Moon Knight without a mask. moon knight



Twilight descended on the earth. the stained-glass windows of the royal library faded. the halls became quite dark. only on the table of the caretaker of the royal library was a lamp burning under a green shade. the light snatched out the nearest shelves from the darkness, reflecting dully on the gold of the tomes. the clock tower struck eight times. the old librarian slammed the book shut. it was time to retire. in his youth he had spent nights in the reading room, but now he went to bed with roosters. age took its toll. the old man put out the lamp and shuffled to the stairs leading to the attic above the library, where his apartment was located.

As soon as his steps died down, as from behind the curtain appeared tall figure. Her outlines were blurry and shaky. The stranger walked between the shelves. From time to time he stopped and sighed so heavily and lingeringly, as if he had a big problem. Those wailings would send goosebumps down everyone's spine. He went to the closet where the old manuscripts were kept.

There was a rustle in the closet, and a curious, pointed nose appeared from there, and after that a little man, as tall as an elbow, crawled out. He had a shriveled face and a white beard. He looked like a gnome, but in fact he was a brownie, one of the many that guard peace in the palace.

Each house has its own place. The tilers live in the attic and make sure that the roof does not leak. The attics guard the belongings left in the attic. Furnaces make sure that chimneys are not clogged. And in the library lives a brownie Scribe. When the current librarian was young, the Scribe gave him a lot of trouble, mischievously confusing books and rearranging them on other shelves. But a lot of time has passed since then, and both librarians have learned to get along.

Has he come again, the harbinger? Excuse me for not wishing you well, - the Scribe said not too friendly.

Ah, everything is so sad, - the ghost sighed and sobbed several times, holding back sobs.

What did you complain about? You don't just come around.

Ah, poor, brave Prince Gleb. How terrible it is to be on the other side of the Mirror of Fate, where no one gets alive soul, - wringing his hands, said the Harbinger.

Come to your senses! Gleb had returned a long time ago, and not alone, but with the little gypsy Marika and the Duchess Agnes, the same one who had sunk into the water fourteen years ago. So there is nothing more to be sad about. The prince is at home, the girl lives with Agnes and considers her her mother.

The girl is as gypsy as you are a troll. There is not a drop of gypsy blood in her. Gypsies found her as a baby on the road and raised her in a camp. How sad it is, - weeped the harbinger.

What is sad here? Now the girl is rolling like cheese in butter. Soon the duchess is planning to celebrate her tenth birthday with grandeur, ”the Scribe announced.

My heart breaks into pieces when I think that Prince Gleb will not live to see his birthday, the ghost burst into tears.

What?! Are you calling trouble again?

I have nothing to do with this. Gleb is to blame. Do you know the Khovants? asked the Harvester.

Are these insidious creatures from the twilight world? Who doesn't know them. They are always trying to lure gullible people into their networks and promise them various benefits. Only then you have to pay dearly for it.

Exactly, - said the Gorevestnik and sadly continued: - The Khovants gave Gleb the magic wallet of the Moon Knight for the time while he was in the Looking Glass. But the prince did not return the little thing.

Can't be! It doesn't look like him. He is a well-mannered and honest young man,” the Scribe declared decisively.

I have no doubts about his honesty. He just has nothing to return. The purse was stolen by the Witch from the Fox Hole.

How? Is this old rogue going to do some dirty tricks again?

It turns out like this. After all, the Moon Knight will ask not from her, but from Gleb. And with the knight jokes are bad. He knows no mercy for those who are greedy for money. Poor, unfortunate prince, - the ghost burst into a new stream of tears.

What should Gleb do? - the Scribe was confused.

Don't know. It's my business to bring the news, and what happens next doesn't concern me, - sobbed the Harbinger and vanished into thin air.

The scribe stood for a moment in thought, and then waved his hand.

In some ways, the harbinger is right. We should not meddle in people's affairs. The only thing I can do is compile a chronicle of events so that everything exactly reaches the descendants.

He took out paper and pen and sat down to write.

Prophetic dream

The radiant empress of the night, the moon, powerfully rose above the earth. The witch's eye looked from heaven, bewitching everything living on earth. The wolves in the forest, raising their muzzles, greeted the ruler of the night with a drawn-out howl. They were echoed by ominous hooting owls, whose yellow eyes burned in the darkness like small moons.

