Story. Culture of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome: similarities and differences


Type of work: Course work

Topic: Antique culture of ancient Greece and Rome

Discipline: Culturology

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University: VZFEI

Year and city: Kirov 2010

Placement date: 28.10.10 at 11:19


Introduction 3-4

1. Culture of Ancient Greece 5-25

Cretan-Mycenaean period 5-8

Aegean art 8-9

Homeric period of antiquity 9-10

Greek archaic 11-14

Greek classic 14-21

Hellenistic period 22-25

2. Culture of Ancient Rome 26-35

Etruscans 26-29

Roman Republic 29-31

Roman Empire 31-35

Conclusion 36-38

References 39


I chose this topic because I really wanted to know what culture was in this state. I read ancient greek myths and legends, and I liked them very much, I especially liked the descriptions of temples, houses and other buildings. I also read about famous personalities of this state. And I really wanted to know what people used to be, how they dressed, how they looked, how they lived and how their gods looked.

Ancient peoples and civilizations left us a rich legacy. antique art, born in ancient Greece and ancient Rome, served as the ancestor of all subsequent Western art. The word "antique" comes from the Latin "antikvus", which means "ancient" in Russian. For the first time the term "antiquity" was used around the 15th century in Italy, during the formation of new moods of the Renaissance.

The art of ancient Rome ancient greece, developed within the framework of a slave-owning society, therefore it is these two main components that are meant when they talk about "ancient art". Usually in the history of ancient art they follow the sequence - first Greece, then Rome. Moreover, they consider the art of Rome to be the end artistic creativity ancient society. This has its own logic: the heyday of Hellenic art falls on the 5th-4th centuries. BC e., the heyday of the Roman - in the I-II centuries. n. e. And yet, given that the date, even legendary, of the founding of Rome is 753 BC. e., then we can attribute the beginning of the activity, including artistic, of the people who inhabited this city, to the VIII century. BC e., that is, the century when the Greeks had not yet built monumental temples, did not sculpt large sculptures, but only painted the walls of ceramic vessels in a geometric style. That is why it is legitimate to assert that, although the ancient Roman masters continued the traditions of the Hellenic ones, the art of ancient Rome was nevertheless an independent phenomenon, determined both by the course of historical events, and by living conditions, and by the originality religious beliefs, properties of the character of the Romans, and other factors.

Roman art as a special artistic phenomenon began to be studied only in the 20th century, in essence, only then realizing all its originality and uniqueness. And yet, until now, many prominent antiquities believe that the history of Roman art has not yet been written, the full complexity of its problems has not yet been revealed.

Throughout the era of antiquity, the idea of ​​ancient art, ancient culture in its widest manifestation as an ideal, unattainable role model was strengthened. Ancient Greek and Roman works attracted the masters of the Renaissance not only as examples of the highest craftsmanship, but also for their ideological background, elevating the image of man and asserting the highest value of freedom. Such was the great outlook of antiquity.

Starting point of the Epoch antiquity It is generally accepted that the first Olympic Games were held in 776 BC. e. The disappearance of the era of antiquity is attributed to the fall of Rome in 776 BC. The ancient era is divided into several historical periods, each of which was characterized by its own culture and original art. The term "Greece", "Greeks" is of non-Greek (possibly Illyrian) origin; it came into use thanks to the Romans, who originally designated it the Greek colonists in southern Italy. The Greeks themselves called themselves Hellenes, and their country - Hellas (from the name of a small city and region in southern Thessaly).


1. Cultural studies. History of world culture: Proc. allowance for universities / Ed. Prof. A.N. Markova. — M.: UNITI, 1995

2. Xenophon. Greek history. St. Petersburg, 2000

3. History of Ancient Greece. - Ed. V.I. Kuzishchina. M., 2001

4. The World History: Textbook for universities / Ed. G.B.Polyak, A.N.Markova. - M .: Culture and sport, UNITI, 1997.

5. History of World Civilizations from Ancient Times to the End of the 20th Century: A Handbook for General Education. textbook institutions / Ed. V.I.Ukolova. - 4th ed., stereotype. - M .: Bustard, 2000.

6. L.D. Lyubimov. Art ancient world. Moscow: Education, 1980.

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Culture of ancient Greece

Having absorbed the cultural experience of Babylon and Egypt, ancient Greece determined its own path of socio-political and cultural development. The eternal contradiction between the spirit and the body was resolved in favor of the latter. It is on "corporality" that the whole worldview of Ancient Greece is based: science, religion, philosophy, art, socio-political life. Therefore, the human body was considered the standard of beauty. The very personality of a person was considered useful only if it could be useful to society with its civic virtues. The two main characteristics of the ancient Greek worldview are cosmological and anthropocentric.

Cosmos opposes Chaos with its perfection and beauty, and this beauty lies in nature and in man. That is why man was considered the center of the universe, and the search for harmony and ideal was characteristic of the entire ancient Greek culture. human body and spirit. The religion of Ancient Greece has two main characteristics: polytheism and anthropomorphism.

