Mikhail Koshevoy as the ideological antipode of Grigory Melekhov.



Mikhail Koshevoy in the novel "Quiet Flows the Don" is originally a minor person. But gradually his image comes to the fore. It is this, at first, insignificant character that plays a decisive role in the fate of a number of central characters works.

Description of Mikhail Koshevoy

In the first part " Quiet Don» Mishka Koshevoy appears before us as an ordinary farm boy with a naive, even somewhat childish, expression on his face and amused eyes. It is on the eyes of the hero that Sholokhov draws the reader's attention. Dark in the first book, they suddenly become "unsmiling", "blue and cold as ice" in the third.

During the war years, “Mikhail’s face matured and, as it were, faded.” The hero hardens, frowns, and often grits his teeth. Koshevoi "jerked up his eyes, and they looked directly into the pupils of the enemy, pierced into them." His dull eyes briefly revive only when he looks at Mishatka and Dunyashka. "The fires of admiration and caress flashed in them for a moment and went out."

Characteristics of Mikhail Koshevoy

In peacetime, Koshevoy behaves like his peers. Lives with the care of the economy, takes part in the entertainment of the farm youth. Participation in Shtokman's circle changes his outlook on life. Mishka is imbued with the ideas of a visiting member of the RSDLP and unconditionally takes the side Soviet power. Unlike Grigory Melekhov, Koshevoy does not doubt for a moment which side he is on. His devotion to the ideas of the party gradually reaches fanaticism, and the hero becomes completely hardened. The feeling of class hatred displaces everything universal from his soul. The final rebirth of Koshevoy occurs after he learns about the death of his comrades. “After the murder of Shtokman, after Mishka heard a rumor about the death of Ivan Alekseevich and the Yelan communists, Mishka’s heart was dressed with burning hatred for the Cossacks. He no longer thought, did not listen to the hated voice of pity, when a captured rebel Cossack fell into his hands. He kills, burns houses. Particularly indicative are the scenes of Koshevoy's participation in a punitive expedition to the village of Karginskaya, where he personally let the "red kochet" into 150 houses.

Michael was not naturally cruel. He says that, unlike other Cossacks, he cannot even slaughter a pig. But, the opponents of the new government for him are no longer people. In his opinion, they live in vain in the world, Koshevoy has a “firm hand” on them. It is characteristic that the word "enemy" constantly sounds in the hero's speech. He sees enemies everywhere. Even Dunyasha, the person closest to him, he is ready to throw out of his life just because she spoke unflatteringly about the Communists. “If you say this again - you and I don’t live together, just know it! Your words are the enemy’s…” – declares Koshevoy.

Koshevoy and Melekhovs

It is difficult to develop Koshevoy's relationship in the Quiet Don with the Melekhov family. He personally shoots the captive Peter, kills the matchmaker of the Melekhovs, grandfather Grishaka Korshunov, and sets fire to his house, insists on the arrest of his former comrade Gregory. For all that, he does not feel guilty for what he did. For him, they are not fellow villagers with whom he lived side by side for so many years, but class enemies. Mishka tells Ilyinichna, who reproaches him for killing his grandfather: “I can’t kill an animal ... but a dirty trick, like this matchmaker of yours or some other enemy, I can do as much as I like!

". To the accusations of killing Peter, he replies that Peter would have done the same to him if they had switched places.

It is interesting that it is Koshevoy, who brought so much grief to the Melekhovs, who undertakes to improve her life. He, having come to Ilyinichna's house as Dunya's fiancé, puts up a wattle fence, mends a longboat, and helps with mowing. But, despite these seemingly positive moments, in his soul he is not able to understand and accept someone else's position. He considers Dunyasha's mother, who calls him a "murderer", "a furious old woman." He hates Mishka and Gregory, who, even after everything that happened, opens his arms to him, considering Koshevoy his own.

If in first three Mishka's books still show uncertainty, sometimes even confusion, then they completely disappear in the fourth book, when Koshevoy becomes chairman of the farm revolutionary committee. The only feeling he has for his fellow villagers is anger because they do not want to unconditionally accept the new government, as he himself did.


positive or negative character Koschevoi? From a political point of view, of course, yes. After all, it is difficult to imagine a more devoted fighter for a brighter future. But, if you look at the hero from a universal position, it becomes scary. What bright future can be built by a fanatic who has neither understanding nor compassion in his soul?

