The best anime about first love.


, Cartoon and Romance

Director: Shinkai Makoto

Time: 46 min.

MovieSearch: 7.77 21 272

IMDb: 7.6 22 360

WorldArt: 8.8 2 419

Description: 15-year-old Takao Akizuki seemed to have been born too late - he does not like Tokyo bustle, does not really appreciate the benefits of civilization, and dreams of earning a living by becoming a shoemaker. Akizuki also considers high school to be meaningless, so he does not miss the opportunity to skip classes on a rainy morning - after all, the park is deserted at this time, and you can safely enjoy nature, embodying design ideas on paper. Only at the beginning of the rainy season, in his favorite gazebo, Takao meets an unfamiliar young woman who, when parting, read him an old tanka ...

Of course, then they met again ... and again, they began to communicate, because by nature people were created to talk to each other. Actually, the heroes did not need many words - after all, around, in the silence of a wonderful garden, raindrops, the sound of the wind, the flash of lightning in the breaks of the clouds and poems written a thousand years before our time spoke for them. Takao and Yukino (that was her name) found themselves at an important turning point in their lives - which means that the meeting was not accidental, and gatherings in the rain gave everyone what they really wanted. And if you want to know how it all ended - watch the movie!

Director: Nakano Hideaki

Series length: 25 min.

MovieSearch: 6.54 142

IMDb: 7 218

WorldArt: 6.6 7

Description: It all starts with an acquaintance with a girl named Tsukasa Taira, who had heard a lot of stories about vampires from her friend, which she read on the Internet, and did not even guess that this was not fiction at all, but the real truth. She was forced to believe in these stories by an incident that changed all her ideas about our reality. Once, when the lips of her friend Akamura bent over her neck, a mysterious stranger destroyed this moment and accused the young man of massacring three young ladies. So the young lady found out that her friend was in fact a vampire, who skillfully hid in human form, living among ordinary people who didn’t know anything at all. And the new acquaintance is Anzai, a half-breed who works in a secret department law enforcement, which is actively looking for bloodsuckers that cannot cope with the desire for human blood and pose a real danger. From that moment on, Tsukasa and Anzai do not stop thinking about each other, which forces them to constantly meet, despite the serious differences in the way of being. Is the love between a human and a strigoi real?

Director: Tsutomu Hanabusa

Series length: 25 min.

IMDb: 9.5 8

WorldArt: 6.9 38

Description: High school student Hikari Tsutsui spends almost all his free time in the world of computer graphics. The guy is not able to join the real society, his communication skills are minimal, reality does not cause any interest. Peers consider him strange, not like the others! The only friend is Yuto Ito because teenagers have the same interests and beliefs, games, videos and 3D. The schoolboy was instructed to urgently wash the pool, he is forced to do this with his classmate Iroha Igarashi. The girl is rather frivolous, but very beautiful, it was with such qualities that she was able to gain immense popularity in the educational institution. Only for the gamer, any pastime in the campaign with such a person is unacceptable. Iroha herself treats the otaku quite well, constantly takes his side, in case of ridicule of the other students, protects the boy's calm stay in the educational institution. People around do not understand the beauty's attraction to a simple silent, only she does not pay attention to the opinion of the guys, continues the relationship. For the young man himself, such communication means the opportunity to become a member of a real normal society, and not a virtual space.

Director: Watanabe Ayumu

Series length: 25 min.

MovieSearch: 7.08 206

IMDb: 7.4 334

WorldArt: 7.6 257

Description: Akira was the best. While representing her school in athletics, she tripped and fell. An awkwardly twisted leg caused a serious injury, and it is no longer possible to do what you love. The doctor stated a terrible diagnosis, strictly forbidding physical activity. The girl had no purpose left, and she thoughtlessly wandered the streets after class. One day she looked into a small cozy restaurant in an alley and found a job advertisement on the door. Deciding that she has nothing to lose, she gets a job as a waitress. Soon she notices that after school she wants to get into the institution as soon as possible. Reflecting on her actions, she realizes that the owner is deeply sympathetic to her. Masami is much older, he is a widower, raising a baby son. He is kind, sympathetic, gentle and patient. However, the rest of the staff laugh at him behind his back, calling him a slob and a weakling. The high school student does not share their opinion, and gets angry when she hears statements about the owner. She is more and more drawn to an adult man, believing that age is not a hindrance to true love. And the moment comes when she decides to confess. How will her lover react to such unexpected turn events?

Director: Tanaka Motoki

Series length: 25 min.

MovieSearch: 7.03 115

IMDb: 6.2 77

WorldArt: 7 258

Description: Kotaro Tenoji lives in a beautiful modern city, goes to the most ordinary school and has tender feelings for a strange girl - in a word, lives full life. Only what is happening around Kotaro is not very worried: he does not join the team and prefers not to visit anyone in his thoughts. This is understandable: Kotaro has a completely unique ability to temporarily “overwrite” any part of his body and thereby endow himself with strength or speed, and such abilities cannot be discussed with just anyone. However, one day Kotaro finds a suitable team himself: a girl known as the Witch Akane, who is the president and sole member of the Occult Club, gives him the idea to revive this very club. And now Kotaro famously recruits his beloved and three more girls to the club, completely different from each other. Each of them has their own secret that Kotaro will have to reveal, and together they will be able to investigate much more mysterious and strange incidents that, if you look closely, are found at every turn.

Director: Hamasaki Hiroshi

Series length: 25 min.

MovieSearch: 7.16 463

IMDb: 7.6 714

WorldArt: 7.2 339

Description: One day, Naho Takamiya receives a letter from herself - an adult, ten years older. The letter accurately describes events that have not yet taken place, including the transfer of a new student, Kakeru Naruse, to her class. In the letter, the adult Takamiya repeatedly repeats that she regrets a lot and wants to fix everything, hoping that Naho from the past will make the right decisions, especially towards Naruse. After reading the letter, the girl learns that in the future, ten years later, Kakeru will no longer be with them. Naho from the future urges you to keep an eye on Kakeru, as she does not want to lose someone so precious to her.

Director: Yamada Naoko

Time: 130 min.

MovieSearch: 8.03 9 062

IMDb: 8.2 13 774

WorldArt: 8.9 1 897

Description: Sometimes children are more cruel than adults. They don't know what they're doing; children have not yet developed understanding. At school, this develops into humiliation and rot. The child may not realize his mistakes for a long time and not feel remorse. The mere difference of the other from the whole group, any shortcoming or flaw becomes an occasion for ridicule and mockery. As a person grows older, he begins to delve into old memories and will certainly stumble upon those for which he may become ashamed; this is how self-reproach and repentance begin... Having reduced the girl's childhood to pitch hell, the hero grows up and strives to correct the mistakes made at a young age. But fate complicates this for the deafness of the poor fellow, which makes it difficult to even ask for forgiveness. The guy goes a long way towards achieving his inner well-being. It is then that it turns out that both from love to hate, and vice versa - one step; difficult, life-changing and giving happiness, kindness and sincerity of all good-natured urges; proving that many thoughts do not need to be conveyed in words. In this world, it is important to hear your neighbor and not remain indifferent. And all the brightest and most real aspirations can be felt at any sensual level.

Director: Minato Mirai

Series length: 25 min.

MovieSearch: 6.34 449

IMDb: 6.6 665

WorldArt: 7 686

Description: Makabe Masamune was an overweight child, which is why he was constantly teased and brought to tears by the nasty girl Aki Adagaki. And so she got him that he decided to take terrible revenge on her: he began to lead healthy lifestyle life, went in for sports, took up studies and personal development. A few years later, the updated Masamune - a handsome and popular honors student-athlete-champion - is transferred to the school where Aki studies, with the sole purpose of making the girl go through the same suffering and humiliation that he himself went through. But of course, things don't turn out quite the way the avenger expected...

Director: Kusakawa Keizo

Series length: 25 min.

MovieSearch: 6.76 148

IMDb: 6.5 285

WorldArt: 6.7 279

Description: After a recent move, Yoo has become interested in social media, Twitter in particular. It seemed to him that with the help of them he could tell other people about his experiences and feelings. In addition, he has not yet made friends at the new school and therefore began to actively communicate with people on social networks. Once, when he was walking down the street, with his nose buried in the phone, he did not notice how a girl was rushing towards him at high speed. The outcome is clear. This girl crashed into Yu and both fell to the ground (and fell in a very uncomfortable position). The girl decided that Yu was a pervert who wanted to take a picture of her underwear. She grabbed the phone from his hands and smashed it. It was later revealed that this girl's name is Fuuka and she is in the same class as Yu. He also learned that Fuuka is different from other teenagers in that she doesn't use a cell phone at all.

Director: Ando Masaomi

Series length: 25 min.

