What animals does Dr. Aibolit have. Extra-curricular activity in elementary school: "Quiz on the book K


Chukovsky K. fairy tale "Doctor Aibolit"

Genre: literary fairy tale

The main characters of the fairy tale "Doctor Aibolit" and their characteristics

  1. Dr. Aibolit, kind, caring, compassionate, brave, courageous, resolute, resilient, a master of his craft
  2. Barbara. Evil sister of Aibolit. Vile and harmful. Sent to a desert island.
  3. Barmaley. Pirate. Evil robber. Eaten by sharks.
  4. Animals of Aibolit, his friends and helpers: Abba the dog, Karudo the parrot, Oink-oink the pig, Kika the duck, Bumba the owl, Chichi the monkey, the crocodile, pushing, Dick.
  5. Penta, the son of a fisherman, who was saved by Aibolit. Became a doctor's assistant.
  6. Robinson. An old sailor, friend of Aibolit.
  7. Jumbo. Negro, lighthouse keeper, friend of Aibolit.
  8. Benalis. Another evil pirate. Drowned in the sea.
The shortest content of the fairy tale "Doctor Aibolit" for the reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. Dr. Aibolit treats animals and learns that monkeys are sick in Africa.
  2. He sails to Africa, is captured by Barmaley, but gets to the monkeys and heals them
  3. Aibolit receives a tyanitokaya as a gift, and Varvara is sent to a desert island.
  4. Aibolit saves Penta, and then his father, and Barmaley is eaten by sharks.
  5. The pirate Benalis sets fire to Aibolit's house, but crashes on the rocks in the boat and drowns.
  6. Beavers build Aibolita new house and he lives happily and peacefully.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "Doctor Aibolit"
Help others and others will help you. The doctor should think first of all about the patient and only then about himself.

What does the fairy tale "Doctor Aibolit" teach
This tale teaches selflessness, self-sacrifice. Learn to protect the weak and the small. Learn to love animals. Teaches to ruthlessly eradicate evil and villains. Learn to help each other. It teaches you to face dangers boldly and find a way out of any situation.

Feedback on the fairy tale "Doctor Aibolit"
This is an interesting story about a doctor who loved animals so much that animals became his family. Aibolit, of course, was kind to friends, but ruthless to enemies. He even sent his own sister to a desert island, because she did not like animals. Animals were the meaning of Aibolit's life.

Proverbs to the fairy tale "Doctor Aibolit"
Who heals and who hurts.
If you don't trust your doctor, you won't be cured.
That's what a doctor is for, to heal the sick.
Road help on time.
Not a big deal - great help.

Read summary, brief retelling fairy tales "Doctor Aibolit" by chapters:
Part 1. Journey to the country of monkeys.
Chapter 1
Once upon a time there was a kind doctor Aibolit and his evil sister Varvara lived. The doctor was very fond of animals, but most of all the pig Oink-oink, the parrot Karudo, the dog Avva, the duck Kiku and the owl Bumba.
Varvara swore at the animals and demanded to drive them away.
People often came to the doctor and he treated everyone. Aibolit understood the animal language well and could speak it himself. He opened a hospital for animals and did not take money from anyone.
Chapter 2
Once, a thin and dirty monkey knocked on Aibolit's door and said that her neck hurt. And on the neck was a trace from the rope. The monkey ran away from the evil organ grinder and he came to the doctor to demand the monkey back, but Aibolit drove him away and called the dog Avva.
The monkey was named Chichi and neighbor children Tanya and Vanya loved to play with it.
Chapter 3
Many animals came to the doctor. He sewed a tail on a goat, pulled out a splinter to a she-bear, and gave medicine to all the animals. And everyone got better and said "Chuck" to him.
Once, Aibolit even sewed a new wing on a moth from a bright patchwork.
Chapter 4
One night a Crocodile came to Aibolit with a toothache. Aibolit cured the crocodile and he began to ask to stay with Aibolit. Aibolit demanded that the crocodile not eat any of the animals and the crocodile agreed.
He began to live with the doctor and Varvara cursed a lot. After all, once a crocodile ate her skirt.
Chapter 5
Aibolit was left without money and sat hungry. But friends began to help him and the animals made a garden, and Vanya and Tanya carried water from the well.
The doctor rejoiced at how clean it became in his house.
Chapter 6
One winter, a frozen and tired swallow flew to Aibolit, who began to ask him to go to Africa. The monkeys got sick there and if the doctor does not cure them, they may die.
The doctor remembered the sailor Robinson, whom he somehow helped and asked him for a ship.
Of course Robinson gave him a ship.
Aibolit took his animals with him, including a crocodile, but did not take Vanya and Tanya. They were still too small.
Chapter 7
The doctor and the animals boarded the ship, but then the doctor remembered that he did not know where Africa was. The swallow had to show him the way. Aibolit ruled behind the swallow, and at night she even took a flashlight so that she could be seen.
A Crane flew to the ship and said that the monkeys got worse. Aibolit said that he was flying in full sail.
Then the dolphins came and also said that the monkeys were getting worse.
Finally, Africa appeared and the crocodile was very happy.
Chapter 8
Suddenly a storm began. There was a terrible crack. The ship hit the rocks and began to sink. But the crocodile carried everyone ashore on his broad back.
Everyone was wet and tired. But Dr. Aibolit hurried to the monkeys.
Chapter 9
But then a shaggy old man came out to meet the doctor and asked where they were going. Aibolit replied that he was in a hurry to the sick monkeys. And the old man laughed and said that they came to Barmaley.
Aibolit was very frightened, he wanted to run to the monkeys. However, Barmaley and his pirates appeared here. They twisted Aibolit and the animals, and put them in prison.
The animals were crying in fear.
Chapter 10
Aibolit began to console the animals and say that they would definitely be saved. But the crocodile did not believe him and cried. Then Aibolit called Karudo and whispered something to him.
Karudo flew out through the bars and flew straight to Barmaley.
Barmaley was sleeping, and under his pillow lay the key to the prison. Karudo pulled out the key and flew back. The key was very heavy and the parrot almost dropped it.
But he brought the key and Aibolit opened the door. He and his beasts hid in the thicket.
Chapter 11
Upon learning of the escape, Barmaley became terribly angry and sent his servants in pursuit. Aibolit walked through the forest and carried a pig in his arms. He was very tired, but Chichi cheered him up, saying that she was already seeing Monkeyland from the tree.
And here is the river beyond which the monkey country begins. And then the pirates run out of the thicket. The monkeys saw the difficult situation of Aibolit and instantly built a bridge from their bodies. They held tightly to each other and hung over the river.
Aibolit and his friends ran across the bridge, and the pirates fell into the water when the monkeys disengaged.
Chapter 12
Aibolit began to treat monkeys, but he was alone, and there are a lot of sick monkeys. Very soon he was completely exhausted, and his animals too. Then Aibolit went to the lion and asked him to help treat the monkeys. But the lion only laughed and drove Aibolit away.
Aibolit went to rhinos and tigers, but they refused to help the doctor.
And when the lion returned home, the lioness complained to him that the lion cub was very ill and he urgently needed Dr. Aibolit. The ashamed lion went to Aibolit and helped him heal the monkeys for three days. And only then he asked for help for his son. And Dr. Aibolit, of course, helped and cured the lion cub.
And then the children of the rhinos and tigers got sick. But Aibolit also helped them and the animals were very ashamed of their behavior.
Chapter 13
When the monkeys were cured, they began to decide what gift to give to Aibolit. Someone offered to donate a camel, but Aibolit saw the camels. Another monkey offered to give an ostrich, but the doctor also saw ostriches.
And then the monkeys decided to give Aibolit a pusher.
Chapter 14
Tyanitolkaya was never caught by hunters, because this beast has two heads. And when one sleeps, the second is awake and immediately notices the danger.
But the monkeys surrounded the pusher and grabbed him by the horns. Then they began to persuade the pusher to go with Aibolit, saying how good he would be at the doctor.
They argued for so long that the pusher agreed to go and see the doctor.
He saw Aibolit and realized that he was very kind. And if so, then the pusher agreed to go with him. But with the condition that if he is bored, then Aibolit will let him go home.
And Aibolit of course agreed.
Chapter 15
The monkeys arranged a fabulous dinner in honor of Aibolit. And then they installed a stone in memory of the doctor.
The doctor said goodbye to the monkeys and promised to return soon. Until then, he left in Africa Karudo, Chichi and a crocodile who were born in Africa.
He crossed the river and again ended up on the lands of Barmaley.
Chapter 16
Indeed, the pirates were already waiting for Aibolit. But he did not lose his head, jumped up on the push-and-pull and quickly galloped through the forest. The pusher didn't let anyone near him. And then the crocodile, Chichi and Abba came to the rescue. So Aibolit safely reached the shore.
There he saw beautiful ship Barmaley and decided to capture him.
Aibolit boarded the ship and set sail. Barmaley ran out of the forest and began to swear dirtyly. But Aibolit only laughed at him.
Very soon the ship landed on their native shores.
Chapter 17
Aibolit returned home and all the animals greeted him joyfully. many at first were afraid of the pull, but soon got used to it.
And Tanya and Vanya became completely inseparable from the pusher. They rode on it all the time.
I wanted to ride on the tyanitolkay and Varvara. She climbed onto her back and began to push with her umbrella, calling her a two-headed donkey. And the pusher threw her into the sea. Varvara began to sink and not a single animal began to help her.
It is a pity that Robinson sailed by, on his new ship, and saved Varvara. But Aibolit shouted to him to take her to hell, and Robinson took Varvara to a desert island.

