How to draw beautiful frames on paper with a pencil. Ways to Create a Frame in Photoshop


Quite often you need to draw a frame around a photo, icon, avatar or any other image to visually separate it from the surrounding text or other photos. You can draw a picture with a thin line in any graphics editor, for example, in the standard Paint. But better than photoshop no other program can cope with photo processing yet. Fits photoshop and for drawing frames, and I counted about a dozen ways to draw it. In this tutorial, prepared for those new to photoshop, I will talk about the two most simple ways.

Method 1: Frame around a picture in Photoshop as a background layer effect

Let's say we have a picture around which we would like to see a border 2 pixels thick. The easiest way to do this is to use a background layer effect that draws a border of the desired color and thickness. If the image has one layer ( regular photo or a picture that has not just been processed in Photoshop), then it is also the background. For this:

1. Open the window with the layers of the picture (- F7) and double-click on the background (single) layer in this window:

There is no need to click on the layer name (we have “strawberry”), unless we are going to rename the layer.

2. A window will open layer style, in which you can change many properties of the current layer. We are interested in bookmark Stroke window layer style, with which we will make a green border 2 pixels thick:

Pay attention to the field Position, whose value should be set to Inside(the frame is shown inside the picture, and does not outline it, as is the default). To change the color of the frame, click on the rectangle next to the field color and select desired color in the window that opens.

3. Actually, everything. It remains only to press the button OK in the upper right corner of the window layer style and save the drawing in the desired format.

In order to change the color, thickness, transparency and other characteristics of the frame drawn in Photoshop, repeat steps 1 and 2 of this lesson. To remove the frame right click on the layer in the window Layers and from the context menu that appears select Clear Layer Style.

Method 2: Draw a frame with a pencil in Photoshop

To draw an arbitrary frame, for example, around a fragment of a picture or a different thickness and color on each side of a photo, you can use the tool photoshop entitled PensilTool(hot key - B). Using the mouse to draw a straight line with a pencil is difficult, but if you hold down the key Shift on the keyboard, the pencil in Photoshop only draws a straight line. The instruction in this case is very simple, although detailed, and does not require illustrations.

1. Select the pencil tool ( PensilTool) by pressing on the keyboard latin letter B.

2. In the list of pencil properties that appears immediately below the main Photoshop menu, specify the desired thickness of the frame that you plan to draw. The color of the line will be the active color of Photoshop (the top of the colored squares in the toolbar photoshop).

3. Create a new layer ( Ctrl+Shift+N), in which we will draw a frame. It is possible not to create a new layer, but in this way we risk spoiling the layer with the main picture and we will have to start all over again.

4. Click with a pencil in the place of the picture where the frame will begin, then click Shift and, without releasing the pressed left mouse button, drag the cursor in the desired direction.

5. Release the left mouse button, but do not release the key Shift. Now you need to click where the remaining corners of the picture frame should be. Since the frame is non-standard, there can be as many corners as you like. Experiment by undoing bad moves with extreme CTRL+Z and CTRL+ALT+Z.

In the simplest case, when you need to draw a rectangular frame around the picture, the picture will not look different from the one we got in the first method of this lesson:

tatyana kerbo

Hello, friends. Many are faced with the problem of how to arrange a corner children's creativity. I want to talk about a simple and budgetary way to make frames for children's drawings or photographs. I made these in my group. frames in two formats: for kids A5 (half of the album sheet, for older preschoolers A4 (landscape or standard photocopier sheet) It’s time consuming to do it for the whole group at once, so I advise you to involve parents. You can organize a joint master- class Children will draw, and parents will make frames for them drawings!

Required for work: a piece of wallpaper, cardboard, glue, a large ruler, scissors.

Overlay drawing(sheet of paper of the required size) on wallpaper

Outline with a pencil or felt-tip pen. If you do a large number of frames, you can use a sheet of cardboard, then you can draw a sheet without a ruler.

