What works predict the future. Art anticipates the future


Any piece of art directed towards the future. In the history of art, one can find many examples of artists warning their fellow citizens about an impending social danger: wars, splits, revolutions, etc. The ability to providence is inherent in great artists, perhaps it is precisely in it main force art.

German painter and Renaissance graphic artist Albrecht Dürer () created a series of engravings "Apocalypse" (Greek apokalypsis revelation, this word serves as the title of one of the ancient church books that contains prophecies about the end of the world). The artist expressed an alarming expectation of world-historical changes, which really shook Germany after a while. Albrecht Dürer

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse The most significant of this series is the engraving "Four Horsemen". Horsemen Death, Judgment, War, Pestilence rush furiously across the earth, sparing neither kings nor commoners. Swirling clouds and horizontal strokes of the background increase the speed of this frenzied gallop. But the archer's arrow rests on the right edge of the engraving, as if stopping this movement. According to the plot of the Apocalypse, horsemen appear on the ground in turn, but the artist specifically placed them side by side. Just like in life, war, pestilence, death, judgment come together. It is believed that the clue to this placement of figures is in Durer's desire to warn his contemporaries and descendants that, having crushed the wall that the artist erected in the form of the edge of the engraving, the riders will inevitably break into real world

The reason for the creation of "Guernica" by Pablo Picasso was the bombing of the Basque city of Guernica. During civil war In Spain, on April 26, 1937, the Condor Legion, a volunteer unit of the Luftwaffe, made a night raid on Guernica. Painting "Guernica" by P. Picasso Several air bombs were dropped on the city, which caused a devastating fire, as a result of which a significant part of the city was destroyed and, according to various estimates, about a person suffered. The artist showed the brutal face of war, a reflection of that terrible reality in abstract forms, and it is still in our anti-war arsenal.” In general, this picture is the best way to convey all the tragedy of heartlessness of people. Guernica by Pablo Picasso

Bolshevik. B. Kustodiev In the painting "Bolshevik" Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev (1878-1927) used a metaphor ( hidden meaning), which has not been solved for many decades. For many years this picture was interpreted as solemn anthem a steadfast, firm spirit, unbending revolutionary, towering over the ordinary world, which he overshadows with a red flag soaring into the sky. Many Events last decade 20th century made it possible to understand what the artist consciously or, most likely, unconsciously felt at the beginning of the century. Today this picture is filled with new content. But how the artists of that time managed to feel the coming social changes so accurately remains a mystery.

new planet. K. Yuon The new planet is Soviet Russia, the appearance of which shook the universe and moved the luminaries from their paths. Tiny figurines of people thrown to the ground in horror or stretching their arms to the sky flooded with mystical light are called to remind that the fate of one person is insignificant against the backdrop of world cataclysms, one of which Yuon sees the October Revolution.

IN musical art an example of foresight is the piece for orchestra "The Question Left Unanswered" (" space landscape») American composer C. Ives (). Unanswered question It was created at the beginning of the 20th century. at the time when they were scientific discoveries in the field of space exploration and creation aircraft(K. Tsiolkovsky). This piece, built on the dialogue of strings and woodwinds, became philosophical reflection about the place and role of man in the universe.

Aristarkh Vasilyevich Lentulov () The picture is a real polyphony of planes and semicircles, which are spread over the field of the canvas and are associated with sound waves emanating from the bell tower of Ivan the Great. In the imagination, this canvas evokes polyphonic Easter raspberry chimes. The cubo-futuristic style of writing does not interfere with the recognition of white-stone chambers and towers traditional for Russia with characteristic arches, openings and domes. The unstable cone of the bell tower tilts its head towards the main dome, and they seem to be embraced by a single rhythm emanating from the ringer in the center of the picture, trying to swing the bell. The cascade of color-sound waves is combined with light sectors of triangles and semicircles, creating a holistic image of the microcosm. Ivan the Great belltower

In the paintings "Moscow" and "St. Basil's" unprecedented, fantastic forces shift established forms and concepts, a chaotic mixture of colors conveys kaleidoscopic, fragile images of the city and individual structures that break into countless elements. All this appears before the audience as a moving, shimmering, sounding, emotionally saturated world. The wide use of metaphor helps the artist to turn ordinary things into vivid generalized images. Moscow Vasily Blazhenny

Page Look up the meaning of the word "woodcut" in the dictionary. A series of engravings by A. Durer "Apocalypse" was made in this technique. What did the artist want to express in his paintings: anxiety, electrified consciousness of his contemporaries? changeable impermanence of the world? feeling of joy and brightness of life? Express your opinion about artistic images paintings. Consider K. Yuon's painting "The New Planet", painted in 1921. Give an interpretation of the idea of ​​this painting from the position of a person of today. Artistic and creative task literary script on the topic " bells Russia "(" And the bell ringing rushes over the earth ... ").

