Blue dream. Meaning of blue dream in phraseology guide


A blue dream... It is always so close and so far away, often unattainable, and remaining only a dream. For some it is a big house, for others it is an expensive model of a car, for others it is new job, a trip to a distant country, a paragliding flight ... And each blue dream its. And the expression "blue dream" is stable, one for all.

Why is it so warm from the phrase "blue dream", and why is it blue? And here the researchers can not determine who main author this expression. According to one version, this is a German writer and philosopher Novalis(1772-1801). He is Friedrich von Hardenberg. He wrote the book "Heinrich von Ofterdingen", which was published after the death of the writer in 1802. This book tells the story of the famous 13th century German minnesinger Heinrich von Ofterdingen. (Minnesingers - medieval authors and performers of songs about love to beautiful lady, about serving the overlord and God).

Novalis describes his character as a romantic youth who essentially expresses the views of the writer himself. Ofterdingen believes that daydreams, dreams and dreams play a very important role, because they determine the mood and actions of a person, and hence the reality surrounding him. They help to better understand reality, as well as to foresee the future of a person.

One day the hero of Novalis has a dream about a blue flower, amazingly beautiful, which Ofterdingen took as a symbol of his happiness. The young man actively begins to look for a blue flower in real life, and the more he searches, the more his poetic talent is revealed. "Blue flower" in this case is life ideal, as well as a symbol of self-disclosure, creative self-realization. The protagonist, improving in his work, in the end had to break beautiful flower, however, Novalis did not have time to finish the novel.

Idea blue flower existed before Novalis in German folklore: If a shepherd attaches a magical blue flower to his clothes, he will gain the gift of seeing treasures underground. Later in German literature the image of a beautiful blue flower was formed as a symbol of an unattainable dream, an ideal.

In Russia at the beginning of the 20th century, romantic literature was popular, including by German writers. Gradually, from 2 expressions - "dream of a lifetime" and "blue flower" - appeared popular expression"blue dream"

However, this version is not the only one. It is believed that the expression "blue dream" appeared thanks to the Belgian writer and philosopher M. Maeterlinck. In 1908 he wrote the play " Blue bird", which very quickly became popular, under the influence of this play, according to some philologists, the expression "blue dream" appeared. Blue, blue in German and French- it is a symbol of the unrealizable, unreal.

/ / / How do you understand the stable phrase "blue dream"?

“Do not cherish a blue dream”, “Lives a blue dream”, - this is what they say about a person who harbors unrealizable aspirations in his soul. Thus, the stable phrase "blue dream" is interpreted as something that is not destined to come true due to objective reasons. Such an idyllic dream.

This phraseological unit came into our language from foreign literature. Most researchers believe that it is borrowed from the work of the German pen master Novalis "Heinrich von Ofterdingen". Its main character saw a flower in a dream blue color. He became a symbol of high, unrealizable aspirations. The phrase "blue flower" was inaccurately translated into Russian, and this is how the mentioned phraseological unit appeared.

In literature, there are many heroes whose dreams can be called "blue". A prime example is Assol from A. Green's extravaganza story " Scarlet Sails". The heroine grew up without a mother, but her sailor father Longren did everything so that she would not feel like an orphan. Longren was not well liked in the village, since he did not save the innkeeper Menners. The countrymen also treated little Assol cruelly. The baby's only friend was her father. The girl did not suffer from loneliness. Her friends were replaced by fantasies and dreams.

The heroine's father made models of sailboats and ships for sale. From this they lived. One day my father made a yacht with scarlet sails. It was from that toy and from the prediction of the old song collector that the girl had a dream of a prince who would come for her on the same ship with scarlet sails and take her to beautiful lands.

The villagers found out about the naive dreams of the girl. They began to laugh at Assol. And how could it be otherwise, because how could a prince sail to the shore of their village? It would be a real miracle.

The ideological sound of A. Green's story required happy ending, so the handsome man on a ship with scarlet sails still sailed to the girl. Nevertheless, Assol's dream can be called "blue", because such dreams usually come true only in fairy tales.

Example main character The story "Scarlet Sails" proves that, despite the interpretation, the "blue dream" can still come true. You just need to believe in it and not despair when others say the opposite.

Let us also turn to F. Dostoevsky's story "White Nights". Her main character is a writer and an incorrigible dreamer. The guy has no friends, and his dreams are a meeting with perfect woman, pure and sincere love. fate gives young man chance. He meets a girl and falls in love with her, but the relationship does not last long. Returns to the city ex-fiance girls, and she leaves with him.

