A picture of the birth of a new planet. Composition: description of the picture K


I’ll start the description of Yuon’s painting “New Planet”, perhaps, with the assumption that the artist still wanted to depict and only one thought is spinning in my head. Most likely, the creator of the picture wanted to show us the emotions of people who faced something new. As we know, the picture was painted in 1921, just after the October Revolution, just when one state replaced another, because it came Soviet authority, i.e. "New Planet".

Brief description of the painting by K. Yuon "New Planet"

Doing short description Yuon's paintings "New Planet", it is worth paying attention to the rays that make their way from under the ground. This is the gradual birth of the planet, which has not yet been reborn, but already illuminates everything around with its bright rays. The rays rush upwards, to the heavens, to other planets, and these rays, as a symbol of the rebirth of the earth. People are curious. They all ran out into the street and each has its own emotions. One part of the people from the "new planet", the new world, the new way of life expects something new and beautiful, so they joyfully stretch their hands to the unknown future, believing that it is bright and carefree. Another part of the people see what is happening as a catastrophe. For them, something new is tantamount to the end of the world. They run away, want to hide, everything that happens causes them panic and horror. And the third ones, it seems, are not afraid of the new and the unknown, but they, as if without strength, have fallen and cannot go further.

The composition based on Yuon’s painting “The New Planet” and its description tells us that everything in our world does not stand still, the old is disintegrating, the new is being born, we just have to accept this new or protest against it. Konstantin Yuon, in his work “The New Planet”, in describing the picture, probably wanted to show us that people are always afraid of the new, the unknown, but we are still curious by nature and always believe in the best. So here, the people depicted believe that the new will not bring devastation, but something better, brighter than it was before.

The painting "New Planet" was painted in fantasy genre. She captivates and attracts attention with her small details. When you look at a picture, you understand that the artist truly great talent. After all, you want to look at the picture again and again, consider every detail and reflect on life.

Theme description: This amazing, created in 1921 and not at all characteristic of the realist artist Yuon, the painting "New Planet" is one of the brightest works that embodied the image of the changes that the October Revolution became in the second decade of the 20th century. New system, new way And new image thinking of the newly emerging Soviet society. What awaits humanity now? Bright future? They didn't think about it at the time, but what Soviet Russia and the whole world is entering an era of change, as is the rapid birth of a new planet.

There is an opinion that the picture was created from a sketch for a theatrical curtain. One way or another, but even now a vivid expression artwork excites the viewer's imagination.

THE BEGINNING has already been laid - continue the thought along with an essay-reasoning on the topic:

Painting by K. Yuon "New Planet" - a new reality

The birth of something new is always a flash, an explosion. It can be blinding and prostrate, unbearable for the simple human eyes, but this event forever changes the structure and way of life that existed before it.

Approaching the painting by Konstantin Yuon "New Planet", we will see the birth of a huge fireball, which contrasts sharply with the cold planet, on which black figures of people frozen in ridiculous poses have accumulated. The whole space is permeated with rays of light that resemble numerous roads leading to a brighter future.

This canvas was created by the artist in 1921 - at a time when the young Russian republic experienced a fratricidal Civil War, and in a year one of the most greatest empires in the history of mankind Soviet Union. The artist understood that great states are born like new planets in fire and dazzling light. States are born in blood and horror, and therefore the color of the new planet is blood red, and the people who remained on the old and cold planet either greet new world, and stretch their hands to its radiance, or fall in horror, realizing that what happened is already inevitable. There are those who resigned themselves to this inevitability, but closed their eyes, because it is very difficult to bear the radiance of the new world.

Most of all, Yuon's painting is close in spirit to a solemn symphony. It would seem that the grandiose "New Planet" should be completely uncharacteristic for the work of a landscape painter. But in research literature dedicated this canvas, there is an opinion that it was created as a sketch for theater curtain. And this is not surprising, because Konstantin Yuon worked a lot precisely as the creator theatrical scenery. This is where his own vision of the events that took place in contemporary Russia was born.

Science fiction has been a part of our lives for a long time. Why literary works written in the genre of science fiction, science fiction films have found such a huge number of admirers among us? Of course, because a person cannot but dream, not to think about what lies there, beyond the bounds of our reality. Fantasy reflects the world, which is created on the basis of real ideas about life and ideas.

Fantasy is common not only in fiction, theater, cinema, but also in the visual arts. The fantastic images created in the paintings of artists often violate the natural proportions and shapes of the objects depicted. However, this is not just a game of the author's imagination, but a specific position of the artist, expressing his worldview by depicting grotesque or ideal images, symbols, unthinkable plot constructions.

K. Yuon's painting "New Planet" is written in the genre of fantasy. The artist depicted the new planet as surprising, frightening and mesmerizing at the same time. We see the earth opening up, people dying, and the sky illuminated by orange-yellow circles of flashes. The new planet obviously brings death for people: they stretched out their hands to the sky, begging not to destroy them. It is no coincidence that people are naked - this symbolizes their defenselessness before the uncontrollable forces of nature of the new earth.

Many of the people have already died, others we see falling into the gaping abyss. Others try to hide from the blow, to run. But it is clear that the artist depicted the last moments of people's lives.

The firmament, on which other planets glow with huge flaming balls, is as if pierced by burning rays: this, most likely, another cosmic body exploded near the planet, which caused a tragedy for all living things.