Artwork test

The episode "Koshevoy in the Melekhovs' house" brings us back to the tragedy civil war. Many Cossacks were missing in Tatarsky. “A good half of those who retreated remained forever in foreign lands: others died of typhus, others died in the last battles in the Kuban ...” The Cossacks were looking forward to the return of their husbands, brothers, and fathers from the war. Joyful, stupid fuss began when some ragged, emaciated Cossack came home. But joy, entering one house, introduced inescapable grief into another. The Cossack mother did not wait for her son, the children were orphaned.

Grigory was remembered every day in the Melekhov family. Old Ilyinichna looked forward to her son with impatience and remembered him at every opportunity. Everything that reminded her of Gregory filled her with tremulous joy. She even hung up Grigory's old coat and cap with a faded band in the kitchen on a nail, and when she was preparing dinner, she did not forget to cook something superfluous: the hour was uneven, Grigory would come and eat hot. But Gregory was not there, and health old Ilyinichna got worse and worse.

The unexpected return of Mishka Koshevoy and coming to their house did not cause joy in Ilyinichna. She could not forgive him for the death of her son. After all, Koshevoy dealt with Petre himself by shooting him. Ilyinichna greeted Koshevoy with hatred, answering his questions rudely and in monosyllables. Mishka Koshevoy did not come by chance: he had noticed Dunyashka for a long time. Yes, and she was not indifferent to him. The great excitement that seized her at the sound of Mishka's voice was evidenced by her pallor, which suddenly covered her cheeks. Going out into the kitchen, she sees Mishka, yellow, emaciated beyond recognition.

Ilyinichna guessed about Mishka's intentions to woo Dunyashka and decided to immediately stop all his attempts to start a conversation with her about this. She reminded Mishka that he was the culprit in the death of Peter, called him a murderer, and remembered him another murder - the matchmaker Miron Korshunov. Feeling no guilt, Mishka tells Ilyinichna that he could not have acted differently: “We didn’t come together on these mounds to babysit one another! That's what war is for." Outraged by the words of Ilyinichna, who called him a murderer, Mishka says that since childhood he could not kill a lamb or a pig, his hand did not rise. But the war makes you hate your enemies: “I'm angry at them, at these old devils! I can’t kill an animal - maybe only from evil, but you excuse me for such a dirty trick, like this matchmaker of yours or some other enemy - I can do as much as I like! On them, on enemies that live in vain in this world, I have a firm hand! When Ilyinichna, pissed off, tries to drive Mishka away, he reminds her of Grigory: “You are silent about your son, and he is a real murderer, without mixing!,. How many of yours did he ruin, do you know about that? That's it!"

Arguing with Ilyinichnaya, Mishka was not especially angry. “He knew that Dunyashka loved him, but he didn’t give a damn about the rest, including the old woman. He began to visit the Melekhovs often, despite Ilyinichna's displeasure. "Bullish tenacity was in Mishka's stooped figure, in the tilt of the head, in the firmly compressed lips.,."

When Ilyinichna ordered her daughter not to receive Mishka in the house, Dunyashka, usually obedient and accommodating, this time showed a paternal character: “No! Will walk! Do not order! Will!" Dunyashka's obstinacy upset Ilyinichna.

Since then, Mishka began to visit the Melekhovs every day, helping with the housework: he set up a wattle fence, caulked the launch, made a tiny children's rake for Mishatka. While working, he had an attack of fever, which had long tormented him. Ilyinichna, having learned from Mishatka that Koshevoy was lying and shaking with terrible trembling, asked the boy to take a blanket to Mikhail. Looking out the window, she saw that Dunyashka had covered Mikhail with her sheepskin coat.

Looking closely at Mishka, Ilyinichna saw how sick and unhappy he was. “His yellow face, covered with dirty streaks of dried sweat, reflected fatigue, his hand trembled slightly when he carried a spoon to his mouth.” Her mother's heart trembled, she felt sorry for Mishka. “The more Ilyinichna peered into the stooped figure of the “murderer”, into his waxy face, the more she felt a feeling of some kind of inner discomfort, split. And suddenly, unbidden pity for this hated person - that aching maternal pity that conquers and strong women- woke up in the heart of Ilyinichna. Unable to cope with the new feeling, she pushed Mishka a plate filled to the brim with milk and said:

Eat you, for God's sake, hefty! You're so thin that it's sickening to look at you... Also, fiance!"

