Actually a leading psychologist. What is known about the professional activities of Sabina Pantus? Among the statements there are


For two months, Dmitry Shepelev has been checking the stars on a lie detector in the show "Actually". The viewers accepted the project with a bang, Shepelev's ratings are good, which means that the "Actually" team correctly selects and builds the dramaturgy of the TV show.

True, the guests are not always happy with what happens behind the scenes of "Actually."

the site publishes the stellar backstage of the TV project.

1. Singer Aziza participated in the release of the program, which was dedicated to the death of Igor Talkov. Dmitry Shepelev, with the help of guests in the studio, tried to figure out the details of the tragedy that happened on October 6, 1991 at the Yubileiny Sports Palace in St. Petersburg. When the experts of the show in the finale of "Actually" asked Aziza what she was silent about, the artist replied that she was honest. Although the polygraph determined that she did not finish speaking. “Aziza has information that she hides, but which was not asked,” the experts said. Aziza tried to justify herself, and the presenter concluded that the case of Igor Talkov remained unsolved.

In an interview after recording the TV project, Aziza said: “I personally don’t give a damn about the polygraph. Moreover, all this is profanity and a show. Both the presenter and the experts play their roles in a well-directed production. I was asked to come there by Igor Talkov, Jr., we are friends, and I came. But for some reason he was never called to the studio. This disrespect is not even for Igor, but for the memory of his father.”

2. Few people believe Nikita Dzhigurda, so he recorded all his conversations with the editors of the TV project, and then partially made it public. From telephone conversation a showman with a representative of the program, you can clearly hear the phrase: “They want to call you to the detector, register everything ....” But Dzhigurda refuses: “I don’t want to be a whipping boy ...”

Despite his scandalousness, Dzhigurda communicates with celebrities, including those who participated in "Actually". “The script is written in advance, under which the answers are adjusted, which the editors need for ratings and earning dough ... They spit on the truth and the truth! “People hawala” means (from their point of view) everything is cool! And they don’t give a shit about crippled fates!” - emotionally exposes the TV show Dzhigurda. Who better than Dzhigurda and Anisina (frequent guests of scandalous TV shows) to know that topics of conversation are often prescribed in advance in the show, sometimes they discuss answers, mount ...

3. Civil spouse singer Danko, according to his confession, was paid 150 thousand rubles for participating in "Actually". In a conversation with a correspondent, Danko's website spoke about the backstage of the TV show: “... I was given the role of a bastard, I played. I spoke clearly according to the text, in my head this could not be born. Invented foreigners who even technically cannot exist - in Natasha's passport there are no exits and entrances, except for hospitals. (The program discussed in detail the possible betrayals of Danko's wife - ed. note) And what questions did they push?! And at first they agreed on one, and in last moment slipped others."

The main claim that Danko decided to make public behind the scenes of the TV project was the fact that the editors who invited the singer to air did not fulfill their obligations: “They promised to give the card number on the air, to announce the collection of money - I don’t know by what methods. But the emphasis was on it. I had to agree to their "jaundice" to help the child: we need a lot of things ... " Youngest daughter Danko (Sasha Fadeeva) is disabled, the child has several serious diagnoses at once, so money for treatment is constantly needed.

4. Diana Shurygina turned 18 and she was able to pass a polygraph test, though no sensations happened on the air. The imminent wedding (October 5) of Diana and the operator of Channel One was already known at that time. Earlier, Diana Shurygina's fees for participating in a talk show were announced (200 thousand rubles per transfer).