Part 2. Penta and sea pirates
Chapter 1
Aibolit and his friends loved to walk along the seashore, through fields and meadows. And then one day he found a cave that was locked up. Everyone decided that very tasty things were stored in the cave and began to look for the key. But there was no key.
Then the owl said that she heard a man put his hand in his pocket in the cave. And that a tear rolls down his cheek.
Dr. Aibolit got excited. He began to call to break the unfortunate castle.
Chapter 2. Penta
The pusher ran home and brought an axe. Aibolit dropped the door and entered the cave. There, on the straw, sat a little boy. He saw Aibolit and realized that he was not a pirate.
The boy said that his name was Penta, and that yesterday he was put in a cave by pirates who captured his father, a tall, red-haired fisherman with a beard.
Aibolit promised to help find the boy's father and called the dolphins.
Chapter 3. Dolphins
Dolphins sailed and Aibolit asked them to find a fisherman that the pirates could throw into the sea.
Dolphins searched the whole sea, but nowhere did they find a drowned man.
Penta was delighted, because it meant that his father was alive and Aibolit promised the boy to find him.
Chapter 4. Eagles
Aibolit called the eagles and asked them to fly all over the earth and find a fisherman with red hair and a beard. The eagles carefully examined the whole land and returned to Aibolit.
They said that there is no such fisherman on earth.
Chapter 5
Penta was very upset, but Abba said that although eagles have very sharp eyesight, only a dog can find a person. The rest of the friends did not believe Abba and Abba promised that within three days he would find Penta's father.
He asked to give him the thing of Father Penta, and the boy gave him a red handkerchief that smelled of tobacco and herring.
Abba said that today the wind was blowing from the north and began to sniff. He caught the smell of ice and snow, deer and polar bears, fir cones, but the wind did not carry the smell of the fisherman.
Chapter 6
The next day the wind blew from the south and Abba caught the smell of roses and grapes, pyramids and sand, giraffes and monkeys. But there was no fisherman in the south either.
Then the wind blew from the west and Abba joyfully ran to the doctor. He smelled the fisherman and announced that he was across the sea, on the other side of it.
Aibolit ran to Robinson. He, of course, again gave his ship to Aibolit and all the animals and the doctor himself swam forward. Only Penta was sad and did not believe that his father would be found.
They sailed for a long time and the animals began to grumble and scold Abba, saying that they would never find Penta's father. A rock appeared ahead and Abba declared that the smell was coming from there.
But the rock was empty.
Chapter 7
But Abba did not lose heart, he ran around the rock and noticed a small island nearby. Abba rushed to the island and found a narrow hole in which the unfortunate fisherman lay.
He was frightened, thinking that pirates had come, but he saw the kind Aibolit and realized that he was not a pirate. He asked for food and ate the whole loaf. Then Aibolit took him to Penta and he joyfully hugged his father.
Aibolit took the boy with his father to his native village, where Penta's mother was waiting for them. She stood on the shore for twenty days and waited for her husband and son.
Everyone was very happy and wanted to kiss Abva, but the dog ran away, although the praise was very pleasant to her.
And Aibolit agreed to stay with Penta's parents.
Chapter 8
In the village everyone praised the doctor and gave him flowers. And then the dwarf Bambuko, a very respected shepherd, came and presented Abva with a beautiful collar.
Finally, Aibolit began to get ready to go home. The villagers dissuaded him, saying that it was dangerous in the sea and pirates were rummaging around there, but Aibolit was confident in the speed of his ship.
Chapter 9. Pirates
Aibolit sailed for three days and saw a deserted island. He did not know that there were pirates hiding behind the stones. He was walking serenely on the deck when a ship with black sails appeared from behind the island.
Aibolit shouted to raise all the sails, but the pirates overtook him. And on the deck of the pirate ship, Barmaley gloated with a pistol and a saber.
But Aibolit called the swallow and asked her to call the cranes. Cranes flew in and harnessed to Aibolit's ship. He flew over the waves and the pirates quickly fell behind.
Chapter 10
The cranes dragged Aibolit's ship to the shore and flew into their swamp. And Aibolit saw rats running from the ship. And the old rat told the young one that there was a leak in the hold and the ship would sink tomorrow.
Aibolit and his friends hurriedly left the ship and set off on foot along the shore.
Then a swallow flew in and said that the pirates had captured Aibolit's ship and were going to sail on it. Aibolit only grinned, promising that the pirates would not swim far. And then he offered to capture the pirate ship for now.
Friends ran to the pirate ship and it was empty. All the pirates were on Aibolit's ship.
Chapter 11
When Aibolit sailed past the pirate ship, Oink-Oink pig suddenly sneezed and the pirates saw Aibolit. They gave chase. Aibolit's ship was faster and began to gradually move away from the pirates. But then Barmaley fired a pistol and the bullet hit the chest of the pusher. The pusher fell into the water and began to sink.
Aibolit stopped the ship and threw a pulling rope, and then pulled it onto the deck and tied it up.
But time was lost and the pirates caught up with the ship. They rejoiced and looked forward to how they would deal with Aibolit and his animals.
Chapter 12
The animals were frightened, but the owl said that the pirates would drown anyway, because there was a leak in the hold. Aibolit shouted to Barmaley that his ship would sink, because rats had escaped from it.
And the pirates really saw that their ship was sinking into the water. Soon he drowned, and the pirates floundered in the water and begged for salvation. Barmaley even swam to Aibolit's ship and began to climb the stairs. But Abba growled at him and Barmaley fell into the water. He asked to be saved, but no one came to his aid.
Chapter 13
And then sharks appeared, which instantly ate all the pirates.
And then the doctor heard someone calling him and saw Karudo, who said that the crocodile and Chichi were swimming next. They got bored in Africa and decided to return to Aibolit.
Aibolit and the animals returned to hometown Pindemonte and were amazed by the solemn meeting.
Crowds of people praised the doctor and cheered. It turned out that Penta came and told how Aibolit saved him and his father from the pirates, and then everyone found out that the pirates had died. Robinson, in joy, presented Aibolit with a new ship.
Then the cranes came and brought the most delicious fruits. A huge feast began. But the doctor soon left, and Penta followed him. He saw that the doctor was frowning and asked why.
Aibolit led him into the house and showed him the sick animals, which urgently needed to be treated. And Penta decided to help Aibolit. he made a very capable assistant.

