When was the wedding of Kharlamov and Asmus. Garik Kharlamov cheated on his wife with actress Kristina Asmus


To call the love story of this couple easy will not turn the tongue of anyone who even briefly reads newspapers or watches TV. Almost Detective story about Garik's bigamy and about the lawsuit with his first - either former or current - wife, seemed to domestic gossips more interesting than the divorce of Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher. However, judging by breaking news Kharlamov is completely single - the court invalidated both of his marriages. It remains only to envy the equanimity of his beloved - either the bride, or the second wife - Christina Asmus, who is in interesting position in every sense of the word.


Andryusha - that was the name of the showman for the first three months - Kharlamov was born on February 29, 1980, in Moscow, in a completely ordinary family. Three months later, the boy's grandfather died, and Andrei was renamed in honor of his grandfather - Igor. Already at school, the name turned into Garik, and to this day only his mother calls him Igor. Parents divorced when Garik was still small enough, and he calls his childhood happy, but poor. After some time, Kharlamov moved to Chicago to his father, learns the language there and enters Harendt - a unique theater group, combined with the school - where he actively performs in musicals. Then he returns to Russia and plays in KVN for seven years, until 2003, when he is invited to a new show - Comedy Club. From this moment, the ascent to the heights begins - Garik is removed a lot, performs and ... is sad for his first love Svetlana Svetikova. At the time of their acquaintance, Svetikova was already a "star", and Garik was just a budding one, which did not satisfy Svetlana's parents at all and they insisted on ending these unpromising relationships for their daughter.

The next passion of Garik is Yulia Leshchenko, an employee of one of the nightclubs in Moscow. In September 2010, the couple marries and lives in marriage until the end of 2012, when new story love - Garik and Christina.

With Christina Asmus - rising star series "Interns" - Garik could meet as part of his work on the TNT channel, however, according to the couple, the real acquaintance happened on the Internet, in one of the social networks. The first meeting took place at the festival " A big difference”In Odessa, however, it’s difficult to call this episode a meeting - they sat in the same row, not even next to each other. Then the young people continued to communicate on Twitter, then switched to Vkontakte, followed by telephone conversations, and then Garik came to Kristina on film set and from that moment on, the couple practically did not part.

Love is outlaw

Rumors about the relationship between Garik and Christina spread with lightning speed, and were clearly negative in nature - she took the man away from the family! Enough for a long time the couple remained silent, and then Garik broke the information blockade on Twitter, where he reported: “Due to the incomprehensible aggression towards Christina Asmus and the violent interest of the yellow press in our relationship: 1. I have been in a state of divorce for more than 5 months. 2. I have not lived with my wife for 3 months. 3. No children. Nobody took me anywhere! That's probably all. Thank you. A curtain. Oh yes... I'm dating Christina Asmus." The news produced the effect of an exploding bomb, amplified by the statements of Yulia's ex-wife in the press. But this "bomb" was not the last - at the festival in Jurmala, Christina Asmus appears in a tight dress, frankly emphasizing the pregnancy of the actress. Very soon, Garik and Christina confirm the fact of pregnancy, and at all report that they managed to get married and the child will be born in an officially registered marriage.

And then Yulia sets in motion heavy artillery - lawyers begin to insist not only on the division of property, by the way ex-wife requires 2/3 of the jointly acquired, but also on the recognition of illegal divorce and subsequent marriage. Christina reacts philosophically and informs the fans that if anything happens, she will go to "drink tea and cookies."

A few days ago, in October 2013, the court satisfies all the financial claims of Yulia Leshchenko and recognizes both marriages of Garik as annulled. So ahead of the now happy lovers, not only the birth of a baby, but also new wedding- We hope that the last one is for Garik.

Igor Yuryevich Kharlamov, widely known to the public under the pseudonym Garik Kharlomava, is one of the country's most sought-after showmen. For the first time on television, he appeared in the KVN program as part of the Ungold Youth team.

But Garik Kharlamov received wide popularity by becoming a resident of the Comedy Club. His duet with Timur Batrutdinov fell in love with the audience, thanks to his sharp jokes and bright performances.

But not only the work and career of a comedian is of interest. Kharlamov's personal life has long been under the close attention of journalists and fans.