Moonlight cobwebs entwined the sleeping city. The inhabitants rested peacefully in their beds, but anxiety seeped into their dreams. The spiers and roofs of the palace were covered with silver. The rays rushed in a stream through the windows, but, having stumbled upon the heavy curtains, they helplessly flowed down them, unable to penetrate into the inner chambers. In some places they managed to find a crack, and then a thin ray-scout slipped inside and searched all the corners, but not finding what he was looking for, bashfully crawled away, leaving the room at the mercy of the blindness of the drawn curtains.

And one beam was lucky. He slipped through the gap between the curtains and found himself in luxurious chambers. Ray carefully made his way along the carpet and climbed over the silk bedspread on the couch where the lad was sleeping, entering the time of youth. This was the one who was to inherit the throne and rule the kingdom, but as yet the affairs of state had not left the stamp of concern on his brow. He slept calmly and serenely. Her hair was scattered over the pillow in a golden halo. A ray of moonlight touched the curls, slid over the boy's face, and immediately a peaceful dream was painted with anxiety.

Gleb dreamed that he was drifting in a small boat without oars in the middle of the endless sea. The wind ruffled the surface of the water, and from this small silver highlights danced on it, similar to fish scales. Suddenly the boat began to slowly sink. Water gushed through a large hole in the bottom. Gleb began to bail it out with his palms, but the boat sank more and more until it completely disappeared under the water. And then the silver glare turned into coins. All around, as far as the eye could see, a desert of silver stretched. dunes from shiny coins swayed and lived like the waves of the sea.

Like quicksand, they continued to drag Gleb down. He desperately climbed, unable to resist the elements. Fear extended its invisible tentacles towards him. Gleb realized that a little more and he would suffocate. Gathering all his willpower, he rushed and ... woke up from a nightmare.

The character exists in the Marvel Universe and was created by artist Doug Monch and author Don Perlin. Moon Knight first appeared in Werewolf by Night #32(August 1975). The character was warmly received by the public and soon received his own stories, and later his own comic book series.

moon knight
moon knight

Moon Knight cover moon knight #1
Publication history
Publisher marvel comics
Debut Werewolf by Night#32 (August 1975)
Authors Doug Monh
Don Perlin
Character characteristics
Position Dobro, Antihero
Alter ego Mark Spector
Aliases Moon Knight
Race A man enhanced by the Egyptian moon deity Khonsu
Height 188 cm
Weight 102kg
Teams and organizations
Secret Avengers, West Coast Avengers, The Defenders, Marvel Knights, Heroes for Hire
Spider-Man, Black Panther, Eric O'Grady, Captain America, War Machine, Hawkeye, Mockingbird, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Echo, Cloak & Dagger, Werewolf in the Night, Tigger
Taskmaster, High Evolutionary, Morpheus, Kang the Conqueror
special powers
    • Perfect in acrobatics
    • Weapons expert
  • I Superhuman strength, Super stamina, Super agility and reflexes (depending on the phases of the moon)
    • Mastery of hand-to-hand combat and many martial arts
    • Khonshu's power protects Moon Knight from evil spirits
    • genius level of intelligence
    • Master tactician and strategist
    • Peak of physical development (during the day when there is no moon).
    • Healing factor (during the day when there is no moon).
    • Regeneration (depending on the phases of the moon)
    • delayed aging
    • Excellent swordsman
    • Accurate shooter
    • Astral vision (at night when the moon is present)
    • Can become invisible in the shadows (at night when there is a moon)
    • Huge financial opportunities
    • Excellent detective
    • great actor
    • Various melee and firearms
    • Various vehicles including Munkopter helicopter and Angelwing aircraft
    • high tech gadgets

Publication history

The character first appeared in Werewolf by Night. night werewolf”) #32 (August 1975) - in a story written by Doug Monh and drawn by Don Perlin, as the protagonist's enemy; his story continued and ended in issue #33. Moon Knight was an instant hit with readers and received his own issue in Marvel Spotlight #28-29 (1976), again written by Doug Monch and art by Don Perlin.

He then appeared in Spectacular Spider-Man in #22 and #23; the story for both issues was created by Bill Mantlo, with art by Mike Zeck in #22 and Jim Mooney in #23; in Marvel Two in One in #52, which was written by Stephen Grant and art by Jim Craig; in Defenders #47-50. Moon Knight then also made a cameo appearance in Hulk! Magazine #11-15, #17-18, and #20, and in Marvel Preview #21 (which is where he first appeared in his costume); all stories were written by Doug Monch. The art was created by Jen Colan in #11, Keith Pollard in #12, and Bill Sienkiewicz in the rest of the stories. These stories were subsequently reprinted in Moon Knight: Special Edition #1-3.