Part 3. Fire and water
Chapter 1. Dr. Aibolit is waiting for a new guest.
The city of Pindemonte stood on the seashore and there were dangerous rocks near the shore, on which any ship could crash. Therefore, near the city there was a lighthouse, on which the old Negro Jumbo was on duty.
And somehow Aibolit sailed to Jumbo and asked to light the lighthouse today. He was waiting for the return of Robinson from Africa and did not want him to crash on the rocks. After all, Robinson was carrying the son of pushing Dick, whom he had not seen for eleven months and missed him very much.
Jumbo promised to light four lamps at once.
Chapter 2. Lighthouse
Aibolit cured all the animals and went to bed. But suddenly a seagull knocked on his window. She was very excited and said that there was no light in the lighthouse.
Aibolit got scared and rushed into the boat. He rowed to the lighthouse, but Robinson's ship was already approaching the shore. Then Aibolit asked the seagull to detain the ship.
The helmsman whistled a song merrily, not knowing that he was heading straight for the rocks. Dick looked forward to meeting his father. And suddenly gulls flew in and began to peck at the helmsman. He began to fight back, not realizing that the seagulls wanted to save the ship. And he called other sailors, who began to drive away the seagulls.
Chapter 3. Jumbo
Aibolit swam to the lighthouse, but the door was locked and no one responded to the knock. Then Aibolit knocked out the door and began to climb up the spiral staircase. He was in a hurry.
Suddenly he saw a man lying in the dark, it was Jumbo. But Aibolit could not stop and check if he was alive, because the life of the whole ship depended on him.
He climbed the lighthouse and suddenly screamed. He forgot his matches at home. He looked for matches in the lighthouse and did not find them. The duck searched Jumbo's pockets and found no match either.
Chapter 4
Suddenly, Aibolit heard the chirping of a canary and ran downstairs. He found a cage with a canary and asked her about the matches. The canary complained that she was cold, that the wind was blowing, but nevertheless she said where the matches were. And Aibolit again rushed to the lighthouse, not knowing whether he would have time to light the fire.
Chapter 5
Aibolit finally lit the lantern and heard how the alarm was raised on the ship - they saw stones. The ship was saved and Aibolit went down to Jumbo. He saw a large wound on his forehead and gave him medicine.
When Jumbo came to his senses, he said that he was attacked by the pirate Benalis, who had escaped from a desert island.
The canary said that Benalis had run away to the mountains and that he wanted to set fire to Aibolit's house.
Aibolit rushed home, in the dark he fell several times and scratched his face. But he was in a hurry, fearing that his animals would die if the pirate had time to set fire to the house.
Chapter 6
But then the doctor was seized by Benalis. He swore angrily and pushed the doctor down the well. And then he laughed mockingly and ran to set fire to the house.
Aibolit shouted Save, but no one heard him.
And the pirate got into the house and set it on fire. He stood and admired the fire.
Finally, the frog heard the doctor and went after the cranes.
Chapter 7
The cranes brought the rope. Aibolit got out of the well and rushed to the house. The house was on fire, but the animals continued to sleep. Aibolit rushed straight into the fire. His hair was on fire, he screamed, but no one heard him. Finally he got to Chichi and woke her up. She immediately screamed loudly, the animals woke up and began to run out of the house. And Aibolit rushed into the office, because there were rabbits in the closet. He released the rabbits and began to descend, but his head began to spin and he fell, losing consciousness.
Abba threw herself into the fire and pulled out Aibolit. Together with Chichi, they dragged Aibolit to the stream and the doctor came to his senses.
Birds flew from all sides and carried water, a bear came running and brought a huge bucket. But then three whales sailed and easily extinguished the fire with fountains.
Chapter 8. Dick
The house burned down and Aibolit decided to live in a cave. The bear called him to the den, the frog to the well, the owl to the hollow, but Aibolit refused.
He went ashore to look for a cave and saw Dick meet with a pusher. They kissed with all their heads.
Dick was immediately liked by everyone and he was showered with delicious gifts.
Chapter 9
Then the seagulls flew in and began to shout that Benalis was sailing on a boat to Robinson's ship and wanted to steal it.
Parrot Karudo ordered the seagulls to fly to the lighthouse and block the light from the pirate. A bunch of seagulls easily blocked the light and Benalis' boat crashed on the rocks. The pirate began to scream and call for help, but Karudo sternly answered him that he, the villain, served him right.
Chapter 10
Benalis drowned, but the doctor could not find the cave and was therefore sad. And then a thunderstorm began and the doctor got wet, he felt that he was getting sick. The animals were alarmed, but did not know how to help Aibolit.
And then the beavers came, who announced that only after learning about the fire, they felled thirty trees and built a new house for Aibolit. After all, beavers have such sharp teeth.
The house was magnificent and the stove was immediately flooded in it. The doctor warmed up, but was still very weak. And then Robinson and Jumbo came and brought jam.
The doctor sat happy in his chair and listened to his friends having fun.
Part 4. The adventures of the white mouse
Chapter 1
Lived in the world white mouse named Belyanka. She was the only white among the gray mice. When the gray mice went for a walk in the dark, the black cat did not notice them. But he immediately saw Belyanka and grabbed it. The white-haired woman began to ask for mercy, but the Cat only bared his teeth.
Chapter 2
But then Penta appeared and drove the cat away. He took Belyanka to him and put her in a cage. It was warm and good in the cage, but the mouse did not want to live in the cage. Therefore, at night she gnawed through the bars of the lattice and ran away.
Chapter 3
And then it began to snow and the streets of the city became white. Now Belyanka could not be afraid of cats, they did not see her on the white snow. She was walking cheerfully around the city and suddenly met an old rat. She was crying loudly.
The rat complained that for the third day she had not eaten anything, because she could not go outside, on the white snow they would immediately notice her and catch her.
Then Belyanka decided to help the old rat and brought a piece of cheese and a slice of bread from the garbage heap.
Chapter 4
So they lived all winter, and when the snow melted, it was the turn of the old rat to carry food for Belyanka.
And then one day Belyanka saw her gray brothers. They went to have fun in the forest. White began to ask with them, but the gray mice refused her. After all, an owl lived in the forest, which could easily find Belyanka.
The little white wept bitterly, and the old rat decided to help her. She took Belyanka to the dyer's workshop and showed him buckets of different colors. The old rat told Belyanka to jump into a bucket of gray paint. And Belyanka also turned gray.
Chapter 5
In the morning, Belyanka saw that she had become not gray, but yellow. It turns out in the dark an old rat mixed up buckets of paint. The white-haired woman was offended by the rat, scolded her and ran away.
On the street, everyone started chasing her. After all, no one has seen yellow mice. And Belyanka with difficulty reached her native hole. But the mother did not recognize Belyanka in the yellow mouse either. Her sisters and brothers pushed her out of the hole. Belyanka reached the sea.
Chapter 6
The white-haired girl rushed into the sea and tried to wash off the nasty paint. But the paint didn't wash off. Unhappy and wet, she climbed ashore. The sun was about to rise soon, and then someone would definitely catch her.
Suddenly she saw a mouse with a bow on its tail. Belyanka asked about the bow, but it turned out that it was a bandage that Dr. Aibolit put on.
Belyanka heard about a doctor who heals all animals and went to him. Aibolit saw a yellow mouse and was very happy. He said that let her always remain yellow, because it is so beautiful - a golden mouse. And so that no one would eat it, Aibolit offered Belyanka to live with him and even gave her a new name - Fija.
And the yellow mouse stayed with Aibolit.

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "Doctor Aibolit"

At the heart of the poem - a fairy tale by K. I. Chukovsky Aibolit is the theme of great love for animals and the glorification of a difficult and difficult, but at the same time very interesting profession - a doctor (a doctor who treats people and animals).

Dr. Aibolit is in the center of the plot. He is the embodiment of kindness, intelligence, sensitivity, compassion for others, strong hero going to the goal, conquering all evil - and these are the main qualities that characterize most of the heroes of Chukovsky's fairy tales.

The idea of ​​the fairy tale is the fact of healing poor, sick animals living in distant Africa. good doctor Aibolit.

Creating fairy tales for kids, K. I. Chukovsky directly followed his commandments. The fairy tale is written in a simple children's language, emotional, accessible to children, easily perceived, but at the same time it has a great educational value.

Today there are very good editions of Aibolit, we recommend:

"Dr. Aibolit"

Everyone knows that Dr. Aibolit from morning to night he heals birds and animals that fly and come to him from all over the world. He lives in fabulous city Pindemonte on the coast of the warm sea. And the doctor is helped by Kiki the duck, Avva the dog, Oink-Oink the pig, Karudo the parrot, Bumba the owl and the neighbor's children Tanya and Vanya.

