How to draw people in full growth with a pencil. We finish drawing a person


Hello! Today we will tell you about. In fact, we have drawn a lot of characters and movie characters in the same pose, but now it's time to consider the topic of drawing the human figure in more detail. Before starting the lesson, we note that this is a generalized drawing lesson. We chose just such a pose and such an appearance, but all the steps and rules are common for drawing any appearance and pose. So, let's begin!

Step 1

As in many of our other drawing lessons, we will start with a stickman - a man made of sticks and circles, which we draw in order to outline the main proportions of the character, the shape of the figure, the pose and position on a piece of paper. Recall that in this stage it is not necessary to press hard on the pencil, the purpose of drawing this stage is to outline the pose and the main proportions. And so we draw a stickman with a very light touch, so that in the next steps we can easily erase it. This step is very important, so we urge you to follow following rules human drawing:

  • The height of a man equals, on average, the sum of the lengths of his seven heads;
  • The width of the shoulders is equal to the sum of three widths of the heads;
  • The shoulders are much wider than the pelvis (this applies specifically to the male figure);
  • Arms extended at the seams reach approximately the middle of the distance between the belt and the knee joint;
  • Of the seven heads that make up the height, 3.5-4 heads fall on the legs.

Step 2

Let's mark the head with two mutually perpendicular lines(eyes and facial symmetry), outline the outline of the figure. Both lines should converge in the middle of the face. Next, let's add volume to our figure. We do this with simple geometric shapes- circles and cylinders. Hands are visually divided into 3 parts - shoulder (1), forearm (2), and hands. In the upper part of the shoulder we see the deltoid muscle, it looks like a circle, the rest of the shoulder has the shape of an elongated cylinder. Remember to connect the deltoids to the neck with sloping lines.

Note that the torso narrows slightly downward due to the waist, and the groin area has the shape of a triangle. We designate the legs as elongated cylinders, not forgetting that the femoral part narrows slightly towards the knee, and the lower legs have a characteristic bend formed by the gastrocnemius muscle. Note that this stage also does not need to be diligently displayed. We also try to draw it with light and barely noticeable lines, so that in the future it can be easily erased.

Step 3

Let's mark the head with a few more horizontal lines that will show the location of the hairstyle, eyes, nose and mouth. To the previously drawn eye line, add two more, at about the same distance. The line above the line of the eyes is the line of the eyebrows, it is also the line denoting the upper edge of the ears.

The line below is the line, which is also the lower edge of the ears. It is worth noting one more rule - the face can be roughly divided into three equal parts - from the hairline to the eyebrow line, from the eyebrow line to the nose line, from the nose line to the chin.

Step 4

Let's outline the contours of the hairstyle (note that the lines are very smooth) and the main features of the face. We outline the facial features using the markup from the previous step.

Step 5

The eyes are a very important part human face. Look at the close-up we prepared for you to draw them like in our sample:

Step 6

Yes, here it is necessary to draw hair. As we have already said in many other drawing lessons, the hair is drawn in the direction from the roots to the tips.

Step 7

We draw a nose and a mouth. Apply a small shadow under the lower lip. We outline the cheekbones, which are located on the sides just above the mouth. Close-up for this step:

And here's what it looks like in general terms:

Step 8

The lesson we are working on right now is dedicated to. Although, probably, it should have been called “how to draw a stylish person”, because our hero is dressed very tastefully. Now we will outline the collar of his shirt, the upper part of the jacket, the clasp and the hems of the same jacket.

This step is drawn with very light pressure on the pencil. The edges of the clothes should be even and symmetrical, follow this, because in the next step we will ...

Step 9

... edging the intended lines. Draw also small parts, like lines on a starched shirt collar and small folds of fabric on a jacket near the buttons.

Step 10

The upper part of the figure of our hero is already taking on a finished look. Now we will continue to work on it - we will outline the contours of the sleeves of the jacket, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe elbows they are slightly uneven.

Also, in the area of ​​​​the elbows inside the contours, we can see several horizontal folds, they must be applied to correctly convey the pose, because it is the folds of the fabric in these places that show us that the arms are slightly bent.

