Where does the circle of light festival take place? Workshops and seminars


Festival "Light" 2017 in Moscow began on September 23 and will last until Wednesday, September 27, 2017. From September 23 to 27, Tsaritsyno Park will appear for visitors in a new fabulous light. Spectators will enjoy an audiovisual show at the Grand Palace, live performances by an art group Soprano Turkish and pianist Dmitry Malikov to the accompaniment of light and music, a bewitching fountain show on the Tsaritsyn pond and amazing light installations, the site says.

Grand Palace
20:00-21:00 Dmitry Malikov's speech, accompanied by live video projections. The Grand Palace will become a platform for a musical and visual experiment. For the first time, as part of the Circle of Light festival, visual images will be created in real time under live show pianist. The program will sound a number classical works performed by Dmitry Malikov, which will be translated into the language of visual metaphors and images by the VJ team, winner of the ART VISION competition.
19:30-23:00 Audiovisual mapping "Palace of Senses". With the help of light and music, the authors of the story will revive the facade of the building and tell the audience about its feelings. So different, sometimes completely opposite, but those that each of us has experienced at least once in our lives. Phonographic performance by Turetsky's Soprano art group, accompanied by a video projection on the facade of the palace. The audience will witness a unique combination of lighting technologies with recordings of songs from one of the best female bands in Russia, which features voices from the highest ( coloratura soprano) to the lowest (mezzo).

Tsaritsyno Pond

Tsaritsyno park

Grand Palace
19:30-23:00 Audiovisual mapping "Palace of Senses". With the help of light and music, the authors of the story will revive the facade of the building and tell the audience about its feelings. So different, sometimes completely opposite, but those that each of us has experienced at least once in our lives. A phonographic performance by Turetsky's Soprano art group, accompanied by a video projection on the facade of the palace

Tsaritsyno Pond
19:30-23:00 Fountain show. Dozens of fountains will come to life to the music of classical works by Russian composers, making the audience members of a large water orchestra.

Tsaritsyno park
19:30-23:00 Light installations. Throughout the evening, amazing light installations from leading lighting designers from around the world will work in Tsaritsyno Park.

Grand Palace
Audiovisual mapping "Palace of Senses". With the help of light and music, the authors of the story will revive the facade of the building and tell the audience about its feelings. So different, sometimes completely opposite, but those that each of us has experienced at least once in our lives. Phonographic performance by Turetsky's Soprano art group accompanied by video projection on the facade of the palace

Tsaritsyno Pond
19:30-23:00 Fountain show. Dozens of fountains will come to life to the music of classical works by Russian composers, making the audience members of a large water orchestra.

Tsaritsyno park
19:30-23:00 Light installations. Throughout the evening, amazing light installations from leading lighting designers from around the world will work in Tsaritsyno Park.

Several streets in Moscow will be closed from 23 to 27 September in connection with the international festival"Circle of Light," the Metropolitan Department of Transportation said on Wednesday.

So, a full overlap is expected from September 23 to 27 from 17.00 to 23.00 Moscow time on Petrovka Street from the intersection with Kuznetsky Most Street to the intersection with Teatralny Proyezd. The road will also be closed from 15.00 to 23.00 Moscow time from September 23 to 24 on Academician Korolev Street from Botanicheskaya Street to the intersection with Argunovskaya Street, in the passage from Ostankinsky Square from the intersection with 1st Ostankinskaya Street to Academician Korolev Street, on Novomoskovskaya street from the intersection with 1st Ostankinskaya Street to the intersection with Akademika Korolev Street, as well as on 1st Ostankinskaya Street from the intersection with Botanicheskaya Street to the intersection with Ostankinsky Square.

In addition, in the period from 21.00 to 23.00 Moscow time from September 23 to 24, travel Vehicle will limit on the section of Botanicheskaya street from the intersection with 1st Ostankinskaya to the intersection with Akademika Korolev street, on the street Oak Grove from the intersection with Oak Grove passage to the intersection with Akademika Koroleva street, in Oak Grove passage from the intersection with Oak Grove street to the intersection with Novomoskovskaya street and on Novomoskovsk street from the intersection with 1st Ostankinskaya to the intersection with Oak Grove passage.