MovieSearch: 6.84 634

IMDb: 7.1 568

WorldArt: 7.4 580

Description: In the eyes of those around Hanabi, Yasuraoka and Mugi Awaya appear as nothing more than perfect couple young people in love with each other. They both have a sociable temperament and attractive appearance. With the naked eye you can see that they are in harmony with each other one hundred percent. Therefore, people do not suspect what actually lies behind such a seemingly natural union. By the way, it's not just love. Another common feature is the bitter secret that they have to hide from outsiders. True, they are madly in love, but .... not with each other. visual image sweet couple helps them escape from loneliness and the pain they experience. Mugi has sincere touching feelings for his teacher Akane Minagawa, who for some time was also his tutor. Yes, and Hanabi chose a teacher, familiar to her from an early age, Narumi Kanai, as her chosen one. This young man still visits Hanabi's family to this day, as he is a friend of her parents. In each other, Mugi and Hanabi are only looking for salvation from suffering for those with whom they cannot be. How will these love affairs end? Will they be able to become the beloved of their chosen ones, or will they look for an outlet in each other?

Director: drama, cartoon, melodrama and series

Series length: 25 min.

MovieSearch: 7.33 982

IMDb: 7.8 1 616

WorldArt: 8.4 1 513

Description: A touching story unfolds around a man who has very little left of his 30s. And then an unpleasant situation occurred in his life, he lost his job. After that, there was nothing left to do but go in search of a new place to earn money. That's just all the subsequent interviews that he attended ended in failure. A black streak has come in the life of a man, he cannot find a suitable job for himself. But suddenly, on his way, the hero meets a brilliant scientist. A new acquaintance invites a man to take part in an unusual experiment. The essence of this experiment is that with the help of new technologies, the scientist will make a 17-year-old guy with a man. This experiment will last for a year because this hero must decide on this act. If the hero agrees to a difficult job, he will have to live his life anew. For a man, a unique chance is given to go to high school and find for himself Good work. Such unusual phenomenon in life intrigued a man, so he decides to become an object for an unusual experiment. He doesn't know how it will turn out in life.

Director: comedy, cartoon, fantasy, action, melodrama, fantasy, anime, adventure, adult, series, romance and ecchi

Series length: 25 min.

MovieSearch: 6.65 328

IMDb: 6.8 822

WorldArt: 7.2 516

Description: The world has changed. total wars and atomic bombs gone, but the Inversion, the great change, gave birth to Genestelles - children gifted with magical abilities. They are faster, stronger, more durable due to the use of mana, but that's not all - individual geniuses can heal, put up barriers, revive golems, and even look into the future. The most respected in any country, of course, remains combat magic - for whoever is stronger is right!

The main spectacle was the gladiator fights, where the heroes use Lux, a powerful magic weapon. In the city of Asterisk on an artificial island, young talents can study in one of 6 competing schools. Within each, internecine struggle boils; the best students fight both in city arenas and in dark alleys. A young Ayato Amagiri came to such a nice place when he came to school " Star Trek in search of an older sister. Everything is fine with Ayato’s “combat”, but will the guy figure it out in a tangle of intrigues? Nothing, there are new friends for this!

Director: Yoichi Ueda

Series length: 25 min.

MovieSearch: 6.04 302

IMDb: 7 292

WorldArt: 7.4 733

Description: Done - in early XXI centuries, brothers in mind have finally arrived to us! That's just the message that their elusive ships transmitted, baffled the best minds Earth, because it was very simple: "Let's play!" While those in power were looking for the hidden meaning of these words, and scientists were checking the correctness of the decoding, on sunny Okinawa, 16-year-old Kio Kakazu found a pretty girl with cat ears and a tail in his bed on a beautiful summer morning. Eris, as the guest introduced herself, was a messenger from the distant planet Kyatia, who arrived for a cultural exchange and the establishment of, er ... personal contacts. Well, that's how they do it!

Unexpectedly, poor Kio's house turned into an alien representation, and the guy himself, living without parents, turned into a reluctant diplomat. Of course, serious organizations did not imagine the first contact in this way and hurried to correct the situation. As a result, the main character, whose name means, by the way, “wonderful world”, quickly realized that the real world is much more complicated. A cheerful childhood friend suddenly turned out to be a novice CIA agent, a strict teacher - a member of a secret order, and a shy girl in glasses, in whom Kio felt a kindred spirit - in general, a hired killer with an international reputation. In general, life has become more fun, but you can’t hit the dirt with your face - we need cat girls!

Director: Morio Asaka, Hitoyuki Matsui and Naoto Hashimoto

Series length: 25 min.

MovieSearch: 7.78 1 513

IMDb: 8 3 304

WorldArt: 8.5 539

Description: It's not easy being the daughter of a lonely professor of archeology - 10-year-old Sakura Kinomoto experienced it herself when she discovered the mysterious Book of Maps created by the greatest magician Clow Reed in her father's office. Due to Sakura's inexperience, 52 magic cards escaped and scattered around the world - look for it as you wish. Well, at least its keeper remained with the book - the handsome Kero-chan, who shamefully overslept his duties, by the way. After clarifying the situation, Karo quickly explained to Sakura that she was now the Card Collector, otherwise, as usual, expect big trouble.

That's how it all started. With the help of faithful Caro and a very creative friend Tomoyo, Sakura had to "harness herself to work", gradually discovering the secrets of life and magic. And for three seasons of secrets, adventures, new meetings and interesting events, there will be a lot!

Director: Noriyuki Kitanohara, Taichi Ishidate and Yasuhiro Takemoto

Series length: 25 min.

MovieSearch: 7.88 2 682

IMDb: 8 5 553

WorldArt: 8.7 3 999

Such genres of Japanese art as manga and anime have resonated with many viewers. Many people are fond of anime, following the adventures of the drawn characters with interest. One of the popular genres of anime is anime about love. There are many anime that talk about romantic relationships. It is difficult to review all of them, so I offer you the top 10 best anime about love.

10 The monster is next door.

This 13-episode anime tells the story of the relationship between Shizuku Mizutani, who devotes almost all her free time to her studies, and Haru Yoshida, who is considered a terrible bully at school. Shizuku gets to know Haru better and understands that there are positive traits in his character. A romantic relationship develops between schoolchildren that changes both of them.

9 Spice and Wolf.

The anime "Spice and Wolf" consists of two seasons, each of which has 12 episodes. The wolf goddess Horo - a girl with animal ears and a tail - guarded the harvests of one village. But people chose to use technology instead of relying on Holo. The girl meets a traveling merchant named Lawrence. The guy and the girl go on a trip together. Lots of things happen along the way. interesting stories, against which a romantic line develops.

8 Touching complex.

24 episodes of the anime "Touching Complex" tells about the relationship between high school student Risa Koizumi and her classmate Atsushi Otani. These two students have a lot in common in their tastes in music, entertainment and more. However, one obstacle stands in the way of a romantic relationship: Risa is much taller than Atsushi.

7 Playful Kiss.

Anime "Naughty Kiss" consists of 25 episodes. Kotoko Aiharu is in love with a guy named Naoki. She writes him a love letter, but the girl's feelings are not mutual. Kotoko and her father's home is destroyed by an earthquake, after which the family goes to live with a friend of Kotoko's father. And the son of this very friend turns out to be Naoki. Next to her beloved, Kotoko begins to study diligently. In adult life the girl becomes first a nurse, then a doctor, and also ... the wife of Naoki, who fell in love with Kotoko.

6 Say I love you".

The 13-episode anime tells the story of a girl, Mei Tachiban, and a boyfriend, Yamato Kurosawa. Mei is a very reserved teenager. She has no friends, no boyfriend. But one day everything changes - Mei is of interest to Yamato Kurosawa, who over time changes her attitude towards people and towards herself.

5 Garden of graceful words.

Speaking of the best anime about love, it is impossible not to mention Makoto Shinkai, the author of amazing anime romance stories. The full-length anime "The Garden of Fine Words" tells the story of fifteen-year-old Takao Akizuki and twenty-seven-year-old Yukari Yukino. Their first meeting takes place in beautiful garden during the rain. After that, a relationship begins to develop between Takao and Yukari.

4 Very nice, God.

The first season of this anime consists of 15 episodes, while the second season consists of 16 episodes. Young girl Nanami Momozono finds herself on the street because Nanami's father lost property. Nanami meets a guy named Mikage, who offers to help the girl. Nanami accepts her and comes to the temple, where she becomes a Goddess. The girl meets the werewolf Tomoe, and they begin a romantic relationship.

3 Reach you.

The first season of the anime consists of 25 episodes, while the second season has 13 episodes. Schoolgirl Sawako Kuronuma is very similar to the heroine of the horror movie "The Ring". Because of this, almost everyone in the school is afraid of her, believing that Sawako is somehow connected with mysticism. Sawako is a kind and shy girl who is secretly in love with a boy named Set Kazehai. Seth turns his attention to Sawako. First love settles in the girl's soul.

, Animation , Adventure , Science Fiction and Fantasy

Director: Yoshida Risako

Time: 90 min.

MovieSearch: 6.77 124

IMDb: 6.2 229

WorldArt: 7.1 158

Description: When conventional technologies can no longer cope with the enemy, then people begin to believe in a miracle! But what if a real miracle, magic, became a reality, and people learned not only to call for it, but also to control and give it right direction. And now, by combining the two strongest spheres: new technologies and magic, people have found a truly powerful weapon. The main characters Tatsuyu and Miyuki Shiba, brother and sister, entered the school for the study of magic. They are the children of one of the strongest families in Japan, however, the school fails to appreciate the abilities of one of them and sends him to a class for the underachievers, which is called "weeds". Events in this film begin after one year of study. Start spring break, it's time to take a break from school and from all the troubles that they had to endure during their studies. The Shiba family decides to hang out at their mansion on a separate island, hoping that at least in this place, trouble can't reach them. However, they were deeply mistaken, because they are a real magnet for adventure. Upon arrival, they meet the mysterious girl Kokoa, who has escaped from the military base and is now asking her brother and sister to fulfill her deepest wish. However, whether they can do it remains a mystery.