Step 11

Now let's work on trousers and boots, namely, we will outline vertical arrows, draw horizontal folds in the groin and knees area (on our right leg, there are also folds at the very bottom of the leg). Erase all extra guide lines from the previous steps, draw the boots.

Step 12

The last step is to apply shadows. The light falls on our young man to the left of us, respectively, we will shade the side to the right of us and the inside of the sleeve to the left of us. The shadow itself is essentially a light shading. Try to do the hatching with fairly fast and even movements so that the strokes are at an equal distance. If you want to create a thick shadow, this area should be hatched in several layers crosswise.

So our very difficult lesson dedicated to that came to an end. Don't forget to check out our VK page dedicated to step by step lessons drawing. We post there all the time. cool art and make announcements of fresh drawing lessons. Best wishes!

The question of how to draw a person in stages for beginners occupies absolutely everyone who took a pencil in their hands. A novice artist is often disappointed when he sees the results of his own efforts. They are usually very different from what they so wanted to achieve. Many at this stage give up trying to learn how to draw correctly. However, if you still have not abandoned your intention, you need to change your approach to business. On popular question how to draw a person full height must be answered on a systematic basis. In drawing, first of all, phasedness and consistency are important. For many, this will sound very unexpected, but before you draw anything, you need to think carefully. Well, such a very complex subject as the human figure, this applies primarily.

Convincing drawing

Each drawing begins with a competent layout, that is, placing the future picture on a plane. It's done light pencil strokes that indicate the extreme points of the drawn figure. In each figure, it is necessary to highlight a certain compositional semantic center. One of the key rules of composition is that a given composition center does not have to be geometric. The drawing on the plane should occupy approximately three-quarters of the surface, while leaving free space around the edges. Further, in order for a person to look convincing, his figure must be built with the obligatory observance of the laws and proportions of anatomy. And what is also important, she must stand firmly on her feet, or sit on some kind of support - so that this does not violate the laws of balance in any way. The proportions of the human figure change with age. In an adult, the head occupies about a seventh of the height.

How to draw a figure

Experienced artists have been working on this for many years. In modern art universities plastic anatomy is studied in detail. Her course is adapted for artists. When studying it, they carefully work out all the muscles and bones in the human body, their interaction and articulation. Such skills and knowledge are needed for the correct construction of the human figure. True, faced with the task of depicting a person in full height for the first time, it will be enough to correctly take the proportional relationship between all separate parts body to figure in general. And also to understand the general constructive basis of the muscular system and skeleton. When building the torso of a human figure, it is necessary to outline centerlines, hip and shoulder girdle, various joints. When building a figure, first of all, remember about balance. The figure must stand firmly on its feet. Many artists have a proven technique to ensure this requirement - a vertical line from the jugular cavity (a small depression between the collarbones under the human chin), drawn to the plane, should not go beyond the plane of the feet. And then the most important thing - you check the proportions of the limbs, head and torso well, build the whole figure step by step.

Drawing generalization

When making a construction and working out various details, it is important to stop in time, to observe the measure. From the analysis of individual trifles, it is necessary to gradually move on to a generalization of the figure in general. This is usually done with sweeping broad strokes. Nude nature should not be depicted often. However, basic knowledge plastic anatomy necessary for the artist in any case. Without them, it is simply impossible to correctly figure out how to draw dressed man. Depicting a figure in a certain spatial perspective, you need to see and imagine it through and through. In particular, it is necessary to pay attention to what patterns folds are formed on clothes. This is an extremely important element in figure drawing. They can emphasize movement or stability. Having outlined general contours, gradually give all the details volume. Modeling the shape with chiaroscuro. great attention when constructing, it is necessary to pay attention to shading. The stroke is the most important element in the arsenal of any graphic artist. A lot depends on the strength of its pressure, direction and length. Hatching culture is always developed gradually.


Competent construction on the plane of any spatial figure, including humans, is simply impossible without understanding all the patterns linear perspective. It is necessary to deal with it and understand that all parallel planes and lines have a vanishing point on the horizon. There are no parallel planes in the human figure, but it easily fits into them. A perspective construction of a figure must be performed only after its position relative to the horizon is meaningful. The horizon line should be the first line in the drawing.