Then in 1980, Marvel started a new standalone comic book series called "Moon Knight", still written by Doug Monch and drawn by Bill Sienkiewicz. Beginning with issue #15, Marvel removed the series from newsstand sales, making it available only through direct purchases at comic book stores. The series continues until #38, after which the comic was cancelled. After being canceled in 1985, a six-issue mini-series, Moon Knight - Fist Of Khonshu, written by Alan Zelenitz and Chris Warner, was released to try to establish the character's new status quo of popularity, but this too was canceled after six issues. . After that, the hero appeared in the pages of the West Coast Avengers comic from issue #21 to #41 and in Annuals #1-3. After appearing in Punisher Annual #2 in 1989, the character again received his own comic book series - this time under the title "Marc Spector: Moon Knight". At that time, Moon Knight also important role"guest star" in the pages of the Amazing Spider-Man comic, and the plot in Amazing Spider-Man #353-358 served as the end of the current storyline in the character's story, since he then died in battle with the Secret Empire. This series was eventually canceled with #60 (March 1994); the last six issues of the series were drawn by Steven Platt, who went to work for Image Comics, impressed by the quality of his work on the series. Two "single comics" about Moon Knight were also published during the series' run (Marc Spector: Moon Knight - Special Edition #1 and Moon Knight: Divided We Fall), followed by two more limited editions in January 1998 and January 1999. a four-issue series that resurrected the hero since, as mentioned above, the series ended in 1989 with the character's death.

A contemporary Moon Knight series was launched in April 2006, with Charlie Huston as the author and David Finch as the artist. As of issue #14 of the series, Mike Benson became Houston's co-writer. Peter Milligan also wrote the story for the 2008 single-season comic Moon Knight: Silent Knight, with art by Lawrence Campbell.

A short series titled "Vengeance of the Moon Knight" started in September 2009, written by Greg Hurwitz and drawn by Jerome Opena. Following the cancellation of that series, Moon Knight was placed in the book Secret Avengers, and in 2010 his story was "rebooted" in Heroes for Hire in preparation for the forthcoming full-fledged revival of the solo series by Brian Bendis and Alex Maleev.

Fictional biography

Mark was born in Chicago, Illinois to an American rabbi who fled Nazi German-occupied Czechoslovakia for the United States in the late 1930s. He grew up and trained hard because he wanted to become a professional heavyweight boxer, while his father wanted him to continue family tradition and became a priest. One day, his father tried to stop him from going to a match, and then Mark hit his father, and the next day he joined the US Marine Corps and never saw his father again. Two years later, having become an experienced fighter, he joined the CIA, where he first worked with William Cross (the future supervillain Crossfire), and also opposed his own brother Randall, who was also a CIA operative, but at the same time was smuggling weapons and killed his beloved Mark, when she found out about it. In addition to working directly for the CIA, Mark was also a mercenary willing to work for the highest bidder. While working as a mercenary in Africa, Spector met and became friends with the French pilot and mercenary Jean-Paul Duchamp, whom he called "the Frenchman", who later became his partner; together they carried out various missions in South America and Africa. Then they both worked for the African terrorist and villain Raul Bushman, whose savagery and bloodthirstiness and desire only to rob and kill made Mark think about the correctness of his chosen path. In Sudan, they hit the trail of an archaeologist who was looking for a pharaoh's tomb with a lot of gold and jewelry. Traveling to Egypt, their group stumbled upon this archaeological expedition, consisting of Dr. Peter Alran and his daughter Marlene. During excavations, they discovered a temple with ancient artifacts, among which was a statue of the Egyptian moon god Konshu. Wanting to rob the temple, Bushman killed Dr. Alrond, and at the same time Alrond himself wanted to do the same at first, but Mark warned Bushman, thereby saving his life. Overwhelmed with guilt and disgust over everything that happened, Mark helped Marlene, the daughter of Alrond, escape from the city of Selima, located next to the excavations, but during his escape he was caught by Bushman, who, knowing about his humanity, arranged for him to execute the inhabitants of the city. Unable to stand it, Mark challenged Bushman to a duel, but lost. Bushman carried Mark, beaten almost to death, into the desert, where the temperature dropped to negative values and left there to die.

