Music Literature adapted program first year of study. Calendar-thematic plans for musical literature


Calendar-thematic plans for musical literature Grade 5 Foreign music I quarter Theme of the lesson 1 lesson 2 lesson 3 lesson 4 lesson 5 lesson 6 lesson 7 lesson 8 lesson Total: 8 hours Musical art the Renaissance. Painting, sculpture, literature, theater of that time. heyday secular music. Acquaintance with ancient vocal and instrumental genres (madrigal, ricercar, canzona, pavane, galliard, spanieletta). Muses. fragments: O. Lasso "Echo"; pieces for lute, viola and virginelle. Baroque in music. Architecture, sculpture, painting, theater of the 17th - first half of the 18th centuries. Opera, organ, violin and clavier schools. Musical fragments: C. Monteverdi "Lament of Orpheus" from the op. "Opheus"; G. Purcell "Dido's Complaint" from the op. "Dido and Aeneas", A. Vivaldi "The Seasons"; pieces for harpsichord by F. Couperin and J. F. Rameau. creative look J.S. Bach. The highest flowering of polyphony in the works of Bach. A special place of the composer in the history of musical culture. The life of his music throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. Musical fragments: finale from the orchestral suite No. 2, "Ave Maria". Organ works by I.S. Bach: "Toccata and Fugue" in D minor, organ chorale preludes. The works of I.S. Bach for clavier. "Inventions"; "The Well-Tempered Clavier" Volume I, Prelude and Fugue in C major, C minor, "French Suite" in C minor. Vocal and instrumental works by I.S. Bach. Mass in B minor. "Passion according to Matthew". Classicism in music. french painting, sculpture, architecture, literature of the 17th - 18th centuries. Musical art of the Enlightenment. Musical fragments from the opera by K.V. Gluck "Orpheus". CONTROL LESSON. II quarter Theme of the lesson Lesson 1 J. Haydn. The creative image of the composer. The composer's appeal to various genres of instrumental, vocal and theater music with the leading value of large instrumental works: symphony, concerto, quartet, sonata. Musical fragments from the Farewell Symphony. Lesson 2 Sonata-symphonic cycle on the example of symphony No. 103 Es dur. The order of alternation of contrasting parts, the nature of each of them and the features of the main themes. Musical fragments: exposition from Part I, themes from Part II, minuet to trio, final exposition. Lesson 3 Sonata D major. Analysis of the sonata form of the I part with the display of themes, fragments and subsequent listening. Sonata in D major. Analysis and listening to parts II and III. Understanding the form of the rondo. Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 6 V.A. Mozart. The creative image of the composer. The richness and diversity of Mozart's music. The composer's interest in the theater, the creation of operas. Types of instrumental works: concert and chamber compositions, cycles and individual pieces. Spiritual music. Musical fragments: "Little Night Serenade", "Dies irae", "Lacrimosa" of the Requiem. Symphony No. 40 g minor. Analysis of the sonata form of the I part. Figurative, modal, register, timbre, textural contrast of the main themes; the tonal instability of the development music, the change in the mode of the side and final theme in the reprise. Listening to Part I. Lesson 7 Listening to fragments II, III and IV parts. To note the light, lyrical nature of the music of the second part, the expression of peace and tranquility in it; the saturation of the music with dramatic sound and the contrast of the main theme and the theme of troy in the minuet; the closeness of the music of the finale to the music of the first part, the internal contrast of the main theme of the finale, the combination of dramatic and lyrical images. Lesson 8 CONTROL LESSON. Total: 8 hours III quarter Theme of the lesson 1 lesson Opera "Marriage of Figaro". Cheerful, comedic nature of the plot. The main characters, their musical characteristic. Musical fragments overture, Figaro's aria "The frisky boy", Cherubino's aria "The heart excites", Barbarina's aria, duet of Susanna and Marcellina. Lesson 2 Sonata A major. Unusual cycle. The nature of the theme and six variations on it in Part I. Three-part reprise form of the II movement (Minuet). Features of the construction of the final. Lesson 