Christian Bale machinist weight. Incredible metamorphoses of Christian Bale for the sake of the desired role: from anorexia to obesity


MOSCOW, February 5 - RIA Novosti. Bradley Cooper presented David O. Russell's Oscar-nominated American Hustle in Moscow on Wednesday. At a press conference dedicated to the release of the film in Russian rental, the actor spoke about improvisation on film set, curling his hair, and also about the stomach of his partner on the site, Christian Bale, who had to recover almost 20 kilograms for the role.

"I hoped that all film crew will be able to come to Moscow, but, unfortunately, you only have me," Cooper greeted the journalists.

The plot of the crime comedy "American Hustle" is based in part on real events- a secret government operation, during which several congressmen were detained on charges of corruption. A couple of scammers (Christian Bale and Amy Adams) are caught red-handed and, in order not to end up in jail, agree to a deal with FBI agent Richie Di Masso (played by Bradley Cooper), who intends to infiltrate their criminal network and thus expose the unclean into the hands of politicians and mafia bosses. According to Cooper, this is "a story about people who can't wait to change their lives, it's a story about the art of survival."

© Sony / Columbia (2013) Shot from the movie "American Hustle"

© Sony / Columbia (2013)

The actor admitted that he is most often asked about the hairstyle of Richie, who appears on the screen with curls, and revealed that at first it was about using a wig. But, after trying on several options, Cooper decided that, like his character, he would curl his hair. The film takes place in the 70s, so the characters here wear not only unusual hairstyles, but also corduroy jackets, cravats and shiny dresses with deep necklines.

"The characters in the film have absolutely no self-irony, they do not realize how ridiculous they look. Especially Richie Di Masso, he behaves like a 12-year-old boy who dreams of becoming a man and who does not succeed. He curls his hair, imitating black players in baseball, he tries to dress differently and goes to the Studio 54 club," Cooper said.

If Cooper himself learned to use curlers to work on the role, then Christian Bale, who played the main character, the fraudster Irving Rosenfeld, had to not only acquire a fake bald head, but also gain 18 kilograms.

"Let's talk about Christian's belly in this film. The belly is the first thing that appears on the screen, and it's about the transformation - both the bodies of Bale himself, and his character, who, and this is also shown in the film, sticks artificial hair on his bald head and dresses , like an Englishman, although we know that he is from the Bronx," Cooper shared with reporters.

According to him, Bale studied the biography of Melvin Weinberg, who served as a prototype for the image of Irving, and David O. Russell allowed him to add some characteristic external features to the image.

American Hustle set the record for the most Oscar nominations this year with 10 Academy Awards, and Bradley Cooper is nominated for Best Actor for the second year in a row, this time for Supporting Actor. Answering the question whether he is waiting for this award, the actor honestly admitted that he does not think about the statuette for himself, but he really hopes, as the producer of the film, that "Scam" will still be recognized by the Film Academy the best picture of the year.

In addition, David O. Russell can also receive a gold statuette, both as a director and as a screenwriter. Bradley Cooper, who is working with David O. Russell on the second film in a row (last year the film My Boyfriend Is a Crazy was released), did not hide the fact that he was happy to work with this director again, and shared with journalists some details of the shooting process.

“You can’t say that we improvised, we had a script, but David O. Russell wrote it as he went – ​​he stood next to the camera and composed dialogues for the characters who were in the frame at that moment,” the actor said.

US Screen Actors Guild Honors American HustleUS Screen Actors Guild named on Saturday night cast tapes "American Hustle" the best in 2013. Crime tragicomedy directed by David O. Russell about the real operation of the FBI to combat corruption in the 70-80s of the last century won Grand Prize SAG.

Asked how the filming locations were chosen, Cooper said that the cast and director were so eager to get started that they had to rush to rent an apartment in Boston on the first day, which becomes Ritchie's apartment in the film. The dining table was moved to the kitchen, and so the idea was born that Cooper's character eats while sitting in the bathroom, as he cannot stand the company of his mother and unloved bride.

"American Hustle" can be seen in Russian cinemas on February 13th. Concerning creative plans Bradley Cooper himself, the actor did not hide that in currently is gearing up for a role in Clint Eastwood's American Sniper, which could begin filming as early as March, and in the summer he and Jennifer Lawrence can be seen in Suzanne Beer's Serena.

To star in a particular film, actors often have to change their appearance. Some get better, others get thinner. British actor Christian Bale Christian Bale) has repeatedly demonstrated what he is ready to go for desired role. Some of the metamorphoses that took place with his body really scared the fans. However, each of the characters he played was incredibly realistic.