Director: Mochizuki Tomomi

Time: 72 min.

MovieSearch: 6.97 2 590

IMDb: 6.9 6 796

WorldArt: 7.8 624

Description: High school students Taku and his friend Matsuo are full of thoughts about their future lives when the beautiful Rikako transfers to their provincial school from Tokyo. Rikako is a smart, charming and sophisticated girl who is forced to change her usual capital for a quiet seaside town. An inevitable love triangle ensues.

Director: Kawajiri Yoshiaki

Time: 102 min.

MovieSearch: 7.73 10 202

IMDb: 7.7 26 305

WorldArt: 8.3 1 882

Description: Thirteenth millennium, several thousand years after the nuclear holocaust. Vampires still rule the night, but their days are numbered and their numbers are dwindling. Bloodsuckers are exterminated by fearless bounty hunters. One of these daredevils is a half-breed dhampir named D. He undertakes to find the daughter of an influential rich man, kidnapped by the powerful vampire Mayerling. At the same time, the Markus brothers, professional hunters, also hired by the girl's relatives, who do not fully trust the mysterious half-breed, rush on the trail of the kidnapped. But when the pursuers crack down on the vampire's demonic minions and overtake Mayerling and his victim, it turns out that the girl is madly in love with her kidnapper...

Director: Ohara Masakazu

Time: 80 min.

IMDb: 6.4 36

WorldArt: 6.7 69

Description: 2046, real life almost completely transferred to the virtual space. However, no one canceled school bullying. Haruyuki is one of the eternal outcasts, but one day the most popular girl in the school, Kuroyukihime, will talk to him. "Hey, how about we speed up a little, man?" With this question, Haruyuki begins his journey to the Accelerated World, where he will fight as a knight of Kuroyukihime.


Time: 60 min.

IMDb: 6.8 93

WorldArt: 6.5 73

Description: The anime film Holy Seven: Library of Eternity and Alchemist Girl is a new story that takes place after the series. After a strange dream, Arata touched Lilith's Grimoire - her spell book - and immediately loses magical energy. His drained power interacts with Lilith's power in her Grimoire, and creates a young girl named Lilim.

While Arata and the Holy Seven admire this little one, few realize that the combined magic power of Demon Lord Candidate Arata and Lilith have unlocked the mysterious library called the Library of Eternity and awakened the devastating power within it.

Director: Yamada Naoko

Time: 130 min.

MovieSearch: 8.03 9 129

IMDb: 8.2 13 774

WorldArt: 8.9 1 897

Description: Sometimes children are more cruel than adults. They don't know what they're doing; children have not yet developed understanding. At school, this develops into humiliation and rot. The child may not realize his mistakes for a long time and not feel remorse. The mere difference of the other from the whole group, any shortcoming or flaw becomes an occasion for ridicule and mockery. As a person grows older, he begins to delve into old memories and will certainly stumble upon those for which he may become ashamed; this is how self-reproach and repentance begin... Having reduced the girl's childhood to pitch hell, the hero grows up and strives to correct the mistakes made at a young age. But fate complicates this for the deafness of the poor fellow, which makes it difficult to even ask for forgiveness. The guy goes a long way towards achieving his inner well-being. It is then that it turns out that both from love to hate, and vice versa - one step; difficult, life-changing and giving happiness, kindness and sincerity of all good-natured urges; proving that many thoughts do not need to be conveyed in words. In this world, it is important to hear your neighbor and not remain indifferent. And all the brightest and most real aspirations can be felt at any sensual level.

Director: Tomonori Sudou

Time: 90 min.

MovieSearch: 7.16 389

IMDb: 7.2 441

WorldArt: 8.2 363

Description: This film is the eighth in a series of stories about characters already familiar to fans. But even if an inexperienced viewer starts watching this film, the essence of what is happening on the screen will be clear to him. The narrative of the picture is presented on behalf of three characters and storylines. The first heroine is a schoolgirl with the gift of foresight. Arriving in the city, she does not have time to get off the bus, as her amazing ability to see the future, becomes the reason for meeting a charming young man who is destined to take a special place in the girl's heart. The following story tells about a cute-looking girl in whom two entities live, besides, she is a ruthless killer. She is hunting for a certain person who calls himself a bomber. The cold mind and sharpened instinct of a professional killer against a crazy terrorist. But the Demoman has a trump card in his pocket. In other terms, the maniac is a demolitionist and is the third character in the picture, telling his story to the viewer, thereby completing the entire chain of events and weaving all the storylines into one. excellent animation, musical accompaniment and the unpredictability of the plot, riveting attention from the beginning of the film to the final credits.

Director: Shinkai Makoto

Time: 46 min.

MovieSearch: 7.77 21 354

IMDb: 7.6 22 360

WorldArt: 8.8 2 419

Description: 15-year-old Takao Akizuki seemed to have been born too late - he does not like Tokyo bustle, does not really appreciate the benefits of civilization, and dreams of earning a living by becoming a shoemaker. Akizuki also considers high school to be meaningless, so he does not miss the opportunity to skip classes on a rainy morning - after all, the park is deserted at this time, and you can safely enjoy nature, embodying design ideas on paper. Only at the beginning of the rainy season, in his favorite gazebo, Takao meets an unfamiliar young woman who, when parting, read him an old tanka ...

Of course, then they met again ... and again, they began to communicate, because by nature people were created to talk to each other. Actually, the heroes did not need many words - after all, around, in the silence of a wonderful garden, raindrops, the sound of the wind, the flash of lightning in the breaks of the clouds and poems written a thousand years before our time spoke for them. Takao and Yukino (that was her name) found themselves at an important turning point in their lives - which means that the meeting was not accidental, and gatherings in the rain gave everyone what they really wanted. And if you want to know how it all ended - watch the movie!

Director: Omori Takahiro

Time: 45 min.

MovieSearch: 8.27 8 867

IMDb: 8 8 152

WorldArt: 8.8 2 320

Description: Young Hotaru came from stuffy Yokohama to spend summer holidays with an uncle in a mountain village. A six-year-old girl was frightened, getting lost in an unfamiliar forest, but a young man in a fox mask helped her out of nowhere. A guy named Gin immediately warned a new acquaintance that he was under a spell, and he was doomed to disappear if he touched any person. Of course, the city guest decided to act on the principle of "trust, but verify", but soon personal experience She made sure that the laws of nature are a little different beyond the threshold of the old temple, and there a Real Adventure awaits her!

This is how Hotaru entered a new world for herself, where, as in the old days, youkai spirits live and the mysterious God of the Mountain rules. She fell in love with reserved places, where it is so great to walk and play with an eternally young silver-haired companion who met her in the same place every summer. But as time went on, Hotaru grew up and over the years began to discover new feelings in herself - and Gin remained the same. But is it the same? And how can the story of two people from different worlds end when ghostly lights flicker behind the trees, and the spirits of the forest gather for a new carnival?

Director: Mayumi Nishimoto

Time: 50 min.

MovieSearch: 6.97 724

IMDb: 6.2 123

WorldArt: 7.3 409

Description: This film fully reflects the Buddhist idea that "loving hearts are bound to be born nearby." The paradox is that often this "nearby" is so close that all love is forbidden. The heroes of the film are a boy and a girl, Iori and Yuki. Iori is a stylish, but not very diligent young man, obsessed with a strange passion even for him for Yuki - his own sister. WITH early years he sees in her not a sister, but a “bride”, then - a woman whom he could only love ... His feelings for her are very ambivalent and unstable - he is jealous of her, and is afraid to offend, and offends, arriving in the blindness of his passion . Finally, she begins to simply “annoy him”, that he “cannot be in the same room with her”, “cannot restrain himself”.

Director: Tsuji Hajiki

Time: 90 min.

MovieSearch: 7.79 630

IMDb: 7.5 1 910

WorldArt: 7.7 384

Description: The civil war, called the Meiji Restoration, is over. In Japan, Western-style reforms are in full swing. There is no more shogunate, a parliament and government have been created, samurai are trying on European costumes, peasants are given surnames, trade and entrepreneurship are flourishing. That's just why the hero of the secret war of the Bakumatsu era wanders unrecognized across the country in the guise of a good-natured simpleton, helping everyone who is in trouble, and asking for nothing in return? So Himura Kenshin, the great master of the sword and former killer Reluctantly, he tries to atone for the sins of the past and find peace in a wounded soul. A brief respite finds Kenshin in Tokyo - the former Edo, where he saves Kaoru Kamiya, the young mistress of the family dojo. Gradually, a warm company of vagabonds and losers gathers in the Kamiya dojo - Kaoru, Kenshin, the hired fighter Sanosuke and the orphan Yahiko. That's just a quiet life, filled with fun adventures and playful skirmishes, did not last long. After all, the past has not gone anywhere, and too many believe that blood can only be washed away with much more blood ...