Ticket number 11 (1)

Any work of art is directed to the future. In the history of art, one can find many examples of artists warning their fellow citizens about an impending social danger: wars, splits, revolutions, etc. The ability to provide is inherent in great artists, perhaps it is precisely in this that the main strength of art lies.

The German Renaissance painter and graphic artist Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528) created a series of engravings "Apocalypse" (Greek apokalypsis - revelation - this word serves as the title of one of the ancient church books that contains prophecies about the end of the world). The artist expressed an alarming expectation of world-historical changes, which really shook Germany after a while. The most significant of this series is the engraving "The Four Horsemen". Horsemen - Death, Judgment, War, Pestilence - rush furiously across the earth, sparing neither kings nor commoners. Swirling clouds and horizontal strokes of the background increase the speed of this frenzied gallop. But the archer's arrow rests on the right edge of the engraving, as if stopping this movement. According to the plot of the Apocalypse, horsemen appear on the ground in turn, but the artist specifically placed them side by side. Everything is like in life - war, pestilence, death, judgment come together. It is believed that the key to this placement of figures is Dürer's desire to warn his contemporaries and descendants that, having crushed the wall that the artist erected in the form of the edge of the engraving, the riders will inevitably burst into the real world.

Etchings by F. Goya, paintings “Guernica” by P. Picasso, “Bolshevik” by B. Kustodiev, “New Planet” by K. Yuon and many others can be considered examples of predictions by the art of social change and upheaval. In the painting "Bolshevik" Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev (1878-1927) used a metaphor (hidden meaning), which for many decades has not been unraveled. Using this example, one can understand how the content of the picture is filled with new meaning, how the era, with its new views, changed value orientations, puts new meanings into the content.

For many years, this picture was interpreted as a solemn hymn to a staunch, firm spirit, unbending revolutionary, towering over the ordinary world, which he overshadows with a red flag soaring into the sky. Events of the last decade of the twentieth century. made it possible to understand what the artist consciously or, most likely, unconsciously felt at the beginning of the century. Today, this picture, like K. Yuon's "New Planet", is filled with new content. But how the artists of that time managed to feel the coming social changes so accurately remains a mystery. In the art of music, an example of this kind of foresight is the piece for orchestra "The Unanswered Question" ("Space Landscape") by the American composer C. Ives (1874-1954). It was created at the beginning of the 20th century. - at a time when scientific discoveries were made in the field of space exploration and the creation of aircraft (K. Tsiolkovsky). This piece, built on the dialogue of strings and woodwinds, has become a philosophical reflection on the place and role of man in the universe.

Russian artist Aristarkh Vasilyevich Lentulov (1882-1943) in his dynamic compositions sought to express internal energy object. Crushing objects, pushing them against each other, shifting planes and plans, he created the feeling of a world changing at lightning speed. In this restless, shifting, rushing and split space one can guess the familiar outlines of Moscow cathedrals, views of Novgorod, historical events expressed in allegorical form, flowers and even portraits. Lentulov is excited by the bottomless depths of human consciousness, which is in constant motion. He is attracted by the opportunity to convey something that is not depictable at all, for example, the spreading sound in the film “Ring. Ivan the Great belltower".

In the paintings "Moscow" and "St. Basil's" unprecedented, fantastic forces shift established forms and concepts, a chaotic mixture of colors conveys kaleidoscopic, fragile images of the city and individual structures that break into countless elements. All this appears before the audience as a moving, shimmering, sounding, emotionally saturated world. The wide use of metaphor helps the artist to turn ordinary things into vivid generalized images. In Russian musical art, the theme of bells has found a vivid embodiment in the work of various composers of the past and present: (M. Glinka, M. Mussorgsky, S. Rachmaninov, G. Sviridov, V. Gavrilin. A. Petrov, etc.)

Look up the meaning of the word "woodcut" in the dictionary. A series of engravings by A. Durer "Apocalypse" was made in this technique.

Give your interpretation of the idea of ​​B. Kustodiev's painting "Bolshevik". Compare B. Kustodiev's paintings "Bolshevik", "Merchant" and "Portrait of Chaliapin". What technique is typical, characteristic of the artist's style? What artistic images does he create with the help of similar means of expression?

What did the artist want to express in his paintings: anxiety, electrified consciousness of his contemporaries? changeable impermanence of the world? feeling of joy and brightness of life? Express your opinion about the artistic images of the paintings.

