Drawing for the story a town near an oak grove. Cuban studies




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Project work on Kuban studies: Completed by: IRHA KSENIA, student of grade 3 "B" Teacher: Onufer Nadezhda Mikhailovna "YOU AND YOUR NAME" MBOU secondary school No. 8, Sennoy village, Temryuksky district, Krasnodar Territory

There are different names in the world. The meaning of names is interpreted by letters. And if your mother calls you correctly, fate will present you with a happy life.

RELEVANCE Previously, children were called the names of saints, national names, composed of Old Slavonic words having deep meaning: Svyatoslav, Miroslav, Yaroslav, Bogdan (given by God). After the adoption of Christianity, Greek and Byzantine names came to us that have a translation and meaning in their language, and they just sound good to us: Olga, Anatoly, etc. meaning for that time: Vilena (V.I. Lenin), Electrina (electricity), Aurora (cruiser Aurora). At that time such names were fashionable. Gradually, people began to forget about the meaning of names, especially when the names were borrowed by some peoples from others. Today we do not think about what our names mean. But if you turn to their origin, you can learn a lot of interesting things.

In our school: TOTAL 419 children 202 boys 217 girls There are 419 students in our school and among some of the same names that occur all the time, there are rare names. There are Russian, Tatar, Greek, Armenian names, because we have a multinational region.

The rarest female names Sabina Sofia Vasilisa Naile Snezhana Alie Angelina Maryana

The rarest male names Theophylact Rodion Philip Nazar Mark Matvey Ablyamid Emil

The purpose of the project: to study the names of students in grade 3 "B" and note the features of their character associated with the name. Project objectives: Ask classmates about the meaning of their names. Study literature sources on the topic. Match the name with the character of the student.

Introduction At the Cuban studies lesson, the teacher gave us a task: to find out the meaning of her name from additional sources. I went online with my mom. It turned out that my name has a very good meaning.

My name is Xenia My name in Greek means "hospitable". I am receptive, emotional, quick-tempered. I have a fickle character, I draw well, I study well. Here is how it is written in the book: “Growing up, Ksenia becomes more calm, but still stubborn. She is persistent, loves to win, does not tolerate defeat well. She always stands up for the unjustly offended. Ksenia good friend, reliable and trustworthy. At the same time, a girl with this name is caring and attentive to relatives and friends, she will never leave her in trouble. As my mother says: "It is written correctly."

The names of our class I became interested to know what the names of my classmates mean. After studying several names, I realized that their meanings largely correspond to the characters of my classmates.

Vyacheslav Derived from Old Russian "vyache" (more) and "slav" (glory). Little Slavik needs constant confirmation of love from his parents. Feeling their support and approval, he grows up to be a strong, athletic and strong-willed guy, able to achieve his goals. As a rule, Vyacheslav has many talents and, under favorable circumstances, he successfully implements them. Since childhood, he does not like injustice, and this dislike carries through his whole life. Vyacheslav is a quick-tempered, but easy-going and not vindictive person.

Anastasia Ancient Greek origin and means: resurrection (returned to life). Nastenka is a name from Russian fairy tales. A girl with that name is, as it were, predestined to be the most beautiful, the smartest, the most tender. Everyone loves her in childhood, and Anastasia will not deceive expectations - she will never be either malicious or vindictive, on the contrary, she is defenseless against cunning, evil people She is easily deceived or offended. The girl grows dreamy, loves children's fairy tales, she has a well-developed imagination.

Olga Derived from the Scandinavian name Helga - sacred. Olga - in childhood, a vulnerable, touchy girl, but stubborn - it is useless to punish her: she will not ask for forgiveness, she will not draw conclusions in principle. As a rule, she studies well, but not because of the desire to stand out, but rather to protect herself from bad grades that kill her. Olga never loses her desire to look and be "no worse than others." She is also able to immodestly praise herself if others do not.

Ivan Original Russian name. Boys with such a common name may have the most different character. They can be quiet and inconspicuous, they can be restless and rowdy. In Ivans, a combination of a wide variety of qualities is possible: strength and weakness, kindness and cruelty, tenderness and anger. They have an extremely wide range of interests and hobbies, they take on a lot and they manage to do a lot. Ivans are found among people of various professions, they can be lumberjacks, poets, pilots, doctors, loaders. Open to the whole world. Always aware of the affairs of their relatives and close friends. His hobbies include football and fishing.

Oksana The Ukrainian form of the name Xenia, translated from ancient Greek - "hospitable". This is a strong, active, decisive, principled, straightforward, sociable, inventive, resourceful nature. Oksana has strong will and strong mentality. With others friendly, friendly, not conflict. He tries not to offend anyone, but he will not let himself be offended either. Not a self-critical, somewhat eccentric person, she is often unable to soberly assess her actions and miscalculations. She blames others for her failures or believes that she was simply unlucky. He does not give in to obstacles, but strives to overcome them. She almost always succeeds. He does not change his beliefs and views. It is impossible to convince her.

Akim The name Akim in Hebrew means "God will raise up." Akim in childhood is calm, but stubborn, a little capricious. Very selective in friendship, intolerant of human shortcomings. Endowed with a heightened sense of justice. It is possible to prove something to Akim only by calmness, weighty arguments and convincing facts. Akim is somewhat eccentric, relying solely on own opinion, a lover of giving advice, likes to brag and embellish. Akim is risk-averse, courageous and bold.

Victoria Victoria - latin name meaning "victory", "winner". The meaning of the name Victoria. The girl who received this name from her parents has been distinguished by self-will and stubbornness from early childhood. Any attempts to direct it into the generally accepted educational channel cause a stormy protest. It is impossible to put pressure on her - Vika can only heed persuasion, but not brute force. However, with such a wayward character, Vikusha does not at all strive for leadership in the children's team - she is silent and somewhat lazy for this.

Eugene The name comes from an ancient Greek word meaning "noble". Little Eugene will start reading and writing early. He will develop a propensity for a rich imagination. He will be good at solving problems that require a certain ingenuity. Eugene will be easy to give foreign languages. He is friendly with his peers, enjoys their respect. Eugene is hardworking, but the difficulties that arise in his way knock him out of a calm state, make him nervous.

Sophia Ancient Greek name, means "wisdom", "skill". Saint Sophia Divine Wisdom appeared to people under the golden rain: to this day, this name is the personification of wealth and success. Calling their daughter Sophia, parents, without knowing it, insure the baby from material problems. Sophia has a desire for leadership, she is completely unfamiliar with the word "laziness", and therefore she, as a rule, achieves her goals. Her main advantage is the ability to help her neighbor, she knows how to solve any problems (albeit better than strangers than her own). By nature, she is very mobile, cannot sit still.

Ilya Russian form of the Hebrew name Elijah, meaning "power of God." Ilya is a very economic person. From childhood, he learns to help his father and mother in all household chores and masters a variety of skills. Ilya can participate in construction work on suburban area, breed chickens and rabbits, grow crops in the garden and in the garden, repair household appliances. There will be no particular problems with Ilya if you follow the circle of his acquaintances, since Ilya is not very picky in choosing friends and easily succumbs to bad influences. Has a sharp mind. Ilya's character is dominated by maternal traits. In a dispute, he is quick-tempered, but quickly pulled himself together and is ready to take the blame.

Mark Derived from the Greek name Markoe, which, in turn, comes presumably from the Latin word "Marcus" - a hammer. Another version is that it originates from Mars (the patron god of people and herds, later the god of war). Mark is self-centered, and this trait, which later, in adult life, will be successfully masked by a charming smile, emphasized by politeness and readiness for self-sacrifice, can be easily distinguished in early childhood. Markusha does everything to ensure that mom, dad, grandfather, grandmother and guests are engaged only in him. At school, he is jealous of the success of his peers, cannot stand their superiority, but tries to hide the feeling of envy.

Conclusion I asked my classmates about the meaning of their names. It turned out that not everyone knows the meaning of their name, and I told them about the meaning of their names. I found a book in the library, where the meaning of each name is very well described. The librarian, Irina Ivanovna Bastanzhieva, said that there are a lot of such books being published now. I asked my mother to buy me such a book. After talking with our teacher Nadezhda Mikhailovna Onufer, we concluded that indeed, the meanings of the names of my classmates largely correspond to their characters.

Thank you for attention!


Lesson development (plan - abstract) of the course "Kuban studies" for grade 8.

Subject: “Decorative and applied art. Clothes of a Cossack and a Cossack.

The purpose of the lesson: to acquaint students with the features of the Cossack costume, its types and components; the meaning of color in clothes.

Lesson objectives : continue to acquaint students with the life, way of life and culture of the Kuban Cossacks; develop skills in creating an image with a costume; aesthetic taste, the ability to see, appreciate and cherish beauty; to form a feeling of love for their small homeland on the basis of studying folk traditions.

  • exhibition of photographs, reproductions of paintings depicting Cossack costumes;
  • computer, video projector. Dictionary: bloomers, beshmet, caftan, chekmen, shoe, swing clothes, zipun, ichegi, leggings, chuvyaki, hat, a couple.Conduct form:combined.

DURING THE CLASSES. I. Organizational moment. II. Examination homework. III. Learning new material.

Teacher's word. Guys, our culture is rich in national traditions. Age-old artistic traditions form the basis of various arts and crafts. They were especially brightly manifested in folk clothes.
The costume is the most massive type folk art. It combines the art of embroidery, pattern weaving, lace-making, knitting and other types of applied art. All this adds up to the costume.
The Cossack's clothes are his Shield and his sword.
Kuban traditional clothes we rarely meet, we seem to have moved away from it, and only the older generation keeps it as a good memory of their youth, of their parents. These are pieces of clothing. Folk clothes could tell a lot of interesting things about their owner: where he is from, how old he is, for what occasion he is dressed.
Sometimes, on holidays, people dress up in old clothes, go out into the street, dance, sing songs.
In our country, sometimes abroad, exhibitions of old Russian costumes are organized. In the State Historical Museum, in Moscow, festive, everyday, ritual costumes of Russia are collected. In Krasnodar, traditional costumes are kept in the Museum of Local Lore.
You and I should be proud of this wealth, wonderful works of folk art. 'Cause these things are made skillful hands our great-grandmothers.
Guys, profound changes are taking place in our country today in our whole life. Work has begun on the preservation and restoration of ancient monuments: temples, churches, cathedrals. A lot of work is underway to revive folk art crafts and traditions.
The purpose of our lesson- get acquainted with the features of the Cossack costume. Today you can feel the beauty of this costume, the desire of a person to bring beauty into his life.
Let's mentally travel back to those distant times.

II. Acquaintance with the Cossack clothes.

Viewing a presentation.
The story of the Cossack clothes.
The suit served people not only as a protection against cold, heat and any adversity, but also was a talisman, because in its color, in the patterns, magical signs are encrypted - amulets embroidered with red and black threads on the hem, collar, sleeves and chest. Patterns include symbols: circles, crosses, rhombuses, zigzags - symbols of the sun, earth, rain, the image of the animal world.

Woman suit. Women's costume is the whole world. Not only every army, every village, and even every Cossack clan had a special outfit that differed from others, if not completely, then in details. A married woman or a girl, a widow or bride, what kind she was and how many children a woman had - this was determined by clothing.

The traditional women's costume was formed by the middle of the 19th century. It consisted of a skirt and a blouse (blouse), called a "couple". The blouse could be fitted or loose, but always with long sleeves, trimmed with elegant buttons, braid, home-made lace, garus, beads.

Skirts were sewn from chintz or wool, wide, in five or six panels on a cord - uchkur, gathered at the waist for splendor. At the bottom, the skirt was decorated with lace, frills, small folds. Canvas skirts for the underskirt were called: in Russian - "hem", in Ukrainian "spidnitsa". This skirt must have been white.