3 L. Beethoven. The creative image of the composer. Manifold creative heritage. The leading value of large instrumental works. Musical fragments from sonatas for piano No. 14 and No. 23. Lesson 4 Piano Sonata No. 8 c moll. Reflection in music of the idea of ​​struggle and the will to win. The musical content of the slow introduction, its dramatic richness, internal contrasts. Characteristics of the main themes of sonata allegro. Principles of development and comparison of topics in development. Thematic content codes. Lesson 5 Piano Sonata No. 8. Part II: figurative content of music; display and analysis of the main topics; three-part construction, change of the main theme in the reprise. Part III: proximity to the images and mood of Part I; characteristics of the main theme, its role in the construction of the finale. Lesson 6 Symphony No. 5 c moll. Heroic and dramatic content. The development of music "from darkness to light". The meaning of "the motive of fate." The structure of the cycle. Part I: ch.t. - volitional beginning, the meaning of rhythm; b.t. - lyrical features, connection with ch.t.; light, solemn sounding of ZT; the tense nature of the development, the mournful oboe solo in ch.t. reprises, dramatic completion of the development in the code. Lesson 7 Symphony No. 5. Part II: comparison - courageously lyrical and heroic images; variation structure. III part: a new approach to the interpretation of the III part of the symphony; transformation of the "motif of fate". IV part: the triumph of a bright beginning as a result dramatic development the whole cycle. Lesson 8 Egmont Overture. The embodiment in music of the content of Goethe's tragedy. Sonata structure. Comparison of the main images in the introduction. Characteristics of the main themes of allegro; showing snippets of development and climactic episode before code. The victorious sound of the coda, its closeness to the finale of the symphony. Lesson 9 Romanticism in music. Painting, literature, theater, ballet in the lane. floor. XIX century. Rise of national composer schools, the emergence of new genres, musical theater. F. Mendelssohn "Songs without words". R. Wagner "Ride of the Valkyries". Lesson 10 CONTROL LESSON IV quarter Theme of the lesson Lesson 1 F. Schubert. Creative look. The figurative content of his compositions, the reflection of the lyrical sphere in them human feelings. The dominance of the song beginning. Classical and romantic genres in the creative heritage of the composer. Musical fragments: pieces for piano "Musical Moments", "Impromptu". Lesson 2 Song genre in the work of F. Schubert. Genre diversity, dependence of construction on poetic text, leading value melodies, the role of the piano part. Combining songs into cycles. Vocal cycles"The Beautiful Miller's Woman" and "Winter Way", the ballad "Forest King". Lesson 3 "Unfinished Symphony" h moll. Analysis and listening to part I. The meaning of the topic of entry. Lyrical song character of the main themes. Dramatic development techniques musical material in developing. Restoration of rest in reprise. Presentation of secondary and final themes in new keys. Echoes of past storms in the code; the mournful sound of the intro theme. Lesson 4 F.Chopin. Creative look. national character his music, the transformation of folk melodies and rhythms into it. The theme of the Motherland in the composer's work. Chopin pianist, concert style of his piano works Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Piano compositions. Appeal to dance genres. Mazurkas. Individual features within the general genre features. Mazurkas C major, B major, a moll. Polonaise A dur: characteristic rhythmic formula, solemnly heroic character, chord structure of the main theme, fanfare melody of the middle part, saturation with orchestral sonority. Waltz ces moll Preludes. The revival of the genre and its transformation by Chopin. Creation of a cycle of pieces in all keys; its structure. Laconism of form. Preludes e moll, A major, c moll. A new interpretation of the etude in the work of Chopin. Etude c moll. Chopin as one of the creators romantic genre nocturne. Character traits: calm tempo, melody of instrumental melody, inner harmony. Nocturne f moll. Lesson 7 CONTROL LESSON. Lesson 8 FINAL LESSON. Total: 8 hours