First love - Yulia Leshchenko

The first wife of Garik Kharlamov was Yulia Leshchenko. Young people met in a nightclub, where the girl worked as a manager after moving from her native Volgodonsk to Moscow, and Comedy Club residents performed with concerts every week.

Relations between Garik and Yulia began to develop about 2 months after they met, but even at the beginning they could hardly be called romantic. The couple practically began living together.

Garik Kharlamov, who at that time was only 24 years old, could not get used to night work Julia. And he gave the girl an ultimatum: either a relationship or a job. Julia without hesitation chose a relationship with a comedian.

The girl thought that now she would be able to accompany her husband everywhere and go on business trips with him. But Kharlamov insisted that the girl stay at home and arrange a new rented apartment.

Their relationship lasted for 7 years, 3 of which the guys lived in an official marriage. Garik and Yulia formalized their relationship on September 4, 2010. The celebration was attended by many stars and Garik's friends in the shop.

Garik quickly moved up his career, he was often invited to television, he often toured. Julia took care of everything household and devoted herself completely to her husband, trying to hide her jealousy and fear of losing her beloved. During her husband's tour, she partly went to Italy for rest and shopping.

Their relationship cooled in early 2012. Julia asked her husband many times about having a mistress, but he denied everything. Quarrels in the family became more and more frequent. Trying to save her marriage, the young woman traveled to Tibet to climb sacred mountain Kailash.

In her prayers, Julia asked for health for her husband and child. But even after returning home, the atmosphere between the spouses remained tense. In December, the couple decided to live separately, and a little later, Yulia found out about her husband's affair with Christina Asmus.

Interesting Notes:

Razluluchnitsa or second attempt

In March 2010, the Interns series started on TNT. She played one of the main roles in it. Her heroine, intern Varechka Chernous, immediately fell in love with the audience for her naivety and shyness.

At the time of the release of the series on the TNT channel, Christina was only 22 years old and she was a student at the Shchepkinsky school. In 2010, according to Maxim magazine, Asmus was recognized as the most sexy woman Russia.

Garik Kharlamov and Christina Asmus began their communication in in social networks , although both worked on the same channel and intersected on star parties. But both young people were afraid to approach each other and get to know each other.

Garik wrote a message to Christina on Twitter, she answered and off we go. The young people first exchanged phone numbers, and then about a week later agreed to meet. An attraction arose between them and almost immediately a passionate romance began.

However, the couple had to hide their relationship and their feelings, since Garik Kharlamov was officially married. But all the secret becomes a reality.

Curious journalists quickly figured out the young actors and announced their relationship. Christina was called a homeowner, accused of climbing in and breaking up her family.

Kristina and Garik often publish on pages in social networks joint photos where they look absolutely happy. They often leave the country on vacation with their little princess. Young people admit that they have left all grievances and difficulties in the past.

Today, harmony, mutual understanding and love reign in their small family. Over the years of living together, they became close people, and their feelings for each other only grew stronger.

Photo of a famous comedian with his chosen ones

// Photo: Yana Yavorskaya / PhotoXpress.ru

The other day, one of the most anticipated premieres of this winter took place - the film “Champions: Faster. Higher. Stronger” is released today. The performer of one of the main roles in the film, Christina Asmus, who played the gymnast Svetlana Khorkina, frankly told StarHit about what she had sacrificed for the sake of the picture, told how she felt after the injury, and also explained who was in charge in her family.

Kristina, how did it happen that you were invited to the role of gymnast Svetlana Khorkina in the film “Champions”, which comes out on February 18, because you were engaged in artistic gymnastics in your childhood?

The general producer of the picture "Champions" Georgy Malkov, when exactly a year ago he offered me to play the role of Svetlana Khorkina, did not know that I was engaged in gymnastics. We have already made several pictures with him, but he once asked me: “You went in for sports, don’t you want to participate?” I answered: “Zhora, you can’t imagine, I didn’t just go in for sports, but I devoted ten years to gymnastics, and Olympic champion Svetlana Khorkina is my idol. I am guided by her character, her will even now. Maybe it's just a coincidence, maybe it's fate. But fifteen years ago, of course, I could not imagine that my childhood dream of becoming an actress would come true and that I would play Svetlana Khorkina. For me it is especially pleasant!