Consider K. Yuon's painting "The New Planet", painted in 1921. Give an interpretation of the idea of ​​this painting from the position of a person of today.

Watch a fragment of the film "Andrey Rublev" (director A. Tarkovsky, composer V. Ovchinnikov). Try to explain why the film, in which the Russian land, tormented by the raids of the Tatars and internecine wars of princes, hunger, arbitrariness, cruelty, still evokes bright feelings.

Develop a musical and literary script on the topic “The Bell Ringing of Russia” (“And the bell ringing rushes over the earth ...”).

artistic thinking at the forefront of science

Of course, for art, the prediction of the future or the discovery of new scientific facts is not main goal, this is just one of its many features. You could say it's a side effect. But it is very indicative for understanding the significance of artistic and figurative thinking in the cultural development of mankind. As is known, cultural development includes technical advances. In the history of culture there are many different facts confirming this.

Renaissance genius Leonardo da Vinci already in the 15th century. developed a model aircraft! True, it was never built then, but the drawings were preserved.

French writer Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850) in his epic " human comedy”, which includes many novels and stories, before scientists made separate observations related to the biological nature of man, studied the psychology of mental deformation of the individual.

The French writer Jules Verne (1828-1905), one of the founders of the science fiction genre, predicted flights to the moon at a time when there were no planes, let alone rockets. In many works of the writer there is a protest against the use of science for criminal purposes. So he foresaw this opportunity!

Russian writer, Count Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy (1882-1945), author of famous historical novels, wrote several equally popular science fiction works. In them, he predicted the appearance of a laser and spacecraft.

Russian engineer Lev Sergeevich Termen (1896-1993) foresaw the appearance of a modern synthesizer and the sound electronic music. In 1920, he invented the theremin - an electric musical instrument on which sound is extracted by moving the performer's hands in an electromagnetic field near a metal antenna. Theremin can sound like a violin, cello, flute. The instrument is designed to perform any (classical, pop, jazz) musical works, as well as to create various sound effects (birdsong, whistling, etc.), which are used in the dubbing of films, in theatrical performances, circus programs. L. Theremin believed that the most successful work for demonstrating the possibilities of the theremin was "Vocalise" by S. Rachmaninov.

Science fiction not only designed technical progress mankind, but also sought to predict the future of man and society.

Artistic and creative task

Create a composition by means of any kind of art that reflects your idea of ​​the future of Russia and the world.

Any work of art is directed to the future. In the history of art, one can find many examples of artists warning their fellow citizens about an impending social danger: wars, splits, revolutions, etc. The ability to work is inherent in great artists, perhaps it is precisely in this that the main strength of art lies. Any work of art is directed to the future. In the history of art, one can find many examples of artists warning their fellow citizens about an impending social danger: wars, splits, revolutions, etc. The ability to work is inherent in great artists, perhaps it is precisely in this that the main strength of art lies.

Albrecht Dürer The German Renaissance painter and graphic artist Albrecht Dürer () created a series of engravings "Apocalypse" (Greek apokalypsis - revelation - this word serves as the name of one of the ancient books that contains prophecies about the end of the world). The artist expressed an alarming expectation of world-historical changes, which really shook Germany after a while.

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse The most significant of this series is the engraving "Four Horsemen". Horsemen - Death, Judgment, War, Pestilence - rush furiously across the earth, sparing neither kings nor commoners. Swirling clouds and horizontal strokes of the background increase the speed of this frenzied gallop. But the archer's arrow rests on the right edge of the engraving, as if stopping this movement.

Etchings by F. Goya, paintings "Guernica" by P. Picasso, "Bolshevik" by B. Kustodiev, "New Planet" by K. Yuon and many others can be considered an example of predictions by the art of social change and upheaval. Etchings by F. Goya, paintings "Guernica" by P. Picasso, "Bolshevik" by B. Kustodiev, "New Planet" by K. Yuon and many others can be considered an example of predictions by the art of social change and upheaval.

"Guernica" by Pablo Picasso The reason for the creation of "Guernica" by Pablo Picasso was the bombing of the city of the country of bucks - Guernica. During the Spanish Civil War, on April 26, 1937, the Condor Legion, a volunteer unit of the Luftwaffe, carried out a night raid on Guernica. Painting "Guernica" by P. Picasso Several air bombs were dropped on the city, which caused a permissive fire, as a result of which a significant part of the city was destroyed and, according to various calculations, about a person was injured. The artist showed the brutal face of war, a reflection of that terrible reality in abstract forms, and it is still in our anti-war arsenal. In general, this picture perfectly conveys the tragedy of the heartlessness of people.

