Max and Kostya: “Only good video blogs.


Published: Sidorchuk O. N. Maxim Yuryevich Brandt: milestones of fate, personality traits // Education in history, history in education: materials of the All-Russian (with international participation) scientific and practical conference "Integration of historical and educational space", dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the birth of Maxim Yuryevich Brandt (13 – April 15, 2011) / ed. V. A. Zvereva. - Novosibirsk: NGPU, 2011. - P. 9–14.

“It remains only for the historian to return again and again to the problems that worried the people who lived then and which, it would seem, do not matter to us. Isn't it better to consign to oblivion the events of the past ... The answer is simple. To forget about the past means to deprive yourself of the future. The past lives in the present.... With this judgment, we want to start a conversation about its author - a person close and dear to us - a student, teacher, colleague, scientist Maxim Yuryevich Brandt. The memory of him does not leave indifferent everyone who knew Maxim. From all corners of our country, guests arrived at the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference, which we dedicated to his memory. To remember him, to continue the work to which Maxim gave all his strength.

The pedigree of Maxim Yurievich is interesting. One of his ancestors Fedor Fedorovich (Johann Friedrich von) Brandt (1802–1879) is a famous German naturalist, doctor, zoologist and botanist. While working in Russia, he became an academician, president of the Russian Entomological Society, founder and director Zoological Museum Petersburg Academy of Sciences. Great-grandfather Egorov Pavel Leontyevich - full St. George Russo-Japanese War, died in the blockade, great-grandmother was a teacher of geography and mathematics, worked as a governess in the family of Sergei Yulievich Witte. Grandmother on the father's side - Anna Pavlovna - was at party work in Leningrad, a personal pensioner of republican significance. Grandfather from the side of the father - Boris Voldemarovich - was a historian, in the Tosnensky district Leningrad region supervised public education. In 1933 he died of tuberculosis.

During the war years, Maxim's future mother was evacuated with her family from Voronezh to Novosibirsk along with the Elektrosignal plant. Her father Alexei Petrovich Bazhilin worked as the chief dispatcher of this plant, and her mother Lyudmila Mikhailovna worked as deputy head of the labor and wages department.

Maxim's parents met on September 9, 1952. Place of acquaintance - Leningrad, First Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages ​​(LSPIIA). Student choir. We rehearsed the song “Hymn of the Democratic Youth of the World”. Here we met.

Mom (in the future) - Rimma Alekseevna Bazhilina - has just entered the first year. Prior to that, she graduated from a music and vocal studio in Novosibirsk and received the specialty of a conductor-choirmaster. The future father - Yuri Borisovich Brandt - after graduating from the translation department of the 1st LGPIIA, served in the GDR at the army headquarters as a translator from Spanish and German.

They got married on April 19, 1956. They did not like student weddings, and therefore they simply “signed”, hiding this event from all friends. But Rimma's girlfriend found out and was offended. Therefore, it was decided to celebrate the event in the restaurant "Astoria" in four: there were Rimma, Yuri and two girls - Rimma's roommates.

In Leningrad, in May 1957, a daughter, Nadya, was born. Now Nadezhda Yurievna is a candidate pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Translation and Translation Studies, Russian State humanitarian university(RGGU).

August 1957 After graduating from the university, the Brandt family with their little daughter went to Novosibirsk. Yuri Borisovich worked as a translator, chief engineer for scientific and technical information of the Council of National Economy. Rimma Alekseevna taught foreign languages- first at school number 56, then at the evening radio technical school of the Elektrosignal plant. And on February 1, 1962, she became a teacher at the Novosibirsk Pedagogical Institute (now NGPU), where she still works.

April 1961 Son Maxim was born. Born in Novosibirsk in the same month that opened space to the whole world. He was born a few days (April 17) after Yu. Gagarin's flight.

The family then lived in the Oktyabrsky district on the street. Dekabristov, d. 65, on the first floor. From the early childhood Brother and sister Nadya were connected by a touching friendship, which they kept even during adult life. They always helped each other, treated with tenderness and care. Now their children, Anya and Misha, are friendly with each other.

In 1968, Maxim went to the first grade, to school No. 42 (now - gymnasium No. 1). IN primary school was the first and favorite teacher former ballerina from Leningrad, who survived the blockade, Elena Maksimovna Pavlova. Nobody called Maxim at school full name, called - "Maximchik", "Maksik". He always helped out his classmates. Interesting case: a classmate who was threatened with a deuce in literature, wrote on "4" at the final exam; at the same time he wrote his essay - for a gold medal.

