Abstract of the lesson on the topic: "Musical instruments" in the middle group. Organization of lessons on acquaintance with musical instruments


Goal: Raising interest and love for music in older preschoolers, the formation of elements of creativity in singing, dancing and playing children's musical instruments, education musical perception using innovative technologies.

1. Raise interest in vocal and instrumental music, to develop the ability to distinguish the nature of music, to express judgments about them.

2. Acquaintance with the work of E. Grieg and his work "In the cave of the mountain king."

3. To form the ability to convey the nature of music in playing children's musical instruments.

4. To form the ability to convey the character of music with the help of dance movements.

5. To teach children to expressive singing without tension, with a light sound, accompanying the singing with improvised dance moves.

6. Develop ear for music, sense of rhythm, singing creativity, the ability to play children's musical instruments.

Bilingual component: children name wild animals: asyr-wolf, tlke-fox, ayu-bear, tyshan-mouse, kbelek-butterfly, oyan-hare; greeting and farewell: aiyrly ta - good afternoon, sau bolyyz - goodbye.

Equipment: musical instruments according to the number of children; didactic games“Determine the nature of the music by color”, “I get up early in the morning”, “Slap the rhythmic pattern”; portrait of E. Grieg: illustration depicting the nature of Norway, trolls, gnomes; head caps of wild animals and gnomes according to the number of children.

Decoration: in the center of the hall there are tables in a circle with musical instruments; impromptu zone concert hall where chairs stand in a semicircle.

Children enter the hall and stand in a circle, a musical instrument is prepared near each. Children join hands.

Greeting - psycho-gymnastics.

Invented by someone simply and wisely:

When meeting, say hello: Good morning! »

Good morning to the sun and birds.

Aiyrly tan - smiling faces.

And everyone becomes kind, trusting.

Let the good morning last until the evening!

Children nod to the neighbor on the left, on the right and affectionately say: “Good morning, aiyrly tan. »


In one big city was small shop musical instruments. A variety of tools lay and stood on its shelves. Each of them came here from some country. From Kazakhstan - asyks and asatayaki, from Russia - wooden spoons and rattles, and maracas and all kinds of pipes were brought from all over the world.

Musical instruments were very missed on the shelves during the day, because no one played them. But at night, when the sellers went home to sleep, the instruments arranged a disco called “Tararam-shurum-burum”. They jumped off the shelves and began to play and dance, trying to show what each of them is capable of.

Children dismantle the tools prepared in advance for each.

Disco "Tararam-shurum-burum"

Development game creative improvisation.

The roles of the instruments are performed by children, the role of the conductor-teacher.

Each child plays his own instrument, accompanying the game with dance movements. The game is played without musical accompaniment.


Having danced, the instruments started the game “Freeze and die! »

Game-improvisation “Freeze, die! »

This is an improvisation game in which children learn to express their cheerful and sleepy moods with the help of musical instruments. One child comes out with his instrument to the center and plays soporific music, the rest of the children freeze in sleepy poses. Then the soloist switches to a loud and cheerful game, the children dance. The game ends with the "sleepy" part.

This game helps children to be more confident in themselves, not afraid to be a leader.


One day I looked into the store famous conductor. He wanted to buy some instruments to complete his orchestra. But, seeing on the shelves a lot of the most different instruments, the maestro was confused. To do right choice, he invited the tools to show what they are capable of. Each instrument had to say a musical greeting. For example: "Hello! I am Buben! I am very cheerful! or Hello! I am a triangle. I'm ringing like a bell! My sounds are like raindrops! »

Game "Musical greeting"

A game for the development of songwriting, that is, the child independently invents a melody and sings it.


After praising all the instruments, the conductor invited them to play the Carousel game.

Game "Carousel"

Children stand in a circle, each with an instrument. The teacher says the words together with the children, the children play rhythmically. Slowly at first, then faster and then slowly again.

A game to develop a sense of rhythm, to accelerate and slow down the pace.

Barely, barely,

The carousels spin

And then-then-then

Everyone run, run, run.

Hush, hush, don't rush

Stop the carousel.

One-two, one-two

So the game is over!


And yet the conductor could not fully study all the instruments: this time he asked them to start a round dance.

The game "Round dance"

For the first part of the music, the children follow each other in a circle, clapping their hands. For the second part of the music, the children take the instrument near which it was. After that, all the children play improvised.

A game to determine the two-part form of a piece of music.


The conductor thanked the instruments for good game and decided to invite all the instruments to his orchestra.

