Yerka paintings. Fantastic worlds of Jacek Yerka


Flying villages and strawberry beaches - such a reality exists only in paintings Polish artist Jacek Yerki. His imagination is a real realm of fictional worlds, mysterious creatures and fantastic landscapes that the artist conveys on canvas. Although most of the images he created have almost nothing to do with reality, the artist's attention to detail and bright saturated colors make us believe in the existence of the places drawn in his paintings. Enjoy the fantastic worlds of Jacek Jerka with us.


1. In the photo: the painting "Autumn". (Photo: Jacek Yerka/

Jacek Yerka was born in Torun (Poland) in 1952. From childhood he was fond of drawing and modeling. The artist writes on his website: “My fingers have always been cut with a knife that I never parted with. This is my "escape" from the gray, sometimes frightening reality: drawings, hundreds of drawings and small sculptures - boats, heads, characters, fantastic masks.

2. "Dragon Delight."

Fortunately, at the school, which was a "nightmare" for the artist due to difficulties in relations with colleagues, thanks to the understanding of the teachers, Jacek Jerka was able to do his work even during the lessons, which made him very happy. (Photo: Jacek Yerka/

3. "Alley of time".

Despite the artist's talent and passion for drawing, at first the author of these unusual paintings did not want to devote himself to art, like his parents, who were students of the Faculty of Fine Arts at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. Jacek Jerka wanted to become a doctor or an astronomer and not follow in the footsteps of his ancestors. (Photo: Jacek Yerka/

4. "Zeppelin II".

However, later young artist changed his mind about future profession when, a year before graduation, he began to draw oil paints and discovered for himself, as he wrote on his website, "the mysterious world of colors and colors." Then he decided to try his hand at impressionism, abstraction, surrealism and many other areas of modern painting. (Photo: Jacek Yerka/

5. "Family itself."

In his first year at the university, Jacek Yerka delved into the history of art and became interested in the 16th century Dutch painting, which eventually became for him inexhaustible source inspiration, his muse and guide to long years creativity. Then he did not succumb to the persuasion of his teachers, who urged him to draw in a more modern style. (Photo: Jacek Yerka/

6. "Snail".

An important milestone in the artistic career of Jacek Jerka was the drawing of posters. While still a student, his posters won great popularity, as well as many awards at national and international competitions. However, after a few years, the artist devoted himself entirely to painting. (Photo: Jacek Yerka/

7. "Polish cuisine".

Since the 1980s, Jacek Yerka has been creating surreal, colorful paintings that show people mysterious creatures and subjects of the country and its version famous landscapes. Your vision of the world. The main source of his inspiration is the Polish village, where he often comes, as well as dreams and memories from his childhood, especially walks with his beloved grandmother in the forest. (Photo: Jacek Yerka/

8. "Three Seasons".

How does the artist create such fantastic, color-rich paintings? When he has an idea, he says, he sketches on paper with colored pencils and then asks his wife and four daughters for their opinion. If they like the project, it becomes the basis for the pastel painting, which he has been painting for almost 20 years. (Photo: Jacek Yerka/

9. Sierra telegraphica.

In 1995, the paintings of Jacek Jerka received one of the most prestigious awards in the field of fantasy - the World Fantasy Award. (Photo: Jacek Yerka/

10. "Express package". (Photo: Jacek Yerka/
11. "Polish Bonsai". (Photo: Jacek Yerka/
12. "Young andron". (Photo: Jacek Yerka/
13. Strawberry Beach. (Photo: Jacek Yerka/
14. "Erosion". (Photo: Jacek Yerka/
15. "Spring labyrinth". (Photo: Jacek Yerka/
16. "House at the source." (Photo: Jacek Yerka/

Jacek Yerka was born in 1952 in Torun, (a city in the north of Poland and, by the way, the birthplace of Nicolaus Copernicus). As a child, he was withdrawn and, instead of going to play in the yard, like all normal children, Jacek preferred to stay at home, in his little cozy world and draw paper with a pencil (as I understand him).

Yerka hereditary artist, his parents were graduates of the local branch of the Polish Academy of Fine Arts (if I understood the English wiki correctly). Naturally, since childhood, he had to coexist with toxic paints, brushes, paintings and talk about painting.

As a child, Jacek Yerka did not even think of becoming an artist, like his parents, but was going to do astronomy or medicine. However, just in case, he nevertheless decided to try to paint with paints, then he was hooked and has not let go until now.

Study of Jacek Jerka at the Copernicus University

Jacek Yerka enters the Faculty of Fine Arts at the Nicolaus Copernicus University, where for Jacek begins a long-term removal of the brain about the manner of his drawing.

Still, break the stubborn Polish artist still failed, but he still learned to draw. The artist's day was divided into two halves, in the first he hammered out academic studies (which, however, is also useful), and in the second he painted what he liked (which is even more useful).

Over time, the teachers came to terms with Jacek Jerka's drawing technique and stopped having brains for him. Soon artist Jacek Yerka received the coveted diploma and specialization in printed graphics.

