Analysis of the literary evening of entertainment in the preparatory group. Scenario of literary entertainment for children of the senior group "journey to the country of books"



non-traditional event with parents

literary living room

"Mom, Dad, I am a Reading Family"

Developed by:

Deputy head of water resources management

MBDOU d / s No. 20,

Vashchenko A.F.,


Bulbas N.P.

Target : to find out how many or few reading families are in our group. Do parents devote enough time to their children at home to read fiction. Establishment of emotional contact between teachers, parents and children, improvement of parent-child relations, stimulation of pupils of the senior preschool age cognitive activity, instilling love, interest in the book and the need for reading.

Tasks :

Promote children's interest in books;

To form in preschoolers the ability to determine the content literary works according to illustrations, excerpts from books;

To form the ability of children to freely express their thoughts;

To educate preschoolers respect for the work of writers and poets.

Equipment: books, cubes depicting fairy-tale characters; illustrations for famous fairy tales and works, for display on a multimedia board (ICT); chips and prizes (books) for the quiz; recording of the musical warm-up "Kolobok" and "Warm-up sitting".

Event progress:

The hall is decorated with illustrations from famous fairy tales and an exhibition of handicrafts and drawings of joint creativity of parents and children "My favorite fairy tales".


Dear Parents! Today we have an unusual meeting. We have gathered today to discuss the following question: how much and how often do you read books and fairy tales to children.

You ask: “Why do children need fairy tales?”. For many centuries, children listened to Russian folk tales. They were told by grandmothers, mothers and nannies. Now parents and grandmothers have forgotten how to tell fairy tales, but have they not forgotten how to read yet? A child who listens to fairy tales from childhood grows up with a healthy soul. Can't read every day a new fairy tale, because before our ancestors told a fairy tale so many times that the child would have time to learn it by heart. Only in this way can the baby learn those moral categories that were laid down in the fairy tale. Therefore, read aloud to your children so that in the future your child will do as they do. good heroes from good Russian fairy tales.

The book is true

The book is the first

Book - best friend Guys.

We can't live without a book

We can't live without a book! -

All the guys are talking.

Mom reads a book to me

About the bunny and the fox...

I would have heard about the war

Only my mother is a girl.

She'll probably be bored

So, that even yawns.

Okay, tomorrow about the war

Dad reads at night.

And today is about a bunny

And about the teddy bear.

At least about a mouse, at least about a bump -

It doesn't matter if there is a book!

I read a book with my mother

And then a little tired.

I woke up, my mother is sleeping,

The book is next to it.

The book is called

"Sleeping Beauty"

And now let's check the knowledge of our children and parents about fairy-tale characters. I suggest that you divide into two teams to hold a small contest "Guess the fairy tale." I will give you riddles in turn, and you answer. If a team does not know the answer, another team can answer. For each correct answer, you get a chip. At the end of our meeting, we will count the chips, and whoever has more of them wins.

And so, the first question to the team…..

1. Grandmother loved the girl very much,

She gave her a red hat.

The girl forgot her name.

Well, tell me her name. (Little Red Riding Hood)

Next question for the team...

2. Mixed on sour cream,

It's cold on the window

round side,

rosy side

Rolled…. (Kolobok)

3. She is the most important of all in a riddle,

Although she lived in the cellar:

Pull the turnip out of the garden

Helped my grandparents. (Mouse from "Turnip")

4. Waiting for mom with milk,

They let the wolf into the house.

Who were these little children? (Seven kids)

5. Near the forest at the edge

Three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a clue

Who are the heroes of this tale? (Three Bears)

6. The nose is round, patchy,

It is convenient for them to dig in the ground,

The tail is small, crochet,

Instead of shoes - hooves

Three of them - and to what extent

The brothers are friendly.

Guess without a clue

Who are the heroes of this tale? (Three piglets)

Well done kids and parents! You all did well with the competition riddles.

And now we are waiting for another competition. You need to guess the hero of the fairy tale who owns the words and name the fairy tale itself. Listen carefully. Whose team raises their hand first is the one to answer. Shouts from the place for the correct answer are not accepted, only a raised hand.

1. As I jump out, as I jump out - Shreds will go along the back streets. (Fox from the fairy tale "The Fox and the Hare")

2. Don't sit on a stump, don't eat a pie. (Masha from the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear")

3. Stove, mother, hide us! (Sister from the fairy tale "Geese-swans")

4. Who found the spikelet? And who carried the grain to the mill? Who kneaded the dough?

Did you carry firewood? Fired up the oven? Who baked pies? (Cockerel from the fairy tale "Spikelet")

5. I don’t have a mustache, but mustache, not paws, but paws,

Not teeth, but teeth - I'm not afraid of anyone! (Hare from the fairy tale "Hare - brag")

6. I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather ... (Kolobok from the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man")

Good girls! You all answered correctly and guessed the heroes of the fairy tale. Show me who has the most chips?

Our kids have been a little busy. Let's show everyone how we can dance. We are just with you last riddle there was a prokolobok, and I propose to do a warm-up "Gingerbread Man". Dear Parents, join us!

Thanks to our young talents!

And now I want to show you some illustrations for familiar fairy tales. I think that both children and parents can easily guess and recognize the fairy tale from these pictures. (on a multimedia board, a slide show with illustrations for fairy tales):

1. "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"

2. "The Swan Princess"

1. "The Frog Princess"

2. "Sleeping Princess"

1. "Ivan Tsarevich on a gray wolf"

2. "Snow Maiden"

1. "Three heroes"

(for each correct answer a chip is given)

Leading: - And here's another little task. It's called " Magic Items". You need to answer me in turn, what magical means - objects did the fairy-tale heroes have? (multimedia shows the heroes of fairy tales and their magical means)

1. -At Pinocchio (golden key).

2. -At Cinderella (glass slipper).