Dr. Aibolit never managed to live calmly and peacefully in his little house. Happens to him all the time incredible stories. He fights with pirates and gets captured by them, he saves a ship from death, travels around the world, but the main thing is that he finds true friends everywhere.

This book is the most complete version of the life of Dr. Aibolit, told by K. I. Chukovsky: four stories about his exciting (and dangerous!) adventures.

This book contains all the joys at once:

And a wonderful text by Korney Ivanovich :)
And wonderful toned and colored drawings by Gennady Kalinovsky.
And ... a cozy format.
And a cover with a fabric spine (nostalgia).
And print quality.
And coated paper.

The book includes ALL parts of the PROSE "Aibolit".

"Doctor Aibolit" (read by yourself)

6 REASONS TO GIVE YOUR CHILD A BOOK FROM THE SERIES "READING BY YOURSELF". Large font correct academic style is optimal for reading by the child himself. Words with stress - highlighting the stressed syllable helps the child avoid difficulties in determining the place of stress.

VERY thick white paper - the pages are easy to turn, they do not wrinkle or tear even after numerous "turning" the text and pictures do not shine through. Fascinating text - the child will definitely want to know "how it all ends."

The harmonious ratio of text and illustrations - will not rush to turn the page to look at the next picture.

Gift size - perfect size for a child who is just starting to read; the book goes well with any bookshelf. In a home full of books, children grow up to be more successful and versatile than their peers. Surround your child with books, give him a happy future!

"All about Aibolit"

The good doctor Aibolit, who heals animals and children and defeats the evil robber Barmaley, is known to everyone today. But not everyone knows that Korney Chukovsky dedicated not one, but several works to his beloved hero.

Large text, stress on each word is indicated.

Excellent paper and print. Lovely book for those who have just started reading.

Let's consider a fairy tale based on Chukovsky's commandments:

1 . Maintained graphic and imagery.

“But here is the sea in front of him -

Raging, noisy in space.

And a high wave goes to the sea,

Now she will swallow Aibolit ...

But here comes the whale:

"Sit on me, Aibolit,

And like a big ship

I will take you forward! » »

2. The highest change of images

We live in Zanzibar

In the Kalahari and the Sahara

On Mount Fernando - Po,

Where hippo walks - popo

Along the wide Limpopo ".

3 . Painting is lyrical, many verbs and prepositions give a feeling of constant movement.

“And the fox came to Aibolit ...

And the watchdog came to Aibolit ...

And the hare came running

And she screamed: “Ai, ai!

My bunny got hit by a tram!

He ran down the path

And his legs were cut

And now he's sick and lame

My little hare! »

Together with his characters, I also want to do something, act somehow, help in some way.

4 . Mobility and variability of rhythm.

“But, look, some kind of bird

Closer and closer through the air rushes.

On the bird, look, Aibolit is sitting

And he waves his hat and shouts loudly:

Long live dear Africa! » »

5 . Musicality of poetic speech.

“Here is Hippo, here is Popo,

Hippo - popo, Hippo - popo!

Here comes the Hippo.

It comes from Zanzibar

He goes to Kilimanjaro -

And he screams, and he sings:

“Glory, glory to Aibolit!

Glory to good doctors! » »

The song of the hippopotamus sounds like an anthem for doctors.

6. Rhymes are in the immediate neighborhood.

And Shark Karakula

Right eye winked

And laughs, and laughs,

Like someone is tickling her.

And little hippos

Grabbed by the tummies

And laugh, pour -

So that the oaks are shaken. »

7. Each line has a life of its own.

“Good doctor Aibolit!

He sits under a tree.

Come to him for treatment.

Both the cow and the wolf

And a bug, and a worm,

And a bear!

Heal everyone, heal

Good Doctor Aibolit! »

" " What's happened? Really

Are your children sick? » -

" Yes Yes Yes! They have angina

scarlet fever, cholera,

diphtheria, appendicitis,

Malaria and bronchitis!

Come soon

Good Doctor Aibolit! » »

The rhymes of words are the main carriers of the meaning of the phrase.

9 . The poems are not cluttered with adjectives.

"Okay, okay, I'll run,

I will help your children.

But where do you live?

On a mountain or in a swamp? »

10 . Movement predominates, the main rhythm is trochee.

“And Aibolit got up, Aibolit ran,

He runs through the fields, through the forests, through the meadows.

And only one word repeats Aibolit:

Limpopo, Limpopo, Limpopo! » »

eleven . There is a game.

And Aibolit runs to the hippos,

And slaps them on the tummies

And all in order

Gives you chocolate

And puts and puts them thermometers!

And to the striped

He runs to the tiger cubs,

And to the poor hunchbacks

sick camels,

And every gogol

Every mogul,

Gogol - mogul,

Gogol - mogul,

Gogol - Mogul treats. »

12 . Poetry for children - poetry for adults.

« Ten nights Aibolit

Doesn't eat, doesn't drink, doesn't sleep

ten nights in a row

He heals the unfortunate animals

And puts and puts them thermometers. »

13 . Frequent repetitions give great emotionality to the tale.

"And then the ostriches

They squeal like piglets

Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry

Poor ostriches!

And they have measles and diphtheria,

And they have smallpox and bronchitis,

And their head hurts

And my throat hurts. »

We see that K.I. Chukovsky perfectly used his commandments in the fairy tale "Aibolit". This fairy tale is still very much loved by children, and after that they will love and read it again and again. This is all thanks to the high skill and talent of the great poet.

It is a pleasure to be treated by the animal doctor Aibolit - instead of injections and tablets, the doctor prescribes eggnog and chocolate. And the patient is waiting for a portion of warmth and kindness. The character gets involved in exciting adventures, which for some reason mostly take place in distant Africa, where it is very dangerous for children to walk.

History of creation

A distinctive feature of Korney Chukovsky's work is that many of the characters he created are "cross-cutting" - fairy-tale faces flash in one book or another, but do not connect the plot, but exist in separate worlds and spaces.

These heroes include Crocodile, Behemoth - they can be found in different fairy tales. Aibolit crowns a galaxy of passing characters, appearing in the poetic works "" (1925), "Aibolit" (1929) and "We will defeat Barmaley!" (1942). An animal doctor also rules the show in the prose novel "Doctor Aibolit" (1936).

Confusion arose with the authorship of Aibolit. It is believed that he invented a good doctor English writer Hugh Lofting: in 1920, the storyteller wrote The Story of Doctor Dolittle, the idea of ​​which originated on the fronts of the First World War - the author drew attention to the fact that animals are involved in hostilities, and they, like people, need medical care. The children liked the story so much that the book doctor became the hero of 14 more editions.

Four years after the debut, the work, revised by Chukovsky, appeared in Soviet Russia. Korney Ivanovich simplified the language to the maximum, because the tale was addressed to the smallest readers, and even dared to rename the characters - Doolittle became Aibolit, the dog Jeep turned into Abva, the piglet Jab-Jab proudly bore the new name Oink-Oink. However, in 1936, Chukovsky's retelling of the tale acquired an intriguing afterword:

“Several years ago a very strange thing happened: two writers at two ends of the world wrote the same fairy tale about the same person. One writer lived across the ocean, in America, and the other - in the USSR, in Leningrad. One was called Hugh Lofting, and the other was Korney Chukovsky. They had never seen each other or even heard of each other. One wrote in Russian and the other in English, one in verse and the other in prose. But their fairy tales turned out to be very similar, because in both fairy tales the same hero is a kind doctor who treats animals ... "

Korney Chukovsky himself claimed that Aibolit was invented long before the publication of the Englishman's work. Allegedly, the doctor settled in the first sketches of "Crocodile", which were created for a sick son. Only in them the animal healer was called Oibolit, and the prototype was the doctor Timofey (Tsemakh) Shabad, with whom fate brought the author in 1912. The Jewish doctor treated poor people for free, sometimes he did not disdain to help animals.