The color palette of the canvas is saturated with bright colors: the artist used various shades of red, blue and black. This enhances the impression of the picture, which seems to say: the only place for human life - the planet Earth, and the new and unknown outside the boundaries of our planet will bring death to mankind.

It's not exactly typical painting for the beginning of the twentieth century, the Russian painter Yuon Konstantin Fedorovich created a canvas belonging to the fantasy genre and depicting a newly born planet in it.

The earth's flesh opens up, people die, and orange-red flashes illuminate the sky. The born planet represents something unknown and not entirely incomprehensible for mankind: and people stretch out their hands into the sky with a prayer.

Yuon's painting New Planet - was painted in 1921 during the course of several years civil war and on the eve of the creation of one of the great empires - the Soviet Union.

In the picture, people are depicted naked - a symbol of their defenselessness before a natural cataclysm. This is not normal for Yuon bright picture reflected in itself the changes in the young Soviet society, which, as is known, were introduced by the October Revolution. Whole global world Russia, including Russia, has rapidly entered an era of grandiose change.

Astronomers are looking for stars and find them, oh, what a mystery this is, everyone is interested in whether there is life on Mars ?, Are there aliens ?. The appearance of the planet as a flash. It is blinding, striking and unbearable for any person, but it forever changes the way of the habitual, settled life that existed before it.

On the canvas, we see how, just a moment ago, a huge flaming ball appeared from non-existence, contrasting with the dark gray-green planet, where many stunned tiny figures froze against the background of space pierced by golden rays, reminiscent of unknown paths. This new bursts into life suddenly, overturning the usual centuries-old way of patriarchal life.

Konstantin Fedorovich was 45 years old, and he understood that new states, like all living things, are born in fire, blood and pain, and people either rejoice at the new, albeit incomprehensible, and stretch out their hands to it. Perhaps they have been expecting changes for a long time, foreseeing them and now they are enjoying a new life.

Others collapse in panic, realizing the inevitability of what has happened. Some resigned themselves, but closed their eyes, like little children who think that if they close their eyes, nothing will happen and everything will be the same. Yuon clearly shows the contradictory moods of the masses and the split of the world.

The canvas is very reminiscent of a solemn symphony, an allegorical and symbolic composition. It is not characteristic of creativity already. famous landscape painter. But it is worth remembering that Yuon often created scenery for the theater and was recognized as a master in this branch of art. This is how his personal vision of the events taking place in Russia was depicted. Yuon's work was exhibited at the XVIII exhibition of the "Union of Russian Artists" at the end of 1922, and coincided with the creation of the Soviet Union.

In the 1900s, Konstantin Yuon created the series "Creation of the World", where he depicted the appearance of a luminary from chaos. The New Planet seems to continue this cycle.

Yuon builds the composition of the picture quite intricately. There are flashes of flame, red, black and yellow-gold colors, in their totality causing inexplicable anxiety. Not on canvas settlements: towns and villages.

There are only strict rectilinear rays from space, aimed at small figures of defenseless people. People cannot run or hide. But where? They are open to a destructive cosmic cataclysm as the end of the world, predicted by various religions. In principle, the revolution can be compared with the end of the world, the normal course of life, some familiar norms. Around everything has changed, it has become different, unrecognizable and therefore threatening.

Judging by this canvas, the artist recognized all the destructive power of the social cataclysm, negative factors, although he hoped for the birth of something new. Yuon believed that after a while everything would calm down and life would certainly become better. After all, tragedies are inevitable, since the emergence of the new always leads to the destruction of the old. Perhaps the artist, with the help of symbols, leaves a warning to posterity about the fear of revolutions that awaken dark forces to life.

Today Yuon's painting The New Planet is in Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow

Description of the painting by Yuon “New Planet”

"New Planet" is unusual picture, written in a manner unusual for Yuon.
This canvas was painted in 1921 and is associated with the October Revolution.
It was she who turned the familiar world of people and led to the formation of a new state.
Impressed by this event, Yuon decided to paint a picture of the birth of a new planet, associating it with a new world.

The artist used shades of red and yellow as primary colors for a reason.
These colors just personify the revolution.
On the one hand, these are warm colors that attract, and on the other hand, the red color is aggressive and frightening.
A new planet is born suddenly and illuminates everyone with its bright light.
Warm yellow rays come from her, like from the sun.

People observing a unique phenomenon behave differently.
Some rejoice at this event and substitute their hands towards the warmth.
Those who could not run are trying to crawl, see everything with their own eyes and rejoice with the rest.
They understand that something amazing is being born, and this event will lead to a new happy life.
There are people who are not at all happy with this phenomenon, but on the contrary, it scares them.
They fell to the ground and covered their heads with their hands, trying to escape from something terrible, foreshadowing the end of the world.
For them, the appearance of a new planet is a punishment for their deeds, they are afraid of a merciless punishment.

One thing is for sure: the appearance of the planet did not leave anyone indifferent.
Each person has his own attitude to this event, as well as to the October Revolution.
Through such an unusual comparison, the artist conveyed his main idea regarding the revolution.
It was she who changed the lives of people and thanks to her a new state appeared.
Bright colors personify new life and change.
The October Revolution left an indelible mark on people's lives.

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