At school, with classmates, he took an active part in the work of the Poisk group, met with veterans of the Great Patriotic War led tours of the museum. He was friends with the sisters of the prisoners of Buchenwald. On the day of graduation, he was the first to lay a flower on the steles with the names of school graduates who died in the war. Then it became a tradition for the school. Maxim did this not pathetically, but at the behest of his heart. Favorite books in childhood: "In the Sky of War" by A. I. Pokryshkin, "Knights of the Sea" (about the Nakhimovites).

He loved his teachers Sofya Yakovlevna, Mary Adolfovna, Rimma Grigorievna, and Pyotr Ivanovich very much. I respected and appreciated all my teachers. He took great care of his mother. At school, seeing off Rimma Alekseevna with their eyes, other parents kindly exclaimed: “A happy mother is coming!”

After graduating from school in 1978, Maxim entered the history department of the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical Institute. Even before September 1 came to the library. He said: “I want to sign up,” which struck the head of Kaleria Ivanovna. He liked to work in the libraries of the city, especially in the State Public Library for Science and Technology. From the 1st year, he showed interest in science, spoke at scientific and practical conferences, but at the same time he loved the work of a teacher. In the 3rd year he worked in the pioneer camp "Timurovets". When a child (not from his detachment) fell ill, he volunteered to take the child to the hospital. I found out the address of my parents and went to them at night.

Maxim always recalled his university teachers and classmates with great gratitude. He especially remembered the lectures of I. V. Ostrovsky, A. V. Edakov, B. N. Foinitsky, Ts. L. Rukina, F. S. Kuznetsova. With enthusiasm he studied in the special course of Evgenia Iosifovna Matkhanova on the history of Decembrism.

Traveled with my student group rural schools with lectures and concerts. He gave lectures in the society "Knowledge". Having shown excellent success in his studies, he became interested in medieval studies. He began to dream of continuing his studies in Moscow. In NSPI then there was a need for a graduate in the history of the Middle Ages.

The talented student was greatly supported by Alexander Vitalyevich Edakov: he personally ran around all the classrooms in the Moscow State pedagogical institute(now - Moscow State Pedagogical University) to transfer Maxim here. Ekaterina Ivanovna Solovyova (at that time - Vice-Rector for scientific work), when she was asked whom she was thinking of sending to Moscow, she answered: only Maxim Brandt. This choice was also supported by the dean of the Faculty of History V. I. Sobolev. Although, of course, at the faculty, with sadness, a student who switched to the 4th year was released to the capital.

After transferring to Moscow State Pedagogical University, in order to eliminate the difference in curricula, Maxim passed eight exams over the summer - in history, jurisprudence and others academic disciplines. In Moscow, its leader scientific researchterm paper about Thomas More, a diploma project on English absolutism - Alexandra Andreevna Kirillova. his opponent thesis was N. I. Pavlenko. Maxim gratefully recalled the rector of the Moscow State Pedagogical University Petrov.

Maxim's classmates at Moscow State Pedagogical University remember him subtle humor, reliability, decency, passion for science. An interesting case: classmates gave him a hat, writing a playful poem: “And your intellect honed to a shine // Worthily cover with this hat.”

After graduation, he entered graduate school. Alexandra Andreevna was the leader. After her sudden death Alexander Nikolaevich Chistozvonov became the leader. In graduate school he received a scholarship to them. K. Marx. Particularly warmly recalled the care of the head. postgraduate student of Nina Petrovna Radimova. In parallel with scientific research on the topic of the dissertation, he studied Old French, Old English, English, German, and French.

Immediately after graduation, he taught history at Moscow School No. 25, worked at the Moscow State Pedagogical University at the Department of History Teaching Methods under P.V. Gora and at the Department of History under the direction of A.A. Danilov. He was deputy dean of the sociological faculty of Moscow State Pedagogical University. In 1990 he defended his Ph.D. thesis "Scotland in the system of European international relations(second half of the 16th century). The first opponent of his dissertation was N. I. Basovskaya, head. department world history Historical and Archival Institute of the Russian State University for the Humanities.

In 1993, M. Yu. Brandt's monograph "Scotland in the European System of States (second half of the 16th century)" was published. The author worked at the Russian State University for the Humanities and taught a course on the history of the Middle Ages. He taught in a strong student group, in which the current director of the Institute of Philology and History of the RSUH, head. Department of Ancient History mira dr ist. Sciences, Professor P. P. Shkarenkov.

