where you did not sow and gathering where you did not scatter


Art. 24-25 The one who had received one talent came and said: Master! I knew you that you were a cruel man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you did not scatter, and, being afraid, I went and hid your talent in the ground; here's yours

Why his master telling him in reply and denouncing him as a wicked and lazy servant, did not admit that He exists cruel man, as he thought, and agreed with his other words, telling him: You knew that I reap where I did not sow and gather where I did not scatter? How can we understand that our Lord is truly ours? he reaps where he did not sow and gathers where he did not scatter? It seems to me [this is clear] from the following passage: the righteous sows to the spirit, from which will reap eternal life(Gal. 6:8) . And everything that is sown by another (that is, a righteous man) is reaped in eternal life, God reaps; For the righteous belong to God, and He reaps where He did not sow, but the righteous one. Therefore, we will also say that the righteous squandered, distributed to the poor(2 Cor. 9:9), and the Lord gathered in Himself everything that the righteous had scattered and distributed to the poor, reaping what he did not sow and gathering where he did not scatter. He attributes to Himself and considers that everything that is sown or squandered for the poor believers is offered to Him, saying to those who have shown kindness to their loved ones: Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: for I was hungry, and you gave Me food.(Matt. 25:34-35) and so on. And since He wants to reap where He did not sow and gather where He did not squander, then, not finding [this profit], He will say to those who did not give Him [the opportunity] to reap and gather: Depart from Me, you cursed, into eternal fire which My Father has prepared to the devil and his angels: for I was hungry, and you gave me no food(Matt. 25:41-42) and so on.

One of the slaves accumulated less virtue for himself, because of which the landlord gave him, as less capable, one talent. Having received it, that slave buried him in the ground and hid it in the depths, although he should have taken it and put it to use.

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