Keira Knightley: Interesting facts from the life of an actress. Keira Knightley - interesting facts


Dyslexia is a feature of the perception of written information, in which letters can overlap and / or change places, this does not affect intelligence, sometimes it even has the opposite effect - dyslexics often become geniuses. Among the famous dyslexics - Steve Jobs, Keira Knightley, Tom Cruise and many others.

Walt Disney American animator, film director, founder of the company " Walt Disney productions»

Disney didn't even finish high school- at the age of 16, he was expelled for poor progress, which, however, did not prevent him from subsequently receiving the title of honorary professor at Yale University. From childhood, he went to the favorites of the art teacher, while other teachers considered him lazy and simply stupid, since reading and writing were difficult for him. Due to dyslexia, it was much easier for him to draw Mickey Mouse than to write his name. Giving an autograph was a great difficulty for him: he did not sign as much as draw letters, afraid to make mistakes. And today, Disney's signature stroke is the most expensive autograph in the world, officially registered as the logo of Disney Pictures.

Jamie Oliver English chef, restaurateur, TV presenter, popularizer home cooking And healthy eating. Author famous books in cooking.

The life of Jamie Oliver is the story of a loser from the British outback who became a millionaire. At school, he had difficulty parsing the text in textbooks, wrote with errors, and spent five years in a class for children with special needs. In his certificate there were no deuces only in labor and geology. But dyslexia did not prevent him from becoming the author of numerous cookbooks. “I was so bad at school that I had to assert myself at work,” he said, becoming a culinary specialist. At the age of eight, his father attached Oliver to his pub to help with slicing vegetables. And then the young chef turned out to be, as they say, in right place and in right time. Once, in one of the trendy London restaurants where Oliver then worked, she arrived film crew…and the BBC TV show The Naked Chef, in which he showed how easy it was to prepare elaborate meals while chatting non-stop, earned him worldwide fame. Now the most famous chef is 42 years old, he owns an entire culinary empire with a turnover of tens of millions of pounds, he has about 100 restaurants and 5 children.

Ingvar Kamprad One of the richest people world, founder of the Swedish company IKEA - a chain of stores selling household goods.

From childhood, Ingvar Kamprad already had the mindset of an entrepreneur - for example, matches bought by his grandmother in Stockholm in bulk, he sold with his school friends piece by piece, and set aside the proceeds to start his future business. They call him a man who never makes a mistake. Meanwhile, he did not graduate from universities and studied at school with great difficulty, as he suffered from dyslexia. Teachers for a long time failed to teach him to read. All his life, he also has difficulty remembering numbers - evidence of this is now seen by every IKEA buyer. To make it easier for him to remember his IKEA product catalog, each item, in addition to the number, has its own name. But about dyslexia, Ingvar never experienced any complexes.

Tom Cruise American actor, film director, producer, screenwriter. Three-time Golden Globe Award winner and three-time Oscar nominee.

Due to dyslexia, Tom Cruise was listed as a loser at school - he even visited the auxiliary class, where the completely hopeless gathered. He developed dyslexia after being left-handed and forced to write right hand. In each new school he was awarded the title of an idiot because he read syllables and practically did not know how to write. Failures at school, combined with an unsightly appearance, brought the guy to the point that he decided to go into religion, but he did not last more than a year in the theological seminary - and the monks did not have the patience to teach the confusing letters and words of a teenager. From seminary to Hollywood, and from there straight to fame. And, having become not only famous actor, but also a successful producer, Tom Cruise ... still reads his contracts in syllables. This is not reflected in the amounts of contracts.

Keira Knightley British actress. Two-time Oscar nominee.

As a child, you could force Kira to read only if you threatened her with a ban on playing on stage - and she wanted to become an actress at the age of three. Being dyslexic, she learned to read much longer than her classmates, who unanimously considered her an idiot. But it was precisely this that made her read and write a lot in order to overcome these difficulties. Audiobooks helped a lot, thanks to which Kira learned no less than her classmates. She managed to overcome dyslexia, and at the same time learn to quickly memorize the text in order to avoid the need to reread it once again. However, some difficulties still remain - it is still difficult for Kira to master the text if it was sent less than a week before filming.

Richard Branson British entrepreneur, founder of the Virgin Group corporation, one of the richest residents of the UK with a fortune of $5 billion.

It was because of dyslexia that Richard Branson left school at the age of 16. Letters and numbers were his stumbling block, he did not always understand what was happening in the lesson, which is why the teachers considered him a lazy and negligent student, but he was forgiven a lot for his success in football and rugby. When he broke his leg, he immediately ended up in a school for the retarded. And I realized that driving force Success can only come from persistent overcoming of difficulties. “If you have dyslexia, it’s important not to allow yourself to feel inferior just because you can’t spell every word in the dictionary,” he wrote in his autobiography. – You need to diversify activities and interests in order to discover your own strengths". He never received higher education but became one of the most famous entrepreneurs in the world.

Evgeny Stychkin Russian actor theater and cinema, TV presenter.