Step by step example

Do you want to learn how to draw a person in full growth in stages? We have prepared this lesson for you. We will draw a person with a pencil and in clothes. This guy is wearing a shirt and jeans.

We begin to draw a person in full growth step by step.
To begin with, let's vertical line on a sheet of paper, leaving some space at the top and bottom. If the head and legs of a man rest against the edges of the sheet, it will not be beautiful. According to the rules of composition, it is necessary to leave space around the figure. Now divide the vertical line by 6 equal segments and make another small segment at the bottom. Here, in the future, we will draw the shoes of our guy. Why do we divide a straight line into so many segments? The fact is that about 6-7 heads fit in the height of an average person. Since we want to draw a proportional person, we will need these marks.

Now we have the lines of the shoulders and pelvis. Thus, we have outlined the approximate location of the shoulder and hip joints. Pay attention to which particular segment they are depicted on. If you make a mistake here, the person will turn out to be disproportionate. The joints on the right are slightly further from the center line than the left. Why? The fact is that the posture of our person is quite relaxed. He is not on the line. Therefore, the figure will not be perfectly symmetrical. You may have noticed that we have almost no room for the neck: the man we are drawing slightly tilted his head forward, thereby covering his neck.

We mark the places where we have our knees and elbows. Again, do not forget to pay attention to where these circles are relative to our small segments and relative to the midline. We depict circles and ankle joints. As the name suggests, these are the joints that connect the foot and lower leg. Connect the circles with lines. The man will keep his hands in his jeans pockets. Therefore, from the elbows we draw lines to the pelvis. If you still have difficulty drawing fingers, then you can simplify the drawing by making the hands invisible, as in this case.

Next, we use temporary construction lines. Now, with the help of an eraser, we erase these lines. More precisely, we make them less noticeable so that they are not so conspicuous. At the end of the drawing, you will need to erase them completely, but for now we need these lines in order to better navigate the drawing. We begin to mark the contours of the body - the torso, legs, the top line of the trousers. We suggest at this stage to outline the line of the eyes, chin, as well as the border of hair growth - the place where the forehead ends and the hairstyle begins. Let's outline the neck with you. When drawing, be guided by the middle line of the body and our construction lines. Carefully look at how far from the midline is Right side neck, on which left.

We continue to draw the human body in full growth. Now we are adding the outlines of the hands, shoes. On the face we mark the lines of the nose and lips. We draw a man's ear. In order to draw the ear in the right place, focus on the line of the eyes and the middle line of the body.

At this stage, some elements of clothing begin to appear - pockets on jeans, a belt.

To portray a person in clothes, it is worth remembering that the fabric always forms folds. Our man is dressed in modern clothes. We begin to draw the folds on the jeans. We depict the details of the belt and the collar of the shirt. Hands are hidden in pockets. However, the thumbs stick out. You need to draw them. We also mark with curved lines the place where the jeans end - the length of the trousers.

At this stage, the drawing becomes more and more attractive due to the drawing of details - folds on the shirt and jeans. On the shirt, folds are formed in the area of ​​​​the elbows, on the sleeves, as well as above the belt and a little on the chest. On jeans, the folds are clearly visible at the knees, as well as at the bottom of the legs. Please note that the fabric does not wrinkle haphazardly. The fold pattern has a certain rhythm. Try to draw it believable. Draw the sole of the boots. All these little details will make your drawing more interesting. In order for the drawing to turn out beautiful, it is necessary to pay attention to the elements of clothing and shoes.

Now we can finally completely erase the construction lines on the human body. Your drawing should now look something like this. Let's continue with the details. Any jeans have a characteristic facing - the edges of these trousers are hemmed in a special way: pay attention to double line along the line of pockets and along the bottom. And there were buttons on the shirt.

How to draw a guy in full growth? Of course, you should pay attention to his face and hairstyle. Let's make the lower jaw a little square - this will add masculinity to the image of a guy. Let's draw the outlines of the head. The man has wavy hair. However, nothing prevents you from making him bald or with a different hairstyle.