The first meeting of young readers with the kind doctor Aibolit happened in Africa - the kids Tanya and Vanya went for a walk to this country. The evil and merciless Barmaley threw an animal doctor into the fire, but he was saved by grateful animals. Barmaley was eventually swallowed by a crocodile, but in the end he was released into the wild. The children took the villain home to Leningrad, where he embarked on the true path and even learned how to bake gingerbread.

A full-fledged biography of the doctor appeared in the fairy tale "Doctor Aibolit" in four parts, where he is the main character. The book opens with a chapter titled "Journey to the Land of the Apes". In the apartment, together with the doctor, his animals live, as well as the evil sister Varvara, who does not like animals and is constantly angry with her brother for the menagerie arranged in the house.

Aibolit, out of the kindness of his heart, treats everyone who asks for help, often for free. Once such patronage left a man without a piece of bread. But the doctor has loyal and sympathetic friends: an owl and a pig set up a vegetable garden in the yard, chickens treated him with eggs, and a cow with milk.

Once, a swallow flew into the doctor's house with the news - sick monkeys are waiting for help in Africa. Aibolit could not refuse help and rushed to the rescue, taking the ship from an old comrade. The ship was wrecked, but the travelers managed to escape.

In this dangerous African mission, Aibolit faced evil in the face of the robber Barmaley and made new friends. Grateful cured animals presented the doctor with a wonderful two-headed animal - Tyanitolkaya. On the way back, Aibolit captured Barmaley's ship and returned safely to his homeland.

The adventures of Dr. Aibolit, Avva's dog and a whole bunch of animals continued in search of a fisherman, the father of the boy Penta, who was kidnapped by pirates. In the third chapter, the doctor again confronts the pirates, falls into the well into which the robbers threw him, and saves the animals from the burning house. Greenland whales, cranes, and frogs help the hero. The beavers built a new one instead of a burned-out house beautiful house, where Aibolit celebrated his housewarming.

The book ends with a section called "The Adventure of the White Mouse", where a white-haired rodent named Belyanka becomes an outcast in his own house - a rat friend did her a disservice by dyeing her wool in yellow. The unfortunate mouse, after a series of travels, ended up with Dr. Aibolit, and he sheltered the animal in his house, giving a new name - Fija (Golden Mouse).

In the fairy tale "We will defeat Barmaley!" the doctor rules over the country of Aibolithia, where cranes, eagles, hares, camels and deer live. Here Korney Chukovsky becomes more cruel, "killing" negative characters. So, the shark Karakula died at the hands of the boy Vasya Vasilchikov, and Barmaley died from a bayonet in drafts. However, the author later spared the robber, allowing the main characters to take him prisoner. And still, Barmaley was destroyed - he was sentenced to be shot from a machine gun.

Screen adaptations

In 1938, the black-and-white film "Doctor Aibolit" was released on Soviet screens. Director Vladimir Nemolyaev invited Maxim Strauch to the main role. It is interesting that in the 80s of the last century this picture was fragmentarily shown in the program “ Good night, kids!

After almost 30 years, he undertook to film the stories of Chukovsky. In the tape of the legendary actor and director Aibolit-66, he fights with Barmaley in the guise of a disinterested doctor. A film about an animal doctor, to put it mildly, an amateur. For children, the picture is difficult to perceive, and for adults it is too naive. "Aibolit-66" was classified as a Soviet arthouse.

The third film adaptation, where there was a place for Aibolit, fell on 1970 - the director Vitaly Ivanov pleased the children with the film “How we were looking for Tishka”, where the boy, along with his grandmother and a policeman, is looking for a bear cub. Transformed into a doctor.

Based on fairy tales about a good doctor, seven cartoons were created. A cult animated picture is considered the multi-part cartoon "Doctor Aibolit", which was shown to Soviet children in 1984-1985.

In Africa, the robbers staged a performance "" for the animals, and then poisoned the guests. Aibolit hurries to help sick animals (voiced by the character).

  • The “cruelty” shown by Korney Ivanovich in “We will overcome Barmaley!” Is understandable - while working on the fairy tale, the author was evacuated in Tashkent, where he was in poverty and often ill. From Leningrad and Moscow, news flew about the death of friends, acquaintances, and colleagues in the pen. One son of the writer went missing, and the second, being wounded, was starving in the besieged northern capital.
  • A possible prototype of Dr. Tsemakh Shabad was unveiled a monument in Vilnius in 2007. The sculpture is very touching - next to the old man in a shabby hat is a girl with a kitten in her arms.
  • The name Aibolit has long become a household name. In addition, in every city there is a pharmacy or a veterinary clinic named after the character Korney Chukovsky.
  • The modern doctor Aibolit is called the American orthopedic doctor Derrick Campana, who made a forelimb prosthesis for a pony. The mini-horse was injured immediately after birth. Seeing a three-legged animal, the doctor could not pass by. Since then, Derrick abandoned the classical direction in the profession. Today in his piggy bank there are artificial limbs for a kid and an elephant.

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4. Act out this story.

The Tale of Doctor Dolittle
Hugh Lofting

Long ago, many years ago, when our grandfathers were little, there lived a doctor named John Doolittle. He lived in small town called The Puddle in the Swamp. Both old people and young people knew him well, and when he, in a high hat, walked along the street, everyone said: “Here comes the doctor. He is a very wise man."
All the dogs and cats knew him, and even the birds that lived on the roof, the churches knew him.
The house he lived in was rather small, but around it was a large garden full of herbs and flowers. The doctor's sister, Sarah Doolittle, took care of him, and the doctor took care of the garden. He loved animals and had many pets. He had goldfish that lived in a small pond at the edge of the garden, rabbits, white mice, a cow, a horse, chickens, and many other animals. His favorites were the DabDub duck, the Jeep dog, and the Polynesian parrot. The doctor's sister always said that it was impossible to keep a house in order with so many animals in it.
Once an elderly lady who came to the doctor sat on a hedgehog that was sleeping on the sofa. She never returned again. Then his sister, Sarah Doolittle, came to see him and said, “John, people won't come to you if you keep so many animals in your house. The Doctor cannot afford to have hedgehogs and mice living in his living room. Mr Jenkins and Mr Parsons say they won't even go near your house again. Soon we will have no money left, because the best people will refuse to be treated by you.”
"But I love my animals more than" the best people" said the doctor.
The sister left because she knew that she would not be able to talk to him about his pets.
So, over time, the doctor kept more and more animals at home, but no one came to him for treatment. Only the cat food seller came to the doctor because he loved all animals. John Doolittle had more and more pets and needed a lot of money to buy them all food. So he sold the piano. He then sold the brown suit he wore on Sundays. And now, as he walked down the street in his tall hat, people said to each other, “Here comes John Doolittle. There were times when he was the best doctor in town. Look at him now. He has no money at all, and his shoes and socks are all in holes. But dogs, cats and birds still loved him.
One day the doctor was sitting in the kitchen with a cat food salesman.
"You have to take care of other people's pets," the pet food salesman said. The Polynesia parrot stopped talking and began to listen.
"You know so much about animals," said the cat food dealer. My wife read me your book on pets. She is gorgeous. You know how cats think. You could make a lot of money. Do you know about it? I can send you all the people whose pets are not well. You can heal them."
The feed merchant left to give the doctor time to think about his idea. The parrot flew up to the table where the doctor was sitting and said: “This man is smart. Here's what you should do. Treat not people, but animals.
"Well, there are a lot of doctors who treat animals," said John Doolittle.
"Yes, there are many," Polynesia said. “But they are not as good as you. Listen to what I tell you. Did you know that animals can talk? "I knew parrots could talk," the doctor said.
"Oh, we parrots can speak two languages ​​- the language of people and the language of birds," said Polynesia. “If I say, ‘Poly wants cookies,’ you will understand. But listen: Ka-ka, oy-ee, fi-fi?
“What did you say?” the doctor asked.
"I asked 'Is the porridge still hot?' in bird language."
"You've never spoken to me like that before," the doctor said. "Tell me something else."
He went to get paper and pencil.
“Don't rush, I'll write it down. First tell me the bird's alphabet, but slowly." That's how the doctor found out that animals have their own language, and they can communicate with each other. Soon, with the help of the parrot, the doctor learned the language of the animals so well that he could speak to and understand them.
When the cat food salesman told everyone that John Doolittle was now treating animals, people began to bring their pets to him. He has a lot more work than before. And, as you understand, the animals were very happy that a doctor finally appeared who actually understood what they wanted and what they needed.