The dreams of the protagonist of the story "White Nights" seem quite feasible, especially when compared with Assol's dream. But the fact is that it is unrealistic to meet the ideal other half and not everything is simple in love, so the dreamer's aspirations turned out to be a “blue dream”.

It can be concluded that the “blue dream” is dreams that are impossible or difficult to realize. These are ideal for specific person images of something.

blue dream

blue dream
From German: Die blau Blutne. Literally: Blue flower.
Primary source - the novel "Heinrich von Ofterdingen" (1802) German writer and the philosopher Novalis (pseudonym of Friedrich von Hardenberg, 1772-1801). The hero of the novel is the famous German Meistersinger (poet and songwriter own composition), who lived in the thirteenth century. The writer describes him as a romantic young poet,
which expresses the philosophical and creative views of Novalis himself. And he believed that daydreams, dreams and even dreams are important because they determine the mindset of a person, his actions, and therefore reality itself. And they help not only to better understand it, but also to foresee the future, the fate of a person.
The main episode of the novel is Ofterdingen's dream, in which he saw a blue flower of amazing beauty and perceived it as a symbol of his future happiness. And the more actively a young man searches for this flower in real life, the brighter his poetic gift is revealed, the more success he achieves in this field.
Novalis took the motif of the blue flower from German folklore, which speaks of a magical blue flower: as soon as a shepherd attaches it to his clothes, he gets the gift of seeing buried treasures.
Later in German romantic literature established itself, nourished and popular fabulous motifs, the image of a blue flower as a symbol pipe dream, a beautiful ideal.
in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. was very popular romantic prose both their own and foreign writers, including German ones. And gradually from these two expressions - "blue flower" and "dream of a lifetime" - a new, third one was born - "blue dream".

encyclopedic Dictionary winged words and expressions. - M.: "Lokid-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003 .


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    Exist., number of synonyms: 1 cherished dream (1) ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    Razg. An idyllic, often unattainable goal, a dream. BMS 1998, 377; SHZF 2001, 56 ...

    blue dream- an idyllic, often unattainable dream. According to one version, the expression appeared under the influence of the popular play of the fairy tale by M. Maeterlinck “The Blue Bird” (staged in 1908). According to another - an inaccurate tracing paper from the German die blauе Blume "blue flower" (from ... ... Phraseology Handbook

    Exist., f., use. often Morphology: (no) what? dreams for what? dream, (see) what? dream of what? dream about what? about a dream pl. What? dreams for what? dream, (see) what? dreams what? dreams about what? about dreams 1. A dream is a desire that what you imagine ... ... Dictionary of Dmitriev

    Blue dream. Razg. An idyllic, often unattainable goal, a dream. BMS 1998, 377; ShZF 2001, 56. An idiot's dream. Jarg. stud. Shuttle. iron. Fifth course. (Entry 2003). Impotent dream. Razg. Shuttle. iron. Obelisk on Victory Square in Saint Petersburg.… … Big Dictionary Russian sayings

    dream- s/; pl. genus. no, w. 1) mental image what l., an idea of ​​what l., strongly desired. cherished dream/. An old dream /. Dream / happiness. Cherish, cherish the dream. Dream / spend a vacation at the sea ... Dictionary of many expressions

    Y, genus. pl. do not use, well. 1. What l. created by imagination, fantasy. From an early age, I used to wander alone into the hall from the hall And inhabit their expanse with dreams. A. K. Tolstoy, Portrait. How soon bright dreams dissipated! Pleshcheev, Meditation. || obsolete… … Small Academic Dictionary

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    s; pl. genus. No; and. 1. A mental image of something, an idea of ​​something, strongly desired. Cherished m. Old m. M. about happiness. Cherish, cherish the dream. M. spend a vacation at sea. Fulfill the dream. 2. The object of desires, aspirations; desired event. ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

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Meaning of BLUE DREAM in the Phraseology Guide


an idyllic, often unattainable dream. According to one version, the expression appeared under the influence of the popular fairy tale play by M. Maeterlinck "The Blue Bird" (staged in 1908). According to another - an inaccurate tracing-paper from the German die blauе Blume "blue flower" (from the novel by the German writer Novalis "Heinrich von Ofterdingen", 1802). The blue flower is a symbol of a lofty and unrealizable dream that a young poet dreamed of.

Handbook of Phraseology. 2012

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