The pantheon of Greek gods was formed in the archaic era. In it, 12 main deities can be distinguished, each of them performs strictly defined functions. Anthropomorphism is based on the principle of likening a person to God. In addition to religion, mythology was of great importance in the life of the ancient Greeks. Mythological and religious thinking is determined by the unity of the spiritual and natural principles. Ancient Greece is known as a civilization that laid the foundation for many sciences. The Greeks have the priority of creating philosophy as a science about the laws of nature, society, views on the world and people. But the philosophy of Greece would be difficult to understand without the adjacent science of aesthetics, for which the search for beauty and harmony in the world became the main thing. In Greece, it is difficult to single out scientists who would be engaged in science in pure form. That is why they were called philosophers.

The greatest philosophers of ancient Greece are Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Democritus, Pythagoras, Herodotus, Hippocrates. Of great importance in ancient Greece was literature, which originated first in the form of oral folk art. Poetry was a huge hit. Especially famous is Homer, the author of the Iliad and the Odyssey. Didactic and lyrical forms of poetry developed. The poems of the poetess Sappho, the poets Archelochus, Alkeon have survived to this day. The founder of the fable genre in Greece is Aesop. The ideas of the Greeks about the world and its structure are reflected in such a genre of art as theater. It originated from the religious cult of the god Dionysus and developed very quickly. At first, scenes from the life of Dionysus served as plots for comedies and tragedies. But later the plots began to be taken from mythology in general. Aeschylus was the father of tragedy.

The outstanding playwrights of Ancient Greece were also Sophocles, Euripides. The tragedies of Sophocles that have come down to us are Antigone, Ajax, Oedipus Rex, Electra. The most famous comedy writer was Aristophanes (The Wasps, The Frogs, The Clouds, Lysistrata). In ancient Greece, many types of art flourished, architecture, sculpture, vase painting. The main qualities of architecture are simplicity, clarity of compositions, harmony and proportionality. The pearl of Greek architecture can be called athenian acropolis. The Greeks achieved the greatest success in sculpture, which was distinguished by the perfection of forms and idealism. Bronze, marble, wood were used as materials for sculpture. The recognized masters of sculpture in ancient Greece are Pythagoras Regius, Polikleitos and Phidias. Along with sculpture, painting and vase painting were greatly developed. Ceramic products were covered with ornaments and plot paintings. Early ceramics are distinguished by black-figure images, later the red-figure style appeared. The most common types of vases were amphora, krater, kylix, and hydria.

Culture of ancient Rome

The culture of Ancient Rome is closely connected with the culture of Ancient Greece. She continued the Hellenistic tradition, but at the same time acted as a completely new and independent phenomenon. Initially, the territory of the Apennine Peninsula was inhabited by various tribes. But gradually the Latins, who lived in the west, conquer neighboring territories and form one of the largest empires of antiquity. The conquest of the Greek states left the fledgling Roman Empire confronted with a culture far superior to its own. The Romans began to study the Greek language, literature, philosophy. Greek slaves who taught Roman children were in great demand. The whole history of Greco-Roman relations is the secret admiration of the Romans for Greek culture. The Romans sought to achieve its perfection. But despite the sometimes open imitation, the Romans invested in Greek culture and their grain. For Rome, the poetic spirituality and majestic harmony of Greece remained out of reach, since the practical Roman could not fully understand the plastic balance and generalization of the idea.

For the Roman, the main thing was patriotism. He was regarded as the highest value, and the duty of the citizen was to serve him continuously. Courage, steadfastness, the ability to submit oneself to iron discipline were revered in Rome. If the Greek bowed before art, then the Roman despised it, putting war, politics, law and agriculture in the first place. The religion of the ancient Romans was initially based on a mixture of beliefs of many peoples captured by the empire. At the head of the pantheon was the two-faced god Janus, who was considered the king in heaven and on earth. As Roman and Greek culture converged, Greek gods penetrated into the Roman pantheon of gods. Greek myths also began to adapt to the new culture and became very popular among the Romans. A little later, Eastern beliefs began to penetrate into Rome. At the beginning of N. e. Christianity, which arose in the 1st century, is spreading.

Culture of ancient Greece and Rome

n. e. Nearly four centuries later, Christianity becomes the state religion of the Roman Empire.

Already in the republican period, original art, original philosophy and science were formed in Rome. The ancient Roman model of the world was centered around man, and human life entered into the life of the state. Therefore, the science of ancient Rome was directed precisely at man. A noticeable mark in science was left by the works on geometry and trigonometry of Menelaus of Alexandria, the geocentric model of the world of Ptolemy. Scientists of that time invented a special polishing of marble, mirror tiles to reflect the sun's rays, pipes through which steam flowed to heat the premises. Roman philosophy adopted scientific experience Greek philosophy, and the main ideas for her were the ideas of the moral perfection of man.

Ancient Rome is the birthplace of jurisprudence. Among the Roman lawyers, the figures of Scaevola, Papinian, Ulpian stand out. Passion for politics and jurisprudence led to a high level of development of oratory. From the middle of the II century. Roman prose writers switched to Latin, and literature began to play an important role in the life of the Romans. This time left in history the names of such talented writers as Ovid, Horace. Lucilius became the founder of a new genre - satire. The main strength and power of the empire was expressed primarily in architecture, which played a leading role in Roman art. New theaters, basilicas, temples, tombs were built. The Romans introduced engineering structures: aqueducts, bridges, roads, canals. They reworked the principles of Greek architecture and used completely new Construction Materials and designs. pinnacle architectural art became the Pantheon - the temple of all the gods. Among public buildings, the Colosseum is very popular.