3.-At Little Red Riding Hood (basket with pies).

1. -At the Snow Queen (magic mirror).

2. - The sleeping beauty was put to sleep (spindle).

3.-Koshchei the immortal has death hidden (in the egg at the end of the game)

Educator: We sat around for a bit. And let's do a warm-up "Funny score".

caregiver: And our last competition task It's called "The Dance of Fairy Tales".

Teams also answer in turn.

What words did Tsarevich Ivan say to enter Baba Yaga's hut? (“Hut, hut, turn to me in front, and back to the forest!”)

The nose is special distinguishing feature this hero. (Pinocchio)

· The most round fairy-tale hero. (Kolobok)

A very competent friend of Winnie the Pooh. (Owl)

There is no river, no pond -

Where to drink water?

Very tasty water

In the hoof hole!

What is this fairy tale? (Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)

The red girl is sad:

She doesn't like spring

It's hard for her in the sun!

Tears are shed, poor thing! (Snow Maiden)

(teams for the correct answer are given a chip).

Well done kids and parents!

Dear parents! It can be seen that in your childhood you still read, and did not watch TV and did not sit at the computer. Here is our task with you to try to make our children read, who love to listen and tell fairy tales. We really hope that after our holiday you will still pick up a book more often, and not turn on cartoons for children!

With this, let me end our evening. And so that you do not leave us empty-handed, gifts are waiting for you all. Let these books be the beginning of your future, growing reading family!

I invite everyone to the samovar for fragrant tea with bagels!

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of the combined type No. 37 "Sun" Ust-Ilimsk 2015

Shayakhmetova Olga Alexandrovna, teacher-speech therapist.

Zatoplyaeva Lyubov Gerasimovna, teacher.

Shkurupinskaya Tatyana Petrovna, teacher.

Purpose: to familiarize parents with the traditions of family reading of literary works and create a single educational space for the use of the best examples of fiction in the social, moral, cognitive and speech development children.

Form of holding: a literary living room for parents of a preschool educational institution.

Participants: a speech therapist teacher, educators, parents of children of the younger and middle groups DOW.

Preliminary work:

Preparation of visual material:

  • Stand design for parents: "The world of Korney Chukovsky's fairy tales" , “Mom, dad, I am a reading family” , "Child and book" .
  • Selection of literary works by K. Chukovsky for children's reading and the creation of a library of poems and fairy tales of the writer.
  • Making costumes of fairy tale characters and attributes for a fairy tale jointly with parents "Fly Tsokotukha" .

Equipment: multimedia installation, presentation, cutting and plot pictures based on the fairy tales of K. Chukovsky: "Confusion" , "Telephone" , "Moydodyr" , "Barmaley;, items of fairy-tale characters: galosh, washcloth, jam, chocolate, balloon; audio recordings and attributes for the fairy tale "Fly-Tsokotuha" .


  • Information message for parents “The great storyteller K.I. Chukovsky" .
  • Games with parents:

"Say a word" .

"Familiar Pages" .

"Fairy tale character" .

"Basket of Fabulous Finds" .

"Mysteries of grandfather Korney" .

« extra item» .

  • Fairy tale dramatization "Fly Tsokotukha" .

Leading. Hello dear guests! We are glad to see you in this cozy room. 2015 has been declared the Year of Literature in Russia. And tonight we dedicate to the work of the scientist, writer, translator, literary critic Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky (slide - photograph by K.I. Chukovsky).

Not far from Moscow, in the village of Peredelkino (slide), in a small house for many years lived a man whom all the children of the country knew.

High growth, Long hands with big brushes large features faces, brush mustaches, naughty strands of hair hanging over the forehead, laughing eyes and a surprisingly light gait. Such is the appearance of the famous children's writer. It was he who invented many fairy-tale characters: Muhu-Tsokotukha, Aibolit, Barmaley, Moidodyr, with whom more than one generation of children grew up.

Pursuing literary criticism, Chukovsky began to write children's poems and fairy tales quite by accident. And it happened like this. He was taking his sick little son on the night train. The boy was capricious, moaning, crying. And in order to somehow entertain him, Korney Ivanovich began to tell: “There was a crocodile. He walked the streets... . The child suddenly fell silent and began to listen. And the next morning, barely waking up, he asked his father to continue.

Thus a fairy tale was born "Crocodile" . Interesting history of creation "Moydodyr" .

While working in his office, the writer heard a loud cry youngest daughter who did not want to bathe. Korney Ivanovich left the office, took the girl in his arms and quite unexpectedly for himself quietly said to her:

"I must, I must wash
Mornings and evenings
And unclean chimney sweeps -
Shame and disgrace! Shame and disgrace!"

So appeared "Moydodyr" .

Interesting fact. Korney Chukovsky is pseudonym writer. His real name is Nikolai Vasilyevich Korneichukov. Own literary name great storyteller thought up so successfully that it grew together with him and was inherited by his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

We will make an unusual journey with you and meet the heroes of Korney Chukovsky's fairy tales, which we fell in love with so much. You need to split into teams. Upon entering the hall, you were given colored chips. Participants with red chips - 1st team, with chips of blue color- 2nd team. And we will be judged by a fair jury (jury presentation). Answers are graded according to point system. For each correct answer you will receive points. Which team will have the most of them will receive the title of connoisseur of the works of K.I. Chukovsky. On the way, you will need ingenuity, humor, erudition and mutual assistance.

A game "Say a word" (slide)

The simplicity of the phrase, the clarity and sonority of the rhyme, vivid and memorable characters, sparkling humor - these are the features of the poetic tales of Korney Chukovsky, which are so easily and quickly remembered. As the kids say "they climb out of the tongue" . Even adults, now fathers and mothers themselves, grandparents, remember sonorous lines from childhood:

"The blanket has run away,
The sheet has flown
And pillow like a frog
Ran away from me."