We remove the template and draw another smaller one inside the rectangle (we deviate from the original one by about 1 cm, we still need to draw diagonals in the inner rectangle

Then you need to cut the wallpaper diagonally from the center to the corners. (not reaching the larger rectangle).

Then we bend the resulting triangles

We bend the outer part of the wallpaper, trying to ensure that the resulting sides of the frame are the same in width, and glue it.

It remains to glue the back. I use the cardboard from the colored paper packs. Then in the finished frame, even if it is empty, you can see a cute drawing. You can use cardboard from ordinary boxes. Then the frame will be very rigid.. Important: We apply glue on three sides so that you can change the work. In the center around the hole for drawing apply strips of glue on the long and short sides. They are needed to drawing is not"failed" inside the finished framework. I showed the gluing lines with a marker. If it is hard to see, in the center on a napkin duplicated

IMG]/upload/blogs/6bc1a82914e9567de04fa91f93f407bb.jpg.jpg Everything. The house for your masterpiece is ready!

You can glue a loop of braid on the back and attach picture frame directly to the wallpaper with a simple sewing pin. In our dressing room, ceiling plastic cornices are used as shelves.

With this tutorial, you will learn how to create simple frames for your photos.

I will show you several ways to create different frames, so you can consider that in this one big lesson several are collected on the same topic.

Frame #1. Simple frame-strip.

Despite its simplicity, this frame enhances perception and gives the work a finished look.

Step 1. Let's open our image. Select the entire image by pressing CTRL+A.

A selection box will appear around the image.

Step 2 Choose from the menu Select - Modify - Compress(Selection - Modify - Contract). In the dialog box, select the amount of indent in pixels.

Let's apply the command.

Step 3 Right-click while holding the cursor inside the selected area, and in the menu that appears, select Stroke.

In the dialog box that appears, set the color and width of our strip.

Step 4 We apply the command and get the result.

Don't forget to deselect by pressing CTRL+D.

Frame number 2. Frame with rounded corners inside.

Step 1. Select the Rounded Rectangle tool from the toolbar.

Switch to the contour creation mode (on the top panel of the tool settings)

Step 2 Let's introduce the required corner radius.

Step 3 Let's create a contour with the necessary indents from the edges.

Step 4 Let's convert the path to a selection. Right-click while holding the cursor inside the contour, and in the menu that appears, select Create Selection.

Step 5 Invert the selection with SHIFT+CTRL+I and press CTRL+DEL to fill the selection with the foreground color or ALT+DEL for the background color. Remove selection by pressing CTRL+D.

Frame number 3. jagged edges.

Step 1. We carry out steps 1 and 2 Frame No. 1.

Step 2 quick mask(Quick mask).

Step 3. Apply Filter - Strokes - Airbrush(Filter - Brush Strokes - Sprayed Strokes). Filter settings are selected individually, depending on the image.

Step 4(optional). Apply Filter - Distort - Wave(Filter - Distort - Wave) Parameters are also selected empirically.

Step 5 Exit the Quick Mask mode by pressing Q. Now we have a selection.

Step 6 Invert the selection with SHIFT+CTRL+I and press CTRL+DEL to fill the selection with the background color (white by default) or ALT+DEL for the foreground color (black by default). Remove selection by pressing CTRL+D.

Frame number 4. stepped

Step 1. We carry out steps 1 and 2 Frame No. 1.

Step 2 Press Q to switch to mode quick mask(Quick mask).

Step 3. Apply Filter - Appearance - Fragment(Filter - Pixelate - Fragment).

Step 4 Apply the filter several times by pressing CTRL+F. Usually for a picture of 900x600 pixels, 4-5 times is enough.

Step 5 Repeat steps 5 and 6 of the previous section. We get the result. In this case, I used the default foreground color - black.

I wish you all creative inspiration and success!
Author: Evgeny Kartashov.

02/07/14 96.4K

Quite often there is a need to visually separate the image from the surrounding text on the site, to decorate wedding photos.

There are many applications for creating frames on the Internet, but you can make it in almost any graphic editor. How to make a frame in Photoshop?