Bolshevik. B. Kustodiev In the painting "Bolshevik" Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev () used a metaphor (hidden meaning), which for many decades has not been unraveled. For many years, this picture was interpreted as a solemn hymn to a staunch, firm spirit, unbending revolutionary, towering over the ordinary world, which he overshadows with a red flag soaring into the sky. Many events of the last decade of the XX century. made it possible to understand what the artist consciously or, most likely, unconsciously felt at the beginning of the century. Today this picture is filled with new content. But how the artists of that time managed to feel the coming social changes so accurately remains a mystery.

New planet. K. Yuon The new planet is Soviet Russia, the appearance of which shook the universe and shifted the luminaries from their paths. Tiny figurines of people thrown to the ground in horror or stretching their arms to the sky flooded with mystical light are called to remind that the fate of one person is insignificant against the backdrop of world cataclysms, one of which Yuon sees as the "October Revolution".

Unanswered Question In the art of music, an example of foresight is the piece for orchestra "The Unanswered Question" ("Space Landscape") by the American composer C. Ives (). It was created at the beginning of the 20th century. - at the time when scientific discoveries were made in the field of space exploration and the creation of aircraft (K. Tsiolkovsky). This piece, built on the dialogue of strings and woodwinds, has become a philosophical reflection on the place and role of man in the Universe.

Aristarkh Vasilyevich Lentulov () Ivan the Great Bell Tower

In the paintings "Moscow" and "St. Basil's" unprecedented, fantastic forces shift established forms and concepts, a chaotic shift of colors convey kaleidoscopic, fragile images of the city and individual structures that break into countless elements. All this appears before the audience as a moving, shimmering, sounding, emotionally saturated world. The wide use of metaphor helps the artist to turn ordinary things into vivid generalized images.

In the history of art, one can find many examples of artists warning their fellow citizens about an impending social danger: wars, splits, revolutions, etc. The ability to provide is inherent in great artists, perhaps it is precisely in this that the main strength of art lies.

The German painter and graphic artist of the Renaissance Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528) created a series of engravings "Apocalypse" (Greek apokalypsis - revelation - this word serves as the title of one of the ancient church books, which contains prophecies about the end of the world). The artist expressed an alarming expectation of world-historical changes, which really shook Germany after a while. The most significant of this series is the engraving "The Four Horsemen". Horsemen - Death, Judgment, War, Pestilence - rush furiously across the earth, sparing neither kings nor commoners. Swirling clouds and horizontal strokes of the background increase the speed of this frenzied gallop. But the archer's arrow rests on the right edge of the engraving, as if stopping this movement.

According to the plot of the Apocalypse, horsemen appear on the ground in turn, but the artist specifically placed them side by side. Everything is like in life - war, pestilence, death, judgment come together. It is believed that the key to this placement of figures is Dürer's desire to warn his contemporaries and descendants that, having crushed the wall that the artist erected in the form of the edge of the engraving, the riders will inevitably burst into the real world.

Etchings by F. Goya, paintings “Guernica” by P. Picasso, “Bolshevik” by B. Kustodiev, “New Planet” by K. Yuon and many others can be considered examples of predictions by the art of social change and upheaval.

In the painting Bolshevik, Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev (1878–1927) used a metaphor (hidden meaning) that had not been unraveled for many decades. Using this example, one can understand how the content of the picture is filled with new meaning, how the era, with its new views, changed value orientations, puts new meanings into the content.

For many years, this picture was interpreted as a solemn hymn to a staunch, firm spirit, unbending revolutionary, towering over the ordinary world, which he overshadows with a red flag soaring into the sky. Events of the last decade of the twentieth century. made it possible to understand what the artist consciously or, most likely, unconsciously felt at the beginning of the century. Today, this picture, like K. Yuon's "New Planet", is filled with new content. But how the artists of that time managed to feel the coming social changes so accurately remains a mystery.

In the art of music, an example of this kind of foresight is the piece for orchestra "The Unanswered Question" ("Space Landscape") by the American composer C. Ives (1874-1954). It was created at the beginning of the 20th century. - at a time when scientific discoveries were made in the field of space exploration and the creation of aircraft (K. Tsiolkovsky). This piece, built on the dialogue of strings and woodwinds, has become a philosophical reflection on the place and role of man in the universe.

The Russian artist Aristarkh Vasilievich Lentulov (1882-1943) sought to express the inner energy of an object in his dynamic compositions. Crushing objects, pushing them against each other, shifting planes and plans, he created the feeling of a world changing at lightning speed. In this restless, shifting, rushing and split space, the familiar outlines of Moscow cathedrals, views of Novgorod, historical events expressed in allegorical form, flowers and even portraits are guessed.