A feature of the Cossack women's costume was head capes. Women are not supposed to go to the temple with their heads uncovered. Cossack women wore lace scarves, and in the 19th century. - caps, fashions from the German word "fine" - beautiful, tattoos and currents. They were worn in full accordance with marital status - married woman never shown without a fashion or a tattoo. The girl covered her head and always braided a braid with a ribbon. Everyone wore lace handkerchiefs. Without it, the appearance of a woman in public was as unthinkable as the appearance of a military Cossack without a cap or hat. It should be noted age differences in clothing.
Festive clothes were sewn from silk or velvet. The importance of clothing in the system of material values ​​of the Cossack family was very high, beautiful clothes raised prestige, emphasized wealth, and distinguished them from non-residents. Clothing, even festive, in the past cost the family relatively cheaply: every woman knew how to spin, weave, cut, sew, embroider, weave lace.
The most colorful and the best quality of the material was the costume of girls - brides - young women. The sleeves of their shirts were richly decorated with floral and geometric ornaments. The wedding costume was supposed to be carefully stored in a chest: very often it was used as a funeral costume “clothes for death”, and, if necessary, as a means of healing magic. In the Kuban, there is a belief that if you wrap a sick child in it, he will recover.
By the age of 35, women preferred to dress in darker, plain clothes with a simplified cut. Children received a minimum of clothes, often wearing old ones. The shirt was considered home clothing. In poor families, a shirt with a skirt could also be a wedding suit.
It was sewn from homespun hemp canvas. The main material for the manufacture of homespun cloth was hemp, less often wool. The manufactured canvas was bleached in special dugout barrels - beeches with sunflower or wood ash. In the Kuban villages, home furnishings were made from hemp linen. Products from homespun linen were part of the girl's dowry, which were decorated with embroidery. These are shirts, valances, skirts - spinners. According to legend, embroidery had a magical ability to preserve and protect from the evil eye, diseases, contributed to well-being, happiness and wealth.

The special historical and social destinies of the Cossack population of the Kuban determined many features material culture. Today, items of Cossack life, clothes, architectural buildings are monuments of history and culture.

Men's suit.
Ancient Cossack clothes are very ancient. The costume of the Cossacks took shape over the centuries, long before the steppes began to be called Cossacks. First of all, this refers to the invention of the Scythians - pants, without which the life of a nomad horseman is impossible. Over the centuries, their cut has not changed: these are wide harem pants - you can’t sit on a horse in tight pants, and your legs will be erased and the rider’s movements will be hampered. So those bloomers that were found in ancient mounds were the same as those worn by the Cossacks in both the 18th and 19th centuries. Shirts were of two types -
Russian and beshmet . The Russian was tucked into bloomers, beshmet was worn loose. They were sewn from canvas or silk. The steppe dwellers generally preferred silk to other fabrics - the louse does not live on silk. From above - cloth, and on the body - silk! In winter, they wore naked short fur coats, which were worn with wool on naked body- so the peoples of the North wear kukhlyanka.
From the friction of the wool on the body, an electric field arises - it is warmer, and if a person sweats, the sweat will wipe off the wool, it will not be absorbed into the clothes and will not turn into ice.
From outerwear, the Cossacks have long preferred
archaluk - "spinogray" - a cross between a quilted Tatar robe and a caftan. In addition, a hoodie was worn over a sheepskin coat in winter and in bad weather - a cloak with a hood made of felted wool. Water rolled over it, very coldy it did not burst like leather things. In the Caucasus, the cloak was replaced by a cloak, and the hood has long existed as an independent headdress - a cap.
There were a great many boots - without boots, riding is impossible, and you can’t walk barefoot on the dry steppe. Soft boots without heels enjoyed special love -
ichigi and chiriki - galoshes, which were worn either over ichig, or over thick combed socks, into which trousers were tucked. They also wore shoes - leather shoes with straps, so named because they were made from calfskin (Turkic shoe - calf).
Of particular importance were the Cossack
stripes . It was believed that they were introduced by Platov, but the stripes are also found on the old Cossack clothes, and even on the clothes of the Polovtsy, and even earlier - the Scythians. So under Platov, the wearing of stripes was only legalized, but they existed before, marking the belonging of their owner to the free army.
But the Cossack valued clothing most of all not for its cost and not even for its convenience, which the Cossack “right” was famous for, but for the inner spiritual meaning that every stitch, every detail of the Cossack costume was filled with.
The Cossack's hat played a huge role in customs and symbolism.
hat symbolized full belonging to the stanitsa society. On the circle, the Cossacks were in hats, they voted, they took off their hats in front of the elected ataman, and he put them on. He took off his hat and the speaker. If the captain put his hat back on, it means that the speaker lost his word. They threw the hat into the yard, warning that they would come to woo. A hat knocked off the head, just like a handkerchief torn from a woman, was a deadly insult, followed by a bloody retribution. Icons and protective prayers were sewn into hats. The custom of sewing awards on hats and caps - plaques with inscriptions, for which the regiment was awarded, further increased the spiritual value of the headdress. Especially valuable papers and orders were placed behind the lapel.
The male costume consisted of a military uniform and casual wear. The uniform suit has gone through a difficult path of development, and it was most affected by the influence of the culture of the Caucasian peoples. Slavs and highlanders lived next door. They were not always at enmity, more often they strove for mutual understanding, trade and exchange, including cultural and household. The Cossack form was established by the middle of the 19th century: a black cloth Circassian coat, dark trousers, a beshmet, a hood, a winter cloak, a hat, boots or leggings.

Uniform, horse, weapons were integral part Cossack "right", i.e. equipment at your own expense. The Cossack was "celebrated" long before he went to serve. This was connected not only with the material costs of ammunition and weapons, but also with the entry of the Cossack into a new world of objects that surrounded the male warrior.
Usually his father said to him: “Well, son, I married you and made you. Now live with your mind - I am no longer responsible for you before God.

Bloody wars of the early twentieth century. showed the inconvenience and impracticality of the traditional Cossack uniform on the battlefield, but put up with them while the Cossack was on guard duty. Already in 1915, during the First World War, which sharply revealed this problem, the Cossacks were allowed to replace the Circassian and beshmet with an infantry tunic, a cloak with an overcoat, and replace the hat with a cap. The traditional Cossack uniform was left as a dress uniform.
Conclusion. Summary of the lesson.Where does the Motherland begin for each of us? From the golden fields and shady forests, from the surf and the murmur of the river, old fairy tales and songs, from family legends and stories of fellow countrymen-old-timers. All this must be known, protected and loved!
Guys, today you plunged into the wonderful world of the Kuban antiquity, got acquainted with the customs and rituals of our ancestors, learned a lot about the process of creating national costume, about the symbolism of Russian embroidery. We are incredibly wealthy. This wealth is a work of folk art, and we should be proud of this wealth and cherish it. And then the strength and glory of folk art will live for centuries. And at the end of the lesson I want to read a poem.
The culture of the small motherland is rich.In front of you is the dwelling of the ancestors - a hut,
Turluchnaya, and the roof - with reeds,
The blizzards didn't care for its residents.
There are benches, a table, a chest of drawers and chests in it,
Makitras, glechiki, and spoons, towels.
As a rule, it is surrounded by wattle,
She is hidden in the shade of the gardens.
The Cossack language is beautiful. This speech
It was bequeathed to us by our ancestors to protect.
And on the "yard" we need to "roby",
To live in abundance “schiro”, “garno”.
Cossack suit made of cloth, chintz.
He could wear for decades.
Beshmet, Circassian, also hoods,
The men in the Kuban are beautiful.
The young - and then the mustache sticks out,
To get the girls' attention.
The Cossack is in the service, his wife has a job.
On the grandmother - care for the kids.
And the hostess prays day and night,
He tries to help his family.
In the evenings they “crowd”, it happens,
"Balakayut" and songs "fall asleep".
From the past, from great-grandfathers, fathers
Many words have come down to us, descendants.
In Kuban songs - fighting brotherhood,
Love for the earth, spiritual riches.
Kuban Cossack - warrior, grain grower,
A strong spirit lives in it for centuries.
K. D. Felitsyn is very gifted.
His museum still stands today.
Literature stepped forward
The architecture is also unique.
Malgerba building will stand for centuries.
This is the mind, this is the thought, the hand.
Gladkov and Chekhov visited the region,
They left memories of him.
They wrote that we live
Practical, strong, and hot in battle,
It is not in vain that the Cossack people are sung in verse.



Trousers - men's and women's pants - very wide at the hips, often with gathers at the waist and tapering to the lower leg.

Uchkur - a thin cord stretched inside the soft belt of Cossack trousers; tightly tightened supports them on the hips and is invisible under the beshmet and Circassian.

Beshmet - men's oar blindly buttoned clothes, tucked under the top.

caftan - vintage outerwear with a deep wrap and long sleeves.

Chekmen - men's outerwear: a woolen half-caftan at the waist with shirring at the back.

Swing clothes- a type of shoulder clothing with a slit in front.

Zipun - men's and women's upper caftan made of fabric, sometimes with fur.

Ichegi - leather stockings, the same as Caucasian,leggings - women wore red leather with embroidery.

Legs - a type of shoe that covers the shins, without a foot.

dude - soft leather shoes without heels.

hat - high men's fur hat.

Cherkeska - men's clothing among the peoplesCaucasus - single-breasted clothcaftan without collar , at the waist with gathers, usually slightly below the knees; sewn on the chestgazyri – leather sockets for cartridges originallycartridges for flintlock guns, inserted into special pockets (gazyrnitsa) on the chest of the Circassian. From the 2nd half of the 19th century - their imitations made of wood, bone or metal.


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Ritual Traditions Krasnodar Territory Part 1



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Ritual traditions The presentation was prepared by Onufer Nadezhda Mikhailovna, teacher of Kuban studies, MBOU secondary school No. 8 of the Temryuk district of the Krasnodar Territory Part 2


FAREWELL Hood. Gavrilchenko

ATTACK Hood. Gavrilchenko



For Faith, Tsar and Fatherland


DANCE Hood. Gavrilchenko


Lesson development (outline)

course "Kuban studies" (for grade 8)

Lesson topic. ritual traditions

primary goal - to promote the formation of a personal culture among students, to attach them to a rich cultural heritage of the Kuban people, to lay a solid foundation in the development of national culture by children on the basis of acquaintance with the life and way of life of the Kuban people, their character, their inherent moral values, traditions, and peculiarities of the spiritual environment.

Lesson objectives: continue to acquaint students with the life, way of life and culture of the Kuban Cossacks; develop cognitive interest to the history of his people;contribute to the formation of ideas about the forms of traditional family life; to form a feeling of love for their small Motherland based on the study of folk traditions; develop aesthetic taste, the ability to see, appreciate and cherish beauty.

Preliminary preparation and equipment:

  • thematic exhibition of books, magazines;
  • exhibition of photographs, reproductions of paintings depicting Cossack rituals;
  • computer, video projector;
  • written on the board:

“Man is brought up in the environment

its cultural environment is imperceptible to itself. He is brought up by history, the past. The past opens a window to the world for him, and not only a window, but also doors, even a gate - a triumphal gate.

D.S. Likhachev

During the classes.

  1. Introduction by the teacher.
  2. Introduction to new material:
  1. Military labor and feat: T military service radiation.
  2. Cossack antiquity: and
  1. Consolidation of the studied material.

Materials for the lesson.

  1. Introduction by the teacher.

Interest in the past of the native land has always existed in people. What was the country like in ancient times, how did people live and work, what did they do, how did the Cossacks appear, what were the clothes, household items, furniture, what folk crafts existed? Each of our days is closely connected with the life and cultural traditions of past generations. We keep old things, we observe old Kuban jars, spinning wheels, and other household items in the windows of modern stores. Thanks to the national culture, we know that there should be bright towels in the kitchen, a special outfit for the holiday, and good joyful singing of drinking songs at the table. Each of our days is a day created over the centuries. Everything that surrounds us in the present has its roots in the past. This is our history, our culture. The revival of the customs and traditions of the past helps to strengthen the moral foundations of today.

The traditional spiritual culture of the Kuban Cossacks is rich and complex. In many ways, rituals and customs are associated with both Orthodoxy and the military way of life.Extremely strictly in the Cossack environment, along with the commandments of the Lord, traditions, customs, beliefs, which were the vital necessity of every Cossack family, were observed. Non-observance or violation of them was condemned by all residents of a farm or village, village. There are many customs and traditions: some appear, others disappear. There remain those that most reflect the everyday and cultural characteristics of the Cossacks, which are preserved in the memory of the people from ancient times. If we briefly formulate them, we get a kind of unwritten Cossack household laws:
1. Respect for elders.
2. Immeasurable reverence for the guest.
3. Respect for a woman (mother, sister, wife).

(2) Introduction to new material.

  1. The origins of the ritual traditions of the Kuban Cossacks.

Kuban, due to the peculiarities of historical development, is a unique region where elements of cultures of different peoples interacted, interpenetrated and formed into one whole for two centuries.

Everyday (traditional) culture (ceremonies, clothing, housing, household items, musical and literary folklore) was formed in the Kuban on the basis of Ukrainian and South Russian traditions. They were brought by the Cossacks and other settlers at the end of the 18th and the first half of the 19th centuries. from Zaporozhye-Black Sea, Don, Poltava, Chernihiv, Kharkov, Kursk and other lands. In the Kuban, they experienced the impact of everyday culture of the peoples of the North Caucasus. This influence was vividly reflected in the male Cossack costume (Circassian coat, cloak). ( SLIDE #1)

Professional culture (school, literature, professional music and architecture) developed in the Kuban under the influence of all-Russian culture. Its formation was greatly influenced by the church, the tsarist administration, the bureaucracy, and the state ideology.