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Some lessons may seem boring to children. And then discipline begins to suffer in the classroom, students quickly get tired and do not want to take part in the discussion.

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Gifted children - who are they? What is ability, what is giftedness? What is the difference between talented and gifted children? How to recognize a gifted child? Do all children have giftedness in the same way? What advice can you give parents of a gifted child when raising him? More on this in our webinar.

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Not suitable for modern students traditional methods teaching. It is difficult for them to sit over textbooks without being distracted, and long explanations drive them into boredom. The result is a rejection of learning. Meanwhile, the priority of visuality in the presentation of information is the main trend in modern education. Instead of criticizing the kids' craving for "pictures from the Internet", use this feature in a positive way and start including watching themed videos in the lesson plan. Why is this necessary and how to prepare the video yourself - read this article.

Learning is not easy: some topics are difficult, there is not enough “reason” to solve problems, and there are a lot of distractions around: social media, YouTube, friends, the idea that parents / teachers will scold again. How to help children pull themselves together, make an effort on themselves and do more?

Get involved!

Some lessons may seem boring to children. And then discipline begins to suffer in the classroom, students quickly get tired and do not want to take part in the discussion.

Case-lessons were created to connect school learning knowledge with urgently needed competencies, such as creativity, systemic and critical thinking, purposefulness, and others.

Thanks to the cases, you can help the student to benefit and enjoy learning, to cope with his personal problems!

Gifted children - who are they? What is ability, what is giftedness? What is the difference between talented and gifted children? How to recognize a gifted child? Do all children have giftedness in the same way? What advice can you give parents of a gifted child when raising him? More on this in our webinar.

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Modern students are not suited to traditional teaching methods. It is difficult for them to sit over textbooks without being distracted, and long explanations drive them into boredom. The result is a rejection of learning. Meanwhile, the priority of visuality in the presentation of information is the main trend in modern education. Instead of criticizing the kids' craving for "pictures from the Internet", use this feature in a positive way and start including watching themed videos in the lesson plan. Why is this necessary and how to prepare the video yourself - read this article.

Learning is not easy: some topics are difficult, there is not enough “reason” to solve problems, and there are a lot of distractions around: social networks, YouTube, friends, the idea that parents / teachers will scold again. How to help children pull themselves together, make an effort on themselves and do more?

1 year of study

1 quarter


Number of hours

The history of the development of music from ancient times to the Baroque era.

Musical culture of the Baroque era.

J.-S. Bach. Life and art.

Control lesson

2 quarter


Number of hours

Contemporaries J.-S. Bach. G.F. Handel

Formation classical style in music. Opera

J. Haydn. Life and art.

Classical sonata-symphonic cycle.

Symphonic works by J. Haydn

Control lesson

3 quarter


Number of hours

W. A. ​​Mozart. Life and art.

L. van Beethoven. Life and art.

Romanticism in music.

F. Schubert. Life path.

F. Schubert. Creation.

Control lesson

4 Quarter


Number of hours

F. Schubert. Creation.

F.Chopin. Life and art.

Music for the Theater in the Works of French Romantic Composers

Dance genres in the work of romantic composers

Control lesson

Reserve lesson

"Domestic musical literature"

2 year of study

1 quarter

2 quarter


Number of hours

P.I. Tchaikovsky. Life path.

P.I. Tchaikovsky. Creation

Russian musical culture on turn of XIX-XX centuries. A.K. Glazunov

Control lesson

3 quarter


Number of hours

Ballet music in the work of outstanding Russian composers of the 20th century. Introductory lesson.

Creativity of S.S. Prokofiev

Creativity of I.F. Stravinsky

Creativity D. D. Shostakovich

Control lesson

4 Quarter

The history of the development of music from ancient times to the Baroque era.

Archaeological evidence of the origin of musical culture in primitive society.

The role of music in the culture of antiquity.

The Influence of the Church on Medieval Art.

The Renaissance: the birth of secular musical genres, musical stage genres of opera and ballet in Italy.

Municipal budgetary educational institution
additional education for children
Children's School of Music them. K. N. Igumnova No. 1
Lebedyan, Lipetsk Region

on the course "Musical Literature"
term of study - 4 years
(7-year term of study - 4-7 grades;
5-year term of study - grades 2-5) Teacher E. P. Volkova
Lebedyan, 20141 class
No. Subject Title Date
1 quarter 1 Music in our life. 01.09-06.09
2 Contents musical works. 08.09-13.09
3 Expressive means of music. Melody, harmony. 15.09-20.09
4 Harmony, texture. Invoice types. 22.09-27.09
5 Timbre and register. S. Prokofiev "Peter and the Wolf". 29.10-04.10
6 dynamic shades, strokes, pace. 06.10-11.10
7 Genres in music. "Three whales". Song. 13.10-18.10
8 Song. Repetition means of expression. 20.10-25.10

2 quarter 1.10 March. 10.11-15.11
2.11 March. Types of marches. 17.11-22.11
3.12 Dance. Dances of the peoples of our country. 24.11-29.11
4.13 Dance. Old dances 16th-18th centuries 01.12-06.12
5.14 Dance. Dances of the 19th century. Dances of the peoples of Europe. 08.12-13.12
6.15 Dance. Modern dances. 15.12-20.12