1) John Doolittle sold a) a horse and a cow b) a house, a piano and a suit.
- V)
2) Dub-Dub was a) a dog, b) a duck, c) a parrot.
- b)
3) Who taught John Doolittle to talk to animals? a) a cat food salesman b) Sarah Doolittle c) a parrot.
- V)
4) John Doolittle's sister's name was a) Mary, b) Jane, c) Sarah
- V)
5) Who lived on the roof of the church? a) cats, b) parrots, c) birds.
- V)

2. Test your grammar knowledge.
Find in the text all the verbs in the simple past tense and indicate their forms in the present tense.
were, was - to be
lived to live
called - to call
knew - to know
walked to walk
said - to say
took - to take
loved - to love
kept - to keep
had - to have
could - can
came to come
sat - to sit
went to go
got to get
liked - to like
sold - to sell
wore - to wear
stopped - to stop
started - to start
read to read
left - to leave
flew to fly
learn - to learn
told - to tell
began - to begin
wanted-to want

3. Test your knowledge of words. Try to rewrite these words from the text correctly.

4. Answer the questions.
1) Where did John Doolittle live?
He lived in a little town called Puddleby-on-the-Marsh.
(He lived in a small town called Puddle in the Swamp.)
2) What animals lived in his house?
Rabbits, white mice, a cow, a horse, chickens, gold fish and many, many others.
(Rabbits, white mice, a cow, a horse, chickens, goldfish, and many other animals lived in his house.)
3) Did Sarah Doolittle love animals?
No, she didn't like animals. She said that John should keep them at home.
(No, she didn't like animals. She said that John shouldn't have kept them at home.)
4) Why did people stop coming to John Doolittle?
People stop coming to see John Dolittle because they were afraid of his animals.
(People stopped coming to John Doolittle because they were afraid of his animals.)
5) What did the feed trader advise him to do?
He told him to begin treating the animals.
(He advised him to start treating animals.)
6) Was Polynesia an intelligent parrot? Why do you think so?
Yes, it was very smart. He taught Doctor Dolittle animals’ language
(Yes, he was very smart. He taught Dr. Doolittle the language of animals.)
7) Why did the animals love John Doolittle?
Animals liked John Dolittle because he understood what they wanted and needed.
(The animals loved John Doolittle because he understood what they wanted and needed.)
8) Do you like animals? Reread the test again and write down the names of all the animals.
Yes, I like animals very much.
(Yes, I love animals very much.)

4. Tell us about:
1) John Doolittle and his pets.
2) About your favorite animal or pet.

Prince Frog

Long ago there was a king who had beautiful daughters. The youngest was the prettiest. They all lived in a huge palace. Beautiful gardens were laid out around the garden. There was also a large forest, and in it, under a tree, a pond. Often on warm days, the little princess went to the forest to play ball. The ball was golden in color and the princess loved it more than any other toy. She threw the ball and caught it. Sometimes she threw it over the branches of trees. She liked to see how high she could throw him. But one day it happened that the princess threw the ball so high that she could not catch it, and it fell into the pond. The princess knew that the pond was very deep. Her father often told her not to get too close to the pond as it could be dangerous. She sat down and wept. I will never see my beautiful ball again, she thought.
"What's wrong, little princess," said the voice. "Why are you crying?" The little princess looked around and saw a frog. “Oh, what do you want, you ugly old frog? I lost my beautiful golden ball forever because it fell into the pond.” “That's not a problem,” said the frog, “I can easily get it for you. What will you give me if I do this for you?" “I will give you all my dresses and toys,” said the little princess.
“Thank you, but I don’t need your dresses and your toys,” said the frog, “May I be your friend, sit next to you at the table in the palace, eat from your golden plate, drink from your golden cup and sleep next to you in your sweet bed?" "Oh yes yes. I'll do whatever you want if you get my golden ball." The princess thought that a frog could only live near water. "How can he get into the palace?" she thought.
When the frog heard that the princess said yes, he jumped into the pond to find the ball. Soon he got out, holding the golden ball in his mouth. He threw it on the grass next to the princess. She was so happy to receive her ball. She threw and caught him. She forgot about the frog and ran home.
"Wait, wait," said the frog, "Please don't run so fast. I can't move as fast as you.” But the princess didn't want to hear him. She ran through the palace gardens to the palace and closed the door.
"What are you doing?" Asked her father, the king. Then the princess told him all about the golden ball, the pond and the frog. “I don't want that ugly frog to come to the palace,” the princess said to her father. “I always taught you to be kind and do what you promise,” her father said sadly.
He told her to go and open the door and invite the frog to dinner. At dinner, the princess said that she was not hungry and did not want to eat anything. The frog was very hungry and thirsty and had a wonderful dinner. The princess simply did not want to eat from the same plate as the frog, and certainly did not want to drink from the same cup. "Now, can you take me to your bedroom?" said the frog. "Oh my God," the princess cried, "I can't sleep in a bed with a frog. This is too much".
"I would like to go to bed," said the frog. "Please take me to the bedroom."
"No," said the princess, "You will not sleep in my bed."
But the king said, "Remember what the frog did for you and what you said to him."
The princess could only do one thing. She took the frog to her room, where she quickly threw it on the floor and went to sleep. She heard the frog. He crept up to the bed and climbed onto the pillow next to the princess. The princess was so unhappy that she had the frog go back into the pond. The frog said: “If you are not good and kind. I'll tell your father."
The princess wept and wept. She cried so much that she fell asleep.
The next morning the frog jumped on the floor and a strange thing happened. When the princess woke up, she saw a handsome young prince in front of her. “Oh princess,” he said, “look at me. I was not what I seemed. Only you could help me. That's why I waited and waited in the pond for you to come."
The princess was very surprised, but now she was very happy. The prince then asked her again if they could be friends. As you can guess, when they grew up, they got married and lived happily ever after.

1. Choose the correct answers using the text material.
1) On warm days, the princess often a) went to the kitchen to eat ice cream, b) went to bed early, c) went to the forest to play ball, d) went to play with the frog.
- V)
2) When the frog heard that the princess said "yes" a) he ran into the garden, b) he sat down and cried, c) he went to the palace, d) he jumped into the pond to find the ball.
- G)
3) When the princess woke up, she saw in front of her a) an ugly frog, b) a handsome prince, c) a king, d) her mother.
- b)

2. Say which of these statements are true and which are not. Correct incorrect statements.
1) Once upon a time there was a king who had lovely daughters. The eldest was the most beautiful.
The second sentence is wrong. The youngest daughter was the most beautiful.
(The second sentence is incorrect. The youngest daughter was the most beautiful.)
2) The princess often went to the forest to play ball and one day she lost it there.
This sentence is wrong, because the princess she didn't loose the ball in the forest. She dropped it into the pond.
(This sentence is incorrect because the princess did not lose the ball in the forest. She dropped it into the pond.)
3) The frog asked if he could be her friend, sit next to her at the table in the palace, eat from her golden plate and drink from her golden cup.
This sentence is right.
(This sentence is correct.)
4) The king told her to send the frog back to the pond.
This sentence is wrong. The king told her to invite the frog for dinner.
(This sentence is wrong. The king told her to invite the frog to dinner.)
5) The princess was very pleased that the frog was with her in the palace, and happily carried him to the bedroom.
This sentence is wrong. The princess was very unhappy and she didn't want to take the frog to her bedroom.
(This sentence is incorrect. The princess was very unhappy and she did not want to carry the frog into her bedroom.)
6) Actually the frog was a prince. The prince and princess lived happily ever after.
This sentence is right.
(This sentence is correct.)