Formed in 1860 from two linguistic elements, South Russian and Ukrainian, the Kuban Cossack army paid much attention to the education of the younger generation; through a living chain from father to son, from grandfather to grandson, traditions developed over the centuries were passed on.

Over time, some customs and traditions disappeared, but those that most fully reflect the everyday and cultural characteristics of the Cossacks remained, preserved in the memory of the people and passed down from generation to generation.

  1. Rites and customs associated with Orthodoxy.

The spiritual basis of the life of the Cossacks was Orthodoxy. It formed the morality of the people and played a great educational role. The first enlighteners were people of clergy. The Chernomorians paid great attention to the construction of temples on their territory. The very names of the Cossack settlements bore the imprint of faith: the villages of Arkhangelskaya, Blagoveshchenskaya, Voznesenskaya, Novotroitskaya, Novopokrovskaya, Novorozhdestvenskaya, Petropavlovskaya, Uspenskaya...

Orthodox churches.

In 1792, military archpriest Roman Porokhnya arrived with the Cossacks and landed in Taman. Initially, he was the only priest in Chernomorie. The only one was a camping canvas church in the name of the Holy Trinity, donated at one time by Prince G.A. Potemkin. This church arrived with the first flow of Black Sea settlers in 1793 disassembled and was immediately installed. ( SLIDE #4)

Temples in the settlements were built mainly on donations from the Cossacks themselves. One of the first at the expense of military judge A.A. Golovaty, a church was erected in the name of the Intercession of the Virgin in Taman (in 1794). ( SLIDE #5)

The Cossacks observed the main church holidays, regularly attended church. ( SLIDE #6)

In the temple, next to the icons, there were high, polished with chalk to a shine, iridescent copper boards. The names of the Cossacks who died in battle or at the service post, natives of this village or city, were inscribed on them in Old Slavonic letters, indicating the awards they received (usually St. George's crosses). The presence of these commemorative plaques was given paramount importance. It is known that on March 27, 1878, the Kuban Cossack army adopted an order “On perpetuating the memory of the exploits of military officials who fell heroes on duty for the glory of the Tsar, the Fatherland and the Orthodox Faith”, the list of Cossacks was opened from 1792. There were such memorable words in the order: "Keeping the names of these heroes in memory for us Kuban is a sacred duty and duty."

Holy corner.

The Cossacks knew and revered their history. Carefully and carefully kept everything that had to do with it. No matter how they lived - poor or rich, but in any pre-revolutionary village there was no hut without a holy corner, where icons hung, which were passed down from generation to generation. ( SLIDE #7) Almost every family kept the Bible, the Gospel, a prayer book. If guests came into the room, the first thing they did was cross themselves near the icons, covered with embroidered or lace towels on top.

When a hut was being built, its beginning - the first rows of heavy, echoing adobe - also began to be erected from the east side, from the corner where the home iconostasis was subsequently located.

A few days before the entrance (housewarming) they always invited a priest to bless the room. At the same time, icons dear to the heart were brought into the room, among them those with which they blessed the newlyweds at the wedding. Soon the owner ordered a beautiful figured square table of dark cherry color, on which a white lace cape appeared - the work of a skilled Cossack woman. There were books: the Bible, the Gospel, prayer books.

The service life of a Cossack was approaching. On the day of departure, according to an old custom, he did not leave the courtyard until his father and mother removed the icon from the holy corner - the image of the Son of God Jesus Christ or Nicholas the Pleasant - and blessed the young warrior with it. A medallion with the image of George the Victorious, the patron saint of warriors in Rus', was hung around the neck, or a small icon, the size of a matchbox, was sewn into clothes so that it would protect their son from death, from an enemy bullet. Only after that, the whole family escorted the couple to the gate, where he mounted a horse to join his friends of the same age, who were already waiting for him on the street. The young soldiers were heading to the church, where the priest served a parting prayer service. At the end of the service, when the Cossack returned home, his parents went out with the icon to the gate to meet him. They thanked God for saving their son, congratulated the matured warrior on his return to his “native steppe”. The icon returned to its original place, next to it now hung a Cossack medallion. The holy corner was sometimes also called the royal one. Maybe because the portraits of the king and members of the royal family were kept there by those who served in His Convoy Imperial Majesty, but to a greater extent, perhaps, - by the name of the icon depicting Jesus Christ - the King of Glory. Then a beautiful box with awards and a marching icon that has been with the Cossack in the service will appear in this corner. In long winter evenings when the owner could sit quietly with his children or younger brothers and tell them about his military campaigns, about the regiment where he served, about his comrades, he took out the contents of the box, and everyone could hold things dear to him in his hands. And the father's marching icon was received by the son, going to the service. So the holy corner of a simple Cossack hut became the beginning of the history of the family, where the life of a Cossack was intertwined with the history of the country and acquired its own special meaning.

Christian holidays.

The Christian holidays of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker enjoy special respect among the Cossacks. Holy Mother of God has long been considered the intercessor of the Russian land, and the Protection of the Mother of God was a symbol of her intercession and help. Therefore, the feast of the Intercession among the Cossacks is considered the most important. Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker - the patron saint of all wanderers - accompanied the Cossacks on military campaigns.

Christianity came to the Kuban land with Andrew the First-Called, 40 years after the birth of Jesus Christ. An interesting fact is that in the Kuban the feast of the Nativity of Christ began to be celebrated 1000 years earlier than in Kyiv.

After the festivities, Christmas usually the whole family sat down at the table. They tried to make the table plentiful, Be sure to prepare kutya - crumbly porridge made from wheat or rice with dried fruits; Straw was spread under the bowl so that there was a good harvest. On Christmas morning, boys, youths, and young men went from house to house and sang "Your Christmas, Christ our God" and "Many Years." In some villages they walked with a nativity scene or made a Christmas star with a candle inserted inside, and so went around the houses.

It is known that the holidays last from January 7 to January 19 (according to the new style). Christmas time was celebrated approximately the same throughout the Kuban land. In the villages and farms, a ban on work was introduced and observed quite strictly. People went to visit each other, rode a sleigh, arranged youth festivities. In many villages, fisticuffs, the so-called "cams", were popular. In the Kuban, a whole layer of proverbs, sayings and riddles associated with fisticuffs has formed. The fist fighter highly valued not only strength: "A heroic hand once beats," but also speed and dexterity: "That's not a Cossack, sho requisitions, but one that sho wriggled out." The decisive role was assigned to the courage and bravery of the fighters: "Fight loves courage", "Tiki crayfish climb back." Great importance was attached to the observance of the rules of the battle: "Not the right one, who is stronger, but the one who is more honest." Usually fisticuffs were fought "in fairness", while a clear violation of the rules of wrestling or provoking a fight was condemned: "Whoever starts a fight is more likely to be beaten." During the fistfight, the Cossacks mastered the methods of collective interaction in the conduct of the battle. The effectiveness of this approach was expressed in the saying: "The herd and the father are good bits." One of the techniques of fistfighting, associated with the group actions of the fighters, was reflected in the riddle: "The boys stood in a row, they were not ordered to pass." The answer is wattle. Wattle here is associated with the "wall" - a special construction of fist fighters, in which they are in a combat stance, located in one line and becoming close to each other.

It should be noted that fisticuffs did not carry much aggressiveness towards the opponent. After the end of the battle, a joint feast was usually arranged, during which the participants discussed the course of the battle, the methods of wrestling, and characterized the fighters according to their abilities. This contributed to the clarification of individual moments and the analysis of the entire collective duel. Discussed the shortcomings noticed and tactical successes.(SLIDES No. 8 - No. 13, Christmas performance of the Kuban Cossack choir)

Baptism. Christmas Eve ended Christmas time. Everyone sat down to supper. The owner went out onto the porch and said, throwing up a spoonful of kutya: "Frost, Frost, come to us with kutya, but don't freeze our calves, lambs, foals." It was believed that in this way pets would be reliably protected from the cold.

Kutya - a funeral meal - appeared on Epiphany Christmas Eve not by chance. Thus, it was as if they commemorated the outgoing, dying year and dead ancestors. It was believed that if at the turning points of the year the souls of the deceased ancestors were properly appeased, they would help ensure a good harvest and family well-being in the coming year ... A person who sneezed during dinner was considered happy, and he was presented with something. Then everyone went out into the yard and beat on the fence with shovels, brooms, fired from guns. The central action of the Feast of Epiphany was the blessing of water and the rites associated with Epiphany water. The blessing of water took place on the river at dawn. Jordan was made on the river: a hole in the shape of a cross was cut down. An ice cross was also installed here, which was poured with red beet kvass. They came here with a procession, holy water. The great consecration of water happens only at Epiphany, once a year. Consecrated water is called agiasma (Christmas) in the church. Holy water is kept throughout the year. As Orthodox priests say, on this day even tap water or from any natural source has the same spiritual effect ... Throughout Christmas time, but especially on Christmas night, New Year and Baptism, the girls wondered, trying to find out if they would get married this year, what would be the husband, mother-in-law.(SLIDE #14). Baptism ended the Christmas fun.

Widely and cheerfully saw off the winter on Maslenitsa. This holiday was very popular in the villages, cities and towns and lasted all week, which was popularly called oil. The first day is the Maslenitsa meeting, the second is the knitting of stocks, and from Thursday the forgiveness days begin, ending with the forgiveness Sunday. This week, everyone went to visit each other, rolled from the icy mountains, burned stuffed animals. Mandatory dishes were dumplings with cottage cheese, pancakes and scrambled eggs or eggs. The noodle shop was popular. The supper on the last day of Maslenitsa was especially plentiful - the next day Great Lent began, which lasted seven weeks. Lent is a period of physical and spiritual cleansing before the Bright Resurrection of Christ, before Easter. In the Kuban, this holiday was called "Great Day".

Easter - bright and solemn holiday updates. On this day, they tried to put on everything new. Even the sun rejoices, plays with new colors. They prepared a festive treat, fried a pig, baked Easter cakes, "paski". Eggs were painted in different colors: red symbolized blood, fire, sun, blue - sky, water, green - grass, vegetation. In some villages, a geometric pattern was applied - Easter eggs. And the ceremonial bread - "paska" - was a real work of art.(SLIDE #15) They tried to make it high, the "head" was decorated with cones, flowers, bird figurines, crosses, smeared with egg white, sprinkled with colored millet. Easter "still life"(SLIDE #16) was beautiful illustration mythological representations of our ancestors: bread - the tree of life, a pig - a symbol of fertility, an egg - the beginning of life, vital energy. Returning from the church after the consecration of the ceremonial food, they washed themselves with water, in which there was a red "dye" in order to be beautiful and healthy. They broke the fast with an egg and a paska. They were also presented to the poor, exchanged with relatives and neighbors. The playful, entertaining side of the holiday was very rich: driving round dances, playing with eggs, swings and carousels were arranged in each village. Swinging had ritual significance - it was supposed to stimulate the growth of all living things. Easter ended with Krasnaya Gorka, or Seeing Off, a week after Easter Sunday. It was "parents' day", commemoration of the dead. Attitude towards ancestors is an indicator of the moral state of society, people. In the Kuban, ancestors have always been treated with deep respect. On this day, the whole village went to the cemetery, knitted scarves and towels on crosses, arranged a funeral feast, distributed food and sweets "for a memorial".

  1. Military labor and feat: T military service radiation.

Education of a young Cossack in the Kuban.