Marlene with a group of Egyptians, who, as it turned out, still worshiped the ancient Egyptian god Konsh, found Mark and took him to their temple. In front of the statue of Konshu, where he was placed, Mark's heart stopped, and Marlene decided that he was dead, and began to pray to Konshu. However, in reality, Konshu appeared in a vision to Mark's soul, offering to give him a second life and new powers if he becomes his incarnation (avatar) on Earth and serves him. Accepting his offer, Mark woke up, recovered, put on a silver shroud, which was wrapped around the statue of Konshu, and again fought with Bushman. This time he defeated him (although Bushman eventually managed to escape) and returned to America (to New York) along with Marlene Alrond, Duchamp and the statue of Konchou. Deciding to become a criminal exterminator, Mark created a face-hiding silver suit based on Konshu's silver shroud and became Moon Knight. At the same time, he came up with two virtual images for himself, the roles of which he played himself. One of them was the millionaire Stephen Grant, who owns a luxurious mansion, the role of which Mark could play because he earned a fortune during his work as a mercenary. The second is taxi driver Jake Lockley, whose image he used to collect information about street crime. In the role of Lockley, he soon acquired assistants - the homeless Bertrand Crowley and coffee shop owner Jena Landers. Her sons, Ricky and Roy, often carried out his various assignments, and in the end, Mark revealed his secrets to them.

In the character's first appearance, the criminal organization The Committee provided Mark (under the name of Moon Knight) with his costume and weapons (silver) to hunt down the werewolf hero Jack Russell. In Los Angeles, Moon Knight captured him for the Committee and handed him over to their hands along with his lover and sister, but then, learning that the Committee wanted to use them for criminal purposes, freed him and foiled the Committee's plans, then fought Russell in the guise of a werewolf again and being bitten by him, which gave him additional powers related to lunar cycle. After that, he became a fairly well-known superhero, albeit with many "oddities", fighting many supervillains and sometimes teaming up with other heroes such as Spider-Man, X-Men, Fantastic Four, Daredevil, Shang-Chi, and others.

Abilities and weapons

Even before becoming a Moon Knight, Mark - through a boxing career, service in the Marine Corps and work in the CIA - perfectly mastered the techniques of all Western and Eastern martial arts, acquired the highest accuracy of shooting, learned to handle any kind of cold and firearms mastered the skills of driving any Vehicle, and also acquired great knowledge in the field of detective work and torture used to extract evidence from interrogated people. His physical strength, speed and stamina were approaching the limit of human capabilities, and after being bitten by a werewolf, his strength increased on a permanent basis.

Name: Moon Knight (Mark Spector)

A country: USA

Creator: Doug Monh and Don Perlin

Activity: superhero

Family status: not married

Moon Knight: Character Story

There are many epithets with the word "former" in the biography of Moon Knight: ex-son rabbi, ex-military, ex-CIA agent. Perhaps, thanks to the constant change of status, the hero found his own place in life. And it doesn't matter that the vocation almost drove the man crazy. More importantly, Moon Knight saved many lives.

History of creation

The first appearance of the Moon Knight was a comic book dedicated to the Night Werewolf ("Werewolf by Night # 32", 1975). Character creators Doug Monh and Don Perin created the character of a mysterious antagonist who opposes the werewolf.

All of a sudden, an insignificant hero has aroused deep interest among comic book fans. To get to the bottom of the phenomenon, the Marvel editors put the Knight into the Spider-Man series. The hero again became a minor participant in the comic, however, this time the character's adventures stretched over two issues.

Interest in the Moon Knight did not subside, but the creators of the image were in no hurry to allocate a separate series to the hero. The man has appeared on the colorful pages more than once, but the fans learned the full story of the hero only in 1980.

Over the following years, interest in the colorful character alternately faded and flared up again. The only thing that has remained unchanged is the status important hero in comics about.

The next restart of the character was organized by the Marvel editors in 2010. The man appeared in the Heroes for Hire comics, which Brian Bendis and Alex Maleev are actively working on. Rumor has it that another personal series dedicated to the crazy adventures of a superhero will soon be born.

Such rumors are easily explained - according to official data, the Marvel Cinematic Universe plans to add to the list of series. Next in line is the film adaptation, and Moon Knight.