Quarter 3 1.17 Folk song in the works of the classics of Russian music or how is folk music connected with the music of composers? Folk song in arrangements by Balakirev, Rimsky-Korsakov, Tchaikovsky. 12.01-17.01
2.18 Folk song in the works of Glinka, Mussorgsky. Marfa's song from the opera Khovanshchina. 19.01-24.01
3.19 Folk song in the work of Tchaikovsky. part 2 string quartet Tchaikovsky, final piano concerto Tchaikovsky. 26.01-31.01
4.20 Lyadov "8 Russians folk songs» for orchestra. 02.02-07.02
5.21 Program visual music or what helps to hear and understand the composer's intention in instrumental work? 09.02-14.02
6.22 P. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons". 16.02-21.02
7.23 M. Mussorgsky "Pictures at an Exhibition". 23.02-28.02
8.24 S. Prokofiev "Winter Campfire". 02.03-07.03
9.25 S. Prokofiev "Winter Bonfire". 09.03-14.03

Quarter 4 1.27 Music in the theater or can the theater do without music, and music without the theater? E. Grieg "Peer Gynt". 30.03-04.04
2.28 P. Tchaikovsky ballet "The Nutcracker". 06.04-11.04
3.29 P. Tchaikovsky ballet "The Nutcracker". 13.04-18.04
4.30 M. Glinka's opera "Ruslan and Lyudmila". 20.04-25.04
5.31 M. Glinka's opera "Ruslan and Lyudmila". 27.04-02.05