The opponent of Diana Shurygina on the air was the sister of Sergei Semenov, convicted of rape, Ekaterina. Here is what she said immediately after recording the program: “Before going into the studio, we were tested on the detector. When Diana passed, we sat in the next room and heard her answers, what was true, what was a lie. Throughout the program, she constantly evaded the answer. Then she started a game: “I remember, I don’t remember.” When it's convenient - I remember, when it's not - I don't know, I don't remember. She could walk, she was unconscious. When the experts got tired of her leading them by the nose, they asked for precise answers. To which she, in her usual genre, began to throw a tantrum, tear off the wires from the detector and leave. The organizers, realizing that the shooting was on the verge of collapse, began to ask the experts to be loyal to Diana and stop pushing her. After that, answers in the form: “I don’t remember, I don’t know, maybe” began to be accepted, and in the end it turned out that everything she said was true. Diana's happiness knew no bounds, she tried to show that she was crying, she actually covered her face and laughed that she could deceive. Later, the organizers said we need a "swing" - Seryozha is right, Diana is right, in order to maintain the interest of the audience and raise the rating of the program. Filming was 4 hours, what will be left there after editing is unknown. For you to understand, the script was written long before we took the polygraph.”

5. Polygraph - technical means for psychophysiological studies, in which the parameters of respiration, cardiovascular activity are synchronously recorded. Is the machine always right?

Star psychologist Yevgeny Voltov answered this question of ours: “On many projects, I studied the results of polygraph studies and I can say with confidence that the polygraph gives flaws. Honesty to the heroes of the program "Actually" adds responsibility to the audience federal channel, and the graphics on the screen are more likely to whip up intrigue. Remember, this is a show, not documentary. And then, imagine a situation in which the detector was wrong. The person would ask to double-check it! This is a natural reaction to being accused of lying!”

Sabina Akhmedova - Russian actress theater and cinema, the popularity of which brought roles in the TV series “Saboteur. The End of the War”, “The Life and Adventures of Mishka Yaponchik”, “Hotel Rossiya”, “Favorites”, as well as in the films “Earthquake”, “War of the Sexes”, “8 First Dates” and “High Security Vacation”. The actress lives and works in two countries - in Russia and in the USA.


Sabina was born on September 23, 1981 in Baku, in an Azerbaijani-Armenian family (her mother is an Armenian, and her father is an Azerbaijani, an engineer by profession). She is only child in family. In the winter of 1990, after the "Armenian pogrom", the actress's family was forced to move to Moscow.

Sabina was brought up in a liberal way. Parents never imposed anything on their daughter, they always considered her opinion.

After graduation, 16-year-old Sabina applied to the Institute contemporary art on acting department(workshop of Vladimir Nikolaevich Komratov).


Upon graduation, the girl was admitted to the Stas Namin Moscow Theater of Music and Drama, where the actress worked for about 4 years.

Sabina then went to the USA to study acting skills at the famous Lee Strasberg Institute, on the course of David Strasberg, the son of the founder of the school. According to the actress, in the USA she had to re-teach English language but now she speaks almost without an accent. She studied with Strasberg for 2 years, then continued to hone her skills in acting courses and on the professional stage.

In Los Angeles, Sabina performed at the Lee Strasberg Theater and the Marilyn Monroe Theatre, and in 2009 the actress was lucky enough to work with Allan Miller, the famous director who at one time collaborated with Meryl Streep, Barbara Streisand and Dustin Hoffman. Akhmedova played one of the main roles in the production of "Three Sisters" based on Chekhov's play. It is noteworthy that the initiator of the performance was Al Pacino himself, a big fan of the work of the Russian writer.


First time on film set Akhmedova ended up after graduating from the ISI, in 2003 - the girl starred in episodic role in the TV series Evlampia Romanova. The investigation is conducted by an amateur."

Soon Sabina was approved for a role in the TV series “Saboteur. The end of the war”, the plot of which reveals the post-war struggle against banditry. The actress acted as oriental woman Lana, "not very oriental in its manifestations." Sabina calls this role one of the most beloved and significant.

Sabina Akhmedova sings

Many viewers remembered Sabina for her role as gossip Tamara in the youth series "Club", which was on Russian MTV. Akhmedova's character appears in seven of the series' eight seasons.

In 2008, Sabina starred in American drama Del Weston's Taxi Driver. By that time, the girl continued to live and work in the States, but she gladly accepted offers from domestic directors. So, in 2009, Sabina appeared in Igor Zaitsev's comedy "High Security Vacation" as counselor Lena Bichkina, a colleague of the main characters Sumarokov (Sergey Bezrukov) and Koltsov (Dmitry Dyuzhev).