Marvel Comics

Mark Spector was born into the family of a Jewish priest. The hero's father and his family fled from Czechoslovakia to America shortly after the birth of his son. Mark's mother died when the boy had not yet reached middle age.

The child grew up with his older brother Randall under the tutelage of an overly passive father. Since childhood, relations in the family were tense. A boy who was fond of boxing gave the rabbi a lot of trouble. To avoid further confrontation, Mark left home and joined the Marines.

The hero's biography step by step repeats the life of his older brother. After serving for some time in the army, Mark, following Randall, goes to serve in the CIA. Work gave Spector pleasure. Alas, after Mark's girlfriend was killed, the hero's life went downhill.

The first blow for Spector was the news that the older brother is not a superhero from a fairy tale at all. Man for a long time traded in smuggling, and after the beloved Mark figured out Randall, the elder Spector killed the girl. Unable to cope with his emotions, Mark executes his brother and leaves the CIA forever.

A man who has devoted himself to the work of the military cannot imagine himself in civilian life. The only way Mark finds is to become a mercenary doing part-time jobs for terrorists and dictators.

The work brings the hero to the Egyptian city, in which the sanctuary of the pharaoh has been untouched for many centuries. During a showdown with his own boss, Mark is mortally wounded. To rescue the entangled own feelings and the actions of a man, locals carry Spector's body to the statue of the moon god Khonshu.

An influential deity took pity on the dying man and offered Mark a deal. If Spector is ready to administer justice to the villains in the name of God, then Khonshu will resurrect the man and give the hero supernatural powers. Mark agrees to the proposal and soon comes to his senses. The man is sure that the story that happened is just a dream inspired by local legends and legends.

Moon Knight and Other Marvel Comics Heroes

The only thing Spector is sure of is that it's time to stop working as a mercenary. The man returns

to America, taking with him the savings made during the service. This money is enough to live quietly and comfortably in modern world. But the inner thirst for revenge, which has awakened in the hero, does not allow Spector to relax.

A man creates two individuals. Now Mark goes by the name Stephen Grant and rotates in high society. To learn more about the underworld, Spector purchases a taxi and starts living under the name of Jake Lockley. In parallel with the new names, Mark creates a superhero costume in which he administers justice to the villains. Now three completely different characters coexist in the face of one man.

The tense existence in the image of three people at once had consequences for the psyche of the hero. Mark often experiences overexertion and is often subjected to nervous breakdowns. Spector is saved by a girl named Marla, who accidentally learns about the features of a man. The beauty returns the man to reality and does not allow him to mope for a long time.

During the early years of his superhero existence, Moon Knight managed to fight the Black Ghost, Midnight Man and the Fly. But the most brutal fight was the battle with the Zohar, a disciple of Father Mark, who stole the rabbi's body after his death.

Fighting evil, Spector improved his own abilities. After being resurrected from dead man gained superhuman speed and strength. The hero mastered the skills of shooting from any weapon, learned to drive a variety of vehicles and studied the technology of torture.

Spector acquired even more abilities after being bitten by a werewolf. In the heat of battle mystical creature wounded Moon Knight, but instead of reincarnation, the man only increased his own strength.

The sinister past tends to come back. The same thing happened to Mark. The older brother of the hero returned to life, who wanted to take revenge on the younger Spector. To hurt, Randall kidnaps Moon Knight's lover. The Punisher and Spider-Man helped Mark overcome the hellraiser smuggler.

Another resurrection from the dead, but this time of Moon Knight himself, took place shortly after the Battle of Infinity. The mighty Goddess arranged Crusade, the purpose of which was all sorts of evil. Moon Knight entered the task force involved in the battle. During the battle, Mark encountered a computer virus that blew up the tower where the hero was.

Khonshu did not leave his own ward. God resurrected Mark again, and the man with new strength rushed to help people. new operation to save the world was the battle against the Punisher, with whom in the past the hero had friendly relations. This time, Moon Knight joins and even sponsors the newly formed team.

Alas, the men underestimated the supporters of the enemy. Cloak, Zaran, and Tombstone smashed the heroes' base and wounded the Knight. Defeats sufficiently tired Mark. A man breaks the contract with God and ties up with a risky life.

But peaceful existence turned out to be not so interesting. Mark, who no longer pretends to be three persons at once, became addicted to alcohol, beat his beloved and stopped following the news.