And then came the day of the first real concert. And now we are invited to a concert of classical music. I'll give you tickets, and you sit down comfortably.

Children sit on chairs.

The teacher gives the children cards of different colors: warm and cold.

Teacher. Consider your tickets. What color are they? Pink and red, yzylt and yzyl. Correctly. When you have listened to the music to the end, then show me a ticket in a color that, in your opinion, reflects the mood conveyed by the music.

listen musical composition"In the cave of the mountain king" E. Grieg.

Ask the children what they would call the piece they heard. Accept any children's answers. Say the name of the composer's work.

Show a portrait of the composer.

Teacher. Edvard Grieg was born and lived in Norway. This is a country of wild rocks, dense forests. The Norwegian people created many songs, fairy tales, legends about fantasy creatures, good and evil gnomes, trolls. Peer Gynt is the hero of the work of E. Grieg - a handsome and courageous young man, but an incorrigible dreamer and adventurer. One day he went in search of his fortune, despite the fact that he had a beautiful bride named Solveig. Long years he wandered, amassed wealth. But it so happened that in one day he lost everything. After many years, he returned to his homeland, Norway. But no one recognized him, Peer Gynt was long forgotten in their area and no one needs him. And only in the forest hut is the faithful Solveig waiting for him, still passionately loving. Peer Gynt repented of everything: he realized how senselessly he lived his life.

When Peer Gynt traveled, he got into underworld trolls (evil gnomes). They wanted to marry him to their princess, but our hero refused - because he has a bride! Then the enraged trolls attacked him, threatening to tear him to shreds. but suddenly a bell rang out, and all the evil spirits disappeared. Peer Gynt was saved.

Show illustrations depicting trolls, the nature of Norway.

Teacher. The play by E. Grieg is written in the genre of a march. It starts quietly, as if mysterious sounds are coming from underground. But now the music is getting louder, faster, it seems that even the mountains started a wild dance. Gradually, the sound of the music subsides - the gnomes are removed.

Many years have passed since then, and the evil trolls have turned into good gnomes who live in the forest and do no harm to anyone. On the contrary, they love guests, jokes, games. Do you guys like to play? Then repeat after me.

Game song "Early in the morning I get up"

I go out early in the morning, I breathe deeply. Active breathing.

I will pull my palms up, I will sing my song. Palms up, stretched.

And I'm in harmony with me, a hundred guys sing along. They clap their hands.

A hundred hedgehogs sing along, hands in the lock, fingers spread out.

A hundred snakes sing along. Palms together, wave-like movements.

And bunnies sing it. Ears.

And the foxes sing it. Paws.

Under the ground, the old mole sings this song. Squinting his eyes.

And there are bear cubs in the den. Hands to the side.

And there are frogs in the swamp. Frog legs.

A very important hippo sings with pleasure. Hands on stomach.

Even the scary crocodile learned this song. Mouth of a crocodile.

The cat purred a song to us, sitting on the window! Paws under the chin.

And what does it sing about? How we have fun!

The gnomes in the forest did not have musical instruments and they amused themselves with their cheerful, ringing hands. And one of my favorite games was the game "Echo"

Echo game

The teacher slams the rhythm, the children repeat. You can interview an individual child. Then the children clap the rhythmic pattern shown on the cards.

A game to develop a sense of rhythm.

Teacher. Guys, let's be artists. We put on caps and hats. Everyone will choose the role that he likes. Let's sing the song "Motley Cap". Accompany our singing with dance moves.

Children put on caps and hats, headbands, are located around the hall.

Song "Colorful Cap"

Singing is accompanied by improvised movements.


Well done boys!

Tell me, please, where have you been today? (In a musical instrument store, at a classical music concert, they themselves sang and danced.) And we did all this with you to the music. Guys, where do you think music comes from? (The composer composes it.) And who performs it? (Musicians.) And on what do they perform it? (On musical instruments.) And if there were no musical instruments in the world, what would it be? (It was boring, not interesting.) That's right, we would not be able to play musical instruments, we would not be able to sing and dance.

Wonderful music is always with us

She made friends with beauty.

Let's keep the music faithful,

We will save. We love her!

Music helps us to remain cheerful, cheerful, never lose heart.

Reflection "We guys are the best"

We guys are the best

We love games and laughter.

We sing and dance all day long

AT music hall ours.

It was either low or high.

We will sing like mice

And now, like teddy bears.

Hee hee hee, ha ha

Here is such nonsense.

Children sing the words, repeating after the teacher.

The teacher says goodbye to the children.