3. Act out this story.

Magic Fish Bone
Charles Dickens

There lived a king and a queen. They had nineteen children. They were between seven and seventeen years old. Alicia - the eldest daughter took care of all of them. One day, on his way to work, the king stopped by a fishmonger to buy a pound and a half of fish. Mr. Pickles, the fishmonger, said, “Good morning, sir. A pound and a half of fish, of course. Would you like anything else?" The king needed nothing more, and he went to work. He was not very happy because his children did not have new clothes.
At that moment, an old lady approached him. She was wearing very expensive clothes. "King Watkins the First?" asked the old lady. "Watkins is my name," replied the king. "Father of the beautiful Alicia?" "And eighteen other children," replied the king. "You are going to work," said the old lady.
The king thought that the old lady must be a fairy, otherwise how could she know all this. The old lady continued to read the king's thoughts. "You're right. I am the good fairy Grandmarina. When you go home to dinner tonight, invite the princess to eat with you the fish you just bought. When the beautiful princess Alicia eats the fish, you will see that she will leave a bone on the plate. Tell her to wash it and keep it. This is a gift from me. She has to take care of him." The king did not quite understand what the old lady wanted to say. The old lady read his thoughts again and said, “Tell Princess Alicia that this bone is a magical gift. She will give her whatever she wants. But this will only happen once and must happen in right time. This is all".
The King wanted to ask Grandmarina a question. But where is she? She disappeared. The king went on to work. There he wrote and wrote, and it was time to go home again.
At home, he invited Princess Alicia to eat fish. She ate it with great relish. The king saw a bone on her plate and told Alicia to wash it and take care of it. “This is a magic bone,” he said, “and it will give you everything you want. But it will only happen once, and the moment has to be right.”
The next day, the queen felt unwell. "Oh my God! My head, my head,” she said. Princess Alicia took care of her mother. She made her a good breakfast, a wonderful lunch and a wonderful dinner. She took care of all her brothers and sisters. But the queen was ill for a very long time, and every day Alicia was very, very busy. Few people helped her because the king had no money.
Every evening when the Queen was unwell, Alicia and her father sat next to her bed. One evening the king asked Alicia, "Where is the magic fish bone?" "In my pocket." "So you haven't forgotten about her?" "No, dad," said Alicia.
Another time, one of the little princes cut his hand badly. Alicia was attending to him and dipped his hand into the bowl of cold water. She washed and cleansed his hand, and soon he was much better. When the king saw this, he asked: “Alicia, what are you doing?” “One of the little princes cut his hand badly. I washed and cleansed his hand, she said, and now he is much better.” “Where is the magic fish bone? Have you forgotten about her? “No, I haven't forgotten about her, dad. It's in my pocket." There were other incidents, and each time the king asked Alicia if she had lost the magic bone. And each time Alicia answered that she had it in her pocket.
One day, Princess Alicia said to her siblings, "Today you will all be cooks."
All the children baked bread and cooked dinner. They had a great time dancing and singing in the kitchen. But Alicia saw her father at the kitchen door. He was so sad. Alicia talked to her siblings. They quietly left the kitchen and left Alicia alone with her father. "What's happened?" she asked. “I have no money, and the children need new clothes,” the king said.
"You don't have any money?" "Absolutely, my child." "And you have nowhere to get them?" “I tried my best. I've tried everything."
Hearing these words, Alicia put her hand into the pocket where she kept the magic fish bone. "Father," said Alicia, "when we tried our best, when we did our best, I think it's time to ask others to help us." When she took the magic bone out of her pocket, the fairy Grandmarine appeared in the room in her beautiful clothes. Grandmarina turned to the king and asked, "Do you understand why Alicia didn't need a fish bone earlier?" The king replied that he understood and was very sorry about it. At this time, the queen entered the room with the rest of the children. They were dressed in new dresses. At parting, the old lady said to them: "Dresses
- That's not all. Be kind and hardworking and you will be happy.

1. Choose the correct answers using the text material.
1) Alicia kept the fish bone a) in the bedroom b) in her bag c) in her pocket d) in the kitchen.
- V)
2) The king bought a) a pound and a half of meat, b) a pound and a half of potatoes, c) a pound and a half of tomatoes, d) a pound and a half of fish.
- G)
3) The king thought that Grandmarine was a fairy because a) she told him about it, b) she read his mind.
- b)
4) A little prince cut a) an arm, b) bread, c) a leg.
- b)
5) The Queen was unwell a) two days, b) two weeks, c) three hours, d) for a long time.
- G)

2. Test your knowledge of words. Try to rewrite these words from the text correctly.
See the key at the end of the tutorial (p. 44).

3. Correct these sentences using the text.
1) She cooked her a nice breakfast, a good lunch and a wonderful dinner.
2) "It's a magic fish-bone," he said, "it will bring you anything you want but only once and the time must be right.
3) When we have tried very, very hard and when we have done our very best? I think it's time to ask others for help.

4. Who did the following:
1) took care of his mother.
Alicia took care of her mother.
(Alicia took care of her mother.)
2) was very, very busy.
Alicia was very, very busy.
(Alicia has been very, very busy.)
3) wore very expensive clothes.
Grandmarina was in very expensive clothes.
(Grandmarina wore very expensive clothes.)
4) severely cut his hand.
One of the young princes cut his hand badly.
(One of the little princes cut his hand badly.)
5) put his hand in his pocket.
Alicia began to put her hand into her pocket.
(Alicia put her hand in her pocket.)
6) wanted nothing more.
Alicia didn't want anything else.
(Alicia wanted nothing more.)

5. Answer the questions:
1) What did the king buy?
The king bought one and a half pound of fish.
(The king bought a pound and a half of fish.)
2) Who was Grandmarina?
Grandmarina was a good fairy.
(Grandmarina was a good fairy.)
3) Why did Alicia take care of her brothers and sisters?
She took care of them because their mother was ill and Alicia was the eldest of the king's children.
(She took care of them because their mother was ill and Alicia was the oldest of the king's children.)
4) How did the magic fish bone help the family?
It gave the children new clothes.
(She gave the children new clothes.)
5) Do you agree with Grandmarina's words "Be kind and industrious and you will be happy"?
Yes, I agree with these words. But to become happy, you also need to be lucky.
(Yes, I agree with these words. But to become happy, you also need to be lucky.)

6. You are Alicia. Tell the story of the magic bone to your friend.
Once my father, the king, brought home a pound and a half of fish and invited me to eat it with him. After the dinner he told me to take a fishbone from my plate, to wash it and to take good care of it. "It's a magic fish-bone?" he said "and it will bring you anything you want but only once and the time must be right." So I took care of the fishbone and kept it in my pocket. The next my mother, the queen, was not very well. I took good care of her and cooked her a good breakfast, a perfect lunch and a wonderful dinner. But the queen was still not very well, so I took care of all my brothers and sisters and was very, very busy. Every evening when the queen was not very well my father and I sat near her bad. Once my father asked me: “Where is the magic fish-bone? Have you forgotten about it?” But the fish-bone was in my pocket and I remembered about it.
Then my little brother cut his hand badly and so I washed and cleaned his hand and it was soon much better. That day my father asked me about the fish-bone again. I answered that it was in my pocket. I haven't forgotten about it.
And every time when something happened, my father asked me if I still had the magic fishbone and each time I answered that I still had it in my pocket.
one day, when my brothers, sisters and I were all in the kitchen cooking the meal and backing the bread, I saw my father at the door. So I told my brothers and sisters to live the kitchen. "What's the matter, father", I asked. The king said that our family had no money and he couldn't get any from anywhere. "The children need new clothes", he said. When I heard these last words, I began to put my hand into the pocket where I kept the magic-bone. As I took the magic fish-bone out an old lady appeared in the room She was wearing very beautiful clothes. My father said that it was the good fairy Grandmarina who told him the secret of the fishbone. At this moment my mother and all the children came into the room. They were all wearing beautiful new clothes. The last words that the old lady told us were: "be good and try your best and you will be happy ever after."


K. Chukovsky

There lived a doctor. He was kind. His name was Aibolit. And he had an evil sister, whose name was Varvara.

More than anything, the doctor loved animals.

Hares lived in his room. There was a squirrel in his closet. There was a crow in the buffet. A prickly hedgehog lived on the sofa. White mice lived in the chest. But of all his animals, Dr. Aibolit loved most of all the duck Kiku, the dog Avva, the little pig Oink-Oink, the parrot Karudo and the owl Bumba.

His evil sister Varvara was very angry with the doctor because he had so many animals in his room.