Civil War, unleashed between superheroes, came into the life of a degraded man just in time. Mark pulled himself together and returned to the post of a fighter against injustice. But both sides involved in the battle did not want to see Moon Knight among the supporters. The heroes were frightened by Mark's instability, which gradually developed into a split personality.

By choosing sides, Moon Knight forced the government to accept himself into the ranks of superheroes. Alas, teamwork did not become healing for Spector. In addition, the Black Ghost - a longtime enemy of the man - skillfully framed the hero in front of his friends. The facts presented by the Illusive Man seemed convincing. Moon Knight turned out to be an enemy of the state and soon left America, moving to Mexico.

The return to his homeland was marked for Mark by a change of orientation. The man no longer wanted to kill in the name of God. Now Spector saw his task as preventing crime.

Such a strategy pitted Moon Knight against another no less outrageous superhero. In a fight against the one who attacked the mafia boss, Moon Knight was victorious. True, having found out the motives of the enemy, the man himself inflicted a lot of injuries on the rescued villain.

Over time, the Avengers and other superheroes had to admit the truth - yes, Moon Knight is insane, but the benefits that a man can bring are much higher than the potential danger. Well, Mark Spector has earned his own place among the brave fighters against evil.

Once the owners left the mercenary Mark Spector to die in the Egyptian desert, but Khonshu's admirers found him. This god saved Spector's life and endowed him with incredible superpowers. Returning to America and bringing a statue of Khonshu with him, Mark became a crime fighter named Moon Knight. He also came up with two new identities of millionaire Stephen Grant and taxi driver Jake Lockley. Along with his pilot friend Frenchie and lover Marlene Hadron, Moon Knight fought bandits such as the Werewolf, Midnighter, and members of the Black Spectrum gang. In addition, the hero often helped and. When Mark got tired of the endless battles, he put the suit in the closet and sold the Khonshu statue. However, Spector soon decided to go to Egypt again.
The level of his superpowers directly depends on the change of the phases of the moon. As a weapon, the Moon Knight uses the gifts of the god Khonshu: throwing scarab darts, a golden Egyptian cross that glows when danger approaches, and an ivory boomerang.
Having met once again with the fans of the Khonshu cult, Mark learned from them that being a Moon Knight is his destiny, and it is impossible to refuse it. Having received a new suit and a set of weapons from God, Spector returned to the United States to continue his noble mission. When Norman Osborn (see article) took control of the team, Mark faked his own death and later joined Steve Rogers' Secret Avengers.
In the never-ending war with the underworld of New York, Moon Knight was assisted by his beloved Marlene Alron and old friend Frenchy.
REAL NAME: Mark Spector. OCCUPATION: millionaire, playboy, taxi driver. PLACE OF STAY: NY. HEIGHT 188 cm WEIGHT: 102 kg. EYES: dark brown. HAIR: blond. FIRST APPEARANCE: comic "Werewolf by Night #32" (August 1975). Moon Knight (1980-1984) Moon Knight vol.2 Moon Knight - Retribution Moon Knight vol.3
Moon Knight vol.4

Moon Knight(Mark Spector) is a character marvel comics, who has often been compared to Batman. He appeared in 1975 as one of those weird Werewolf by nocturnal antagonists.

His career has been a little chaotic, due to a mix of in-universe mental instability and meta-fictional attempts at making him completely flip. it's always been clear that there's *something* about Moon Knight being cool (above all, the costume) and many angles have been tried to totally special his potential.

This ancient set of notes will eventually have to be replaced by a series of chronological profiles - this is not a "real", modern profile due to its age.

But in the meantime…ankh, if you like Moon Knight!

  • Real name: Mark Spector
  • Other aliases: Khonshu fist, (defunct) Stephen Grant, (defunct) Jake Lockley
  • Marital status: single
  • Known Relatives: Rabbi Elias Spector (father, deceased), mother (name not shown, deceased), Randall Spector (aka Shadowknight, aka Bandit, brother), Seth the Immortal (ancestor)
  • Group affiliation: Former member West Coast Avengers
  • Base of Operations: New York; formerly Spector Mansion, Long Island, New York
  • Height: 6'2" Weights: 225 pounds
  • Eyes: Dark Brown Hair: Brown

History of Moon Knight

Mark Spector was the son of Rabbi Elias Spector, a noted European Jewish scholar. Rabbi Elias fled Europe to avoid the Nazis and established himself in America.