Formation of Jacek Jerka as an artist

Screensaver on Daalder's website, under which a blunt inscription - the film is in production. Since 1990, yes. Well, say that either you don’t have a dough, or you scored.

Well, then the usual story begins, contracts with several salons, slowly selling paintings. In 1990, the works Polish artist Hollywood producer Rene Daalder became interested (and who he is, I hear for the first time, only pedivicia helped), who from pictures of Jacek Jerka I was wildly delighted and decided, with the help of an artist, to make a film based on the songs of the Beatles - Strawberry Fields (strawberry fields).

Paintings by Jacek Jerka, as well as possible approached the somewhat strange surreal lyrics. Jacek specially painted some of his paintings for this film, namely "Technoshore", "Interrupted Picnic" and "The Origin of Life". It was in 1990.

Daalder's official website states that the film appears to be still in the making. Apparently Strawberry Fields will be in production for the rest of the day. This is sad.

Paintings by Jacek Yerka, Yerka Jacek

Jacek Yerka as artist is probably a follower Flemish masters. Yes, yes, think that I'm kind of cool, I understand painting, and not just spied on pediviki. Jacek Yerka himself claims that the greatest influence on his paintings was made by such artists as Hieronymus Bosch, Pieter Brueghel the Elder, Jan van Eyck, Hugo van der Goes, ICSH - all Dutch. It is clear where such a passion for small details and careful writing comes from, just look at Bosch's canvases. However, this does not harm the paintings of Jacek Jerka, but rather, on the contrary, it has become a kind of feature.

It's for the beauty small parts as well as for mind-blowing subjects that combine the technique of the fifties, architecture, animals, nature and, suddenly, the comfort of home, many people love Jacek's paintings.

The materials that the artist uses in painting are mainly pastel, acrylic paints and hellish patience. Jacek Jerka's paintings are presented with titles, though in Polish or English, but almost everything is clear.

Paintings by Jacek Jerka with titles

Widzenie over Zatoka Genuenska, 1992
Zeppelin, 1992

Tryptyk Jamesa, 1996

Powrot do domu 1992
Przyjemnosci smoka, 1995
Message, Sen nocy letniej, 2003. It looks like the artist has a passion for blankets, cats and pillows:) Your dude! ;)
Populudnie lwa, The lion's afternoon, jacek yerka pictures. Hmm, it seems that it was not without the influence of Magritte with his lions under the table :)
Podwojne zycie, Double life, 1993.
Alarmsaurus! Just kidding :) Honestly, I don’t know what it’s called, but it’s very similar to an alarm clockosaurus;) narodziny_zycia, one of Jacek Jerka's paintings for Daalder's film Strawberry Fields Na brzegu kosmosu, 1992

Jacek Yerka - famous Polish artist, illustrator, surrealist. Jacek Yerka is the pseudonym of the artist, whose name is Jacek Kowalski. Born in 1952 in the city of Torun, in northern Poland. Here he studied at the Faculty Visual arts at the Nicolaus Copernicus University. After that, he became a professional illustrator. In 1994, the artist's personal book was published with his the best works. This book, which came out under the title Mind Fields, has interesting story. The American science fiction writer Harlan Ellison was so impressed by the artist's paintings that he saw in this book that he wrote 13 short stories. In addition to illustrating books, Jacek Jerka regularly arranges exhibitions of his drawings and paintings. His works have already been exhibited and enjoyed great popularity in Germany, France, Monaco, the USA, etc.

Most of the artist's works belong to surrealism and fantasy. Connoisseurs of his art attribute such creativity to realistic fantasy. His paintings are always very carefully drawn and detailed. While studying at the university, teachers tried to wean him from drawing very detailed things, since modern abstract painting suggests smoother shapes and textures, but the artist did not succumb to this and retained his handwriting, which helped him stand out from the host of other creators. In the works of the artist, echoes are found not only modern styles and directions, techniques and manners, but also the features of artists of the past, such as Peter Brueghel, Hieronymus Bosch and etc.


Budget flight

Thunderstorm in the desert

Double life

winter wave


strawberry garden

Spring labyrinth

There is a place in it for cheerful and optimistic paintings by completely different artists. Today I will remember the wonderful and inspiring joyful emotions masters of realistic surrealism - Jacek Yerki (Jacek Yerka, real name Jacek Kowalski), a Polish artist whose paintings are filled with light and light humor fantastic stories. To some extent, his paintings resemble works, they are also woven from illusions and children's fantasies, which the artist skillfully operates with. However, art connoisseurs will notice notes in his canvases Salvador Dali, Pieter Brueghel Art., I. Bosch, Van Eyck and other eminent painters of the past. One way or another - you be the judge, and I'll just briefly point out important points from the biography of Jacek Jerka.