1 News Sellers (1992)

In 1992, 17-year-old Christian Bale starred in the musical Newsboys. Then, looking at this dancing and singing guy, no one wondered what kind of perfectionist he would be in the future.

2. Velvet Goldmine (1998)

After the release of the film "Velvet Goldmine"They talked about Christian Bale as an actor who has already "grown up" to character roles.

3 American Psycho (2000)

In American Psycho, Christian Bale had to play a man obsessed with his perfect appearance. In order to look decent in the frame, the actor for 4 months visited six times a week Gym gaining muscle mass.

4. Machinist (2004)

If in the film about the psychopath Bale's weight was 81 kg, then for filming in The Machinist, the actor lost weight to a catastrophic 55 kg, given that his height is 183 cm. Christian Bale's embossed body "melted" in just four months. His diet consisted of water, coffee, one apple and a can of tuna a day. The role of insomniac machinist Trevor Reznick brought Bale an award at the Catalan Film Festival in Sitges.

5 Batman Begins (2005)

Immediately after filming The Machinist, Christian Bale was offered a role in a Batman movie. From an anorexic goner, he needed to turn into a strong superhero. Bale went on a high-carbohydrate diet and resumed his rigorous three-hour gym schedule. In just a few months, the actor gained 27 kg, and during the filming - another 18 kg.

6. Saving Dawn (2006)

A year after playing the role of Batman, Bale, already a professional in matters of extreme weight loss and weight gain, again tested his body for strength. This time, the actor had to lose 24 kg for his role in the film "Saving Dawn".

7. Terminator: May the Savior Come (2009)

The role of John Connor in the fourth part of the "Terminator" made Christian Bale go back to the gym.

8. Fighter (2010)

Christian Baid won an Oscar for his role in The Fighter. To play a former boxer suffering from drug addiction, the actor had to increase the intensity of cardio training and rapidly lose weight to 66 kg.

9 The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

Batman must always look impressive.

10 American Hustle (2013)

For his role in American Hustle, Christopher Bale was officially allowed to eat anything. This time he needed not to lose weight, but to gain it. The actor gladly devoured hamburgers and washed them down with Coca-Cola. He recovered by 20 kg.

Christian Bale is not the only one who conducts such experiments on his body. These

And a film producer. He starred in many films of different genres - from arthouse to Hollywood blockbusters with a multi-million dollar budget. got universal world fame after participating in the films "The Machinist", "Prestige", "Equilibrium", "Fighter", "American Psycho" and a number of other high-rated films. He received the greatest acting and commercial recognition after the trilogy of films about the superhero Batman: "Batman Begins", " The Dark Knight"The Dark Knight: Rises of a Legend."

First works and world recognition

Bale made his first film appearance at the age of thirteen when he starred in the 1987 film Empire of the Sun directed by Steven Spielberg. In this film, Christian Bale played English boy, who was left without parents and ended up in the camp of the Japanese invaders who occupied Shanghai. After the release of the film, many world critics and film experts praised the acting of the young Christian Bale.

In 2000, Bale again received "respect" from film critics, playing leading role in the movie "American Psycho" directed by Patrick Bateman. Here he played serial killer who despises the laws of universal morality and values. According to critics, as well as the results popular vote this work ranked in the top three of his entire career. Here Christian showed for the first time what his body is capable of.

Christian Bale body transformations

Christian Bale is currently one of the best actors contemporary Hollywood. Films with his participation are gaining incredible popularity, and box office receipts will be able to give odds to major financial companies. Bale has a fairly long track record of cool roles in rated films. upscale actor play, piercing communication with the audience and a striking originality of acting have borne fruit - Christian is an incredibly rich and eminent Hollywood actor. Do not forget about the supporting role in the film "The Fighter", for which the actor received an Oscar. Christian Bale is a selfless actor, ready to make any sacrifice for the sake of creativity. With each film, he surprises the viewer with his changed appearance. Christine Bale's body transformations shock even the world's nutritionists - he either gains or loses weight. Let's take a closer look at how the actor reincarnated for his roles in chronological order.

"American Psycho"

In this film, the actor has achieved an impeccable body, which even some athletes will envy. In order to achieve this form, Christian systematically worked out in the gym for four months (6 times a week for 3 hours). As a result, Bale achieved what became an eighty-kilogram handsome man with a magnificent relief body.