Director: Hosoda Naoto

Time: 9 min.

MovieSearch: 7.17 352

IMDb: 7.2 217

WorldArt: 7.2 345

Description: Schoolboy Amano Yukiteru is a typical outcast. All the time he is a passive observer, making notes in a mobile diary about the surrounding events. But one day his imaginary friend Deus, the master of space and time, gives him a gift - Yukiteru's diary shows records of the future. And the ambulance reads - death awaits him! But no less frightening is the unexpected interest in Yukiteru from the diligent classmate Gasai Yuno, who keeps a record of absolutely everything that happens with her adored Yuki on her mobile. Is she also the owner of the Future Diary?! And who will win in the fight for the place of Deus's successor?!

Director: Kishi Seiji

Time: 85 min.

MovieSearch: 6.71 155

IMDb: 6.6 44

WorldArt: 8 358

Description: New high school student Ichiro Sato one day forgets his notebook at school. Returning for the loss, he encounters a beautiful but strange girl there. She is dressed in an anime hoodie, armed with a staff and claims to be a witch from parallel world!

Director: Naoko Yamada

Time: 83 min.

MovieSearch: 7.09 466

IMDb: 7 743

Description: The young heroes, Tamako and Mochizo, discover that their childhood friendship is about to develop into something more. And it can't help but worry them both. And then Mochizo decided to go to Tokyo to study. How to tell Tamako about his feelings and that he will have to leave her for a long time?

Confession stories, romantic dates, elevated feelings and disappointments - all this is present in anime about love, which are very popular and are on the list of the best animated films of all time. Excellent characters, colorful landscapes and beautiful music make cartoons even more attractive to the beautiful half of humanity. Young girls living in a land of dreams and illusions will not remain indifferent to rich stories, and beautiful dialogues and quivering feelings of the characters will melt the coldest heart. But will the long-suffering lovers be able to fulfill their dream and keep their love? The answer can only be obtained by watching the extraordinary animated pictures until the final credits!

Flowers after berries (TV series) (2005)
Makino Tsukushi, main character, from a poor family, enters the elite Eitoku school, where only children from wealthy families study. Tsukushi doesn't feel very comfortable at this school, where students only go to class to show off their expensive things. 4 guys from the richest and most influential families also study in Eitoku. They are the elite of this school. They are feared, respected, loved, admired and indulged in everything. They call themselves F4.

Flowers after berries (TV series) / Hana yori dango (2005)

Genre: melodrama, comedy
Premiere (world): October 21, 2005
A country: Japan

Starring: Mao Inoe, Jun Matsumoto, Shun Oguri, Shota Matsuda, Tsuyoshi Abe, Megumi Sato, Aki Nishihara, Saki Seto, Aki Fukada, Emiko Matsuoka

Blooming youth (TV series) (2009)
Gray-eyed Kajika Kagami Barnsworth is the daughter of an American magnate and Japanese woman who tragically died. The father could not devote much time to his daughter, so Kajika studied and traveled under the protection of faithful people and grew up as a smart, sincere and determined girl, only her inherited father's character spoiled a lot of blood for the hostess and those around her. Shortly after his daughter's 14th birthday, Harry Barnsworth, the owner of a worldwide business empire, called the only heir for an important conversation.

Blooming youth (TV series) / Hana sakeru seishônen (2009)

Genre: anime, cartoon, romance
Premiere (world): April 5, 2009
A country: Japan

Starring: Aya Endo, Morikawa Toshiyuki, Daisuke Ono

Fruit Basket (TV series 2001 - 2005) (2001)
“Even when everything in life turns against you, keep smiling!” - this is what Tooru Honda's mother used to say. And in her life, everything really turned out worse than ever. Tooru's father died and his mother died in a car accident this spring; renovations began at her grandfather's house, where she was supposed to live, and Tooru was asked to stay with a friend. In order not to disturb anyone, she decided to find a job and live in a tent in the forest. Despite everything, she continued to smile, and even Tooru's close friends did not suspect anything.

Fruits Basket (TV series 2001 - 2005) / Fruits Basket (2001)

Premiere (world): July 5, 2001
A country: Japan

Starring: Yui Horie, Aya Hisakawa, Tomokazu Seki, Kazuhiko Inoue, Ayaka Saito, Reiko Yasuhara, Kotono Mitsuishi, Okiayu Ryotaro, Yuka Imai, Mitsuru Miyamoto

Mai-Hime (TV series 2004 - 2005) (2004)
Beautiful Mai Tokiha and her sickly younger brother Takumi receive an invitation to study at a prestigious private school Fuka, and the school administration gives them a scholarship, which is very important for a poor family who lost their mother at an early age. Sailing on the ferry to the place of study, Mai participates in the rescue of the almost drowned strange girl Makoto, pulled out of the water with a huge black sword. However, it nearly cost her her own life - Natsuki's girlfriend infiltrates the ship in order to kill Makoto.

Mai-HiME (TV series 2004 - 2005) / Mai-HiME (2004)

Genre: anime, cartoon, fantasy, action, drama
Premiere (world): September 30, 2004
A country: Japan

Starring: Carol Ann-Day, Kaitlynn Medrek, Wendy Morrison, Victor Atelevich, Ethan Cole, Graham Coe, Cheryl McMaster, Melanie Risdon, Jordan Shartner, Cole Howard

Glass Mask (TV series) (1984)
Thirteen-year-old Maya Kitajima has a hard life: her father died young, her mother had to work hard - she is a waitress in a Chinese restaurant, and Maya herself needs to study and help with the delivery of ramen. And all this would be nothing, but an indestructible tendency lives in the girl - no, more: an all-consuming passion! - which prevents her from working and studying: Maya literally dreams of acting. Cinema and theater - that's her whole life. Maya is late with the delivery, does not listen to instructions.

Glass mask (TV series) / Garasu no kamen (1984)

Premiere (world): April 9, 1984
A country: Japan

Starring: Masako Katsuki, Minori Matsushima, Nachi Nozawa, Mitsuya Yuuji, Yuzuru Fujimoto

The president is a maid! (TV series) (2010)
Summary of the animated romantic series "President is a maid!". The Seika Men's Private School, famous for the atrocities of its students, once terrified the entire district. To "soften morals" it introduced co-education, but the result is still very, very doubtful. However, Misaki Ayuzawa - an athlete, an excellent student and the first female president of the student council in the history of Seiki - was determined to change the situation and bring order and discipline to the temple of science.

The president is a maid! (TV series) / Kaichou wa meido-sama! (2010)

Premiere (world): April 1, 2010
A country: Japan

Starring: Ayumi Fujimura, Kana Hanazawa, Mitsuhiro Ichiki, Yu Kobayashi, Nobuhiko Okamoto, Kazuyoshi Shiibashi, Takuma Terashima

Seven faces of Nadeshiko Yamato (TV series 2006 - 2007) (2006)
It all starts with the fact that four handsome handsome playboys, who lived in a beautiful Victorian mansion, standing in the middle of a rose garden, received a very tempting offer from their landlady. Make a real lady out of her niece in a month. In case of success, the mansion passed to their full disposal, in case of failure, the rent tripled. - Just spit! - the handsome men said in unison.

Seven faces of Nadeshiko Yamato (TV series 2006 - 2007) / Yamato nadeshiko shichihenge (2006)

Genre: anime, cartoon, romance, comedy
Premiere (world): October 3, 2006
A country: Japan

Starring: Norihisa Mori, Shotaro Morikubo, Hirofumi Nojima, Tomokazu Sugita, Yukiko Takaguchi, Yukinojoh Tohyama, Shinichi Watanabe

Special class "A" (TV series) (2008)
There are people who are satisfied with only the first place. These include Hikari Hakazono - a girl from poor family who is accustomed to achieve everything in life with her work. And, as if it were a sin, from childhood, Kei Takishima crosses her path everywhere - the heir to a famous clan, a genius in literally everything. The rivalry, which began at the age of 6, leads them to the private Hakusen school, where they do not consider it necessary to say "keep your head down, be like everyone else." On the contrary, gifted and bright personalities are collected in a special class "A".

Special class "A" (TV series) / Special A (2008)

A country: Japan

Starring: Yuko Goto, Jun Fukuyama, Hitomi Nabatame, Hiro Shimono, Ayahi Takagaki, Tsubasa Yonaga, Kazuma Horie, Kisho Taniyama, Megumi Ogata, Ami Koshimizu

Ouran High School Host Club (TV series) (2006)
How easily a student's life can change high school if he manages to break an 8 million yen vase... This is how the life of Haruhi, an ordinary girl from a rather poor family, who, thanks to diligence and excellent academic performance, got the right to study in elite school where all the students are from rich, very rich families. Trying to get away from the hustle and bustle of careless rich people, Haruhi seeks refuge in the music room, hoping to study in peace...