And now we'll play a game "Say a word" . Finish the phrase I started and name the work of Korney Chukovsky. The answer will be accepted on the first raised hand.

Wax on your neck
You have under your nose ... a blot. ("Moydodyr" )

The fly went to the market
And I bought ... a samovar. ("Fly Tsokotukha" )

And again the bear:
- Oh, save the walrus!
swallowed yesterday
he is a sea ... urchin. ("Telephone" )

Look into the tub
And you will see there - ... a frog. ("Fedorino grief" )

With elephants on the go
We played ... leapfrog. ("Barmaley" )

The sea is on fire
Ran out of the sea ... whale. ("Confusion" )

It's a shame for the old to roar
You are not a hare, but ... a bear. ("Stolen Sun" )

But like a black iron leg
She ran, galloped ... a poker. ("Fedorino grief" )

Here the soap jumped
And clung to the hair
And wilted, and lathered,
And it bit like ... a wasp. ("Moydodyr" )

And the fox came to Aibolit:
- Oh, I was bitten by ... a wasp. ("Aibolit" )

Outcome. Well done!

A game "Familiar Pages" (slide)

Leading. There is hardly at least one adult who has not been familiar with the good-natured and courageous doctor from a fairy tale since childhood. "Aibolit" or with dirty Fedora from history "Fedorino grief" . So the game "Familiar Pages" , you need to assemble from parts of the picture and name the tales of Korney Chukovsky. For a correct answer - 1 point.

Tales for the 1st team: "Moydodyr" , "Barmaley" .

Tales for the 2nd team: "Confusion" , "Telephone" .

Outcome. Class! You completed the task quickly. Well done!

A game "Fairy tale character" (slide)

Leading. The characters invented by Korney Chukovsky are bright, original and memorable. They teach kids kindness, resourcefulness and justice. Name the hero of the story (slide).

  • Man rendering to beasts and birds medical care- this is ... Aibolit.
  • A ruthless pirate and cannibal, who hunted in Africa, who loves to eat small children - this is ... Barmaley.
  • The brave midget who defeated the sorcerer and sorcerer Brondulyak is ... Bibigon.
  • The talking washbasin, the head of the washbasins and the commander of the washcloths - this is ... Moidodyr.
  • The daredevil who defeated the Spider in a poem "Fly Tsokotukha" - ... Mosquito.
  • The grandmother from whom the dishes escaped is ... Fedora.

Outcome. Super! Great!

Grandma Fedor runs in.

Grandmother Fedor. And here I am - Fedor's grandmother (slide)! Oh, I'm upset. per century modern technologies very little time is spent family reading. Children know little about the works of children's writers. Therefore, they do not know how to expressively recite poems, correctly build sentences and clearly express their thoughts. Dear parents, do you read books to your kids and tell fairy tales? I'll check it out now.

A game "Basket of Fabulous Finds" (slide)

Grandmother Fedor. In my basket there are items that were lost by the fairy-tale heroes of K. Chukovsky. Guess what this item is? For the correct answer - 2 points.

  • Favorite delicacy of crocodiles from a fairy tale "Telephone" .

This…? (Galosha)

  • What did the crocodile swallow in a fairy tale "Moydodyr" .

This? (washcloth)

  • What was treated to a butterfly in a fairy tale "Fly Tsokotukha" .

This? (Jam)

  • How did the doctor treat hippos in a fairy tale "Dr. Aibolit" .

This? (Chocolate)

  • What did mosquitoes ride in a fairy tale "Cockroach" .

This? (Balloon)

Outcome. Well done!

Mysteries of grandfather Korney (slide)

Grandmother Fedor. Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky was very fond of composing riddles for children. Try to unravel them.

Was White House, wonderful house,
And something clicked in him.
And he crashed, and from there
A living miracle ran out

(Egg and chicken)

Red doors in my cave
White animals sit at the door.
And meat and bread - all my booty
I gladly give to the white beasts.

(Mouth and teeth)

I walk - I wander not through the forests
And in the mustache, in the hair,
And my teeth are longer
Than wolves and bears.


The sage saw the sage in him,
A fool is a fool, a ram is a ram,
A sheep saw a sheep in him,
And a monkey - a monkey.
But they brought Fedya Baratov to him
And Fedya saw the shaggy slut.


Outcome. Bravo! They amazed me with their ingenuity!

A game "Extra Item" (slide)

Grandmother Fedor.

Well, the last task! On the tables are objects from different fairy tales by K.I. Chukovsky. You need to select only those things that fit the fairy tale of your team.

1st team - a fairy tale "Moydodyr" (soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, towel, comb).

2nd team - a fairy tale "Fedorino grief" (plate, saucer, saucepan, spoon, fork).

Outcome. Youths! good parents You know fairy tales and read to your children. Here are our beloved babies!

The song sounds "Fairy tales walk around the world" (music by Vladimir Shainsky, lyrics by Yuri Entin) children are invited to the hall.

Leading. Dear children, and now - a surprise! We'll watch a fairy tale "Fly Tsokotukha" prepared for you by your parents. In the meantime, they are preparing for the performance, let's play fun game for attention "I - no I" . If you agree with my statement - speak "I" if not, say - "not me" .

Who loves chocolate?
- Who likes marmalade?
Who doesn't wash their ears?
- Who loves pomegranate?
- Who likes grapes?
- Who loves apricots?
- Who doesn't wash their hands?
- Who likes ice cream?
- Who likes cake?
- Who likes toffees?
- Who laps from a bowl?
- Who likes tomatoes?
- Who fries fly agarics?
- Who loves cinema?
- Who broke the window?
- Who likes cookies?
- Who likes jam?
- Who likes honey?
- Who lies all the time?
- Who wants dumplings?
- Who wants a banana?
- Who is stubborn as a ram?
- Who wants "Coca - Cola" ?
- Who will wash the whole school?