As Mark got older he rejected his father's lifestyle and followed the money and thrills in that order. In a short sequence, he became a heavyweight boxer, then joined the US Marines and was trained as a commando. Once his term was over, he became a liaison to the CIA, resigning after a few years to become a mercenary.

As a merc, he fought in three African wars and five South American revolutions. It was in Africa that Mark met Jean-Paul Duchamp, whom he called "Frenchie". Duchamp becomes Spector's most trusted confidante and constant companion.

At the height of his mercenary career, Spector was second-in-command to Roald Bushman, a terrorist for hire who had his face tattooed to resemble a death mask.

Deaths and revivals

While fighting rebel forces in the Sudanese south of the Egyptian border, Spector learned that the Bushman planned to rob neighboring archaeological excavations. Already believing he was working on the wrong side, Spector decided to leave the Bushman that night.

However, when American archaeologist Dr. Peter Alron tried to betray the Bushman in order to save the site's treasures, Spector instinctively stopped him. The Bushman then brutally murdered Dr. Alron in front of Spector.

After asking the archaeologist's daughter, Marlene, to get to safety, Spector confronted the Bushman in personal combat. He was defeated, and the Bushman let him pass into the desert to die.

Spector staggered resolutely back to digging, but collapsed a short distance from him. He was carried into a dwelling by adherents of the ancient Egyptian religion, but it was too late to save his life.

Spector, lie dead in front of Marlin Alron for almost a minute, at the base ancient statue Khonshu, Egyptian god of the moon. Then Spector's heart inexplicably began to beat again.

Mad, he attributed his revival to Khonshu. Spector then declared himself a knight of the moon of vengeance. Draping himself in a white cloth that saved the statue from the desert sands, Spector's local assets are the only directed destroyed bushman. He then took Frenchie, Marlene and the statue of Khonshu back with him to America.

Description of comics about Moon Knight

Most of the illustrations refer to the classic Lunar Knight costume. Note that the nunchaku/baton holster is on the shin.

A suit with a gold ankh on the chest was worn during the Avengers period. the last illustration depicts a set of staff equipment and body armor.


Mark Spector was forced to act like a hero out of guilt and disgust for his past life. In his period as Grant and Lockley, he was a case of a diversified comic book personality with severe mental problems. He did believe that Khonshu was responsible for his recovery and spoke regularly to the moon god.

As the years passed, he became more and more normal, eventually curing himself of his diversified personalities.

Spector was especially loyal to his friends, and those he cared about. He never stopped loving Marlene, despite the ups and downs of their long relationship. As Moon Knight, Spector was a loner, preferring to work with his select group of confidantes rather than large groups of heroes like the Avengers.

Despite his financial success Spector cared very little about wealth. more important to him were his actions as Moon Knight, whom he always saw as a way to atone for past sins.

  1. Acrobatics (athletics, climbing, hiding): 08,
  2. Artist (Actor, disguise): 06,
  3. Charisma: 06, Detective: 06,
  4. Martial Artist: 07,
  5. Military Science: 06,
  6. Thief: 07,
  7. Vehicles (Air, Land, Water): 07,
  8. Armament: 08


  • Area Knowledge (New York)
  • Buddy (Jean-Paul "Frenchie" Duchamp),
  • Connoisseur, Expansive Head Office (SpectorCorp Tower/Shadowkeep),
  • Expertise ( Egyptian mythology, business), Lightning Reflections
  • Templars (Low)
  • Marlin Alron (High)
  • street (Low),
  • Business (High),
  • Khonshu (High)
  • Spector Corps (High)
  • Marvel Knights (Low)
  • Cadres (Low - Hellbent faction). Formerly had a Low connection with the Avengers.


  1. Guilt (each time a Khonshu statue is damaged, stolen or destroyed - 10pts)
  2. Secret Identity, Missing Justice.
  3. Spector once also had Serious Psychological Instability, but by the time of his later adventures, he had eliminated this Flaw altogether.
  4. Lunar Gear – Classic Lunar Knight Equipment

Before he changed equipment during his career as an Avenger, Luna Knight used the following gear:

  1. Glider cape
  3. Increasing Arrows
  4. Baton/nunchaku
  6. smoke bombs
  7. lunar mechanism

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