Let's look at some of the simplest ways.

Ways to Create a Frame in Photoshop

Method number 1: stroke

Open a photo in Photoshop and select the image using the ctrl + a key combination or the selection tools by going to the "Editing" menu and clicking on the item " Stroke»:

Choose a color, weight, and position for the stroke:

If the stroke position is set to outer, the size of the image can be reduced using the " free transform", moving dotted line, or increase the size of your canvas by the amount you want.

Method number 2: a frame around the picture as a background effect

Let's assume that the border we need is 2 pixels thick. If an image opened in Photoshop has only one layer, then it is also the background layer.

Press F7, double click on the background layer, and when the Layer Style window opens, select the Stroke panel. Selector " Outside"Be sure to change to" Inside». After specifying all the parameters you need, click on " OK":

Method number 3: using a brush

In order to make an arbitrary frame for a picture or a separate part of it, you can use a brush. Select the brush with hotkey B and specify its thickness:

The frame color will be active in this moment color. Click with the brush in the place where you will start drawing the stroke, hold down the shift key and, without releasing the button, draw a straight line.

Repeat this action three more times to all sides of the picture, and you get a simple stroke. Unsuccessful actions can be undone with ctrl+z . Final result differs little from the first method, however, you can make such a frame not only along the edges of the image, but also in any part of the picture:

Method number 4: transparent frame

Open the image and duplicate the background layer twice with the keyboard shortcut ctrl+j . Disable the top two layers by clicking on the eye icon next to each:

Being on the first layer, select "Filter", "Blur" and " Gaussian blur"and blur the image:

Then in the window " Filter"Click on" Noise" -" Add noise". In the layer blending options of layer 2, in the familiar way, make a one-pixel black or white stroke.

Turn on the visibility of all layers and layer 2, applying a free transform, reduce along the path by the required amount.

You get a frame like this:

By experimenting with layering and blurring, you can create a beautiful and effective photo frame. However, sometimes it is necessary for the photo to have a more complex or thematic frame.

In order not to reinvent the wheel, on the Internet without special efforts you can find many different free .psd or .png files into which you just need to insert an image. How to do it?

How to insert a photo into a ready-made frame?

Step #1

Open the downloaded frame and photo in the same Adobe Photoshop project:

Step #2

Use the Move tool to drag the photo into the framed window. To sync images, from the Edit menu, select " free transform' and while holding the shift key, resize the image to fit the frame and rotate if necessary:

Step #3

In the Layers window, place the frame layer above the photo layer, as shown in the figure.

This is an average lesson. It can be difficult for adults to repeat this lesson, so I don’t recommend drawing a frame for this lesson for young children, but if you have a great desire, then you can try. I also want to note the lesson "" - be sure to try to repeat it if you have time and desire to draw today.

What you need

In order to draw a frame, we may need:

  • Graphic editor GIMP. You need to download GIMP for Windows and install it.
  • Download brushes for GIMP, they may come in handy.
  • Some add-ons may be needed (instructions on how to install them).
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Step by step lesson

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to turn your attention to the lesson "". It will help improve your mastery or just give you a little pleasure.

Tip: do it different actions on different layers. The more layers you make, the easier it will be for you to manage the drawing. So the sketch can be done on the bottom layer, and the white version on the top, and when the sketch is not needed, you can simply turn off the visibility of this layer.

When completing the lesson, please note that due to differences in program versions, some menu items and tools may be called differently or not at all. This might make the tutorial a little difficult to follow, but I think you can do it.

I took this lesson from Sergey Timofeev's wonderful book "Working in the GIMP graphics editor". I just modified the tutorial a little so that beginners can follow it.

In this tutorial, we will learn how to beautifully frame an image. We'll consider general order creating a frame on specific example, and in the future you can draw on your own. Let me remind you that among the GIMP filters there is an Add Frame filter.

It allows you to automatically add a frame to an image, but only a well-defined, simple frame. We will learn to draw beautiful frames manually. Here's how it's done.