The Cossack was born a warrior, and with the birth of a baby, his military school began. To the newborn, all the relatives and friends of the father brought a gun, cartridges, gunpowder, bullets, bow and arrows as a gift. These gifts were hung on the wall where the parent with the baby lay. At the end of forty days after the mother, having taken a cleansing prayer, returned home, the father put on the child a sword belt, holding the sword in his hand, put him on a horse and then returned the mother’s son, congratulated her on the Cossack. When the newborn teeth erupted, the father and mother put him back on the horse and took him to the church to serve a prayer service to John the warrior. The first words of the baby were "but" and "pu" (to goad the horse and shoot). Military games outside the city and target shooting were the favorite pastimes of young people in their free time. These exercises developed accuracy in shooting, many of the Cossacks could knock out a coin sandwiched between their fingers with a bullet at a considerable distance. Three-year-old children already freely rode a horse around the yard, and at the age of 5 they galloped across the steppe. ( SLIDE #17)
The boy's hair was cut for the first time in a year. The godmother cut off his first strands of hair, which were then kept for the rest of his life behind a nominal icon. The trimmed boy was handed over to the men, and they carried him to the church. There a bare horse was waiting for him. The Cossack girl was seated astride a horse on a spread silk scarf. They wondered how he would behave, trying to guess the fate of the future warrior by the slightest signs. Grabs the mane - will be alive. Cries, falls off a horse - to be killed. Then the father took him in his arms, and the godfather put on them a belt.
At the gates of their native kuren, the Cossacks were met by women.
The eldest in the family followed the correct execution of the custom and read a prayer.
The godmother took off the saber from the father and son with the words: “Take, godfather, a saber, our Cossack still needs to grow. Keep it up to date."
The godfather accepted the weapon, kept it and handed it to the godson at the age of 17, after the youngster was assigned to the regiment.
The training of the Cossack girl began after the holiday of the first trousers. Pants were given by the eldest in the family. These were definitely trousers. From the age of 3 - 5, a Cossack girl was taught to ride a horse. They were taught to shoot from the age of 7, to chop with a saber from the age of 10.
The boy's life from early childhood was filled with work and learning. From the age of 5, the boys worked in the field: they drove oxen to plow, grazing sheep and other livestock.
At the age of 7, the boy was sheared for the 2nd time. Skinhead, for the first time he went with the men to the bathhouse, and then to the first confession. At home, after a festive dinner, at which he last time ate children's sweets, went from the nursery to the brothers' room.
The elders said:
- Learn to serve! Chai, you are now not a child, but half a Cossack!
Women no longer interfered in the upbringing of the boy. At the age of 10, the Cossack already understood the measure of responsibility and really was the support of the family and home.
But the most important task of a Cossack girl has always been studying.
(SLIDE #18) Schoolchildren enjoyed special respect. Those who were lucky enough to study in the Cadet Cossack Corps or in the gymnasium were known by name to all residents of the village or farm. They were invited to the board and congratulated on the holidays by the ataman. Even the old people called students and cadets by name - patronymic.

The entire village, led by the gray-whiskered and wounded St. George Cavaliers, escorted the conscripts to military labor and feat, solemnly and joyfully met her heroes, who defended their land in the fight against countless enemies.

Seeing a Cossack to active (conscript) service.

Upon reaching the draft (assigned) age, the youngsters (conscript) undergo military training at the village during the year under the guidance of the Cossack administration of the village and are sworn in. To take the oath, the Cossacks come to the church for worship. After its completion, they line up in the square opposite the altar of the Lord with a banner. The priest, after performing a prayer dedicated to a soldier leaving for service, gives permission for the Cossacks to be sworn in. The Cossack appointed by the ataman from the control before the formation articulately reads the text of the oath line by line, and the Cossacks repeat what was read aloud. Having finished taking the oath, each Cossack comes to the lectern or table where the Gospel and the Cross lie. Having kissed the Gospel and the Cross, they kneel before the banner, and kiss its edge, put their signature in the book of taking the oath, and get into line. The priest sprinkles with sacred water and gives parting words. The elderly, relatives, and acquaintances present at the same time express their congratulations, wishes, and instructions. On the day the Cossacks are sworn in, a festive feast is organized. The Cossacks, where their villages are located not far from the Kuban River, are brought to its banks, kneel in a common formation and make the sign of the cross. The old people congratulate them on receiving the name of the Kuban Cossack.
Note: At the reception of the oath, the Cossacks are in full dress. Upon receipt of a notice (summon) to appear at the assembly point, a feast of relatives, relatives and friends is organized in the family of the person leaving for the service. During the feast, good wishes, advice, hopes are expressed. On the day and hour leaving for the assembly point, the mother hands over to her son the psalm 90 rewritten by her - LIVING AIDs, according to an old Cossack belief, protecting the warrior from all troubles, misfortunes, violent death (bullets, shells, bombs). At the moment of leaving the parental home to the assembly point, the Cossack makes the sign of the cross before the holy images with kneeling, then bowed (in the past) to his father and mother at the feet, asking them for blessings for the service of the Fatherland and prayers for the preservation of life and health. Parents blessed the Cossack and handed him an icon of blessing. ( SLIDE #19)
Meeting of the Cossack at the end of the service.

The day of the return of the Cossacks from service has always been considered a holiday. A meeting was being prepared in the families of the Cossacks who had returned from service: the house was being put in order, a festive meal was being prepared. The Cossacks, upon returning from the service, went to church, and after the end of the prayer service, they returned to their father's house. The Cossack, returning to his father's house, sanctified himself with the sign of the cross, with kneeling. After that, he asked his father's blessing to see the icons and relatives. The father joyfully proclaimed - I allow it. After meeting with relatives and friends, a feast was arranged. Subsequently, the Cossack visited the homes of relatives and friends for a week, and then proceeded to regular work.

Cossack's horse.

Among the Cossacks, the cult of the horse prevailed in many respects over other traditions and beliefs. Among the Kuban people, before leaving the house for war, the wife brought the horse to the Cossack, holding the bridle in the hem of her dress. According to the old custom, she passed the occasion, saying: "On this horse you are leaving, Cossack, on this horse you will return home with a victory." Having accepted the occasion, the Cossack hugged and kissed his wife, children, and often grandchildren, sat in the saddle, took off his hat, overshadowed himself with the banner of the cross, stood up on the stirrups, looking at the clean and comfortable white hut, at the front garden in front of the windows, at The Cherry Orchard. Then he put a hat on his head, beat the horse with a whip and went to the gathering place in a quarry.
Before the Cossack left for the war, when the horse was already under the marching pack, the wife first bowed at the horse's feet to save the rider, and then to her parents, so that prayers for the salvation of the warrior were constantly read. The same thing happened after the return of the Cossack from the war (battle) to his farmstead. ( SLIDES #20-23)
When seeing off the Cossack last way behind the coffin was his warhorse under a black saddle and a weapon strapped to the saddle, and his relatives were already behind the horse.
Dagger at the Cossack.
Linear (Caucasian) Cossacks and Kubans considered it a shame, in the past, of course, to buy a dagger. The dagger, according to custom, was either inherited, or as a gift, or, oddly enough, was stolen or obtained in battle. There was a saying that only Armenians buy daggers.

  1. Cossack antiquity: and everyday life traditions, rituals and beliefs.

The basis in the formation of the moral foundations of the Cossack societies was the 10 commandments of Christ. Teaching children to observe the commandments of the Lord, parents, according to their popular perception, taught: do not kill, do not steal, do not fornicate, work according to your conscience, do not envy another and forgive offenders, take care of your children and parents, value girlish chastity and female honor, help the poor , do not offend orphans and widows, protect the Fatherland from enemies. But first of all, strengthen the Orthodox faith, go to Church, observe fasts, cleanse your soul - through repentance from sins, pray one God They added to Jesus Christ: if something is possible for someone, then we are not allowed - WE ARE COSSACKS.
Extremely strictly in the Cossack environment, along with the commandments of the Lord, traditions, customs, beliefs, which were the vital necessity of every Cossack family, were observed. Non-observance or violation of them was condemned by all residents of a farm or village, village.

Cossacks and parents

Honoring parents, godfather and godmother was not just a custom, but an inner need, the care of their son and daughter. The filial and daughter debt to the parents was considered fulfilled after the commemoration of the fortieth day after their departure to another world was celebrated.
The godmother helped her parents to prepare a Cossack girl for a future married life, taught her to housekeeping, needlework, thrift, and work.
On godfather the main duty was to prepare a Cossack for service, and for the military training of a Cossack, the demand from the godfather was greater than from his own father. The authority of the father and mother was not only indisputable, but so revered that without the blessing of the parents they did not start any work, did not make decisions on the most important matters. It is characteristic that this custom is preserved in the Cossack patriarchal families up to this day. The world-famous singer-songwriter Shakhmatov says that his 90-year-old father has 8 sons who start their working day with a parental blessing.
Disrespect for the father and mother was considered a great sin. Without the consent of parents and relatives, as a rule, the issues of creating a family were not resolved; parents were directly involved in its creation. Divorce among the Cossacks in the past was a rare occurrence.
Restraint, courtesy and respect were observed in dealing with parents and elders in general. In the Kuban, they turned to their father, mother only to “You” - “You, mother”, “You, tattoo”.
Seniority was way of life Cossack family and natural necessity everyday life, which strengthened family and family ties and helped in the formation of character, which was required by the conditions of Cossack life.
Attitude towards elders

Respect for the elder is one of the main customs of the Cossacks. Paying tribute to the years lived, the hardships of the Cossacks, the coming infirmity and the inability to fend for themselves, the Cossacks always remembered the words Holy Scripture: "Rise before the face of the gray-haired man, honor the face of the old man and fear your God - I am the Lord your God."
The custom of respect and reverence for the elder in age obliged the younger, first of all, to show care, restraint and readiness to help, and required some etiquette to be observed (when the old man appeared, everyone had to stand up - the Cossacks in uniform put their hand on the headdress, and without uniform - take off hat and bow).
In the presence of an elder, it was not allowed to sit, smoke, talk (to enter into a conversation without his permission), and even more so - to speak obscenely.
It was considered obscene to overtake an old man (older in age), it was required to ask permission to pass. When entering somewhere, the elder was the first to pass.
It was considered indecent for the younger to enter into conversations in the presence of the elder.
To the old man (senior) the younger is obliged to give way.
The younger one must show patience and restraint in any case, not to argue.
The words of the elder were obligatory for the younger.
At general (joint) events and decision-making, the opinion of the elder was necessarily sought.
In conflict situations, disputes, strife, fights, the word of the old man (senior) was decisive and its immediate execution was required.
In general, among the Cossacks, and especially the Kubans, respect for the elder was an internal need, in the Kuban, even in circulation, one can rarely hear “grandfather”, “old” and so on, but it is affectionately pronounced: “father”, “father”.
Respect for the elder was instilled in the family with early years. The children knew which of them was older in relation to whom. The elder sister was especially revered, whom the brothers and sisters called nanny, nanny to gray hair, as she replaced the busy one. homework mother.
wedding ceremony .
The girl from an early age was preparing to become a wife and mother. When a girl made with her own hands at least 200 items of dowry with her own hands and matured physically, grandfather dressed her granddaughter on left hand a silver ring as a sign that the granddaughter can be a good housewife, mother and wife. Grandfather in front of the whole village held the responsibility for the fact that his granddaughter was already an extravagant.

(3) Consolidation of the studied material.

1 . Questions about the wedding ceremony.


Suggested answers

Could the bride sew a dress for her wedding?

No, such a dress could lead to an unhappy married life.

What clothes did the bride and groom wear?

There were no special wedding clothes; ordinary clothes were sewn, but from the best fabrics. Cossacks wore a Cossack uniform for a wedding, Cossack women wore a festive "couple", a skirt and a light-colored jacket with a small pattern, or a pink, blue, beige dress.

The wedding costume was supposed to be carefully stored in a chest: very often it was used as a funeral costume ("clothes for death"), and, if necessary, as a means of healing magic. There is a belief in the Kuban that if a sick child is wrapped in a wedding dress, he will recover.

When was the bachelorette party?

Who came to visit the bride?

It was held on the last day or evening before the wedding.

Friends, sometimes relatives and acquaintances, came to the bride. Previously, the groom and other guests came from the groom's matchmaker with a chest, which contained gifts for the bride and her friends.

What happened on the morning of the wedding?

On the day of the wedding, the bride woke up before anyone else, woke up her friends and lamented about her bitter fate. Then the girls carried the bride's gift to the groom - a wedding shirt. It was important to catch him in bed and put the gift on him without fail with the buttons fastened. As a rule, the groom paid off his bridesmaids with flowers, sweets, perfumes and lipstick. In addition, the girls received a wedding dress, shoes and hurried to the house to dress up the bride. Curls are the main element of the hairstyle. They did it this way: they took a large thick nail, heated it in the heat, rubbed it on a piece of bacon and twisted hair around it. The curls were placed in several rows around the forehead and fastened with a wreath on top - this is a symbol of girlish purity.

Who could wear earrings to the bride before the wedding?

This was done by a happily married woman.

When did the bride come to the wedding?

She came only after the groom. She is accompanied by groomsmen. Before them is the icon of the Mother of God.

Were young people blessed?

The bride and groom received the blessing of their parents. Having removed the icon from the goddess, the groom's father spread his fur coat inside out in front of his son, wool up, so that the son would be rich and happy with his young wife, and so that the household would be as thick as wool in a sheepskin. “Parental blessing does not sink in water and does not burn in fire” (i.e. stays with children forever)

What was the significance of the towel?