It's time to draw the face. We have outlined the lines of the eyes, nose and lips. Important note: all these lines must be parallel to each other. Otherwise, the face will turn out oblique and crooked. In order to emphasize the smile, you need to draw folds from the wings of the nose to the corners of the lips. To add liveliness to the eyes, you need to leave small white highlights next to the pupils. Don't forget about the eyebrows - they make the face more expressive. Add a couple curved lines in the hair, so that the hair does not look boring.

That's actually all. You have read to the end of the lesson on how to draw a person in full growth. We've got a nice young man. Try. We believe that everything will work out for you too!

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  • Publication date: January 9, 2014
  • How to draw a person step by step? If you asked this question, then you are here!

    In this lesson I will show you step by step how to draw a person in full growth. To begin with, I decided to make a lesson on drawing a person in the simplest pose - standing. So let's draw standing man in clothes. You need to draw without pressing too hard on the pencil, since in the future we will erase these construction lines with an eraser.

    Step 1st. Draw an oval at the top of the sheet. This is the head of a man.

    Step 2. The human body is symmetrical. For convenience, we draw a middle line that will divide the picture in half.

    Step 3. The laws of proportions have been known since ancient times. human body. While drawing, it is convenient to rely on. The height of the head fits in the body of an adult on average 7-8 times. This figure depends on how tall the person is. A measure of 8 goals is typical for tall man. We will draw a man whose height is 170-175 cm. Therefore, 7 heads are enough for us. Of course, you don't need to draw all these circles. I have shown them in the picture for clarity.

    Step 4. Just mark with strokes 6 segments according to the size of the head.

    Step 5. We draw the neck of a man. If a person is thin, the neck will be thin. If he is of full build, the width of the neck can be equal to the width of the head. We draw a man of average build - his neck is quite wide, but less than the width of his head. For now, we will mark the neck with a simple rectangle.

    Step 6 Now let's start drawing the shoulders. They should be drawn in slightly sloping, that is, not in straight horizontal lines, but smoothly descending from the neck to the arms.

    To determine the width of the shoulder, use the laws of proportions. The width of the shoulder is approximately equal to the height of the head from the midline of the body.

    Step 7th. How to draw a man's torso? To do this, define the waist line. This will help us mark the size of the head. The waist is just below the middle of the 3rd head (at the same time, we consider the first head to be the very dear and only one that sits on the shoulders). Remember: the width of the waist is always much wider than the head! Even very slender girls with a wasp waist! From the waist we draw lines to the shoulders. It turns out something like a trapezoid.

    Step 8 Now you need to draw the lower part of the man's torso. Its bottom mark coincides with the mark where the 4th head ends (you might think we are talking about Gorynych ... But we will learn how easy it is to draw a person, and proportional). Here is the widest part of the pelvis. And this part in men, as in women, is wider than the waist. I note that if we, then the picture may be completely different. But just as we have a quite slender man in the dawn of his strength, the lower part of the torso will be in the form of a trapezoid tapering to the top.

    Step 9 How to draw human legs? Let's start with the knees. Let's depict them with two circles located at the level of the 6th head (its upper part).

    Step 10. We draw the hips. There is nothing complicated here. We draw straight lines, connecting the knees with the pelvis.

    Step 11 We continue to draw the legs of a man. Now we will depict the joints connecting the feet and lower legs. They are called so - the ankle joints and are located just below the middle of the 7th head.

    Step 12. We connect the ankle and knee joints with rounded lines.

    Step 13 The legs are almost drawn. Now we need to depict the feet of our man. To do this, we use elongated ovals.

    Step 14 Next question: how to draw a human hand? As in the process of drawing the legs, let's start by drawing the joints. Elbow joints are located at waist level or slightly lower.

    Step 15 With the help of circles, we depict the location of the carpal (wrist) joints. We determine their location, all also focusing on the marks of the height of the head. The wrist joints are located just above the lower border of the torso.

    Step 16 Now let's draw the man's shoulders (this is what the upper part of the arm is called), connecting the elbow joints and the upper part of the torso, as shown in the figure.