Ouran School Host Club (TV series) / Ôran kôkô hosutobu (2006)

Genre: anime, cartoon, romance, comedy
Premiere (world): April 4, 2006
A country: Japan

Starring: Maaya Sakamoto, Mamoru Miyano, Masaya Matsukaze, Kenichi Suzumura, Yoshinori Fujita, Ayaka Saito, Daizuke Kirii, Yuuko Sampei, Riza Tsubaki, Kozue Yoshizumi

Singing Prince: Real 1000% Love (TV series) (2011)
Modest provincial girl Haruka Nanami enters the famous Saotome Academy of Music. This is a closed educational institution that trains singers and composers. Everything about Saotome is beyond praise: luxurious buildings and affluent classrooms, an eccentric director and pop star teachers, a rich curriculum and teaching methods designed to stimulate creative possibilities students.

Singing Prince: Really 1000% Love (TV series) / Uta no Prince-sama: Maji Love 1000% (2011)

Genre: anime, cartoon, romance, comedy
Premiere (world): July 3, 2011
A country: Japan

Starring: Miyuki Sawashiro, Takuma Terashima, Mamoru Miyano, Kisho Taniyama

Golden string (TV series 2006 - 2007) (2006)
The Seiso Music School has an extraordinary history: it was founded by a man who saved the life of a musical elf! In gratitude, the elf promised to bless the school and give its students the opportunity to truly enjoy the music. Hino Kahoko studies in the regular, non-musical wing of Seiso. She doesn't play any instruments and has nothing to do with music at all...until she meets Lily, that very elf. And Lily assures that Hino-san has an indisputable talent, and therefore she needs - neither more nor less!

Golden string (TV series 2006 - 2007) / Kin iro no koruda: Primo passo (2006)

Genre: anime, cartoon, drama, romance
Premiere (world): October 1, 2006
A country: Japan

Starring: Reiko Takagi, Kisho Taniyama, Kentaro Ito, Jun Fukuyama, Masakazu Morita, Daizuke Kishio, Akemi Sato, Yuki Masuda, Kaori Mizuhashi, Hideo Ishikawa

Hot Summer (TV series) (2003)
Quiet life of children lost in the picturesque mountains summer school for boys " bell ringing” ended on the day when, as a bold experiment, they sent a whole group of pretty girls to them ... After all, everyone knows that summer is not the best time for classes. But for mischievous adventures, first love and true friendship these hot days are the most best time! But how many ridiculous situations, juicy moments and funny quarrels must happen before both guys and girls understand....

Hot summer (TV series) / Gur&icirс;n gur&icirс;n (2003)

Genre: anime, cartoon, romance, comedy
A country: Japan

Starring: Peter Doyle, Sandy Fox, Grant George, Alexandra Gerstein, Bob Bobson, Bryce Papenbrook, Samantha Reynolds, Cindy Robinson, Kristen Rutherford, Ethan Murray

Sweet drops (video) (2006)
The girl is transferred to a school where the strange system "Master - Honey" operates (in short - a rich student can have a kind of "errand girl (boy)" to taste). She immediately becomes Honey, this same errand girl, local playboy Kai. He always treats her with disdain - he considers her only a toy, but is this true? Is he really that disgusting and rude? Or is there something more behind it? And what will happen if someone, much more friendly and kind, offers to change the owner?

Sweet drops (video) / Mitsu x Mitsu doroppusu 1 (2006)

Genre: anime, cartoon, short film, romance
Premiere (world): April 28, 2006
A country: Japan

Reach out to you (TV series 2009 - 2011) (2009)
Schoolgirl Sawako Kuronuma was given the nickname Sadako (that was the name of the ghost girl from The Ring) by kind classmates for her pale skin and long black hair. Because of this, there are even rumors around the school that the girl sees ghosts and knows how to curse people. Not the most good fame. However, soon Sawako's life begins to change dramatically - not without the help of one very popular guy at school, who suddenly decides to talk to her. With his help, many recognize the heroine from a completely different side.

Reaching out to you (TV series 2009 - 2011) / Kimi ni Todoke (2009)

Genre: anime, cartoon, romance
Premiere (world): October 6, 2009
A country: Japan

Starring: Daisuke Namikawa, Mamiko Noto, Yuko Sampei

Connection of Hearts (TV series) (2012)
They are not childhood friends and have not known each other for ten years. No, three girls and two boys met already at Yamaboshi High School, where they met and became friends. None of them managed to find a club to their liking, and so the “Society youth culture". Cheerful and sociable Iori became the president, strict and reasonable Himeko became her deputy, and closed women's team pretty fashionista Yui. With the guys, too, everything is clear: Taichi is everyone's helper, and Yoshifumi is the local "macho" ...

Connection of hearts (TV series) / Kokoro Connect (2012)

Genre: anime, cartoon, drama, comedy
Premiere (world): July 7, 2012
A country: Japan

Starring: Takahiro Mizushima, Miyuki Sawashiro, Aki Toyosaki

Say: "I love you" (TV series) (2012)
Due to the usual childhood cruelty of Mei Tachibana, she decided that friendship does not exist, and any rapprochement will only result in pain and betrayal. So the intelligent and pretty girl lived to be 16 years old, earning in high school a completely understandable reputation as a loner and unsociable silent. Of course, such an aura of unusualness and detachment attracted attention " school prince» Yamato Kurosawa. Kurosawa, an honest, sincere guy and a little tired of the obsessive attention of familiar girls...

Say: "I love you" (TV series) / Suki-tte Ii na yo (2012)

Genre: anime, cartoon, romance
Premiere (world): October 7, 2012
A country: Japan

Starring: Ai Kayano, Minako Kotobuki, Sakurai Takahiro

Touching complex (TV series) (2007)
Rhys and Otani's students were best friends, and one day they decided to introduce each other to their “second halves”. But unexpectedly, Risa's boyfriend liked Otani's girlfriend and they started dating. Risa and Otani were left alone and returned to their "comedy duo" as their school friends called them. Risa soon realized that she liked Otani more than just a friend. And all of them could be great, if not for the difference in height. Risa is 14 centimeters taller than her friend...

Touching complex (TV series) / Lovely Complex (2007)

Genre: anime, cartoon, romance, comedy
A country: Japan

Starring: Kae Araki, Saori Higashi, Kazuko Kojima, Akira Nagata, Akemi Okamura, Masaya Onosaka, Hiroki Shimovada, Fujiko Takimoto, Yasuhiko Tokuyama, Kenjiro Tsuda

Clannad (TV series 2007 - 2008) (2007)
Tomoya Okazaki, a high school student, has become disillusioned with life. After the tragic death of his mother, his father drank himself, and he himself gained fame as a bully. Instead of preparing for his final exams, Tomoya wanders around the school, skipping classes and doing whatever comes to mind. But everything changes when in the spring he meets Nagisa Furukawa, back at school - a sweet and strange girl who loves buns, talking to herself, and also dreams of reviving the theater club. Helping Nagisa, Tomoya realizes that life is not over...

Clannad (TV series 2007 - 2008) / Clannad (2007)

Genre: anime, cartoon, drama, romance
Premiere (world): October 4, 2007
A country: Japan

Starring: Yuichi Nakamura, Mei Nakahara, Ryo Hirohashi, Akemi Kanda, Daisuke Sakaguchi, Mamiko Noto, Hoko Kuwashima, Okiayu Ryotaro, Kikuko Inoue, Ai Nonaka

First Kiss (TV series) (2007)
Mio Fukunada is a twenty-year-old girl living in Los Angeles due to heart problems. She decides on an operation, the success rate of which is only 50%. But before her, Mio goes to Japan to visit his brother and spend the summer with him. Kazuki Kano, Mio's older brother, is a slacker and loser who lives with his father after his parents' divorce. Upon the arrival of his sister, he pulls himself together and intends to make this summer for Mio the most unforgettable in her life. Kazuki starts searching for the perfect boyfriend for his little sister.

First Kiss (TV series) / First Kiss (2007)

Starring: Sadao Abe, Mao Inoe, Hideaki Ito, Naoto Takenaka, Hitori Gekidan, Laura Windrat, Abigail Delves, Vincent Giry, Marcel Goldammer, Meredith Grantier

First Love Company (TV series) (2009)
What is the main question that worries young men and women entering the cherished "spring of life"? Certainly not the salvation of rare mountain cats... but, of course, love! It is about her, about her first love, about her search and difficult riddles narrates this romantic sitcom revolving around two dozen middle and high school girls and students connected by friendship, family and romantic relationship. Should a girl wait for a prince on a white horse? Are appearances deceiving? Is love evil?

First Love Company (TV series) / Hatsukoi rimitetto (2009)

Genre: anime, cartoon, romance, comedy
Premiere (world): April 11, 2009
A country: Japan

Starring: Ayumi Fujimura, Maria Ise, Aki Toyosaki

That Were Us (TV series) (2006)
An eternity that lasts a moment. Names and faces, already forgotten, are alive and young only in old photographs. And voices so close now sound far away. Everything passed, rushed, leaked through your fingers. Our destinies, once crossed, are now strictly parallel. Our tread will fall silent, as noise and hubbub fall silent after a bell in the school corridor. Others will take our place, and this cannot be changed or corrected ... But still, it was us, remember?