Entertainment scenario for children 4-5 years old. Acquaintance of children with children's musical instruments.

(Presentation of new children's musical instruments)
Program content
Target: draw the attention of children to the richness and diverse world of sounds made by various musical instruments.

1. Formation of ideas about musical and noise sounds.
2. Gaining knowledge about music noise instruments, the history of their creation and the peculiarities of their sound.
3. Acquaintance with the techniques of playing noise instruments.
4. Learning and performing Russian folk songs and chants.
5. Learn to distinguish instruments by sound.
6. Fix the names of the instruments, the skills of playing them.

1. Development of vocal-choral and rhythmic skills.
2. Development musical memory, pitch hearing, attention.
3. Acquaintance with the initial skills of playing in an ensemble, introducing children to the forms of joint music-making.
4. Development of creative skills (improvisation).
5. Consolidation of children's knowledge about the rattle as a musical instrument, learn to play rhythmically, start and finish on time.
6. To develop the subtlety and sensitivity of timbre hearing, imagination and finesse in sound art.

1. Raising interest and love for music, folk musical culture, the world of beauty.
2. Raising interest in playing the simplest musical instruments.
3. Cultivate interest in a variety of sounds of the world.

Attributes and equipment:
Collection of rattles, tambourines, tambourines, spoons, bells, metallophones, bells, triangles, rattles, rhythmic sticks, maracas, homemade rattles.
Slide show equipment.

preliminary work
music director:

Selection of repertoire for children and adults, selection of slides for presentation, selection of musical instruments for performance musical plays in the orchestra, arrangement for the orchestra of musical works.

Work with children:
Acquaintance with noise musical instruments and metallophone;
Teaching how to play them;
Learning the chorus of the song “Rattle”, dance with rattles, the game “Who is sooner”, musical pieces for playing children's musical instruments.

Working with teachers:
Learning the polka "Letka-Enka", the song "Rattle".
Working with parents:
Making homemade toys rattles for the exhibition.
Methods and techniques: game moment, art word, display, conversation, task, explanation, examination, consolidation, encouragement, total.

Tasks of integrated educational areas:
"Knowledge". Fix the names of musical instruments: maracas, bells, rattle, tambourine, metallophone, rhythmic sticks, triangle.
"Socialization". To form friendly, benevolent relations between children and adults.
"Communication". Fix in the children's dictionary: rectangle, traffic light, signal, transition, public transport stop. Develop free communication with adults and children.
"Reading fiction". Develop the ability to guess riddles and correlate them with the image, expressively read short poems.

Entertainment progress.

Wherever people live, children play... Probably the most favorite toy for children is a rattle. Not a single baby grows up without a rattle that serves the child throughout the first year of life. Dried pumpkins, clay balls with pebbles inside and shells were the first rattles of mankind. The very word "rattle" in Russian comes from "to rattle at the ear." Many artists liked to depict babies with rattles.

Slideshow "Rattle in paintings»

Among the white towels
On a luxurious mattress
Sleeping baby lady
With a rattle in his hand.
Exactly a month this lady
exists among us.
She has four kilos.
This is a diamond girl.
(author of poems Nikolay Oleinikov)

The most fun of all is a toy,
Painted rattle.
Give the crybaby a rattle -
Will become a crybaby laughing.
This cute toy
Baby girlfriend.
She sings all day
Don't let the kids cry.

And in order for the rattles to rattle so merrily and amuse the kids, what kind of loose materials are they filled with? (children's answers)
When you were little, you could only rattle rattles. And now you are older, you can not just rattle, but play them like musical instruments. Show how you can play the rattles (children take rattles and stand scattered).

Song "Rattle" music. V. Dobrynina, sl. M. Plyatskovsky
(The teacher sings the chorus, the children sing the chorus and play rattles)

How well you sang and played the rattles! Do you want to dance with them?

Rattle dance

What a wonderful musical instrument - a rattle! (draws attention to the exhibition of rattles that children and their parents made with their own hands)
Take a look at our rattle exhibition. These are the children and their parents who made such rattles themselves, with their own hands! Want to hear how they sound? Children, play your rattles for us!

Orchestra of homemade rattles, music. Kukaracha-Kukaracha

Everyone liked the sound of these rattles? Let's play with them now!

The game "Who will take the rattle sooner"

In addition to rattles, there are many more interesting noise and musical
tools. Try to guess what they are called?