The science of the Roman Empire and its relationship with the science of ancient Greece.

1) Greece is characterized by theoretical sciences, Rome - applied.

2) The knowledge of the ancient Greeks was not yet divided into separate sciences and united general concept philosophy. Ancient Greek natural science was characterized by a limited accumulation of accurate knowledge and an abundance of hypotheses and theories; in many cases these hypotheses anticipated later scientific discoveries.

The science of "nature" in ancient Greece included three cardinal directions:

1) the study of the "nature" of a living (and above all human) organism;

2) the study of the "nature" of the cosmos as a whole;

3) the study of the "nature" (in the sense of the internal structure) of things in the surrounding world.

All Greek boys at the age of seven they were sent to school, where they studied reading, writing, arithmetic, music, poetry, dancing, athletics. Such training was called harmonic, the Greeks believed that it was best suited for the physical and spiritual development. Wealthy Greeks gave their sons to study in notable schools founded by philosophers - to the Academy and the Lyceum.

The Greeks invented crossbow, catapult, ballista, built the perfect type of galley and even created first model steam engine ; drew a map of the modern world. Greek physicians already at that time performed operations with the help of metal tools and used prostheses. The greatest mathematicians of Ancient Greece were Archimedes, Aristarchus of Samos, Heron, Euclid, Pythagoras; the greatest astronomers - Hipparchus, Democritus, Claudius Ptolemy, Thales of Miletus and others; the greatest philosophersAristotle, Socrates, Plato, Heraclid Pontus, Solon, Seleucus. The scientists of Ancient Greece created a single mathematical science, combining all the knowledge about arithmetic, geometry and astronomy Herodotus, the “father of history”, it was in Dr. Greece that this science originated

3) A characteristic feature of the thinking of the Romans was practicality, love not for theoretical, but for applied sciences. For example, high level development reached in Rome agronomy. Several agricultural treatises have been preserved - Mark Portia Catana (I I century BC), Terence Varro (I century BC), where various agronomic problems are carefully and deeply studied. The Roman architect Vitruvius wrote a special treatise “On Architecture ” in 10 books, testifying to the high level of Roman architectural thought. The turbulent events of the last century of the Republic, the fierce political struggle that was waged in the national assembly and the Senate, contributed to the development of oratory and rhetoric. There are manuals on rhetoric, which outlined the basic rules of oratory. Despite the strong dependence on Greek models, Roman rhetoric was able to overcome them and say a new word here. Of the manuals on rhetoric, one should name the work of an unknown author "Rhetoric to Herennius" (some attribute its compilation to Cicero) and several works of Cicero - "Brutus", "On the Orator".

The science of law has received great development: jurisprudence, or jurisprudence. The first studies appeared in the 1st century BC. BC e., and in the I century. BC. There was already a solid legal literature. Of particular note are the 18 books " civil law”) and “Definitions” by Quintus Mucius Scaevola (unfortunately, they have not been preserved). A wide variety of legal issues were touched upon in numerous speeches by Cicero. .

In the 1st century BC e.

Culture of Ancient Greece and Rome

Roman philology was born. There were special studies on grammar, on the use of letters, the emergence Latin, philological comments on the comedies and tragedies of writers of the 1st-1st c. BC e.

14. Experiment in the history of science - possibilities and limitations.

A method of cognition, with the help of which, under controlled and controlled conditions, the phenomena of reality are investigated. E. is carried out on the basis of a theory that determines the formulation of problems and the interpretation of its results. Often ch. The task of E. is to test hypotheses and predictions of a theory that have a fundamental meaning(so-called decisive E.). In this regard, e., as one of the forms of practice, performs the function of a criterion of truth scientific knowledge in general.

The experimental method of research arose in the natural sciences of modern times (W. Gilbert, G. Galileo). For the first time he received philosophy comprehension in the works of F. Bacon, who developed the first classification of E. The development of experimental activity in science was accompanied in the theory of knowledge by the struggle between rationalism and empiricism, which understood the ratio of empiricism in different ways. and theoretical knowledge. The overcoming of the one-sidedness of these trends was culminated in the dialectic. materialism, which thesis about the unity of the theoretical and experimental activity is a concrete expression general position about the unity of the sensual and the rational, empiric. and theoretical levels in the process of cognition

Science and scientists of the medieval Arab East.


The well-known treatise "The Book of Mechanics" belongs to the famous astronomers and mathematicians of the Baghdad school - the three brothers Banu Musa (IX-X centuries). Of the Central Asian scientists, one should name, first of all, the mathematician of the 9th century. Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Musa al-Khwarizmi (787 - c. 850), who worked in the era of the enlightened caliph al-Mamun. It is thanks to his writings in Arab world spread the Indian positional system and digital symbols with zero, subsequently adopted by European mathematics. Also in Khorezm describes arithmetic operations with integers and fractions.