The material of the II chapter of the 8th part of the IV volume of the episode "Koshevoi in the Melekhovs' house" makes it possible to see new facets of the character of the heroes of "The Murderer" Mishka appears as a weak, sick person, deeply in love with Dunyashka and ready to endure all insults and humiliation in order to be close to his beloved ; his eyes warmed and revived when they stopped at the little Mishatka, for him he makes a tiny children's rake. Dunya, who grew up in obedience to her elders, boldly defends her love, is not afraid to go against her mother's opinion; in the future, she will insist on marrying Mishka Koshevoy. Ilyinichna herself appears as a person with a generous maternal heart. Seeing her daughter's love for Mishka, she is already ready to forgive the evil that he brought to her family - and even pity him.

Sholokhov's skill made it possible to create bright, lively characters. Writer in high degree owns the art of depicting the human character in all its integrity and in a variety of colors and shades inner peace person. Sholokhov combined the epic structure of his novel: with the amazing lyricism of the narration, he conveyed the subtlest intimate experiences of people, revealing the most intimate emotions.

Mishka Koshevoy is a Cossack from the village of Tatarskaya, who went over to the side of the Bolsheviks. His character is characterized by impetuosity, great emotionality, maximalism. Taking the position of the "Reds", the hero devotes his life entirely to the fight against the whites, the enemies of the people. Now K. does not see his countrymen, friends, neighbors in people. He divides people into "us" and "enemies".
K. is a fanatic of his work. He mercilessly kills people, drowning out the pangs of conscience with the phrase "We are all murderers." Malice and revenge K. extend to the families of the warring, to the elderly and children. He brutally kills grandfather Grishaka, burns many houses of his enemies: "with three comrades he burned the yards of one and a half hundred villages of Karginskaya." K. takes care of Grigory Melekhov's sister Dunyashka. She agrees to marry him, despite the fact that K. killed her older brother Peter.

    The epic novel by M. A. Sholokhov “The Quiet Don” tells about the fate of the people in a critical era. The destinies of the main actors. The novel is also marked by complex and vivid female destinies. The image of Ilyinichna personifies the difficult lot of a Cossack woman,...

    If you take a break from historical events, it can be noted that the basis of the novel by M. A. Sholokhov "Quiet Flows the Don" is the traditional love triangle. Natalya Melekhova and Aksinya Astakhova love the same Cossack - Grigory Melekhov. He is married...

    Purpose: To form in students a holistic view of the character traits and ups and downs of the fate of the protagonist of the novel M.A. Sholokhov "Quiet Don"; show the relationship between the life and work of the writer, the conditionality of the author's positions historical context;...

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  2. Grigory Melekhov - main character epic novel by M. Sholokhov "Quiet Flows the Don". It is impossible to say immediately whether it is positive or negative. For too long he had wandered in search of the truth, his special way. Grigory Melekhov appears in the novel first of all...

Even Dunya, the only native person, Koshevoy makes a stern warning due to the fact that she spoke unflatteringly about the Reds: “If you say that once, you and I won’t live together, just know it! Your words are the enemy's…” All this characterizes fanaticism, uncompromisingness of his positions.

Koshevoy's ruthlessness does not come from natural cruelty, as, for example, with Mitka Korshunov, but is dictated and explained by him by the class struggle. Mother, killed by him, Peter Melekhov, Mishka says: “... There is no reason for my eyes to squint! And if Petro caught me, what would he do? Do you think you would kiss the poppy head? He would have killed me too…”

But all this does not bring the necessary harmony to the image of Koshevoy, and in the minds of readers he remains villain. Mikhail Koshevoy is the embodiment of party loyalty, but on a scale human values he is lower than Gregory. Once, having heard that Mikhail was threatened with death at the hands of the Cossacks, Grigory, not thinking about his own danger, rushes to his aid: “... Blood has fallen between us, but are we not strangers?”181 If he constantly hesitates in the political struggle, then it happens because he is true to himself, human dignity, decency.