That Were Us (TV series) / Bokura ga Ita (2006)

Genre: anime, cartoon, drama
A country: Japan

Starring: Nozomi Sasaki, Hiroshi Yazaki, Erina Nakayama, Takuji Kawakubo, Kaori Shimizu, Yuka Terasaki, Yurin, Hidekazu Ichinose, Atsuko Enomoto, Yuuko Sasaki


Like a shooting star (video) (2012)
In the anime story "Like a Falling Star", which lasts less than 20 minutes, viewers will not see fictional monsters and a story about eternal struggle good and evil, there is a lot of good, love and light in it. All people dream of love, regardless of whether they are young or not, but when this feeling comes for the first time in their lives, they so want to tell the whole world about it if possible. Red-haired Risa Hanakago is fourteen years old. She would very much like to fall in love, but, unfortunately, she has never been in love.

Like a shooting star (video) / Nagareboshi Lens (2012)

Genre: anime, cartoon, short film
Premiere (world): March 18, 2012
A country: Japan

Starring: Kana Hanazawa, Shintaro Asanuma, Ayane Sakura, Hiroki Shimovada, Mako

Pretty Woman (TV series) (2005)
Momo is tall, slim, and tanned. Blond, sun-bleached hair. Real beauty. I would be glad, but for Momo, her appearance is a terrible complex, because it is precisely because of this that she is treated like a windy tail, a stupid blonde who can only twirl the guys, changing them like gloves. Only now everything is completely different and appearance is not the result of long and tiring trips to salons, but a gift of nature + regular swimming lessons. Besides, Momo is hopelessly in love...

Pretty Woman (TV series) / P&icirс;chi gâru (2005)

Genre: anime, cartoon, drama, romance
Premiere (world): January 8, 2005
A country: Japan

Starring: Jamie Marchi, Catherine A. Hundley, Maria Limon, Laura Bailey, Troy Baker, Christopher Bevins, Anthony Bowling, Myken Ballard, John Burgmeyer, Chris Barnett

Toradora! (TV series 2008 - 2009) (2008)
Ryuji Takasu, whose name translates as "Dragon", is considered an outcast in his school. And all because of the late mafia father, from whom the hero got a very characteristic appearance. A heavy look from under the eyebrows prevents the teenager from making friends and a girlfriend. He is in love with a classmate who does not pay attention to him. When Taiga Aisaka, nicknamed "Pocket Tiger", enters his class, things only get more complicated. After all, Taiga is the best friend of the girl that Ryuuji likes.

Toradora! (TV series 2008 - 2009) / Toradora! (2008)

Genre: anime, cartoon, romance, comedy
Premiere (world): October 1, 2008
A country: Japan

Starring: Rie Kugimiya, Junji Majima, Yui Horie, Hirofumi Nojima, Jeremy Bloom, Max Epstein, Esther Kim, Alan Lee, Cassandra Morris, Janice Roman Roku

Hiyori Love (Video) (2010)
Hiyori Nishiyama is already fifteen, but she is so small and touching that she doesn’t look like a high school student at all! In addition, she is timid and shy, and she was ill for almost half a year, so she came to a new class already in December ... Hiyori hopes so much that she can not attract attention to herself and study quietly! However, on the first day, she drew the attention of the tall Hiroshi Yusin, joker and universal darling. They were even put next to each other, so Hiyori's dream of remaining invisible is not destined to come true...

Hiyori Love (Video) / Hiyokoi (2010)

Genre: anime, cartoon, romance, comedy
Premiere (world): July 30, 2010
A country: Japan

Starring: Ayana Taketatsu, Kenichi Suzumura, Kotono Mitsuishi, Saki Fujita, Yuko Sampei, Hiromi Igarashi, Kazuyuki Okitsu, Mei Hirano, Nao Toyama, Shinya Takahashi

Monster sitting next to me (TV series) (2012)
Summary animated film"The monster sitting next to me." Mizutani Shizuku is one of those who only care about their own grades. But one day it turned out that she lent her notes to Yoshida Haru, a simple-minded guy by nature, and for some reason he decided that they were friends. And who would have thought that all this would lead to recognition? Be that as it may, the romance that has begun between a serious, cold girl and a walking nuisance will definitely not let you get bored.

Monster sitting next to me (TV series) / Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun (2012)

Genre: anime, cartoon, romance, comedy
Premiere (world): October 2, 2012
A country: Japan

Starring: Kana Hanazawa, Ryota Osaka, Haruka Tomatsu

Do not give up! (TV series 2008 - 2009) (2008)
Kyoko Mogami loved the fairy tale about Cinderella since childhood. Therefore, she firmly knows that at the beginning of a fairy tale, the heroine needs to work hard, walk around in a mess and hope for the best - then at the end she will have fabulous outfits, a series of balls and a wedding with a prince. There is already a prince - this is Kyoko's former classmate, the handsome Sho Fuwa, who went to Tokyo to become a pop star. Kyoko went to the capital with him. While Sho is making her way into show business, she cooks, does laundry, and works two jobs.

Do not give up! (TV series 2008 - 2009) / Sukippu b&icirс;to! (2008)

Genre: anime, cartoon, romance, comedy
Premiere (world): October 5, 2008
A country: Japan

Starring: Marina Inoue, Katsuyuki Konishi, Gou Shinomiya, Mamoru Miyano, Masahito Kawanago, Yukiko Monden, Riza Hayamizu, Koji Ishii, Rio Natsuki, Kana Uetatake

Nana (TV series 2006 - 2007) (2006)
On a train to Tokyo, Nana Komatsu, who was on her way to visit her boyfriend Shoji, accidentally ended up in a chair next to Nana Osaki, who was on her way to the capital to fulfill her wish to become a famous singer. As the lead singer of the punk band Blast, Nana dreams of debuting her band in Tokyo to prove to herself, the world, and her boyfriend, Trapnest guitarist Ren, that she can make it on her own. Being namesakes, the girls quickly find a common language.

Nana (TV series 2006 - 2007) / Nana (2006)

Genre: anime, cartoon, comedy, drama, romance, music
Premiere (world): April 5, 2006
A country: Japan

Starring: Ashley Ball, Nicole Bouma, Richard Ian Cox, Matthew Erickson, Andrew Francis, Jeremy Thom, David Kaye, Adrian Petriv, Kelly Sheridan, Rebecca Schoyket

Paradise Kiss (TV series) (2005)
Yukari has always been a good girl and acted on the orders of her parents. She is a diligent student and is preparing to enter a prestigious university, so as not to disappoint her parents. Yukari is secretly in love with her classmate Hiroyuki Tokumori and due to her inability to confess her feelings, she only stares silently at Tokumori's photo and blushes in his presence. Everything changes when a guy with a terrifying piercing approaches her on the street and very persistently asks Yukari to become a model for a clothing brand.

Paradise Kiss (TV series) / Paradise Kiss (2005)

Premiere (world): October 13, 2005
A country: Japan

Starring: Akiko Kawase, Miki Shinichiro, Miho Saiki, Julie Rei Goldstein, Midori Kawana, Akiko Kawase, Rie Kugimiya, Rika Matsumoto, Namikawa Daisuke, Kenichi Ogata

Nodame Cantabile (TV series 2007 - 2010) (2007)
IN wide world it's so hard to find a soul mate, but the music helped these two. Shinichi Chiaki devoted most of his time to piano and violin lessons, and could lay claim to a brilliant musical career. The only constraint on the way to the realization of dreams was the fear of movement using water and air modes of transport. His lifestyle is influenced by his neighbor Megumi Noda, who was a professional piano player.

Nodame Cantabile (TV series 2007 - 2010) / Nodame kantâbire (2007)

Genre: anime, cartoon, comedy, music
A country: Japan

Starring: Yoshinori Fujita, Shinji Kawada, Sanae Kobayashi, Hitomi Nabatame, Kazuya Nakai, Mamiko Noto, Shinji Ogawa, Massaya Matsuzake Ono, Junichi Suwabe, Ayumi Fujimura

Mischievous Kiss (TV series) (2008)
High school student Aihara Kotoko has managed to give away her girlish heart to Naoki Irie, the superstar of the school, forever. For two years, the girl in love struggled to get upstairs, to the coveted class "A", where her beloved is studying, but in the end she remained in the school "swamp". To put it mildly, she is a good person, but not given ... The last graduation year has come. Desperate, Kotoko put all her feelings into a love letter, but Naoki publicly refused to read it, stating that "silly things don't interest him."

Mischievous kiss (TV series) / Itazura na Kiss (2008)

Genre: anime, cartoon, drama, romance, comedy
Premiere (world): April 4, 2008
A country: Japan

Starring: Daisuke Hirakawa, Naoko Matsui, Tomomi Miyauchi, Nana Mizuki, Takashi Nagasako

Ef: The Story of Memories (TV series) (2007)
Two twin cities named Otova (“noise of wings”) lie in different hemispheres... A familiar Christmas story unfolds in the same city - Hiro, a high school student, left home and lives alone, earning money by drawing manga. Alas, the bohemian lifestyle is not conducive to school success. Such a creative nature needs female care and sensitive guidance, which Kay, a childhood friend of the hero, is firmly convinced of. She does not like at all that the "big brother" got into the net of a beautiful and uninhibited classmate Miyako.