Its functions are varied. Holding on to a towel, the bride and groom went to get married in the church. A wedding loaf was placed on the towel. The towel served as a footstool, which was spread in the church under the feet of the young. Various wedding ranks (matchmakers, friend, friend) were tied with towels. Almost all wedding towels are richly decorated with hand-woven lace at the ends.

Why does the bride stand to the left of the groom?

Since ancient times, the custom has come for the bride to stand on the left during the wedding, take him under her left hand. The groom left his right hand free, so that if necessary he could use a weapon.

Where did the newlyweds go after the wedding?

Initially, the newlyweds went to the bride's house. The young were seated at the table, always on the wide side. On the table stood a loaf decorated with viburnum sprigs, two bottles of wine, always tied with a red ribbon, spikelets of wheat were inserted between the bottles. Alcohol was tightly covered with a head of corn so that "demonic power would not enter it," and they drank it only on the second day of the wedding. In addition, a glass of honey was always placed on the table of the bride and groom, so that they could live sweetly in marriage. Then the gifting ceremony began, after which the young people went to the groom's house.

In the Cossack villages of the Upper Kuban, the threshold for the bride was considered a special feature, crossing which she entered a new life. On the threshold of the newlyweds, the groom's parents met: the father - with an icon, the mother - with bread. After that, the gifts began. In the wedding rituals of the Cossacks, the “wedding of the bride”, which was carried out after the gifts, was of particular importance.

In a specially designated room, one corner was curtained, the bride was brought in, and two matchmakers from the side of the bride and groom removed a wreath from her - a symbol of girlish purity, braided her hair into two braids and laid it around her head. Two braids and a scarf were an indispensable attribute of a married Cossack woman and an invariable symbol of marriage.

Who led the wedding?

The main manager of the entire wedding ceremony was a friend, who was chosen on the eve of the wedding from among the groom's relatives. He was a smart, hard-working, middle-aged married man, orderly conducting a wedding, Cossack traditions and customs, able to manage a wedding feast, sharp-tongued, a joker and a merry fellow.

The symbol of his unlimited power at the wedding was a decorated stick one and a half to two meters long. An equally important character was the older matchmaker - only a married woman with children, brisk in her language. She was unmistakably recognizable by the huge paper flower on her head. She, like her friend, was tied crosswise with cuts or scarves, towels.

Why does the groom carry the bride in his arms?

By this he showed the owner's rights to his wife.

What did the young wife do when the newlyweds were left alone?

The girl had to undress her husband, who had money in his boots. The newlywed took this money for herself, thanked her husband. The husband put money in his boot so that his wife would have it all her life.

2. Insert missing words into the proposed text.

There were various ceremonies in the Kuban: wedding, maternity, naming, christening, seeing off for service, and funerals.

A wedding is a complex and lengthy ceremony with its own strict rules. The most preferred time of the year for weddings was considered ... and ... when there was no field work. Favorable for marriage was the age of ... - ... years. It was not allowed to extradite girls to other villages if there were many ... and widowers in their own. The decisive word in the choice of the bride or groom has always remained with ...

As throughout Russia, calendar holidays were honored and widely celebrated in the Kuban: Christmas, New Year, Maslenitsa, Easter, Trinity. The people considered Easter - Bright Easter - to be a special event and celebration ... Preparation for Easter begins with ... fasting - a period of spiritual and physical purification. On Easter, ritual food was prepared in advance: eggs were dyed, cakes were baked, and a pig was fried. Ritual bread - ... was a real work of art. Easter ended with Krasnaya Gorka or Seeing Off, a week after Easter Sunday. This is "... day", commemoration of the dead.

In the Cossack family, a respectful attitude towards elders was adopted. He enjoyed special respect ... - a thunderstorm for the whole family. Respect for him was boundless and for many years strengthened the bond between generations.

Among the Cossacks, the cult ... prevailed in many respects over other traditions and beliefs. Before leaving home for the war ... the wife let the Cossack down, holding the occasion in the hem of her dress.

Answers: autumn, winter, 18, 20, bachelors, parents, Sunday, Great, Easter, parental, grandfather, horse, horse.

3. Match the words and their definitions:

1) chicken a) a painted egg on Easter

2) kabytsya b) a painted egg on Easter

3) horse riding c) a large, wide pot in which poppy seeds and tobacco are rubbed

4) shine d) hut

5) room e) a towel used in various ceremonies

6) krashenka e) outdoor stove used in summer

7) towel g) fair

8) pysanka h) decoration

9) fool and) performing exercises on a galloping horse

10) makitra k) central room (guest room)

Answers: 1 – d, 2 – f, 3 – i, 4 – h, 5 – j, 6 – a, 7 – e, 8 – b, 9 – g, 10 – c.


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Project work on Kuban studies "History of the Moroz family and its contribution to the development of the history of the Kuban" was completed by: Ekaterina Moroz, student of 8 "A" class leader: Onufer Nadezhda Mikhailovna MBOU secondary school No. 8 2014.

Relevance. In our time, there is a growing interest in one's roots and in one's ancestors. Influential people order specialists to trace the historical paths of development and formation of their family, make up the tree of their genealogy. It is interesting to know how and where my ancestors lived before.

Purpose: to study the history of the Moroz family and its contribution to the development of the history of the Kuban. Tasks: Ask parents and relatives about family history. Collect photos and information about my family's life. Make a family tree of our family.

Introduction. Conversation at the family table. 5 generations together.

Project The history of the family began with the Cossack Yakymenko, who arrived from the Zaporizhzhya Sich in 1793. I began to study the pedigree of my mother's line.

Kuropyatnik Leonty Vakulovich - my great-great-grandfather, served in the tsarist army for 22 years, for which he received a piece of land near the Vyshesteblievsky station, where the "family nest" of my ancestors was located.

"Family Nest"

Yakimenko Ivan Grigoryevich during the Second World War, was a radio operator and was captured. He spent several years in the Dachau concentration camp near Munich. Dachau concentration camp

Great-grandfather and great-grandmother: Yakimenko Ivan Grigoryevich and Ksenia Fedorovna

On the left is my grandfather Volodya with his parents, brother, grandparents.

Yakimenko Vladimir Ivanovich - my grandfather

Yakimenko Nadezhda is my grandmother

Moroz Alena Vladimirovna - my mother

Neplyuev Ivan Matveevich - my great-great-grandfather on my father's side ... and now about my father's ancestors ...

Alexei Ivanovich Neplyuev and Anna Afanasievna Moskalenko are my great-grandfather and great-grandmother.

Moskalenko Anna Afanasievna - participant of the Great Patriotic War - was awarded the medal "For the Defense of the Caucasus"

Medal "Mother is a Heroine" Neplyueva Anna Afanasievna and Neplyuev Alexei Ivanovich raised six children.

Father - Moroz Nikolai Borisovich

My mother, elder sister Ira and me!

1. I talked to my grandfather. He was pleased with my interest in learning the history of our family. 2. Found a lot interesting facts and photographs of family members that were shown on the slides. 3. As a result, we got such a family tree of the Frost family. Conclusion

Pedigree tree of the Frost family.

After researching the questions, I had not less, but even more than before. Now it is interesting to know the answers to them. Thank you for your attention!


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Slides captions:

School buildings from the 30s to the 70s How it all began ...

Principals GULYAEV Nikolai Efimovich TREKUSHENKO Ivan Vladimirovich PROKOPENKO Dmitry Georgievich SERYAKOV Petr Danilovich STATSENKO Anatoly Petrovich Tereshchenko V.N.

School principal Khaimovich L.M. Peredistaya V.E. Kulik V.N. Kostenko A.P. Oleinik O.V. Bazhan T.E. Mironova N.V.

Russia is famous for its teachers ... Bastanzhieva L.M.

"I went through the circles of hell" Lev Mikhailovich KHAYMOVICH Kostenko Anatoly Petrovich history teacher

Peredistaya V.E. Elizarov B.V. International friendship club meeting

Excellence in education: ARTYOMOVA Nina Aleksandrovna BASTANZHIEVA Lidiya Matveevna BELOGLAZOVA Olga Pavlovna NESTERENKO Valentina Fedorovna PEREDISTAYA Valentina Egorovna FOMENKO Valentina Dmitrievna FROLOV Larisa Petrovna

"The best teacher of Russia-2006" SOBOLEVA Tatyana Petrovna "Honorary worker of education" BAZHAN Tatyana Ivanovna "Honorary teacher of Taman" BONDARENKO Valentina Vasilievna

Diploma of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation BEDIEVA Emine Serverovna KIRILLOVA Irina Ivanovna KOSTENKO Anatoly Petrovich KRASHENINNIKOVA Tatyana Anatolyevna SOBOLEVA Tatyana Petrovna

Diploma of the Ministry of Education BEDIEVA Emine Serverovna PEREDISTAYA Valentina Egorovna "Excellent student physical culture and Sports" CHERNIKH Galina Grigoryevna "Excellence in Vocational Education" KOMAROVA Lyubov Petrovna

Teachers - veterans of the Great Patriotic War GORISHNYA Zinaida Yakovlevna NESTERENKO Vasily Filippovich UZUNYAN Aram Avetisovich KHAYMOVICH Lev Mikhailovich

According to data since 1983, 18 people graduated from school with a gold medal. silver medal: 46 people

FAMILY DYNASTIES School No. 8 BAZHAN T.I. – BAZHAN A.V. Bondarenko V.V. – Bondarenko N.V. Burakova N.A. - BOROVIK V.S. Krasheninnikova L.P. –Krasheninnikova T.A. OLEYNIK N.S. – OLEYNIK O.V. SOBOLEVA T.P. - BAZHAN T.E. FRONT V.G. - N.V. Kolmychek


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Slides captions:

Teacher's Day Evening of meetings with alumni Life of a modern school Work with the school staff on TB Last call

K H N Friendly meeting between teachers and students of the school Tournament of chemists Self-government day Dedication to fifth graders

Birthday of the region Patronage over monuments

The work of the lecture group Mother's Day Library Lessons

Good deed "Take care of the birds" Campaign "Clean Shores" Operation "Seed" Campaigns and excursions of students

Meeting with the OPDN inspector Action under the anti-drug program "Orange Mood" Meeting with students of specialists in the fight against drugs and

Summer wellness campaign

Lilac 45th year. Presentation of awards at the festival "Rainbow of Talents". Detachment "Fanagor" Ataman.

Children's organization "T R O P I N C A" Started its work on November 20, 2003, its ideological inspirers were teachers - organizers Gerasimenko O.I. and Lesun A.I. The organization had its own emblem, anthem, held traditional gatherings and holidays.

The ideological inspirer T.A. KRASHENINIKOVA Literary and musical drawing rooms

65th anniversary Great Victory consecrates "MEMORY WATCH"

School festival: "Song in a soldier's greatcoat" Organizer of the festival A.I.LESUN

Day "Teacher's Glory"

Charitable program "Flower - seven-flower" Lidiya Prokopyevna KRASHENINNIKOVA receives flowers and a souvenir from the vice-governor of the region G.V. ZOLINA for participation in the program "Flower - seven-flower"

United family of teachers of school No. 8


Subject: "Archaeological excavations ancient city Phanagoria” (non-standard (museum) lesson).

Kuban studies teacher MBOU secondary school №8

Temryuksky district, Krasnodar Territory

Onufer Nadezhda Mikhailovna

Lesson topic: "Archaeological excavations
the ancient city of Phanagoria” (non-standard (museum) lesson).

Lesson Objectives:

1. To introduce students to the historical past of the place where they were born, where they live now.

2. To instill a sense of pride in the people whose hands create history.

4. Development of students' communicative skills and skills to independently explore historical material.


Map of the Krasnodar Territory, history of the Kuban, museum exhibits on excavations, photographs, computer.

During the classes.

1. Organizing moment.

2. Posting the topic of the lesson.

Introduction by the teacher. slide 1.

Today we are conducting a museum lesson using museum exhibits on the topic: "Archaeological excavations of the ancient city of Phanagoria".A group of lecturers will work with me at the lesson, which will make several reports on the topic.

3. Work on the topic of the lesson.

Teacher's story. Map work. Slide 2.
Phanagoria - the largest ancient Greek settlement on the territory of Russia, one of the largest ancient cities of the Black Sea region. It is located in a picturesque place on the Taman Peninsula, between the Black and Azov Seas. The city was founded in the middle of the 6th century. BC. Greek settlers from the city of Teos, he died as a result of an enemy invasion at the beginning of the 10th century AD. It hasrichest history, which is associated not only with the ancient Greeks, but also with other peoples, and the history of the ancient city of Phanagoria begins 27 centuries ago.

slide 3, 4. For several decades, archaeologists have been working on the Taman Peninsula. Excavations began in the 19th century. At that time, archaeologists were only interested in burial mounds, which provided rich finds for Imperial Hermitage. However, they were carried out in a barbaric way: with the help of soldiers, trenches were dug, which destroyed the cultural layer. As a result of such research, the upper plateau, where the oldest part of Phanagoria was located, suffered. Many mounds were also subjected to barbaric looting.