Two years later, Bale starred in the film Reigns of Fire, for which he added a few more kilograms (83 kg). They gave him even more masculinity.

Usually, Hollywood actors very afraid of losing their excellent body shape. This allows them to appear in a variety of films - brutal action films, melodramas (where you need to play a macho lover), comedies and love dramas. However, as readers have already guessed, Christian Bale is not one of those actors who are afraid to set themselves serious tasks. It is easy for this person to both gain form and lose it. And he does it for the audience!

Christian Bale body transformation for The Machinist

The real one was caused by the film "The Machinist" in 2004. In order to play the role of Trevor Resnick, the actor had to lose 30 kilograms. The transformation of Christian Bale (see photo below) shocked the public, because his body was in a critical condition for life, he weighed 55 kilograms. Nevertheless, the actor found the strength to play his role with high quality and professionalism. After Bale made many transformations and experiments on his body for his roles in various films.

"Batman Begins"

In 2005, the world saw the movie "Batman Begins", for which Christian returned to his original splendor, he began to look like a superhero. Christian Bale's transformation was achieved through a carbohydrate diet and grueling workouts in gym. The actor returned 26 kilograms, and then recovered another 5 kg.

"Saving Dawn"

If Christian is gaining weight, then very soon what will need to be done? That's right, drop it! This is what happened in the movie "Saving Dawn". In this picture, the transformation of Christian Bale again struck the entire world of cinema. In order to look more realistic in the picture, Bale again loses weight by 25 kilograms. According to the plot of the film, main character, participant Vietnam War, escapes from captivity and torture, wanders through the dense jungle for two weeks, eating everything that is possible. Surprisingly, in the same film, Bale is removed in fragments with an acceptable weight. Exactly the same trick was implemented in the film "The Machinist".

Body experiments in Batman: The Dark Knight and Fighter

In 2008, there was a new physical transformation of Christian Bale. The actor, as before, easily returns 25 kilograms of weight, gaining a beautiful muscular relief.

In 2010, Christian received an Oscar for his supporting role, playing Dicky Eklund in the movie The Fighter. According to the plot, the main character in the past was a professional boxer, who over the years turned into a drug addict. Therefore, Bale needed an appropriate look, and he lost 20 kilograms.

Transformations in Batman: The Return of the Legend and Out of the Ashes

In 2012, the third Batman movie starring Christian Bale was released. The actor again had to build muscle to look like a superhero. It seems to be nothing special, I just had to work out a little in the hall, but in 2013 I had to lose everything again for the film “Out of Hell” in order to look like a skeleton.

"American Hustle"

In the same year (2013), Bale again had to gain weight. Now not to look strong and athletic, but ugly and fat. In this film, the transformation of Christina Bale was non-standard.

The actor had to gain weight so that his sides and hanging belly were visible, because he played a brazen and immoral swindler. As you might guess, there were no problems with weight gain - Christian simply ate fatty and unhealthy foods in large quantities.

Incredible metamorphoses with the weight of Christian Bale.

To star in a particular film, actors often have to change their appearance. Some get better, others get thinner. British actor Christian Bale has repeatedly demonstrated what he is willing to go for the desired role. Some of the metamorphoses that took place with his body really scared the fans. However, each of the characters he played was incredibly realistic.
1 News Sellers (1992)

Shot from the film "News Sellers" (1992).

In 1992, 17-year-old Christian Bale starred in the musical Newsboys. Then, looking at this dancing and singing guy, no one wondered what kind of perfectionist he would be in the future.

2. Velvet Goldmine (1998)

Christian Bale as journalist Arthur Stewart. Shot from the film "Velvet Goldmine" (1998).

After the release of the film Velvet Goldmine, Christian Bale was talked about as an actor who had already “grown up” to character roles.

3 American Psycho (2000)

Christian Bale as a psychopath.

In American Psycho, Christian Bale had to play a man obsessed with his perfect appearance. In order to look decent in the frame, the actor visited the gym six times a week for 4 months, gaining muscle mass.

4. Machinist (2004)

For the role in the film "The Machinist" Christian Bale had to lose 28.5 kg.

If in the film about the psychopath Bale's weight was 81 kg, then for filming in The Machinist, the actor lost weight to a catastrophic 55 kg, given that his height is 183 cm. Christian Bale's embossed body "melted" in just four months. His diet consisted of water, coffee, one apple and a can of tuna a day. The role of insomniac machinist Trevor Reznick brought Bale an award at the Catalan Film Festival in Sitges.