One of the consultants and understudies in the picture was your younger sister Karina. What is she doing now?

She works in the field of fitness, trains.

They say Karina filed big hopes In sports…

Karina was one of the main hopes in the youth team of Russia, very gifted. But she was plagued by injuries. For two years, she turned a blind eye to this, because she was afraid to fall out of the clip, while she took everything - she has more than two hundred medals and cups. She had to go to Olympic Games. And then the most difficult operations followed, which led to parting with big sport. Of course, for herself it was the most difficult situation. In the film "Champions" she duplicated me several times. The first period is before the Olympics. But at the first stage, I didn’t need a lot of understudies - I actually did everything myself. But on the set of the Olympic competition is already mine childhood experience was not enough. But Karina was busy with the most actively: every day she came to the shooting, watched what and how, recruited gymnasts, watched, expressed her opinion, and the most pleasant thing was that they listened to her opinion. I am immensely grateful to Karina, without her my role probably did not take place.

Your daughter is two years old. Already see her as an actress or athlete?

I hope not. Sport is cruel, and the acting profession is very dependent, difficult. One actor out of thousands becomes successful, famous, and this is a very difficult psychological burden. I wouldn't want that fate for her. This is blood, sweat and pain, like real athletes ... No, I would not wish such a fate for my child. And gymnastics... Of course, it tempered my character and disciplined me. I would like my daughter to develop herself in something one hundred percent stable. But, of course, whatever path she chooses, I will support her - this also applies to sports. Not every film can bring me to tears, but every new championship I, a sentimental person, experience together with the athletes. I take my hat off to athletes.

Often comedians in ordinary life far from the most funny people. And your husband, Garik Kharlamov, what is behind the scenes?

What he does on the screen is his image. In life, even by two percent, he does not look like himself on the screen. He is a different person - serious, wise, educated, well-read, very erudite. He is, of course, the master of our house. And his work, creating an image on stage, he, it seems to me, does just fine. But, of course, we have enough time at home for humor, jokes, but these jokes are not below the belt, not the ones that are often heard from the air.

What place does the Yermolova Theater occupy in your creative life?

The main thing is that my soul is there. I refuse commercial non-repertory projects, and in the theater I already have four titles in three years. I am sick of the theater, and for the sake of some interesting performance I will give up filming for a while. In the theater, I feel like a fish in water, I realize myself as a characteristic dramatic actress, which, unfortunately, I can’t always do in the cinema. Therefore, the role in the film "Champions" is also dear to me, there is something to play there.

The artistic director of the Yermolova Theater Oleg Menshikov is an outstanding actor. And what is he like as a leader of a theater group?

He is an excellent leader, he chose the position of a friend in his relationship with the actors. He is talented in everything, including organizational skills. Man-holiday - every premiere we are together, every event - together. So many interesting things are happening in our theater - I am grateful to Oleg Evgenievich that we are like one big family. I had a serious injury on a TV shoot last fall, and Menshikov was with me at all stages. Oleg Evgenievich keeps his distance, and at the same time it seems to be non-existent. A very thin person, I adore him, love and respect him.

Is what happened to you last fall a common thing?

No. In sports, I have not had any injuries. Last year, with the operation - the first.

// Photo: Mikhail Sadchikov Jr.

Why did you leave big sport then?

At the output of the movie "Psychics" with your participation, but there is very little information about this picture ... Can you reveal the secrets?

Tell us about the project where you play spouses with Garik?

I recently said this in an interview, and maybe this phrase was taken out of context. So far, there is definitely no plan, everything is limited to conversations, but we have two interesting ideas. In one we will play ourselves, and hopefully we will succeed.

What other projects with your participation can we expect in 2016?

Dearly loved by all connoisseurs of humor, a resident of the TV project Comedy Club Garik Bulldog Kharlamov makes millions of viewers and fans smile every day, but now he is unlikely to ever succeed in bringing a smile to the most devoted person to him, his wife Yulia. Just before the New Year, the 31-year-old TV presenter broke up with his wife for the sake of a relationship with his new lover, the 24-year-old star of "Interns" and the film "Understudy" Christina Asmus.