Ef: A Tale of Memories (TV series) / Ef: A Tale of Memories. (2007)

Genre: anime, cartoon, drama, romance
Premiere (world): October 6, 2007
A country: Japan

Starring: Natsumi Yanase, Hiroko Taguchi, Junko Okada, Hiro Shimono, Motoki Takagi, Chris Ayres, Lucy Christian, Yuki Tai, Koichi Tochika, Yumiko Nakajima

Sexual and moral education for 30-year-olds (TV series) (2011)
With the development of a post-industrial politically correct society in Japan, there are more and more flimsy, bespectacled weaklings who cannot even talk to a woman, let alone knock her out with cast muscles or a hard, evaluating look. But Daigoro, the god of Love and Courage, took pity and personally appeared on the sinful earth to help the lost. He decided to start the pilot project with a worthy candidate.

Sex and moral education for 30-year-olds (TV series) / 30-sai no Hoken Taiiku (2011)

Genre: anime, cartoon, comedy
Premiere (world): April 7, 2011
A country: Japan

Starring: Hiro Shimono, Kaori Nazuka, Kitamura Eri, Hitomi Nabatame, Okiayu Ryotaro, Yasumichi Kushida

Anime for adults: Wind from the river (TV series 2010 - ...) (2010)
Noriko, a young successful woman, returns to her homeland, Kanazawa. She wanted to visit her parents, show them her son (Motoki was born in America, where her parents now work, and had never seen Japan, her grandparents). Noriko is doing well; rather, she has everything she once dreamed of: an excellent education, a prestigious job, a respectable husband and a home in America.

Anime for adults: Wind from the river (TV series 2010 - ...) / Otona Joshi no Anime Time (2010)

Genre: anime, cartoon, drama, romance
Premiere (world): January 7, 2011
A country: Japan

Winter Sonata (TV series) (2009)
17-year-old Kang Jun-sang moves to Chungcheong, a small rural town in the northeast of South Korea. The guy does not have a father, his relationship with his mother is unimportant, and he is looking for consolation in exact sciences where he was very successful. It is not surprising that teachers and classmates, without exaggeration, consider the unsociable and withdrawn Zhong San to be a physical and mathematical genius. Only one Jung Yu Jin became interested in a new acquaintance as a person, so much so that a sensitive and deeply feeling girl managed to gradually melt the ice ...

Winter Sonata (TV series) / Gyeoul Yeonga (2009)

Genre: anime, cartoon, drama, romance
A country: Korea South

Starring: Bae Yong Jun, Choi Ji Woo

Vampire Knight (TV series) (2008)
Cross Academy is famous for its strict and strange rules: students attend classes in shifts. During the day - ordinary students, after sunset - an elite night class, sleek handsome men in dazzling white uniforms. Of course, students shouldn't know that night students are vampires. In order to keep the secret and ensure the safety of the day course, the adopted children of the rector of the academy (adopted by him Yuki and adopted by the orphan Zero) act as prefects.

Vampire Knight (TV series) / Vanpaia naito (2008)

Genre: anime, cartoon, fantasy, romance
Premiere (world): April 7, 2008
A country: Japan

Starring: Daizuke Kisio, Bryce Papenbrook, Yui Horie, Mamoru Miyano, Susumu Chiba, Jun Fukuyama, Hozumi Goda, Soichiro Hoshi, Kitamura Eri, Junko Minagawa

Sword Masters Online (TV series 2012 - 2014) (2012)
Experienced gamer Kazuto "Kirito" Kirigaya was lucky enough to participate in the beta testing of the most anticipated computer game new generation - Sword Art Online. When the discs with the final version finally appeared on the shelves, thousands of gamers rushed into the perfect virtual world of MMORPGs. An unpleasant surprise awaited them there - the Game Master announced that it was impossible to leave the game of one's own free will.

Sword Art Online (TV series 2012 - 2014) / Sword Art Online (2012)

Genre: anime, cartoon, science fiction, fantasy, action, adventure
Premiere (world): July 7, 2012
A country: Japan

Starring: Yoshitsugu Matsuoka, Haruka Tomatsu, Ito Kanae, Ayana Taketatsu, Miyuki Sawashiro, Ayahi Takagaki, Hirata Hiroaki, Rina Hidaka, Shinya Takahashi, Hiroki Yasumoto

Accelerated World (TV series) (2012)
14-year-old Haruyuki Arita was out of luck with his looks. Fat little man - he is like that in 2040; girls do not like, hooligans offend, and only childhood friends Chiyuri and Takumu consider for a person. Thanks to the implanted neurolink, thirty years later, people go to the virtual, just like we do to the Internet, but even there it is not easier for the poor fellow. The avatar depends on real possibilities and self-perception, if you are a sheep in soul and body, then you will not become a lion. So a lonely piglet runs around the virtual school...

Accel World (TV series) / Accel World (2012)

Genre: anime, cartoon, fantasy, action
Premiere (world): April 6, 2012
A country: Japan

Starring: Eric Scott Kimerer, Lucien Dodge, Amanda Celine Miller, Natalie Hoover, Matthew Mercer, Bobby Tong, Shintaro Asanuma, Yuki Kaji, Sachika Misawa, Kenichi Suzumura

Count and Fairy (TV series) (2008)
Young Lydia Carlton is a representative of a dying profession. She is a faerie doctor, an intermediary between humans and faeries. Lydia knows how to talk with animals, sees brownies and mermen, and knows the traditions and customs of the "night people". And now, unexpectedly, Lydia has a rare opportunity to work in her specialty. Lord Edgar asks for her assistance in finding a lost relic of his kind, the sword of Merrow, which will confirm his rights as the ruler of the land of the Fae.

Count and Fairy (TV series) / Hakushaku to yôsei (2008)

Genre: anime, cartoon, fantasy, drama, romance, comedy
Premiere (world): September 28, 2008
A country: Japan

Starring: Hikaru Midorikawa, Nana Mizuki, Tomokazu Sugita, Hiro Yuuki, Choru Okawa, Takehito Koyasu, Hiroshi Kamiya, Sayaka Ohara, Mamoru Miyano, Tafurin

Crimson Shards (TV series) (2012)
17-year-old Tamaki Kasuga, due to the departure of her parents abroad, moves from Tokyo to her grandmother in the village of Kifu, the most mountainous wilderness. An ordinary city girl is equally surprised at the lack of cellular communication, and the phenomenon forest kami. The evil yakashi would have dragged the poor thing away, but the strong guy Takuma intervened, beat off the guest and escorted him home. There, Shizuku's grandmother, a well-known and respected person in the district, told her granddaughter that she was the next Tamayorihime, the "precious princess", the keeper of the Onikirimaru sword.

Crimson Shards (TV series) / Hiiro no Kakera (2012)

Genre: anime, cartoon, romance
Premiere (world): April 1, 2012
A country: Japan

Starring: Chihiro Aikawa, Daisuke Hirakawa, Tomomi Isomura, Yoshihisa Kawahara, Mie Kubota, Suzuko Mimori, Mari Miyake, Yoshikazu Nagano, Namikawa Daisuke, Kazunori Nomiya

Into the forest where the fireflies flicker (2011)
Young Hotaru came from stuffy Yokohama to spend the summer holidays with her uncle in a mountain village. A six-year-old girl was frightened, getting lost in an unfamiliar forest, but a young man in a fox mask helped her out of nowhere. A guy named Gin immediately warned a new acquaintance that he was under a spell, and he was doomed to disappear if he touched any person. Of course, the city guest decided to act on the principle of "trust, but verify", but soon she was convinced from personal experience....

Into the forest where the fireflies flicker / Hotarubi no mori e (2011)

Genre: anime, cartoon, short film, drama, romance
Premiere (world): September 17, 2011
A country: Japan

Starring: Hiroki Goto, Asami Imai, Taya Jan, Ayane Sakura, Izumi Sawada, Kumiko Tashiro, Koki Uchiyama, Kanehira Yamamoto

East Eden (TV series) (2009)
A Japanese college graduate, Saki Morimi, decided to visit the White House during a trip to the United States and almost got into trouble throwing coins into the fountain there. Her young compatriot rescued her, weaving in front of Saki and the police literally out of thin air, being in Adam's suit, with a pistol in one hand and a mobile phone in the other. Kind-hearted Saki gave the guy her coat and only then remembered that it contained money and a passport. Meanwhile mysterious hero found out that the body is healthy and strong.

East Eden (TV series) / Higashi no Eden (2009)

Genre: anime, cartoon, drama, comedy, detective
Premiere (world): April 9, 2009
A country: Japan

Starring: Ryohei Kimura, Saori Hayami, Takuya Eguchi, Sakiko Tamagawa, Hayato Taya, Motoyuki Kawahara, Ayaka Saito, Kimiko Saito, Rei Igarashi, Atsushi Miyauchi

Monster Stories (TV series 2009 - 2013) (2009)
Somehow, a graduate of Koyomi Araragi was walking up the stairs in his native school, thinking about his own, and then, out of nowhere, falls on top of him beautiful girl. Since her flight was long, Koyomi managed to recognize Hitagi Senjougahara's classmate, unsociable and silent in life. Putting his hands up, the guy tensed, thinking that he would be slammed into the floor, but Hitagi turned out to be no heavier than ... a school textbook. And soon Koyomi realized that Hitagi was keeping quiet not out of natural modesty, but because the character was painfully abrupt and sharp.