Festival Circle of Light in Moscow 2017: when will the fireworks

The opening ceremony of the festival will take place on September 23 in Ostankino. This site was not chosen by chance: this year the country's main TV tower celebrates half-century anniversary.

The finale of the Circle of Light festival this year will be a grandiose fireworks display. On this occasion in the Stroginskaya floodplain the first show of Japanese pyrotechnics in Russia.

The Circle of Light Festival is underway, during which the architectural space of the city will be transformed by the hands of lighting designers and professionals in the field of 2D and 3D graphics.

The facades of religious buildings will be transformed into something extraordinary, will be painted bright colors light show and show completely different and unimaginable landscapes and stories.

The festival originates from the city of Lyon in France late XVII century, later finds popularity throughout Europe.

In 2002, Anton Chukaev (a Moscow artist) sent an application to the Moscow Committee for Culture to hold such an event, but only after 9 years did the debut of the festival take place, which was recognized and received annual status.

Festival themes

Every year the festival has a new theme.

  • In 2012 - "The Energy of Life" (the main idea is the speed of changes in the consciousness of society, fashion, tastes, the idea is the unity of peoples and cultures).
  • In 2013 - "Relay of Light" (during the festival he arrived in Moscow Olympic Flame, 11 countries of the world take part)
  • IN 2014 - " Trip around the world» (combined iconic places and sights of the capital in a multimedia show)
  • In 2015 - "In the city of light" (an amazing journey to the capital, which no one has ever seen before)
  • In 2016 - "Circle of Light" (a grandiose journey around the world)
  • In 2017 - "The Seven Tallest Buildings in the World" (Eiffel Tower (300 meters), Dubai's Burj Khalifa (828 meters) and New York's Empire State Building (443 meters), Toronto TV Tower (553 meters), Shanghai (486 meters), Tokyo (332 meters) and Sydney (309 meters).

"Circle of Light" for children

The event is generally family format and involves a wide audience coverage - it is interesting for everyone. In 2015, for example, on Lubyanka, the Central Children's Store was painted with bright colors fairytale heroes and showed the small spectators a parade of toys.

Reviews and photo reports

The number of visitors is growing every year - from 1 million (in 2011) to 8 million people (in 2017). Entrance to the festival is free, anyone can become part of the show. Just to see the opening ceremony as close as possible, you need to have an invitation card, which in turn can be obtained through social media or win a contest on the festival's official page (they are distributed by the department of the Moscow government).

It is interesting to look at the festival works of past years, such an opportunity is given by the reports of Turister users. RU. The festival was held from September 26 to October 4. 9 sites were involved. This year, the event entered the Guinness Book of Records for the first time as the largest video projection (on the building of the Ministry of Defense on Frunzenskaya embankment). In the year from September 23 to September 27. light shows were held at 6 venues, 2 light performances with a total duration of about 50 minutes were shown (“Unlimited Moscow State University” and “Keeper”). At the end of every evening pyrotechnic show(more than 19,000 fireworks). It also broke its own record in the Guinness Book of Records - the largest video projection.

Awards and achievements of the festival "Circle of Light"

  • Moscow Design Biennale - 1st place in the Multimedia Show/Event Design category (2016)
  • "Guinness Book of Records" nomination "The largest video projection" (2016)
  • "Guinness Book of Records" nomination "The largest light output when projecting an image" (2016)
  • "Guinness Book of Records" nomination "The largest video projection" (2015)
  • "Innovation Time" nomination "Event Project of the Year" (2015)
  • "Event of the Year" nomination "City Event of the Year" (2015)
  • The Moscow Times Awards nomination "Cultural Event of the Year" (2014)
  • "Best in Russia/Best.ru" nomination "The best cultural event of the year" (2014)
  • "Guiding Star" nomination "Best Event Project" (2014)
  • "Brand No. 1 in Russia" category "Festival" (2013, 2014)
  • "Brand of the Year / EFFIE" category "Entertainment" (2011, 2012)