As it became known to Heat.ru, relations between colleagues in the star shop began about a year ago. Throughout this time, Garik and Christina carefully concealed a secret relationship from the public eye and, of course, mainly from the 28-year-old wife of the comedian. They only know about the suddenly flared romance closest friends Bulldog - his comrades comedy show club.

On the eve of the New Year 2013, Kharlamov and Yulia completely parted. The TV presenter's wife rented a separate apartment for herself and only returned to their family nest a few times to pick up personal belongings. However, Garik still did not bring another woman to the marital bed - all the meetings of the charming actress and one of the most prominent residents popular show take place in another apartment in the center of the capital.

Kharlamov cannot live a day without his new hobby. Every evening, he patiently waits for Christina at the film sets, after which the couple goes to their secret place, which they do not leave until the morning.

Under the cover of night, the lovers are not afraid to be seen and, holding hands, slowly walk from the car to the entrance. In the morning, celebrities cannot afford such luxury. Kharlamov and Asmus very prudently leave the house in turn with some interval in time.

It is also known that during new year holidays the couple spent three days in Riga. In order to be one of the most sexy actresses Russia felt like a real queen, Garik rented a luxurious presidential suite with an area of ​​more than 100 square meters in his favorite hotel. square meters. It is noteworthy that it was in the same room that he repeatedly brought his wife Yulia.

Ambitious blonde Asmus Family status her gentleman does not bother at all. The actress looks absolutely happy, constantly smiling and laughing at the jokes of the resourceful Garik, not at all thinking that the enviable boyfriend has a loving wife.

Recall that Kharlamov and his wife Yulia Leshchenko got married in september 2010 after 7 years of dating. At a magnificent wedding celebration all the stars of the Comedy Club walked .

Julia is perfect, attentive, caring, - Kharlamov told with rapture on the eve of his wedding. - And what borscht cooks! Do not drag by the ears!

But it seems that in two and a half years of marriage life priorities charismatic TV presenter moved in a different direction. New, 2013 Julia and Garik met separately.

IN last days the entire Internet is excited by a truly shocking news: the famous comedian and resident of the Comedy Club left his wife for the star of the series Christina Asmus.

Tired of constant pressure from journalists, Garik Kharlamov admitted to Twitter that she is actually dating Christina Asmus now. According to him, he has not lived with his wife for three months, and for five months they have been trying to get a divorce. Wherein official wife Kharlamova Yulia Leshchenko admitted to the press that she was hearing this news for the first time and was no less surprised than all Russian readers. The news of the impending divorce and her husband's affair with the popular actress Christina Asmus was a real shock for her wife.

The wedding of Garik Kharlamov and Yulia Leshchenko took place on September 4, 2010, it was attended by many celebrities, including the humorist's colleagues from the Comedy Club. So far, the official wife of Garik Kharlamov in the past is an employee of one of the nightclubs in Moscow, where the young people met. Relations developed rapidly and soon the couple announced their upcoming wedding.

Garik and Yulia met in 2010 at a nightclub

The relationship of this couple seemed cloudless

On the eve of the new year, Garik Kharlamov started a relationship with Christina Asmus, and the couple is not at all embarrassed by the 7-year age difference. After filming the actress, which often ends very late, new lover patiently waiting for her near the pavilion. Then Garik and Christina usually go by car to the apartment, but it is not yet known which of them it belongs to. Despite rumors about their romance, Kharlamov and Asmus prefer to hide their relationship from the public and not appear together in front of the camera. That is why in the morning they leave the apartment one by one.

Garik Kharlamov and Christina Asmus - new couple Russian show business?

Recently Garik Kharlamov presented new sweetheart Kristina Asmus to her mother, and judging by the satisfied face of the actress, the acquaintance with the future mother-in-law went quite well. The lovers came together for the birthday of Kharlamov's mother, and none of the guests were surprised that famous actor accompanied not by his wife, but by a new passion. He even had to leave for a while, while Christina Asmus stayed at the celebration and felt very confident there.

An example of a novel by Garik Kharlamov and Christina Asmus once again proved how fragile and frivolous family relationships representatives of show business. We hope that this time each of the famous couple really found their love.

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