(after the correct answer of the children, the screen appears
slide with the image of this tool)

1. He plays from the heart,
The rhythm is very difficult.
What does it sound like, tell me?
Fidget ... tambourine (slide show "tambourine")

2. Still plays next to him
Also sonorous ... tambourine (slide show "tambourine")

3. He sits under a hat,
Do not disturb him - he is silent.
Just gotta take it in hand
And swing a little
A call will be heard:
"Dili-dong, Dili-dong!" bell (slide show "bell")

4. I look a little like a shoulder blade,
I look a little like a paddle
I help the guys eat porridge,
And my sister is a ladle ... a spoon (showing the “spoon” slide)

5. At the most fabulous moment
This tool will enter.
Quietly, softly ringing
Everything seems to be silvered.
Any preschooler knows
When playing ... triangle (slide show "triangle")

6. Here are the metal plates,
There are many on the board.
From the records of those that are many,
The road runs away.
A wonderful sound is heard.
This is how it sounds ... metallophone (slide show "metallophone")

7. Here the plates are different,
Wooden, large.
How they start to crack
You need to close your ears ... ratchet (slide show "ratchet")

8. This is not a rattle for you
And not a child's toy.
It makes us all very happy
Wooden ... maracas (slide show "maracas")

9. They beat each other - knock-knock-knock -
And everyone hears a beautiful sound ... sticks (slide show "rhythmic sticks")

10. Well done,
Remote ... bells (slide show "bells")

Guys, do you like all these musical instruments? (children answer)

Our children are very fond of
More than any porridge
Spoons, rumba, triangle,
Maracas, bell.
They also love the metallophone,
Because he is loud.
And also on a tambourine in the morning
Children love to knock...
At this time, mom and dad
I really want to sleep.

And if these instruments are put together all at once?.. Would you like to hear what happens? Grab your tools guys!

(children take instruments and stand in front of the audience)

Admire the orchestra:
The tools are good!
Virtuoso musicians -
These are our babies!

Children: (Take turns talking about your instrument)
1. Here is a beautiful, sonorous tambourine!
He will not be silent in his hands! (Child plays the tambourine)

2. Like friendly palms,
Our spoons are rattling! (Child plays with spoons)

3. But these are sticks,
Punch sticks! (Child knocks with chopsticks)

4. How the ratchet crackles -
Surprise everyone today! (The child plays the rattle)

5. Makes a beautiful ring
Our sonorous metallophone! (Child plays glissando on metallophone)

6. These are tomboy brothers,
Bells-bells! (Child rings bells)

7. Will play here for you
Wooden maracas! (Child plays maracas)

8. Let's hit the triangles -
We will give joy to all guests! (Child plays on a triangle)

9. Dili-dong! Dili don!
Sounds are heard from all sides!
The bell rings so
Like a brook gurgling. (Child rings a bell)

Children in chorus:
We will play together for you
All you have to do is clap!

Children play in the orchestra. "Moscow quadrille"

Well done guys! (addressing guests) Did you like how our children play? In our kindergarten, not only children, but also adults are very fond of playing musical instruments.
Listen to their performance of the Finnish polka, which is called "Letka-Enka".

Educators perform the polka "Letka-Enka".

How much fun we had tonight! Do you want to learn how to make some other instrument? Good! Next time we will make bells with you. And now it's time for us to say goodbye. Let's say to the guests: "Goodbye, see you again"!

(children say goodbye and go to the group)

State educational institution Kindergarten №326

Moscow city

Musical educational project

for children of the middle group

"In the land of musical instruments"

Prepared: teacher of group No. 2 Melnikova Irina Olegovn

Project type : Thematic, group, complex.

Members : Middle group children

Children's age : 4-5 years.

Integration areas:

"Artistic creativity", "Communication", "Socialization", "Health", "Safety", "Cognition".

Collaboration product: creative living rooms, musical holidays, production of posters, invitation cards.

Product of children's activity:

1. Creation of albums of children's works;

2. Exhibition of children's drawings;

3. Exhibition of children's musical instruments made with their own hands from waste material.

Relevance of the topic.

The world of sounds surrounding us is amazing. There are so many and they are so different. And every sound can become music. You just have to try to hear it. Even very young children are able to improvise their music. Born of their imagination, it is simple and wonderful, like the country of childhood itself. Playing with sounds is an unlimited flight of fantasy, freedom of self-expression, the joy that you can be what you want, that everyone accepts you and does not evaluate you according to the principle of “good or bad” you did something. Playing with sounds is creativity-exploration.

However, the main value of playing with sounds is that this form, which is fascinating for children and adults, is the easiest and most direct way to improvisation and oral composition.