Fairy tale dramatization "Fly Tsokotukha" (slide)

And Fly, Fly - Tsokotuha, gilded belly!

The fly went across the field, the fly found the money.

Fly went to the market and bought a samovar.

(To the music "Flight of the Bumblebee" Fly-Tsokotuha flies out, sets the table, puts the samovar on the table).

M Come, cockroaches, I'll treat you to tea!

(Includes 2 cockroaches, 2 insects, 1 butterfly)

Butterfly beauty, eat jam!

Or do you not like our treat?

(Music by Edvard Grieg "In the Hall of the Mountain King" everyone run and hide)

And suddenly some old man - a spider
Dragged our fly into a corner -
Wants to kill the poor
Destroy the Tsokotukha!

(Music from the movie "Spider-Man 3" , a spider sneaks around the hall, in the hands of a rope)

M Dear guests, help!
Kill the villainous spider!
And I fed you
And I watered you
don't leave me
In my last hour!
And the villain is not joking,
He twists my arms and legs with ropes,
Sharp teeth plunge into the heart
And he drinks my blood.

(Music by A.I. Khachaturian sounds "Saber Dance" , a mosquito flies out with a saber)

And suddenly a small mosquito flies from somewhere.
And in his hand is a small flashlight.
Where is the killer? Where is the villain?
Not afraid of his claws (cuts off spider's head).

I killed the villain
I freed you.
And now, soul girl,
I want to marry you!

All the characters, holding hands, go out to the audience - Glory, glory to Komaru - the winner!

Leading. So our journey through the works of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky has come to an end. (slide). We are very glad that you know the fairy tales of this wonderful author well. Irakli Andronikov wrote that “Chukovsky’s talent is inexhaustible, smart, brilliant, cheerful, festive. Never part with such a writer for the rest of your life.” .

Summing up and awarding the winners.

Scenario of a literary evening for senior preschoolers "In the world of poetry"

Gosteva Olga Alexandrovna, educator of MBDOU B "Firefly", branch "Skazka", Blagoveshchensky district.
Description: I bring to your attention the script of the literary evening, joint event children, parents and teachers for the methodical district association on the topic "Development of the speech of preschoolers".
The publication may be useful to methodologists, teachers additional education, educators. All the poems read by the children are author's, composed by the parents together with the children.
Goals: the formation of a readership and musical culture, the formation in children of a stock of literary artistic impressions
Tasks: to present to the attention of the audience poems composed by children, together with their parents, about the seasons, about family, about friendship. Promote development acting skills, create joyful. Emotional mood.
Members: children of the senior group, educator, music worker.
Equipment: paintings by Russian poets, projector, multimedia board, audio recordings.
Preparation: the idea of ​​holding a literary evening in kindergarten was very unusual and original, but this idea did not bother us for long with its originality. The project "In the World of Poetry" was developed.
Work on the implementation of the project was carried out for a month. Children were introduced to the poetic works of Russian poets, discussions were held on the topics: “What is poetry?”, “What is rhyme?”, various didactic games on the development of figurative speech, consultations were presented for parents “Is it necessary to learn poetry?”, “On the benefits of books.” Parents were connected to help their children compose poems. Learned these poems with children. I thought out the atmosphere for the evening and made slides for each poem. Together with children (a picture was drawn for each poem) a book of author's poems "The house where poems live" was made.
Was compiled musical accompaniment and reading poems in one harmoniously and logically constructed script.
What came of it, you decide, dear colleagues.

Event progress

(Slide number 1)
Hello guys!
Hello dear viewers!
We are glad to see you in our hall!
Today we have an extraordinary day. Children, I invite you to wonderful world poetry. Do you know what poetry is?
Yes, poetry is poetry.
That's right, poetry. These are words that rhyme. Poems can tell about everything: about the warm sun, about the cheerful rain, about the green grass, about your family, about friends and, about much, much more, about everything in the world, because it is not for nothing that they say that poetry is like the sun with its dark spots and eclipses illuminating the whole world.

Child reads a poem
Poetry is a wonderful page
The door is opening for us today.
And let any miracle happen!
You, most importantly, believe in him with all your heart!
Love and beauty of nature
Fairy tale road.
Any world!
All poetry is subject
And open the door to her country!
The rustle of leaves underfoot, a drop of rain,
A rainbow in the sky, a nightingale trills, -
Here the frost draws a pattern on the glass ... ..
The world around is beautiful! And everyone is an actor.
(E. Nekrasova.)
Indeed, poetry is an amazingly huge, Magic world. Children, tell me, where does poetry come from, who writes poetry?
Poets write poetry.
What poets do you know?
Agnia Barto, Sergei Mikhalkov, Korney Chukovsky, Samuil Marshak, Alexander Pushkin.

Well done guys, you know poets. We got acquainted with their poems. You yourself, as well as poets, are also already trying to compose your own poems.
And now, the poems that you composed yourself or with the help of your parents you will read to our guests.
And, to help me, to announce the speeches of our readers, today will be Alexandra. Let's welcome her.
(Slide number 2-3)
Our first poem is about winter. Winter is a wonderful time of the year. Down to earth in winter The Snow Queen, and everything around resembles a fairy tale. At this time, everything is perfect without exception! Even severe frosts, and those are good, because it is they who teach to love and appreciate the warmth and comfort of their home. And now Natasha will read her poem to us about this.
(Slide number 4)
The wind howls menacingly
Snow prickly scatters,
We look out our window
And we are warm in the room.
Mom lit the stove
We will not go to the porch.