Lentulov is excited by the bottomless depths of human consciousness, which is in constant motion. He is attracted by the opportunity to convey what is generally indescribable, for example, the spreading sound in the film “Ring. Ivan the Great belltower".

In the paintings "Moscow" and "St. Basil's" unprecedented, fantastic forces shift established forms and concepts, a chaotic mixture of colors conveys kaleidoscopic, fragile images of the city and individual structures that break into countless elements. All this appears before the audience as a moving, shimmering, sounding, emotionally saturated world. The wide use of metaphor helps the artist to turn ordinary things into vivid generalized images.

In Russian musical art, the theme of bells has found a vivid embodiment in the work of various composers of the past and present: (M. Glinka, M. Mussorgsky, S. Rachmaninov, G. Sviridov, V. Gavrilin, A. Petrov, etc.).

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Mars has two natural satellites
Such an amazingly accurate guess.
can be found on the pages of the book
"Gulliver's Travels"
written by Jonathan Swift in
1735. Only 142 years later, in
1872 satellites of the Red Planet -
Phobos and Deimos - were discovered

solar sails
In 1865, in a fantastic
novel "From the Earth to the Moon"
Jules Verne came up with the idea
solar sails. This bold
conjecture came true
145 years later, when
used the first solar
sail (IKAROS).

Submarine on
In "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea"
(1870) all the same Vern
amazing submarine "Nautilus"
works on electricity.
Real submarines with
electric motor
appeared 90 years later - in the 60s
years of the twentieth century.

Credit cards
Edward Bellamy predicted
advent of credit cards
his fantastic
work "Looking Back"
62 years before their invention,
which happened in 1962.

And a few years later
Wells wrote the story
"Land battleships"
(1903), in which he described tanks.
13 years later, these combat
cars appeared in the fields
battles of the First World

Lie detector
In fiction
the first mention of a lie detector
can be found in E.
Ballmer and W. McHagen "Luther
Trent" (1910). First
real polygraph application
happened in 1924.

solar energy
In 1911 Hugo Gernsbeck
novel "Ralph 124C 41+"
predicted the use
solar energy for the good
humanity. 67 years have passed and
in 1978 the first
calculators that
energized by our

Atomic bomb
One of the darkest predictions made by HG Wells -
the invention of the atomic bomb and nuclear war, described in the book
"The Liberated World" (1914).
It's been a little more than three decades and atomic bombs fell on
Japanese cities. By the way, in the same novel, the English science fiction
spoke about cheap nuclear energy.

Voice mail
It took about 57 years for
implementation of the prediction
Wells on the use
voice mail (novel "People as
gods"). Spread it
technical innovation received
after 1980.

Description of this type
miniature headphones can
read in the pages of a novel
Ray Bradbury's 451 Degrees
Fahrenheit, published in 1950
year. Music lovers had to
wait a little more than half a century,
while Apple released
to market the first headphones of this

Communications satellites
In "Space Odyssey 2001"
year "(1951) American
science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke
predicted the appearance in orbit
Earth of artificial satellites
connections. Didn't have to wait long...
launched in 1965
the first such satellite.

A virtual reality
Five years later Clark
wrote "The City and the Stars", where
video games mentioned
virtual reality. In 1966
year, that is, only 10 years
later, the first was developed
flight simulator, embodied in
life this ingenious guess
science fiction.

Distinguished in the field of predictions and
another famous fantasy
Robert Heinlein. In a 1961 book
"Stranger in a Strange Land"
description of water beds, and
the first patent for them was issued in

Bionic prosthetics
Martin Caidin came up with this idea
on the pages of his "Cyborg"
(1972). 41 years later, in 2013,
created the first bionic
leg prosthesis.

The best human chess player
will be beaten by computer until 2000
of the year
This is precisely the prediction made by Raymond Kurzweil in The Age of
intelligent machines”, published in 1990, when chess
computers were beaten almost without problems by grandmasters.
However, after only 7 years, the supercomputer Deep Blue beat Harry
Kasparov - the strongest chess player on the planet.
Today, chess programs are so strong that a match between
human and computer has lost all sporting meaning.

The lunar module will be launched on
Florida and, returning to Earth,
splashed down in the ocean
104 years before the flight of Apollo 11 to the moon, this is exactly how it was
described in Jules Verne's novel "From the Earth to the Moon" (1865).
Everything went according to the same scenario in reality - the team
American astronauts led by Neil Armstrong splashed down
in a special module and was soon picked up by the Hornett aircraft carrier.


Russian teacher and
Spitsyna Tatyana Viktorovna

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