The Arabs created a lunar calendar that included 28 "lunar stations", each of which had meteorological characteristics. The scientist Shirakatsi published a treatise on cosmography. This treatise testifies to Shirakatsi's deep knowledge of the works of the Greek scientist Aristotle. In his work, Shirakatsi also considers purely astronomical issues: he tries to estimate the distance to the Sun and the Moon, draws up a calendar that testifies to his thorough knowledge of the movements of the Sun and Moon and the works of ancient scientists on this issue. Shirakatsi was a versatile scholar who connected the young Armenian science with the ancient heritage.


big practical value had geography. Arab travelers and geographers expanded their understanding of Iran, India, Ceylon and Central Asia. With their help, Europe first became acquainted with China, Indonesia and other countries of Indochina. Notable works travel geographers:

- "The Book of Ways and States" by Ibn Khordadbek, IX century.

- "Dear values" - Ibn Rust's geographical encyclopedia (beginning of the 10th century)

- "Note" by Ahmed Ibn Fadlan with a description of a trip to the Volga region, the Volga region and Central Asia

- 20 treatises Masudi (X century)

- "The Book of Ways and Kingdoms" by Istakhri

- 2 world maps of Abu Abdallah al-Idris

- multi-volume "Dictionary of countries" al-Kindi Yakut

— Journey of Ibn Battuta.

Ibn Battuta for 25 years of his travels covered about 130 thousand km by land and sea. He visited all Muslim possessions in Europe, Asia and Byzantium, North and East Africa, Western and Central Asia, India, Ceylon and China, walked around the shores of the Indian Ocean. He crossed the Black Sea and traveled from the southern coast of Crimea to the lower reaches of the Volga and the mouth of the Kama. Biruni made geographical measurements.


An outstanding scientist of Egypt was Ibn al-Khaytham (965-1039), known in Europe under the name of Alhazen, mathematician and physicist, author of famous works on optics.

Alkhazen develops the scientific heritage of the ancients, making his own experiments and designing devices for them. He developed a theory of vision, described the anatomical structure of the eye and suggested that the lens is the image receiver. Alhazen's point of view dominated until the 17th century, when it was found that the image appears on the retina. It should be noted that Alhazen was the first scientist who knew the action of the camera obscura, which he used as an astronomical instrument to obtain images of the Sun and the Moon. Alkhazen considered the action of flat, spherical, cylindrical and conical mirrors. He set the task of determining the position of the reflecting point of a cylindrical mirror according to the given positions of the light source and the eye. Mathematically, Alkhazen's problem is formulated as follows: according to two external points and a circle located in the same plane, determine such a point of the circle that the lines connecting it with the given points form equal corners with a radius drawn to the desired point. The problem is reduced to a fourth degree equation. Alkhazen solved it geometrically.

Alkhazen was engaged in the study of the refraction of light. He developed a method for measuring angles of refraction and showed experimentally that the angle of refraction is not proportional to the angle of incidence.

The mathematician, astronomer and geographer al-Biruni, who was born on the territory of modern Uzbekistan in 973, wrote 146 works totaling 13,000 pages, including an extensive sociological and geographical study of India. Muhammad ibn Ahmed al-Biruni made accurate determinations of the densities of metals and other substances using the “conical instrument” he made.

Of course, Greek and Roman cultures are very similar. But at the same time, there were a lot of significant differences between these two civilizations. This was primarily due to the complexity of communication over long distances, which severely limited the interaction of the two cultures.

In the era of the archaic, the main features of the ethics of ancient Greek society take shape. Its distinctive feature was the combination of the emerging sense of collectivism and the agonistic (competitive) beginning. The formation of the polis as a special type of community, which replaced the loose associations of the "heroic" era, gave rise to a new, polis morality - collectivist in its essence, since the existence of an individual outside the polis was impossible. The military organization of the policy also contributed to the development of this morality. The highest valor of a citizen was to protect his policy: “It is sweet to lose life, among the warriors of the valiant fallen, to a brave husband in battle for the sake of his fatherland” - these words of the Spartan poet Tirteus perfectly expressed the mindset of this era, characterizing the system of values ​​that prevailed then. Religion also experienced a certain transformation. The formation of a single Greek world with all local features led to the creation of a common pantheon for all Greeks.

The forums of Rome were especially luxurious. The emperors added a number of new ones to the ancient forum of the times of the republic. Trajan's forum was the most magnificent. No less magnificent were the "altar of peace" erected by Augustus, and the mausoleum of Augustus, a large domed temple "to all the gods" - the "Pantheon", built by Agrippa and then rebuilt by the emperor Hadrian.

Gradually, an ideology, a system of values ​​of Roman citizens took shape. It was determined primarily by patriotism - the idea of ​​​​the special choice of God by the Roman people and the very fate of the victories destined for him, of Rome as highest value, about the duty of a citizen to serve him with all his might, sparing no effort and life. Politics, war, agriculture, development of law were recognized as deeds worthy of a Roman, especially from the nobility. On this basis, the early culture of Rome was formed. Foreign influences, primarily Greek, were perceived only insofar as they did not contradict the Roman system of values ​​and were processed in accordance with it.