In the meeting hall of the All-Russian Conference at NSPU dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the birth of M. Yu. Brandt (2011)

In the early 1990s Maxim Yuryevich underwent an internship at the Institute of Man in France. This was followed by other scientific trips - to Boston, London, Bielefeld.

Since 1993, his scientific publications have been published on the history of the Middle Ages, the methodology of teaching history, the history of European pedagogy from Antiquity to Modern times. Scientific and methodological works were also published for university teachers and students: program and methodological materials, manuals for applicants, guidelines. By 2005, he had about 200 published papers. In parallel, Maxim worked for general education school: wrote programs and teaching aids on history for teachers, textbooks for schoolchildren. Collaborated with the publishing house "Drofa". IN different years was the editor-in-chief of this publishing house.

Let's take responsibility and single out two huge things that Maxim especially appreciated and loved.

The first is work in the journals "Social Studies at School", "Teaching History and Social Studies at School", "History and Social Studies for Schoolchildren". As a deputy editor-in-chief, together with A. Yu. Lazebnikova and colleagues, he came up with interesting headings, design of the magazine, issues of publications. I met with the most interesting people, interviewed them, actively wrote myself. Coming to Novosibirsk, he always talked about the creative atmosphere of his magazines. He liked to repeat: “Highly professional people work! How interesting, how exciting!”

And the second is writing school textbooks. "History of the Middle Ages" - first in two parts, then in one edition. In 2008, this textbook was already in its 8th edition. Textbook co-authored with A. A. Danilov and L. G. Kosulina "History of Russia of the twentieth century." "Russia and the world" - tutorial written by a team of authors in the 90s. became one of the first new, problematic, interesting. How did it help teachers in preparing for the lessons! The 2004 edition did not disappoint teachers.

According to N. M. Karamzin, “having found a family hearth, the historian becomes a link in a long chain of the human race, which has its beginning and continuation, and thus he receives the right to talk with descendants.” Despite the intense rhythm of work, Maxim Yuryevich always found time for his family.

He met his future wife Maro Genrikhovna Frangulyan as a student. She graduated with honors from Moscow State Pedagogical University with a degree in Mathematics and worked in the international department of Moscow State Pedagogical University. In 1988, a daughter, Anechka, was born. Now Anna graduated from the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, Faculty of International Economic Relations. Defended the diploma "Banking system of Germany". Trained abroad. He is the author of several articles in magazines. Anya wrote interesting book"Four Walls and One Life" about student life in Germany. In the year of Maxim's 50th birthday, she graduated Faculty of Economics university in Cologne.

Maxim Yurievich knew how to make friends, not only with peers, but also with young scientists and students. He loved and knew Leningrad very well, walked around many places on the Karelian Isthmus. He loved the music of Shostakovich, Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Bach. His favorite singer is V. Atlantov. I listened to Vysotsky, Vizbor, Joe Dassin, Aznavour. He loved pies, meat, fish, especially what my grandmother cooked.

Friends, colleagues, teachers often remember Maxim Yurievich. New generations of teachers and students are discovering it for themselves. What is he? Talented historian and methodologist. Intellectual. Never been envious. I rejoiced at the successes and victories of others. I felt great joy when I met interesting person. knew how to find interesting authors. He loved children very much. Respected and reverently treated the front-line soldiers. With a great sense of humor. Decent. Delicate. A professional in his field. touching to the family. Scrupulously working with text. Brilliant teacher. The kindest person.

Our memories are new meetings with Maxim Yuryevich Brandt, filling us with interest in history and methods of teaching it, bright kindness and love for loved ones.

Max Brandt and Kostya Pavlov, the hosts of the popular YouTube channel LizzzTV, are desperate guys who are not afraid of even the most incredible dispute, told RB about how their career began, what they had to face in the course of work, and what they have reached so far.

Tell us how the idea for this project came about? Who was the initiator?

Max: Kostya and I were born in the same city of Leninsk-Kuznetsk. But we met only after 20 years on the way to St. Petersburg. We got into one compartment, word for word, and in these few days the LizzzTV project was born. They immediately came up with several headings and made premieres of new shows once a year.

So it happened quite spontaneously?

Max: Of course, both wanted to make videos, but didn't know where to start. And here is the puzzle.
When did the first, pilot issue appear? How would you rate it now?
Max: At the end of November 2011. The pilot release is still considered by us as the standard of quality and success. It's hard to believe, but that's the way it is. Dynamics, creative solutions And actor play- all on a solid five.

Few can boast of this. How quickly did your show start gaining popularity? What difficulties stood in the way of popularity?