Soon the actress appeared in the popular romantic comedy "Love in big city", presenting herself as Sauna's mistress (Ville Haapasalo), and starred with Alexei and Andrei Chadov in the action movie Slove. Right in the heart".

In 2011, the actress appeared in the acclaimed TV series The Life and Adventures of Mishka Yaponchik. The girl played the poetess Zoya Tor, a childhood friend of the protagonist, Mishka Yaponchik (Yevgeny Tkachuk), who became a victim of a clash of political games.

In the same year, Akhmedova got the main role in Andrey Libenson's serial melodrama "Format A4": Sabina appeared before the viewers in the image of the owner of a pub, which becomes a constant arena of plot collisions of the heroines of the series - Alla (Alexandra Mareeva), Alena (Anna Lutseva), Antonina (Anastasia Zadorozhnaya) and Anna herself.

Considerable popularity brought Sabina the role of a friend main character Vera (Oksana Akinshina) in the comedy "8 ​​First Dates" (2012). On the set of the film, Akhmedova met Ekaterina Varnava, Vladimir Zelensky, Denis Nikiforov, Olesya Zheleznyak and other famous Russian actors.

This was followed by another work in a foreign project - the girl got into the cast of an American series in the format of a "reality show" called "Siberia" led by director Vyacheslav Yakovlev and legendary cameraman John Bartley.

In 2014, Sabina tried her hand at the Italian film "The Players" about Florentine football and the American drama "Red Road", in which Jason Momoa became Akhmedova's colleague - fans of the DC universe know this actor as Arthur Curry or Aquaman. The following year, Sabina reprized the role of Vera's friend in the second part. love comedy"8 new dates" cast which was joined by Mikhail Galustyan and Sergey Shnurov.

In 2015, Akhmedova, together with Harald Rozenström, Alexander Palchikov, Ekaterina Kuznetsova, Alexei Demidov, Artem Semakin and Anatoly Bely, starred in the comedy The War of the Sexes, which takes place on a desert island. In the same period of time, Sabina took part in the filming of the Italian-Russian comedy Stefano Lorenzi "Get up and fight." With the exception of Alexei Vorobyov and Sabina, all the actors in the film are Italians.

In 2016, Akhmedova appeared in the detective series Hotel Rossiya with Ekaterina Vilkova, American film"Insomnia" and Sarik Andreasyan's drama "Earthquake", based on the events of the tragedy of December 7, 1988 in Armenia, which claimed the lives of 25,000 people. Sabina herself does not remember the disaster well - she was still too young, but she approached participation in this disaster film with one hundred percent return. “This is a huge human responsibility,” says the actress.

How the disaster movie "Earthquake" was filmed

Then acting game Sabina could be appreciated in the crime series “99% Dead” and the fantasy action movie “Night Guards” by Emilis Velivis, in which the actress played the red-eyed fanged vampire Stefa. Akhmedova also starred in Rusudan Glurjidze's drama "Alien House", which tells about civil strife in Georgia. The film received many prestigious awards at numerous world film festivals and was nominated for the Oscar 2017 by the Georgian side.

Spielrein-Sheftel Sabina Nikolaevna is known to the world as a Soviet psychoanalyst and student of Carl Gustave Jung, member of three psychoanalytic societies and the author of the theory of destructive attraction. But no less interesting than the results professional activity, are her biography and the path to science.

Intriguing facts include her diaries and correspondence between Jung and Freud, published in the early 80s, which made a splash in the world of psychoanalysis. The secrets of this woman's life still raise more questions than answers.

Sabina's parents

Spielrein Sabina Nikolaevna, whose real name is Sheive, was the eldest of the children. She was born on October 25 (November 7, according to the old style) in 1885 in a fairly rich Jewish family. At that time they lived in Rostov-on-Don. The father insisted that the daughter be able to attend the prestigious one in Warsaw, in the homeland of her parents. Therefore, in the period from 1890 to 1894, the family was there.