Thus, we can conclude that the ancient Roman and ancient Greek civilizations are very similar to each other. In some cases, their cultures can even be seen as one common Greco-Roman culture. Developing under the influence of early civilization, the culture of antiquity made a huge contribution to the development of world culture. The monuments of architecture and sculpture, masterpieces of painting and poetry that have come down to us are evidence of a high level of cultural development. They are important not only as works of art, but also social and moral significance.

Most likely, Greek culture had a greater influence on the development of the Roman due to the fact that it developed in more early period time, and Roman culture, as it were, inherited its features, it was their logical development and of course added to it many new features and features. Therefore, considering Roman culture, one can often say that the described features are also inherent in Greek culture.

On the basis of ancient culture, the categories of scientific thinking first appeared and began to develop, the contribution of antiquity to the development of astronomy and theoretical mathematics is great. That's why ancient philosophy and science played so important role in the emergence of modern science, the development of technology. In general, the culture of antiquity was the basis for further development world culture.

Of course, in such a small work it is impossible to fully describe the richest cultural heritage of Greece and Rome, one can only talk about the main features of these two cultures.

Abstract by discipline:

"World art culture»

on the topic "Culture of Ancient Greece and Rome"


The term "antiquity" (from Latin Antiques - ancient) began to be used in the Renaissance, when the unique greatness of the culture of Ancient Greece, its fundamental importance in the development of mankind, and especially European culture.

It was antiquity that created that special way man's relationship to the cosmos, society and himself, which predetermined the fate of the Western world. It is thanks to this way of relating to the world that antiquity is understood as a synonym for the classical, unsurpassed example in sculpture, architecture, literature, oratory, philosophy and other areas creative activity. The same way of man's attitude to the world determined the highest humanistic orientation of the entire system of values. ancient world, to which all the great thinkers, poets, writers, artists and musicians turned. Greek and Latin all European history remained and remain the language of scientists, lawyers, physicians, precisely because in these languages ​​ancient thinkers fixed fundamentals logic, morphology and basic sciences.

The central event of the ancient Greek model of the world was the cosmos, ruled by the Olympian gods. The events of the great and eternal, God-chosen and God-protected ancient society and the events of the ancient man, who was entrusted with a divine mission, fit into this event, respectively.

ancient greek mythology

The world was the cornerstone of Greek civilization, defining applied art, literature, philosophy, etc. Myths connected the Greeks with the culture of their ancestors. The attitude to the myth was imbued with a special faith. The Greeks kept objects, monuments, historical sites associated with myths and proving their authenticity. Myths combined the products of folk art and fantasy, animating natural forces. The whole world in myths is inhabited magical creatures. Distinguish heroic myths, telling about exploits and etiological, explaining the causes of events, customs, names. Communal and tribal ties are transferred to nature and the whole world, understood as a huge tribal community.

The monsters depicted in myths, their struggle with heroes and the victory of heroes helped people comprehend and partially reflect on hostile natural forces and existential problems of being. A person living in the world of myths did not feel alienated from nature. Myths created a holistic image of the world in which everything had its meaning, place and explanation. Past, present and future were inextricably linked with each other. Myths determined the way of life and human behavior.

Mythological thinking does not separate subject and object, object and sign, thing and word. ancient greek philosophers- Sophists, Stoics, Pythagoreans - in their philosophical systems rationally rethought myths, allegorically interpreting their content. They laid the foundation for the symbolic interpretation of myths.

Ancient Greek mythology has become one of the factors determining the direction and development of the entire Western culture. There is none historical era, not a single direction of art, one way or another not connected with Greek myths.

ancient greek theater

A special place in the design of the ancient model of the world belongs to the Greek theater, the process of formation of which shows how the natural harmony of Dionysian and Apollonian principles contained in pagan rites was included in ancient culture, providing its vitality and grandeur.

The forerunner of the theater was a spring celebration in honor of the god Dionysus. The celebration was accompanied by dancing, singing, drinking new wine. The people singing songs of praise in honor of Dionysus were dressed in goatskins. The word "tragedy" comes from the Greek "tragos" and is translated as "the song of the goats." Comedies originated from merry songs in honor of the god Dionysus.

The theaters were huge and could hold more than twenty thousand spectators. Women did not perform in the theater, their roles were performed by men. Performances set themselves not only entertaining, spectacular goals, but also educational, civic, political. famous authors theatrical performances were Aristophanes, Euripides, Sophocles, Aeschylus.

ancient greek policy

Many researchers attribute a central place in the formation of the ancient way of relating to the world to the Greek policy. Polis can indeed be regarded as the embodiment of the ancient model of the world in social sphere.

The policy included land belonging to the city. They protected their citizens from military incursions. In economic terms, the polis system had many advantages. The economic and political priorities of the policy were dictated by its citizens. At the same time, life in the polis educated a person in a certain way, accustomed him to responsibility, to readiness to make a new decision, free from mechanical adherence to dogmatic patterns.