(Slide number 5)
Winter is sometimes very harsh. It is not easy for our feathered bird friends: they are both hungry and cold, and therefore, in order for the birds to live more fun, they need to be fed. And Nikita will tell us how to do this in his poem.
A bird freezes in the cold
Pigeon, sparrow, titmouse.
You build feeders for them,
It will be satisfying for them in winter.
(Slide number 6-7)
Imagine how fabulously beautiful the forest is on a clear winter day, especially when a ray of sunshine shines and illuminates the tops of trees covered with snow. Lera prepared a poem about wonderful winter pictures and now read it to us.
Winter pictures are beautiful,
Trees are decorated with wonderful snowflakes,
They conjure gently on a green Christmas tree,
Decorated diligently all her needles.

(Slide number 8-9)
Sasha, do you like falling snow, so beautiful and iridescent?
Yes, I love snow very much, I love it when it comes, it makes everything bright and elegant from it, as if someone upstairs is fluffing up his huge downy pillow. You look at the snowflakes, and it seems that they are not flying down, but up.
Yes, it's wonderful. They are so small and fragile that it is even scary to touch them, it seems that they are about to crumble. It is about such tender snowflakes that Yesenia will read her poem.
A white snowflake fell into my palm.
She whispered softly, "Don't touch me."
I am light and fragile, shining in the sun,
Bright colors make you happy.

(Slide number 10)
Winter forest wrapped in snow, covered with snow, covered all the paths, it seems that there is no one around.
Leading: And Sonya has a poem about how animals have fun in the winter.
A little white snow fell on a steep bank.
The squirrel jumped off a pine tree, tumbled by the river.
The bunny jumped out of the snowdrift
A lot of mice ran.
Here's the fun! Here is winter!
All animals are beautiful!
(Slide number 11-12)
In winter, you don’t have to think long about how to have fun: you can just go out into the yard and make a snowman with your friends and play snowballs, go sledding, ice skating, skiing. Our Nastya loves very much winter activities and her poem is about that.
The snow is falling on the street, the snow is flying like fluff.
Wonderful weather, everything around shines.
I'll go outside, make a snowman,
There will be a bunny, a bear and a fox nearby.
(Slide number 13-14)
Guys, do you know what an old, Russian solar holiday takes place at the end of winter? That's right, carnival. Everyone loves her, old and young. Everyone goes to the holiday to have fun and wish each other: fun, laughter, prosperity, good year! Maxim has a poem about such a fun holiday.
The blizzards have blown away
The frosts have receded.
The sun melted the last ice.
Widely meeting spring,
Cheerful people come out to the holiday!
(Slide number 15-16)
And now the long-awaited spring comes to replace the harsh winter. How we are waiting for her when snowstorms rage outside the window and frosts crackle! She leaves, and outside the window begins to shine spring sunshine filling your heart with joy and inspiration! Icicles are melting. Sparrows are chirping merrily. Sasha and Nastya have poems about this.
Look outside.
The sun is high in the sky
Smiling at the children.
Sparrow chirped
Fun on a branch.
Invites all friends
Have fun together.
(Slide number 17)
The sky is blue, the grass is green.
The sun is golden, spring has come to us.
A fresh wind blows in our faces.
The soul is calm, joyful, light.
(Slide number 18, 19.20)
After spring comes summer. Summer is the season of sun, heat, bright colors, joy. And now comes the height of the summer reign. Let's remember this great time, though not for long….. And Sania will share her impressions of the summer with us!
I like summer very much……
It is warmed by the hot breath of the sun,
I love to swim
Dive, tumble in the sand.
I like to have so much fun!
Dima, Bogdan and Igor prepared poems about animals, since they love them very much, let's listen to them.
(Slide number 10)
Dima introduces himself in his poem
wise and fair hedgehog.
A gray hedgehog was walking through the forest,
Carried a white fungus on the back.
He wanted to treat the mouse,
Bunny, hedgehog, monkey.
After all, in the forest between the animals
There is a law of all wiser:
Be friends with each other
Cherish strong friendship.
(Slide number 11)
Bogdan has a poem about a cheerful and mischievous monkey.
Monkey - jumper
Jumped all the tops!
Dropped the suitcase
Sweet ate a banana
plucked a dandelion
She knocked over a glass.
Oh, and what a bastard!
Cheerful mischievous!

(Slide number 12)
Igor came to us with his merry girlfriend and will read us a poem about her.
green belly,
green barrel,
green paws,
And jumping lope - lope.
And knows all the swamp
green frog,
After all, a fun song
She always sings: kva - kva - kva.
(Slide number 12)
Sasha, almost all the children have already read their poems to us, but can you tell us yours?
Of course, I will read you a poem about my favorite cockerel.
Cockerel, cockerel,
golden scallop,
I love him very much
I feed him every day
And for this my friend
He sings all the songs to me.
(Slide number 13)
Guys, you read your poems to us today: about snowflakes, about the sun, about animals - these are all poems about what surrounds us, about nature. 2017 was declared the year of ecology in Russia and Ilya prepared his poem on how to preserve nature.
Green forest and fresh air
It's not easy for us to keep.
To live peacefully on the planet
We must love nature!