The father and head of the family - Nikolai Arkadevich Shpilrein (Naftael, or Naftuliy Movshevich, or Moshkovich) - was an entomologist by education, but did not work by profession and succeeded in trade. He was a manufacturer and seller of cattle feed. In the future, Nikolai Arkadyevich became a merchant of the first, and after the second guild.

Mom, Evva Markovna Lyublinskaya (after the marriage of Spielrein), was a dentist by education. She had her tenement house on three floors in the city center, where apartments were rented. She practiced dentistry until 1903, after which she devoted herself to the family and the upbringing of children. There were many respected rabbis in her family, including the father of Evva Markovna.

Despite the severity of orders and traditions, the family led a secular lifestyle.

In 1917, the property of the Spielrein couple was confiscated.

The fate of brothers and sisters

The eldest of the brothers, Jan, was born in 1887. Subsequently, he became a well-known Soviet mathematician and engineer, a specialist in theoretical mechanics and electrical engineering. By 1921 he was already a professor, in 1933 he became a corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1934 he received his doctorate in technical sciences. He was married to Sylvia Borisovna Ryss.

The second brother, Isaac, was born in 1891. He chose psychology as a profession and studied at Heidelberg and achieved notable success in this field of knowledge, since he was remembered by the domestic and world scientific community as the author of psychotechnics. He studied the psychology of labor, methods of its rationalization, etc., took an active part in the work scientific organization him in the Soviet Union. In addition, he headed the All-Russian Society of Psychotechnics and Applied Psychophysiology and the International Psychotechnical Association.

Third brother, Emil, born in 1899. After graduating from the Don University, he became an assistant professor and dean of the Rostov University at the Faculty of Biology. Emil is better known to the scientific world under the surname Spielrein.

All three, despite their position in scientific world, as a result political repression were shot: Isaak in 1937, and Jan and Emil - in 1938. All three were later rehabilitated posthumously.

More than anyone in the world, Sabina Nikolaevna Spielrein loved her younger sister Emilia. But in 1901, a six-year-old girl fell ill with typhoid fever and soon died.

The tragedy of Sabina and other causes of mental disorders

The main cause of Sabina's neuroses is the death of her beloved sister. However, some experts, in particular Renate Höfer, Ph.D., who works in psychotherapy and supervision, have a different opinion. In Renata's book "Psychoanalyst Sabina Spielrein", the biography of the heroine is studied in detail and framed in psychological picture with all the happy love experiences and severe mental anguish. According to the author, the death of the sister was far from the only and not the most main reason this woman's illness.

Renata writes that from the very early years Sabina Spielrein experienced physical punishment from her father and, very likely, sexual abuse from adults. By the age of three, she already had serious mental disorders, which did not leave her even at a young age. At the sight of her father's right hand regularly punishing her, she experienced arousal, which led to excessive frequent acts self-satisfaction.

From time to time she fantasized about having unlimited power, and this helped her calm down for a while. However, from the age of sixteen, she began to be overcome by night terrors and hallucinations, and by the age of eighteen, mental attacks began to occur more often, after which she fell into depression.

Psychiatric clinic for Sabina

Sabina Spielrein was a capable student, and nervous breakdowns did not prevent her from graduating from high school with a gold medal in 1903. Her passion was medicine, but due to her unstable mental state, her studies at the University of Zurich had to be postponed.

First, Evva Markovna made an unsuccessful attempt to improve her daughter's well-being in the Swiss sanatorium of Dr. Geller in the spring of 1904. After that, Sabina was sent to the Burghölzli clinic, which at that time was in charge of Professor Eigen Bleuler (Eugen Bleuler).

It was there that Carl Jung and Sabina Spielrein first met. At first, the director himself was involved in the treatment of hysteria in the girl, and then Jung was the senior doctor of the clinic and subsequently the deputy chief physician. Therapy in the clinic lasted about 10 months, from August 1904 to June 1905, after which the treatment became outpatient and continued until 1909.