Where will the Circle of Light festival take place in 2019: program

Preliminary action plan:

  • Solemn opening / closing ceremony of the festival: September 21 - 25
  • Competition "ART VISION VJing": September 22 (concert hall "Mir")
  • Competition "ART VISION Modern": September 23 (facade of the Grand Tsaritsyno Palace)
  • Competition "ART VISION Classic"": September 24 (Russian Academic youth theater, Bolshoi and Maly theaters of Moscow)

How to get there

Every year the venues are different and different parts cities. The only trend is that there are very few parking spaces, the best option to bypass traffic jams, use the metro or any other public transport.

Even in Moscow, it is convenient to use taxi applications - Uber, Gett, Yandex. Taxi and others.

Festival "Circle of Light": video

Theatrical and musical classics, masterpieces of world high-rise architecture, world human feelings and the natural pearls of the planet will form the basis of the scenarios of light and music shows that will be held in the capital from September 23 to 27 as part of the VII Moscow International Circle of Light Festival.

The Circle of Light festival will be held in Moscow for the seventh time and promises to be one of the most spectacular events of the upcoming autumn. By tradition, all performances, as well as training seminars by lighting design masters, are held at city venues in a publicly accessible free format, annually attracting a multi-million audience, including residents of Moscow and the Moscow region, Russian and foreign tourists. So, in 2016, the "Circle of Light" reached a record attendance - more than 6 million people in five days.

In 2017, the Circle of Light will be held at six venues. The opening ceremony of the festival will take place on September 23 in Ostankino. The country's main TV tower is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. Projection Technology volumetric images on architectural object - video mapping will allow the birthday girl to "try on" the images of the seven highest buildings in the world. The famous skyscrapers and TV towers of France, the United Arab Emirates, Canada, the USA, China, Japan and Australia will appear before the audience against the backdrop of the natural attractions of these countries, which is due to the Year of Ecology taking place in Russia. Fountains, burners, lighting fixtures will be installed on the Ostankino pond. Guests will be treated to an extraordinary multimedia show, combining light, lasers, choreography of fountains and fire, as well as a grandiose pyrotechnic show. An ice rink for figure skaters will be built on the pond.

Theater Square, familiar to the regular audience of the Circle of Light, for the first time this year will use the facades of both the Bolshoi and Maly theaters for performances. All days of the festival, two thematic light shows will be shown here: "Celestial Mechanics" - about loneliness and love, and "Timeless" - plots based on the works of outstanding Russian playwrights. Also, the works of the finalists will be shown on the facades of the leading theaters in Russia international competition Art Vision taking place during the festival.

In the Tsaritsyno Park daily, from 19:30 to 23:00, visitors can see the impressive audiovisual performance "Palace of Senses" on the building of the Great Catherine Palace and the fascinating light and music show of fountains on the Tsaritsynsky Pond. On September 24, the art group SOPRANO by Mikhail Turetsky will perform here, and on the rest of the days, unique vocals women's team will sound in the recording, accompanying the video projections on the facade of the palace. The next day, September 25, will give a concert National artist Russian Dmitry Malikov. » Tsaritsyno Park will be decorated with amazing installations from the world's leading lighting designers for the entire festival period.

The finale of the Circle of Light festival will be a grandiose fireworks show - the first show of Japanese pyrotechnics in Russia, which will be held in the Stroginskaya floodplain on September 27th. To do this, barges will be installed on the water, on which pyrotechnic installations will be placed. The charges of Japanese fireworks are much larger than usual, each shot is made by hand, and the pattern is individual. They will open at a height of 500 meters, and the diameter of the light domes will be about 240 meters.