Mikhail, who humbly asks the farmer Soldatov not to extradite him, "eyes ran in confusion ...". Returning from Veshenskaya to the Tatarsky farm, and still not knowing what was happening there, Koshevoy hesitated: “What should I do? And if we have such a mess? Koshevoi was sad with his eyes ... "Later, when he escaped from the death that threatened him in the farm," he remembered how they took him prisoner, his defenselessness, his rifle left in the hallway - painfully blushed to tears ... ".

But a simple, cheerful village boy during the turbulent years changes dramatically and from secondary image turns into one of the main characters.

“I’ll do it, namesake, by God I’ll do it, just leave the crumbs, otherwise the chips don’t get into your eyes,” Koshevoy persuaded him, chuckling and thinking in amazement: “Well, how similar, imp ... spitting image of dad! And eyes and eyebrows, and upper lip also raises ... What a job! Here is direct speech internal monologue help to present the simultaneous good nature and amazement on the face of Koshevoy without any instructions from the author.

Although over the years appearance the hero changes, something feminine and childish remains in Koshevoy. So, for example, listening to Shtokmana with a straight face tells some funny story, Mikhail "... laughs with a childish, bursting laugh, choking, and kept trying to look under Shtokman's hood ..." When he, severely beaten by the rebels, learned from his mother about the uprising, about the murder of Filka, Timofey and about the flight of Alexei Ivanovich, Shtokman, Davydka, - "behind for a long time for the first time Mikhail cried, sobbing like a child ... "

Michael's eyes change over the years. In the first book, he has "... a beautiful dark-eyed face ...", "... dark eyes ...", in the third book, Gregory, greeting him, "... looks into his blue eyes ..."

The feeling of class hatred dominates this hero over all other manifestations of the soul. He is ready to do everything for the sake of Soviet power. So, for example, Mikhail Koshevoy responds to the complaints of fellow countrymen about the lack of salt: “Our government has nothing to do with it ... There is only one government to blame: the former cadet government! It was she who caused such devastation that even salt can not be imagined, perhaps! All railways beaten, wagons - the same thing ... he told the old people for a long time about how the Whites during the retreat destroyed state property, blew up factories, burned warehouses, he saw something himself during the war, the rest he inspired with the sole purpose of warding off discontent from his native Soviet authorities. In order to protect this power from reproaches, he harmlessly lied, dexterous, and thought to himself: “It won’t be a big trouble if I talk a little to the bastards. All the same, they are bastards, and this will not diminish them, but we will benefit ... "

The hero did not immediately learn to act confidently; earlier, more than once he experienced a feeling of confusion and shame. When, for example, Jack reported that the rebel Cossacks had defeated the Red Guard near the village of Migulinskaya, “confusion slipped across Mikhail’s face, he glanced sideways at Jack, asked again:

Narrating the events of 1918, the author notes that over the years of the war, “Mikhail’s face matured and, as it were, faded ...” When Grigory Melekhov meets Koshev, whom he has not seen for more than a year and a half, he is not without surprise looking at “... the stern face of a former friend ...”

Whatever Sholokhov's intentions were when portraying this hero, he is unlikely to make a bright image of a new Soviet man.

In the manner acquired by Koshev over the years, lips were compressed, teeth were clenched, “... in a stubborn crease that lay between his eyebrows ...”, in a firm gait, in a gaze that he thrust into his interlocutor, forcing him to look down ... ", and in that how “he jerked up his eyes, and they looked directly into the pupils of the enemy, pierced into them ...” in all this one can see the bitterness of Mikhail Koshevoy.

He behaves with restraint and resoluteness when he arrives at the deserter's house. Mikhail, "smiling calmly," asks him to come out "for a minute." When Ilyinichna reproaches him for the murder of Grishaka's grandfather, Mishka "smiled good-naturedly and said:" My conscience will sharpen me because of such junk as this grandfather ... "

Courageous features are combined here with gentle features. Mikhail Sholokhov emphasizes Koshevoy's childishness and affectionateness. So, for example, he is affectionate in dealing with women. When Knave, in a conversation, called Marya Bogatyryova a slutty hero, “Mikhail, smiling languidly and gently, corrected him: “Not slutty, but cheerful.”