Sabina was the first patient that Jung attempted to cure with the help of psychoanalytic techniques based on And although there were some clashes between the patient and the staff, accompanied by suicidal manifestations, the treatment was very successful, which allowed Sabina to realize her plans for studying at the university and enter it already in April 1905.

Professional activity

During her treatment at the clinic, Sabina Spielrein took part in various experiments, including the associative one. There she also became acquainted with the subject of Jung's dissertation, in which we are talking about the stratification of the conscious and the unconscious - schizophrenia. Therefore, it is absolutely natural that during her studies Sabina became interested in psychiatry, psychoanalysis and pedology.

In the spring of 1909, Sabina passed her final exams and went to work at the Burghölzli clinic as an intern. During this time, she continued to work on her doctoral dissertation, which was supervised by Jung. Despite the ups and downs in her personal life, in the spring of 1911 she successfully defended it and published it in a magazine edited by her mentor.

From the autumn of 1911 until the spring of 1912, Sabina was in Austria, where she was able to personally get to know Sigmund Freud (Freud) and was admitted to the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society. Then she visited Russia with lectures and there she met her future husband, Pavel Naumovich (Faivel Notovich) Sheftel.

In 1913 Sabina Nikolaevna left for Europe. There she was engaged in publications, performances; worked in various medical institutions, including Eugen Bleuler, Karl Bonhoeffer, Eduard Claparede; studied psychoanalysis with Freud and Jung, became the psychoanalyst of Jean Piaget.

In 1923 she returned to Russia and joined the Russian Psychoanalytic Society. She was engaged in professional activities in this field, created a psychotherapeutic orphanage and managed it, and gave lectures.

In 1925 she last time spoke at a congress of psychoanalysts. Then she continued to work in the chosen field, published articles.

Since 1936, psychoanalysis has been banned in the USSR.

It is worth noting that great expectations Sabina Spielrein assigned to work in Russia. The quotes about this are quite well-known, she returned "to work with pleasure" - doing science gave her real pleasure. However, in these last 20 years of her life, the regime of the Soviets left her without a life's work.

Scientific work

Sabina Spielrein's theory speaks of duality sexual attraction. On the one hand, sexual intercourse should carry positive emotions, especially since this process is associated with procreation. On the other hand, it has a destructive effect on inner world person.

In addition, Spielrein argued, during the act, a certain disintegration of the main extracts occurs - the masculine takes on the features of the feminine, and vice versa. Moreover, pleasure and fear are destructive to the sexual desire itself.

Epilogue. Jung - Sabina - Freud

In the late 70s, a suitcase with Sabina's personal materials was found in the archive of Edouard Claparede. It turned out that before leaving for Russia, she left her diaries there, correspondence with Jung and Freud (which she kept until 1923), some articles and research materials. These documents, in particular diaries and letters, produced the effect of an exploding bomb on the world scientific community.

It turned out that from the very beginning of Jung's treatment of Sabine and the manifestation of her feelings for him, Freud was aware of this. However, he did not condemn his colleague, because he did not consider this to be something immoral or wrong, and even sympathized with him to some extent. Assessing this position of Freud, analysts began to talk about a "conspiracy" between Jung and Freud, in which Sabina became a bargaining chip.

Jung then needed material for writing a dissertation, and Sabina was not only suitable option, including in terms of financial security, but also a very interesting personality who pushed the scientist to new ideas. There is no doubt about this, since both Jung and Freud used the ideas voiced by Sabina in their further work. Therefore, the continuation of work with her for Jung was much more necessary than the observance of morality, especially, according to Freud himself, for the world of psychoanalysis, the connection between a doctor and a patient is not new.

On the other hand, in addition to mental suffering from unrequited feelings, acquaintance with these two men gave her the world of psychoanalysis and the work of a lifetime.

Sabine Spielrein became the first woman in Europe to receive a doctorate in psychology. She was among the "pioneers" of psychoanalysis, but was forgotten for half a century. And only the opening of the archive gave both her and her works a second life. Based on the documents, several films have been shot, books have been written. And in fact, this interest is quite justified.