Antiquity is characterized by democracy, under which full-fledged citizens took part in political life and government. It was in the policy that the archetypal set of symbols of social integrity was realized as a central harmonizing event, located between the event of the individual and the event of the Cosmos.

Mandatory integral part The polis device was the people's assembly. Unlike ancient Eastern societies, where slave ownership developed extremely slowly and in most of them did not go beyond the patriarchal structure, ancient society was characterized by the use of slave labor.

As a result of colonization, new ancient city-colonies arose, including Tanais, which arose much later than other colonies (in the 3rd century BC). Tanais is the most northeastern Black Sea colony of the ancient world. The special position of Tanais was in its great remoteness from the ancient center and close proximity to the Scythian, Meotian and Sarmatian tribes of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov and the Don. The ancient Greek culture in Tanais was strongly mixed with the barbarian.

One of major achievements ancient Greek culture - the recognition of dignity, rights, civil status of man. In the further history of culture, in the Middle Ages, this greatness of the individual will be lost, but it will be reborn in the humanism of the Renaissance.

Roman culture and antiquity

The culture of Rome is connected with the completion of the history of ancient society. She continued the Hellenistic tradition and at the same time acted as an independent phenomenon, determined by the course of historical events, the originality of living conditions, religion, the character traits of the Romans and other factors.

The three-dimensionality, plasticity, sculptural nature of Greek art was a reflection of a holistic and harmonious model of the world and the holistic life of the Greeks corresponding to it.

Instead of ancient Greek living plasticity, symbolism and allegory dominate in the works of the ancient Romans.

The Romans were acutely aware of the loss of a way of holistic and artistic perception world, trying by any means to prove their kinship with the Greek world. This often forced them to create grandiose structures in order to make up for the limitations of their capabilities in the field of plasticity of a three-dimensional image.

Roman temples, forums, frescoes, mosaics, reliefs, sculptures (even copies from Greek masterpieces) were much larger than ancient Greek ones. However, this has led to the fact that Roman monuments can sometimes evoke a feeling of unnaturalness and duality.

The Romans could no longer approach the Greek ideal, since the natural model of the world was lost - the basis and secret of ancient Greek greatness.

But Rome adequately fulfilled its historical mission: it preserved Greek antiquity for Europe, broadcasting and replicating the values greatest culture.

The ancient Roman model of the world was fundamentally different from the Greek one. It did not have an event of personality, organically inscribed in the events of the polis and the cosmos, as in the case of the Greeks. The event model of the Roman was simplified to two events: the event of the individual fit into the event of the state, or the Roman Empire.

That is why the Romans turned their attention to the individual. They own unsurpassed sculptural portraits with phenomenally accurate transmission. unique features faces, character, habits, as well as reliefs that reliably recorded the historical events of the life of the empire - the so-called "historical" reliefs and portraits.

The Roman artist, unlike the Greek one, who saw reality through a harmonious three-event model of the world in its plastic unity, strove for analysis, dismemberment of the whole into parts, a detailed and reliable depiction of the phenomenon in full accordance with his own two-event model of the world. In his description, there are always, as it were, two views on the phenomenon. The first is from the standpoint of the individual. The second is from the position of the empire.

The architecture of Rome has reached a high development, both in terms of engineering, and in artistic and social functions. In a fundamentally new way, the Romans understood the idea of ​​the unity of the artistic form and social space.

It is quite obvious that the attitude of the Romans to form, volume, space, to man and the cosmos is fundamentally different than that of the Greeks. And an important point explaining this difference is the focus on the second event of the two-event Roman model of the world - on the event of the empire.

This event replaces for the Roman the event of the cosmos, which seems colossal in accordance with the vast expanse of the empire.

Even such monumental bronze masterpieces as the “Capitoline Wolf” are recorded in their connection with the legend of the origin of the empire.

In the light of the foregoing, it becomes clear why antiquity should be understood primarily as ancient Greek culture.


The main features of the ancient model of the world, the nature of their formation and development can only be studied in parallel with the study of the phenomena of antiquity. So, first of all, the concept of antiquity implies a special type of personality, a system of spiritual values, mythology, art, a mode of production, a macrosocial and state structure. All these components of the ancient way of life are closely related to the complex processes of formation, maintenance and translation of the ancient model of the world, however, some of them are directly related to the processes of its formation.

The concept of antiquity is also applied to culture. This term was adopted at the beginning of the 18th century during French and was originally understood as special kind art from early historical periods. But over time, its content was reduced only to Greco-Roman culture as a cumulative manifestation of antiquity, especially in the field of art. Such an assessment of Greco-Roman culture is not accidental. Ancient Greece, and then Rome in the second half of the 1st millennium BC. e. were centers of culture. Culture acted as a system that included the achievements of scientific thought, philosophy, various forms of art, religion, education, and upbringing. It had a significant impact on the further development of human culture.

In historical terms, antiquity refers to the period of ancient history (I millennium BC - V century AD), covering the Greco-Roman slave society. Its history ended with the crisis and then the collapse of the Roman Empire. It should be borne in mind that by the VIII century. BC e. Ancient Greece is formed as an empire that seeks to acquire colonies. The ancient Greeks settled on the coast of the Aegean, Marmara and Black Seas, inhabited the northern coast of Africa, southern Italy, the islands of Sicily and Cyprus.