5 Batman Begins (2005)

Christian Bale as Batman.

Immediately after filming The Machinist, Christian Bale was offered a role in a Batman movie. From an anorexic goner, he needed to turn into a strong superhero. Bale went on a high-carbohydrate diet and resumed his rigorous three-hour gym schedule. In just a few months, the actor gained 27 kg, and during the filming - another 18 kg.

6. Saving Dawn (2006)

Christian Bale as Airman Dieter Dengler.

A year after playing the role of Batman, Bale, already a professional in matters of extreme weight loss and weight gain, again tested his body for strength. This time, the actor had to lose 24 kg for his role in the film "Saving Dawn".

7. Terminator: May the Savior Come (2009)

The main character is John Connor as interpreted by Christian Bale.

The role of John Connor in the fourth part of the "Terminator" made Christian Bale go back to the gym.

8. Fighter (2010)

Bale won an Academy Award for his supporting role.

Christian Baid won an Oscar for his role in The Fighter. To play a former boxer suffering from drug addiction, the actor had to increase the intensity of cardio training and rapidly lose weight to 66 kg.

9 The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

Batman played by Christian Bale is simply irresistible.

Batman must always look impressive.

10 American Hustle (2013)

Frame from the movie "American Hustle".

For his role in American Hustle, Christopher Bale was officially allowed to eat anything. This time he needed not to lose weight, but to gain it. The actor gladly devoured hamburgers and washed them down with Coca-Cola. He recovered by 20 kg.

Christian Bale is a brilliant British actor, the star of Equilibrium and The Machinist, Batman, The Fighter, The Prestige, The Terminator, American Psycho and many other sensational films.

As a Golden Globe and Oscar winner, Bale is known not only for his excellent performances of the main and minor roles. It is unlikely that anyone will dare to repeat his cruel experiments on his own body.

The actor plays with his weight and muscle mass like a juggler with balls - he quickly adjusts his appearance for any role, losing weight or gaining a good 50 kg!

A break between diets: the figure of Christian Bale in the film "Reign of Fire"

Christian Bale's transformations

Christian started acting at the age of 12, and by the age of 20 he weighed 83 kg with a height of 183 cm. He was an athlete with a mountain of relief muscles - but he was invited to star in the film The Machinist, for which a thin, emaciated hero was needed - skin and bones. For 4 months, Christian lost weight up to 55 kg! How did he do it?

Christian's daily diet did not exceed 250 kcal and consisted of:

  • 3 cups of coffee (for breakfast, lunch, dinner);
  • 1 apple (for breakfast);
  • 200 g tuna (for lunch).

Of course, he took a complex of vitamins and minerals, and also drank a lot. pure water without gas. With such a diet, there was a sharp loss not only of weight, but also muscle mass. But this is exactly what Christian was trying to match the future role. In addition, Christian did not stop physical training.

It was not muscle building, but cardio, aerobics, stretching and isometric exercises. True, with a minimum calorie diet and a large physical activity(shooting always requires active physical feedback) the actor often felt bad. Sometimes it was necessary to interrupt the shooting and let him rest.

Gaining weight before filming "Batman"

After the film The Machinist, Christian was invited to the film Batman Begins. Of course, a hero who saves the world cannot weigh 55 kg with a height of 183 kg. Christian quickly began a weight gain and muscle building program. To do this, he significantly increased the consumption of proteins and carbohydrates: proteins - 250 g per day, carbohydrates - 300 g per day.

Christian Bale's Mass Gaining Diet: Before and After

Christian's training also changed radically - he focused on strength exercises and many hours of training "with iron". After 5 months, the actor weighed 100 kg! The director of the film, seeing such a metamorphosis, was shocked, but said that Batman could not look like a bodybuilder, and asked to lose at least 10 kg. A couple of months later (by the start of filming), Christian Bale already weighed 86 kg.

Continuation of games with weight

Christian's experiments did not stop there. For Saving Dawn (2006), he again lost weight to 61 kg to recover to 83 kg in The Dark Knight (2008). After 2 years, he weighed 66 kg in The Fighter, and for The Dark Knight Rises (2012) recovered to 90 kg.

The actor is completely immersed in his roles and lives them together with his hero, so it was important for him not to portray someone, but to be him. With all the admiration and respect for Christian Bale, I would like to emphasize separately that such experiments on your body and health can only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.
I would like to note: no matter what result you want to achieve - lose weight or get better - to achieve your goal physical exercise must be mandatory and regular!

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