Musical instruments for children are always wonderful, unusually attractive objects, children really want to play them. A musical instrument for a child is a symbol of music, the one who plays it is almost a magician.

Involving a preschooler in the creation of children's musical instruments makes it possible to feel like a creator and a person, perceive the environment in a different way, and be more attentive to sounds.

It is necessary to let the baby feel that musical instruments have their own unique voice and a unique history of origin. Young children, when they see this or that instrument, are drawn to it, they want to touch it, pluck the string, extract an unusual sound from it. This proves that the world of music is interesting and important for all children. the main task ours, adults, is to give children the opportunity to enter the magical world of music when they are drawn to it. The child must feel the miracle of music, its magical influence on the human soul.

Formulation of the problem.

At present, many modern children grow up on primitive musical "masterpieces" built on frantic rhythms and a cacophony of electronic sounds. This creates an atmosphere of spiritual poverty and artistic dullness, and does not contribute to harmonious and moral development.

It is curious that many children at the end music school, having spent seven to eight years of their lives studying it, as a result they give up music lessons and do not even approach their musical instrument. Why? Because in childhood they were not taught to play effortlessly.

This project aims to show children that music is not boring, it's a whole amazing and fun world.

Brief description of the project:

The project is aimed at the formation of spiritually - moral education, contributes to the creation of a unified educational space for preschool educational institution and families united by a common humanitarian focus on introducing children to culture.

The project ensures successful interaction with various subjects of society, building partnerships between them, through classes and events.

The purpose of this project is the desire to instill in children a keen interest in the world of music; in a fun and exciting way to introduce children to the basic musical terms and tools.

As a result of the project implementation, children will form ideas about many musical instruments, their sound and origin. And like the top creative achievement- their participation in an exciting quiz with questions, games and creative tasks.

The project will be implemented through a system of group and gaming activities with children, through a presentation for kindergarten teachers.

In total, the project will involve children of the middle group, their parents, music director and educators.

Purpose of the project:

· To expand and deepen the knowledge of preschoolers about musical instruments, their types, groups.

· Through fairy tales, stories, games and theatrical performances, teach children to think creatively and outside the box.


1. The development of the emotional sphere of the child.

2. Formation in children of the aesthetic perception of the world around.

3. Enrich children's musical experiences and contribute to the formation musical taste, musical memory and musicality in general.

4. Development of cognitive and creative abilities.

5. To promote the development of mental activity, memory, hearing, fantasy.

6. Dictionary enrichment.

7. Explore different forms of learning.

8. Creating conditions for a favorable climate of interaction with parents and establishing trust and partnerships with parents.

9. To develop in children the desire to get acquainted with the history of the creation of musical instruments.

10. To develop in children the desire to listen to folk and classical music, highlight the sound of individual musical instruments.

11. To create the necessary subject-developing musical environment.

Expected result:

As a result of the project :

1. Children will get acquainted with percussion, wind, strings, keyboards, musical instruments.

2. The sphere of feelings will develop, emotional responsiveness to listening to classical and instrumental music, readiness for creativity.

Evaluation of results:

Efficiency assessment based on the results of the work will be carried out in three areas: children, teachers, parents

Determining the progress of children will be monitored through diagnostics at the beginning and at the end of work on the project: "Country of Musical Instruments"

At the end of the project, a survey of all participants will be conducted in order to summarize the results of the work.

Project Implementation Plan:

This project will be implemented in 3 stages:

Stage 1 - preparatory

At the stage, the information base necessary for the implementation of the project is created, an advertising and information campaign is carried out.

Search for information about various musical instruments, in books, TV shows, the Internet.

Stage 2 - main

Implementation of the main activities in the areas of the project.

Research activity.

Involving parents in the preparation of materials for the manufacture of children's tools.

Joint production of children's tools with parents.

Stage 3 - final

Final, which includes the collection and processing of diagnostic results, and the correlation of the tasks set, the predicted results with the results obtained.

Interaction with family and teachers:

1. Consultation for parents on the topic: "The influence of music on the development of the child."

2. Consultation for educators on the topic: " Musical education preschoolers"

3. Preparation by parents of didactic material for music lessons.

Equipment and equipment of the pedagogical process:

1. Pick up a music library with samples of the sound of musical instruments studied on the project.

2. Select illustrated material.

3. Game activity: Musical and didactic games.

4. Presentation: "Musical Instruments"

5. A cycle of gaming excursions, classes on the topic of the project.

Introduction to musical instruments

(Passports of musical instruments):

A musical instrument is usually an object with which musicians perform or improvise music or any, including non-musical, unorganized sounds.