Features of ancient culture (Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome)

Antique culture is a unique phenomenon that gave general cultural values ​​in literally all areas of spiritual and material activity.

Ancient culture played a significant role in the history of European civilization. However, within itself, Antiquity is divided into two cultural and historical blocks: Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, which, nevertheless, allows us to speak of Antiquity as a certain integrity.

Greece for many centuries did not represent a single geographical space. Each region of Greece had its own peculiarity of the landscape, its own individual cultural characteristics.

Ancient Greece did not represent a unity in socio-political terms either: it existed within the framework of a special state system- independent city-states, policies, whose boundaries were most often determined by natural boundaries. The differences in the culture of the policies were manifested in language dialects, their own calendars, coins, revered gods and respected heroes.

Despite regional and cultural differences, ancient culture had a certain integrity. Unity was expressed not only in common interests and the need to unite against a common enemy, but also in a single worldview, in characteristic features throughout ancient culture.

The world religion, Christianity, comes belatedly, when the culture of antiquity is experiencing its last days. Moreover, Christianity is not actually a Greek discovery. It is borrowed by antiquity from the East.

Another, no less important, feature of the culture of antiquity, which ancient Greece demonstrates, was the more radical nature of the cultural shift. Philosophy, literature, theater, lyric poetry, the Olympic Games appear for the first time, they have no predecessors in previous forms of spirituality.

Greek ceramics strikes with the richness and variety of forms, the beauty of the picturesque design. Around 700 BC potters invented the black-figure technique of painting vessels, in which unglazed red clay was painted black and painted with mythological or battle scenes. Around 530 BC Athenian potters proposed the exact opposite process and created more complex red-figure ceramics, the paintings of which were distinguished by more careful drawing and development of details. (Kravchenko A.I. Culturology: textbook - M .: TK Welby, Prospekt Publishing House, 2008. - p. 130).

The ancient Greek civilization developed as an agricultural one, and this made it related to the river agricultural civilizations. The ancient Greeks grew cereals, planted olives, cultivated vineyards. But they cultivated unyielding soil for this.

In the 5th century BC e. the cultural norms and ideals of ancient Greek society are finally taking shape. Moderation in food and drink, neglect of refinement and luxurious clothes, restraint in behavior, truthfulness, loyalty to one’s word, honesty in business, physical endurance and the ability to patiently endure adversity - these are the basic moral standards by which society measured people. This was how respect for the person developed.

correct physical education from childhood, it contributed to the proportional development of the figure, which gave rise to the cult of the naked human body that flourished in ancient Greece. The ideal of the beauty of the naked body also spread in everyday life: the Greeks did gymnastics, took care of personal hygiene, hair, did their hair, used cosmetics. The image of an athlete who competed naked was especially cultivated in that era. Women, on the contrary, were depicted in clothes.

Most of the day the Greeks spent outside the home - in palestras and gymnasiums (gyms and stadiums). During the day, men usually took part in several sports, as well as gambling (ball game, dice), in cockfights. According to customs, a woman could leave the house only accompanied by slaves. The slaves carried an umbrella from the sun behind the mistress, the fish carried a folding chair.

Comedy as an independent genre arose from the songs and dances of satyrs in honor of Dionysus. Every spring, the Greeks celebrated the return of Dionysus, who, according to legend, arrived in Greece from overseas countries. Holidays were accompanied by games, choir competitions. Gradually, scripts began to be created for them. So in Greece a new art form arose - drama theatre. It featured comedies and tragedies. (Kravchenko A.I. Culturology: textbook - M .: TK Welby, Prospekt Publishing House, 2008. - p. 132).

The Greeks are an aesthetically developed people. A sense of beauty, a sense of proportion, proportionality was present in everything. Forming their civilization - a civilization of a fundamentally new historical type in comparison with the civilization of the Egyptians - the Greeks learned to work and live beautifully. No frills and oriental luxury, but modest and refined.

In Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, something else became inevitable: the widespread development of navigation, movement away with the development of trade, and somewhere robbery. In ancient Greece, a large state was not formed. A number of commercial and military centers appeared there. The civilization of the ancient Greeks (and for all their originality - the ancient Romans) developed as a maritime and commercial, dynamic, open to influence, absorbing a lot, aimed at discovery and assimilation.

4th century BC e., the century of the highest flowering of sculpture in the period of the classics was also the century of the heyday of Greek painting. It was to this time that a remarkable pictorial innovation dates back, subsequently lost and, as it were, rediscovered, revived only in the Renaissance, namely the art of chiaroscuro. The introduction of chiaroscuro had to develop realistic painting great value.

On formation ancient Roman culture influenced by the artistic values ​​of the ancient world. The culture of ancient Rome passed hard way development, absorbing cultural traditions many nations and different eras. She gave the world classic examples of military art, state structure and law, urban planning, etc.

The amphitheater served as a structure for spectacles and had an oval arena, around which seats for spectators were located in ledges. In 75-80 years. n. e. in Rome, the famous Colosseum was built, which became a famous monument of ancient Roman architecture. Behind the appointment is a large amphitheater (height 48.5 m) for gladiatorial battles, circus performances.