Max: The show has become hyper-popular, hundreds of views, dozens of comments, and this is only in the first month.

Kostya: The difficulties were different, and the lack of money, but we quickly found sponsors, and the lack of time worked for various works to support families. But we were lucky, the sponsor bought us a camera, hired cameramen and editors for us, rented an office, and we began to engage only in video blogging.

I understand that it takes a lot of time to create a video, how did you all manage to do it?

Kostya: At the expense of the staff, four operators, three with us, one only works in the office. Several editors, again two in the office and a few remotely. Two project administrators, five advertiser managers, screenwriters, light workers, in general, only due to them we manage to do everything.

How did your friends feel about the idea of ​​making the show? Did they support you, believed in you?

Kostya: Now Max and I are the only friends, many do not understand us. At first they said that you were doing childish garbage, and gradually we cut off contact with them. Those who still remained gradually also stopped communicating with us, many say that we were conceited, many were simply not satisfied that we grew up, but they didn’t - envy and all.

Max: Unfortunately, absolutely everyone was against it, exactly until the money went. Then, of course, they began to suck up, but, as they say, "the shop is closed."

Do your family watch the episodes? Are they happy for you now?

Kostya: Relatives, yes, they are watching where to go. We are glad, although at first we didn’t understand why all this, but the main thing is that we do what we like, and hobbies are our work, and this is the dream of almost all people.

Max: I have a slightly different situation, my relatives do not really know what I specifically do. I always say little about it, they say, I work as a cameraman at a wedding. So that there are no unnecessary questions, otherwise it will begin.

How long does it take to film one episode? What was the record time spent?

Max: I was waiting for this question. We usually ask people to help us with a challenge if it involves years of training in a business. Because we cannot hone our skills for years in order to win. But we have been “shooting” one issue for about 2 years. We actually go to speedcubbing courses and in a year or two we plan to issue a Challenge related to such a task.

It's phenomenal! Guys, who is in charge of choosing the video for the call?

Max: We have a special day: Call Selection Day (DVD), this is usually Sunday when there are no other things to do, and when new issue, we sit down as a team and look through thousands of calls to choose the one that will be released in a week.

How do you feel about fame? Do people recognize you on the streets?

Kostya: I have already moved several times, the first place where I lived was next to the school, and there were many schools in the district and gradually they began to find out where I live, then there was more, which was not there ... I had to move, but it turned out in a new place almost the same - and I moved again ... Now I'm waiting for what will happen.

Max: There is a paradox in recognition on the streets. I won’t say that it’s always, but very often it happens that Kostya is recognized, but I’m not, even when we are somewhere together. That is, they say: “Kostyan, hello, can I have a photo?”. Or even worse. They tell me: "You can take a picture of me and Kostyan." It seems that I am physically stronger than him, that is, sports challenges are mostly on me, and I eat all sorts of nasty things, but they recognize more people (I don’t want to offend), but objectively number two in our team.

What stage of your career are you currently in?

And what about TV? Do you cooperate with TV channels?

Max: Yes, now we are developing the TV direction more and more. Got an internship at one of the federal channels. I am a lighting engineer, Kostya is an assistant administrator. We want to get into the frame on a permanent basis. It even worked a couple of times.

Tell us about the project Apricot News". Why is he causing such controversy among fans?

Kostya: Apricot news is made for our partners, but it seems to the viewers that this is all a solid advertisement, and therefore they are not satisfied. And there is no advertising, moreover, everything is even the opposite, we do not receive from these videos, we spend money on an editor, screenwriter and voiceover. But viewers in everything see only advertising, only earnings.

Are you collaborating with any of the video bloggers? Maybe some joint projects are planned?

Max: Yes, we work with many well-known bloggers, for example: Sergey Aronov, Maxim Lapa, Snezhana Eltz, and almost all the top ones. I'll tell you a secret, a joint grandiose project is being prepared in the summer. But this big secret… I do not specifically reveal all the secrets, but everyone can know that this is connected with the mountains.

What projects are currently in development? Heard you're doing some casting?

I welcome guests and regular readers of the site website. So vlogger. Maxim Brandt first saw the light of the first of September 1988 in the city of Leninsk-Kuznetsky.
In childhood and adolescence, the guy was very fond of football activities.
And he began to engage in video production in 2008, when the concept of video blogging did not yet exist in Runet.

Casting in Dom-2 (2008)

He founded the NearBirdCompany Laboratory project, where he made humorous videos.