(Slide number 14, 15)
Sasha, today we heard a lot of poems about nature. But Serezha has a poem about the dearest, most important thing that we have, what do you think about it?
Child: I think the most precious thing is family.
Yes, that's right, and if the family is also friendly - this is real happiness! Please, Seryozha, read us your poem.
We have a friendly family,
We love to travel,
spend time together
And welcome friends.
We love doing sports
We love to sing songs
ride in a car,
Sit on the porch.
(Slide number 16)
Family is the most important thing, but it is very good when a person also has friends.
Sasha, what do you think, who are friends?
Yes, it would seem that the answer is simple, these are the people who will always come to our aid. But friends, these are also those with whom you never get bored, with whom you share everything in half. It is precisely about such a friend that our Cyril's poem is about.
I have a friend my Sasha,
We have been friends for a long time!
We do not fight, we do not play pranks,
We go to the cinema.
Together we build rockets
We share candy together.
The two of us are not bored at all,
Because we are friends.
And now Olga Alexandrovna will read her poem to us, it is about us, about children.
Children are happiness, children are joy,
Children are a fresh breeze in life.
They can not be earned, this is not a reward,
God gives them by grace to adults.
Children, oddly enough, are also a test.
Children don't grow like trees.
They need care, affection, understanding.
Children are time, children are work.
(Slide number 17)
Where there are always a lot of children, of course in kindergarten. After all, a kindergarten is a country of childhood, where joy always reigns, children's laughter and fun. Daniel has a poem about this.
Kindergarten "Fairy Tale" is just a miracle!
We all love each other here.
We make friends, we run, we play,
Forget about insults.
Let's exercise together
Let's jump into bed together
We eat together, we walk
Kindergarten respect!
Guys, you all read us your beautiful poems!
For your creativity, for the excellent reading of my poems, I want to present you with certificates in memory of your participation in our event. (Children will receive certificates).

Guys, you all received certificates today, but look what else I have for you? (the presenter shows the book, there are no pages inside)
This is a book.
That's right, this is a book, but it is not simple, but magical, and in order to open it, you need to come up with rhymes for the word book. Let's take them to this word.

Children choose rhymes.
Well done guys, picked up a lot of rhymes. Now, let's try to see if the book will open. Here it is opened! But what is here? Yes, here is a sweet surprise for you - after all, you deserve it today, picked up rhymes, prepared such beautiful and interesting poems for tonight.


The scenario of literary entertainment in the senior group "What a charm these fairy tales are!"

Target: preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children through the generalization of children's knowledge about fairy tales, the Year of Literature.


Continue to develop interest in the greatest wealth of Russian folk culture- fairy tales; improve the ability of children to recognize individual fairy tales by characteristics.
Develop speech, observation, mental activity, the ability to express and justify their judgments.

Develop thinking skills.

Contribute to the development of thinking, visual and auditory attention, general fine motor skills, the ability to listen carefully to the speaker, not to interrupt, to listen to the end.
Improve children's motor skills and abilities.
Bring up positive traits personality: self-confidence, ability to help each other, work in a team.
To cultivate a benevolent attitude towards the heroes of fairy tales and each other, a sense of humor.

Preliminary work:

Reading and discussion of fairy tales, preparation of a costume, selection necessary equipment and attributes

Didactic games: "Guess what fairy tale", "Wonder tree", "Fairytale salad";
The image of the heroes of fairy tales in modeling, applications, origami, drawing;
Exhibition of drawings on the topic: My favorite fairy tale”;
Russian craft competition folk tales"Visiting a fairy tale";
Dramatization of fairy tales "Turnip", "Teremok", "Masha and the Bear", "Gingerbread Man";
Under the soundtrack of the song by N. Koroleva "Confetti", the Fairy Tale enters the hall.

Equipment: multimedia installation, snowflakes, book, Fairy Tale costume, broom, 2 fish on sticks, 2 horses on a stick, Baba Yaga mask.

Song Fairy Tales:
Fairy tales came to visit you, and you recognized me
Fairy tales are loved by children, you have always been waiting for me.
I'll wave my magic wand and the doors will open,
You find yourself in a fairy tale again and immediately believe in a miracle.
Fairy fairy tales and a sorcerer.
Fairy tale always surrounds children.
We visited different fairy tales, and distinguished good from evil.
Miracles happen only in fairy tales!

Fairy Tales. Hello guys! I am Fairy Fairy. It's good that we meet again. Do you know why we are here? The Year of Literature is coming to an end. The Year of Literature was announced in our country at the beginning of 2015. Let's see the emblem of the Year of Literature.

The official emblem of the Year of Literature features profiles of great Russian writers and poets:
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol, Anna Andreevna Akhmatova. They are painted in the colors of the Russian flag: white, blue, red.
I know that throughout this year you have been studying poetry, reading different fairy tales met with interesting fairy tale characters. And today I invite you to make a journey along the roads of fairy tales known to you. Do you love fairy tales? Now let's check if you know them well.

1 task. "Guess the tale"

Fairy Tales
. Guess from which fairy tales the following lines are:
The owners came to the house - they found a mess there. (Three Bears)
The mouse came to their aid - together they pulled out a vegetable. (Turnip)
Treats different kids, treats birds and animals. (Dr. Aibolit)
The apple tree helped us, the stove helped us. (Swan geese)
We are not afraid Gray wolf. (Three piglets)
Do not sit on a stump - do not eat a pie. (Masha and the Bear)
Come, cockroaches, I'll treat you to tea. (Fly Tsokotukha)
DO NOT drink from a hoof - you will become a kid. (Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)
The blanket ran away, the sheet flew away, and the pillow, like a frog, ran away from me. (Moidodyr)
I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother. (Kolobok)
What was the name of the sister of the seven dwarf brothers? (Snow White)
And the dishes answered:
“It was bad for us at the woman,
She did not love us
Bila, she beat us,
Dusty, smoked,
She ruined us! ”(Fedorino grief)

Game "Broom"

The players stand in a circle. Fairy tale with a broom in the middle. She begins to circle, moving the broom in a circle above the floor, trying to hit the legs of the players, and says:
And the broom, and the broom is fun,
She danced, she played, she swept.
She didn’t leave a speck of dust with Fedora.
The task of the players is to jump over the broom. Whoever gets hit by the broom is out of the game.

2. "Know the hero of the fairy tale"

He lies on the stove
And stubbornly repeats:
"By pike command,
According to my wish…”
The grandmother loved the girl very much,
She gave her a red hat.
The girl forgot her name
Oh, well, tell me her name.
My father had a strange boy
Unusual - wooden.
But the father loved his son.
What a strange
Wooden man?
On land and underwater
Looking for a golden key.
It has a long nose everywhere.
Who is this?