Also in Rome, magnificent buildings of public baths with cold and hot water, lounges and gyms. In many cities, houses were built with 3-6 floors. Roman baths played an important role in everyday life. They were huge buildings that became cultural and social centers.

The layout of the Roman cities improved significantly, in which there were many beautiful squares and comfortable houses. Unlike the Greeks, who built their buildings from stone slabs, the Romans erected buildings from concrete: a stone or brick shell was poured with a mixture of lime and rubble. Hardening, this mass turned the building into a huge monolith. Concrete, belonged to the number major discoveries Romans in the field of engineering technology, was used in the construction of not only entire buildings, but also their fragments, such as arched vaults, which became one of the fundamental elements of architecture.

Enlightenment and scientific life achieved great success in Rome. Education consisted of three stages: primary education, grammar school and rhetoric school. AT primary school taught to read, write, count. AT high school grammar teachers taught Greek and seven liberal arts- grammar, dialectics, rhetoric, music, geometry, astronomy, as well as architecture and medicine. AT high school taught the art of eloquence and philosophy.

The Romans were characterized by a love for applied sciences, among which jurisprudence played a special role - the science of law.

In the III century. BC e. Roman literature arose under Greek influence. Venerable historians compiled the Roman chronicles in Greek.

Roman theatrical art basically followed the path of imitation of Greek comedies, but was built on material from the life of Roman society.

The most significant was the influence of Greek traditions in the field of sculpture. The Romans copied patterns. In most cases, it is these Roman copies, and not the Greek originals, that have survived to this day. In the sculptural workshops of Rome, mainly Greek masters worked.

Only in one thing did the Roman artists turn out to be original - in the creation of individual sculptural portraits that accurately convey inner world person.

Roman culture, like Greek, is closely connected with religious ideas. The Roman world of religious images is represented by several forms and has gone through a number of stages in its development.

The culture of Ancient Rome, which largely continued the ancient traditions of Greece, is distinguished by religious restraint, internal severity and external expediency.

Of course, Greek and Roman cultures are very similar. But at the same time, there were a lot of significant differences between these two civilizations. This was primarily due to the complexity of communication over long distances, which severely limited the interaction of the two cultures.

In the era of the archaic, the main features of the ethics of ancient Greek society take shape. Its distinctive feature was the combination of the emerging sense of collectivism and the agonistic (competitive) beginning. The formation of the polis as a special type of community, which replaced the loose associations of the "heroic" era, gave rise to a new, polis morality - collectivist in its essence, since the existence of an individual outside the polis was impossible. The military organization of the policy also contributed to the development of this morality. The highest valor of a citizen was to defend his policy: “It is sweet to lose life, among the warriors of the valiant fallen, to a brave husband in battle for the sake of his fatherland” - these words of the Spartan poet Tirteus perfectly expressed the mindset of this era, characterizing the system of values ​​that prevailed then. Religion also experienced a certain transformation. The formation of a single Greek world with all local features led to the creation of a common pantheon for all Greeks.

The forums of Rome were especially luxurious. The emperors added a number of new ones to the ancient forum of the times of the republic. Trajan's forum was the most magnificent. No less magnificent were the "altar of peace" erected by Augustus, and the mausoleum of Augustus, a large domed temple "to all the gods" - the "Pantheon", built by Agrippa and then rebuilt by the emperor Hadrian.

Gradually, an ideology, a system of values ​​of Roman citizens took shape. It was determined primarily by patriotism - the idea of ​​​​the special God's chosen people of the Roman people and the very fate of the victories destined for him, of Rome as the highest value, of the duty of a citizen to serve him with all his might, sparing no effort and life. Politics, war, agriculture, development of law were recognized as deeds worthy of a Roman, especially from the nobility. On this basis, the early culture of Rome was formed. Foreign influences, primarily Greek, were perceived only insofar as they did not contradict the Roman system of values ​​and were processed in accordance with it.

Thus, we can conclude that the ancient Roman and ancient Greek civilizations are very similar to each other. In some cases, their cultures can even be seen as one common Greco-Roman culture. Developing under the influence of early civilization, the culture of antiquity made a huge contribution to the development of world culture. The monuments of architecture and sculpture, masterpieces of painting and poetry that have come down to us are evidence of a high level of cultural development. They are important not only as works of art, but also social and moral significance.

Most likely, Greek culture had a greater influence on the development of Roman culture due to the fact that it developed in an earlier period of time, and Roman culture, as it were, inherited its features, it was their logical development and, of course, added many new signs and features to it. Therefore, considering Roman culture, one can often say that the described features are also inherent in Greek culture.

On the basis of ancient culture, the categories of scientific thinking first appeared and began to develop, the contribution of antiquity to the development of astronomy and theoretical mathematics is great. That is why ancient philosophy and science played such an important role in the emergence of modern science and the development of technology. In general, the culture of antiquity was the basis for the further development of world culture.

Of course, in such a small work it is impossible to fully describe the richest cultural heritage of Greece and Rome, one can only talk about the main features of these two cultures.

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