Mazltov M.S. - Matzo and forshmak (2009)

What Not to Do to a Girl on a First Date (2010)

In the same period, he met online, who was also creating videos for the Internet. The guys begin to communicate and then find out that they live in the same city. Kostya and Max decide to create a joint project. For a long time they discussed and came up with the idea of ​​the transfer. Through brainstorming, the guys came up with a program called "Challenge".

Challenge (promo video) - 2011

The essence of the show is that they must repeat the call sent by the viewer. If they fail (or they don't find a person who can do it), then the author of the video receives 1,000 rubles. As the first issue, friends were sent a video where the guy pierced his hand with a needle through and through. Although the guys lost in their debut, the audience liked the format of the program and bloggers decide to continue.

Challenge - hole in hand (2011)

The program gradually gained popularity, because before it there was nothing like it on the Russian segment of YouTube.

Challenge - Penspinning (2011)

Express Call #1 (2011)

Challenge - Cinnamon Spoon (2012)

In 2012, the channel appears new format"Scientific noobs", the essence of which lies in conducting any experiments and testing all kinds of theories in practice.

Scientific Noobs - Strength in the balls (2012)

Scientific Noobs - Milk and Cola (2013)

A year later, friends try to launch the program "Who is cooler", in which Kostya and Max already challenged the audience, but she did not find fame and was closed on the 10th issue.

Who is cooler #1 (2013)

Then our heroes launch the show "Weak". Two teams participated here (in the first three seasons, these were the teams of Kostya and Max against their colleagues "Women", which included and). Project rules - one team gives a task to another, if they complete it, then they get a point, and if they refuse, then the team that gives the task can complete its own challenge, thereby receiving additional points. At the end of the season, the total number of points for each team is calculated, the losers give 5 thousand rubles to the winners. The show, thanks to the rather shocking assignments, became popular.

Also, the guys came out with a huge number of projects, including the travel program "One Day"; a series of videos "Craft", where the guys try themselves in various professions; "The Show of Bones and Max", in which young people conducted various street polls on the channel, and many others.

Tablets - Bones and Max Show #21 (2014)

Craft - Claymakers (2014)

One Day - Cyprus (2015)

Maxim also has a personal channel, where he periodically uploads his solo projects different direction. And in 2015, friends create the Apricot Media blogger agency, which included a large number of promising bloggers.
Max Brandt does not intend to stop making interesting content for YouTube, he has found his calling in life and is happy to do what he loves.

PEOPLETALK continues to introduce you to successful young YouTubers. This time it's the turn of Max Brandt, the most famous food blogger in Russia. How did he get into YouTube and what does he do besides that?

I'm on YouTube every day. I often release videos: about 40 per month on different channels. So you need to check the indicators and optimize new videos. I also need to be aware of blogging news. I follow all the important channels. It takes several hours a day just for this service.

I decided to become a blogger nine years ago, when there was no such thing. There was LiveJournal, and six people made videos specially for the Network. In 2008 my first video came out. And gradually I realized that I was becoming a video blogger. There was such a concept. ( smiling.),

Jacket, TOMMY HILFIGER; jumper, Uniqlo; jeans, Topman; sneakers, Eleventy

Before blogging, I was normal work at the office in public institution additional education. And while blogging, too little. But then I made a choice towards the Internet. And I don't regret it.

I have four active channels. Two personal and two that I lead jointly with Kostya Pavlov. This is LizzzTV (2.5 million subscribers), where we shoot the Challenge program and other serial projects. The LizzzTVshow channel (more than a million subscribers), more complex shows are released there: Ice Rink Against, Epic and others. My personal channels are called very creatively: "Max Brandt" and "Brandt Live". On the main channel, I do food blogging, tasting unusual food and getting new taste experiences. The live channel is not tied to the format, videos are released there every day on different topics: vlogs, tastings, letsplays and everything I can think of.

My very first video, which is not very embarrassing to show, is the video “Casting in Dom-2”. A small humorous sketch from the face of a village boy, which we filmed at the dacha with friends. This was in the summer of 2008. Then we shot a lot of different things, but this is what I consider the first successful attempt.

They say that blogging is not a job. I believe that those who do not understand what they are talking about think so. If blogging takes 80% of your time and feeds you, what else can you call it? This is the main activity that brings you money. But each blogger may have different circumstances. Other work frivolous attitude to blogging and so on.

In addition to blogging, I am producing young guys. We have our own production center in the company. It turns out that this is my occupation - also blogging, but not for my channel. So, in fact, I only blog and do it, but in different forms.

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