Balalaika- a relatively young musical instrument. The first mention of it in written monuments dates back to 1715. Perhaps it arose as a kind of offshoot of the ancient Russian domra and soon, having become unusually widespread, replaced a number of other instruments, including domra.

Numerous popular prints and various folk pictures. The use of the balalaika in the musical life of the people was very diverse: they performed songs and dances on it, accompanied solo and choral singing, it was introduced into various instrumental ensembles.

Guitar- stringed plucked instrument. In form, it resembles bowed strings, but differs from them in the number of strings and in the way of playing. Guitars come in six or seven strings. Seven string guitar, the most convenient for vocal accompaniment, is most widely used in Russia. In Spain it was common six-string guitar. She also became a solo instrument. Many major composers They played the guitar superbly and wrote for it with pleasure.

Violin- the most common string bowed instrument. “She is in music just as essential tool, how in human existence daily bread,” musicians spoke about it back in the 17th century.

Violins were made in many countries of the world, but the best violin makers lived in Italy, in the city of Cremona. The violins made by Cremonese masters of the 16th and 18th centuries Amati, Guarneri and Stradivari are still considered unsurpassed. The Italians sacredly kept the secrets of their craftsmanship. They knew how to make the sound of violins especially melodious and gentle, similar to human voice. There are not so many famous Italian violins that have survived to our time, but all of them are strictly registered. They are played by the best musicians in the world.

wooden spoons used in Slavic tradition like a musical instrument. The game set is from 3 to 5 spoons, sometimes of different sizes. The sound is produced by hitting the back sides of the scoops against each other. The timbre of the sound depends on the method of sound production.

Usually one performer uses three spoons, two of which are placed between the fingers of the left hand, and the third is taken in the right. The blows are made with the third spoon for two in the left hand. Usually, for convenience, strikes are made on the arm or knee. Sometimes bells are hung from spoons.

Tambourine- a percussion musical instrument of indefinite pitch, consisting of a leather membrane stretched over a wooden rim. Some varieties of tambourines have metal bells suspended from them, which begin to ring when the performer strikes the membrane of the tambourine, rubs it, or shakes the entire instrument.

Drum- percussion musical instrument, membranophone. Common in most peoples. It consists of a hollow cylindrical wooden (or metal) resonator body or frame, on which membranes are stretched on one or both sides. The relative pitch can be adjusted by tensioning the membranes. The sound is produced by striking the membrane with a wooden mallet with a soft tip, a stick, hands, and sometimes by friction.

Known for the existence of drums in ancient Sumer around 3000 BC e. During excavations in Mesopotamia, some of the oldest percussion instruments, made in the form of small cylinders, whose origin dates back to the third millennium BC. Since ancient times, the drum has been used as a signal instrument, as well as to accompany ritual dances, military processions, religious ceremonies. AT modern Europe the drums came from the Middle East. The prototype of the small (military) drum was borrowed from the Arabs in Spain and Palestine. The long history of the development of the instrument is also evidenced by the wide variety of its types today. Known for drums various forms and sizes.

Glockenspiel- a kind of musical instruments, the main element of which is a series of metal plates-keys, which are struck with a special hammer to extract sound.

One type of metallophone is bells.

A similar musical instrument is the xylophone, which differs from the metallophone mainly in the key material.

Dudka- Russian folk musical wind instrument, consisting of an elder reed or reed and having several side holes, and a mouthpiece for blowing. There are double pipes: two folded pipes are blown through one common mouthpiece.

Archaeological excavations show that bone pipes were played long before our era. In ethnographic materials of the 18th and 19th centuries. wooden and reed pipes are mentioned.

A wooden pipe can be cut from a branch or made on a lathe. A whistle is cut out at the end or a pity is inserted. Holes are burned or drilled in the pipe.

At a reed pipe or a pity, the tongue is cut right on it. The sound is peculiar, sharp.

whistle- children's toy whistle.

Whistles originate deeply from antiquity and meet us again in modern times. They found expression in the genre Dymkovo toys- craftsmen sculpted them in the form of birds, goats and lambs and gave them to children for the holidays or sold them at large fairs.

A hole was made in the toys (usually in the tail) where it was necessary to blow, and then a soft, but at the same time slightly sharp sound was obtained.

Working with parents:

· Consultation for parents on the topic "The influence of music on the development of the child."