Slide 5. Since 1936 systematic scientific excavations have been carried out. They made it possible to establish the chronological framework for the existence of the city, its boundaries, and the thickness of cultural strata.

slide 6. Among major discoveries- a residential quarter, which consisted of houses built of mud bricks; craft workshops, among them a workshop in which bronze statues were cast; several temples; remains of a defensive wall with gates; "grain merchant's house", in which about 1 ton of burnt grain was found, the sculptor's house.

Teacher . Now the girls from the lecture group will introduce you to interesting sections on this topic. Listen carefully to answer the questions at the end of the lectures.

Report No. 1. Subject: "History of Phanagoria.

(Report of the student of 11 "A" class Lyubenko Ekaterina - lecture group).

Slide 7. The history of Phanagoria began in the 6th century. BC. The civilians of the Greek city of Teos in full force decided to move to a new land, so as not to be conquered by the Persians. One part of the Teos moved to a city in northern Greece, the other - to the Taman Peninsula in the Krasnodar Territory. The leader of the last group of settlers was Fanagor, after whom the new city, Phanagoria, was named. It was an independent state, with its own government, people's assembly, agricultural territory, borders.

slide 8. At the beginning of the 4th c. BC. Phanagoria was forcibly included in the Bosporus Kingdom, the first state association on the territory of Russia. This century is the period of Phanagoria's highest prosperity. Prosperity Bosporan state largely due to the sale of bread in the Mediterranean. Grain was grown mainly on the fertile Taman lands, in particular on the fields that belonged to Phanagoria. In response to the grain deliveries to Phanagoria from the Mediterranean, large material values ​​\u200b\u200bare received.

Like most ancient Greek cities, Phanagoria was located on the seashore. Waterways connected the Greeks with the entire inhabited world.

In the coastal part of the city, on the shore of the Taman Bay, there was a port. Goods from various countries of the Mediterranean were brought here on ships. Some of them remained in the city, while the rest were transported along rivers and land roads to the interior regions of the Kuban region. Phanagoria was the largest trading city of the Black Sea region.

Report No. 2. Topic: "Excavations of Phanagoria".

(Report of a student of class 8 "B" Andrey Yurchenko - a lecture group).

Slide 9, 10. The settlement where excavations are being carried out,covers an area of ​​about 65 hectares and is located on two plateaus (upper and lower), descending to the sea bay. From east to west, the length of the ancient city was about 1 km. The northern border of the city now goes under water and is located approximately 300 meters from the coast. During the 1600-year history of the city, a powerful cultural layer was deposited, reaching 7 m in thickness. It's kind of layered cake, which contains a wide variety of antiquities, huge cultural values.

Slide 11. Archaeologists discover the remains of city defensive walls, residential buildings, temples and other public buildings, pavements of streets and squares belonging to different historical eras.

slide 12, 13. One of the most common finds of that time are debris amphoras. For many centuries wine, olive oil, bulk products were brought to Phanagoria in them. The amphoras not only show the direction of Phanagoria's trade relations, but also allow you to see the scope of trade in the city.

Slide 14, 15, 16. They also brought here religious and cultural items (marble statues, figurines, the image of a deity), painted ceramics, bronze dishes, precious metals, women's jewelry ( slide 17, 18 ) and other art products that archaeologists find during excavations of the ancient city.

slide 19. Phanagoria is surrounded on three sides by a huge necropolis , city ​​of the dead. Many thousands of inhabitants of the ancient city rest under mounds. Depending on the level of well-being, they were buried in different types burial structures: simple earthen graves ( slide 20 ); graves made of tiles; simple stone tombs ( slide 21 ); earthen vaults; stone crypts with rich architecture, in which stood cypress ( slide 22 ) and even marble sarcophagi.

Slide 23, 24, 25. In the Phanagoria necropolis, unique finds: magnificent jewelry - gold rings with precious stones, rings, earrings, bracelets, gilded silver dishes, rare terracotta figurines ( slide 26 ), and others of great historical value.

Report No. 3. Topic: "Underwater research".

(Report of a student of 8 "B" class Yastrebchikova Margarita - a lecture group).

slide 27. Approximately one third of the area of ​​the ancient city of Phanagoria is flooded by the sea. In 1999,underwater research. They showed that the bottom of the sea on an area of ​​about 20 hectares is covered with stones belonging to ancient buildings.

slide 28. In one place, numerous marble columns were found related to some big building(part of the architrave, threshold, column drums). A fragment of a marble female statue was also found here.

Under water, in the process of excavations, a wide variety of archaeological finds . Among them are the wreckage marble statues, Greek inscriptions, gold, silver and bronze coins, carved stones, bronze and clay lamps, amphorae, painted tableware, terracotta figurines and much more. Found clear designations of the northern borders of the city of Phanagoria.

Slide 29, 30. Summer 2011 V.V. Putin came to the excavations of the ancient city of Phanagoria, who explored the seabed together with archaeologists, he was able to get a small amphora from the bottom of the bay, saw a lot of interesting things at the excavation site, talked with young people and was very pleased.

In addition to antiquities, the seabed off the coast of Phanagoria keeps traces of wartime. A Turkish anchor was found - a cat of the 18th century, a witness to the victories of the Russian fleet under the command of Admiral F.F. Ushakov, or a landing boat - on the Taman Peninsula in 1941 and 1943. there were heavy battles with the Nazis.

slide 31. Every year in July-August in Phanagoria worksarchaeological expedition. An academic expedition is not only scientific research, but also active recreation on the sea coast in the community interesting people different professions.

slide 32. Students can touch the monuments of ancient culture, clear the foundations of ancient structures and pavement streets that people walked more than two thousand years ago, get ancient objects of everyday use and works of art out of the ground, have a unique opportunity to stand with their feet on the daylight surface, which corresponds to the time of birth Jesus Christ.

Slide 33, 34. Some of the ancient artifacts found in the excavation area are stored in the school museum, where children can see and touch them.

slide 35.

Teacher. The children of our school can also take part in archaeological excavations, as the school has a group of young archaeologists, the Fanagor labor detachment. Slide 36. They are part of the student archaeological team, and also participate in environmental events, write research papers, for which they are awarded diplomas and certificates.

Slide 36. Opening of the archaeological center in the village of Sennoy.

3 . Generalization. Summary of the lesson.

  • What new did you learn at the museum lesson today?
  • What was the name of the ancient city? Who was its founder?
  • Why is it called ancient?
  • In what century did the Phanagorian history begin?

    Slides captions:

    "Archaeological excavations of the ancient city of Phanagoria" 1 The presentation was prepared by a teacher of Kuban studies MBOU secondary school No. 8 Onufer Nadezhda Mikhailovna Temryuksky district, Krasnodar Territory

    Alley of mounds 3

    The surviving foundation of an early medieval residential building (7th century AD) 4

    Scientific excavations. 5

    The sculptor's house and its reconstruction. 6

    Maritime trade routes. 7

    Coastal excavation. 8

    Excavations at the site of the core of the city 9

    Expedition 10 results

    Upper City 11

    Ancient amphorae Pithos 12

    Ceramic site 13

    marble statues. 14

    Finds. Painted ceramics. 15

    Finds. Painted ceramics. 16

    Finds. Gold jewelry. 6

    Finds. Gold jewelry. 7

    In 1999, underwater research was carried out in Phanagoria using the most modern equipment. 9

    Underwater finds. 10

    Vladimir Putin at the excavations of the upper city. eleven

    Vladimir Putin in the bay. 12

    Phanagorian expedition camp. 13

    Student camp. 14

    Museum exhibits of the school. 15

    Museum exhibits of the school. 16

    A group of young archaeologists of secondary school No. 8 "Fanagor". 17

    Student archaeological group. 18

    Opening of the archaeological center in Sennoy 19


    Municipal budgetary educational institution


    municipal formation Temryuk district

    Lesson topic: "Ataman - the pearl of the Kuban"(lesson - excursion).

    Prepared by the teacher of Kuban studies MBOU secondary school No. 8

    Onufer Nadezhda Mikhailovna


    Lesson topic: " Ataman is the pearl of Kuban.

    Lesson Objectives:

    1. To introduce students to the historical past of the Kuban Cossacks, their way of life.

    2. To cultivate love for their small homeland, respect for their ancestors and their traditions.

    3. To draw students' attention to the fact that many household items carry interesting historical information.

    4. To develop the cognitive interest of students in contact with the history of their region and the skills to independently explore historical material.

    During the classes.

    1. Organizational moment.

    Conversation on safety in transport and proper behavior in in public places with students.

    2.Message of the tour plan.

    • Meeting near the school at the appointed time.
    • Boarding the bus.
    • Travel to the place of excursion.
    • Excursion to "Ataman".
    • Trip home.

    3. Communication of information. Impression. Description of what you see.

    slide 1. In early September, on Bald Mountain, near the village of Taman, the largest open-air ethnographic museum in Russia "Ataman" was opened. It became a bright event in the social life of the region, main goal which was the revival and strengthening of the traditions of the Cossacks. Newspapers widely covered this grandiose holiday. Before the eyes of tens of thousands of people who arrived in Taman, pages of the historical past of the Kuban came to life in a theatrical performance.

    slide 2, 3, 4. Even from a distance, at the entrance to Bald Mountain, neat little white huts with reed roofs could be seen. And at the bottom of the mountain were hundreds of cars and buses that brought visitors here.

    Slide 5. In just three months, a real Cossack village has grown on 20 hectares of land, reproducing the life, culture and crafts of our ancestors with historical accuracy. The ethnocomplex was built, one might say, by the whole world - almost all the municipalities of the region made their contribution.

    Slide 6, 7, 8. Experts tried to recreate everything as authentically as possible from the studied archives, old photographs and books.

    slide 9. In recent years, we have witnessed an unprecedented interest in the historical past of the Kuban and the Cossacks. At the initiative of Governor Alexander Tkachev, teaching began at schools of Kuban studies, textbooks on the history, culture, and economy of the region are being published. The military cathedral of Alexander Nevsky and the monument to the "godmother" of the Kuban Cossacks Catherine the Great were recreated ( Slide 10 ). With his assistance, the remains of the great son of the Kuban, the historian-ethnographer Fyodor Shcherbina, were returned to their homeland. A monument was erected in the center of Krasnodar Kuban Cossacks, a solemn ritual of the changing of the guard was introduced.

    In this row is the opening of the ethnographic complex "Ataman". Impressions from it are amazing, as if in a time machine we got two hundred years ago to a real Kuban village! Just great!

    Slide 11, 12. In "Ataman" everything delights: the Cossack huts, and farmsteads, and the very atmosphere of the old Cossack life. Everything is interesting here. Any cart is made with the accuracy of a small rivet.

    slide 13, 14. Feel free here, spacious and breathe so well! Hills, sea and steppe. You look to the right - the Sea of ​​Azov, to the left - the Black Sea. And above the village - a chapel on a hill and a cross, visible from everywhere - so that the Lord would keep ...

    In the center of the complex there are flags with the coats of arms of those cities and regions of the region that participated in its creation. Under each flag there is an explanation - why such a coat of arms and what it means. Even adults are interested. And for the children! Even read the history books to the holes, but you can touch it only here.

    slide 15. There are many children and teenagers here today. Every now and then school buses come, and the kids scatter around the Atamani. We see a sparkle in the eyes of children when they climb the watchtower of the Cossacks, when they sit in the Cossack cart or in the boat on which our ancestors sailed here. It is here, in "Ataman", that young Kuban people receive the most important lessons - the lessons of love for their small homeland, respect for their ancestors and their traditions.

    Slide 16, 17. Artists meet us with a theatrical performance near Baba Yaga's hut. Everything here is like in a fairy tale: Koschey the Immortal, and Kot-Bayun, and the beautiful hostess herself.

    Here is a group of teenage girls, one in charge - in the form of the Kuban Cossack army. She wears her uniform as naturally and naturally as military men wear it. And you begin to understand that a Cossack woman can be not only the wife of a Cossack, but also a warrior who you can rely on in battle. Slide 18.

    slide 19. Despite the fact that the complex has been operating not so long ago, the rumor about it has already swept across Russia. On weekends there are up to ten thousand visitors, and on weekdays up to three thousand. slide 20.