In the movies, we have seen hundreds of times how the villains deceive the lie detector. They lie and don't blush. Ways to outwit the device on the Internet darkness: starting from breathing exercises and ending with recommendations to bite your tongue during the test or prick yourself with a button. Is it really that simple?

Dmitry Shepelev

Portrait in five minutes

The theater begins with a hanger, and “Actually” begins with a room where polygraph examiners work Roman Ustyuzhanin and Igor Fedorov. It is here that the participants of the program are tested before it starts. That is, those questions that we hear during the broadcast, they are asked behind the scenes.

I can bet any amount that I only need five minutes to describe a person, says Roman.

And I get a sheet with simple test. We manage in a minute, and Roman asks to write one sentence that I agree to talk with him for seven hours, and sign below. We spend a couple more minutes asking questions about the area in which I live, the dog from my childhood, classmates. And I get my portrait, down to such details that my family was incomplete (we did not touch on this topic), I was selective in friends, in my childhood I was fond of creativity, and so on. Basically, almost everything matched. The thought even crept in that a polygraph was built into Roman.

Correspondent "Antenna" in the room for preliminary conversations. Experts Igor Fedorov and Roman Ustyuzhanin at work (from left to right)

The lie detector looks like a small box with wires and sensors that connects to a laptop. The device picks up readings such as breathing, hand trembling, changes in blood pressure, pulse, sweating. That is, everything that can fluctuate in a person as a result of excitement, he measures, without missing anything.

Before starting testing, I, like all participants in the TV show, sign an agreement that I came to it of my own free will and have no complaints. Igor turns on the polygraph and we start. I tell the truth about the past - school, grades, try to meditate, control my breathing and dare to lie. On the issue of sports. The polygraph immediately catches my lie. But I was calm, like a boa constrictor: I didn’t steal a million, but just denied that I was going to fitness. However, the machine figured out this harmless deception. It was like she looked in my bag and found a club membership.

I torture and I will play

In order to understand in what state of this or that person I can ask him questions, I first need to study his reactions, Roman explains. - You, for example, have arrhythmia, that is, the heart rhythm differs from normal, this must be taken into account during the study and taken as a background indicator, and not a stress one. As for attempts to cheat, there is a basic method of working on this device, when the specialist has questions ready, and the person needs to answer them “yes” or “no”. It is not even the person being tested that is important here, but the polygraph examiner. On the program, we do not act according to the scheme from the textbook, but we have a conversation. I can see which question is insignificant for the participant of the show, and which he is worried about. And on purpose I will cling to the second one, I will torture him. That is, I will also play.

Today I was on "Let them talk", after recording the program, inspired .... . From sex children are born! If you do not want a child, there are contraceptives!!! Two people are responsible for a conceived child!!! If a man allowed the conception of a child, the minimum that he should give him is financial security for a normal life, the rest is already according to conscience and moral principles. To establish paternity and child support payments, there are legal ways and tools. Due to the "public spanking", you can achieve anything, but not love (for yourself or a child) and good relations. Some, publicly manipulating a child and inciting him into their adult games, selflessly declare concern for his happiness and future. Although, no matter how good goals and arguments they use in their! Public! dispute adults, they do it to achieve their goals and satisfy their own ambitions, desires, needs and, most often, this has nothing to do with the interests of children. And the injured party in such disputes is the children. . PS when I don't know the motor, I can't say the topic before the broadcast. ......................... For curls, eyebrows and nails, thanks to @queencomein 😘

Even though you will swear at me, but I will do it🙈 Happy birthday, real, sincere man and professional!!! You have everything, so just be happy! PS this may be my last post, but it's worth it😂😂 Congratulations, he will read everything later!

We waved with the boys out of town for a few days, because they started the Sun, forest, slides, swimming pool ... and we sleep like the dead))) Who, like us, has a vacation - have a good time! . It’s hard with photographs: Danya can’t be caught (by the way, he does gorgeous photos), and Nick takes pictures in such a way that it’s easier not to ask😔 although I found one more or less successful shot😂 I don’t shoot too much either, but there are a few stories.

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