Festival events will be held in parallel at two indoor venues. September 24 at the theater concert hall"Peace" competition will be held " Art Vision VJing", where commands from different countries compete in the skill of creating light images to the music. And on September 23 and 24, the Digital October Center will host free educational lectures by light designers and creators of laser installations.

The seventh international festival "Circle of Light" will be held in Moscow from 23 to 27 September. Traditionally, viewers will be able to see multimedia laser shows, lighting special effects and fireworks on the streets of the city, and the main venue will be the Ostankino TV tower. Admission to all events is free.


Digital October

Those who are interested in innovations in the field of video mapping, visual arts will be able to visit the educational program at the Digital October center. On September 23 and 24, lectures, discussions and master classes will be held by experts in computer graphics, representatives of design studios, programmers, lighting engineers, architects, etc. In particular, on September 24 at a lecture on contemporary art“All Art Was Modern” will talk about how culture reflects our reality and changes in society, and the lecture “From Phantasmagoria to Sensory Reality” will talk about visual arts, its history and development over the centuries. Students will learn about how science and art were connected, what were the earliest optical technologies. Pre-registration is required to participate.

Where: Moscow, Bersenevskaya nab., 6, building 3.

VJing competition

You can watch the competition of the best VJs within the framework of the Art Vision competition in the Mir Concert Hall.

VJing (VJ) is the creation of visual images to music, mixing visual effects and video with music in real time. Pre-registration required.

Where: Moscow, Tsvetnoy Boulevard, 11, building 2.

The opening ceremony of the international festival "Circle of Light" ended with a grandiose salute. The festival is held for the seventh year in a row and gathers a huge number of guests and participants. There are six venues in Moscow, where everyone will be able to watch bright light shows until September 27. The Ostankino TV Tower is one of the main participants in the project. She will have a whole series of amazing transformations, and you can see them even from a long distance.

The opening of the Circle of Light festival has already broken all records in terms of the amount of equipment - 200 fountains, 6 megawatts of power, dozens of projectors - and in terms of the number of spectators. About 250 thousand people gathered in Ostankino alone to watch the brightest performance of autumn.

Travel around the world - the great skyscrapers of the world in one place. Ostankino tower, celebrating its 50th anniversary this year, momentarily turned into both the Eiffel Tower and Dubai's Burj Khalifa skyscraper. Toronto, Shanghai and Tokyo TV towers.

“Famous high-rise buildings, the great high-rise buildings of the world are uniting to once again remind people how beautiful our world is, how important it is to protect it, and what miracles nature has created,” says Vladimir Demekhin, director of the Ostankino site of the Circle of Light festival.

A fairy-tale world in which lavender fields bloom, the noise of Niagara Falls. The heat of the Sahara desert envelops the audience with bright fire, and the Fujiyama volcano fascinates with its power.

Ice and fire. Famous figure skaters Tatyana Navka and Pyotr Chernyshev, Alexander Smirnov and Yuko Kawaguchi are at the Ostankino Pond.

Fountains, burners, lighting fixtures. For a year, the organizers came up with a program, chose sites in Moscow, looked for the right amount of equipment that was brought to the capital from all over the country. Every detail matters.

“We have united a lot of people, more than a thousand people work here. We worked even harder in preparation for the festival. This is fireworks, this is water, these are lasers, this is a show,” says Elena Andreeva, coordinator of the Circle of Light Moscow International Festival.

"Circle of Light" - in various parts of Moscow. In Tsaritsyno, the Great Catherine Palace comes to life before the eyes of the audience. "Palace of Senses" - a performance under open sky. The building, complex in architecture, moves, turns into abstract images, then into unusual figures.

On Theater Square, the facades of the Bolshoi and Maly theaters show the idea of ​​"celestial mechanics", in which loneliness and love coexist.

For five days, Moscow turned into the capital of the world. The culmination of the opening ceremony is a grand fireworks display, a show not to be missed.

The brightest, fantastic moment that everyone was waiting for. Hundreds of lights seem to embrace the Ostankino TV tower. The spectacle is simply incredible. This is a must see!

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