    Slide 21, 22. Ataman is the largest ethnographic museum in Russia, there are few of them in the country. Visitors inspect every building, every thing with genuine lively interest. Everything here is real: watermelons, pumpkins in a cart, garlic and onions in bundles, even apples in the fountain and on tables that you can try. Tools of labor and ancient household items, as if waiting for the owner. Everything breathes history slide 23).

    slide 24. We all need such a museum, because it allows us to really see and feel the past, touch the history of our region, makes us love and be proud that we live in the Kuban.

    Ethnocultural complex "Ataman" will live and develop. It cannot be otherwise, because this is our history, and interest in it is one of the best human qualities.

    "Ataman" has already become the brightest pearl of the Kuban, which has a great future.

    4. The result of the excursion.

    • Teacher's conversation with children about the excursion.
    • Children's stories and impressions about "Ataman".

    No. p / p

    Section, topic

    Number of hours

    Formed UDD


    Lesson equipment




    Cognitive UUD:

    Explain specificssubject of Cuban studies.

    The specifics of methods for studying the regional component

    Define distinctive features subject of Kuban studies

    Rationality of using various types of sources for the study of Kuban studies in a specific educational situation

    Regulatory UUD:

    - put forward versions;

    Communicative UUD:

    - express your opinion (in a monologue, dialogue, polylogue), arguing it, under

    stating facts;

    Personal UUD:

    – to be aware of the role of the Kuban in the history of Russia

    Cuban studies as a science. historical memory people.Kuban is a crossroads of civilizations.

    Presentation. Map. Name cards creative tasks. D / s S. 5-6.


    Cognitive UUD:

    - establish causal relationships - at a simple and complex level;

    - analyze (including highlighting the main thing, dividing the text into parts) and generalizing,

    prove, draw conclusions, define concepts; build logical reasoning - at a simple and complex level.

    Regulatory UUD:

    - determine the goal, problem in educational activities;

    - put forward versions;

    - plan learning activities;

    - work according to the plan, referring to the goal;

    - find and correct errors;

    - evaluate the degree and methods of activity and achievement of the goal.

    Communicative UUD:

    - express your opinion (in a monologue, dialogue, polylogue), arguing it, confirming it with facts;

    - adjust your opinion under the influence of counterarguments.

    Personal UUD:

    - to realize the integrity of history as a science.

    Form your own opinion

    Topic 1. Ancient gatherers and hunters.

    The concept of "Stone Age", its periodization: Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic. Stages of human evolution: Pithecanthropus, Neanderthal, modern man.

    Dictionary. Reader. Scheme. Table. D\z § 1

    Working with the text "Good day"

    Text. Illustrations

    D\z with. 12-14

    Topic 2. The emergence of a modern man.

    Homo sapiens in the Late Paleolithic. Monuments of the Late Paleolithic: Kamennomostskaya Cave (R. Belaya), Gubsky canopies.

    Presentation .

    Dictionary. Scheme. Map. D\z § 2

    Working with the text "Hunting for a mammoth"

    Text. Drawings. Questionnaires D/z p.17-19

    Topic 3. Farmers and pastoralists.

    "Neolithic Revolution" Producing economy: agriculture and cattle breeding.

    Dictionary. Text cards. D / z § 3

    Working with the text "Spring Holiday"

    Text. Questionnaire. D / s p.22-24


    Cognitive UUD:

    - analyze and summarize

    - establish causal relationships - at a simple and complex level;

    scheme, theses).

    Communicative UUD:

    Personal UUD:

    natural values;

    Regulatory UUD:

    Features of bronze production in the North Caucasus. archaeological cultures. Maikop and Novosvobodnensky barrows.

    Presentation. Map. D / z § 4. with. 26-29.

    Yamnaya culture. (Right bank of the Kuban) Features of the funeral rite.

    Map. Cards with creative tasks. D / z § 4. with. 29-30.

    Topic 5. Dolmen culture

    Dolmens are the burial structures of the ancients. Classification of dolmens (tiled, composite, trough-shaped, monolithic).


    Scheme. Table. D / z § 5

    Working with the text "Stone Sanctuary"

    Text. Illustrations D/z p.34-36

    Topic 6. North Caucasian, Catacomb and Srubnaya archaeological cultures.

    Settlement of the North Caucasian tribes on the territory of the Kuban region. Monuments of the Srubnaya and Catacomb culture.

    Presentation Map. Test. D / z § 6


    Cognitive UUD:

    - analyze and summarize

    prove, draw conclusions, define concepts; build logically

    reasoning - at a simple and complex level;

    – classify (group, establish a hierarchy) according to given

    or independently chosen grounds;

    - establish causal relationships - at a simple and complex level;

    - present information in different forms (figure, text, table, plan,

    scheme, theses).

    Communicative UUD:

    - express your opinion (in a monologue, dialogue, polylogue), arguing it, confirming it with facts, putting forward counterarguments in the discussion;

    - organize work in pairs, groups (independently determine goals, roles,

    ask questions, make decisions

    - to distinguish in the speech of another opinion, evidence, facts; hypotheses, axioms, dogmas, theories.

    Personal UUD:

    - reasonably evaluate their own and other people's actions in unambiguous and inconsistent

    meaningful situations (including educational ones), based on universal human disposition

    natural values;

    - to realize the integrity of the world and the diversity of views on it, to develop

    own worldview positions;

    - choose how to act, incl. in ambiguous situations (moral tests

    Lema), and be responsible for your choice.

    Regulatory UUD:

    - determine the goal, problem in activities: educational and practical life (including in their projects);

    - put forward versions, choose the means to achieve the goal in the group and individually;

    Topic 7-8 Nomads of the Kuban steppes.


    The displacement of stone and bronze tools by iron ones, changes in economic activity and lifestyle of people.Nomadic and sedentary tribes of the Kuban region in the early Iron Age.

    Map. Dictionary.

    Texts of documents. Comparative table. § 7-8 p.45-49

    Scythians. Habitat.

    Presentation. Map. D / z § 7-8

    Sarmatians. Siraki. General and special in everyday life, lifestyle, funeral rite.


    Comparison table. Illustrations.

    D / s § 7-8 from 49 -53

    Working with the text "Barrow in the steppe"

    Text. Questionnaire D/z p.54-56

    Topic 9. Meots - agricultural tribes. North-Western Caucasus.

    The territory of the Meotians. "Meotida is the mother of Pontus". Monuments of the Meotian culture.

    Working with the text "Town near the oak grove."

    Presentation Map. Story text. D / z § 9

    Topic 10. Mythology of the Scythians, Meotians, Sarmatians.

    History of Herodotus. Legends about the origin of the Scythians. The cult of ancestors. Working with the text "Bullskin"

    The text of myths and "History" D / h § 10

    With. 70-72.

    Topic 11. Art and life of the nomadic and settled population of the Kuban region.

    material culture.

    Dictionary. Cards for historical lotto. D / z § 11 p. 73-75

    Scythian animal style in art.

    ID. Presentation. Cards with illustrations. § 11 p. 75- 80


    Cognitive UDD:

    Self-selection and formulation of a cognitive goal.

    Search and

    Conscious and arbitrary construction of a speech statement in oral and written form.

    Meaningful reading.

    Extracting the necessary information.

    Analysis of objects in order to highlight features (essential, non-essential);subsuming under the concept, derivation of consequences;establishment of causal relationships; proof; hypotheses and their justification

    Communicative UDD

    Stop questions - proactive collaboration in the search and collection of information.

    The ability to express one's thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication

    Personal UUD:

    - reasonably evaluate their own and other people's actions in unambiguous and inconsistent

    meaningful situations (including educational ones), based on universal human disposition

    natural values;

    - to realize the integrity of the world and the diversity of views on it, to develop

    own worldview positions;

    - choose how to act, incl. in ambiguous situations (moral tests

    Lema), and be responsible for your choice.

    Regulatory UUD:

    - determine the goal, problem in activities: educational and practical life (including in their projects);

    - put forward versions, choose the means to achieve the goal in the group and individually;

    Topic 12. The beginning of ancient Greek colonization.

    Reasons for the resettlement of the Greeks on the northern and eastern coasts of the Black Sea.

    ID. Map. Scheme. D / z § 12

    Founding of colonies. Phanagoria, Germonassa (village of Taman), Panticapaeum (city of Kerch), Sindik - Gorgippia (city of Anapa). Greeks and the local population.

    Presentation. Map. Comparison table.

    D / z § 13

    Topic 13-14 ancient mythology in the Black Sea region.

    The myth of the journey of the Argonauts. Northern Black Sea region in Homer's poems.

    Dictionary. Cards with texts of myths. D / z § 13-14

    Myths about Achilles and Hercules Amazons and Prometheus.

    Myth texts. Illustrations. Dictionary. Test. D / z § 13-14 pp. 89 - 92.

    Topic 15. Occupations of the inhabitants of the colonies.

    Everyday life. Agriculture. Horticulture. Gardening. Craft. Working with the text "Mikka is the daughter of a stratonicist

    Presentation. Comparison table. Text. D / z § 15

    Topic 16 Bosporan kingdom.

    Union of Greek city-states. Working with the text "Battle of the Fat River"

    Presentation. Cards with historical texts. D\z § 16 p. 103-105.

    The role of Greek colonization and the Bosporan kingdom

    Test Table. D \ z answer n questions in a notebook.

    Topic 17. Culture and life of the Greek cities-colonies.

    Interpenetration of cultures. The spread of Greek culture in the northern Black Sea region.

    Presentation. Table. D\z § 17.

    Topic 18 Culture and life of the Bosporus in Roman times.

    On the way to Christianity.

    Cards with text. D\z § 18

    Work with the text "Tirgatao - Queen of the Sinds."

    Text. Illustrations. D / s 17s. 117-121


    Cognitive UDD

    Search and selection of the necessary information; application of information retrieval methods.

    Speech utterance in oral and written form.

    semantic reading.

    extracting the necessary information.

    Reflection of methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and results of activities

    Establishment of causal relationships.

    Formulation of the problem.

    self-creation of ways to solve problems

    Communicative UDD:

    Put learning task under the guidance of a teacher.

    Plan your activities under the guidance of a teacher.

    Reveal causal relationships. -determine criteria for comparing facts, phenomena.

    Listen and evaluate others objectively.

    To be able to conduct a dialogue, developing a common solution.

    Personal UUD:

    - reasonably evaluate their own and other people's actions in unambiguous and inconsistent

    meaningful situations (including educational ones), based on universal human disposition

    natural values;

    - to realize the integrity of the world and the diversity of views on it, to develop

    own worldview positions;

    - choose how to act, incl. in ambiguous situations (moral tests

    Lema), and be responsible for your choice.

    Regulatory UUD:

    - determine the goal, problem in activities: educational and practical life (including in their projects);

    - put forward versions, choose the means to achieve the goal in the group and individually;

    Antiquity. Appearance primitive people on the territory of the Kuban.

    ID. Map. D / s Questions in a notebook

    Antique period of the history of the Kuban.

    Chronological table. D / z Compose a crossword puzzle

    Cultural and historical monuments of the Kuban of world significance and their research.


    D / s Prepare an excursion.

    Researchers of the Kuban antiquity: E.D. Filitsin, N. I. Veselovsky and others.

    Presentation Portraits.

    D/h reports

    municipal budgetary educational institution

    average comprehensive school №3


    decision of the teachers' council protocol No. 1

    dated _________ 2012

    Chairman of the teachers' council

    _____________/ Z.V. Strelkova

    signature of the head of the educational institution F.I.O.


    Type I

    Kuban studies

    Level of study (class):basic general education 5th grade

    Number of hours 34 Basic level

    Teacher A.N. Veric

    Cuban studies grade 5

    Explanatory note

    to the program of the 1st type in Cuban studies

    for grade 5

    The Kuban study program for grade 5 was compiled on the basis of the author's program, the authors are L, M, Galutvo, V. N. Basiy, Yu. A. Boldyrev. Publishing house Krasnodar "Prospects of education" 20011.

    Kuban studies 5-9 grade.

    Table of thematic distribution of the number of hours: 3

    Section II North-Western Caucasus in the Bronze Age.

    Section III Nomadic and sedentary tribes of the Kuban region in the Early Iron Age.

    Section IV Greek colonies on the shores of the Black and Azov Seas.

    Final repetition.


    2. The content of the training,the requirements for the preparation of students in the subject fully coincide with the exemplary program for the subject.

    Textbook B.A. Trekhbratov, E.A. Khachaturova, T.A. Naumenko, Kuban studies: archeology, mythology, culture. Krasnodar: "Prospects of education" 2008 Atlas.