The hero lives in a fairy tale:
He is not a hedgehog and not a cat,
He is from the grandmother from the window
Jumped right into the track
Rolled, ran
Got on the tongue of the fox! Who is this? Kolobok

Red girl is sad
She doesn't like spring.
It's hard for her in the sun
The poor thing sheds tears.
Snow Maiden

At Alyonushka's sister
They took away the little brother of the bird.
They fly high
far they look
Swan geese

An arrow flew and hit the swamp,
And in this swamp someone caught her.
Who, saying goodbye to green skin.
Did you become cute, beautiful, comely?
Princess Frog
Planted her grandfather in the field
The whole summer grew.
The whole family pulled her
It was very large.
Grinding teeth, moving nose
And the Russian spirit can not stand.
old woman with bone leg
It is called .... Baboy Yaga.

Game with Baba Yaga.
Children become in a circle. In the middle, the driver is Baba Yaga, blindfolded. Children pronounce the words:
Grandmother - Hedgehog - bone leg,
She fell off the stove and broke her leg.
Went to the garden, frightened the people,
She ran to the bathhouse, frightened Vanka.
Baba Yaga catches children.

3 task "Who sent the message?"

1) “Save us, we were eaten by a gray wolf” (kids)
2)“ Very upset. Accidentally broke a testicle ”(mouse)
3) “Everything ended well, only my tail remained in the hole” (wolf)
4) “Help, our house is broken, but they themselves are intact” (animals)
5) “Dear grandparents, don't worry. I figured out how to trick the bear. I will be home soon” (Masha)
6) “Help, my brother has turned into a kid” (Alyonushka)
7) “Disgraceful, someone ate my porridge and broke my chair” (bear cub)
8)“ Dad, my arrow is in the swamp. I’m marrying a frog” (Ivan Tsarevich)
9) Let me go, old man, into the sea!
Dear for myself, I will give a ransom:
I'll buy whatever you want."

Game catch the goldfish
2 participants are invited. Everyone has a stick with a ribbon in their hands. At the end of the tape gold fish. On a signal, the participant winds the tape around the stick, thereby bringing the silhouette of the fish closer to him. who wins will take faster fish in hand.

Task 4 “Recognize the fairy tale from the picture”.
On the slides are illustrations for fairy tales: “The Tale of a Stupid Mouse”, “Three Bears”, “Teremok”, “Sivka-Burka”, “Golden Scallop Cockerel”, “Fox with a Rolling Pin”.
mobile game "Who is faster on Sivka-burka"

5 task "fix the mistake"
1) princess - turkey
2) at the command of a dog
3) Ivan Tsarevich and the green wolf
4) sister Alyonushka and brother Nikitushka
5) Cockerel - golden shepherd
6) Boy - with a cam
7) Fear has big ears
8) Ax noodles

6 task "4th extra"

fairy tale.
Look, children, at the screen. Guess which story is missing here.
On the slide there are 3 pictures from one fairy tale, and the 4th from another.

fairy tale. Well done guys, you did a great job. And now I will tell you a story.
‘ Fairy tale Goodness
Many, many years ago, once a year, in winter, the Good Fairy flew to the earth. She was always with a bag over her shoulders, in which she carried magical snowflakes. The Good Fairy was so tiny and inconspicuous that many did not pay any attention to her. But she was not offended by anyone and everyone, even the most evil people, gave magic snowflakes.
When there was not a single snowflake left in her bag, spring would come, and the Good Fairy would quietly disappear, only to fly back a year later in winter.
Everyone who received a magical snowflake as a gift became awe Ma happy person on earth, because he became cheerful, caring, responsive. People became kind, they had good thoughts, they learned to speak good words and do good.

Fairy Tales. Today I will give you magical snowflakes so that you become the happiest and kindest.
Fairy Tales gives snowflakes to children and guests.

Fairy Tales
. There are many fairy tales in the world, sad and funny.
And we can't live without them.
Aladdin's lamp, take us to a fairy tale.
Crystal slipper help on the way.
Chipollino boy, Winnie the Pooh bear ... ..
Everyone on the road is a true friend.
Let the heroes of fairy tales give us warmth,
May good always triumph over evil!

Name: The scenario of literary entertainment in senior group"What a delight these fairy tales are!"
Nomination: Kindergarten, Holidays, entertainment, scenarios, themed holidays

Position: teacher of the first qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU Kindergarten No. 2 "Firefly"
Location: Zherdevka, Tambov region

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Literary leisure evenings and their significance

educator literature kindergarten children's

The goal is to acquaint students with the peculiarities of organizing and holding leisure evenings as one of the forms of working with a book.

1) provide information about the meaning of literature and the peculiarities of holding literary holidays in different age groups

2) to acquaint with the methodology of conducting in different age groups

3) place in the work of the kindergarten

1. Literary evenings of leisure and literary holidays.

2. Holding literary holidays in different age groups.

3. Forms of holding literary evenings.

4. Preparation of the educator for holding lit holidays, development of notes.

Special place in creative education and development of children are occupied by literary holidays.

Literary holidays, as it were, consolidate and generalize the diverse artistic impressions, knowledge and skills of children, they include different types children's activities (reading and storytelling, singing and dancing, listening, viewing and dramatization). They are the result of the work of the educator, its result, "the crown of the cause."

How best to prepare literary holiday- morning or evening entertainment?

First of all, it is necessary to determine the theme of the evening very precisely, its specific purpose. Quite often, educators organize "Book's Name Day", "Book Holidays" in kindergarten. Despite the great effort of educators, children, parents to prepare and decorate the holiday, it sometimes does not bring the expected pleasure, it turns out to be too tiring, long, chaotic. What is the reason for the failure? First of all, in the inconsistency of the topic with the capabilities of preschool children. The theme, formulated as "The Holiday of the Book", turned out to be too broad. At such a holiday, they talked, played, sang about everything: about folk tales and Pushkin's tales, about Tolstoy and Gorky, Marshak and Chukovsky. This kaleidoscope of big names and beautiful works stunned the children, did not give the opportunity to concentrate on the content of the works, enjoy their perception and performance.