    Step 17 Now we draw the forearms by connecting the elbow and wrist joints.

    Step 18 It remains to draw the hands. In this step, we will draw them in a generalized way. The length of the palm is equal to the height of the face. I note, not the head, but the face - the distance from the chin to the hairline. When a person's hands are relaxed (as we have in the figure), the palms are slightly bent, respectively, their length becomes even smaller. But, in any case, the hands hang below the widest line of the pelvis. Not much! No more than half of the 5th head.

    So we learned how to draw a person correctly. But, in this moment, this is not quite a person, but something from geometric shapes. It's time to start drawing the figure.

    Step 19 The oval is just the base for the head. Indeed, in fact, this part of the body has a slightly different shape than egg. Take a look at the picture. The ears extend beyond the oval. The position of the ears depends on the inclination of the person's head. On this figure head slightly raised. Therefore, the ears occupy the space from the line of the eyes to the line of the lips. If the head is straight, the ears will be located from the line of the eyebrows to the tip of the nose. The parietal bones (upper part of the head) are slightly wider than the jaw.

    Although, in cartoons and cartoons, often the jaw is drawn wider than the head in order to achieve a funny thug effect (example below).

    So, you can, or for now, outline the lines, as in the picture below.

    We draw a person in clothes that fit the body loosely enough. Therefore, the clothes go beyond the line of construction. At this stage, the construction lines can be erased.

    So, we learned how to draw a man with a pencil step by step. Here's what we got.

    It is not necessary to leave a person bald. It remains to draw the hair of a man. For example, here is a short haircut:

    Or draw him a hairstyle with bangs. I note that the hair makes the head even more voluminous. Hair goes beyond the oval.

    The last step is to add some hatching. Now the drawing has acquired a more interesting and finished look.

    In the same way, you can draw a person in a suit. Consider the length of the jacket. It ends approximately where the middle of the palm is (if the arms are lowered down). Do not forget about the arrows on the trousers and the tie.

    The man in the suit can be anyone. So you can draw the profession of a person - a security guard, a businessman, a manager.

    Who doesn't remember famous work Leonardo da Vinci where artistic scheme vividly illustrates the proportionality of the human body. Harmoniously designed, it looks incredibly beautiful. But we ourselves should figure out how to draw a person. It is worth learning to convey this harmony of the proportions of the human body. How? Now I will try to show what discoveries I made for myself in drawing a human figure.

    Some kind of manual on how to draw a human body will come to my aid, a set for creativity from the necessary items for every artist, both a professional and a beginner, for example, a preschooler: paper, pencils, a ruler and an eraser. My son, who is 7 years old, will also come to my rescue.. My baby and I decided that our model of a person is a man in jeans and a T-shirt. His photo was found by us on one of the sites.

    But I want to note right away that this step-by-step instruction assumes that those who follow these drawing lessons can easily repeat any step. And even a child can do it easily..

    We distribute the entire execution of a person’s drawing into several stages:

    • Ancillary work;
    • Detailing the picture;
    • We “revive” the drawing of a human figure.
    So we can draw a person in stages with a pencil. Go!

    Ancillary work

    First of all, we make a schematic sketch, taking into account the proportions of a person.

    How to draw sketches of people? To do this, you need to start small. We make the image of an oval. This will be the head. We measure its size. I got it 2 cm long. The proportions of a person are such that you need to measure only 7 such lengths in order to depict a person of average height.

    Here is a sketch of the silhouette. It is difficult to see a picture of a person in this. But this is how we will understand how to draw a person in full growth.

    Now we are waiting for exclusively step-by-step work.


    The neck of a person can be different. But I went with the average. The neck is usually not wider than the head, and at the same time not too thin, about half the width of the head.

    Do not forget that this is a pencil drawing for beginners and there may be any inaccuracies in it. With practice, you can achieve good success and even understand how to teach a child to draw a person, no matter how old he is.


    To draw the shoulder line, it is important to take into account the fact that, on average, in a man they are the same length as the head. And one moment. We draw the shoulders with a slight downward slope (see the picture above).