    Deputy Director for MMR


    Municipal formation city of Krasnodar

    Municipal budgetary educational institution

    Gymnasium No. 3 in Krasnodar



    in Kuban studies

    Class 5 K

    Teacher: A.N. Veric

    Number of hours: total 34 hours; per week 1 hour;

    Art and life of the nomadic and settled population of the Kuban region.
    Cuban studies grade 5

    1. Based on what historical sources did scientists manage to restore the appearance of the Scythians and Meotians?

    We know about the clothes and weapons of the Scythians, Meotians and Sarmatians thanks to the products of Greek jewelers found in the mounds, which depicted scenes from the life of "barbarians" on gold plaques, torcs, vessels, plates of headdresses. In separate burials, parts of clothing made of fabrics, leather, and fur have been preserved.

    2. What type of style do these archaeological finds refer to?

    3. In the "archaeological diary" indicate where the finds made in the animal style were found.

    4. How does the Sarmatian animal style differ from the Scythian?

    The Sarmatian animal style that replaced the Scythian style had some differences, which is confirmed by archaeological finds. A characteristic feature of Sarmatian products is the use of colored inserts to depict eyes, ears, hooves, and animals. Unlike Scythian jewelry, Sarmatian ones are not so numerous. Basically, gold and silver, precious inserts were used for their manufacture. These items were primarily meant to represent aristocratic background their owners, nobility, wealth.

    5. Draw and indicate the elements of the Scythian-Meotian male and female costumes.

    6. In the culture and traditions of which peoples of the North Caucasus are traces of ancient legends and rituals of the Meotians, Scythians, Sarmatians found?

    culture, traditions, religious performances, legends and tales of the ancient population of the Kuban region - the Meotians, Scythians, Sarmatians - left their traces in the history and culture of the peoples of the North Caucasus, primarily the Adygs and Ossetians. The most famous legends of the Nart heroic epic. His heroes are sled heroes. Legends about them date back to the times of the Scythians and Sarmatians, many stories are close to the descriptions of the life and customs of the Scythians given by Herodotus. This is the worship of the sword, and legends about the magic cup, from which only glorious heroes could drink.

    7. Refer to the stories "The Town near the Oak Grove" and "Tirgatao - the Queen of the Sinds." Restore in chronological order the events from the life of Queen Tirgatao. Enter the appropriate letter designations in the cells and read the name of the famous Kuban archaeologist.

    F - Flight of Tigratao from custody.
    A - Meeting of Tigratao with Hekatey.
    B - Gorgipp's request for an end to the war.
    I- War of Tigratao with Satyr.
    Oh - Death of a Satyr.
    N - Betrayal of Hecateus.
    M - Attempt on Tigratao

    Answer: ANFIMOV

    8. What kind of relationship between the leaders of the Meots and the rulers of the Bosporus kingdom is evidenced by the legend of Polien?

    The leaders of the Meots and the rulers of the Bosporan kingdom were at enmity. The ruler of the Bosporus kingdom, Satir, and his ally Hecateus, the king of the Sinds, were at enmity with the Meotians. The Sindh queen Tirgatao was a Meotian. After her husband imprisoned in the fortress and married the former wife of King Satyr, she fled to the possessions of her relatives, and persuaded the warlike tribes that lived around Meotida to war. Tirgatao subjected the country to all the horrors of robbery and massacre. And the son of the queen Octamasad laid siege to the city of Labrys, where his father Hecateus was. The satyr died of despair; his son Gorgipp, having inherited the throne, himself came to Tirgatao with the richest gifts and with a request to stop the war and save the life of his ally Hecateus, albeit at the cost of expulsion from Sindica.

    9. Indicate written and material sources, on the basis of which scientists concluded that Queen Tirgatao is a real historical person.

    Written sources- the story of the Greek historian Polien (II century AD) about Tirgatao.

    Real- on the territory of the Semibratny settlement near the station. Varenikovskaya, a stone with a Greek inscription found there.

    10. Define the meaning of the terms.

    Lit - a special wooden case for bows and arrows, used by the Scythians.

    A bridle is a piece of harness worn on a horse's head and designed to control the animal.

    Narts are the heroes of ancient epic tales of many Caucasian peoples.

    11. Excavations made it possible to create a reconstruction of the walls of the Seven Brothers settlement (see fig.), the location of which can be found in the story "Tirgatao - Queen of the Sinds". Try to describe this fortification system. Illustrate one of the episodes of the story.

    Around the city territory there was a powerful fortress wall 4.35-2.60 m thick, built of large and medium-sized shell rock slabs. Stone stairs led to the top of the wall. The city fortifications were supplemented with rectangular towers, the walls of which were much thinner - 0.90-1 m. These fortifications, with minor alterations, existed for about two centuries. At the end of IV - beginning of III century. BC e. the fort was destroyed.

    12. On the contour map 3 (p. 28), mark the location of the Seven-brat settlement.

    The displacement of stone and bronze tools by iron ones, changes in economic activity and lifestyle of people. Raw houses. The second social division of labor: the department of craft. Nomadic tribes of the Kuban steppes. Territory of settlement, features of life and occupations. Cimmerians. Scythians. Habitat. Activities, lifestyle. War as a constant trade. Armament. Social system. Customs. Funeral ritual: mounds, tombs of warriors and leaders. Scythian influence on the tribes that inhabited the territory of the Kuban. Monuments of the Scythian culture: Kostroma, Kelermes, Ulsky burial mounds. Sarmatians. General and special in everyday life, lifestyle, funeral rite. Monuments of the Sarmatian culture: the vicinity of the villages of Dinskaya, Razdolnaya, Sergievskaya, Novotitarovskaya, Staronizhesteblievskaya; hamlets of Boikoponur, Severny (Kalinin district); the village of Elite (Krasnoarmeisky district); city ​​of Korenovsk. Siraki on the Right Bank of the Kuban and in the Eastern Trans-Kuban. Great Silk Road. Sirak archaeological sites: the vicinity of the villages of Dinskaya, Bryukhovetskaya, Baturinskaya, Novotitarovskaya, Kalininskaya, Novodzherelievskaya, Anapa, Staronizhesteblievskaya, Novokorsuneka, Razdolnaya, Khoperskaya, Vladimirskaya, Mikhailovskaya, Otradnaya; hamlets of Boikoponur, Greki, Malaya, Proletarian, Elite (Krasnoarmeisky district), Northern (Kalinin district); the village of Uspensky; the cities of Krasnodar, Korenovsk, Timashevsk. Antique authors about nomads: Herodotus, Hippocrates, Strabo and others. Working with the text "Mound in the steppe (archaeologist's story)".

    Topic 9. Meots - agricultural tribes of the North-Western Caucasus

    The territory of the Meotians. "Meotida is the mother of Pontus". The tribal composition of the Meotian tribes. Monuments of the Meotian culture (settlements and burial grounds): the vicinity of the villages of Elizavetinskaya, Pashkovskaya, Starokorsunskaya; farms of Lenin (city of Krasnodar), Swans; city ​​of Ust-Labinsk. Occupations and social order.

    Working with the text "Town near the oak grove."

    Topic 10. Mythology of the Scythians, Meotians, Sarmatians

    History of Herodotus. Legends about the origin of the Scythians. Scythian beliefs. Scythian deities. Rites. The cult of ancestors. Fertility cult. Working with the text "Bullskin".

    Topic 11. Art and life of the nomadic and settled population of the Kuban region

    material culture. Archaeological finds in the Scythian mounds. Weapons, household items, jewelry. Articles made of precious metals - gold plates, bowls. Scythian animal style in art. Sarmatian animal style. Ancient traditions in the culture of the peoples of the North Caucasus.

    Section 4. Greek colonies on the shores of the Black and Azov Seas (10 hours)

    Topic 12. The beginning of ancient Greek colonization

    Great Greek colonization. Reasons for the resettlement of the ancient Greeks to the northern and eastern coasts of the Black Sea. Founding of colonies. Phanagoria, Germonassa (village of Taman), Panticapaeum (city of Kerch), Sindik - Gorgippia (city of Anapa), Kepy, Tiramba (near the city of Temryuk), Korokondama, Kimmerik (Taman). Greeks and the local population.

    Topic 13-14. Ancient mythology and the Black Sea region

    The myth of the journey of the Argonauts. Northern Black Sea region in Homer's poems. Myths about Achilles. The myth of Iphigenia. Cimmerian Bosporus and the myth of Io. Myths about Hercules. Myths about the Amazons. The myth of Prometheus.

    Topic 15. Occupations of the inhabitants of the colonies

    Everyday life. Agriculture. Horticulture. Gardening. Craft. Workshops for the manufacture of ceramics. Trade: trading partners, exports and imports. Work with the text "Mikka is the daughter of Stratonikos".

    Theme 16. Bosporan kingdom

    Union of Greek city-states. Formation and flourishing of the Bosporus state. Archons. Archaeanactid and Spartocid dynasties. The foreign policy of the Bospber kingdom. Levkoi I. Perisades I. The fall of the Bosporus in the III century. BC e. Civil strife. The discontent of the subjects: the uprising of Savmak (107 BC); uprising in Phanagoria. Nomad raids. The invasion of the Goths and the Huns in the North Caucasus. Working with the text "Battle of the Fat River".

    Topic 17. Culture and life of Greek colonial cities

    Interpenetration of cultures. The spread of Greek culture in the Northern Black Sea region. Sea ports. Markets. Construction of fortifications. Polis and its structure. Everyday life. Palaces and dwellings of ordinary citizens. Cloth. Jewelry. Microtechnics. Home stuff. Terracotta figurines. Traditional food. Beliefs. Pantheon of gods. Sanctuaries and temples. Iconic sculpture. Priests and Priestesses. Festivities. Funeral rite. School. Philosophy (Difil, Smikr, Sfer). Historical chronicles. Theater. Plays: "Scythians" by Sophocles; "Iphigenia in Tauris" by Euripides. Sports competitions.

    Meots - agricultural tribes of the North-Western Caucasus. Cuban studies grade 5

    1. Fill in the gaps in the text.

    In the era of the early Iron Age, settled tribes lived in the Kuban region and in the Eastern Black Sea region. Your name meots received from ancient name of Azov seas - Meotida.
    Meotian tribes - sinds, dandaria, fatei, psesses and others occupied the basin of the middle and lower reaches of the river Kuban.

    2. Fill in the diagram describing the main occupations of the Meots.

    Types of economic activity

    3. On the "Meotian settlement" plan, mark the main buildings with numbers.

    1. Shaft
    2. Defensive wall
    3. Huts
    4. Bridge over the moat
    5. Watchtowers
    6. Moat

    4. List in the "archaeological diary" the finds discovered during the excavations of the Meotian settlement.

    During the excavations of the Meotian settlements, small iron sickles, square grain graters, round millstones and the remains of conical grain pits were found.

    5. Complete the diagram.

    Trade relations between the Meotians and the Greek colonists

    6. Restore the sequence of events described in the story "The Town near the Oak Grove", enter the corresponding letter designations in the cells. Read the name of the Meotian tribe to which Queen Tirgatao belonged.

    M - Dinner of tired warriors.
    Y - Departure of the detachment from the village.
    And - The return of Bleps from the field.
    A - The arrival of distinguished guests.
    T - Unloading the pottery kiln.
    K - Cooking cakes.
    A - Negotiations in the chief's house
    C - Message about the approach of unfamiliar riders.

    Answer: ISKOMATS

    7. Write the story "One day in the life of a Meotian village", illustrate one of its plots.

    Father got up very early, he had to go to the sea for a catch. And such valuable fish as sturgeon, pike perch, stellate sturgeon, carp, catfish could become a catch. For this, he used a net, bronze and copper hooks. Mother was already fussing around the stove, baking bread cakes. Soon the children will get up, they will go to the field to collect millet. The youngest daughter was given the task to go to her grandfather, who lived nearby, he was a potter. The household needed utensils, grandfather promised to make new bowls, mugs, and vessels. The girl happily ran in her new outfit, which her mother sewed, from the fabric that her older sister wove.

    8. Define the meaning of the terms. Write down the words that caused difficulties in studying the material of the paragraph. Determine their meaning.

    Meots- tribes, in the 1st millennium BC. living on the east and southeast coast Sea of ​​Azov

    Settlement- in archeology - a settlement with a fortification (shafts, ditches, walls).

    Amphora- a clay (rarely metal) vessel with a rounded or elongated body, two vertical handles and a narrow neck.

    9. On contour map 3, sign the names of settled agricultural Meotian tribes.

    10. On the "timeline" (p. 38), mark the period of residence of the Meots in the Kuban.

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