“Drive them out this very minute,” she shouted. They only dirty the rooms. I don't want to live with these nasty creatures!

- No, Varvara, they are not bad! the doctor said. I am very glad that they live with me.

Sick shepherds, sick fishermen, woodcutters, peasants came to the doctor from all sides for treatment, and he gave everyone medicine and everyone immediately became healthy. If any village boy hurts his hand or scratches his nose, he immediately runs to Aibolit - and, look, in ten minutes he is as if nothing had happened, healthy, cheerful, playing tag with the parrot Karudo, and the owl Bumba treats his lollipops and apples.

One day a very sad horse came to the doctor. She quietly told him:

- Lama, out, fifi, kuku!

The doctor immediately understood what this meant in animal language:

"My eyes hurt. Please give me glasses."

The doctor had long ago learned to speak like an animal. He said to the horse:

- Kapuki, Kapuki!

Animally, this means:

"Sit down please".

The horse sat down. The doctor put on her glasses, and her eyes stopped hurting.

- Chuck! - said the horse, waving its tail and ran into the street.

"Chaka" means "thank you" in an animal way.

Soon all the animals that had bad eyes received glasses from Dr. Aibolit. Horses began to walk with glasses, cows - with glasses, cats and dogs - with glasses. Even the old crows did not fly out of the nest without glasses.

Every day more and more animals and birds came to the doctor.

Turtles, foxes and goats came, cranes and eagles flew in.

Doctor Aibolit treated everyone, but he did not take money from anyone, because what kind of money do turtles and eagles have!

Soon the following announcements were pasted on the trees in the forest:





These ads were put up by Vanya and Tanya, neighbor children whom the doctor had once cured of scarlet fever and measles. They loved the doctor very much and willingly helped him.


One evening, when all the animals were sleeping, someone knocked on the door of the doctor.

- Who's there? the doctor asked.

The doctor opened the door, and a monkey entered the room, very thin and dirty. The doctor sat her on the sofa and asked:

- What is hurting you?

“The neck,” she said, and began to cry.

It was only then that the doctor saw that she had a rope around her neck.

“I ran away from the evil organ grinder,” said the monkey, and again, she began to cry. - The organ grinder beat me, tortured me and dragged me everywhere on a rope.

The doctor took the scissors, cut the rope, and smeared the monkey's neck with such an amazing ointment that the neck immediately stopped hurting. Then he bathed the monkey in a trough, gave it food and said:

- Live with me, monkey. I don't want to be offended.

The monkey was very happy. But, when she was sitting at the table and nibbling on the big nuts that the doctor had given her, an evil organ-grinder ran into the room.

- Give me the monkey! he shouted. This monkey is mine!

- Will not give it back! the doctor said. - I won't give it up for anything! I don't want you to torture her.

The enraged organ grinder wanted to grab Dr. Aibolit by the throat.

But the doctor calmly told him:

- Get out this minute! And if you fight, I will call the dog Abba, and she will bite you.

Abba ran into the room and said menacingly:

In animal language, this means:

"Run, or I'll bite you!"

The organ grinder was frightened and ran away without looking back. The monkey stayed with the doctor. The animals soon fell in love with her and named her Chichi. In the animal language, "chichi" means "well done".

As soon as Tanya and Vanya saw her, they exclaimed in one voice:

- Oh, how cute she is! How wonderful!

And immediately they began to play with her, as with their best friend. They played both burners and hide-and-seek, and then all three joined hands and ran to the seashore, and there the monkey taught them a cheerful monkey dance, which is called "tkella" in animal language.


Every day, foxes, rabbits, seals, donkeys, camels came to Dr. Aibolit for treatment. Who had a stomachache, who had a tooth. Each doctor gave medicine, and they all immediately recovered.

Once a tailless kid came to Aibolit, and the doctor sewed his tail on.

And then from a distant forest came, all in tears, a bear. She moaned plaintively and whimpered: a large splinter was sticking out of her paw. The doctor pulled out a splinter, washed the wound and smeared it with his miraculous ointment.

The bear's pain disappeared immediately.

- Chuck! - the bear shouted and merrily ran home - to the den, to her cubs.

Then a sick hare dragged himself to the doctor, which was almost gnawed by dogs.

And then a sick ram came, who caught a bad cold and coughed. And then two chickens came and brought a turkey, which was poisoned by mushrooms with toadstools.

The doctor gave medicine to everyone, everyone, and everyone recovered at the same moment, and everyone said “chaka” to him. And then, when all the patients left, Dr. Aibolit heard something rustling behind the doors.

– Enter! the doctor shouted.

And a sad moth came to him:

- I burned my wing on a candle.

Help me, help me, Aibolit:

My wounded wing hurts!

Dr. Aibolit felt sorry for the moth. He put it in his palm and looked at the burnt wing for a long time. And then he smiled and cheerfully said to the moth:

- Don't be sad, moth!

You lie down on the barrel:

I'll sew you another

silk, blue,


And the doctor went into the next room and brought out a whole heap of all kinds of scraps - velvet, satin, cambric, silk. The patches were multi-colored: blue, green, black. The doctor rummaged among them for a long time, finally choosing one - bright blue with crimson flecks. And he immediately cut out an excellent wing from it with scissors, which he sewed on to the moth.

The moth laughed

And rushed to the meadow,

And flies under the birches

With butterflies and dragonflies.

A cheerful Aibolit

From the window he shouts:

"Okay, okay, have fun,

Just watch out for the candles!

So the doctor was busy with his patients until late in the evening.

In the evening he lay down on the sofa and fell asleep sweetly, and he began to dream of polar bears, deer, and sailors.

Suddenly, someone knocked on his door again.


There was a circus in the city where the doctor lived, and a big Crocodile lived in the circus. There it was shown to people for money.

Crocodile's teeth hurt, and he came to Dr. Aibolit for treatment. The doctor gave him a miraculous medicine, and his teeth stopped hurting.

- How good you are! - said the Crocodile, looking around and licking his lips. - How many bunnies, birds, mice you have! And they are all so fatty and delicious. Let me stay with you forever. I don't want to go back to the circus owner. He feeds me badly, beats me, offends me.

“Stay,” the doctor said. - Please! Only, mind you: if you eat at least one bunny, at least one sparrow, I will drive you out.

Okay, - said the Crocodile and sighed. “I promise you, doctor, that I will not eat hares, or squirrels, or birds.

And the Crocodile began to live with the doctor.

He was quiet. He didn’t touch anyone, he lay under his bed and kept thinking about his brothers and sisters, who lived far, far away, in hot Africa.

The Doctor fell in love with the Crocodile and often talked to him. But the evil Barbara could not stand the Crocodile and sternly demanded that the doctor drive him away.

“I don’t want to see him,” she shouted. - He's so nasty, toothy. And he ruins everything he touches. Yesterday he ate my green skirt, which was lying on my window.

“And he did well,” said the doctor. - The dress should be hidden in the closet, and not thrown at the window.

“Because of that nasty Crocodile,” Varvara continued, “people are afraid to come to your house. Only the poor come, and you do not take their pay, and now we are so impoverished that we have nothing to buy bread for ourselves.

“I don’t need money,” Aibolit answered. - I'm fine without money. The animals will feed me and you.


Varvara told the truth: the doctor was left without bread. For three days he sat hungry. He didn't have money.

The animals that lived with the doctor saw that he had nothing to feed, and began to feed him. Bumba the owl and Oink-Oink the pig made a garden in the yard: the pig was digging beds with its snout, and Bumba was planting potatoes. The cow began to treat the doctor with her milk every morning and evening. The hen laid eggs for him.

And everyone began to take care of the doctor. Abba the dog was sweeping the floors. Tanya and Vanya, together with the monkey Chichi, brought him water from the well.

The doctor was very pleased.

“I have never had such cleanliness in my house. Thank you, children and animals, for your work!

The children smiled merrily at him, and the animals answered in one voice:

“Karabuki, marabuki, boo!”

In animal language, this means:

"How can we not serve you? After all, you are our best friend."

And the dog Abba licked him on the cheek and said:

- Abuzo, mabuzo, bang!

In animal language, this means:

"We will never leave you and will be your faithful comrades."

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