After the murder of Shtokman, when a rumor reached Mikhail about the brutal massacre in the Tatarsky farm with Ivan Alekseevich, Sholokhov describes the hero: “He looked at the stanitsa with blue and cold eyes, like ice, and asked:“ Did you fight the Soviet authorities? - and, without waiting for an answer, without looking at the dead face of the prisoner, he chopped. Chopped Ruthlessly ... "

- As it is now?"

Mikhail, who returned from the front, has faded, cloudy eyes. But they "revived" when he saw Dunyashka. “Ilyinichna noticed with surprise that the dead eyes of the “killer” warmed up and revived, stopping at little Mishatka, the lights of admiration and affection flashed in them for a moment and went out ...” When Grigory, returning home from the front after Koshev, wanted to hug him, he "saw in his unsmiling eyes a chill, hostility ..."

The feeling of confusion in its various shades is expressed not only by Koshevoy's eyes and movements, but also by the tone of his voice. When, for example, Mikhail learns from an oncoming Red Army soldier that the Gorbatov farm to which he is heading is occupied by whites, he questions this soldier in bewilderment and confusion. “How to get to Bobrovsky? - Michael said in confusion ... ".

So, for example, when taking on the duties of chairman of the farm revolutionary committee, the hero experiences nothing but irritation: “Utterly angry at himself and everything around him, Mishka got up from the table, straightened his tunic, said, looking into space, without opening his teeth:“ I'll show you, pigeons, what Soviet power is!

In the first three books of The Quiet Flows the Flows, Koshevoy's bewilderment sometimes manifests itself as sharply as Grigory Melekhov's bewilderment does not. His actions look all the more contrasting when he is confident in his strength and superiority.

The scenes are filled with humor when Mikhail first goes to the farm revolutionary committee to fulfill his duties as chairman: “... his gait was so unusual that some of the farm people stopped at the meeting and looked after him with a smile ...”

The image of Mikhail Koshevoy reflects how the revolutionary changes in life influenced the development of the character of the hero for changes, his moral qualities. In the first book, which depicts peaceful life, Mikhail Koshevoy, a friend of Grigory Melekhov, a member of the Shtokman circle, is almost not shown in action. The author only sketches his portrait. “He was stocky, equally broad in the shoulders and hips, which is why he seemed square; a dense, brick-blushed neck sat on a strong cast-iron pillar, and on this neck a small head, beautifully planted, with female outlines of matte cheeks, a small stubborn mouth and dark eyes under a golden lump of curly hair, looked strangely ... "

During the years of the imperialist war, he realized that justice was on the side of the people and organized agitation among the Cossacks, speaking out against these military battles. The bear could not be out of the fight when the fate of the people is being decided. Once in the otarschik, he cannot be alone, and is afraid that this steppe silence will swallow him up. If Grishka Melekhov was always at the crossroads of his views, then Koshevoy did not want to leave the struggle. On the contrary, having consciously chosen the right path to fight for changing life during the revolution, he copes with a feeling of pity for Gregory and criticizes his friend, with whom he once studied at school.

When Soviet power came to power in the farm, and Koshevoy was elected deputy chairman of the Soviet, he insistently wants Melekhov to be arrested. Mishka has a special hatred for the enemies of the Soviets, and therefore he mercilessly destroys the houses of merchants and clergy, and puts grandfather Grishaka to death. But at the same time, Sholokhov clearly shows his spiritual world. He was dreamy and loved his native land. Through all the years of the war, he shows love for Dunyasha and his children. With great tact, the writer depicts those moments when the hated Ilyinichna Koshevoy wins her trust, after which the old woman loses all hatred for him. By marrying this sweet girl despite serious illness, he all goes into household. However, he soon begins to condemn his labor zeal and goes into the struggle for a bright future for the Cossacks.

Sholokhov on last pages works collides Koshevoy and Grigory Melekhov, emphasizing vigilance and growth in political views Bears. The disclosure of Koshevoy's character is manifested through all his actions in the process of the struggle for the strengthening of Soviet power among Don Cossacks. In the novel, he is shown as the master of life and a representative of the working Cossacks, who found the right path in the revolution. Showing the image of Koshevoy, Sholokhov wanted to show that such a fanatical struggle, like Mishka's, will not lead to anything good.

Mishka Koshevoy.

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