1. Open the photo for which you want to draw a frame. To do this, select Open from the File drop-down menu. In the window that appears, open the desired folder and select the file containing the desired photo. Next, click on the Open button.

2. With the image open, we need to increase the size of the canvas. The fact is that to create a frame, an additional area is required, otherwise the frame will overlap the image itself. From the Image drop-down menu, select Canvas Size.

It will need canvas size parameters - Width and Height. First of all, click on the paperclip button to the right of these options to be able to independently edit the width and height of the image. Now increase the Width and Height by exactly 100 pixels each: for example, the values ​​of the parameters were 330x500 pixels, and now we set 430x600 pixels. After that, you must click the Center button to place the existing image in the center of the enlarged canvas. We press the Resize button at the bottom of the window - and we get our image on an enlarged canvas.

Clue. You realize that by increasing the length and width of the canvas by 100 pixels, we are making the border thickness equal to 50 pixels, since there are two border strips in both directions. If you have a large image (for example, 2000x1500 pixels) or you just want to make the frame wider, you should increase the canvas not by 100, but by 200 - 400 pixels.

3. We have received an additional area that allows you to create a frame within it. On the Layers panel, create a new layer with standard settings (to do this, click the Create a new layer and add it to the image button, and then in the new layer options window that appears, just click the OK button).

Go to editing the newly created layer, select the tool Rectangular Selection and carefully select the contours of the original image (I emphasize that it is necessary to select not the entire canvas, but only the contours of the original image in the center of the canvas).

For accurate selection, you need to enlarge the image. This can be done using the Image scale selection list, which is located in the lower area of ​​the main window. To move around the enlarged image, use the Navigation Pane icon located in the lower right corner. Move the mouse cursor over its icon, press and hold the left mouse button, then move the image in the desired direction. Edit the borders of the selection.

Advice. To edit the selection, try using the navigation bar itself, which controls the zoom and panning of the image. To do this, it can be added to the Dialog Box Window. This is done by clicking on the Customize this tab button, find the Add tab item and select Navigation from the drop-down list.

After that, in the Selection drop-down menu, select Invert (it allows you to invert the selection, make unselected areas selected and vice versa). Thus, we have selected the frame area without affecting the image itself.

4. Now you need to form appearance framework. Select the Gradient tool from the toolbar. For the blending colors of the gradient, set the Foreground Color to dark gray and the Background Color to light gray. To change the color, simply click on one of the squares and in the window that appears, select the desired color (the top square is the foreground color, and the bottom one is the background color). Click OK. Go to the Layers panel, set the gradient type to Foreground to Background (RGB).

Spend vertical line from bottom to top, full height of the image - so that the gradient has vertical view and stretched across the whole picture.

For convenience and to ensure that the line is even, you can add a vertical guide. In the Image drop-down menu, select the Guides submenu, and then the Guide (in %). Draw a gradient line along the guide. The line will stick to it, and will not curve.

If you did everything correctly in step 3, then the gradient should appear only on the image frame, and the photo itself should not be covered by it. As a result, the image should look like this:

Deselect (from the Select drop-down menu, select Deselect), and delete the guide (from the Image drop-down menu, in the Guides submenu, select Delete Guides).

5. Let's make the frame textured. In the Filters drop-down menu of the Simulation subgroup, select the Canvas filter with the following options:

Having set the necessary parameters, press the OK button and get the image, as in the figure.

6. Let's create a light visual image of the frame. In the Filters drop-down menu, in the Decoration subgroup, select Add chamfer. In the filter settings window that appears, set the Thickness parameter to 14, and uncheck the Work with copy option (in order to continue working with the main image).

7. After completing the above steps, we get an image in a beautiful frame.

Close the image, export and save.

Similarly, create your own frames by applying a variety of filters. For example, the image below shows a frame using the Weave filter instead of the Canvas filter.

So you learned how to draw frames and I hope you were able to repeat the lesson. Now you can pay attention to the lesson "" - it is just as interesting and exciting. Share this tutorial with your friends on social media. networks.

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