The spring labyrinth

polish bonsai

tower of subconsciousness

bible lady

Roof of the world


Pocket jungle room

Keep silence

pearl harbor

The mushroom king

Jacek was born in the city of Torun in northern Poland in 1952. Since childhood, he was surrounded by views of the medieval castles of Poland dilapidated after the war in the vicinity of the house, as well as his favorite place in it - his grandmother's kitchen. The boy had a rich imagination and a craving for drawing. He painted his first painting before entering college. Drawing abilities were most strongly developed during Jacek's studies at the Faculty of Fine Arts at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torsun. The original vision of the young artist did not find a response and approval among his teachers, the style and detail of his paintings did not meet their ideas about painting, but due to the persistence of the student in the fourth year of study, the teachers were forced to retreat, admitting their defeat. One way or another, but having almost the worst mark in academic performance at the university, Jacek created his own unique style which is now commonly referred to as neo-surrealism. The artist invested all the money earned at first in self-education, having received his first award for the created poster, Jacek bought an album of works by Dürer and Bosch.

Attack at dawn

The private wave

The second day of Genesis


New Age Manhattan


Sierra Telegraphica

Since 1980, Jacek began to paint professionally, and in 1994 for the first time he published a collection of his works Mind Fields, and in 1999 - the second collection of 21 works - " Art of Jacek Yerka". In 1995, for his services, the artist receives prestigious award World Fantasy Award. The master's works can be found in various publications in the USA, Poland, Canada, Germany, France, Monaco and other countries, his paintings are a tidbit of various collectors around the world. Many illustrations serve as covers for books and CDs. musical groups. And this is not surprising, Yerka's colorful paintings full of fantastic scenes impress many people of art, they are a source of inspiration for them. Yes, American fiction Harlan Ellison, impressed by the paintings included in Mind Fields, wrote 13 short fantasy stories for them. You can see for yourself - it was worth it!

The Express Delivery

The winter wave

Dragon's pleasure


three seasons

Jacek loves to work en plein air in calm, clear weather in his Polish fiefdom. The process of creating paintings by the master is interesting. He describes it like this. First he sketches with his left hand future picture pencil (the artist is left-handed), after which he takes the created sketch to the strict court of his family. Usually the paintings are not accepted by a strict jury and soon disappear from the master's archive or, at best, are sold to collectors. If the picture is approved, then Jacek draws it with a pastel measuring 60x48 cm and it already receives the status of a work of art, but this is only a transitional stage for the artist - only by embodying it on canvas acrylic paint he shows all the nuances of colors and shapes, fully and comprehensively reveals the concept of the picture, both in form and content. Well, we can only admire these works ... :)

The Polish artist Jacek Yerka, in the world Jacek Kowalski, became famous all over the world for his fantasy puzzle paintings. He draws from childhood, and from the earliest times, and then already in art academy he had to defend his unique style: "For some reason, my teachers always wanted to return to reality and draw as it should be: traditionally, without unnecessary fantasies."

Jacek managed to defend his vision of the world, and for more than 20 years the artist's work can be found in various publications, they are exhibited in Europe and the United States, and are also in a number of collections around the world.

Carefully traced canvases by Jacek Yerka are filled with echoes of the famous surrealists of the past - from Hieronymus Bosch and Pieter Brueghel to Salvador Dali and Rene Magritte. But there is also some mystery in them, solving which it is quite possible to find yourself in another world, where you can fall asleep in the middle of the forest, ships fly across the sky, and entire estates are hidden in the trees.

Polish illustrator Jacek Jerka is the recipient of the prestigious World Fantasy Award for best artist in the realm of fantasy art.

Jacek Yerka's style is classified by critics as realistic surrealism and fantasy style. The artist's works can be found in various American publications, they are exhibited in Poland, Germany, France, Monaco and the United States, and are also in a number of collections around the world.

Jacek Yerka - Jacek Yerka - the pseudonym of Jacek Kowalski - on early work the author can see the letter "K", Jacek YerkaJacek Yerka instead of the signature "YERKA" on more later works. Jacek was born in Northern Poland in 1952. Studied graphics at the Faculty of Fine Arts at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun.

"It seems to me that the 50s were a kind of Golden Age. This happy years of my childhood, filled with the magic of the surrounding world. In my work, this is reflected in buildings, furniture and various pre-war knick-knacks. If I had to draw a computer, I would certainly apply the pre-war aesthetics to it too" - says Jacek Jerka

According to the artist, he painted his first painting before entering college. Jacek Jerka studied graphics at the Faculty of Fine Arts at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń.

His teachers tried for some time to teach him to draw in a more modern, abstract, less detailed manner, but the artist saw in this desire of the teachers an attempt to suffocate him. own style. Over time, Yerka's teachers abandoned these attempts, seeing the student's unusual talent.

The carefully drawn canvases of Jacek Yerka are filled with echoes of the famous surrealists of the past, from Hieronymus Bosch and Pieter Brueghel to Salvador Dali and Rene Magritte.

American science fiction writer Harlan Ellison was so impressed with Yerka's work that he specifically wrote 13 new short stories for Mind Fields, the first book of Yerka's work published in 1994. Each story refers to one of the thirty paintings included in "Mind Fields" by this remarkable Polish artist. In 1999 another book by Jacek Yerka "The Fantastic Art of Jacek Yerka" was published - a portfolio of 21 works by the artist.

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