The best holiday in kindergarten will be a holiday with one plot (for example, "Tales of A.S. Pushkin", "Books about animals", "Tales of K.I. Chukovsky", etc.). Such a theme will make it possible to accurately determine the purpose of the matinee (to give children the joy of meeting their favorite works, to expand their understanding of the writer's work, to arouse interest in the topic, etc.), to focus children's attention on the content side of the festive action.

To conduct a literary evening, it is necessary to develop a script - the basis of the holiday, its plan. The script is most often written in the form of direct speech, it determines the sequence of changing actions (reading, games, performances, etc.).

Another one from essential conditions the success of the evening - the right choice of host or hosts. Leading on children's party not an entertainer announcing certain numbers, but a kind host who creates an atmosphere of festivity. The success of meeting children with the art of the word depends on his artistry, culture, charm, ability to easily communicate, see and involve everyone present in the action.

Often presenters and others characters at the evening they perform in some way. At an evening dedicated to oral folk art, it can be a storyteller and fairy tale characters, at an evening dedicated to the work of S.Ya. Marshak, - postman, fireman, Distracted man, to the work of K.I. Chukovsky - Dr. Aibolit, Moidodyr, etc. Meeting with the hero of the book, recognizing him, direct contact with him, which is necessarily provided for by the scenario, gives children aesthetic pleasure, encourages active "communication" with a literary work.

When developing a script for a literary evening, it must be remembered that it must be built to the maximum creative activity all children - participants of the matinee. The host is certainly the owner of the holiday, but he should not overshadow the children. They are the main characters of any holiday.

It is important that the scenario intelligently combines different types of children's activities: physical activity(actions, dances, games, attractions, poetry reading, etc.) and internal mental activity (listening, viewing, solving literary tasks, guessing riddles, etc.). This requires a sense of proportion: a large number of design elements, a variety of external activities can divert attention from the most important thing in a literary evening - a meeting with a book. art word, the writer's work must be at the center of the plot of the holiday.

A literary evening may include various surprise moments, for example, the fulfillment of the desires of children (according to the program) with the help of the petals of a semi-flower; in advance, secretly from the children, a prepared performance by parents reading Pushkin's favorite poems (at the Pushkin holiday), watching a puppet or shadow theater and so on. The main thing is that the literary evening should in no way resemble speech lesson. Bright festivity combined with simplicity, naturalness, ease in the behavior of each of the participants - that's the necessary conditions to create the right atmosphere for children's holiday. To bring joy to children, to give them the opportunity to actively participate in a holiday dedicated to a fairy tale, to a favorite poet or writer, means to give them a long memory of meeting with a book.

The literary development of children is facilitated by matinees, leisure evenings dedicated to the work of a writer or poet, evenings of fairy tales, riddles, literary quizzes(based on folk tales, on the works of one author, on well-known books different writers). Combining different types of arts - music, fiction, visual arts creates a festive atmosphere.

All forms of work to introduce children to fiction outside of classes, they bring up interest and love for the book, form future readers.

Leisure evenings, also called entertainment evenings, are held in the kindergarten once a week. Their subject matter can be very different. It could be a performance musical evening, sport competitions, watching cartoons and much more. It all depends on the age of the children, the direction of the kindergarten, technical conditions.

You will need

Toy theater;

Picture Theatre;

Shadow theater;

Finger Theatre;

Theater of glove puppets;


multimedia equipment;

- backing tracks of children's songs and musical performances;

Sound equipment;



Scenarios of entertainment evenings and performances based on fairy tales.

Conducting instruction:

1. For children of early and younger preschool age, prepare a performance. Children of this age are mostly spectators, they themselves can do little more. Their visual-figurative and visual-effective types of thinking prevail over the others, so they need to be shown everything. Toy theater is a show of a fairy tale on the table. There is no screen, the characters move on the surface. Children see it. Can be used as decoration construction material. For picture theater, find suitable illustrations, print them on a color printer and stick them on flannel or velvet paper. Such pictures appear on the flannelograph during the story, and the kids really like it. If you have a computer, you can pick up cartoons and arrange a movie screening. It should not be too long, a quarter of an hour is enough.

2. Opportunities for children of middle and older preschool age are already quite large. Different types of theater can still be used, but children from the senior and preparatory groups can already show fairy tales themselves. This usually causes big interest. Moreover, modern technical means allow you to do a lot. For example, you can put the most real musical if the kindergarten has suitable sound equipment. This is done in many kindergartens. Preschool children really like such “professional” performances.

3. Go beyond theater. Prepare, for example, the evening, dedicated to creativity favorite writer. In this case, there must be a lot of preliminary work. Read books to children, tell about the life of the writer, show his portrait. You can give the task to draw illustrations or make crafts on the topic. Available to preschoolers and computer presentation. With modern information technology many preschoolers are already familiar. Choose the right photos, drawings and musical works can be entrusted to one of the parents. Do not forget that children do not have to sit all the time, so you need to combine different activities. For example, give a presentation at the beginning, then after the dance or physical activity, ask one of the children to read poetry. You can end the evening of entertainment with drama or an outdoor game.

4. Sometimes spend leisure evenings with your parents. You can offer, for example, to prepare a story about your family. Ask parents to select interesting photos and videos. Let each family prepare short story. Such a “presentation” can be divided into several evenings or timed, say, for the birthday.

5. Swipe virtual tour. Children can be invited to ask their grandparents about the most interesting places in your city, famous people who lived here. Pick up a video or make a flash animation. In the same way, you can arrange an excursion to the museum.

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