Western stars do not hesitate to say that they suffer from dyslexia, and share their experience of overcoming this feature. Among Russian celebrities, few dare to talk about this. Evgeny Stychkin was an exception. “Dyslexia is not a disease, but a special perception of information,” he wrote on his Instagram, supporting a flash mob of stars in order to draw attention to this problem. From childhood, Stychkin was distinguished by artistry, and although he did not pronounce half of the consonants, his mother, Ksenia Ryabinkina, famous ballerina Bolshoi Theater, advised him to try himself in the acting field. At school, Eugene attended theater Club, but study was given to him very hard because of dyslexia, which was not known then. Although Eugene tried his best - he read in syllables and wrote special dictations. True, his mistakes hurt him only when the girls laughed at his clumsy love notes. He managed to graduate from the English special school and VGIK, play a lot of roles on the screen and stage, transform into Pushkin, and Lermontov, and Hitler, and Stalin, and receive several prestigious awards.

She was born into a family of actor Will Knightley and Sherman McDonald. Kira from childhood dreamed of becoming an actress and from a young age was engaged in acting skills. Knightley had her own agent when she was six years old. She made her film debut at the age of seven in the film Royal Celebration. After that, she began acting in mini-series, TV shows, and also received small roles in feature films.

Due to her resemblance to actress Natalie Portman, she was cast as Portman's doppelgänger in Star Wars. Episode I: The Phantom Menace. In 2002, she played one of the main roles in the film Bend It Like Beckham. After this role, Keira Knightley began to receive many job offers.

In 2003, she starred in the movie Pirates caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl with Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom. This role brought Kira worldwide fame, as well as recognition from Hollywood. She starred in two more sequels to the film.

In 2003, the film " Real love”, in which the actress played a prominent role. In 2006, she was nominated for an Oscar for her role in Pride and Prejudice. In subsequent years, she starred in films such as " dangerous method”, “Anna Karenina”, “Ghostly Beauty” and many others.


Literature, art.

Personal life

The actress has an older brother, Caleb. In 2011, she began dating musician James Righton. In May 2013, the couple got married. On May 25, 2015, their daughter, Edie Righton, was born.

Keira Knightley suffered from dyslexia as a child.

In an interview, Kira admitted that she wore wigs for several years due to her own hair falling out.

According to the actress herself, she was born as a result of a bet. Her parents entered into an agreement that if Kira's mother successfully sold her first play, then another child would appear in the Knightley family.


I can't even imagine if you can say that I'm completely normal. The world around is definitely not normal, but I try not to hurt others, and I try not to hurt myself. Perhaps this is the definition of normality.

Star status is like a market label. Much more I appreciate the quality.

I am afraid that I will wake up one day and realize that I only worked, but never lived. That I have a career but never had a life...

If it were possible to be an actress, well, completely anonymous, to be in a movie and not get on the stellar conveyor, I would certainly prefer to be just an actress, not a star. The worst thing about being famous is not that the paparazzi are catching how ugly you eat pizza. The worst thing is that you begin to serve as an illustration of other people's conclusions.

« Kira not my muse, she is my co-author"(director Joe Wright).

She entered the life of most moviegoers, fished out of the water by Captain Jack Sparrow. And the audience looked at her with the same appraising look that the captain looked at her. A pretty girl, but how many of them have already been on the screens and how many have been forgotten. And many shrugged it off - a girl for one film. But this time, the wrong one was attacked.

In 1999, young Kira caught the eye of the film's casting director Star Wars. Episode 1: The Phantom Menace", who was looking for an understudy for Natalie Portman. Perhaps 15 years ago the girls were really very similar, but now it's hard to believe. However, at the age of 13, she appeared in the most iconic franchise, and then in the sights of Hollywood bosses.

In 2001 Knightley starred in the successful British thriller " Pit", but her first serious role was Lara in the adaptation of the novel Boris Pasternak « Doctor Zhivago » ( BBC). The film adaptation was filmed on a grand scale and received a very high audience rating. The series can be blamed for many shortcomings, but not in the choice of an actress for the role Lara.Kira coped well with the complex image of a very extraordinary woman. Extraordinary women subsequently became her hallmark.

The actress should have been happy about sudden fame at 18, but she had her own plans for a career. Critics wrote mainly about how beautiful she is, and the audience discussed her figure, but Kira not in order to require an agent at the age of three, to become just a pretty face. And she began her war for the right to be considered a serious actress. Of course, she won it.

In 2013, she tried herself in a new "roles"- as a wife. Knightley married a musician James Righton whom I dated for two years.

Now the actress in the work, as always, several films. Some have already been filmed and are awaiting release. For 28 years Kira managed to play in such strong films and in such good roles that the article about a very young actress turned out to be very long.

There are actors and actresses that everyone loves. There are some that most people don't like. And there are people like Kira, which are rather ambiguous. She does not try to please everyone, she does not feel this cherished desire of the star - universal worship. Probably because she had all this at home, in the family.

Director Mark Romanek said about Keira Knightley what she's playing "head". He meant that she perceives each of her roles as an intellectual challenge. In an interview, the actress said that she liked this compliment, but it would probably be better if she played with her heart.

"Until I feel like I deserve my success."

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