· Consultation for parents on the topic "Musical education in the family."

· Production of musical instruments by parents together with children from improvised materials.

· Invitation of parents to musical holidays.

· Demonstration of GCD with pupils to get acquainted with the outside world "Excursion to the Museum of Musical Instruments".

Working with teachers:

· Consultation for educators on the topic: "Musical education of preschoolers."


Currently great importance acquires the search for and development of specialized methods and techniques for creating a children's musical orchestra, the implementation of which would contribute to the creation of qualitatively new approaches in organizing this activity with the younger generation.

Thanks to the use in the research project of modern educational technologies in productive activities, children developed communicative, combinatorial, creative abilities, imagination and thinking.

Particular attention is paid to the joint activities of children and adults, in the process of which the need of preschoolers to communicate with adults, to learn about their world, and the desire to take part in joint activities is satisfied.


Summarizing all of the above, it should be noted that by the age of 5-6, children have a fairly high level of mental development, including dissected perception, generalized norms of thinking, semantic memorization. At this time, a certain amount of knowledge and skills is formed, an arbitrary form of memory, thinking, imagination intensively develops, based on which you can encourage the child to listen, consider, memorize, analyze. Music lessons contribute to the comprehensive development of the personality of the child. The relationship between all aspects of education develops in the process various kinds and forms of musical activity. Emotional responsiveness and a developed ear for music will allow children to respond to good feelings and actions that will help activate mental activity and, constantly improving the movements, they will develop the preschoolers physically.

Scenario of the lesson "Musical Instruments»

Consolidation, formation and development musical ability children, allowing them to apply the acquired knowledge in playing various children's musical instruments and in creative endeavors (necessary for learning to play musical instruments).

1. Consolidate and systematize knowledge on the classification of musical instruments.
2. Enrich vocabulary musical terms.
3. To form the ability to identify musical instruments by sound; sing in harmony and expressively, conveying the character of the song in singing.
4. Develop musical and Creative skills through various kinds musical activity.
5. To cultivate communication skills, interest in musical instruments and the desire to play them.

Preliminary work:
listening to different instruments, getting to know the instruments.

TV and Internet (for listening and viewing)
Musical instruments: drum, harmonica, spoons, tambourine, guitar, balalaika;
Visual aid: tables - pictures depicting musical instruments

Educator: Guys, today we will go to unusual country. There is no such country in any of geographical maps, but it is there where they love music. This is the Country of Musical Instruments. And we will go to this country through the Internet.
Educator: Guys, look how beautiful our country of musical instruments is. How many different musical instruments are in it (we list). They are all so different, but still they can be combined into four main groups. What are these groups called?

Children classify musical instruments into groups: percussion, wind, strings, keyboards.

Teacher: Well done guys!

The first to whom we will visit will be percussion musical instruments, because they were the first to appear on Earth, and are the simplest and most unpretentious.

Game "Musical Guess"

The teacher asks children riddles about musical instruments.

Who in the orchestra will help you,
He can beat a complex rhythm.
Any rhythm, from different countries.
Well, of course………… (Drum)

The child who guessed the riddle points to a picture of a drum

Educator: In ancient times, the drum was made from the skins of animals obtained by hunting, and it was important in people's lives. They used it, for example, as a telephone, in order to transmit information over long distances, or to warn of the danger of their neighbors who lived very far away.

wooden crumbs,
Knock a little.
You can sip on them
And you can play "Lady". (Wooden spoons)

points to a picture of wooden spoons

The palm is tapping on him,
shakes freely.
And he rings, thunders.
He doesn't hurt at all. (Tambourine)

You take me in your hands.
Shake my hand.
And you will hear my voice
Wooden, mischievous. (Ratchet)

Educator: Ratchet not only sang along with the tambourine and spoons on folk holidays, but also protected the garden from pests. She crackled loudly in the wind and scared away crows and rooks.

You take it in the palm of your hand
A call will be heard.
Ding-ding-ding, dong-dong-dong
Whose call is this? (Bell)

A card with the image of a bell is placed in the table.

He looks like a rattle
Only this is not a toy! .. (Maracas)

Guys, wind musical instruments have also prepared a game for you. The game is called "Guess who sings?" And for starters, let's remember what wind instruments we met in previous lessons?

Children list the wind instruments that they met in previous lessons: flute, trumpet, saxophone, zhaleyka.

Educator: wind instruments will sing for you in turn, and you must find out which instrument sang for you?

The game "Guess who sings?"

The teacher gives the children to listen to the soundtracks of the sound of various wind instruments.