Monster Stories (TV series 2009 - 2013) / Bakemonogatari (2009)

Genre: anime, cartoon, romance
Premiere (world): July 3, 2009
A country: Japan

Starring: Hiroshi Kamiya, Kitamura Eri, Yuka Iguchi, Saito Chiwa, Sakurai Takahiro, Yui Horie, Emiri Kato, Miyuki Sawashiro, Kana Hanazawa, Fumihiko Tachiki

Figured Kaleidoscope (TV series) (2005)
The young girl Tatsusa dreams of getting into competitions, and not just any, but the Olympic Games. This is her lifelong dream. In Japan, she has a rival. Face figure skating- Shitou Kuyoko. The series begins with a competition. On them, Tatsusa falls and hits hard. When she wakes up, it turns out she is already in the hospital and she lost the competition. In addition, after the girl returns to normal life, it turns out that the ghost of a young Canadian pilot Peter Pumps is stuck in her body for a hundred days.

Figured kaleidoscope (TV series) / Ginban Kaleidoscope (2005)

Genre: Animation, Drama, Romance, Comedy, Sports
Premiere (world): October 8, 2005
A country: Japan

Starring: Ayako Kawasumi, Hiroyuki Yoshino, Jurota Kosugi, Hiroko Suzuki, Marina Inoue, Masami Iwasaki, Saito Chiwa, Chiba Isshin, Kunihiro Kawamoto, Daiizuke Matsuoka

Pure Romance (TV series) (2008)
The story consists of three storylines. The main one is the history of the relationship between a simple student Misaki Takahashi and a famous young writer Akihiko Usami; the second - the future associate professor of the university and the guy - an orphan; the third - a teacher of literature at the university and the son of the dean, as well as part-time younger brother of his ex-wife. There is little in common between them. The only thing that connects them is Mitsuhashi University and the fact that one of the couple was unhappily in love.

Pure Romance (TV series) / Junjou Romantica (2008)

Genre: anime, cartoon, romance
Premiere (world): April 10, 2008
A country: Japan

Starring: Hikaru Hanada, Kazuhiko Inoe, Kentaro Ito, Nobutoshi Kanna, Daizuke Kishio, Morikawa Toshiyuki, Noriko Namiki, Okiayu Ryotaro, Sakurai Takahiro, Kisho Taniyama

World's Best First Love (TV series) (2011)
Ten years ago, Onodore Ritsu had the misfortune of falling in love for the first time. The object of adoration for Ritsu was the guy to whom he confessed his feelings. But that was ten years ago, the relationship ended in nothing, the face of first love was forgotten, and Ritsu swore to himself never to fall in love again. He has now retired from his father's company, where he worked as a literary editor. Colleagues believed that he achieved everything only thanks to his connections, but Rits did not like this situation, and he decided to prove ....

The world's best first love (TV series) / Sekaiichi hatsukoi (2011)

Genre: anime, cartoon, romance
Premiere (world): April 9, 2011
A country: Japan

Starring: Takashi Kondo, Katsuyuki Konishi, Yuichi Nakamura

The tyrant who fell in love (video) (2010)
"I wonder if love has an expiration date?" Tetsuhiro Morinaga, a student at the Agricultural University, thinks to himself. He thinks so because he has been hopelessly in love with his senpai, Soichi Tatsumi, for five years now. And he thinks so for a reason ... because there can be no hope for at least some kind of relationship, because Morinaga managed to fall in love with an ardent homophobe. Soichi Tatsumi is a tyrant and despot. He is rude, smokes, kicks his kohai with or without reason, does not disdain cracks, and makes plans to blow up America because same-sex marriages were legalized there ...

The tyrant who fell in love (video) / Koisuru Boukun (2010)

Genre: anime, cartoon
Premiere (world): June 25, 2010
A country: Japan

Starring: Kosuke Toriumi, Hikaru Midorikawa, Kouki Miyata, Tomokazu Sugita, Daisuke Hirakawa

Unloved (TV series) (2005)
There is a world where virginity is defined by the presence of cat ears and a tail, and some people are destined to form fighting pairs, united by a common name that was chosen before they were born. Ritsuka appears to be a completely normal, if a little gloomy and indifferent to the surrounding teenager, but under this mask lies the wounded and frightened soul of a child who witnessed the tragedy. Ritsuka discovered the charred corpse of Semey's older brother.

Unloved (TV series) / Loveless (2005)

Genre: anime, cartoon, adventure
Premiere (world): April 6, 2005
A country: Japan

Starring: Katsuyuki Konishi, Junko Minagawa, Kana Ueda, Jun Fukuyama, Mamiko Noto, Yomi Shinohara, Ken Takeuchi, Takehito Koyasu, Mitsuki Saiga, Hiroyuki Yoshino

Howl's Moving Castle (2004)
18-year-old Sophie found herself in a very unpleasant situation. An evil witch made her an old woman, and now, in order to break the spell, the girl needs to find the mysterious Howl.
This wizard owns a unique moving castle with which he can travel to the most remote corners of the world. Howl seems to have unlimited possibilities, but he is deeply unhappy. A man is forced to fight and play the role of a pawn in government games. Howl himself dreams of simple love, and it is Sophie who is able to give him happiness. It remains only to remove the spells lying on both heroes.

Howl's Moving Castle / Hauru no ugoku shiro (2004)
Genre: anime, cartoon, fantasy
Premiere (world): September 5, 2004
Premiere (RF): August 25, 2005
A country: Japan

Starring: Chieko Baishō, Takuya Kimura, Akihiro Miwa, Tatsuya Gashuin

Your name (2016)
A guy from Tokyo one day discovers that he is somehow related to a girl from the Japanese provinces. Every day during sleep, they are able to communicate and exchange bodies. At first, this strange connection frightens both, but gradually the main characters get used to it.
And then one day unusual abilities disappear. The shocked heroes cannot come to terms with this, and therefore the young man goes in search of a newly found girlfriend. He knows practically nothing about her, but he is sure that he can find her at the call of his heart.

Your name / Kimi no na wa. (2016)
Genre: anime, cartoon, fantasy
Premiere (world): July 3, 2016
Premiere (RF): September 7, 2017
A country: Japan

Starring: Ryunosuke Kamiki, Mone Kamisiraeshi, Ryo Narita, Aoi Yuuki

Garden of Fine Words (2013)
Takao often skips classes and walks in the park, where he dreams of making and designing shoes. This strange desire occupies all his thoughts. But one day while walking he meets a pretty girl.
Communication continues for several days, but meetings occur only on rainy days. Takao opens up to his new lover, telling her about his feelings and emotions. Without noticing it, he falls in love, but there is very little time left for confessions, because the end of the rainy season is already looming on the horizon.

Garden of Fine Words / Koto no ha no niwa (2013)
Genre: anime, cartoon, romance
Premiere (world): May 31, 2013
Premiere (RF): September 27, 2013
A country: Japan

Starring: Irino Miyu, Kana Hanazawa, Fumi Hirano, Gou Maeda

5 centimeters per second (2007)
Takaki Tono is an ordinary, at first glance, guy who has a romantic nature. He has to go through a difficult path from a schoolboy to a successful person. Throughout this period, Takaki will seek personal happiness. Behind philosophical reasoning and work, it is sometimes so difficult to discern the ideal girl who is nearby.
Only realizing that he lost love, Takaki will take action. However, it may be too late for him now.

5 centimeters per second / Byôsoku 5 senchimêtoru (2009)
Genre: anime, cartoon, drama, romance
Premiere (world): March 3, 2007
A country: Japan

Starring: Kenji Mizuhashi, Yoshimi Kondo, Satomi Hanamura, Ayaka Onoe

Whisper of the Heart (1995)
Shizuku loves to read books. One day she takes the next edition from the library, and to her surprise she discovers that a mysterious stranger read this work before her. Shizuku had come across his name before, but didn't attach any importance to it.
The guy reads the same books that she likes, and therefore the main character decides to find him. Perhaps they are made for each other, but the girl will only be able to find out the truth after she comes face to face with a potential prince.

Whisper of the Heart / Mimi wo sumaseba (1995)
Genre: anime, cartoon, drama
Premiere (world): July 15, 1995
Premiere (RF): January 22, 2009
A country: Japan

Starring: Yoko Honna, Issei Takahashi, Takashi Tachibana, Shigeru Muroi

Voice Shape (2016)
Years ago, while in elementary school, Shoi made life hell for a classmate, Shoko. He mocked the girl because she was deaf and dumb. Almost leading the child to suicide, the bully himself became an outcast.
In high school, everyone refused to communicate with him because of the cruelty. As a result, Shoi hated himself and decided to commit suicide. However, before doing what he planned, he needs to meet with Shoko and ask for forgiveness.
The first meeting after many years turns into a revelation for the guy. It turns out that the one over whom he mocked for so long may be his soul mate.

Voice Shape / Koe no katachi (2016)
Genre: anime, cartoon, drama
Premiere (world): September 17, 2016
A country: Japan

Starring: Irino Miyu, Saori Hayami, Aoi Yuuki, Kensho Ono

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