2nd year of study
No. Subject Title Date
1 quarter 1 Introduction. Music from ancient times to the 18th century. 01.09-06.09
2 Formation of classical style in music. 08.09-13.09
3 J. Haydn. Biography and short review creative heritage. 15.09-20.09
4 Acquaintance with the sonata-symphony cycle on the example of Symphony No. 103 "Timpani Tremolo". 22.09-27.09
5 Introduction to sonata form on the example of the e-moll sonata, 1 movement. 29.10-04.10
6 Sonata e-moll, parts 2 and 3. 06.10-11.10
7 W. Mozart. Biography and a brief review of the creative heritage. 13.10-18.10
8 Sonata A-dur. 20.10-25.10
9 Control lesson. 27.10-01.11
2 quarter 1.10 Symphony No. 40, 1st movement. 10.11-15.11
2.11 Symphony No. 40, 2-4 movements. 17.11-22.11
3.12 Opera "The Marriage of Figaro". 24.11-29.11
4.13 L. Beethoven. Biography and a brief review of the creative heritage. 01.12-06.12
5.14 Sonata No. 8 "Pathetic", c-moll, 1 movement. 08.12-13.12
6.15 Sonata No. 8, movements 2-3. 15.12-20.12
7.16 Control lesson. 22.12-27.12
3 quarter 1.17 Symphony No. 5, c-moll, 1 movement. 12.01-17.01
2.18 Symphony No. 5, movements 2-4. 19.01-24.01
3.19 Egmont Overture. 26.01-31.01
4.20 F. Schubert. Biography and a brief review of the creative heritage. 02.02-07.02
5.21 Songs. 09.02-14.02
6.22 Symphony No. 8 "Unfinished", 1st movement. 16.02-21.02
7.23 Songs. 23.02-28.02
8.24 F. Chopin Biography and a brief overview of the creative heritage. 02.03-07.03
9.25 Mazurkas. Polonaise. 09.03-14.03
10.26 Control lesson. 16.03-21.03
4 quarter 1.27 Preludes. Sketches. 30.03-04.04
2.28 Nocturnes. 06.04-11.04
3.29 J. S. Bach. Biography and a brief review of the creative heritage. 13.04-18.04
4.30 Inventions. 20.04-25.04
5.31 Prelude and fugue in c-moll from the 1st volume of "HTK". 27.04-02.05
6.32 Suites. French suite in c-moll. 04.05-09.05
7.33 Control lesson. 11.05-16.05
8.34 Final lesson. 18.05-23.05
3 year of study
No. Subject Title Date
1 quarter 1 Introduction. Russian music before Glinka. 01.09-06.09
2 Romances of the 19th century. 08.09-13.09
3 M. I. Glinka. Biography and a brief review of the creative heritage. 15.09-20.09
4 Ivan Susanin opera. 22.09-27.09
5 Ivan Susanin opera. 29.10-04.10
6 Ivan Susanin opera. 06.10-11.10
7 Opera "Ivan Susanin". 13.10-18.10
8 Ivan Susanin opera. 20.10-25.10
9 Control lesson. 27.10-01.11
2 quarter 1.10 M. I. Glinka. Works for orchestra. "Kamarinskaya". 10.11-15.11
2.11 "Waltz-fantasy". Overture to the opera "Ruslan and Lyudmila". 17.11-22.11
3.12 Romances and songs. 24.11-29.11
4.13 A. S. Dargomyzhsky. Biography and a brief review of the creative heritage. 01.12-06.12
5.14 Mermaid opera. 08.12-13.12
6.15 Romances and songs. 15.12-20.12
7.16 Control lesson. 22.12-27.12
3rd quarter 1.17 Russian musical culture 2nd half of the 19th century. 12.01-17.01
2.18 Russian musical culture of the 2nd half of the 19th century. 19.01-24.01
3.19 A. P. Borodin. Biography and a brief review of the creative heritage. 26.01-31.01
4.20 Opera "Prince Igor". 02.02-07.02
5.21 Opera "Prince Igor". 09.02-14.02
6.22 Opera "Prince Igor". 16.02-21.02
7.23 Symphony No. 2 "Bogatyr", 1st movement. 23.02-28.02
8.24 Songs and romances. 02.03-07.03
9.25 N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov. Biography and a brief review of the creative heritage. 09.03-14.03
10.26 Control lesson. 16.03-21.03
4 quarter 1.27 N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov. Opera "Snow Maiden". 30.03-04.04
2.28 The Snow Maiden opera. 06.04-11.04
3.29 The Snow Maiden opera. 13.04-18.04
4.30 Opera "Snow Maiden". 20.04-25.04
5.31 Talk about the orchestra. 27.04-02.05
6.32 "Scheherazade". 04.05-09.05
7.33 "Scheherazade". 11.05-16.05
8.34 Control lesson. 18.05-23.05
4 year of study
No. Subject Title Date
1 quarter 1 M.P. Mussorgsky. Biography and a brief review of the creative heritage. Songs and romances. 01.09-06.09
2 Opera "Boris Godunov". 08.09-13.09
3 Opera "Boris Godunov". 15.09-20.09
4 Opera "Boris Godunov". 22.09-27.09
5 M.P. Mussorgsky
"Pictures at an Exhibition". 29.10-04.10
6 P. I. Tchaikovsky. Biography and a brief review of the creative heritage. 06.10-11.10
7 Symphony No. 1 "Winter Dreams". 13.10-18.10
8 Symphony No. 1 "Winter Dreams". 20.10-25.10
9 Control lesson. 27.10-01.11
2 quarter 1.10 P.I. Chaikovsky
Opera "Eugene Onegin". 10.11-15.11
2.11 Opera "Eugene Onegin". 17.11-22.11
3.12 Opera "Eugene Onegin". 24.11-29.11
4.13 Opera "Eugene Onegin". 01.12-06.12
5.14 Russian musical culture of the end XIX-beginning XX century. 08.12-13.12
6.15 Acquaintance with the work of A. Scriabin, V. Rachmaninov, I. Stravinsky. 15.12-20.12
7.16 Control lesson. 22.12-27.12
3 quarter 1.17 Domestic musical culture after 1917. 12.01-17.01
2.18 S. S. Prokofiev. Biography and a brief review of the creative heritage. 19.01-24.01
3.19 Works for piano. 26.01-31.01
4.20 Cantata "Alexander Nevsky". 02.02-07.02
5.21 Cantata "Alexander Nevsky". 09.02-14.02
6.22 S. S. Prokofiev. Ballet Romeo and Juliet. 16.02-21.02
7.23 Symphony No. 7. 23.02-28.02
8.24 D. Shostakovich. Biography and a brief review of the creative heritage. 02.03-07.03
9.25 Vocal-symphonic poem "The Execution of Stepan Razin" on the next E. Yevtushenko. 09.03-14.03
10.26 Control lesson. 16.03-21.03
4th quarter 1.27 D.D. Shostakovich Symphony No. 7. 30.03-04.04
2.28 D. D. Shostakovich Symphony No. 7. 06.04-11.04
3.29 Review of the work of A. Khachaturian, G. Sviridov, V. Gavrilin. 13.04-18.04
4.30 Review of creativity R. Shchedrin, A. Schnittke. 20.04-25.04
5.31 Review of the work of A. Eshpay, S. Gubaidullina, Slonimsky, Petrov, Tishchenko. 27.04-02.05
6.32 Control lesson. 04.05-09.05
7.33 Final lesson. 11.05-16.05
8.34 Reserve lesson. 18.05-23.05

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