Smooth bow movements
The strings tremble.
The motive sounds from afar,
Sings about a moonlit evening.
How clear is the overflow of sounds.
They have joy and smiles.
Sounds like a dreamy tune
Its name is violin!

It's time, guys, to talk about stringed instruments.

slide 1
Every violin has a bow.
He is a loyal, devoted friend.
When the violinist leads the bow
And the violin cries and sings.

slide 2
"The harp is a magical instrument" -
Said the thoughtful poet.
As soon as the strings touch the hand -
And gentle sounds will flow.

slide 3
Guitars sounds by the fire.
There is so much light and goodness in them.
Like the most intimate friend
Her melodious, gentle sound.

slide 4
Under the harp, sonorous tunes
Boys and girls fell in love.
At weddings, the psaltery sang,
And the young were blessed

slide 5
Louder than balalaika
Not in the whole world.
She is native Russian
Folk instrument.
They sang to it, they danced
They mourned and sighed.
On holidays under ahh, ohh
The buffoons had fun.

Keyboard instruments.

Educator: The first place of honor should take our good piano.

Piano card
Educator: In another way, this instrument is called the piano. If its name is translated into Russian, then it will sound like "loud - quiet." Hammers live inside keyboard instruments that strike tight stretched strings, and give rise to beautiful sounds of music that can tell about a beautiful morning, and about cold winter, about a good grandmother's tale and an evil Baba Yaga, about beautiful butterflies and wonderful flowers.

Educator: Guys, what keyboard instruments do you know yet?

Children's answers: Piano, accordion, synthesizer.

Olga Shamonina
Abstract of the lesson in middle group"Tools"

Synopsis of GCD in the middle correctional group.

Topic: « Tools»

Learn to recognize tools: hammer, needle, pliers, screwdriver, thimble to distinguish them from many other things.

Designate labor actions in speech with appropriate words:

hitting with a hammer... (nails);

sawing with a saw ....;

cut with an ax ...;

turn with a screwdriver...

Learn to imitate labor actions with substitute items in role play, dramatization game, in constructive games.

Introduce safety rules in games. Learn to store toys tools in a strictly defined place.

Children sit around the table

Do you want to know what is in my chest?

Then guess the riddle: Vertically challenged I am thin and sharp.

I'm looking for a way with my nose, I'm dragging my tail behind me.

Needle and thread

What is it for? Can you play with a needle? Why not? What is the needle made of? Once upon a time there were no such sharp metal needles. And ancient people had to sew their clothes with thick fish bones or pointed animal bones. (Pictures). Do you think it was easy to sew clothes in this way? Of course not. Then a man first invented a large needle made of bronze, silver, and later iron. What other needles do you know? (Needles at the syringe, at the hedgehog, at the Christmas tree) Well done, what do they look like? Of course, they are sharp, and this can be dangerous. Therefore, it is necessary to properly handle the needle how? (children's answers). Listen to one more riddle: small head

sits on the finger

Hundreds of eyes

looks in all directions.


What is a thimble for? Is it possible to play with him? Why? The thimble protects the fingers while working with the needle.

Finger gymnastics

Tanechka, take a needle,

Sew a shirt and a t-shirt

Pants, blouse and dress,

And dress the doll Katya. Show index finger right hand- a needle. revolve index finger around each finger of the left hand. Repeat with the other hand.

Guess what else is in my box? I am the most lively worker in the workshop.

I beat, that there is urine - Day-to-day.

How did you guess? Why is it needed? What is it made of? What are hammers? (Toys, wooden, metal, musical, large, small) Okay, now let your eyes rest a bit.

Visual gymnastics

It's not an easy thing -

Skillfully swing the ax Move the gaze up and down

I chop with an ax deftly, Close your eyes, open your eyes

Here you need your own skill Blink your eyes.

Who saw the ax? What is it for? (Looking at the picture). An ax helps to chop wood, branches for a fire (Pictures). What parts does it consist of? How should it be handled? Stand up, show me how to work with an ax (physical minute).

Listen to another riddle. Vostroushka-pinwheel. I rested my foot on the screw,

The talker lost his peace. (screwdriver)

What is a screwdriver for? What parts does it consist of?

Where will rest the tail,

There will be a hole later. (awl) Questions for children.

Well done. Many riddles have been guessed, tell me, what do they do with a hammer? Needle? Scissors? Saw? Broom? How can you call all these things in one word? (Tools) . What do you need tools? Why can't they be played? (Children conclude)

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