    How to draw a human figure? The next moment is how to "find" and draw our person's waist. Markup will help with this. If my head is 2 cm, then I will determine the waist below the fifth cm, approximately 5.2-5.3. I put a dot and draw from it horizontal line, which will be greater than the width of the head, but less than the span of the shoulders. I connect this line with the shoulder line.


    The fourth mark (from top to bottom) will be the point of the lower torso. It is usually wider than the waist, but should not be wider than the shoulders. Draw a horizontal line. We connect its edges with the waist.


    The drawing of a person should be supplemented with the "production" of the legs. How easy is it to do? Let's break this down into several steps:


    We are approaching the final stage and supplementing the drawing of a person with another important detail - the hands. And again we divide this step of the image of a person with a pencil in stages:
    In general, we figured out how to draw a figure. But that is not all. Now the model needs to work out individual details.

    Picture detail

    Our pencil-drawn man needs a face to "appear". And therefore, we depict each element in the picture. And these are the ears, and the hairstyle, and the eyes, nose and eyebrows.

    We were able to draw a human figure. But it was only a scheme. Now we work on each detail of his clothes separately. We make folds on clothes, and even mark some noticeable seams.

    We erase all auxiliary lines. And now we see that this is more reminiscent of a human appearance than the picture of a robot "on hinges" was before.

    Bringing our model to life

    We figured out how to draw the body. And now we will dress this body. In the photo that we chose as a model, a man in jeans and a T-shirt. We show all this in our image.

    Do not forget about the chiaroscuro effect, as this makes the work more voluminous.

    If until now it was difficult for children to explain some points, then even a child who is a year or two will cope with the coloring stage.

    The child and I tried and we got quite the same pretty man. Perhaps in the future we will be able to learn how to portray a girl and a child. The main thing is the beginning. Good luck in your future practice!

    See below for a few more options.

    If you have little experience in drawing, then today we will fix it. We will show a child how to draw a person, so that any beginner will master this lesson. This is not as difficult as it might seem at first. If you are already at a more serious level, then you can try the lesson where it is shown. And all beginners stay with us, and we continue.

    All we need is a sheet of paper and pencils. Forward!

    Step 1. At the top of a sheet of paper, draw an oval with a pencil. This will be the head.

    Step 2 Now draw a rectangle and connect it to the oval with a small segment. Later it will be the human body. As you can see, everything is simple, not only a beginner, but also a child can draw it. Let's move on to the next step.

    Step 3 Draw lines down from the corners of the rectangle. So they drew primitive legs.

    Step 4 Let's draw now primitive hands of the person. To do this, draw straight lines from the upper corners of the rectangle. At the end of the lines, add a few small segments for the fingers.

    Step 5 In the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hands, we will draw a couple more lines.

    Step 6 At this stage, we draw in more detail the legs of a person.

    Step 7 Let's add ears on the head. To do this, draw small semicircles on the sides of the oval.

    Step 8 We draw a hairstyle for our character. Here you can show imagination, so it is not necessary to follow the example.

    Step 9 Let's add detailed details to the ears. We draw a pair of curls inside each ear.

    Step 10 Now let's pay special attention to the face. Let's draw the eyes, eyebrows, nose and mouth. It's not hard at all if you look at the example. Therefore, a child or a beginner can easily draw a person's facial features with a pencil.

    Step 11 Now we will draw a shirt. To do this, carefully look at the example and do the same. Don't forget to draw the neck and collar.

    Step 12 Let's draw the palms and fingers on the hands.

    Step 13 At this stage we will draw trousers and boots. Please note that the trousers have folds in the knee area. On the boots, do not forget to show the lacing.

    Step 14 We only have a little left. We erase all the extra lines that we drew on early stages, circle the main kennel. After that, color the drawing with colored pencils.

    Our drawing is ready. I hope so detailed step by step instructions helped the child draw a person in stages. Beginners shouldn't have any problems either.

    If, nevertheless, any difficulties arose during the task, then the video lesson will clearly show how it was necessary to draw a person correctly with a pencil in stages. Watch and compare with your results

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